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    Sunday, May 3, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed Origins | New Amunet fan art

    Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed Origins | New Amunet fan art

    Assassin's Creed Origins | New Amunet fan art

    Posted: 02 May 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    Assassin's creed Valhalla trailer YouTube total views across all channel beat Assassin's creed odyssey reveal trailer entire views in just 1 day

    Posted: 02 May 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    Assassin's creed Valhalla total views is close to 14 million combing all YouTube channel in just 2 days, where Assassin's creed odyssey just sitting in 8 million for 2 years, the hype is real guys. And power of cinematic trailer.

    submitted by /u/LeadingNewday
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    Can we please kill the ridiculous notion that Vikings equal no stealth?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    Many here seem to have got it into their heads that the Norse were unusually large and violent and that stealth and even climbing mechanics will feel out of place in ACV. But archaeology tells us the average height of both men and women was barely greater in Scandinavia than in Britain or on the continent. And as for stealth, personally I can think of no better way of raiding an enemy castle than getting a discrete group inside to open the door for the rest.

    If you're basing your expertise on Vikings on History Channel's fictional portrayal of them, there are some things you will need to re-evaluate.

    submitted by /u/ToffeeKing
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    I made Eivor’s shield from the Valhalla Trailer!

    Posted: 02 May 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    The Eagle Bearer

    Posted: 02 May 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    Assassin's Creed III was ahead of its time and felt like a huge jump in terms of environments, animation and weather effects. I hope we see a similar leap in quality for Valhalla.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:34 AM PDT

    Remember trudging through realistic snow and watching how Connor shifted his body weight to climb cliffs and trees? The dynamic fog, the rolling waves in the ocean... I also think Unity deserves credit for seeing a big jump in animation quality and lighting. Origins definitely deserves a shout out for map size and world beauty.

    But we seem to have taken some steps backwards in other ways... Parkour feels far less innovative and more floaty, for example...

    I really hope Valhalla is the next big jump in overall quality.

    submitted by /u/WolverineKuzuri93
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    Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Ezio's Family (preview OST posted on their Facebook)

    Posted: 02 May 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    Haven’t seen so much hype surround an AC game in years.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    It's only been a few days and Valhalla has already outdone both Origins and Odyssey in terms of sheer widespread hype. A lot more people than normal are catching on. I suppose the insanely badass CGI trailer is a big part of that, as we haven't had a good one for an AC game in quite a while. Also, I guess just a shit load of people are Norse/Viking nerds. Not to mention the fact that Valhalla will be a next-gen launch title.

    Man, I'm so excited.

    submitted by /u/C-O-N-T-E-M-P-T
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    Not sure if this makes sense, but I really hope there’s ‘weight’ to the movement. Anyone know what I mean?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    It seemed to die with syndicate, but moving around feels so floaty and dull with the current ones. Parkour is on the back burner so I hope I can feel the movement again, it looks promising so far. This would just top it off along with the hidden blade and other features.

    submitted by /u/ThrowawayOak
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    Just finished AC:Origins and it's amazing.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    I began playing a few months ago and now I finished both DLCs. I can certainly say this game is by far my favourite AC game, and one of my best experiences in gaming. The world feels alive, fleshed out and historically astounding. It has its flaws like every game but hell the world they crated is unparalleled.

    The game is so beautiful ...I just cant sometimes. Some of my best screenshots.

    The only complaint I have for the setting is that it's sad we didn't get to see Egypt in its glory. 2-3 thousand years ago with pharaohs and shit. Still, its pretty damn good.

    Please don't recommend me Odyssey, I am not interested in a soulless copy paste grind fest. Thank you :)

    submitted by /u/Barastis
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    Did some painting doodling, what do you Think?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    Parkour in trees must come back in Valhalla

    Posted: 02 May 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    Remember ac3, way ahead of its time offering an interesting way to maintain the importance of parkour with the lack of structures in the colonial America, Valhalla should take a similar approach, and take advantage of the forest and the wilderness , stealth should be benefit for that too

    submitted by /u/Davidcobbie
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    The Statue in the new Assassins Creed Valhalla trailer is NOT Odin!!! It IS Tyr!!

    Posted: 02 May 2020 06:26 AM PDT


    I've been seeing lots of Comments about the statue seen in the Trailer and even Trailer breakdowns calling the statue a Statue of Odin! The statue is in fact NOT Odin. (or at least if the devs are calling it Odin it should NOT be how Odin is portrayed as the statue Truly portrays Tyr)..

    Odin is missing his right eye which he plucked out and threw into Mimir's Well – which is also known in the mythology as the Well of Urd. Odin did this in exchange of knowledge. Tyr on the other hand (no pun intended) intentionally made a deal with the wolf Fenrir where he placed his hand in Fenrir's jaw as a sign of good faith. When Fenrir realized he was tricked he bit down and Chomped off Tyrs left hand. Tyr Is also commonly recognized in the mythology as the god of war. (although he was a god of much more as well)

    Now how does this all apply to the statue. Well The statue has both eyes and is missing a left hand. They also appear to be being blessed prior to sailing off to combat/battle. It was not uncommon to say prayers or make sacrifices to Tyr prior to battle. So because the statue is NOT missing either eye and IS missing a hand. Either this would be Tyr or the devs made HUGE HUGE mistake and made some major much avoidable issues when trying to properly portraying the mythology in the game world.

    Edit: https://youtu.be/L_nb_YECQoQ?t=102 - heres the interview with Creative Director and Lead Writer where they state the statue is supposed to be a depiction of odin.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWDxCQwqMao&t=27s - Also the Audio description version of the trailer stating the statue is supposed to be a depiction of Odin

    submitted by /u/zhrocks11
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    How is Origins not an Assassin's Creed game?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    I seriously don't understand why some people think that Origins isn't an Assassin's Creed game. It's the origin of the assassins brotherhood, not some guy starting a murder cult with his ex.

    So please, enlighten me as to how it's somehow not an Assassin's Creed game.

    submitted by /u/Foxy_Pirate_Man68419
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    Why I like Connor Kenway

    Posted: 02 May 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    Most people dislike his stillness, his seriousness and he seems way too different compared ezio.

    I loved the vulnerability of conor during the homestead missions, how he learned how life is, how pure he was and how he matured as he grew. I really can't blame him being serious, he grew up with an exhausting mindset, knowing he has a large role to play.

    I loved the whole story of AC3, I think haytham is a fantastic character and the best Templar villain, however I didn't fully hate him as he's one of the rare templars that made me understand his goals. The fleshed out sequences this game had was well done, they gave us 3 sequences to understand the templars motives and set the villains which was greatly done. And the rest in which showed us connor's journey from child till end was fleshed out, and it's mainly why I liked the story, nothing felt rushed, everything felt in place.

    submitted by /u/Timo-D03
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    The new AC games not being real AC games is brought up way too often

    Posted: 02 May 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    Every thread I've been to, there are at least 20 comments about how the new AC games aren't real AC games and how they miss the old ones.

    I understand the sentiment, the newer games play a lot differently. But that's okay.

    We know so many people here have that opinion. You don't need to talk about in every single thread talking about the new game. Just find the one person who already said that and upvote their comment. I literally can't go for 1 minute on this sub without seeing a comment about how it's not real AC.

    It may be true, it might not, but we really need to start talking about something else.

    submitted by /u/ScreamingFreakShow
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    The guy that Eivor is giving the paper too is clearly of North African descent

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    or Leventine/Near east descent


    Ashraf did talk about their being alot of Viking-Arab connections in the 9th century, i think the idea of this connecting to Assassin's Creed 1 is more and more possible

    submitted by /u/thunderking500
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    If they will continue that style of games after Valhalla then I'm 99% sure aztecs will be the next setting

    Posted: 02 May 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    I know there is no point is speculating now, it's way too early, but I just had this showerthought, it has to be aztecs.

    It would fit perfectly to that style of games. You have architecture that can be perfectly reinterpreted in a more fantastical style like the statues is Greece or some of the buildings I already say in Valhalla screenshots. It also can be perfectly combined with ISU architecture like in the Atlantis DLC. I mean just imagine a tenochtitlan how Ubisoft would imagine it.

    Then of course you have a rich mythology, spiritual people, melee combat, very interesting fashion styles perfect for customization, new weapons and the story is perfect for AC with likely with europeans arriving at the start of the game.

    I'm 99% sure that if Ubisoft doesn't do another 180% turn (which I wouldn't mind either) this would be the next setting. There is no other setting that would fit better to the current style of AC games.

    See you guys in 2023.

    submitted by /u/zuluportero
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    I genuinely think AC: Valhalla will differ significantly from AC: Odyssey

    Posted: 02 May 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    It's apparent that Odyssey wasn't everyone's favorite AC game (if you even personally consider it an AC game at all), and I truly think the team behind Valhalla knows. Ashraf Ismail and Darby McDevitt working together on this game gives me hope for what this game can be.

    Especially in the way they've talked about it so far, it really sounds like they're really wanting to please old fans and new. Of course, it's impossible to please absolutely everyone, but they are absolutely going to try and rekindle the AC flame for more veteran fans of the series and I think they're going to do that by dialing back on some of the stuff Odyssey did that wasn't well received (i.e. floaty combat, 2 separate possible characters, over the top armor and weapon system, non-assassin assassin's creed story, lack of stealth, bloated enemy levels to slow progression, and many many others). I also think the settlement system is going to be similar to the cafes in Unity, or the homestead in 3. Odyssey completely lacked anything like this, which (at least to me) was a huge bummer.

    I really have hope for this game, and I hope I'm not the only one who does.

    submitted by /u/rcparent17
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    Will we ever get another trilogy?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    One thing that bothers me is that Ubisoft seems hesitant to stick with a single setting and character. Part of me thinks the strategy is to make each entry appealing to those unfamiliar with previous games. By doing so Ubisoft doesn't isolate any newcomers to the franchise, with each game introduced as a clean slate. Newcomers can literally jump in any time. However, it's a bit frustrating to get glimpses of a fully realized characters only to have their story abruptly end at their solo game's credits. I would have liked another entry with Arno or Bayek. But I think the more profitable approach is to dazzle audiences every year or two with a completely new game.

    submitted by /u/Theoson
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    GameStop Ireland reveals release date for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Eivor the Wolf Kissed Statue for 22/10/2020

    Posted: 02 May 2020 10:02 PM PDT

    Can't post image but I'll link it here


    What do y'all think about that date? I don't think they would release the statue before the game tbh so I'm hoping this may be the actual release date.

    submitted by /u/deolmo312
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    AC Valhalla Hidden Blade Theory (Possible Spoiler)

    Posted: 02 May 2020 10:37 PM PDT

    I think it would be interesting if at the beginning of the game, eivor gets the hidden blade but puts it on top of the arm. As we progress through the game, we learn more about the Hidden Ones and their purpose, and finally join them near the end or middle of the game. That's when eivor will cut off his/her ring finger and place the hidden blade beneath his/her arm, showing their commitment to the Hidden Ones. Sounds pretty cool imo

    submitted by /u/tarund2302
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    I hope they make leveling easier

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    The leveling in odyssey was horrible, I had to do like 20 quest just to level 3-5 times. I just hope in Valhalla they would make it more relaxing.

    submitted by /u/Elfriede-fanboi
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