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    Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed Valhalla Tech Support/Bug Report Megathread Part II

    Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed Valhalla Tech Support/Bug Report Megathread Part II

    Assassin's Creed Valhalla Tech Support/Bug Report Megathread Part II

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 11:52 AM PST

    Note: Since the previous megathread has gotten a bit too big, I am creating another megathread.

    As with any video game, after the launch of Assassin's Creed Valhalla some players are inevitably experiencing technical issues. And even though tech support posts are banned on the subreddit, we are creating this megathread for people to share and help each other with various technical issues they may have. These include, but are not limited to: questions, game crashes, performance, spec requirements, bug reports, issues with visual degradation etc.

    Make sure your PC specs meet the minimum requirements of the game!

    List of currenty known issues - Updated November 11th

    Make sure you also have the latest graphics drivers installed! At the time of release those are 457.30 for Nvidia and 20.11.1 for AMD

    Provide any information you can - platform, PC specs, what version of Windows you're using, what issue you are having and how to potentially reproduce it etc. Any information you can give might be useful to other users to help solve your problem.

    If you're reporting Valhalla issues that contain spoilers for the main story, present day or any other narrative content, make sure to properly hide them!

    How to hide spoilers:

    >!Eivor is a Viking.!< 

    Result: Eivor is a Viking.

    DO NOT leave any spaces at the start or the end. You can also use the "Spoiler" function in Reddit's text editor.

    If you can't find a solution for your problem, you can also visit the Ubisoft Support page for Valhalla, the official Player Support forums or the #tech-support channel on our official Discord.

    submitted by /u/Ghost_LeaderBG
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    Bayek of Siwa looking for a target, by me (@benformity)

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 02:36 PM PST

    Please bring back Dual Assassinations!

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 06:25 AM PST

    Title. The chain assassination is fun, although a bit hit and miss when it works, but there are just too many situations that look set up for the old school dual assassination. There was even examples in how to make it work with only one hidden blade.

    Ubi moved in a good direction with the different difficulty levels and adding in ways to have 1 hit assassinations back. Now just gimme my sweet sweet dual assassinations (and short swords, and weapons that are more realistically sized while we are at it).

    submitted by /u/maxpowerphd
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    As much as I hate to say it, I think I’ll enjoy this game more if I shelf it until the first major patch/DLC..

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 01:07 PM PST

    The game is good, don't get me wrong. However, it's lacking a few things that make it "great" that I assume will be coming by way of a patch. Nothing game-breaking but just creature comforts..

    First and foremost is the lack of level scaling.. I like to explore between arcs and do quests and I'm about 20 hours in and SLAMMING through everything with one or two hits on hardest difficulty. It's just not fun and makes me want to not explore so I don't get too much more OP.

    Second is the lack of transmog.. I don't even need to go into detail here seeing as I've seen plenty of people share their opinions.

    Then there's the loads of little polish things in the combat and parkour that seems small enough to get over looked when pushing out a game on a deadline.. but when it happens again and again it drives you crazy. For instance treasures being locked behind a quest.. If it's hidden in a quest please don't show it to me on my map. I spent 30 minutes trying to get the lunden treasure today wracking my brain before googling it and finding out it's part of a quest.

    It was then I just got too frustrated and decided to shelf Valhalla until I can make my guy look like a badass and really feel rewarded and challenged by exploring the world again like the tail end of Oddesy.

    submitted by /u/WayneHrPr
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    Quick little spoiler free review from a classic AC fan with 80+ hours in Valhalla (according to the game)

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 08:04 PM PST

    What. The. Hell.

    I've been playing AC since I was a KID, I have NEVER enjoyed an AC game as much as I do Valhalla. It is to put it very simply, the best mixture of my favorite parts from the franchise put into one game. I honestly think that at this point, it is my favorite game, not even favorite AC game (which it is don't worry) my favorite GAME, in general..... and I haven't even finished it yet...

    The story is just... *chefs kiss* the characters are sooo good ESPECIALLY Eivor. Holy shit Eivor, definitely my favorite character in AC as a whole. Just... flawless.

    The game play can be a little.... buggy, but it just released so chances are it'll improve with more patches like Unity did.... sorta, so I'm not really worried about it.

    Keeping this kinda short I just wanna say, growing up with this series and watching it grow I have always wanted that 1 game that just did it for me completely, a game that I could replay over and over and over again and never ever get tired of it, for most people that was AC2 or Black Flag, this is that game for me, it's all I've ever wanted. The moment I finish my current play through, I'm gonna start another one and I'm gonna love it even more.

    submitted by /u/xWhspr
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    All future ACs games should be 2-3 years apart, based in Montréal 3, and have Darby as narrative director.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 02:32 PM PST

    Let Québec City focus on Immortals. The Montréal 3 team has made three great ones in a row (Black Flag, Origins, and now Valhalla), Darby's the one of the few at Ubisoft who seems to get AC.

    We don't need an AC two out of every three years, we just need great ones every two or three years.

    submitted by /u/leftisthominid
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    [Spoiler] I followed the blind and lame man from Clee Hill spring for 20 minutes so you don't have to

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 01:28 PM PST

    So there's this mystery in Sciropescire, with a healing spring on Clee Hill and two people who join forces in order to overcome their respective disabilities. It's not the best world event out there, but one thing sets it apart from the rest.

    When you complete the mystery, the two of them will start walking away. Now, NPCs usually stay in one spot, or patrol along a pre-set route, but there's nothing for miles around this place, so it all seemed a bit weird. Not remembering that it was curiosity that killed the cat, I decided to follow them. And let me tell you - I almost died of boredom.

    It's a 20-minute trek, and they just keep walking and walking through the crags and forests and wetlands and whatnot. Meanwhile, they don't utter a SINGLE DAMN WORD. So we just walked in silence for a fair while, like a bickering poylamorous couple after a spat.

    We ended up in Quatford, an ugly little place on the river north of our starting point. Here's the route in its entirety: image After crossing the river, they stopped walking and had a little chat about the absurdity of the whole situation. Then they just stood there, doing nothing, like normal NPCs.

    It made me chuckle, to be fair, but also... that took way too long for the kind of pay-off I got. So I decided to spend even more time and make a documentary of our journey together: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6-xHKJcxkA

    TL;DR: Do not follow them, it is not worth it. Seriously. Be curious about something else

    submitted by /u/GasparLeFou
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    Warning: Fabric is a finite resource and there isn't enough of it in the game (Platinum Trophy Related)

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 01:34 PM PST

    Fabric is found in the "minor wealth" treasure chests of high leveled (190 and above) regions and serves to upgrade your quiver, ration pack as well as a blessing in one of the mystery altars (you need 5 for the altar).

    The problem? The game has a maximum amount of fabric you can get and after a while, you will stop getting it from the minor wealth chests.

    There is enough fabric in the game to either:

    -Fully upgrade either the ration pack OR the quiver + donate to the altar.

    -Fully upgrade both the ration pack and the quiver w/o donating to the altar.

    This means that you have to set your priorities straight in order to prevent locking yourself out of the Platinum trophy.

    I have fully completed all yellow spots in the 340 and 250 regions and I'm still sitting at 7 fabric (I need 12 to upgrade the quiver to the max so I would need 5 more fabric).

    It seems that Ubi programmed enough fabric to upgrade both the quiver and rations but then "forgot" that they added an altar that requires 5 pieces of fabric.

    submitted by /u/muchomanga
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    My horse shouldn’t just slow down because enemies are attacking me

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 06:29 PM PST

    This is especially frustrating when you're being chased by animals such as boars or wolves, I shouldn't be forced to fight them. Yeah it only takes like 30 seconds to a minute but it's annoying and breaks immersion. In real life a horse would haul fucking ass away if a wolf is chasing it, not go trotting speed. I know there are bigger issues with this game right now but I just want to know if anyone else is getting annoyed by this.

    submitted by /u/RPGamer1
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    Connor was a good character

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 09:31 AM PST

    Everyone hates on AC3 and Connor because they try to compare. Doesn't have Ezios charisma or Altair's wisdom, so people just discard him, but I think he is his own class. Connor is a beast. He's passionate and driven by rage and that's just what makes him. His village was burned down at age 4, I don't think that would make him particularly charismatic. Also in the homestead missions he did have more of a jokey charisma type character. But even then his character was good IMO. I hope they bring him back someday, we got two games with haytham but we never know what happened to connor, kinda wish he was in unity :( I think everyone saw that deleted monologue of his at the end that was posted recently here, it would have been so much better with that and i really really hope he comes back

    submitted by /u/gottastaylowkey
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    Did the developers state a reason for not including viking swords, chainmail, lamellar or gambeson in a historical(-ish) viking game?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 05:02 AM PST

    I love this game, but the decision to leave out many basics of viking gear is baffling to me. We had a shield in Origins, but not in Odyssee. We had chainmail armour in 18th century France, but not in 9th century England...

    I agree that there should be room for fantasy in the Assassins Creed series, but why do the developers seemingly go out of their way to avoid historical accuracy in what is after all a historical franchise? Some fans like fantasy better, others are more drawn to historical authenticity. Why not provide options for both kinds of players?

    Have the developpers made any statement regarding these design choises? Surely they would expect many fans to be unhappy about this?

    submitted by /u/Antandalus
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    Disembarking the ship when starting a raid should be automatic, or at least more fluent.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 04:35 PM PST

    Title says pretty much all there is to say - I would love if Eivor would just jump out of the ship after blowing the horn. To me it feels weird how you have to climb/balance along the sides of your ship and then jump out, and it's even worse when you accidently climb up the figure in front and jump down from there.

    A nice solution could be two button prompts, which make you run to the front of the ship and jump down either left or right automatically.

    submitted by /u/Midlux
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    Can we talk about the dope ass confirm kill animation in AC Valhalla

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 07:50 AM PST

    The way the game goes into like a MK X-ray mode showing your blade cut through a dudes organs looks so dope to me. Side note I love how the assassination scenes work with the mythology like origins did.

    submitted by /u/ShaolinFantastic13
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    I really want to see a game where Arno, Connor and Aveline fight Shay and his Templars during the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815)

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 03:00 PM PST

    This story could probably tell us how Napoleon used and lost his Apple during the wars, how the British Templars ended up getting the Precursor Box, and if Arno finally got his revenge on Shay.

    submitted by /u/TheDude2187
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    Please bring back Dual and Triple Finishers!

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 03:47 PM PST

    The other post with dual assassination reminded me of another great feature from old AC games. Those beautiful finishers in AC3. Since Valhalla introduced solo finishers, I think Ubisoft should not stop there and add duo and triple finishers as well. AC3 finishers are the peak of motion capture in AC combat. Imagine those in Valhalla with its gore. Obiously they would be optional just like the solo finishers. Some players don't like combat being interrupted by cutscenes and I respect that. However this would bring back the feeling of action combat that I partially miss.

    Just look at this beauty from AC3: https://youtu.be/408ZySXqhoM?t=162

    And it's perfectly doable in RPG. Witcher 2 had finishers for multiple enemies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDERAemaZGI

    submitted by /u/p4v07
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    The controls in Valhalla feel unresponsive and the sound is out of sync.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 06:03 AM PST

    I've been having some problems with Valhalla. The collision isn't very good and Eivor has a tendency to get stuck. Sometimes prompts to pick up an item or talk to someone simply refuse to appear.
    Further on, dialogue is often out of sync. Characters frequently talk over each other, Sonic Adventure 2 style.

    I'm playing the PS4 version.

    submitted by /u/luckjes112
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    Why can't we "downgrade" the visuals of our gear? As in, keep the enhanced level but revert the appearance to a previous tier

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 01:57 PM PST

    Seems like an oversight. Ghost of Tsushima allowed you to do this after upgrading outfits.

    submitted by /u/WolverineKuzuri93
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    The 2-handers would be fine if they didn't go go-go gadget extend after un-sheathing

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 10:03 PM PST

    When you have they on your back the size is more appropriate and looks fine, albeit a larger than normal sword. The problem is once you pull them out they magical turn into Dragon Slayer.

    I with they would stop with the magic expanding weapons, because as it appears to me that it happens to all of the weapons. I get they don't want clipping but maybe in the future they can tone down the size. I doubt we are going to get 1-handers, we complained the whole time about shields in Odyssey and they never got added. But at the very least they can reduce the size increase right now.

    submitted by /u/VectorQrates
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    Upgraded armor looks worse in my opinion

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 07:34 PM PST

    I'm not even posting this for an actual discussion. (Rant) Its Just something that has been legitimately bothering me with every set of armor in this game. I will save and upgrade something to gold just to see how it looks... It is goddamn awful. It looks like something that should be in a world of Warcraft, final fantasy or some other high fantasy game. It is absolutely absurd how God damn shiny and ornate the armor becomes. Helmets will go from looking fearsome and strong to absurd and comical. Without being able to revert your gear pieces back to their previous look it is extremely hard to play Fashion Creed this year. 😢

    Just wanted to rant about this minor annoyance that will definitely affect me every time I play this game.

    submitted by /u/A17shawn
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    Cloaks should still be visible during combat

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 08:58 PM PST

    I think having Eivor take down his hood is such a stupid idea, their is no reason why he would do this. I know this seems small but I always prefer the cloak up. It makes Eivor feel more assassin like and is just a better look

    submitted by /u/CynicalOCDRiddenPoet
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    Valhalla is nominated in the best action adventure category for Game Awards!

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 04:11 PM PST

    I am really enjoying this game and especially the narrative so I voted. Just wanted to let everyone know :)

    submitted by /u/Ehmud285
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    Where is the nudity? (Potential Spoiler)

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 06:08 AM PST

    Ok, hear me out. I'm loving the game so far and have poured about 30 hours into the game, BUT something seems a little off. There is no (from what I've seen) nudity, despite having its own specific setting. Is the game censored? If so, then why? There's literally a mystery quest where there's a nudist colony... yet they're wearing clothes? Wtf is that even about? Decapitating a guy is fine, but god forbid you show a naked body, right? 😅

    submitted by /u/UnusedElbow
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    The writing in AC Valhalla is better than in the past few AC games, Darby should write more AC stories

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 08:13 AM PST

    Unity and Syndicate had awful stories in my opinion. Origins had Bayek who was well written but the story was a mess imho, the origins of the Brotherhood was tacked on and the whole second half was rushed as hell.

    Odyssey felt more like a parody of AC.

    Overall this game has superior writing in my opinion. Darby also wrote Black Flag and Revelations which have some of the best stories of the franchise

    submitted by /u/ACFan95
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    I think it's time for a new game where the main character is already an assassin from the start.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 03:58 AM PST

    Although the latest games aren't as assassin centred as they used to be, I think having the main character of a future game be an assassin from the beginning would be interesting, considering that it has been 6 years since the last game where the main character started as an assassin.

    submitted by /u/Gonzalolikeskaiya
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    Horse Combat? Am I missing something here?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 03:39 PM PST

    Horse Combat? Am I missing something here?

    We've been able to use all our weapons on a horse in AC Origins and Odyssey. Oddly enough I've only been able to use my bow and kick with my legs while riding a horse in AC Valhalla. Is this feature removal intended?

    submitted by /u/Projectpatdc
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