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    Wednesday, April 1, 2020

    Assassin's Creed There's a livestream about to start on Twitch with Assassin's Creed Symphony Conductor

    Assassin's Creed There's a livestream about to start on Twitch with Assassin's Creed Symphony Conductor

    There's a livestream about to start on Twitch with Assassin's Creed Symphony Conductor

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    Here's the link in case anyone is interested!

    submitted by /u/cicIope
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    The reason Ezio is so adored is because he was the main character in 3 full games. It's unfair to hold others to the same standard.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    I love Ezio as much as the next guy. Leaving aside his arc from foolish playboy to stoic Master Assassin, his games were well written, set in suitable time periods and had interesting villains. The Ezio Trilogy was a great set of games and probably worth another playthrough as my country is in lockdown.

    But it's simply unfair to say that other characters are lesser because they weren't as well developed as Ezio. This isn't me trying to explore Ubisoft's market strategy and why they won't dedicate 3 full games to the one character in roughly the same setting (again). It's just a small defence of great characters such as Arno, Bayek, Edward, Connor & Alexios. I'm sure if you isolate one of Ezio's games you'd probably have the same complaints re lack of development or padding.

    submitted by /u/HanSoloHeadBeg
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    I think unity has the best stealth mechanics in the whole series.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 03:03 AM PDT

    Now I'm pretty sure we can all agree on, nearly all AC games have mediocre AI however in terms of overall stealth I pick unity.

    I think it has the best level design and enemy placement. It also has the best assassination animations and the smoothest feeling. You also have multiple gadgets and there was a cover system. Now the AI is mediocre but it does get challenging due to the enemy placement. Origins and odyssey do have forts but as a relatively decent stealth player I find it easy to exploit the AI and find ways around, unlike unity.

    What game do you think has the best/most challenging stealth mechanics?

    submitted by /u/Timo-D03
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    POSSIBLE SPOILERS: AC Valhalla achievements

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    The Existentialist Roots of the Assassin's Creed

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    I applied my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly. I perceived that this also was a chasing of the wind. For in much wisdom is much grief. And he that increaseth knowledge, increaseth sorrow.

    ~ Al Mualim [From Ecclesiastes 1:12-18]

    These are the opening lines of Assassin's Creed, repeated again towards the end when Altaïr makes contact with the Apple of Eden. It's also one of the first descriptions of what we would call an 'existential crisis' today - moments when one questions the purpose and meaning of human existence. On closer inspection, the Creed of the Assassins is actually an attempt at finding satisfactory answers to these questions, and the series draws heavily from existential philosophy to achieve this.

    Philosophers up until the 1800s largely accepted that all objects including humans have their purpose decided for them before birth; similar to how an artisan fashions a knife with a pre-defined purpose in mind - Its ability to cut. Existentialism challenges this notion by claiming that humans aren't born with any hard-wired purpose, and it's up to us to figure out our essence - the thing which gives our life meaning and purpose. This might not sound like much today, but back when religion was central to most people's worldview, this was a radical idea. For thousands of years you didn't have to choose for yourself, God chose for you. It's important to note however, that existentialism is not atheistic. Plenty of existentialists are atheists, but there are theistic existentialists who refute the notion that God made the universe, or our world, or us with any purpose in mind.

    So life is utterly devoid of meaning in its totality. What do you do, now that you're abandoned in a universe full of meaninglessness? You experience an existential crisis. For in much wisdom is much grief. Since there is no higher purpose, you come to the hopelessly dreadful realization that there are no absolutes to abide by. No universal notions of justice, no fairness, no order, no rules. Nothing is True.

    For if nothing is true, why believe in anything?

    ~ Edward Kenway

    This line of reasoning would indeed be correct if the Creed was a call to nihilism, but the Creed is dedicated to tackling the meaninglessness of it all head-on by exploring the ramifications of human free will. If nothing is true, there are no guidelines for your actions and no authority can be looked up to for answers. In the absence of any kind of determinism which dictates human nature, you are forced to come up with your own moral code to live by. Everything is Permitted. The entire responsibility of your existence is squarely upon your own shoulders. But this freedom of choice is accompanied by a great weight of responsibility - choosing authentically.

    The exercise of absolute human freedom is a very exhilarating, yet alarming experience. Most people try to avoid it by adopting predetermined roles offered by morality, society, or religion; because we would rather take comfort in burying our heads in sand and let someone else do all the decision making for us than accept the full weight and consequence of our freedom. To live the truly authentic life, you must realize that any meaning your life has, is given to it by you. No one's advice can lead you to a decision that is truly authentic, only yours; and this realization is achieved through the means of enlightenment.

    Enlightenment is a man's emergence from his self-incurred immaturity. Immaturity is the inability to use one's own understanding without the guidance of another. This immaturity is self-incurred if its cause is not the lack of understanding but the lack of courage and resolution to use it without the guidance of another. The motto of enlightenment is therefore Sapere aude! (Dare to be wise!). Have courage to use your own understanding.

    ~ Immanuel Kant, An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?

    All the ideas discussed so far now quickly fall into place in this conversation between Altaïr and Al Mualim which perfectly embodies the heart of the philosophy behind the Assassin's Creed -

    Al Mualim: What is the truth?

    Altaïr: We place faith in ourselves. We see the world the way it really is, and hope that one day all mankind might see the same.

    Al Mualim: What is the world then?

    Altaïr: An illusion. One which we can either submit to, as most do, or transcend.

    Al Mualim: What is it to transcend?

    Altaïr: To recognize nothing is true and everything is permitted. That laws arise not from divinity, but reason. I understand now that our Creed does not command us to be free. It commands us to be wise.

    With the philosophical implications of the Creed behind us, there's now another aspect to the conflict between the Assassins and the Templars for consideration. Templar ideology paints a very reductive and bleak picture of the human condition as it strives to reduce mankind to mere objects by denying them their right to exercise their free will. In doing so, they're not treating man with any more dignity than one would treat a stone or a table with. And for Assassins, a freedom which is only interested in denying freedom, must be denied.

    We don't need anyone to tell us what to do; not Savonarola, not the Medici. We are free to follow our own path. There are those who will take that freedom from us, and too many of you gladly give it. But it is our ability to choose – whatever you think is true – that makes us human... There is no book or teacher to give you the answers, to show you the path. Choose your own way! Do not follow me, or anyone else.

    ~ Ezio Auditore

    Existentialism is often accused of being hopelessly pessimistic because of its assertions about the universe being inherently devoid of any purpose,

    But no doctrine is more optimistic, which places the destiny of man within himself.

    ~ Jean-Paul Sartre, Existentialism is a Humanism

    submitted by /u/Darth_Samuel
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    After the Viking game, the next setting should be...

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:42 PM PDT

    ... The Byzantine Empire. More specific, the Empire around 1203, time of the 4th Crusade.

    Now, before saying we visited Constantinople already in Revelations, we did, but it was the Ottomans who were in power. Now, I'm talking about the actual greek-ruled empire, rife with intrigue and schemes about who is the next emperor and who gets what. The muslim danger is not immediate yet, although the Sultanate of Rum already exists.

    How this ties with the vikings? We know that there were a lot of norsemen serving the Byzantine emperor as the Varangian guard around that period. I think is safe to assume the events in the viking game are centered around some Piece of Eden tech, and the descendant of the main character (not an assassin) would take his ancestor's prize with him down to Miklagarðr (the viking name for Constantinople, meaning Big City).

    There, he recklessly use it for his own gain, helping maybe a political faction or another, but that draws attention to some powerful italian Templar faction.

    Now, there was a crusade going around that time, but it was bound for the holy land. These Templars persuade them to take a detour to Constantinople and try to secure the Piece of Eden. This is a real historical event, without the PoE references ofcourse.

    The sacking of Constantinople in 1203 occurs and from there our hero tries to recover the PoE from the descendant of the Viking game hero. He may be an italian from Firenze (and not Venice, so there is a rivalry between him and the Templars, but not ideological as there is in Assassin-Templar), and he can be an ancestor of Ezio's Father.

    The 4th crusade and the sack of Constantinople is widely regarded as the final nail in the coffin of the Byzantine Empire, opening the way to the Ottoman conquests in Europe 2 centuries later, so our hero in his quest to stop the Templars may unknowingly open the way to other evils.

    Well, that was my contribution to the usual "what other settings can be used" :) Everyone stay safe and happy gaming.

    submitted by /u/TheVisionBleak
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    Help with Unity achievements.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 04:16 AM PDT

    I revisited Unity and found out I had 2 co-op achievements left. I play on pc and I really need some help.

    submitted by /u/SquidDerplord
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    How Could Using the Hidden Blade for Combat work in an RPG system?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    The Hidden Blade has always been my favourite weapon to use in combat in the older AC games. Unfortunately, they removed the ability to do so in AC Unity. I want to be able to do that again! Any ideas on how that could work in an RPG gear system?

    submitted by /u/JcersHabs018
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    Is Franciade from the Dead Kings DLC a real place? And if it isn't, is it based on a place that actually exists?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 10:56 PM PDT

    I've been playing Unity lately and when I got to the Dead Kings DLC I wondered if Franciade is a real place so I looked on Google Earth but there are no results, I also looked in Google but all the results are related to the game

    submitted by /u/juanp2350
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    Odyssey unlimited soft leather exploit

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    I had a hunch, which was that if you kept engaging in fight with the Lykaon Wolf so that he spawns wolves around him, kill the wolves, attack him some more, more wolves, until his health gets low then exit the battle for him to reset. Today I tested it and it works. So essentially you can keep fighting him then letting him heal to keep spawning a bunch of wolves. Wolves drop soft leather, so it's an endless and constant stream of it. Enjoy!

    submitted by /u/mudkipz321
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    You'll get to fight God of War's giant snake in new Assassin's Creed game

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:12 AM PDT

    You ever thought that the Assassins murder innocent people just because they are on the opposing force?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    A lot of them are innocent, just forced into the army or have to do it to support their families.

    submitted by /u/HalfRimmedEyeglasses
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    Why AC Origins holds a special place in my gaming favorites

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    So many people played origins and passed on like yeah, that was a fun solid game. For me, I've been waiting for a new ac game since unity, I played syndicate and it felt way too Samey and light-hearted to like it as much as unity (at least for me).

    Eventually when the e3 trailer and gameplay for origins dropped I was so damn excited, everything looked fresh and new, egypt looked amazing, stealth and combat were overhauled and I loved the vibe it gave off.

    Day one came, obviously I had it pre-ordered and I booted it up and played, played for hours upon hours, the story pulled me in from that first brutal and badass cutscene, and it consistently entertained me, whether it was the well done light rpg gameplay loop or the intriguing story that kept surprising me and making me like bayek and the characters, I continued playing and sadly found myself by the end. I was pretty happy and sad after finishing the main story, it was a solid story to experience and what a ride it was. I needed more though so I 100%'d it, I loved the detail it had, the satisfaction of upgrading and unlocking new weapons and outfits to look and fight in a better fashion in side missions (which were well done) or for the arena boss battles which had me attempting to improve for hours. The enemy camps ready for stealth infiltration were really fun to infiltrate, use the sleep darts and different bows to take out every enemy.

    I just felt like origins did everything on a high quality level other AC games couldn't (In the recent years) , it had a solid story, a fantastic sprawling open world and well-crafted loot-combat and stealth systems. Everything felt like it was part of a vision, a vision that was successfully brought to life through origins.

    What are your thoughts about origins? And whats a game that makes you feel like I do about origins

    submitted by /u/Timo-D03
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    I actually quite like Connor's character

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 04:24 AM PDT

    Looking through reddit, fan forums or YouTube videos, I seem to get the impression that everyone hates Connor. I actually quite like the story of ACIII and Connor's character, so I don't understand the hate.

    He's naive, not used to western society and sees the world as black and white, when it is more grey in reality. This makes for many interesting interactions with other characters like Achilles and especially Haytham.

    submitted by /u/Magath88
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    I will be more happy if AC Kingdom only set in Medieval England during Vikings invasion.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    This makes the world map perfect with just showing the Anglo and Vikings war in around 10th century. It can also have possibility to remove naval combat partially and can be featured only during certain events of the game like Origins leaving Odyssey style of land/naval 50/50 formula. It might be major land focused game. If they added all Vikings ruled area I.e Scandinavia where there's nothing just small wooden hut villages, forests and mountains in that time, it will be again massive empty or repetitive map like Odyssey playing naval combat more for traversing between empty lands

    submitted by /u/joyathomes98
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    I actually really like Layla

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:01 AM PDT

    She's smart and ambitious, and pissed off that she's being kept off the Animus Project, so she said "fine, I'll do it myself" and basically went rogue and then teamed up with the Assassins because Abstergo was trying to kill her for going rogue.

    I don't understand at all why she's so disliked. Maybe something happens in Odyssey, but I liked her a lot in Origins.

    submitted by /u/mylegismissing
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    what is the worst time/place a ac game could Take Place

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    like a place we really do not want to see, either because it's boring awful or just feels wrong

    imo that would be either modern times/ future or wild west, sure the wild west has some extremely interesting people but i feel the gameplay would suffer onder It

    submitted by /u/a_dutch_twat
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    Relatively New to the series

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    I had never really played the assassins creed series other then when I dabbled with the first game probably 8 years ago. However recently I picked up odyssey for relatively cheap and played through the main story and enjoyed it. I also had Syndicate as it was free with Xbox gold a while ago and I'm also having a pretty good time with that and I'm thinking of getting the other 9 or so games and trying to play through as many as possible during this corona hiatus. Some questions I had were: Other than the Ezio trilogy does it matter what order I play the games through? What DLC's (including in Odyssey) are worth buying? Are there any games I'd be better off not playing just because they weren't well made or just not enjoyable to play? And is it worth playing through the "2.5D" chronicle games as I also got those through xbox live for free?

    submitted by /u/biggiantjohnson
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    Unity on Xbox One

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    My Xbox Live Gamertag is: LordSophic

    I've never gotten 100% on Unity and I really need someone's help collecting all Sync points, my game got reset and I'm back to square 1, and I'd love it if someone could help me.

    Thank you, message me on Xbox if you want to grind Unity!!

    submitted by /u/sophicpharaoh
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    Are the Parisian Brotherhood aware of the Precursors and Pieces of Eden?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    I'm playing through the series again and I've just finished Unity + Dead Kings expansion. It occurred to me that the ISU aren't really mentioned at all during the game, the only hint of an awareness is Bellec stating that he'd "...had himself thrown into half the prisons of Paris in search of these strange glyphs from the past." Which i assume were made by a Sage, but aren't mentioned again after escaping the Bastille. Upon encountering Germain with the Sword of Eden, Arno is visibly confused and again later when finding the Apple of Eden in Franciade, he seems to have no idea what it is, despite sending it away to Egypt to keep it from Napoleon. Precursors or anything of the sort are not mentioned by the council either. Surely they must be aware? With Altair encountering an Apple some 600 years prior, and then Ezio and Edward and others encountering pieces of Eden in the meantime, surely there is some shared knowledge between brotherhoods? Apologies if I'm missing something obvious.

    submitted by /u/KingNothing117
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    Require some help with Multiplayer trophies on AC4 Black Flag

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    Just need some help from a few of you lovely people, as I'm having massive problems with the all-rounder trophy atm, currently on PS :-)

    submitted by /u/Exil3dWraith
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    Spoilers the timeline of LOTFB is ALL over the place

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    It's really hard to follow cause the entire DLC is just a time paradox. You fight the cult after they're all dead. It takes 10 years after the main game while at the same time during the main game. It also takes place BEFORE the campaign even began because Artaxerxes is still king of Persia, while at the beginning of the campaign he's already exiled in Megaris. What were the developers on when they made this DLC?

    submitted by /u/hellothere564738
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    Are Most ISU just gods?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 10:23 PM PDT

    (Btw sorry this doesn't make sense I didn't proof read anything) So while playing all ac games I started to realize that most of the isu are just gods. Like the during the fate of Atlantis DLC there was Poseidon, hades , persephone , hermes, Juno which are all Greek gods then we have Minerva and Jupiter which are Roman gods. And also if there was another game in let's say ancient India wouldn't the isu from there be gods like Brahma , shiva etc. if Ubisoft made a game in any other ancient civilization would the isu just be the gods/god that ancient civilization believed in

    submitted by /u/Enigmavfx
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    What do you guys think, do we get double release?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:07 AM PDT

    I read rumors that we get the next AC in 2021. and what is the setting going to be? Or what are your wishes? I hope for Ancient Rome or the Aztec Empire / Babylon. Write your thoughts down below! ;)

    submitted by /u/Hypnotic39
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