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    Sunday, May 31, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Something I made in Procreate for us Bayek fans. Feedback is welcomed.

    Assassin's Creed Something I made in Procreate for us Bayek fans. Feedback is welcomed.

    Something I made in Procreate for us Bayek fans. Feedback is welcomed.

    Posted: 30 May 2020 04:46 AM PDT

    My favorite piece of dialogue between Altair and Malik from the first game

    Posted: 30 May 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    spoilers if you have yet to play the game

    Altair: All this time, I never told you I was sorry. Too damn proud. You lost your arm because of me. Lost Kadar (Malik's brother). You had every right to be angry.

    Malik: I do not accept your apology.

    Altair: I understand.

    Malik: No, you don't. I do not accept your apology because you are not the same man who went with me into Solomon's Temple. And so you have nothing to apologize for.

    Altair: Malik...

    Malik: Perhaps if I had not been so envious of you, I would not have been so careless myself. I'm just as much to blame.

    Altair: Don't say such things.

    Malik: We are one. As we share the glory of our victories, so too should we share the pain of our defeat. In this way, we grow closer. We grow stronger.

    Altair: Thank you, brother.

    Forgiveness is so hard sometimes, almost impossible. Dispense it to those who truly deserve it, and you will find yourself more at peace.

    submitted by /u/hypnotic_plethora
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    AC 3 Help: I pushed Shaun off the cliff and now he won’t come back

    Posted: 30 May 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    I need some help. I was joking around and I pushed Shaun off the cliff in the MD and now he won't come back. Is he going to be gone for the rest of my play through?

    submitted by /u/TheWykydtron
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    Who Did The Research In Unity?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    Who on earth did the historical research for the story and database in Unity? It was one of the most fantastic parts of the game. I loved the Paris stories which integrated random famous people into the story, and introducing us to obscure historical figures. Also they provided in-depth references to cultural items and local legends like the Infernal Machine and Philbert Aspirait. Who in the world did the research for their game, and where can I get my hands on their sources?

    submitted by /u/IndyTintin47
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    I would love to see a game set in Ancient Mesopotamia

    Posted: 30 May 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    I honestly think the location is too god of a location to pass. Ancient Babylon looks absolutely stunning. Just look at the pictures of this: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/77/38/bd/7738bdaaf5100b0d3c3d1e4bc1cebd3d.jpg

    And this: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/67/ff/c2/67ffc24441837dfed36bc1eb7698483f.jpg

    It would take place during the invasion of Alexander the Great, who would be the main templar of the game.

    submitted by /u/DirectInformation5
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    Assassin’s Creed: Gold -Scripted! (Full Chapter 1 Script)

    Posted: 30 May 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    What if there were a game about Joan of Arc?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    King Charles VII could be the Assassin Mentor, Joan could be a descendent of a Sage. She wouldn't be a Sage herself, but she would have enough Isu DNA to hear the voices the claimed to hear.

    Or maybe Joan herself could be the Assassin Mentor, and Charles VII is the Templar Grand Master, but a more moderate one, like Haytham. So he doesn't save her from being burned at the stake because he's a Templar and she's an Assassin, but he clears her name posthumously because, despite their ideological differences, he respected her and felt like he owed her.

    Either way, the game would end with her death.

    submitted by /u/mylegismissing
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    If IO Interactive (Hitman dev) collaborated with Ubisoft to make "Assassin's Creed: Contracts"

    Posted: 30 May 2020 03:50 AM PDT

    Basically it will be all 'blackbox missions' from Unity and Syndicate but the settings could be from AC1 to Black flag. The main difference is there will be NO cutscenes showing the "opportunities" to approach and kill the target. You have to discover it for yourself.

    The map will be down-scaled to a 'mini open-world' but with more enterable buildings or structures and interactable objects (similar to Hitman games). The NPC's are not only for aesthetic but will reveal 'opportunities' to help with your mission, hidden in their 'conversations' or their routine. They could reveal secret passages, broken walls of a castle, unguarded entrances, weapons, the target's routine or a merchant/servant/guard's uniform. Just like in Hitman, just being near them will trigger their conversation or activity, unlike in AC 3 where you have to be inside the "circle" to eavesdrop.

    'Choosing what to bring before every mission' (still depending on the time period) - main weapon ( dagger, sword, axe, spear etc.) - tools (poison, rope dart, money etc.) - projectiles (knives, bombs, crossbow, bows, etc.) The hidden blade by default will always be brought. It will be the equivalent to agent 47's fiber wire and signature kill. You can bring as much or few as you want before every mission.

    "Money as a tool' - courtesans and thieves (Ezio games) can be hired only once - if you are discovered by an enemy, throwing money through a crowd will slow them down. - if you forgot to bring any money you can always pickpocket but if discovered NPCs will call for a guard

    Parkour will be same as in Unity but free-running near a restricted area or the target will trigger enemy's 'suspicion meter'. There will also be a "disguise mechanic" but slightly different. The "disguises" can only be found hidden in the level and not taken from any NPC. Social stealth is back and will have similarities with Hitman's "blending" button prompts.

    If you wish to go full combat - the combat would be similar to origins or oddysey and will rely on parry system If the target discovered you he will run to his "safe area" where he will be guarded with his most elite soldiers.

    Now the reason for this "idea" of a game is mainly because I want to see the settings and time period of AC 1 to Black flag get the same treatment as the Hitman games, more livelier NPCs and enterable buildings. I would like the feeling of infiltrating a guarded villa from the Renaissance (Ezio's time period) or finding a way to get inside a Man o' War docked in Havana to kill the target (Black flag's time period).

    submitted by /u/Kenway21
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    Joke I found at the end of Origins’ Secrets of the First Pyramid mission

    Posted: 30 May 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    Replaying Origins and I get to the Secrets of the First Pyramid mission. The end of the mission the guy finds piles of old and ancient scrolls holding who knows what secrets inside of them. The last thing he says "I will take these to the Library of Alexandria so they will be preserved for the ages ".

    And then you meet Caesar later in the game....

    In Alexandria...

    Big oof 🤣

    submitted by /u/Wandering-Gammon27
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    The more that I think about it, the more scared I am towards AC Valhalla’s story (in a good way), and it’s all because of Darby

    Posted: 30 May 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    So I've been listening to The Parting Glass because you know I thought it was a good idea to fucking cry like a baby. While listening it (crying) I decided for whatever reason to watch the ending to Black Flag and I kept crying. Darby fucking knows gow to hit people in the feels. Revelations, Embers, and Black Flag all hot you in the feels, and now with Darby being the Narrative Director for Valhalla, I'm expecting full on punch me in the feels, especially with how they basically describe it as the "Avengers Endgame" of the franchise.

    submitted by /u/UrCasGamer
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    Ranking Desmond's face from best to worst

    Posted: 30 May 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    1) AC Brotherhood (I prefer this look than ac 3 Desmond even though ac 3 Desmond looks more handsome, idk why)

    2) AC 3

    3) AC 2 (He looks younger and a bit childish than AC 1)

    4) AC 1

    5) AC: Revelations (Most realistic looking one but also the least charismatic one)

    submitted by /u/Vincent18904
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    Has there been a time where the Assassins have been the dominant force and the Templars are hiding in the shadows?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 07:40 PM PDT

    Why does connor remember the events of the original timeline in tyranny of george washington?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 09:49 PM PDT

    Question regarding the tyranny of George Washington dlc.

    I know that this is a alternate reality and all but how does connor remember the events of the original timeline in this reality? Also how in the hell did george washington posses the apple of eden?

    submitted by /u/cluelessflier
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    Assassin's Creed helps kids Learn (NPR)

    Posted: 30 May 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    AC Revelations - Are the villains incompatable?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    I'll cut straight to the chase.

    The game builds up the conspiracy of Manuel Palaiologos. The guy is basically the last of an old bloodline of leaders of the Byzantine Empire, so it makes sense that he would conspire in a remote and safe city -Cappadocia- to overthrow the Ottomans. That is his motivation. Ok, so far, so good.

    But then the game pulls a carpet under us and makes Ahmed -the Sultan's favourite son and thus to-be ruler of the Ottoman Empire- be the leader of the Templar Rite in the area. And his motivation is to.. unite all mankind and stop all fighting by using the power of the Grand Temple..?! Ok, he obviously doesn't know what's inside the Grand Temple or even how he would use it to rule/unite the world.. but my main complain is,

    Ahmed wants to rule the world. Whether he aims to do so from the throne of the Ottoman Empire, or just as the figurehead of the Templars, it's unclear, but he plans to be "Supreme Leader" or something like that.

    Manuel just wants to bring the Byzantines back to power.

    Aren't these two goals incompatible? Why would Manuel work with someone who would, eventually enslave his faction again. What does he have to gain by working with the would-be leader of his sworn enemies? He even doubles down by saying "Ottomans and Byzantines are facades" and that beyond the borders, all Templars are the same. Well, if he's #1 allegiance is to the Templars, why would he want to bring back a faction that directly opposes the Templar Grand Master's home?

    On the other hand, what exactly does Ahmed stand to gain by working with Manuel? I would sort of understand it if Ahmed was not the favourite for the throne. He could use Manuel's army to indirectly strike against Selim -his brother, and the other candidate for the throne- and either kill him or swing the favour to his way. But that is not the case.

    The only valid reason I could see working, is Ahmed using Manuel's troops to search for the Masyaf keys. This kinda works as a reason because when Ezio is scouring the tombs for the keys, the only troops we meet as Byzantines, not Ottomans. Is that it, then? I still can't see their alliance ending without Ahmed betraying Manuel when he finds all the keys for him.

    Any ideas/follow-ups on this?

    submitted by /u/TryingNeutralGood
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    Arno & Elise - Love Story | Assssin Creed

    Posted: 30 May 2020 11:34 PM PDT

    The “surprise areas” in AC: Valhalla are almost certainly Dublin and Strathclyde – but we might also see Rome. Here’s why.

    Posted: 30 May 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    !!!Spoilers from previous games!!!

    I have seen a few posts on this subreddit where people are coming up with ideas for what "surprise areas" we are going to visit in AC: Valhalla outside of Norway and England. Some of the ones that I have seen mentioned are Iceland, the Middle East, North America, Ireland, Paris, Rome, Scotland, Constantinople, Kievan Rus and Denmark. While many of these locations do have ties to Vikings raids or Viking expansion – I think that some of them are a bit far-fetched. I think that the "surprise areas" almost certainly are going to be Dublin and perhaps also Strathclyde. Here's why.

    Assassin's Creed Valhalla is being made by many of the same people that worked on Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and Assassin's Creed Origins, so it makes sense to look at how "surprise areas" were used in those games.

    Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag had three "surprise areas"; Charleston in South Carolina, Ocracoke Inlet in North Carolina, and Principe off the coast of Gabon, Africa. Why were these location chosen? They were chosen because of their association with some of the key supporting characters. Charleston was included because of its association with Blackbeard. The entirety of the sixth sequence in AC4 revolves around trying to gather medicine for Nassau and this storyline ends with the historically-accurate Blockade of Charleston where Blackbeard got his hands on the necessary medicine. Meanwhile, Ocracoke Inlet and Principe were included because these places were associated with the death of Blackbeard and Bartholomew Roberts, respectively. That's it. There were really no of reasons. Assassin's Creed Origins has (as far as I remember) only one "surprise area"; Rome – and it was included because of its association with Caesar and his death.
    Other examples of this from the series include Viana (Spain) in AC: Brotherhood which is associated with Cesare's death as well as the Caribbean in AC3 because that's where Benjamin Church most likely perished.

    The reason why I think that we are going to visit Dublin and Strathclyde is because these areas are heavily associated with Halfdan Ragnarsson – especially Dublin. He is a Viking that I'm almost 100 percent certain is going to have the same level of importance in the story as Blackbeard did in Black Flag. Halfdan invaded both Strathclyde in Scotland and took control of Dublin in 875, before losing control of the latter two years later. He then went back to Ireland in 877 and died trying to reclaim Dublin. I think that we are going to join him on his journey of invading Strathclyde and claiming/reclaiming Dublin. I personally think that Dublin will be a town we can freely travel to in the same manner that we could go to Principe at anytime in Black Flag (after the first visit), and Strathclyde could maybe be a one-time visit akin to the Bunker Hill mission in AC3.

    However, I think that Rome could also be a potential location because of its association with a certain king that we are most likely going to meet; Burgred of Mercia. He ruled the Kingdom of Mercia from 852 until 874. He abandoned Mercia in 874 when the Vikings launched their second invasion-attempt of said Kingdom and went to Rome where he died shortly after his arrival. What if Burgred is actually a member of the Order of Ancients and Eivor is sent to Rome to assassinate him? Or what if he is a Hidden One who betrays the order, make plans with the Order of Ancients, those plans are foiled by the Viking invasion of Mercia, he goes into hiding in Rome and Eivor goes there to finish him? I hope that something like this could happen.

    So, there it is. My guess is that Dublin, Strathclyde and Rome will be the "surprise areas".

    submitted by /u/SirChrissaster
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    Britain in 873AD (When AC: Valhalla is set)

    Posted: 30 May 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    Britain in 873AD (When AC: Valhalla is set)

    All credit to the 'Ollie Bye' Youtube channel and the video: 'The History of the British Isles'


    The Dark brown bits are Norse settlement areas. So if all is historically accurate, perhaps our Settlement will be Lincoln? (Or whatever the Vikings called it, at the time). About 10 years after this point, the Vikings captured all of North West England, so there *tons* of scope for stories, death, and battles galore!


    submitted by /u/fyz306903
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    Looking for AC Unity jigsaw puzzle

    Posted: 30 May 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    So my daughter loves to do puzzles and I love AC Unity so I decided to see if I could find a puzzle that would appeal to us both. A quick Google search found a puzzle with Arno standing in front of Notre Dame with the French flag... but it is a UK website. I am in the USA and can't seem to find the same puzzle... or really hardly any AC puzzles. Anyone know of a place to purchase such a thing?

    submitted by /u/tryst_91
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    Ac: Brotherhood Female Whispering Voice

    Posted: 30 May 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    So i was playing brotherhood the other day and while i was walking and freerunning i started hearing a female voice whispering At first i thought i was going crazy but my friend said he heard it too So any of yall know what the female voice is about Id love to hear your thoughts

    submitted by /u/BillGK10
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    What is up with the camera controls in Syndicate?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 04:26 PM PDT

    I played this game briefly back when it first came out, and only now have I gotten back into it, and there is a serous camera issue I do not remember this game having at launch. It's a bit hard to explain but moving the camera feels very heavy and slow and awkward and I'm having a very hard time doing anything with it in real time. Changing the speed to maximum has helped a bit but it still feels awful and not at all like how I remember it. I'm playing on an xbox one s; perhaps there was some update or patch that accidentally screwed up the camera? My controller works fine with other games btw.

    submitted by /u/Mikecirca81
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    (ac odyssey, no spoilers) timed defeat conquest battles in nightmare

    Posted: 30 May 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    Im at the first conquest battle, in nightmare.

    I figured that if i push them down a Cliff its an insta kill, so i spend like 3 sec between each soldier, then the mercenary comes, do the same. I kill everyone in less than 3 secs and still i run out of time, wtf? How tf am i supposed to win this? If i spend time fighting like a normal fight then it would be even more impossible since they take a while each.

    submitted by /u/reyfor11
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    Quick question abort the armor that comes with the deluxe edition of Odyssey

    Posted: 30 May 2020 09:24 PM PDT

    Disclaimer: I apologize in advance if this has been asked already

    Do I get this armor (from purchasing the deluxe edition of the game) for 2 hours of gameplay or 2 hours overall? Pretty much just asking if I can save it for a while then the 2 hours starts once I put it on/equip it or the clock is ticking right away? Please let me know if you have any insight into this or anything else at the beginning because I didn't realize there's really not that much tutorial to introduce how this stuff works from the onset.

    submitted by /u/samsarapwd
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    do Oikos Store Items cross Over In Save Files

    Posted: 30 May 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    Hello I Just got a Store Item From Oikos And Was Wondering If I Restarted the game would i keep that item forever as i would very much like to get a whole set then restart the game to use the items

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Xanda06
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