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    Tuesday, December 29, 2020

    Assassin's Creed I miss the "Area Not Available" concept from the early games because I feel overwhelmed by the "Collect everything, at any time, any where" aspect of the current games

    Assassin's Creed I miss the "Area Not Available" concept from the early games because I feel overwhelmed by the "Collect everything, at any time, any where" aspect of the current games

    I miss the "Area Not Available" concept from the early games because I feel overwhelmed by the "Collect everything, at any time, any where" aspect of the current games

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 06:13 AM PST

    Expanding on the title a bit, I am about 40 hours into Valhalla and I am still not entirely bought into the game. I believe the source of my issue is that I never feel like I am doing enough OR too much of something, like collecting wealth/mysteries/raiding, etc. I always feel like I should be doing something else not what I am currently doing. Like I am playing the game wrong or something.

    I realized I miss the set up with areas blocked off until later sequences because you would almost be forced to collect everything in one area before moving on, allowing you to KNOW that you were maxing out the game's potential.

    I'm also open to any suggestions for directions to go to get more invested into the game, like "collect all the wealth first" or "do as many side quests as possible before chapter X" (aka the RDR2 chapter 3 method).

    submitted by /u/FNILife
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    Did y'all encounter a whale in Ac Valhalla?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 02:31 AM PST

    After 100% Norway, I decided to take my longship and listen to the skalds, put it on follow road, and I saw a whale jump out right in from my ship, didn't get record it or take a screenshot, but I tried searching everywhere on the internet for whales in ac Valhalla, but couldn't find any.

    submitted by /u/Imsadandhappy
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    Eiver may join the Hidden Ones in the Siege of Paris

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 05:33 PM PST

    So I was watching the trailer for the Season Pass and I noticed that Eivor was wearing a new Hidden One outfit. Maybe that means that Eivor will join the Brotherhood ?


    submitted by /u/SuperArchie
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    Ok, how do you spell “FLUGA!!!”?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 01:16 PM PST

    This is a random question but I need to know. How would one spell "FLUGA, FLUUUUGAAAA" as it is screamed by many a Valhalla NPC? Is FLUGA a real word in any of the regional languages? Fluge? Fleuge? Perhaps with an umlaut like flüge?

    Please, I need to know.

    submitted by /u/allthecats
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    [SPOILERS] Assassin's Creed Valhalla Story and Ending Analysis Part 2

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 01:50 PM PST

    Poison areas or rooms in AC Valhalla

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 02:07 PM PST

    120hrs into the game, and only just discovered that you can quickly remove poison from a room by fire, such as throwing a torch. Surely I am not the only person who didn't figure this out earlier?

    submitted by /u/Macca002002
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    My opening/first thoughts about my current AC IV: Black Flag play-through

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 07:56 PM PST

    So, I had gotten AC IV recently, and it's my first AC game. I love the open-world aspect (and how I can climb up pretty much anything), along with entertaining myself coming from AC: Pirates (old AC mobile game that has stuff ripped from BF (Woodes, parts of the soundtrack, the sea shanties)). The game is very enjoyable, and I've been possibly wanting to get another AC game, and I'm most excited for the ship battles in BF (again, me coming from AC Pirates).

    I don't know if all of that is discussion worthy, per say, but I'm wondering if anyone on this sub is a Black Flag fan too. Cant wait to start raiding enemy ships (even though I'm only about 3% in the game overall).

    submitted by /u/TrailedFox44
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    My opinion Assassins Creed Syndicate Review

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 05:37 PM PST

    Assassins Creed Syndicate

    Alright, this post is all about assassins creed Syndicate. This post has some comparison to one other assassins creed, which is assassins creed 2. On to the post of reviewing assassins creed Syndicate.

    So, to start off on this review. This game is absolutely amazing, Ubisoft did an absolute and all around amazing job in this game. This game is beautiful in every place I have been, this game has a pretty good amount of weapons to chose from. The weapons are unlocked by levels and crafting so you won't beat the game instantly which I think is balanced. Also, the missions don't have to much of a difference than more or less enemies, so that might need some work. The parkour is just like and better in my opinion than Assassins Creed ll. The gang upgrades on this game are fair and gives an advantage to you, but not to the point where you can walk in on 20 enemies and walk out unharmed. The Assassin skill upgrades are VERY useful, this gives you such a relief in battle sometimes. It might even save you, these upgrades are fair because it is not that easy to acquire the points to receive them. Last but not least, the storyline. The storyline is good in the beginning, you are with the Frye twin assassins on their quest to take back London from the Templars and their support from the Blighters gang. You meet new allies on your journey and they give you rewards for taking back parts of London, or freeing children, or even just arresting a huge Templar leader. But the game gets slow when you do the same missions with harder enemies. The missions could be a little more unique, and have more ways to complete the objective, but at least you know what to do when you enter a mission.

     Overall this assassins creed game is a very good game, may need some more icing on the cake but still makes me happy. I recommend this game to fans and I hope you enjoyed this review. 

    Thank you for your time! Tell me if you want more reviews.

    submitted by /u/PsychicCone
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    Historical / mythological detail in AC Valhalla

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 09:20 AM PST

    I remember reading a post several weeks ago that complained something like "Yeah, Ubisoft didn't do much research for this one, did they!?" - non-sarcastically.

    Well, I'm blown away by some of the details. Someone at Ubi has clearly read the Hávamál, and there are tons of little details about traditional pagan beliefs that come from actual sources... which means someone did a lot of research. This is not all low-hanging fruit from Wikipedia, this means reading the sagas, probably interviewing some modern pagan authorities, talking to people from the culture, etc. VERY COOL.

    I really appreciate getting to play through this stuff, it feels authentic in most places in the game, and I just wanted to give credit where it's due. Well-done, Ubisoft.

    submitted by /u/LotusSloth
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    What were some early Assassins Creed theories

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 05:54 PM PST

    what were some theories about assassins creed in the early days of the franchise. it can be from pre AC1 to AC3

    submitted by /u/garfunki
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    Why they changed the balance of the game?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 09:36 AM PST

    I came back to finish the game after some time and I found that the new patch states that all bosses now will have the same level of the player if player's level will exceed their base one. So basically I was grinding to be able to fight the animal and Zealots more easily being overlevel and now they took away my advantage? What's the point of putting level if now it's all the same?

    submitted by /u/Sauron4
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    The names in Valhalla in the native language

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 04:25 PM PST

    So this is the third assassins creed game I've played, and being Icelandic it's been great understanding the conversations between NPCs.

    What i don't get is the names of characters.

    Icelandic is the language closest to norse and i suspect they just used it because it's easier to teach than a dead language.

    But why is a male character called Líf?

    And Eivör to me sounds like an exclusively female name? (It is female in Faroese)

    Drengr is also just the norse word for boy.

    So has this been a trend in other AC games? (Other native speakers feel free to chime in.)

    I'm a little lost as they obviously had a few Icelandic and other nordic people working on the game so why pick those names and phrases?

    submitted by /u/leppaludinn
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    anyone miss old hidden blade?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 08:55 PM PST

    does anyone ever miss in old ac games like black flag where the hidden blade was an actual weapon used in combat and not some feature just for assinations I wish they brought that back for valhalla?

    submitted by /u/iwannadie443
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    Next AC title Setting? Fall of the Roman Empire? slight [Spoilers]

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 07:48 AM PST

    So something that struck me playing Valhalla after Odyssey was how technologically, politically, philosophically, architecturally, and medically primitive the Norse and English are compared to the ancient Greeks (from a western perspective), when Valhalla takes place around 1,000 years in the future. It reminded me that the fall of the roman empire basically blasted the western world back to the stone age and we dont see this kind of culture again until the renaissance. Well I just found a hidden one's bureau in Lunden and in it, a hidden one (proto-Assassin) basically laments that while they take out world leaders to prevent templar exploitation, that you can only take out so many pillars of a building before it collapses, and implies that the Hidden Ones were responsible for collapsing the Roman Empire. So I feel like the next game being around the collapse of the roman empire would be a great setting for the series both in terms of setting and story relevance. Anyone else have any ideas about that or future settings?

    submitted by /u/Trevlapokemon
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    Norway map help for Valhalla

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 05:34 PM PST

    Valhalla Norway map question

    Just started game today. In the Norway map, there are the two areas of power recommended 1 and power recommended 280. If I do everything in the power 1 area before I go to England, does that have story repercussions later on???

    submitted by /u/FarahZiva27
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    [SPOILERS] I have a theory on where the next game will take place

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 04:37 PM PST

    Francia (France?) and the Holy Roman Empire or something along those lines? I think Valhalla has been doing everything to lay the stage for that environment from the design of the nature in Valhalla to the obvious mentioning of rollo in the game and the lengthy codex entry on him and then the mentioning of the movement of the assassins from England to cologne (which to me signals HRE). Obviously the whole Christian hierarchy thing gives plenty of plot for the order of the ancients but I feel like they're hinting at this.

    Note-I'm only about 75% through the game, try to avoid future spoilers in comments

    I also get the feeling we are working up through the ages starting with Egypt the Greece now the 9th century there are plenty of other stops they could take but HRE is pretty soon

    submitted by /u/IMNOTABEARIPROMISE
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    Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand, Assassin or Templar?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 05:22 PM PST


    One thing I'd like to see more of on this subreddit is discussions of specific historical figures, disconnected from most of the AC canon, and whether they would be affiliated with the Assassins or the Templar Order.

    Talleyrand is quite a controversial figure. He served under the leaders of France before and after the Revolution, acting as the (atheist) Bishop of Autun, Napoleon's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Louis XVIII's Prime Minister. Although one of Napoleon's most advantageous ministers, Napoleon referred to him as "shit in silk stockings". His name, like Machiavelli's, has evolved into a synonym for cunning in the political sphere.

    I could only find one mention of him in the AC wiki and that's under Mirabeau's page, in which he delivered one of the count's speeches after he died. Mirabeau and Talleyrand had been allies in the National Assembly and Talleyrand was seen by some as Mirabeau's political heir after his death. When asked if Talleyrand had sold his soul to the devil, his fellow-revolutionary Mirabeau said that of course, he had, and of course, he got the better of the bargain as he always did. Because the devil had to pay out heaps of good gold, and all he got in return was a heap of shit.

    So which side of the series's conflict do you think Talleyrand was on?

    submitted by /u/quintessence5
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    First AC ever (AC3), a little help please!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 04:24 PM PST

    Without any spoilers can someone tell me when the game really gets going?

    This is my first AC ever so I am not familiar with the series at all. From what I gathered the game has an "extended" prologue. I'm a few hours in and I just got done playing as Haytham Kenway and learned his whole twist

    Now I'm running around as some Mohawk kid.

    I'm a bit of an achievement/trophy hunter and I'm worried about when I have to start focusing on them.

    But, I don't want to do too much research online and run into spoilers!

    Anybody have any spoiler-free advice they can give me?

    Thanks in advance!!

    submitted by /u/LoneBullseye
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    Something about the Creeds Respect

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 11:13 PM PST

    If you remove your ring finger and wear the brace below your wrist doesn't that mean Eivor is disrespecting the Assassins Creed for wearing it above and not removing his finger?? (I just started the game, tell me if he wears it right or removes his finger)

    submitted by /u/CarsonBDot
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    Is there a way to get old armor styles back in Valhalla?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 01:18 PM PST

    Is there a way to equip the old armor styles? Every time you upgrade your weapons/armor the appearance will change but I dont like the higher styles but I the perks fit my playstyle. Is there a way to get the old appearence back while remaining the better stats?

    If not I hope that they introduce the armor appearance feature from Odyssey so we can select the stats and the appearence ourselves.

    submitted by /u/Cyber-Hand
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    Eorforwine zealot fight / AS Valhalla

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 06:25 PM PST

    So the zealots in Valhalla in my opinions are pretty easy imo. The first two I killed happened in about 2-3 lives (on hard difficulty). But eorforwine is taking me about a dozen lives so far.

    She isn't like the other two zealots I fought, cuz she has...

    1.no opening to attack after a parry or dodge 2.more health than you can have arrows 3.can't be stunlocked at all (can't even get in a while light combo) 4.if she heals she always heals more than you can punish her (she just flies away if you hit while healing) 5.missile reversal is practically useless for both her spear and poison bombs. 6.if you parry she just armors through it and hits you on her next strike.

    If anyone has had an experience like this fighting her please give some advice. I've tried so many different weapons combos like daggers, axes, Dane axes, spears, light bows, hunter bows. I just can't kill her

    submitted by /u/Awesomefluffyns
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    Cultural References in Valhalla's World Events

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 08:41 AM PST

    I have noticed that many if not most of the world events are filled with pop culture and history references. From Rapunzel in the Tower or "Degolas the Archer" to the creation of Worcestershire sauce, or the>! Gollum-like "King of Norsexe"!<. There are many others that I am sure must be referring to some pop culture item but that I was not able to associate (the Cult of the Apples comes to my mind). Is there a comprehensive list somewhere?

    submitted by /u/LastChicken
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    How can Assassins look through peoples memories?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 11:32 AM PST

    I finished AC Unity (solid game) and if I remember correctly there were moments in the story where Arno figures stuff out through the memories of Templars. Lafranière for example; Arno realizes Lafranière tried to save Monsieur De La Serre through the letter Arno neglected to deliver in person.

    My question is, how? I'm new to the series, so if someone could explain it simply that'd be great.

    submitted by /u/Milad04
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    Is Valhalla “the game” to bring back old AC fans?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 10:03 AM PST

    I played every AC through Unity, and it was an all time favorite series of mine. Unity turned me off and I didn't get Syndicate, and once it veered into Origins and Odyssey I felt like it wasn't for me anymore. With the return of social stealth and a decreased emphasis on grinding and loot, do you think this third swing at action RPG is strong enough to win over Ezio-era fans? Also, how bad are the bugs on Series X?

    submitted by /u/TakeTheCannoli15
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