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    Friday, June 12, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed (the movie) is better than I anticipated.

    Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed (the movie) is better than I anticipated.

    Assassin's Creed (the movie) is better than I anticipated.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    I've watched Assassin's Creed the movie with my children again tonight since release. I remember I was dissapointed when it came out, but now I've watched it a second time I changed my opinion. My youngest daughter (11) plays Origins, and will move to Odyssey after. She recognized bits, but missed the animus details, since it has played a minor role since the first couple of games she obviously hasn't played. The middle daughter (13) did only watch me play over the years, and does recognize bits, but only a little.

    However, they both enjoyed the movie massively. One for the story and the recognition, the other for the story and the spectacle.

    I myself found that I liked explaining bits and pieces, that winked or linked at the games, and the original stories. And since I kind of forgot the movie, it developed anew for me. I found myself engaged, and enjoying the details, the story, the action, the shots.

    Assassin's Creed the movie deserves sequels; discuss.

    submitted by /u/Ultra-Pulse
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    A Game Where You Are Born Into A Templar Family

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 09:51 PM PDT

    The game starts with the childhood of the protagonist. You are born into an elite templar family and your snobby parents train you to become a templar. You are the forgotten middle child with a younger sister and an older brother. You have a constant rivalry with your brother, who is constantly beating you in sparring sessions and is the favored one, but you still admire him. Your sister is also more favored than you as well because she shows ruthlessness, cunning ability, and she is basically the most evil one in the entire family. The relationship between you and your sister would be like Azula and Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender if you've seen that show.

    As you grow and develop into a templar, you carry out missions. You eventually realize the cruelty behind the templars and leave them. You defect to the brotherhood, but you have to earn their trust first. After building enough trust, you eventually become an assassin. The final boss is your brother.

    As for the setting, I definitely think of this in a setting where the templar and assassin rivalry is well established and at an all-time high to make the betrayal even worse. The themes of the game would focus on betrayal, rivalry, loyalty, and family. Just imagine how many times the protagonist will be called a traitor, it would be comical.

    EDIT: Yeah, I'm aware that it's similar to Rogue in the sense of switching sides. However, it would focus more on the betrayal of family, not just morality like Rogue. When the protagonist becomes a traitor in this game, I'm thinking it's going to be way more more emotional than Rogue. It's not just the brother rivalry involved, but the father, mother, sister, and cousins have something to say about this since they were all family that somewhat cared for you despite being templars. It's going to be a game that is gonna cut deep, question your choices, and make you feel emotionally torn.

    submitted by /u/Good-Ninja8425
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    Did you expect Al-Mualim's treason at the end of the first game?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 04:11 AM PDT

    I first played the game when I was a child so I got a little mind blown by the twist, did any of you get the same reaction?. I first thought that Robert de Sable was the final boss but as the confession went on all the past assassinations hit me lol.

    To this day I really enjoy the ending and AC1 in general, I like the fight, feels like a passing of the torch with Al-Mualim finally showing his skills and also that it's not a fist fight with the Pope.

    submitted by /u/Darius_odn
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    The amount of Legacy Content potential that Valhalla has is HUGE

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Now I know that for a lot of you, Legacy content is not your cup of tea. But I think I speak for a lot of people in saying that Legacy Content in AC games is a great addition. Which is why I'm excited for the potential Valhalla has for these things. With the amount of in-depth customization that Valhalla has, just imagine what you could do. Edward's tattoos, each character's different beard and hair styles, each character's unique weapon (Connor's tomahawk and dagger for example), sails for the boat. The possibilities are endless. Yeah I know realistically none of this will weapon and we'll most likely get just one to three Legacy Outfits, but a man can dream.

    submitted by /u/UrCasGamer
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    TIL that Cristina from the Ezio games - Simonetta Vespucci in real life - was the model for a number of paintings, including the Birth Of Venus

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    An interesting take on Connor Kenway, and what he represents.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 10:18 PM PDT

    I've once again been sucked into Assassins Creed. I never played all the games, in fact the only ones I've beaten story wise are 1 and 3. At first I was really exited to play through the American revolution, but when I finished, there was something off. I really wanted to like the game, but I felt dissatisfied. Like the game just abruptly came to a stop, with nothing resolved. I didn't admit it at first, but as time went on, I felt like I really wanted to let it go. Yesterday, I saw a video about worst to best Assassin's Creed games, and wouldn't you know it, Assassin's creed 3 was in last place. I was about to finally come face to terms with every thing, and told myself: "It's okay if it's not as good as you remember. Stop worrying!"

    Despite all this, I was still holding out a small bit of hope, and I decided to look for Assassin's Creed 3 Remastered reviews. I can't remember where I heard this, but there was a lot of talk about Connor's cut speech. So, I looked it up.

    This. THIS. THIS! This is what I wanted! You see, Connor never really moved passed the whole naive kid archetype, even in his early 30's, and it gives off the impression that he's just really immature, and stubborn. But after this speech, he finally breaks through!

    Basically, he talks about how he feels about everyone who promised to help him and left his side, and everything he worked for the last decade or so was all for nothing. But you know what he does? He pushes forward anyway. He realizes that he might not be able to accomplish everything he set out to do. In fact, his life's could all be destroyed in one day. But he pushed forward anyway, because if he can move an inch, the people who see him, and are inspired by his story when he's gone will push forward together, and what ends up happening, instead of one person moving an inch forward, everyone will come together to push a mile farther.

    And what ended up happening because of Connor's persistence on moving just one inch? The colonial Brotherhood reformed, and later became the American Brotherhood. And you know who was part of the American Brotherhood? Desmond Miles, who, as you all know, saved the world from the second disaster.

    None of that would have happened however, if Connor had given up because things didn't go his way. He said these two things:

    "The others in the village, they thought this was something I wanted. Something I chose to do. But it never felt that way to me. No. It was not a choice. It was an obligation. Because if not me, then who?"

    "...Even now, faced as I am with the truth of your cold words, I refuse, because I believe things can still change! I may never succeed—the Assassin's may struggle another thousand years in vain—but we will not stop!...I realize now that it will take time; that the road ahead is long, and shrouded in darkness. It is a road that will not always take me where I wish to go, and I doubt I will live to see its end. But I will travel down it nonetheless..."

    What IS Connor Kenway? Figuratively, he is the spirit of change. He never stops believing that things can change for the better, and that he can make a difference, even when faced with the realization that he may most likely never see the day it happens. He presses forward because if he doesn't prove that he can move an inch, who will believe they can move a mile?

    submitted by /u/chipper3458
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    Malik and Altair’s Character Growth Throughout AC1

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    Replaying all of the games again, had to start with the OG. When you first go to Malik in the Bureau, Altair greets Malik with a "safety and peace". Malik retorts (understandably at this point) with a "your presence here deprives me of both". After discovering the truth about Al-Mualim towards the end of the game, before entering Masyaf the two have a conversation. Altair parts with a "safety and peace, my friend" towards Malik. Malik responds with a "your presence here will deliver us both". Phenomenal writing and you actually buy into the fact that both of these characters have grown since the start of the game. First time ever noticing this connection.

    submitted by /u/XxAwhtisticLizardxX
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    The Silk Road As A Setting

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    I think the Silk Road and Mongol invasions would be an amazing setting that I haven't seen people consider for a game. The Silk Road is a trade route that spans from Ancient Persia to China. It meets the criteria of the type of game Ubisoft would like to use as a setting.

    1. It involves famous historical figures such Kublai Khan and Marco Polo
    2. It has a popular TV show (Marco Polo) just like Valhalla and its TV show (Vikings).
    3. The Mongols would be easy to make as evil villains since they murdered their way through the entire east.

    The protagonist is an assassin born into the brotherhood in Persia and is a rookie in training during the beginning of the game. The Mongols end up occupying Persia and murder the brotherhood when they try to resist, leaving only the protagonist to fend for himself. The protagonist vows to complete the mission of killing Kublai Khan and the main Mongol generals. He stalks and follows the path of the Mongol tribe to find and kill their leaders. Basically, for the first time we could actually see a nomadic assassin who is hunting the villains.

    The game would have three main locations, each consisting of its own cities/lands/etc. The first part would be set in Ancient Persia, the second part would be in the Mountainous Central Asian Areas, and the main portion of the game would be set in cities of Ancient China. 25% of the story would be in Ancient Persia, then we get a timeskip to Central Asia for 25% of the story, and then we get another timeskip to China which will be 50% of the game.

    Once we get into China, we can have the protagonist start to build and train his own brotherhood and we can start to recruit and create our own assassin guild like AC: Brotherhood to resist the Mongols.

    submitted by /u/Good-Ninja8425
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    Do you guys have a unspoken rule while playing any game?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    For example, when playing Unity I don't kill any from the National Guard, always knock them out. Same thing in Syndicate, I never kill the cops or soldiers in WWI, only going after the Blighters and Templars.

    In AC3 ever since the British left I only use blunt weapons and fists with the soldiers now.

    Edit: I'm playing Syndicate right now and I accidentally pushed a kid into the Thames. So much for not killing innocents!

    submitted by /u/Venezuelan_phag
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    Since you guys loved the last Hidden blade, we have been working hard to make the Valhalla one. Its been hard to get accurate details on it since the toy version is very different from the trailer version in a lot of areas.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 05:27 PM PDT

    The Lost Archive DLC is absolutely infuriating.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    Who designed it, and then went "Yep. They're gonna love playing this."?

    submitted by /u/Baphoshal
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    Can you remove the air rifle from Shays back(AC:Rogue)?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    Can anyone help me with this,I searched around for so long,and I CANNOT for the life of me find any way to do this,is it even possible,is there a mod or something of which I dont know.Can anyone help me find the texture for it so I can delete it?

    It ruins so many outfits for me and it clips with a few as well.

    Any help would be appreciated,thank you!

    submitted by /u/senorchumbles
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    Assassin's Creed game set in Georgia

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    Assassin's Creed game set in Georgia


    Hello everyone, we've came up with an idea that possibly next Assassin's Creed game should be set in Georgia, You might ask why this small, little country has to get attention from Ubisoft or any Assassin's Creed fans, this idea was born because Georgia is rich in history, it was the country that stood as a stronghold of Europe, from which the enemies, only blooded and weakened, would reach Europe.

    Georgia is the ancient country coming from 13th century BC, since today, Georgians have fought Roman Empire, Persians, Arabs, Byzantine empire, Turks, Mongols, Ottomans, Russians, and yet, Georgians due all these wars, still secured their identity, religion, language and homeland. Georgians might have been conquered many times, but they were always gathering strength, and unitedly defeating all enemies, from very earliest times, Georgians spent the whole history in battles, they always had minor number of warriors compared to enormous enemy empire armies, but due to their warrior spirit, they were acquiring decisive victories, the biggest example is Didgori battle. Georgians also had touch with Scandinavian warriors, they defeated vikings in Sasireti battle, and made vikings slaves, also there are historical facts that even samurais were amazed by the battle of Georgians while fighting along Russian empire, and for the last, Georgian empire reached golden age in XIII century, when it controlled Black, Caspian sea and whole Caucasian region.

    Hope you will get interested in this small, but rich with culture and history country, and help us publish a new Assassin's Creed that is actually set in Georgia, which will be very interesting with it's story and actions,


    Here's the link for petition: https://www.change.org/p/ubisoft-assassin-s-creed-game-set-in-georgia?utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=custom_url&recruited_by_id=3b647d86-9439-45d4-9c79-f5e4c90067b1&fbclid=IwAR3vLV5CJC_1gCItzfU1OD31hmRoRysWNzClHAfklwrulyKJzc1weh7KNO8

    submitted by /u/nikanika4425
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    How does the Animus and Genetic Memory work in the AC universe. Is every second of an individuals life recorded or only certain memories that the ancestor could remember?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    It's implied through the birth of Ezio that memories are recorded into the genome from birth until the next ancestor gets conceived.

    However whenever the ancestor remembers something else during a memory it skips back to that memory and not the one that's currently being experienced (beginning of Brotherhood).

    So that would mean that not every single second of an individuals life is recorded right? Rather just things that had an impact on them and something they could remember accurately, more accurate to the study of epigenetics.

    submitted by /u/Gtaonline2122
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    Just finished Odyssey and started Black Flag

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    I was already exhausted of playing odyssey since halfway in the game. It was just so boring... The missions were always the same and I couldn't care less for the characters. But then I started Black Flag for the first time, and it's simply amazing. The characters are interesting, every part of the game is fun and I enjoy every bit of cutscene while in Odyssey I just skipped all the dialogue. While Odyssey felt like I was completing a giant checklist, Black Flag feels alive. The ship battles are far more realistic and enjoyable than Odyssey's and when you are tired of pirating you have many minigames to play (I'm loving harpooning). I'm really looking forward to Valhalla since they are putting minigames again into the game (like fishing and taking part of the Viking rap battles). I believe this is what will make the game enjoyable in long-term.

    submitted by /u/FGZ154
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    Shanties in Valhalla - would you prefer them in English or Old Norse?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    Assuming of course that there will be shanties (can't remember if it has been confirmed). Personally I'm kind of torn, because Old Norse would obviously be more authentic, but I feel like English lyrics would make them more memorable, like in Black Flag. Just imagine Eivor's crew singing this for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRzQm46_5y0

    submitted by /u/thewildlingking
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    Assassin's Creed Unity is the best game in the franchise.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 01:20 AM PDT

    From an objective standpoint, it was the peak of Assassin's creed's Tenets in every aspect.

    Hidden Blade : Not only there was a LOT of hidden blades to choose from, there where amazing, beautiful animations of stealth kills. Not only from the ground. Different animations for Air, window, edge and double assassinations.

    Parkour : ACU is 6 years old and I still play it almost every day to parkour through Paris. Parkour sideways or down/ up in seconds, again, with beautiful animations.

    Social stealth: in previous AC there weren't a lot of crowds, but in Unity you could literally hide between hundreds of protesters. being the ''Blade in the Crowd''

    graphics : I understand this can be personal preference, but personally, ACU is after 6 years still the best looking AC game till date.

    Story : the story is not perfect in any means, but I just love the transition of Arno being a funny guy who was always making trouble, to a serious and thoughtful Assassin. I loved it.

    Coop : I remember playing with my friends and talking through headset who for example will through the smoke bomb, who will do an air assassinations , who will cause a distraction. it was just amazing I miss these days.

    All in All, ACU was from a the AC tenets ( and my view) the best and most impressive AC Game. And I don't play an AC game to play a mercenary or a warrior, to be part of conquest battles or fight medusa, I buy Assassins creed to , as the name says it, to be an Assassin. Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

    submitted by /u/jordandamon7
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    Read It And if you like it sign it.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 01:01 AM PDT

    I found mobile friendly sites for Fanorona & Nine Men’s for anyone who might need it for AC3

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    I've been replaying AC3 to finish collecting achievements and like most I have to pit AI against AI for the minigame related achievement and synchronisation

    It took me so long to find a mobile friendly method, most are desktop only or not so good apps. I managed to eventually find some good mobile sites :)


    Nine Men's

    In terms of checkers and bowling - I did use an Ai for checkers to begin with but it made moves the game couldn't, so I let it take me as far as it could and by either skill or luck managed to win the rest of the game, I've forgotten what site I used sorry but I literally googled checkers Ai and picked one of the first so you should be good to find one.

    With bowls, this is actually the easiest - just get as close to the little red ball as possible and you'll get there, but there is a glitch to get there quicker - open up the map menu when your opponent bowls and it'll cause them to drop it or at least have a poor throw.

    Good luck :)

    submitted by /u/heresjoeking
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    Assassins Creed Sale on Microsoft Store!!

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 11:40 PM PDT

    I need some advice as to which AC game I should buy next. The only main ones I haven't played yet are Black Flag, Unity, and Syndicate, and they are priced $9, $7.50, and $12, respectively. Which one do you guys think is the best deal?

    Any advice/recommendations are much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/aegontargaryen00
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    Played Unity for the first time in 6 years.(Got 100%). Here’s my opinion on it. [Spoiler] for story if no one has played it. ( it’s at the end)

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    For me, It is probably my favorite gameplay mechanics from combat, parkour, and stealth. But probably has one of the weakest stories. I was engaged at all with story and the only parts I was engaged was with Bellec( I would've sided with Bellec when he was explaining his plan to Arno). The story is basically a twist of Romeo and Juliet in my opinion. It's Arno and Elsie being together but him with the creed and her with Templars. And Arno just seeking revenge on everyone who killed his father and Elsie's father. I would like to hear what others thought about the story.

    submitted by /u/Mr7piggy
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    Of The First Six Games, Black Flag Is The Best.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    Over halfway through as I catch up on AC games before Valhalla, I just beat Black Flag and I'm moving on to Rogue. But holy shit talk about most improved. Especially from 3 to 4, every single aspect, gameplay, visuals, and storytelling are orders of magnitude better in 4 than in 3. Playing them back to back it's kind of unbelievable how much better it is. I've still got five games left before I'm caught up but it's gonna take a lot for any of them to be better than this.

    submitted by /u/Logandh3
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    Plagues in the AC Universe

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    So with everything going on with the pandemic, my brain recalled seeing plagues frequently in the AC universe.

    In Odyssey, you experience a blood plague on Kephallonia, but also the Bubonic Plague of Athens.

    In Origins, the Cyprian Plague arrives in Alexandria and some of your weapons deal plague damage (ass opposed to poison damage).

    I haven't played the Ezio trilogy, but I believe the Black Plague (1347- Europe) makes an appearance

    So that got me thinking, what about 10th century England and found this.


    A bubonic plague in England between the 8th and 10th century. Could this be a tool of Juno?

    submitted by /u/ThatIrishGuy1984
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