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    Monday, August 3, 2020

    Assassin's Creed I made a fan art of Ezio Auditore

    Assassin's Creed I made a fan art of Ezio Auditore

    I made a fan art of Ezio Auditore

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Girlfriend made a really epic artwork of Ezio vs Bayek for my birthday!

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    A new AC Valhalla EP with several tracks from the game will be released this Friday including the main theme by Kyd/Schachner

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    Drew Arno and some baguettes today

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 06:30 PM PDT

    Playing Assassin’s Creed for the first time and those random street beggars are the worst

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    Fuck them! Seriously! Whoever had the idea to put them in the game is the worst! I'm so glad they don't appear in the later games.

    Otherwise, I'm really enjoying the game so far.

    submitted by /u/f0rever-n1h1l1st
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    About the hype around AC Valhalla

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 06:30 PM PDT

    So lemme break it down, all of my friends that i play games with have been ubisoft fans for a very long time, just like myself. My fav series has always been Assassins creed. There has been alot of debating on (Old assassins creed games are better than the new ones) and all that. My friends are slowly drifting off to actually hating ubisoft now.

    I remembered that i was not hyped about Odyssey when it released and im now i'm playing it everyday and i love it. As with Origins, i was not too hyped for it but when i bought it, i loved it. I think its my inner Ezio fanboy hating the covers by these games. Seeing from Ubisoft gameplay for Valhalla, it looks the fucking same as Odyssey but a viking themed. But the more and more i see what the devs has invested, it sounds awesome. Like their ideas and some new mechanics and they brought back some old ones and shizz.

    I am so hype for this game More than usual for an assassins creed game nowdays. But everyone i know says that it will be a waste of time. What do yall think? You think i shouldnt get my hopes up?

    Sorry for spelling, english aint my first language

    submitted by /u/samirgoeshome
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    I would have liked a 3rd or 4th game that used the same engine as unity and syndicate.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    I think they definitely gave up on that engine way too quickly, IMO it probably had more potential than the new engine, especially on the new consoles coming out.

    submitted by /u/stupidnoises
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    ACOdyssey - COMPLETE collection of 250 panoramatic screenshots in 4K+ resolution. free for all

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    Would anyone be interested in a video series depicting the history behind the entire Assassin's Creed series?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    I'm just wondering, since that's what I've been working on for the past few months. Painstakingly researching the real history behind the setting of the first game, so that I can bring the fans a video they love.

    Its has to do with the real history behind the first three crusades, the origins of the Assassin and Templar orders, and all the characters and locations from the first game.

    submitted by /u/TimTalksHistory
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    Was the isu ability to see time retconned?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 12:08 AM PDT

    I got very excited when I first played origins and found the isu temples with those cryptic messages about the sixth sense being the ability to see time. I really liked the explanation. Then, in Odissey, out of knowhere, Poseidon claims the sixth sense is actually "Knowledge", and that it's also related to Kassandra's literal Eagle Vision. That left me wondering... if the whole "see time" idea was discarded, why even bother coming up with this new concept at all?

    submitted by /u/Cole966
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    Which of the assassins creed Ezio games have the best robes?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 10:28 PM PDT

    I like the one in ac2 the most tbh

    submitted by /u/Eh_Meh_Smeh
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    Assassin’s Creed China and Japan are Coming Soon

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 02:09 AM PDT

    Assassin's Creed China and Japan are Coming Soon

    The discussion around when Assassin's Creed will go to China and Japan never stops; and rightfully so as both countries' history is so rich with potential. So for everyone who wants a game in China or Japan, I have good news.A game set in China or Japan is definitely coming in the near future.

    The biggest piece of evidence for this is these two concept arts:



    If you look at the file names which can be found on John Bigorgne's art station, you'd find two names:



    This has the exact same naming convention as concept art for "Assassin's Creed Ragnarok" which became Valhalla (and the concept arts for which were confirmed to be part of Valhalla). John Bigorgne works for Ubi Montreal and has worked on Lineage and Syndicate as a concept artist. It seems very reasonable that he could have made some art of China as well. So now that we can pretty much confirm that this is actual concept art, not fan art like claimed (likely just NDA reasoning), we have to ask:

    Are these images Japan or China?

    I firmly believe this is China for a number of reasons.

    1. The art style is reminiscent of ink washing used throughout Medieval China, and while the art style was picked up by Japan, as were most things, to many the ink washing becomes very synonymous with Chinese art, so much so that Assassin's Creed Chronicles China used it as the art style.
    2. The fortress is a Chinese fort, not a Japanese castle. The Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties built similar looking massive forts. As you can see in these links, Chinese forts would often have a small building and cover over the gate and small buildings on turrets and towers on the outer walls, with the main keeps and structures well within the walls. The walls for the Chinese forts were often straight or a flat angle. Meanwhile, Japanese Castles would sit directly on the walls, using it to elevate the main castle and had a heavier reliance on curvatures in their base and walls than Chinese forts. You can also see some subtle differences in the way the roofs spread out over open areas.
    3. The Armor appears to be Chinese. Looking at the soldiers on the right and the foreground we can see very clear silhouettes and armor. The helmets are mildly conical and some even have a very small brim over the eyes. This is very reminiscent of armor seen in the Yuan Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. The Mongols during the Yuan Dynasty wore similar armor and even some very narrow brimmed hats that we can see from the soldiers on the right. Japanese Samurai wore very ornate armor called gusoku, and while some were a little subdued, it overall had a very recognizable silhouette that no soldier has. Other big soldiers during the Sengoku Jidai began to be the Ashigaru, which are depicted as carrying rifles and having very long brimmed hats.
    4. Weaponry indicates medieval China. Chinese did use firework cannons, which soldiers on the right may be carrying, but all other weapons seen in the image indicate spears and chinese dao which were popular during the Yuan Dynasty. One of the more well known and popular periods of Feudal Japan was the Edo Period which was marked by the Sengoku Jidai where the three Unifiers unified all of Japan in a 50 year period and the Meiji restoration. By this time the Portuguese had brought firearms to Japan, and over 50% of the population owned guns and many owned swords. Two Katanas were traditionally worn by Samurai on their sides, and are generally more curved than Dao. We do not see any soldier other than the assassins wearing two swords (which are straight, small, and in the wrong location).
    5. Far less important, I feel the trees and mountains look more Chinese. Both could just be artistic style, but the smaller pine tree that curves in strange ways and grows near cliffs are very common in China, which pine trees in Japan from what I've seen are largely much straighter. The forest image could be either, but again, based on everything else, I think China is the most likely.

    Despite China being the likely setting, I do think Japan would come afterward. As I discuss in this post (which also covers why Yuan China would work well), every game in the series so far shares an environmental asset pool with another game. China and Japan have similar architecture and environments, and could easily use assets from the other with small tweaks.

    So when is this happening??

    I believe the game in China will come out in 2023. I know it's a little ways off, but hear me out. Concept art is some of the very first things to start in game development, and this art came out in 2018, meaning it was probably in early development in 2018. The engine Anvil Next 2.0 has been in use since Unity, and with new much more powerful consoles, it would make sense to create a new engine for the games. Unity had a 5-year development cycle to completely make a new engine, while Origins which heavily overhauled the engine had 4 years, (the first 2 of which were working on just the engine and combat systems). So for a large scale overhaul of the series, we'd probably be looking at 4-5 years from 2018. So 2023 fits that bill. That also works well for squeezing in one more game that uses the same assets as Valhalla, such as a game in the Black Plague France as I speculated previously.

    So who'll be working on AC China?

    I believe Montreal 2 will be working on AC China. They previously made Ac3 which they made a new engine for, and since AC3 worked on Far Cry 4 and Far Cry 5. Far Cry 6, however, is being worked on by Toronto, which means Montreal 2 has been working on a non-Far Cry game since 2018… Right when those concepts came out… Hmmm.Oh, and YouTuber Fizhy during a 4 Pillars Podcast (about 10 minutes in) reported that there were rumors of a game in Rome, and two sources mentioned there was a game from Ashraf working on Vikings or China. Also, Watch Dogs 3 was coming in 2019. Watch Dogs 3/ Legion was announced for 2019 (but then delayed), Ashraf's team was working on a Viking game too. So what about Rome and China? Well, other Rumors from other YouTubers said Rome was canceled for feeling too similar to Odyssey. And as for the China game that artwork was seen for, it's possible that was Montreal Team 2 working on China, while Team 3 was working on Vikings. It was mentioned that the team making the big next-gen game was making a new engine, (Valhalla just has some small rendering upgrades). So we have 3 out of the 5 parts of the rumor completely correct, and then 1 with other sources verifying and saying Rome was canceled. It seems likely to me that Fizhy's source just got a minor detail wrong, but was probably on the money about China and Vikings.

    China and Japan are happening soon, we just need to wait a few more years.

    submitted by /u/nstav13
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    Ubisoft's problem why we probably won't see any previous protagonist returning (Connor, Bayek, Aya, Shay... )

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    I think one of the Ubisoft's problem with AC is that every new narrator director doesn't want anything from previous directors.

    One example: If someone created Connor before, next narrative director wouldn't use Connor in new game(Like he could be in Unity) because he wants something new from himself. Same coule be said for the Shay.

    Second example: Shao Jun that was introduced in Embers movie, she could fit in AC China, but they put her in Chronichles, she didn't get real game. If someone get chance to write and create character for China/Japan he would create new character just because he want something from himself.

    So by these examples, seems like characters we already have will never come back and that's sad.

    submitted by /u/oaleebih
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    Connor's age throughout the game is mind boggling + other AC3 questions

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 10:44 PM PDT

    He's only 4 when he's playing hide n seek and attacked by the Templars.

    Not only does his character look closer to 10. But the tribe make it clear how dangerous the Valley is. Pretty sure they wouldn't let a bunch of 4 year olds roam around.

    Also then when he leaves the village he's only 13/14 like that's pretty young to be happily killing people and leaving the village entirely.

    I played rogue before this one and I wish they lined up a bit better. Like felt more interconnected. Did haytham just give up on the temple and decide to look for the temples in rogue.

    In 3 they make out that haytham, Charles Lee etc are the first American Templars and yet there's a bunch in rogue and in black flag which is basically set in America too. That confuses me.

    Also I'm not 100% on American history and slavery but can anyone give me a quick rundown of the history with wars going on in blackflag, rogue and 3.

    And slavery as well. I just confuses me that slavery is a think in black flag, freedom cry and rogue but then in 3 its like theyve only just got to America and aren't bothering enslaving the native Americans.

    Just confused tbh.

    submitted by /u/Wise-Tourist
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    The RPG styled games give Ubisoft the opportunity to make a good Templar centered game

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    AC Odyssey proved that Ubisoft can make a really good game without heavy Assassin elements like the hidden blades or the social stealth. With that in mind they can easily make a game were we play as a Templar and we explore the Templar way of doing things. Now don't get me wrong AC Rogue is a good game and I really liked it but it's more like an Assassin that works for the Templars and we don't really see how the Templars operate. So if they use the new RPG styled elements, they can make a game about Templars and really focus on them and in that way they don't have to make a Templar that basically does business exactly like any other Assassin.

    submitted by /u/kostas162000
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    If there was an assassins creed set In the Hundred Years’ War what where would the game be set

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    After Valhalla Ubisoft might want to do one more medieval game before moving to something else like Asia or whatever that decide to do. Based on the survey from a few years ago one of the locations mention from " Joan of Arc's battles and rise of the Black Death during the Hundred Years' War" so it would make sense that this would be the setting. I'm not much of a history buff but just glancing at Wikipedia it looks like the main locations were Great Britain, France and the Iberian peninsula. They probably wouldn't go to Great Britain since England will be a major part of Valhalla. So where would it be set.Would we see a return to France or somewhere else.

    submitted by /u/Bama12127
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    Considering Ubisoft apparently/supposedly scrapped an Ancient Rome game for being “too similar” to Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece, I sincerely doubt they would make games for both Feudal Japan and Imperial China

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    I'm sure most people remember the days were the rumor for the next game was Assassin's Creed Legion set in Ancient Rome and developed by Ubisoft Sofia. Those rumors were likely true, considering they stated that the protagonist would be the grandchild of Bayek and Aya, but also a descendent of Kassandra, BEFORE Legacy of the First Blade revealed Aya was a descendent of Kassandra. So either an extremely lucky guess, or it was true. Anyway, then Valhalla was leaked and subsequently officially announced. We can never be 100% sure what happened to AC Legion or even if it ever existed, but the explanation that went around was that it was cancelled for fear of people thinking the setting was too similar to Origins and Odyssey. That's regardless of the fact Ancient Rome is an extremely rich enough setting on its own, for the average person Ancient Rome, Greece, whatever, same difference. And why am I talking about all of this? Well, because it's the same thing with these Asian settings. I've seen the idea of an Asian trilogy being tossed around, like, games set in Japan, China and Korea or Mongolia, and yeah, those settings can work, very well, actually, but if settings that are known enough to we western pals like Greece and Rome were deemed too similar by Ubisoft, settings way more similar to us like Japan and China (I mean, how many times have you seen people confusing the two?) would never be done more than once. So when or if Ubisoft does an Asian setting they'll choose only one (surely between Japan and China) and that'll be all for us

    submitted by /u/lucky38nv
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    [Spoiler] Questline In Odyssey That Should Have Come After The Main Game.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    So I'm probably a little more than halfway in and I just finished the Pythagoras questline, and it feels like the game spoiled the ending for me. I now know that Kassandra essentially becomes immortal and lives for 2,500 more years after this point, even though I haven't actually beaten the game I know where it's going. My question is why the hell did Ubisoft put this quest in the middle of the game? I guarantee it's going to feel like more of an ending than the actual ending, I mean for fuck's sake it ends on the line "this is an Odyssey I'll never forget." I've personally never played a game that spoiled it's own ending like this and I'm really bummed that I know about this now without having finished the main game first.

    submitted by /u/Logandh3
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    Possible time periods from AC4

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    In AC4 you hack into one of the computers at Abstergo (I don't remember which one) and it talks about Subject 17's (Desmond) ancestors and time periods in which they lived. This list goes as follows:

    Patrilineal Line: Fifteenth Century - Italian Renaissance ✅ (AC2 and Brotherhood) Sixteenth Century - Ottoman Empire ✅ (Revelations) Eighteenth Century - America Colonies / War for Independence ✅ (AC3) Nineteenth Century - New England and American Midwest (Don't know what time period or event they could be referring to)

    Matrilineal Line: Twelfth Century - Holy Land / Crusades ✅ (AC1) Thirteenth Century - Egypt and Northern Africa ✅ (Origins, while not same time period, same setting and neither Bayek nor Aya were related to Desmond) Fourteenth Century - Ashikaga Shogunate in Japan (Hasn't happened yet, hope it will) Eighteenth Century ✅ - French Revolution (AC Unity) Nineteenth Century - Napoleonic Wars; Taiwan (could've happened to Arno, but he would've been an old man, maybe a mentor?) Twentieth Century - "Summer of Love" American Pacific Coast (Woodstock AC game?? Sounds quite ridiculous doesn't it? We already know the Templars went to the moon in the 1960's to retrieve a Piece of Eden but it still sounds rather silly)

    The Africa game (kinda) and the French Revolution game (Unity) have happened since Black Flag's release so maybe a Japan, Napoleonic Wars, or maybe even a Woodstock game is planned for the future.

    submitted by /u/lonerapsfan
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    What are some good keybinds for Origins?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:39 PM PDT

    I've just installed AC Origins and the controls are more complex than I thought they'd be. What do you guys use? Is there a widespread set of binds a lot of people use? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/mozziemofo
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    Just booted up Origins, ran into bad audio quality.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:29 PM PDT

    Is it just me, or is the audio quality kinda shit in this game? Are there any settings I can change to help with this? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/mozziemofo
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    How cool would a VR Assassin's Creed game be?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Granted, some of the covers/hidingspots wouldn't workout, like the haystacks. And the parkour would be bit slower. But how satisfying would it be to successfully stealth kill someone, and the combat would be awesome... Playing VR in VR.

    submitted by /u/StoneBoy007
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    [SPOILER] Just finished Assassin's Creed- Rogue

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 04:10 AM PDT

    Firstly, that game was a lot of fun! I think it was my favourite outside the animus experience in the series, though the game itself could have used some polish. Little things annoyed me - ship captains and fort captains didn't have any more money on them than anyone else, the sneak attacks across the cities got boring really quickly, and I never found myself using the grenade launcher because it was so powerful. I wish it had built more on Black Flag's strengths! It wasn't as good a game as Black Flag (My personal favourite in the series), but was still a strong game.

    Outside the animus, I hacked a computer, and it told me about Otso Berg's (A Templar, and the main outside animus quest giver) first and only venture into the animus, and how he was a Viking within the animus, as they raided Lindesfarne. He fought a Saxon warrior, and bested him, offering him a chance to join them. The warrior instead mourned the death of all who he loved. Otso then killed him without a second thought. The second I saw the mention of the Vikings my face lit up! Is this a reference to Valhalla? Or am I reading too much into it?

    submitted by /u/Jos1th
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