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    Friday, April 17, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Say what you will about Syndicate, but London felt like it was a truly alive city

    Assassin's Creed Say what you will about Syndicate, but London felt like it was a truly alive city

    Say what you will about Syndicate, but London felt like it was a truly alive city

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    Seriously. I was outside Buckingham Palace and there were people outside the gates looking in, trying to get a glimpse of the Queen, I heard snippets of conversation talking about her, people being excited. Saw a guy having a go at one of the guards with a small crowd watching him in amazement. Not only that, but people sit in the parks talking, I saw people playing a match of cricket with their mates watching and cheering them on. There's street urchins playing football in alleys, markets full of life and noise. London in this game feels like it's actually got people in it.

    Edit: Also just came across a music performance in the street with a crowd enjoying it. Amazing.

    submitted by /u/bluetundra123
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    AC one remake for next gen?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    seeing as there was a lot of interest for the Ezio collection, would any of you pick up a remake of AC1 if it was a next gen exclusive? remaking the game rather than just remastering with higher textures resolutions would really allow them to fix some of the clunkier game functions like climbing and not being held back by the current gen could really show us what the Series X and PS5 are capable of.

    submitted by /u/markarth69
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    I finally took a break from Odyssey and tried out AC2 today...it was jarring at first, but I think I’m warming up to it..

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    First the graphics hit me...it was to be expected though...no big deal. The controls though...holy crap. I couldn't figure it out at first. The first big fight scene as Ezio was a pain in the ass...All I could do was punch and grab initially...didn't know what else to do. Then I noticed the controls at the top of the screen and managed to knee, do a punch combo, and throw someone. I still have no idea how to parry though.

    Then running and jumping...another nightmare. Remapping the controls to my Xbox One controller helped a lot though. Slowly started figuring it out, but it still took me about twelve tries to beat my damn brother in the race up to the top of the church. I was ready to give up halfway through, but I kept going. It was all so awkward at first. But, I think with another hour in the game I'll have it down comfortably. I hope so anyways. Hopefully I like it and then I'll get Brotherhood and Revelations.

    submitted by /u/ArikDrago96
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    Syndicate and my favorite little detail

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    Seeing as AC syndicate has seen some love here recently i must admit that my favorite little detail is the way the music swells to a slight crescendo when taking a leap of faith from a view point. There crunch of the Frye twins into the hay bail or pile of leaves is so sonically pleasing when matched with the strings that I wish later games would have included it as well. That being said what are your favorite details from syndicate, or even the series as a whole?

    submitted by /u/zenman20
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    Bring back white room confession

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 07:28 PM PDT

    One of the main let downs of ac odesey is when i assassinated the cyclops and didn't see the screen turn white and we got a dilaoug they removed one of my favorite parts of assassin s creed any thoughts

    submitted by /u/Tanner576
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    Assassin's Creed: Unity is one of the top 3 games of the series.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 04:28 PM PDT

    Note: I've played every single AC game up until Odyssey (even the DS and PSP games) mutiples times.


    Why does everyone LOVE Black Flag? Does nobody remember that 90% of the main missions were tailing an enemy for 5 years just to get to a secret area to engage in lackluster melee combat? I feel like the main reason for it's popularity was it's ship combat, and a pirate setting. Other than that, AC4 isn't anything more than a Pirates of the Caribbean game with the Assassin's Creed title slapped on. Don't get me wrong, I've 100% the Kenway Saga multiple times, but when people say that Black Flag was the absolute best game in the entire series, I can't help but feel that they must not have played any other game. Altair, Ezio and Conner all had excellent stories and meaningful convictions. Edward became a pirate to make money for his daughter back home and that's it. He literally just stumbled upon the Assassins VS. Templar beef. Obviously, towards the end, he wises up, and decides to do good. He's then declared a Master Assassin. How? The entire game up until this point violated almost all of the Creed's tenets.


    PARKOUR Unity had a revolutionary take on free-running, allowing you to go from the highest peaks of buildings to the lowest depths of sewers in mere seconds with fluidity the likes of which was never seen up until this point. Overall 9.5/10.

    STORY Arno's story takes heavily from the old story The Count of Monte Cristo and even from Ezio's life. An individual has his family murdered by Templars, and dedicates his life to seeking revenge and finding out why it happened. It lacks depth during some sequences, such as Napoleon and Arno's friendship with each other, lack of AC: Rogue continuation (Shay killed Arno's dad), etc. Overall 8/10.

    COMBAT Combat was reminiscient of AC1's system. The variation of weapons you could use was great (not as great as AC: Brotherhood and the ability to pick up any weapon off the floor, even a broom), the weight of the weapons felty nice and meaty, making attacks feel powerful (I would've liked to see it improved with a few more weapon archetypes, styles, etc.) And the option to fight stealthily from the shadows or balls-to-the-wall aggressive was a nice touch and change in pace from earlier titles. Overall 8/10.

    CUSTOMIZATION Never in the series has there been this much depth in choosing how your character looks. Before, only dyes and minor armor changes were available, plus a few legacy or legendary outfits. Here, ever article of clothing from top to bottom can be mixed and matched with differant abilities and stats to suit your playstyle and aesthetic. Skills are abundant as well, whether you'd like to be supportive, aggressive or stealthy is up to you. Overall 9.5/10.

    WORLD Paris, Versailles and the DLC's Franciade are all interesting, atmospheric and detailed areas to traverse over, under or through. Interiors are plentiful and more often then not you'll see yourself running through a house or cafe in order the reach your goal. The streets are alive with hundreds of NPC's that go from starting fights with mercenaries to acting for a play. Overall 9.5/10.

    ONLINE This is where things get sad. Unity's multiplayer was sadly abandoned after a few updates due to all of the flak the game got about bugs during it's initial release. People swore that the game was plagued with terrible glicthes that made it unplayable, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Media outlets got a hold of a singular image of a missing face texture bug, and ran with it to essentially break down Unity's reputation. It made money, so why not? I'd still say that Unity has the best Multiplayer of the entire series. I remember when AC: Brotherhood came out with it's first Cinematic Trailer. I genuinely thought it was going to be an open world Co-Op game, but no. Instead it introduced a tedious, dull PVP experience the was only relevant because it hid story elements behind level progression. I play Unity's Co-Op missions all the time with friends and the only thing we wish for is a few patches here and there to make the missions less laggy and broken. But it'll never happen because Ubisoft gave up on this game. Overall 7/10.

    TL;DR Unity has the best parkour, a great story, a great cast of characters, an excellent variety of weapons and playstyles, an amazing amount of customization both cosmetic and skill-wise, a great community, a beautiful detailed world to explore. Get the game if you can, it's the last time you'll feel like a true Assassin. Overall 8.5/10.

    submitted by /u/Twitch-Sumo005
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    In an alternate universe after Origins we got a Templar origins game and then a Rome game about the Instruments of Juno origins. A trilogy with the same modern character, descendant of all creators of this factions.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    Seems like a wasted opportunity. Not only did Ubi put the Juno plot in the comics but also didn't follow Origins with a game about the Templar Origins.

    And then a Roman game as it was initially planned, as the leaks said.

    Imagine the same descendant reviewing the memories of Baeyk, then the creator of the Templar order in the sequel and finally the creator of the cult of Juno.

    Imagine the descendant learning the foundation of all three factions, learning from each founder as she relives their lifes through the animus, improving her parkour and combat skills in order to take down the Templars and Juno.

    Imagine she finding out she's a descendant of all of them. Probably the heaviest lineage in the lore.

    This is what the trilogy should have been.

    Instead Odyssey was about a random cult and the Roman game was replaced by a Vikings game.

    And the modern day protagonist is just someone who found their DNA instead of being a descendant. And Juno was sidelined.

    submitted by /u/GreenArrow194
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    Damtoys reveal Bayek 1/6 scale figure. Looks excellent, nef.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 03:32 AM PDT

    [[Spoiler]] Layla's character progression.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    We see her go from reluctantly listening to her friend's medical advice and inadvertently getting her killed in Origins to willfully disregarding her next friend's medical advice and actively murdering her in FoA. What development!

    I can't wait to see what she does in the next game.

    submitted by /u/Lacrossedeamon
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    A concept cover of Assassin's Creed: Altair's Saga (includes all 3 remade).

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 07:36 PM PDT

    What I would love to see from a Vikings A.C

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    I know it's not been 100% confirmed that the next AC we're getting is a vikings version or not. But I am exciting. And since it is being made by the same people who made Black flag (I think) it's promising. I just want to lay all my thought out on what I think could be my favorite version of a Vikings AC. None of these will probably happen but tell me what you think nonetheless. 1) The ship combat in this game could be alot more fast paced. The viking ships I've seen online are very small in comparison to large pirate ships. But because of the this there are not as many weapons. I see the shoo battles relying on ramming and boarding quickly. The weapons could consist of bows (various) and harpoons to latch onto the enemy ship like you did with sharks and whales in Black Flag 2) AC has been leaning more and more into the RPG route. Which I think works perfectly for a Vikings game. It could all be about deciding between brute force and quick maneuverability. Also, being able to make your viking warrior look menacing on the battle field. 3) This is probably the thing that is least to happen but I would love if the combat was more hard hitting. Think of Shadow of Mordor as an example. Chopping peoples heads off with an axe or throwing the enemy at each other. Possibly even creating enemy shish kabobs. The finishers could be brutal and with the vikings usually being depicted as brutal. 4) The open world is what I am most excited about. I'm thinking of huge chunks of land in multiple different countries to explore. I think it could be really cool to storm into a city with a hundred Vikings and just start wreaking havoc. Like the guard towers in Black Flag but with alot more ferocity to them. More civilians in danger. 5) Traditional stealth is probably not an option but there are still ways you can blend into your surroundings while hunting an enemy or animal 6) The climbing I envision being very destructive. With probably alot of wood or stone buildings, the main character could use various tools like an axe to climb buildings quickly. 7) Finally the protagonist. I think it would be cool if we could make our own. Maybe have it be a set gender but we're able to customize some of their facial expressions. Not alot, but a little.

    These are just my long winded thoughts... maybe tell me what you think? I don't know. It's just a thought I had while walking today. Thought it would be cool to share.

    submitted by /u/Blades500
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    A hilarious scenario that you can set up.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    In many AC games, you can throw money to attract crowds, and also can drive enemies berserk with a poisoned bolt. An interesting game, is to climb a small building, walk until you are directly over a guard, and then rain money on him. As much as you want to, but drop a lot. You will eventually get a huge crowd, and then you can drive the guard berserk and watch the carnage unfold. Maybe drive a few civilians insane too, for more fun( though the guard's swords are much more fun to watch cut down civilians. Reply with videos of you guys trying this out!

    submitted by /u/Nerd-101
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    SPOILER: about Legacy of the first blade

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    The DLC completely disregards your Odyssey's ending!

    Aside from killing cult members and fighting Spartans and Athenians, AC Odyssey's story is a family melodrama about reunion and sibling conflict, right? Finding your family is what drives your character.

    But then comes the first DLC, legacy of the first blade. Where you (Alexios/Kassandra) build a home and a family and have a son, and in no part whatsoever Is your family mentioned at all!! I know that the different endings to the odyssey mean some family members are dead or alive, but can't your character at least say "my mater would have loved to meet you" after all you went through in your odyssey to find her???

    In my game the mater and Deimos survived and joined me, would they want to meet the baby?

    Worst DLC story ever

    And you don't even get a hidden blade in the end! (And the baby leaves with Darius but whatever)

    submitted by /u/Letywolf
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    The personality of the Character, the time period and the Setting are very-vErY important to create a Stealthy Environment (VERY LONG)

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 12:21 AM PDT

    This might be a long read but its pretty detailed and contains comparisons to a lot of the titles in and outside the series to achieve what might be a realistic stealth game from today's standards.

    Use 'his/her' instead of 'his'

    The playable character, his backstory, his personality and where he is in life all should contribute to the play style.

    Kassandra/Alexios are demigods and Bayek is pretty much qualified to be one. They push through the obstacles like demigods.

    Arno is probably the youngest, the weakest assassin in all the titles, he is pretty stealthy.

    Ezio had three games which cover a major part of his life and throughout the three games, he evolves. There is more focus on mature technique than full on combat as we progress in all the games through the use of tools. Especially notable improving technique was in the way he climbed, the ease with which he parried and counter attacked, and the time he took to aim and shoot with the hidden gun in all the three games. The stealth was; on a scale from Odyssey to Unity; pretty much in the middle.

    Bear with me as I come to the point soon enough.

    I personally hope that the rumours about a viking ac turn out false. It wouldn't be very fresh and just turn out to be an even more sprawling Odyssey. We need a few more ac titles before we are ready again for the total RPG experience.

    Origins and Odyssey have vast (pretty) empty spaces and some cities and towns here and there. But none of them give the assassin feel as in the previous games. I'd rather that there are four-five huge cities which are as detailed, alive and dense as Paris and London. They should have absolutely distinct atmospheres such that a causal onlooker while you game (your mom basically) thinks that you're probably playing completely different games.

    Now in between those cities there can be roads, secrets, woods, lakes; basically something like what they did in Odyssey and The Witcher 3. More on these empty spaces later.

    The time period should be 500-1799AD. Because of the following reasons- A. Little to no use of guns, thus opening the opportunity to use blades, darts and arrows. B. Any more older, and some might feel it to be mythological. C. Any more recent feels like a history lesson on the politics of the last two centuries.

    Coming to the character. I have this plot. Anything roughly like this should do.

    Say, there is this assassin, lets call him Bro. So Bro is a little more older than Ezio was in revelations. All salt and pepper. Now Ezio was a master assassin, accomplished, strong, charismatic, a leader, almost perfect. But Bro is not perfect and such imperfections are what will improve throughout the game and develop a character which we will be proud of later.

    He is a pretty high ranking guy with subordinates but isn't really a Master or a Mentor. By this age the characters of all the previous titles have already done their 'Purpose of my Life' mission. But bro is a mediocre. He has had no such big break...... until now.....in his twilight years as an active assassin.

    His was more of a desk job of routine activities. But now his subordinates are suddenly disappearing in those 4-5 Paris/London like cities. His superiors don't really pay much heed to his requests to look into the matter so he tasks himself to look for them.

    He finds them throughout the story progress. Some die, some live and unlock unique sniping or distraction abilities which were last seen in AC3.

    We shouldn't be armoured to the teeth. A simple hidden blade, maybe a dirk, eFfEcTiVe sleep darts, some poison, light leather armour and thats it. Remember. We are not active field agents. We are the logistics guy with basic combat abilities, and pretty good backstabbing assassination capabilities.

    We can parkour nicely enough. But we are not very good combatants because of our age. Even two or three militia can pretty much overpower us. The entire game will be more strategy focused rather than 'I am an overpowered rampaging pig'

    Their can be unique kill strategies. We have to gather information from the deepest poor corners of the city etc.

    The focus should also be there on subduing the guards and hiding them for a temporary while rather than killing them while their families wait at home. If they spot you in a restricted area, it means they are coming after you like in the hardest difficulty of Hitman. Not like, they'll ignore you by mistaking you for a shadow or a bird just because their yellow metre wasn't full.

    The woods, open areas in between the cities is where the battles can take place. And unlike in Odyssey. The armies will march from their respective cities, and camp, and march again and then battle. We can chose to be a scout, be on horseback, be a spy in the opposing army, and definitely chose which faction(s) we fight for.

    There will hardly be any boss fights, this is NOT an RPG. Sooooo. Bro uncovers some Templar plots to secretly eliminate these Assassins (more like spies). And we stop them. Game ends by us finally fulfilling a purposeful life as an assassin. And for a change, this story does not have Revenge as the driving force.

    The past three games developed the present day story quite a bit. So if its not possible to incorporate a present fay story to this plot, its fine. They did the same in BF, Rogue and Unity.

    Thats about it.

    submitted by /u/banerji_with_a_ji
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    [HEAVY SPOILERS] Odyssey tries really hard to make you hate some characters

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    Talking about Kleon specifically.

    Out of all the Cultists that have any backstory besides that one paragraph they all have in their Cultist tab, he is probably the coolest one.

    Like, from the very first moment you see him, where he is challenging Perikles and riling up the crowds, which is how one should be running an election campaign, he is set up as a villain.

    He wanted to force war with Sparta because the Cult would be profiting from both sides, which is horrible, but also something that still goes on to this very day. The act of finding an on-going conflict and selling weapons to both parties is very profitable, and obviously, when one side is finally making progress over the other, you help the losing side, with either funds or intelligence to keep the conflict going.

    He's also partially responsible for the death of Perikles, who is "The Father of Democracy", even though Perikles would end up dying to the Plague anyway, as he did IRL.

    Kleon even screams "Make Athens Great Again" at one point, just to rile up the anti-Trump crowds or something idk. I mean, I get it that he is portrayed by some of his countrymen as a demagogue in history, so it's in character for him to say it, but c'mon, everyone can see what Ubi was going for here.

    And he even shot your sibling in the back, a sibling that I myself would shoot in the back. Now, it's not my siblings fault for what happened to them, but Deimos killed Brasidas in front of you (Brasidas doesn't do much other than hang out with your mother and look cool tbh, but that's already more depth than most characters you'll find in this game), and Deimos was the one who actually killed Perikles. Like, even if you were to go like "omg I hate Kleon, he plotted Perikles death", you wouldn't be wrong, but let's not forget his goddamn wife and your goddamn sister (or brother, whatever you like) were the Brain&Brawn of the entire operation.

    Finally, you don't even get a chance to spare Kleon. You can only kill him fast or slowly. Kind of a bummer tbh, because he is the only Cultist that I'd actually save (and that guy with the wheat fields in Arkadia or something, but I fucked up the Monger part so he had to go bye).

    But Kleon and Brasidas historically died in the same battle, so the moment Brasidas died, you already knew Kleons fate, well, if you ever did some research about the Peloponnesian War, that is.

    But still, Kleon deserved better.

    TL;DR: fucking weebs

    submitted by /u/RuiGomesPT
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    What I want from assassins creed

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    The thing I want from assassins creed is a Bayek sequel...maybe he has to go with aya to defend the hidden ones idk but i thought it would be a cool idea

    submitted by /u/wolverine2581
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    They should implement multiplayer into the new ac game if possible just like unity did.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    Although unity may have been a glitchy and unfinished game, one thing I found to be really cool was the multiplayer system because it worked so well (most of the time). Running around and doing synchronized assassinations with my friends was super fun and I'd like to see it again. If they could polish it up and put it into the next game I think it'd be a nice addition and a step into the right direction for assassins creed. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/chacka101
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    Assassins ceed origins armor system and how we feel about it

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    I think that it was a great system being that you didn't find armor anywhere else and it was less overwhelming. Also I liked the hunting system that you hade to do and upgrading it wasn't an ubserd amount of whatever to upgrade

    submitted by /u/Hifive177
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    How do I get into origins?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 09:40 PM PDT

    I just bought origins gold edition since it was on sale, and I know this sub loves it. So, I had about 30 min to try it out between classes and whatnot, but the introduction is... jarring, I suppose. I guess I'm comparing it to the only other thing that it's similar to: odyssey. Odyssey felt like a slow, gradual unraveling of things in Kephalonia, but jumping right into Bayek killing a guy that I'm sure will get explained further into the game, having it heavily being set in media res, is just.... not what I expected I guess. (Note, I have arrived at Siwa. Last thing I did/saw was Senu)

    For all the origins fans, how do I stick with this game? I'm still going to play it, maybe my opinion will change, but as it stands right now, it's not my highest priority to get back to. I want to enjoy this game, but the game starting off the way it did was... something.

    submitted by /u/butchwherewolf
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    I love Assassin's Creed 3.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    I bloody LOVE Assassin's Creed 3. Many of you are wondering "who is this? Why do I care about your opinion? Why are you telling us?" Simple enough to answer. I'm no one special, you shouldn't care, and this is the only place I can dump my love for one of the most despised games in the franchise. Why do I love 3? Well, I have poor taste first. But I also admit its heavy bias, as AC 3 was my introduction to the franchise. But even today, there's still so much I love about that I adore, love and enjoy in AC3. I love the peek into Native American culture, which this game does right. Ubisoft went out of their way to create Connor's tribe, including the name, the language, the aesthetic, all of it. I love the combat, the meaty whacks of the tomahawk and the unique animations make it my favorite weapon in the franchise. I love exploring this beautiful world, soaking in the atmosphere that it provides. The story is a bit dumb, I give that. Connor is also one note as hell. I never said it was the perfect game. But it is my favorite of the franchise that I've played so far. I haven't played the first game, Rogue, Origins or Odyssey (though Odyssey I have less than zero interest in playing). I have started Revelations but haven't finished it for a series of reasons (none the game's fault).

    I love AC3. I love Connor. I love the world it gives me, the sandbox to make my own.

    submitted by /u/IzzytheMelody
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    Saw this book on Amazon, and now I’m curious. Does this mean we’ll be getting the Templar comics and the Uprising series in hardcover too?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    Why did they give the characters the proper french accent in Liberation but not Unity?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    It really bothers me that the Liberation team actually put the care in and gave everyone a french accent, which is correct for the time period, but the Unity team which definitely had the bigger budget and more time to make the game, didn't even bother with it. I know it's not the biggest deal, but it bothers me a bit.

    submitted by /u/djentchugs
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    AC Odyssey (and DLC Spoilers, you've been warned): Not as lore breaking as I was told, still a mediocre story

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    This is coming about halfway through my replay of AC Odyssey (but after I played through the DLC for the first time) just to refresh myself of the story.

    So as this is going to deal with the DLC a bit and my thoughts on the story as a whole I highly recommend you do not continue if you haven't played the Legacy of the First Blade DLC.

    I'll even pad this out a bit for you to avoid any possible spoilers in the next paragraphs in case you want to skip out before reading on. But I don't think I could just spoiler tag everything in here as my thoughts on the DLC are at this point integral into my thoughts on how good the story of the main game is.

    Go ahead, just.... come back after you've played the DLC. The post will still be here for you. You don't need to read this right now. You can return later. Area Not Available, Desynchronization Imminent.

    Okay so now that we've gotten spoiler warnings and avoidance clear. I don't see as much lore broken here from a purely in game perspective.

    I haven't read the novels or the comics. I have listened to some of Gold on Audible but it was really ugly visually (I have synesthesia) so I never finished it.

    Also I played as Kassandra and so I will be ignoring Alexios as my only exposure to him was through watching some of his cutscenes to see his voice acting. Of what I saw I prefer Kassandra's voice acting but both are pretty good in my opinion.,

    Darius using a hidden blade.... cool. We were told in Origins it was used prior to Bayek using it. In fact it was used to kill Xerxes I who really did die around Darius' time.

    He even had a son named Darius who was blamed for the patricide by Artabanus (though some historians say Artabanus killed Darius before Xerxes.....)

    So it's really cool to see them showing us something that could have been historically correct.

    As for the founding of the Brotherhood. I see it as these ideas have existed forever and since Adam and Eve there has always been groups fighting these ideals.

    Sort of a V for Vendetta "ideas are bulletproof" moment.

    Darius isn't remembered because his order failed. They succeeded their goal and then the group imploded massively. This was before modern historical records which by Assassin's Creed lore got history wrong here.

    Modern history says Artabanus killed Xerxes I and without the animus we had no way of knowing this wasn't correct. Making it a soft retcon of the AC2 statue.

    So Darius was forgotten except as being known as Artabanus's scapegoat.

    As for dialogue options. I like it personally. I get why people don't as it does break lore but I like them.

    If I had to explain it I'd argue we've seen Abstergo revise history completely with the Animus before. So now we're using an unreliable source to fill in gaps.

    Remember, Herodotus still did believe in Greek mythology. To him that was real so of course filling in gaps manually by programming in Herodotus' account of history is going to be mythology accepting because you are filling in gaps with myth essentially.

    And I even get why they used Herodotus because most of our information on the war with Persia comes from him. So a spear used by Leonidas makes sense for Herodotus to have written about.

    Again, I understand if that's not enough an explanation but I like dialogue options and so I am willing to say this game makes it seem reasonable as a part of its narrative identity.

    Now going backwards I really love the opening. We all know (or those interested in Greek history) that Leonidas dies in the Battle of Thermopylae. I loved him reflecting on the cliff. His somber confession to Dienikes -- who has the most badass quote of the entire war and I'm sad we don't hear it in the game. A Persian soldier exclaimed "our arrows will block out the sun" and Dienikes replied "good then we shall fight in the shade" -- feels like he knows he's dying.

    I've heard people say that he didn't die but at the end we see he learned they were betrayed. The fight wasn't over after that cutscene but I can see where somebody who doesn't know the history would think it was. The subtitles only say Persian Soldier not Ephialtes and they never expound on it (maybe a database entry on the computer?).

    I can suspend my disbelief for surviving the cliff fall as "Isu DNA > human DNA" and I really loved Markos and his general stupidity. He's bad with money and tries to smooth talk his way out of problems of his own making. It's great and hilarious and I love it.

    The wild goose chase was well done because Markos sends you on it to buy time to get out of not having your money because he gave it away/spent it. He knows you can't sell the eye he just wants to stall for time.

    The story isn't bad (it's not good either) but the ending is extremely anti-climactic (I saved none of my family btw but all of them are equally anti-climactic). In my opinion LoTFB should have been intertwined with the main story with Kassandra finding out her brother is part of this larger organisation and her training with Darius to stop the Order/Cult.

    Now I hated LotB's ending as well. I played Kassandra as exclusively gay as I'm a gay woman. So the moment they force an otherwise gay character to have sex with a male and settle down and start a family made no sense and felt like a betrayal of player choice.

    Either don't give us any choice or let us choose not to have sex with this character at all. It has everything to do with writing a consistent character.

    Had I been playing a straight Kassandra uninterested in forming a romantic relationship it would've made just as little sense because we lack the prior moments leading to that character change because they let the player decide everything until that moment.

    Witcher 3 did this really well where our choices mattered but they had certain narrative moments that had to occur by only giving us narrative options that made sense for Geralt as a character.

    In Odyssey the choices are so freeform that it hinders their ability to write a specific narrative that works for the character you chose to play. It might be perfect, it might be extremely contradictory.

    Skyrim did this type of narrative well too. The options ranged in choice but the narrative was less character focused and more world focused. As such character development of the protagonist was less important and "up to the player" in a sort of tabletop RPG style as it didn't matter narratively. The story beats still make sense regardless of our choices.

    Going to the modern day while I don't hate Layla and it's just there, at this point the modern day needs a reboot..... again. I wish they followed up on the Abstergo genetically engineering an Isu body for Juno storyline from Syndicate which I found actually kind of intriguing.

    Now the gameplay to me is fun and I enjoy it. But I'm biased towards RPGs and now that I've played Origins it really feels like more Origins which I loved.

    I did miss the ability to Animus Control Panel instakill assassinate but as long as my level was at least equal to the content I could mostly one shot assassinate any enemy without much issue.

    From an RPG standpoint we should talk about the skill trees.

    I see no reason we can't have these abilities. We've seen Pieces of Eden do absolutely mental things before such as shooting lightning and creating physicallised illusions.

    The rest of the abilities we get seem like expanding on items that have always been a Deus Ex Machina (ironically this term comes from Greek plays and I'm using it to describe how it works for a narrative in ancient Greece) for the series and so I see no issue with them saying the Spear can grant us super powers.

    And let's not forget that Bayek could literally control arrows. At least Kassandra has the Spear so they can say it grants limited telekinesis. It's more of an explanation for the RC arrows than Origins gave us.

    I don't really like the hard level scaling where everything scales evenly with you as it removes an incentive to do sure quest other than for the sake of doing them but I turned it to Light and found that much more to my liking. It wasn't too light to where content was a blow over if you out leveled it but you could actually out level content which provided a nice incentive to do side quests to get more experience before the main story.

    And the side quests were pretty good in my opinion.

    Another side effect of the RPG mechanics is bullet spongism. Enemies can get very bullet spongy and that's just not a good way to increase difficulty for your players.

    All in all, the game provides a fun environment to run around ancient Greece but it's story falls flat due to dialogue choices not being implemented in a manner that works for the narrative it wants to tell. The main game avoided this with a mediocre story built around player choice. The DLC story is ruined by player choice.

    submitted by /u/UnofficialOffice
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