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    Friday, September 4, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Subreddit Update - Spoiler policy changes and rule updates

    Assassin's Creed Subreddit Update - Spoiler policy changes and rule updates

    Subreddit Update - Spoiler policy changes and rule updates

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    This is an update to inform you of some changes to our rules we've just implemented. They are primarily related to changes in our spoiler policy, but we have also clarified some rules and merged others. We don't expect them to affect your regular experience too much, but you should nevertheless familiarize yourselves with the changes or read our rules if you haven't.

    The big change is that we have finally removed the Odyssey DLCs from our spoiler policy and now you can freely discuss the game in it's entirety! We have also added Assassin's Creed Valhalla, it's DLCs and transmedia to the spoiler policy, which includes now includes:

    - Assassin's Creed Valhalla and any future DLCs

    - Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Song of Glory (comic)

    - Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Geirmund's Saga (novel)

    - All other comics, novels and transmedia releases

    We will not enforce our strict Valhalla spoiler and ban policy yet (we will inform you about that closer to release), but any potential story spoilers or leaks should nevertheless be properly warned about and hidden.

    We have also updated rule 1.2 which now covers Photo mode and Image/Video posts. The rule itself hasn't changed, but we have clarified our requirements about what we allow and what we don't, so hopefully that will make things more clear in the future. As an addition, we are implementing image galleries, which allow users to directly upload multiple images to Reddit without the need of using an external websites.

    Another important change is to rule 1.4, regarding reposts. We have raised the minimum repost requirement from 3 days to 7 and we hope this change will lead to more diverse discussions and topics on the subreddit.

    That about covers the bigger changes. We would once again like to encourage you to familiarize yourselves with our rules if you haven't read them yet and don't forget to report any rulebreakers.

    Thank you for being a part of our subreddit. If you have any additional ideas or suggestions, we are open to any feedback either in this post or via modmail.

    - The Moderation team of r/assassinscreed

    submitted by /u/Ghost_LeaderBG
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    The women of Assassin's Creed (My Fanart)

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:34 PM PDT

    There is only one line in the entire series that in my opinion will always be the best.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 01:47 AM PDT

    "People are quick to judge, but slow to correct themselves"

    Amazing how a line from a videogame can apply to real life even to this day.

    submitted by /u/Fossils222
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    Where do your loyalties stand with the Templars or the Assassins

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 06:11 PM PDT

    Yes I know it's assassins creed and we mainly play assassins but look pass that for a second and who do you think is worth fighting for the Templar's or the Assassins I would like to know your thoughts and opinions

    submitted by /u/Gunslinger7604
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    Finished Brotherhood for the first time.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:31 PM PDT

    I loved it. I wasn't a big fan of ACII, the story seemed a typical revenge story, although the ending did a great job of further building the world for the future games. Brotherhood improves on ACII in every way. That ending really shocked me.


    • Better combat system than ACII, kill streaks were so fun!
    • Brotherhood system. This kept me engaged throughout the game, it felt so badass to call in an arrow strike.
    • Better MD story. We got to know the characters better, and the dialogue was well written.
    • Ezio's story. I loved seeing Ezio go from the young reckless assassin he was in ACII to the leader of the Assassins.
    • Better parkour controls.


    • Story is pretty short. ACII was a large and long game. Brotherhood seems really short in comparison.
    • Only one location. I liked Rome, but I missed Venice.

    Which do you prefer? ACII or Brotherhood? And why?

    submitted by /u/burritobilly
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    Ezio sparing Rodrigo at the end of AC2 makes perfect sense

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    Rodrigo spent decades thinking he was the prophet and killed thousands to get to where he was, only to realize that he had failed. When Borgia asks Ezio why he didnt kill him, Ezio doesnt see the Villainous mastermind that had caused him so much misery, he sees a pathetic deluded old man who has just witnessed everything he ever dreamt of come crashing around him. He was meant to be the Prophet, not some mangy Assassino, this was meant to be his moment, but this Auditore lad who didnt know jackshit about the Isu and the Prophecy when they had last met, not only beat him but also was the real prophet. It feels a lot more satisfying to leave him to live with his failure and shattered delusions than to end it in one clean strike with the Hidden Blade. A kill with the hidden blade is mercy, it ends ones suffering cleanly and quickly. Ezio at this point isnt worried about the repercussions of him sparing him, he just needed the satisfaction of having not only beaten him but also broken him.

    Imo thats why he is so meek in Brotherhood and tries to kill Cesare even when he had the upper hand over Ezio in Rome. He's geniunely afraid of Ezio. Even if he was still grandmaster, he let Cesare call all the shots. He'd effectively resigned, but as soon as he thought Ezio was getting too close he tried to kill his own son and end it all. Ezio let him live but he was dead on the inside, a shadow of what he used to be and eternally afraid of Ezio. Getting choked with an Apple by his own son was the end he deserved, not a clean strike with the hidden blade, that would have been swift and near painless, this was the shame and suffering that bastardo deserved

    Ezio does get his revenge in the end, just not how he expected.

    submitted by /u/haafiiizzzz
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    ‘Tempo’ - I made an Ezio Trilogy graphic with outfits from each game.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 04:17 AM PDT

    Ezio a mass murderer in Revelations...?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    Is it just me or did Ezio commit some evil deeds in Revelations? I mean besides the constant assassination of bad guys, and even beside killing Tarik. But I'm talking about straight innocents. And I know Ezio is no saint but still.

    First is the time he starts a riot just so he can infiltrate a Templar base more easily. Ezio starts an uprising without any intention of helping the people accomplish anything. Many dozens of citizens died in that ruckus, and Ezio doesn't seem to care. Even Yusuf says that it's a messed up plan, and Yusuf is a nut. When the guy whose idea of fun is finding creative new ways of killing cops says you've crossed a line, you've crossed a line.

    But that's not as bad as what he pulled in Capadocia. How many thousand innocent people died of smoke inhalation in that cave? Including some allies, possibly, since we never see that spy woman again. Including himself, possibly, since whatever illness killed him was in his lungs.

    Did Ezio just stop caring? He was never willing to cause so much collateral damage in Italy. This all makes him sound rather hypocritical when he's browbeating one of his master assassins about killing one innocent man. (Whose body he has dumped in the ocean like a bag of trash.)

    It's a severe case of Ezio becoming a grumpy old man, I guess

    submitted by /u/C-O-N-T-E-M-P-T
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    Hi, I'm an Anonymous Game Designer who created a game reviews channel, starting with AC game reviews.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    Hi, everyone.

    I have worked in the game industry for many years as a Game Designer, and one thing I always was interested in is writing reviews. But, working as a Game Designer and doing reviews is conflict of interest on a global level. You might be reviewing a game of somebody you will be working with, or working for, in the future, and that is always awkward. So I decided to tackle that issue by making my channel fully anonymous.

    I have decided to start my channel with reviewing AC games because they are all interesting and I personally have enjoyed them a lot over the past decade and a half, but they are also inconsistent and all over the place, and therefore provide interesting material for reviews through a game design lens.

    The goal is to start with AC1 and go all the way to Valhalla, before switching to other franchises (though that may change in future, depending on how it goes, but right now want to focus on AC). The AC1 review has been recently released:


    I would be very grateful if you would subscribe and engage in conversation, as I think we will have some really interesting discussions and hope that my reviews will discuss points that you usually don't see in such videos.

    Thank you, and cheers!

    submitted by /u/AGDReviews
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    Did Laylas animus already change the past?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    Just a thought, that seems obvious but I haven't seen it brought up here. In Origins, it is hinted that Laylas animus can change the past, rather than just simulate it. We thought that nothing ever came of that. But....

    In Odyssey you find the Spear with both Alexios and Kassandra DNA, its all mixed so you get to choose who is simulated as the mistios. And then you make choices in the game, that are explained away as corruption in the DNA allowing for uncertainty in the simulation. (which used to cause desynch, but Laylas improved animus just fills in the gaps with the best approximation) Hinting that there is one true cannon, we just don't always see it in the sim.

    However (SPOILERS) the ending breaks all that by having EITHER Alexios or Kassandra show up in 2018 as an immortal. Meaning that we ARE actually altering cannon, its not just simulation errors. This seems to contradict the games own explanation of player choice.

    But what if that is on purpose?!? And is hinting at the first example of Layla changing history within the game. Meaning Alexios wasn't the mistios until Layla made him such through her magic time altering animus.


    submitted by /u/carlogrimaldi
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    This week The Hookblade Podcast is discussing our rankings of the AC games. Check it out and leave your rankings in the comments!

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    2 actors in AC are voicing Batman!

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 12:47 AM PDT

    I thought this was really cool.

    Roger smith (ezio) voices Batman in Arkham origins.

    And Michael antanakos is Batman in the new Gotham knights game!

    Now the "capes crusader" Easter in AC 2 makes sense

    submitted by /u/Arian_Knight
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    What are your Thoughts on assassin's creed origins? Does it still hold up?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    I remember playing origins at release but within the first 1-2 hours of gameplay I was underwhelmed by the direction ac took from a gameplay perspective. But after adapting to the combat I began to love the game and I was hooked on it for weeks to come. I think that the combat system is one of the best in the series because it took a huge risk by adding rpg elements into ac gameplay and it work. It was a good mix of down to earth, realistic gameplay mixed with a few hints of rpg style elements to it and I loved that it didn't go over the top with the rpg elements like odyssey did.

    I had high expectations for the game mainly because of the setting. It stood out big time compared to previous ac Titles with boring settings. The characters are great but I dont remember much of the storyline in ac origins

    Overall I still believe that origins was a massive comeback for the series and its top 3 ac games for me it blew me away with its breathtaking aspects we'd rarely seen in an ac game for that time.

    What are your thoughts on ac origins?

    submitted by /u/w4dewilson
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    What's the funniest joke you've ever heard in Assassin's Creed?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Jacob jokes are the best ngl

    submitted by /u/rickyesto
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    The German Revolutions of 1848 - Mildly Obscure Setting Discussions

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    A common trait Assassin's Creed groups have is the constant theorizing about future settings, because historical tourism is one of the best parts of the series. Many fans want pretty cliche settings such as the American Civil War and Wild West, World War 2, Ancient Rome, and Feudal Japan. Most of these popular settings will be discussed in my series on commonly suggested settings. The common thread between all settings in this series of posts is that they have not appeared on a Ubisoft poll or survey that can be easily found (China, Japan, Rome), they are not overly requested settings by the fanbase (see wild west and world war 2), and they all are relatively known enough to be marketable to a broad base. In each of these posts, I'll be discussing map areas, cities, architecture, culture, wars, historical events, historical characters, broad conjecture on how AC could work with this, and any existing lore in this area.

    In the early 19th century, Europe began seeing massive discontent with the absolutist monarchies across the continent in part due to the rise of liberalism, nationalism, and the new communist movements. The skilled workers and artisans' numbers fell by 93% from 1815 to 1845 due to increased foreign trade and technology. Warehouse and factory workers remained working but their purchasing power dropped significantly as did their quality of life. These combined led to some popularity for Marx and Engels who published the Communist Manifesto in early 1848. Polish Nobility had an uprising in 1846 as more of the population began to demand universal male suffrage not just for the landowners. The early 1840s saw several famines that particularly hit rural areas hard, and the potato blight wasn't just hitting Ireland, but all of Europe. This would culminate in an alliance of the rural farmers, poor workers, skilled artisans, and even nobility against the monarchies throughout Europe in 1848. This was not a singular movement, though, rather a very divided one that popped up in many different cities and kingdoms with similar goals, at first.

    The German Confederation was formed in 1815 by the Congress of Vienna and controlled a large part of Central Europe, including part of the Austrian Empire. The first real seeds of discontent began during the Hambacher Fest in 1832 due to growing unrest from high taxation and political censorship with a desire for nationalism and liberalism. From February 22nd through 24th, 1848, three days of protests and riots made the French monarch Phillippe of France step down. Emboldened by the news German peasants in Baden began several loose protests for the right to protest, assemble, and a liberal constitution began on February 27th.

    The first major point of the German Revolution began on March 12th when a liberal priest, Anton Fuster gave a public sermon that brought unity to several loose protests and brought them together for the first major revolt on March 13th. Despite Vienna belonging to the German Confederation, it also belonged to the Austrian Empire, and under the guidance of Klemens von Metternich, Emperor Ferdinand had troops march into Vienna and fire into the protestors and rioters. This prompted the diet of Lower Austria to demanding Metternich's resignation, though personally I can see this being an assassination mission since AC does change a number of death dates.
    Protests continued in Baden, and after what happened in Vienna, local German princes fearful of backlash conceded to the protests to create a preparliament convening from March 31st to April 4th. Friedrich Karl Franz Hecker and Gustav von Struve were two massive proponents for drafting a new constitution and tearing down the monarchy despite most of the delegation being pro-monarchy. This would lead to them staging a protest and walking out of the preparliament on April 2nd. The Assembly would pass a law for universal suffrage under an indirect method of voting on April 8th, but the protests and riots continued with several journalists being arrested so they couldn't spread the news. This only caused further outrage as full-scale rebellions began under Hecker on the 12th of April. He would lead several small battles at Scheideck, Gunterstal, Freiburg, and Dossenbach leaving dozens dead. Friedrich von Gagern was ordered to follow him and was killed on April 20th at Kandern, however at the same time Hecker lost the battle. By April 27th, Hecker had fled the German Confederation and would eventually flee to America. Once again, I can see being a potential assassination target. Or maybe Gagern would be?

    By this point, King Ludwig I of Bavaria had abdicated to his son Maximillian in March due to the protests in Munich and his loss of favor due to his ongoing affair. Prussia began heavily protesting at this point too though western Prussia holding anti-Prussian sentiments held very few protests, while eastern Prussia desired to become a full German State rather than be both parts of Prussia and the German Confederation. On March 13th a group of civilians coming out of a meeting in Tiergarten (a park in Berlin), were charged by soldiers who didn't want any demonstrations leaving one of them killed, one injured, and several arrested. This led to further protests on March 18th, and even after King Frederick William IV agreed to merge Prussia and Germany two shots were fired. Fearing retaliation from the 20,000 soldiers in Berlin, the protestors set up barricades throughout the city leading to a 13-hour battle where 254 people were killed. On March 21st, King William IV of Prussia held a mass funeral and city-wide service that over 40,000 people attended, while also releasing hundreds of prisoners while promising change. 3 days later, he started the First Schleswig War by invading Southern Schleswig. This would eventually end in defeat for the Prussians in 1852.

    On May 18th, a constitutional national assembly was held in Frankfurt but dissolved into tireless debates and no actual solution to unifying the German states. May 22nd was the beginning of the Berlin convention after a promise of a constitution and universal suffrage was made by King William IV. He would enact a unilaterally imposed monarchist constitution to silence the democratic forces. The new constitution came into effect on December 5th with the creation of a Herrenhaus and Landtag (or upper and lower parliament), to which Otto von Bismark was elected. This had quelled the riots, leading Prussia to send in forces and stretch its army thin between the war with Denmark and aiding the other German states.

    In Early April of 1849, the National Assembly finally had a plan to make William IV the Emperor of Germany, but he refused believing he needed the support of every monarch. This caused multiple uprisings in Dresden, Palatine, and Prague that were all in support of the new constitution and tried to push it through. They all ended within a matter of months by militaristic force.

    Germany and the larger area that was the German Confederation is a beautiful area of rolling hills, steep mountains, large rivers, and is filled with fantastic historic castles and cities like shown above and also includes large cities like Hamburg and Nuremberg. Assassin's Creed lore is fairly lacking in central Europe as a whole, especially towards the end of the early-modern period. We do know in lore that Otto von Bismark wielded a Sword of Eden and orchestrated a series of wars during the 1860s that would end in the creation of the German Empire with him as Chancellor for 20 years. While this does seem mildly more Templar-y, he also largely aided the liberals and sought for a unified Germany, even if it was for political gain. Assassin's Creed would have the potential to show someone who saw good in both the Templars and Assassins and strove for the middle? The revolutions of 1848 were ultimately a failure, but they helped bring about the end of serfdom in Austria, established the desire for a liberal republic, and gave rise to Otto von Bismark's career. Regardless of the movement's success, it remained an important part of the history of Europe and Germany.

    submitted by /u/nstav13
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    Does anybody know how to access The Last Maharaja DLC?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    I just downloaded this DLC but I'm not sure how to access it. The only options on my title screen are the main game and Jack the Ripper. I went into both of them but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.

    submitted by /u/lilpenis9151
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    Are all the enemies in Valhalla going to be colour coded red or is there going to be an option to take that off?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    Just a hope, would be nice to identify them by banners or even just the hud saying they're hostile. Rather than everyone wearing some odd very bright red colours.

    submitted by /u/TheModernMeta
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    I drew Kassandra from Odyssey

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    [AC3 Remastered] Which mission is best to do the “shield yourself from a firing line” challenge in?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    I find that typically every challenge has one or two missions that are super convenient to do it in, like the Boston Massacre one for disarming and killing Jagers. Is there a mission like that for the human shield challenge?

    submitted by /u/piperooo
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    How old do you believe you should be to play Odyssey?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    Wondering as my 9 year old sister is playing it.

    submitted by /u/AnimeSushiRoll
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    Assassin’s Creed Manga Announces U.S. Release Date

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    So I’ve been on an assassins creed binge and have some thoughts and opinions

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    So recently I've played the ones I've owned which is: black flag, unity, syndicate, origins and Odyssey (I am getting round to the rest)

    And I thought I'd start a discussion on people's opinions on the newer games. Having played both versions of the combat I much prefer the older games as they make you feel more like an assassin.

    People who are saying that in the newer games still have stealth but people it's social stealth that make the games great (the ability to blend in with crowds) and being able to free run on consistent buildings.

    Also in the newer games the combat is much less clean and the older games make you feel like a master combatant whereas the feeling of parrying in the new games just isn't the same.

    These are just a few of my opinions on why I think the older games are better but I'd love to hear other people's opinions.

    submitted by /u/memeslider-dab
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    Need help making an AC2 Ironman challenge

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    I've been thinking about how to make this but haven't played the game in awhile so I need help. The rules I think are obvious are, 1. No armor 2.No dying Things I'm not sure about are, 1.which weapons are allowed 2.medicine

    I haven't put a ton of thought into it yet. Any suggestions are encouraged!

    submitted by /u/jessemanson
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    Do you think we'll get a third Valhalla soundtrack EP before the full release???

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    Pretty much what the question says. I'd be cool with just the two, but I don't know three just kinda sounds a better number LOL.

    submitted by /u/TRITON-K175
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