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    Wednesday, June 24, 2020

    Assassins Creed 4 I just “finished” Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag and it was such and experience that I feel like I need to decompress and put some thoughts

    Assassins Creed 4 I just “finished” Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag and it was such and experience that I feel like I need to decompress and put some thoughts

    I just “finished” Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag and it was such and experience that I feel like I need to decompress and put some thoughts

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    I'm exhausted. This game is HUGE. So much to do. I also need to admit upfront I am not a 100%-er on games. There are just too many games out there waiting to be played for me to do that. I'll usually play side quests, go on grinding, unlock items, etc. up to the point where I know I won't be able to take it anymore if I don't move on and wrap up the main story within a day or so. I hit that point on ACIV a couple days ago and decided to move on with a plan to finish today after work.

    HOWEVER, it occurred to me last evening that I wanted to upgrade my ship more before heading into the final sequence, which led to about a six hour detour of mining money from treasure maps I hadn't finished yet and collecting the necessary metal from sea battles... until 3:00 am. Ugh.

    The game itself is excellent. The remaster on Switch is nothing short of superb. I loved the story and the characters. The main character, Kenway, I enjoyed him so much he might be a Halloween costume contender for me this year, although everyone will just think I'm a pirate.

    The gameplay was a little sticky but fun. I hated running into something as I tried to escape a battle, only to end up stuck to a pole, and I really couldn't get over accidentally mashing my way into Eagle Vision every time I was panic running/climbing. If I were to rate the game, I'd actually have to take off points not because of these little nuances though, but because there was just too much to do — so 8.75/10. Can I give quarters? I feel like 8.5 is too low and 9 is too high.

    Having never played an Assassin's Creed game, I had no idea what to expect going into this. Heck, for the first 15 hours I feel like I didn't even get it (especially the switching between present day and the 1700s). But once I figured it out I started to appreciate the overarching theme and story of the series. Had to take a minute and do a little googling on that too. I will very likely play another AC game someday but defiantly not right now. I need a break! Whooweee, that was a burner! I need a nap too.

    I hear AC III is the one to really stay away from out of the series (although I guess they fixed a lot on the Switch remaster?).

    I have AC: Rouge bundled with Black Flag and two DLC shorter games that came with the package. Definitely gonna wait on those for now though!

    As you all probably know the time to play the main story (according to the Internet) is about 20 hours. I played 49 hours and 38 minuets. So just about 30 hours on top of main story and I will say I left A LOT on the table. This is definitely not a "platinum post" — just a mental decompress after finishing the game from a newb to the franchise.

    submitted by /u/AbacabLurker
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