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    Monday, September 28, 2020

    Assassin's Creed [Day 17/60] Assassin's Creed Syndicate - Sequence 07 - 'All Is Fair in Politics'

    Assassin's Creed [Day 17/60] Assassin's Creed Syndicate - Sequence 07 - 'All Is Fair in Politics'

    [Day 17/60] Assassin's Creed Syndicate - Sequence 07 - 'All Is Fair in Politics'

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    AC Marathon 2020 - Day 17

    Assassin's Creed Syndicate - Sequence 07 - 'All Is Fair in Politics'

    Welcome back, Assassins! Today, we set out to lessen the grip the Templars have on official politics. Along the way, we'll come into contact with other important figures in London's government.

    Today's Target: The Earl of Cardigan


    1 - Playing Politics
    Search for Disraeli and discover how he is being planned to be assassinated.
    2 - The Bodyguard
    Save the Disraeli family.
    3 - Driving Mrs. Disraeli
    Escort Mary Anne Disraeli through the Devil's Acre in exchange for some information.
    4 - Motion to Impeach
    Enter the Palace of Westminster and assassinate the Earl of Cardigan.
    5 - Unbreaking the Bank
    Prevent the economy from breaking down.
    6 - Change of Plans
    During a continued search for the Shroud of Eden, save Henry Green.


    Share your feelings about today's sequence in the comments below. What did you think? Talk about what you liked, what you disliked, and your general thoughts. Feel free to engage with others and ask questions of your own!

    Being active in discussions will make you eligible for an official Marathon giveaway. More info in the 'Giveaway' section below.


    Make sure to download the official Marathon wallpapers for Assassin's Creed Syndicate!

    Desktop 1920x1080 || Desktop 1920x1200 || Mobile


    Here is today's Fan Art of the Day for Assassin's Creed Syndicate.
    Artist: rimiter

    Featured Video: Motion to Impeach - Unique Kill Ghost
    Creator: Peter Stratford


    Here's the list of streamers that will be broadcasting today's sequence. All times in EDT.

    9:30 AM - /u/SerHolmes on Twitch

    6:30 PM - /u/InfinityGB on Twitch

    Here are the playthroughs that Marathon streamers have pre-recorded and uploaded:

    AC Syndicate, Sequence 7 by /u/GamerGirl_9623

    2020 Schedule

    September 11th - Assassin's Creed Unity
    September 21st - Assassin's Creed Unity: Dead Kings
    September 22nd - Assassin's Creed Syndicate
    October 1st - Assassin's Creed Syndicate: Jack the Ripper
    October 3rd - Assassin's Creed Origins
    October 13th - Assassin's Creed Origins: The Hidden Ones
    October 15th - Assassin's Creed Origins: Curse of the Pharaohs
    October 17th - Assassin's Creed Odyssey
    October 29th - Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Legacy of the First Blade
    November 2nd - Assassin's Creed Odyssey: The Fate of Atlantis
    November 9th - Marathon End Discussion
    November 10th - Assassin's Creed Valhalla Launches!


    Three lucky winners will receive a copy of The Art of Assassin's Creed Valhalla!

    To be eligible for this year's giveaway, you must comment on at least 24 total threads across all games, including one thread from each game. (DLCs don't count as separate games.) Replies to other comments count as well. Engaging in discussion with other Marathoners is strongly encouraged!

    Your account must be older than the Day 01 post of this year's Marathon, and you will have to confirm your participation at the end of the Marathon by commenting on the final thread (Day 60) using a keyword given in the post.

    Please refer to our FAQ for additional details.


    Tomorrow, on Day 18 of the Assassin's Creed Marathon, we will be accepting an invitation to meet with an interesting individual as part of Assassin's Creed Syndicate - Sequence 08!

    Heads up! Tomorrow's sequence will feature the first Level 8 memories, so upgrade the twins as you see fit!

    Also, remember that you'll be required to conquer three different boroughs to progress to the next sequence!

    Follow us on Twitter || Follow us on Instagram || Marathon Megathread & FAQ

    submitted by /u/ACMarathon
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    Is Assassin's Creed 2 the most important game in the franchise?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    It's the game that made the series really explode in popularity. Ezio's theme is now the official theme of the franchise, every new main character always gets compared to him, it had 2 direct sequels. Crazy how no other game was able to reach its heights.

    submitted by /u/kingwroth
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    Sisterhood Speaks! Podcast Episode 1 - ft. the voices of Aya and Cleopatra, Alix Wilton Regan & Zora Bishop

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    When did the assassins go underground?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    So on the wiki it says that they became public during the crusades, same as the templars, but then the templars went "underground" in 1307. When did the assassins stop being public and work in secret

    submitted by /u/BlueMagma212
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    I hope AC Valhalla makes it fun to use different weapons.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    I feel like in a lot of RPG games recently you end up just using the best sword with the best dps because it's just flat out better than everything else. Like in the Witcher there was basically zero incentive to use anything other than non-witcher gear swords, and you'd only want to use the gear that you've upgraded the most so far. I hope there's a way to make it interesting to use different weapons even if one of them has better stats than everything else.

    submitted by /u/kingwroth
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    Story idea/proposal for an Assassin's Creed game set during the American Civil War

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    Of the many eras in history I would like to see adapted into the AC universe, this one intrigues me the most. As a history major with a concentration in American History, the Civil War has always fascinated me by its complexity, the horrors that both caused and were caused by it, the ideals that men aspired to, and its lasting impact on not just the United States but the world over. Such a story would delve back into the conflicting philosophies of the Assassins and Templars and how their ideological differences reflect those shared by North & South. It has the potential to be the most critical look at the two organizations since Revelations, III, and Unity, in my opinion, as the definitions of freedom and equality are less clear-cut when viewed through the lens of the two secret societies.

    DISCLAIMER: I have never been, nor do I profess to be, an advocate of the "Lost Cause" nor a denier of the atrocities that people suffered from as a result of slavery and systemic racism. It is a matter of record and fact that the Southern States seceded to form the Confederacy in order to preserve the institution of slavery, as outlined by their own constitutions, and nothing of what I say is intended to reflect a desire to deny the truth. Slavery was an abomination and it is good that it was abolished as it runs counter to the ideas of liberty that the United States was founded on. That being said, the conflict and moral nature of the parties involved were not as "cut-and-dry" as depicted, and the Assassin's Creed universe offers great insight into exploring the moral strengths and failures of both sides of the argument. The Saracens and the Crusaders, the British and the French, the Ottomans and the Byzantines, the Egyptians and the Greeks, the monarchists and the revolutionaries of France, and (most notably) the Assassins and Templars are all guilty of becoming victims of their own bias that their work alone benefits the greater good. This game will take a firm look at both the Union and Confederacy and observe the truth, nothing less.



    The game is set approximately from 1846 to 1865, encompassing a large degree of events in American history. Gameplay-wise it would function in a manner that combines aspects of Unity and Syndicate's gameplay, with enough emphasis on melee combat that gunplay doesn't overwhelm it, even if revolvers and repeating rifles were just now starting to enter the picture. The primary locations (cities) to be traveled to would be New York City, Washington DC, Charleston, and New Orleans, with an "Eastern Theatre" landscape functioning in a way similar to that of the Frontier in AC3 but with more activities, such as skirmishes with both Union and Confederate forces, helping slaves escape on the Underground Railroad, sabotaging bridges and railroad lines, and smuggling goods through military lines for money. Several towns and cities will be available in this expanse of land, including (but not limited to) Shiloh, the Shenandoah Valley, Antietam, Vicksburg, Gettysburg, Savannah, and Fredericksburg.

    The player primarily assumes the role of one of two protagonists: Lucius "Luke" Barnett, an escaped slave from South Carolina living in Pennsylvania, and William "Billy" Conrad, an impoverished white orphan from Virginia. The two of them join the Assassin Brotherhood in the 1850s at a time when the nation was on the precipice of war, and though they become friends they find themselves driven apart by the hostilities that threaten to tear the United States asunder. With the outbreak of the Civil War (as caused by the Templars), the American Brotherhood is divided into two separate Brotherhoods for the duration of the war, the Northern Brotherhood and Southern Brotherhood. Luke would be in the Northern Brotherhood while Billy would be in the Southern Brotherhood. Despite the divisions, the two Brotherhoods are not actively fighting each other, but utilizing the US and CS governments in their fight against the Templars in order to end the war. Unfortunately, the war itself forces many Assassins into military service, including Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, George Henry Thomas, James Longstreet, Robert Gould Shaw, Winfield Scott Hancock, and John Singleton Mosby, among others. Many other non-military historical figures would be part of the Assassins, including John Brown, Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, and more.

    Assassination targets would include John Tyler (CSA), Albert Sidney Johnston (CSA), AP Hill (CSA), John Sedgwick (USA), Lewis Armistead (CSA), John A. Koltes (USA), Alexander Hays (USA), Joseph K Mansfield (USA), Champ Ferguson (CSA), and John Wilkes Booth (CSA). All would be members of the Templar Order that either Luke or Billy would have to hunt down over the course of the game.

    In AC lore, Boss Tweed was the leader of the American Templars in 1863, which leads into the New York portion of the game. However, since there is a division within the Assassin Brotherhood, it only makes sense that the Templar Order be divided as well. For this story, Alexander Stephens is the Grand Master of the Southern Templars with Jefferson Davis being a puppet used to run the Confederate government. Abraham Lincoln is neutral, but more often than not works alongside the Assassins in pursuit of their goals of liberty. As for a "main antagonist," it would most likely be Champ Ferguson since he was the last of the aforementioned Templars to die in real life. Some background on Ferguson is that he claimed to have killed over 100 Union soldiers and civilians and was executed by hanging on October 20th, 1865 for war crimes. In this sense, he could operate very much in the "savage" role occupied by Charles Lee or Francois-Thomas Germain. Furthermore, his guerilla status enables him to pop in and out of the story as he pleases, serving as a thorn in the Assassins' sides. He could also have a role in influencing the decisions made by Union and Confederate Templars in how they wage the war and what goals they ultimately pursue.

    Combat would primarily consist of melee weapons, such as swords, bayonets, Bowie knives, and axes to supplement the traditional hidden blades. Guns would also make a return in the form of derringers, pepperbox pistols, revolvers (Colt, Remington, Griswold, etc.), muskets, and repeating rifles, but with a balanced system so as not to negate melee combat. Two types of ammunition would exist: "pistol" rounds and "rifle" rounds. "Pistol" rounds can be loaded into handguns and repeating rifles and the player can carry a great number, however they are expensive to buy and hard to find on a battlefield. In addition, these rounds are not very powerful and only go a short range. "Rifle" rounds are more common than pistol rounds and pack a lot more effective damage and range, but you can only carry a small number of them at a time and the weapons take a longer time to reload than a repeating rifle. Aiming would be similar to that of Unity and Syndicate where a gut shot won't result in an instant kill and instead you have to be much more careful with aiming.

    In Northern cities, a number of side activities could be completed depending on the location. If your character is in New York he can help to take down nativist, Templar-backed street gangs (quite literally "Gangs of New York") and try to reduce Tweed's influence in Northern politics and industry. You could also help take down child labor practices (like in Syndicate) or stop the drafting of New York residents into the Union Army. There would also be military garrisons you could raid for weapon upgrades, money, or abilities, and you would get more if you completed the tasks stealthily. In DC, you could be tasked with rooting out Confederate and/or Templar spies, and help Lincoln keep Templar business out of his cabinet while he tries to conduct both the war and emancipation (I have an idea where Andrew Johnson, William Seward, and Salmon Chase are Templars in the US government, but more on that in a moment).

    In Southern cities, you could help procure much-needed food for the people of Charleston as the war intensifies and the army needs more resources to support itself. You could also liberate slaves and have them either escape on the Underground Railroad or have them join your own Brotherhood, much like the Assassin recruits of other games. Like in the North, you can raid Southern forts for unique weapons and upgrades. You also can assassinate corrupt Confederate politicians and plantation-owners, whether they're part of the Templars or not. In New Orleans, gameplay would be similar to that in Liberation, but with an added focus of naval warfare (as per the Anaconda Plan) and fighting corruption during both Confederate and Union occupation of the city.

    All cities would feature historically-accurate landmarks and stores that fit the era, and there will be a system where you can barter or do services in exchange for goods rather than simply pay for everything (especially when the Confederacy was plagued with hyperinflated currency).

    Like mentioned before, naval warfare would make a return, but this time you would be in command of an Assassin-controlled Ironclad ship, the Gustavus, which would be use to fight off Templar smugglers at sea. Either Luke or Billy can command this ship, and the enemies will change depending on who commands it. You can upgrade the ship either with weapons and armor provided by a harbormaster or items you gain from raiding Union or Confederate outposts.

    STORY (still a work in progress and with liberties taken in typical AC fashion):

    The game begins during the Mexican-American War in the year 1847, where the player is an unnamed United States officer leading his unit through Mexico. In this prologue, they encounter Mexican soldiers seeking to hinder their progress towards an unspecified objective. Along the way, the officer becomes acquainted with figures who would eventually become notable during the Civil War, among them Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, William T. Sherman, and Thomas J. Jackson. After a series of events including skirmishes with Mexican soldiers, the US troops reach their destination with what looks to be an abandoned Mexican village, but after excavating the area come across a temple of First Civilization origin, though they find themselves unable to open it. The officer deduces that he knows exactly what can open this Temple. Before they do, the soldiers are ambused by Mexican Assassins who kill everyone there, and the officer reveals himself to be a member of the Templar Order. The one leading the Mexican Assassins is none other than James Kenway, the grandson of Ratonhnhake:ton and Mentor of the American Brotherhood. With his men dead and knowing his options are limited, the officer commits suicide rather than let the Assassins know how to open the Temple. James and his Assassins are thereby stumped and have no way of accessing the Temple, so they move on and forget about it.

    (I have no modern-day portion in mind exactly, but I wanted to have it relate to Juno and the Instruments of the First Will if that's even possible anymore)

    Lucius "Luke" Barnett is born into slavery in 1840 South Carolina, the product of a nonconsensual affair between an enslaved woman, Mary, and her owner, Edwin Barnett. When he was twelve years old, he witnessed a drunken Stephen kill his mother, and in a rage Luke murders Edwin with his own gun, a single-shot pistol that serves as a motif in the game. Being set upon by slave catchers, Luke makes a run for it off of the plantation before being caught by one of the slave catchers, who then proceeds to start whipping the boy. Before he can finish the job, the sound of a blade piercing flesh is heard, and Luke looks up to see a woman standing over the man's dead body with a blade attached to her wrist. She introduces herself as Harriet Tubman, a former slave who escaped and now helped others like her to freedom, and helps get Luke to safety in Pennsylvania via the Underground Railroad. Tubman explains that she is a member of the Assassins, a Brotherhood dedicated to protecting the freedom of mankind, and further explains that Edwin was a member of the Templar Order, who would seek to have the whole of the world under their control. Luke makes the decision to join them. He keeps the whip that was used against him, and ironically enough serves as both his primary weapon and a motif in the story about the cruelties of slavery. He can use it much like Zorro where he can navigate along buildings easier, as well as having a metal tip that cut through flesh with ease.

    William "Billy" Conrad, also born in 1840, was an orphan for as long as he could remember. He grew up in poverty in Richmond, resorting to thieving and getting into trouble so that he wouldn't starve. He came from nothing and so grew up with a deep hatred of authority figures and of the elite planter-class of the South. One day, when he was fourteen, he picked the pocket of the wrong person and discovered they had a small, unusual-looking cross. The man in question noticed the theft, and he and his men gave chase to Billy before cornering him in an alley, saying he knew too much. The man took out a Bowie knife and cut along Billy's cheek, leaving a scar for the rest of his life. Before the three men could kill him, a fourth voice called out telling them to leave the boy alone. The two men engaged the mysterious man before being swiftly taken down, though the third managed to get the upper hand and sent the rescuer to the ground. Billy intervened and killed the man with his own Bowie knife, saving both his own life and that of the man who attempted to save him. The man got up afterwards and introduced himself as Major Thomas Jonathan Jackson, a US Army veteran of the Mexican War, professor at the Virginia Military Institute, and a member of the Assassin Brotherhood. He explained that he had been tracking the men now laying dead at their feet for weeks, and how they were members of the Templar Order and responsible for the untimely death of his wife Elinor. Billy takes the Templar's Bowie knife (another motif) and also joins the Assassins.

    Luke and Billy quickly become inseparable as they train together in the Brotherhood. They study under the guidance and tutelage of James Kenway, with Tubman and Jackson serving as their more direct mentors. Other members of the Assassin Brotherhood include Frederick Douglass, John Brown, John S. Mosby, James Longstreet, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Robert Gould Shaw, George Henry Thomas, and Winfield Scott Hancock. In a twist, Lewis Armistead and John Wilkes Booth would also be members of the Assassins, but it would be revealed later on that they were both moles sent in from the Templars to sabotage the Brotherhood from inside.

    Their ultimate goal is to make strides towards complete liberty in America and to prevent the Templars from seizing control as they had decades before during Shay Cormac's purge. However, the divide between North and South becomes more apparent after the Mexican War and the various compromises made over the issue of slavery, and this reflects in the Assassins because, while all members are committed to the ideas of freedom, some of them still are slave-owners to maintain their social standing within the South for the benefit of the Brotherhood. James absolutely hates having to tolerate this, but he is more concerned with preserving the unity of both the United States and the Assassins so as to stop the Templars.

    However, John Brown becomes more and more disillusioned with the Brotherhood and with James for the continued compromises, finding it to be hypocritical with the foundations of the Brotherhood. When the Templars start to expand their influence in Kansas in 1856 via the Lecompton government, James sends Luke and Billy along with Brown to gain firsthand experience in dealing with the Templars. Brown manages to track down one of the Templar leaders, James Doyle, and tracks him and his cohorts down. While there, Luke and Billy witness Brown's brutality firsthand as his men hack the Templars with broadswords in what becomes known as the Pottawatomie Massacre. He tells both Luke and Billy to put Doyle out of his misery, but the boys are shocked at what they just witnessed. Brown then proceeds to interrogate Doyle about the location of something, and Doyle complies saying its buried just outside. Brown then executes Doyle with a pistol shot, and then digs in the ground to find an Apple of Eden inside a box (for canon purposes, this is the same Apple that Connor dropped in the ocean after the end of Tyranny of King Washington and would later be in both FDR and JFK's possession).

    The Apple remains in Assassin hands for the next three years before Brown decides enough is enough, and then steals the Apple for himself. Driven insane by its power (much like Al Mualim and George Washington), and already disillusioned with Kenway and the Brotherhood, Brown goes rogue and attempts to use the Apple to start a nationwide slave revolt. He receives financial backing for his revolt through the "Secret Six" (a different set than the historical record), not realizing that they are Templars who hope to use the revolt to help instigate war in the United States. Realizing he has gone too far and threatens the safety of the Brotherhood and the country, the Assassins band together to try and stop him. Brown approaches Douglass and asks for his help, but no matter how strongly he wants slavery to be abolished and all to be free, to do so in this way compromises the Brotherhood. Luke and Billy work together to stop Brown and get the Piece of Eden out of his possession, and Brown is later hung with the Assassins in attendance. After Brown's hanging, Douglass leaves the Brotherhood, realizing that the time for compromise has passed.

    Months later, the Templars launch an attack against the Assassins that nearly destroys them. Amidst the chaos, Lewis Armistead reveals himself as a mole for the Templars and absconds with the Apple of Eden, breaking everyone's hearts, especially Hancock. Soon after, due to more Templar manipulations in the Northern and Southern States, the slaveholding states secede from the Union and form the Confederacy. Realizing war is now at their doorstep, James Kenway makes the decision that neutrality and compromise are no longer options, and so the American Assassins go their separate ways and form independent Brotherhoods to root out the Templars, find the Apple of Eden, and end the Civil War before more lives are lost. Tubman becomes the leader of the Northern Assassins, while Jackson becomes leader of the Southern Assassins. Luke and Billy share heartfelt goodbyes as they go off to their new Brotherhoods, hoping that they would see each other alive by the end of this war if they didn't end up killing each other.

    The "Secret Six" would consist of John A. Koltes, John Tyler, Albert Sidney Johnston, Joseph K. Mansfield, John Sedgwick, and AP Hill, with Champ Ferguson being the overall "field commander" for the Templars in the war while Alexander Stephens, Boss Tweed, Salmon P. Chase, and William Seward manipulate events behind the scenes for the Templar Order. Lewis Armistead reveals his true colors early on, but Booth keeps a lower profile until towards the end of the game where he reveals himself as a Templar and assassinates Lincoln.

    In addition to being the main targets of assassination, the Secret Six and Ferguson would possess on them seven artifacts that are needed to unlock the Precursor Temple in Mexico. However, the Assassins are not aware of what these artifacts are, and the Templars do not know where the site was located after James Kenway destroyed their last expedition. Ferguson desires the contents of the Temple not only for the Templars but to amass his own power, which has grown since ever since they stole the Apple from the Assassins.

    That's all I got for right now. If any of you would like to provide feedback, I am more than happy to see what you all have to say. Thank you for reading and hope you have a good day.

    submitted by /u/i-got-a-jar-of-rum
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    The more I see about Valhalla, the more excited I am about the game

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    Tbh, this is a first for a Ubisoft game in many years. Usually it is like they show an amazing trailer for a game and I get hyped, but with each bit they show after that my hype decreases until I end up thinking "meh, this isn't it".

    With Valhalla it's different. After I didn't really like Origins and Odyssey, with the latter at least giving me some hours of stupid hack and slash fun but being a huge disappointment as a game from nearly any other point of view, I really wasn't to keen about Valhalla when it was announced. I said to my friends "oh wow, how blatant of a reskin can a game be" because the first gameplay scenes looked liked Odyssey but with a Viking skin to me. However, the more Ubisoft showed of the game and the more information about it got through, the bigger my hype grew. Valhalla, while still not quite what I want from an Assassin's Creed game, seems to become a really good game about Vikings. And let's be real, who wouldn't like a real good game about Vikings?! At this point I am honestly even looking more forward to Valhalla than to Cyberpunk.

    Don't screw this up, Ubi. Please just don't.

    submitted by /u/JohnnyTest91
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    I'm surprised by the remaster of Rogue

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    Everything I've seen of the remaster led me to beleive the graphics were 100 percent the same, just receiving a resolution upgrade. And while almost everything so far does seam the same, I have noticed people's skin looks a lot better. I don't know what it was but something about skin always really stood out to me as just off in black flag and Rogue. I don't think 3 had this problem, but well we all know that was screwed up with it's own remastering. Even the current gen version of black flag has this strange issue to my eyes, but this remaster of Rogue fixed it. I know this is faint praise but I really did think nothing at all was changed or improved with this remaster. I just started so maybe I will notice over graphical improvements. Does anyone here agree?

    submitted by /u/Mikecirca81
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    What trailer is this? Help is appreciated!

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    Ive remembered this trailer ever since I was a little kid, however I cant find it anywhere and I am starting to think I was the victim of the Mandela effect. If not then please tell me which trailer it is.

    What I remember is an assasin in a white hood calmy walking up to a couple dozens of knightly looking guards and touching one of them on the chest. This guard then collapses and the assasins hidden blade is revealed.

    If anyone knows what im talking about I would be extremely grateful if I could get some guidance.

    submitted by /u/MAstebloo
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    What do I need to know before playing Valhalla?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Brand new to Assassins Creed but always wanted to play a Viking style game.

    submitted by /u/-Philologian
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    Main Quest NPC dead [Assassin Creed Odyssey]

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    Whilst progressing through the story I noticed a strange turn of events; NPC civilians attacking bandits. A lion was also nearby aggroing bandits, and I can only assume the bandits must have hit the civilians when trying to attack the lion, and caused the civilians to aggro on it.

    Of course, this was nothing but an interesting observation when I noticed that the quest marker NPC I had been heading to, one of the Main Story of Odyssey (specifically the Chrysis quest line) also ran towards the bandits and, was cut down.

    My distance to quest marker thus disappeared on the map, and despite fast travelling to different areas, nothing changed. Reloading my last autosave, it had appeared to saved RIGHT AT the death of the Quest giver, and I was standing over the body. Additionally, this time, the quest failed appeared overhead (did not appear before) and the quest was then permanently removed on my list of quests.

    This being a main story quest, I cannot progress further any longer in the game. I have tried reloading to my last manual save, which works but doing so puts me hours of progress behind. Any similar issues, and any advice on the situation?

    submitted by /u/EraMemory
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    Trying to replay for 100% cuz ac is my favorite series

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 07:49 PM PDT

    I've played every game in the series but the only one I've gotten to 100% is rogue because of how simple and short it is, I also recently switched to pc. One question I have is with ac 2 how do you 100% the game without the ability to replay memories? It's been a long time since I've played as it's my first. Do you just die and retry? Just asking before I invest time in a 100% replay

    submitted by /u/milomilo42
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    I really miss the Wanted multiplayer!

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    I felt more like an assassin in that game mode than most of the single player to be honest! It was so satisfying to out wit your target for clean hidden kill. Or know that you tricked your opponent when you get a stun. The mind games were so unique and interesting!

    submitted by /u/C_The_Bear
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    (AC Valhalla) what are the set of runes??

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    I was wondering what the set of runes from the ultimate edition is!

    submitted by /u/dionzombie123
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    What are your favorite sea shanties?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    I just beat Black Flag for the first time and I love all the sea shanties! Which ones are your favorites? I love Roller Bowler, and also Drunken Sailor because it's from Spongebob.

    submitted by /u/The_Canadian_Devil
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    What happened to Shay’s voice actor?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 11:14 PM PDT

    This is an odd question, but I just want to know what is up with Steven piovesan (the voice of Shay) last time I heard literally anything from him was March 20 2018. I don't know him personally or anything. I just think it's odd how I haven't heard anything from or about him whatsoever after the date mentioned above.

    submitted by /u/RangerDuncan
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    AC Origins 'Reduce, Reuse, recycle' trophy questions..

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 07:16 PM PDT

    Does it have to be trinkets or can it be animal items as well (not pelts, but the useless items you sometimes get from hunting animals).

    at this point I might need to do a NG+ run.

    submitted by /u/Hoonta-Of-Hoontas
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    Orelov and the October Revolution deserve a full game. [Spoilers]

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    Orelov is an awesome character. He makes decisions by himself, he is not just a pawn, he is intelligent and caring, his relation and interaction with Anastasia are amazing. He truly has potential imo.

    The Ocrober Revolution is a fantastic environment to set a AC game in. AC Chronicles Russia already reveals some interesting details, like the fact, that the Russian Assassins are jerk and kind of evil, like the fact, that they seem to have cooperated with the revolutionaries, and the fact, that Leon Trotsky, though neither Templar nor Assassin, was a friend of the latter (specifically Nikolai).

    submitted by /u/Taramund
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    Thinking about going back and picking up Assassins Creed 1,2 and Brotherhood

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    I've got Revelations, 3,4, Unity and Odyssey and I was thinking about maybe snagging Origins and Syndicate if I see them on sale. But 1,2, and Brotherhood are only like 10$ for all 3 at GameStop and I wanted a chance to actually play them. Growing up I watched my cousin play them but I wanted to give them a chance myself in wake of Assassins Creed Valhalla. I played Assassins Creed 4 a lot and Odyssey a bit as well. I'm not a huge fan of the RPG elements but I do like how customizable the armor was in Odyssey, but I'm curious to see what they do and don't change in Valhalla. I hope it's not just a reskin of Odyssey like some people say.

    submitted by /u/Death_Spectre
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    (UPDATE) Echoes of Assassin's Creed Valhalla in Rogue and how a certain element of Nordic mythology could be used and developed in Valhalla - another possible tie-in with existing lore of AC Origins (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 03:59 AM PDT

    My previous post can be found here. I still can't believe I got so much upvotes. Also, there were some people who also contributed (for example, pointing out to the "Tree of Life" soundtrack), so once again, thank you all!

    But I've been reviewing some of my old articles with analyses, and realised I haven't shared this found with you. Disclaimer: unlike my previous post, this one is more of "sharing an interesting find", which may be used in AC Valhalla, or have nothing to do with Yggdrasil. I may be overthinking on this topic, still, I believe it'd be nice to keep this in mind.

    So, let's start.

    In the "Hidden Ones" DLC there is a side mission called "Shards from a star". Here's the link to it, but I'd like to focus on a papyrus. Its content is pretty interesting:


    Roots of the Tree of Life. In AC Origins, "roots" are the pyramid with a tree.


    Ironically, you've already seen this pyramid... in Rogue.


    Now it gets much more interesting.

    If you've read previously about sacred geometry and know a few figures from it, you might probably start getting where I'm going. If not, I'll highlight some interesting things.

    Sacred geometry was being worshipped in Ancient Egypt. For example, Ankh came exactly from a sacred geometry as a symbol of life:

    The Ankh means "breath of life" and remains the most recognisable symbol from ancient Egypt. You can see its relationship to the vesica pisces. Also known as "the tree of life" it dates back thousands of years. Designed like a cross with a loop at the top it was sometimes ornamented with symbols or flourishes. The Ankh was also depicted in conjunction with the djed and was symbols, or worn as an amulet. - source

    Another figure that exists in a sacred geometry is a Metatron's Cube. It is hard to explain, but if you know at least basics of a simple geometry, you might at least have a general understanding of it.

    If you learned geometry in school or colleges/universities, or especially if you're engineers or architects, you might know something called "Platonic Solids". To say simply, they are the regular polyhedrons. There are 5 unique solids:


    And here's where the fun begins. The source of all five Platonic Solids is... Metatron's Cube. Thing is, these solids are hidden inside the cube.


    So, when you look at the Metatron's Cube, you look at all five Platonic Solids simultaneously. In order to see each one, you just need to hide some of the line. Don't see how it's possible? Look:



    Now, does the tetrahedron in figure 6-17a mean anything to you?


    And for the conclusion, you might also take a look at this:

    In Geometry, we learn that there are five geometric shapes that have faces, edges and angles that are congruent. These are Platonic solids, named after the famous Pythagorean, Plato. The five Platonic solids include the tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron and icosahedron. The Pythagoreans understood that the Universe is composed of four elements: fire (radiation), earth (solid), air (gas) and water (liquid). And they believed that the particles of each of these elements are in the shapes of these four Platonic solids.

    They also believed that the Earth is surrounded by one solid, which is then surrounded by another solid, and so on. In other words, they believed that the Earth grid of electro-magnetic lines and vortexes is comprised of smaller grids, each of which is in the shape of a different Platonic solid.

    But there is a fifth solid, called the dodecahedron. This solid has a pentagon on each of its 12 sides. The dodecahedron is by far the most difficult of the solids to construct because drawing the pentagon requires an elaborate application of the Pythagorean theorem.

    What is most interesting? The Pythagoreans believed the element that is in the shape of the dodecahedron is ether—God's Spirit—the source of all things that arise in Space and Time. This is the shape that they believed surrounds Earth and the other four solids combined. - source

    And here are the representations of each Platonic Solids and elements:

    The five Platonic Solids are regarded as the building blocks of the universe and equated with the five elements with which everything is made â€" fire, earth, air, water, and ether.

    Star Tetrahedron - Fire

    The Star Tetrahedron symbolizes the element of Fire. Made of two tetrahedrons (triangular pyramids), the Star Tetrahedron is a sharp figure that corresponds with the sharp and piercing heat of the fire. Its uniform shape also makes it symbolic of harmony, equilibrium, stability, and balance.

    Hexahedron - Earth

    The Hexahedron represents the element of Earth. It is shaped like a cube and with its regular & straight lines, it is symbolic of solidity and firmness that are the key characteristics of the Earth. Moreover, the Hexahedron sits flat and firmly rooted, just like the earth.

    Octahedron - Air

    The Octahedron is symbolic of the element of Air. The Octahedron has a smooth shape made of eight equilateral triangles which can be equated with the minuscule components of Air that are so smooth that they can hardly be felt.

    Icosahedron - Water

    The Icosahedron is equated with the element of Water. The Icosahedron is made of 20 equilateral triangles and is the Platonic Solid with the maximum number of faces. Its smooth and even figure is seen as an apt symbol for water that smoothly flows away when one attempts to pick it up.

    Dodecahedron - ether

    The Dodecahedron is associated with ether, a unique element of the heavens, sky or space. ether is regarded as the fifth crucial element that combines with the other four classical elements of fire, earth, air, and water to make up everything in the universe.



    In Rogue, when Adewale talked with Achilles about Haiti at the beginning of the game about his expedition to the Precursor site (which caused another disaster), Adewale said this:


    Now look at the meaning of one of the Platonic Solids. Hint: the one with "water" meaning.


    One issue doesn't particularly fit into this. In the Arctic temple, it was the same tetrahedron as it was in Lisbon, which is weird. Also, it's hard to fit Arctic disaster into any of five meanings of Platonic Solids.

    submitted by /u/bool0011
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    Orelov and the October Revolution deserve a full game. [Spoilers]

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    Orelov is an awesome character. He makes decisions by himself, he is not just a pawn, he is intelligent and caring, his relation and interaction with Anastasia are amazing. He truly has potential imo.

    The October Revolution is a fantastic environment to set a AC game in. AC Chronicles Russia already reveals some interesting details, like the fact, that the Russian Assassins are jerk and kind of evil, that they seem to have cooperated with the revolutionaries, and the fact, that Leon Trotsky, though neither Templar nor Assassin, was a friend of the latter (specifically Nikolai).

    submitted by /u/Taramund
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    AC Valhalla Steam Release Discussion

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    Hello, I haven't been following the details about the game, but just learned that it won't be on Steam. Is this a temporary exclusivity with Epic, or will it never be on Steam? Because normally you'd still see such games on Steam with a description saying it is "planned to be released a year later" etc. but currently there is not a even such a game store page available for Valhalla.

    I will definitely won't buy it outside of Steam, so just curious about any details for the Steam release. Thanks~

    submitted by /u/bureaquete
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    Do you think the order of the ancients in Valhalla will have a side?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    Do you think that in Valhalla the order of the ancients will be the Anglo Saxons or do you think they will just be a group with mixed Vikings and Saxons that come together to try and rule Britain?

    submitted by /u/BlueMagma212
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