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    Monday, December 28, 2020

    Assassin's Creed I wanted to share with you a my custom Orlog game I made for Fiancé. She loves it!

    Assassin's Creed I wanted to share with you a my custom Orlog game I made for Fiancé. She loves it!

    I wanted to share with you a my custom Orlog game I made for Fiancé. She loves it!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 06:13 AM PST

    The person at Ubisoft I feel most sorry for

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 09:11 AM PST

    The poor person responsible for coming up with the text to put in those scrolls you find everywhere. They are cohesive enough to not be gibberish but specific enough to appear to be relevant to the story (although they aren't). It must take a lot of work to find the right mix and then to only have every player skip reading them altogether.

    submitted by /u/fidelkastro
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    [Spoilers] Kudos to Ubisoft - Impressed with the “Historical,” Modern and Ancient Storylines

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:02 PM PST

    Just finished the main story and between the Basim/Eivor/Sigurd storyline, the Order storyline, the Isu/Asgard storylines and the modern day storyline, I couldn't believe at how they managed it all and even salvaged everything.

    I'm a huge fan of the modern/Isu stuff but there's no denying there's been key missteps there that was hard to mesh past games with the current stories. But they did a fantastic job here at not only telling the story (thanks to their leaning into the Atlantis DLC type of metaphorical storytelling) but at getting many things back on track. When I was in Jotunheim and Gunlodr repeated what the Apple in Vinland said, I got chills. And don't get me started on the anomalies and how it took the veil off the metaphor entirely and showed it exactly how it went down.

    And then tie into the origins of the modern day Templars? Damn!

    And now we have Basim in a modern day switcheroo!? They setup future games so well too.

    I've never been more excited for future games. Overall the game itself definitely drags at parts, it's not perfect, but the stories and storytelling are top notch. Kudos to the writers over at Ubisoft!

    submitted by /u/vgskid
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    One of the best things about this series is how everyone’s favorite games aren’t all the same.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 08:33 AM PST

    Sure, the Ezio Trilogy will always be a fan-favorite and so will Black Flag, but the depth beyond those games is pretty remarkable, for a franchise running this long with so many games. I don't think there is one game in the franchise that is collectively hated by the fanbase (with maybe the exception of Odyssey, but even that has it's support and base). Some games are easily worse than others, but I still wouldn't call those games bad, and for each game that isn't enjoyed quite as much by me, someone else will have it as their favorite. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/sinister4545
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    Assassin's Creed Unity is a great archetype for an open-world game that embraces stealth and careful gameplay

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 05:57 AM PST

    Combining open-world and stealth mechanics is really hard and Assassin's Creed Unity is often regarded as the black sheep of the Assassin's Creed series which I do not think that it deserves that because, after all the updates and patches that it received post-launch, it is a genuinely good game.

    What really intrigues me about AC Unity is that it is mechanically very different from the previous AC games and even to some extent, the games that came after.

    It is a quasi-RPG type of game where later AC games really delved into the RPG genre.

    But I think that AC Unity is a good balance between stealth, combat and exploration, especially in the stealth part as it is one of the few AC games that really relies on stealth than the usual RPG where you can play in whatever style that you wish.

    This is due to that even though the AC series is supposed to be a series about secret assassins, the gameplay does not really encourage this and the stealth elements and even the combat elements are quite casual.

    In previous AC games, you have to bash buttons and you were able to fight large groups of enemies one by one and you are still able to fight even more enemies when you were done. It makes you feel like a very powerful superhuman which does not fit with the theme of being a part of stealthy ghost-like assassin.

    In AC Unity, this is quite different.

    You are just as human as your enemies and in combat, you really have to pick your battles. The animation is slower but quite realistic and fluid and encourages the more deliberate approach of combat. While this game borrows from previous AC games like the attack and parry buttons, the enemies are just as lethal - they can attack simultaneously and in large numbers and they hit hard an are quite unforgiving when they come after you.

    Because of this, a one-on-one fight is a bit more intense than the usual casual street fight of previous AC games, and fighting against large groups is very risky.

    So you have two options - either run or be stealthy and the latter is more encouraged because when you get spotted, it is as though the entire French military knows that you are there and it is all after you. If you screw up, it is probably because you were not paying enough attention to your environment.

    They literally look everywhere and the "alert" timer often takes a long time to restart so you will have to be sure that you picked a good spot to hide or you have to be on the move all the time to avoid getting spotted.

    Even Metal Gear Solid 5 does this mechanic where if you get stopped in one side of the map, the rest of the AI quickly adapts and probably stays alert for the rest of the game and all other parts of the map are also informed of your presence.

    So stealth is the best option for you but you have to be careful as well.

    That is where the RPG mechanics are involved. Sure, they are not as in-depth and deeply intricate as later AC games but they were enough to leave an impact based on the types of gear that you carry like the amount of stuff that you can carry, the range of your eagle vision, damage, sneakiness and so on.

    And the stealth is really encouraged here. So much so that the eagle vision (or the so-called "super easy detective vision") was changed into a pulse that scans the environment to a certain radius and anything that is highlighted will fade away after a few seconds so that it avoids being too easy.

    You have to examine your environments, use your tools to distract the guards or avoid vision or to utilise something to your advantage, you are more emphasised to focus on the target only and you are advised to look at other scenarios and so on.

    There is a clear Hitman-like vibe in this because guns are loud so you cannot rely on them, combat is difficult and tense so you cannot rely on that, and assassinating everyone means that everyone will know that you are around so cannot rely on that either.

    And on top of that, you have a mobility mechanic that is very fluid and encourages player agency.

    The parkour mechanic in AC Unity is regarded as one of the best and quite responsive and what's more is that the ability to choose whether you want to go up or down are tiny additions of allowing player agency so that you can use the parkour mechanic to your advantage instead the mechanic working against you which is a common complaint in many AC games.

    Later AC games obviously delved into more on the open-world and RPG elements of the series - large maps with lots of exploring and hunts for treasure and side quests, loot and gear that can lead to different playstyles (although some are more powerful than others) and stories that would take hours to complete.

    The stealth element is either put in the sidelines or expanded through other means like the hidden cult mechanic in Origins and Odyssey where you are tasked to hunt down the members of the Cult but you have to investigate how they are and what their whereabouts are before you can take them down. This really reinforced the whole "conspiracy" theme that is a main feature in the AC games.

    submitted by /u/sammyjamez
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    The fire powder ability is so useful in Valhalla

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 09:24 PM PST

    It's so much better to blast open rock doors with arrows instead of oil jars. It saves so much time and you can set up traps with it as well. If only they had a similar ability for barred doors. Also, if you want to really mess with enemy camps, you can shoot their flammable supplies.

    submitted by /u/BlackDragon875
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    Valhalla is fuckin good so far

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:24 AM PST

    So I'm 21 hours in and I'm level 55. I JUST completed Ledecestersire arc and I absolutely loved it, how all the supernatural shit was pushed to the back burner and it was entirely political and character driven. Just making this post for a couple of reasons, 1. How much of the game do I have left (for those who have finished) and 2. What's the best way to go about levelling up cuz I really wanna explore the other regions but my level is way too low. Also, does the assassin brotherhood part of the story play a much bigger role going forward? Obviously please no spoilers, but I would love to know

    submitted by /u/BruhMomentum6
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    Bell Towers Don’t Have Bells

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 04:53 PM PST

    I've come across another incongruity in AC Valhalla and I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed it. Why are there no bells in the bell towers? The sound designers made sure to add the occasional ringing of church bells, but they ring in empty towers. What's even weirder is there are markets and monasteries that appear to be selling or making bells! So church bells do exist in this game...just not inside a BELL tower. Does my gripe ring a bell for any of you? Or am I just cracked?

    submitted by /u/peaberrybrain
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    ac unity's bug that still exists surprisingly and some things that dont understand one bit and frustrate me

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 10:59 PM PST

    Why on earth does Arno decide to kill just one guy even though there is a guard right next to him it always less me to conflict which isn't a problem for me except when brutes come in

    And the free-running is Fun but occasionally it gets a bit tough and why on earth are berserk blades so expensive

    And, on my play session it is, it still has some bugs like the screen freezes or Arno not going up or down when it so obvious that there is ledge right next to him

    And guards just getting sus by seeing even in an unrestricted area (IDK if is mechanic or just a bug but it annoying )

    submitted by /u/zizolid1
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    (Valhalla) Do bonuses stack, if I have a weapon that has a bonus, and a rune that has the same bonus?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 01:35 PM PST

    I have the house carls axe. If I apply a rune that has the same bonus as the built-in weapon bonus, do they stack? Or would it be pointless? Would it be twice as effective?

    submitted by /u/Elitrical
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    Would you rec Origins for someone who likes action rpgs but never really liked the old creed games?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 10:28 PM PST

    Well like the title says I never could really get into the old creed games despite being a history nerd but Ancient Egypt seems like a really cool setting so does Greece. Would you recommend it to someone who likes action rpgs? What is the combat like. I didn't like the combat in Black Flag the last Creed game I ever played.

    submitted by /u/sumspanishguy97
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    Yule Festival not showing up

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 09:38 PM PST

    I have a weird issue with Yule festival, I was able to trigger the cutscene, and got myself 15 Yule tokens. But the actual festival is nowhere to be found on my camp. I have tried fast travel away and back but it still not showing up. I even closed the game and reopen but it's still not there. Anyone has this same issue?

    submitted by /u/rolodex97
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    I have an issue where whenever I load in im drunk

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 01:42 AM PST

    I dont know if this has already been asked about but recently I've been having an issue where any time I load in I spawn in drunk, does anyone have any solutions?

    submitted by /u/Forlorntrout15
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    AC Valhalla Asia still censored?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:02 PM PST

    Hello, Just got the game for Christmas, but as I'm currently living/working in China, the copy I got was HK which seems to have some censorship?

    I have read somewhere that the update on the 15th or so addressed the blood issue but I can't find any concrete evidence or patch note, can some one help me confirm this?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/iamthatkyle
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    Unable to use Man's Best Friend

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 04:09 PM PST

    I've unlocked Man's best friend and its upgrade but I cannot use the ability at all. No matter what, the ability stays greyed out. I know you have to aim at an enemy but it never lights up when I do. I've tried using it while undetected, during a fight, and when locked onto an enemy. Nothing will cause it to light up so I can actually activate it. Am I missing something?

    EDIT: Also, this is NOT the same issue where the ability doesn't unlock at all after helping the kids. I helped the kids. I have teh ability and its upgrade from lunden and I have it assigned to an action slot. It just never lets me actually activate it

    submitted by /u/Mitch2025
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    Valhalla has blown me away so far!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 08:11 AM PST

    I'm only power level 75 right now, but I'm absolutely milking the ever loving crap out of this game. I've not missed one little nook in the areas I've been exploring so far. This is the first of the new style AC games that has had me this immersed and this interested inside the game world. The detail in the world and the size of it have just been blowing me away. The setting (for me) is second to none, I just love the time period in Europe.

    Im not sure if its slightly in part due to that I'm playing it on the series x (first AC game ive played in 4k) or its all on mechanics/setting etc. I would like to think its all gameplay that has me this hooked, and I believe it is.

    The ONE negative for me is the character customization. I like it, and I like the crafting / upgrade system...I just feel they could have done a little more with it. I miss the ability to transmog my gear to my liking, and not with the pre selected appearance of the gear. What do you guys think about this? Besides this, I believe its the only thing I dislike about it (so far).

    So without spoiling anything, what have been your experiences with the game? How do you rate Valhalla vs. previous games in the series? What are your favorite/least favorite/utterly hated things about it?

    submitted by /u/MyssterNassty
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    Assassin's Creed Valhalla Complete Unreleased Soundtrack

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:41 AM PST

    ACV keeps pausing installation on my Series. For no reason

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 08:06 PM PST

    I've hard restarted my console several times, the only thing I haven't done is cancel the download and resume it. I want to avoid this as I played all the way up until the demo was done, and I don't want to lose those hours of gameplay. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/MichaelScotsman26
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    Does AC Valhalla Combat get better? (minor spoiler)

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:50 PM PST

    I am about 7 hours in the game and just got to England and honestly the combat has been a little wonky to me...I haven't played many AC games (i think maybe only AC1 back on ps3) but does the combat get any better? Any significants skills or abilities that make it more fluid? I love the graphics and story so far is good. I am just hoping the combat gets better considering the game is super long from what I hear.

    submitted by /u/wherethepizza3
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    Is there a way to swap the appearance of armour in Valhalla like there was in Odyssey?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 12:47 PM PST

    Or just to change it to it's pre-upgraded look? I've just started the game and have upgraded my Raven Clan gear so it can hold runes but I prefer it's pre-upgraded look. (Also would've been nice to have a preview of what it would look like after upgrades before I upgraded it that seems like it should be a feature)

    submitted by /u/J4ckC00p3r
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    Does it matter where I raid?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 02:36 PM PST

    I just started playing Valhalla a few days ago and I've raided all the monasteries in the level 20 areas. Are the monasteries in other areas more difficult to raid or do they all just scale with your power?

    submitted by /u/ckws
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    Why AC protagonists are one of a kind in games.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 10:36 PM PST

    Hey guys hope you all are safe and sound. Season's greetings to all!

    So I've been thinking about how the AC protagonists have evolved, They went from being one among us humans to, well supercharged demigod hybrids. I'm not saying that the latter is a bad thing, the great combat does make up for it. But what happened to protagonists having physical weaknesses?

    In AC1, Altair is bound by Al Mualim using the Apple. Later on we see his pain and struggles, losing his loved ones and doing all this for the betterment of the world. We see his human side, the side we try to hide from the outer world; of pain. I don't have to explain to anyone here about how much Ezio had suffered; losing most of his family and even women he became attached to. A life for the Creed. Connor, the big emotionless brute, went through incomprehensible suffering and pain, having to watch his mother die , and having to kill both his childhood friend and father.

    Edward was the biggest scoundrel we came across. To fight beside a man so driven by personal gain is difficult, as Adewale rightly said. But Edward wasn't super human, he had restraints. He was injured on multiple occasions, and Black Bart misled him countless times. Same goes for Shay, fighting against his own former family and friends, for Arno, who lived a tumultuous life in a tumultuous time period. Frye twins? I guess, they did fight against an entire organization in London.

    Now, there seems to be no limit to what protagonists can do. Maybe that's why I am unable to connect with them as much as I did with the former protagonists. Not saying Bayek, Kassandra, Alexios were bad by any means, but there seems to be some link missing. Hope they humanize the protagonists again. Voice acting does remain good though, hope they continue that trend. These things got me hooked on the series.

    I haven't played Valhalla yet, and I keep good things about Eivor's character. Anyways thanks for reading, cheers.

    submitted by /u/ChrisTravern
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    What are your preferred/best regular runes?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 06:07 PM PST

    I'm trying to figure out what runes would be best for me to use, for my first playthrough I pretty much used crit chance in all my weapons and life/armor in my armor slots, was just wondering if anyone had experimented and found something else to be better at this point? I love my tasty crits, so I'm typically all about raising that chance.

    submitted by /u/RainesLastCigarette
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    Skill trees in Valhalla; will I eventually get all the skills?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 09:14 PM PST

    I have been building Eivor as an assassin and focusing on Way of the Raven but I'm at power level 67 and have a fair amount of the tree unlocked already, so will I eventually max out all three trees? I have been assuming you pick one way to play and maybe pick up SOME of the other trees but now I feel like based on the power levels on the map that I'll eventually just have everything, which will also make armor/weapon combos more interchangeable as well? I've been focusing on Raven's gear and ignoring Huntsman and the other gear.

    submitted by /u/KnivesOutSucks
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