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    Assassin's Creed [Megathread] Speculation and ideas for the next Assassin's Creed game

    Assassin's Creed [Megathread] Speculation and ideas for the next Assassin's Creed game

    [Megathread] Speculation and ideas for the next Assassin's Creed game

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Hello all you Assassins & Templars, Hidden Ones & Mercenaries. We're all excited about the prospect of a new Assassins Creed game. To date, there has been no official word from Ubisoft on anything about the new game. And yet, many of us have theories & ideas galore.

    This thread is a place to let your imagination run wild. What would you like to see in a new game? What kind of gameplay would you like? Where would you like to see a future game be set? What characters would you like to see from past games in either the historical stories or from the Modern Day?

    A couple of reminders:

    No disrespect. Don't be that guy. If you don't like someone's ideas, that's fine. Let's all behave like respectful adults. Remember, this is supposed to be fun.

    Be sure to cite sources of any leaks, rumors, & speculation. Don't just say - "well I heard..." And yes, we all know there are some journalists out there reporting what they say is "confirmed." This is a place to hear your thoughts.

    Remember the spoiler policy. If you're speculating on the Odyssey dlcs for example, if you mention characters or story points from the dlcs, use spoiler tags. Not everyone has played the dlcs and they are still under the spoiler policy.

    And finally, take all rumors, leaks & speculation with a pinch of salt. Until Ubisoft makes it official - "Nothing is confirmed, everything is speculation."

    Now, let's go wild!

    submitted by /u/WhiteWolfWhispers
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    Is Ubisoft done numerically titling the AC games or is Assassin's Creed V gonna happen?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    Is Ubisoft done numerically titling the AC games or is Assassin's Creed V gonna happen?

    submitted by /u/pandamaster1313
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    A lot of the Sea Shanties in Black Flag and Rogue are based on Robert Burns' work

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    While I was playing Rogue, I notice the song "Donkey Riding" has a similar melody to the song "Bonnie Pirate Laddie" by the Jolly Rogers. So I did a little digging.

    What I found was that this shanty was a variant of a Robert Burns poem titled "My Highland laddie" (The Jolly Roger's song was most likely based on this tune or another variant; I couldn't find any information on it so if anyone knows something, please let me know in the comments!)

    At least two other shanties--"Ye Jacobites" and "My Bonnie Highland Lassie-o" are also based on Burns' works.

    Additionally, I've found that some shanties reuse lyrics.

    "Where you ever in Quebec/ launching timber on a deck" (Donkey Riding)

    "Where you ever in Quebec (Bonnie Lassie,Highland Lassie)/I was often in Quebec/Stowing Timber on the deck" (My highland lassie-o)

    "And it's/Windy weather boys, stormy weather boys/When the wind blows we're all together" (Fish in the sea)

    "in the windy old weather, stormy old weather/When the wind blows we all pull together" (Windy Ol Weather)
    These last two shanties have almost the exact same melody (albeit "Windy ol' weather" has a much slower tempo), and a shared theme of marine creatures interacting with the sailors.

    It's so cool how songs used change and evolve depending on time and location. A lot of children's songs are based on historical events, like "Ring-around-the-Rosie", "Mary, Mary, quite contrary", "Three blind mice", and the Lizzie Borden Skipping song.

    submitted by /u/Aur0ha
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    I just beat AC:Origins for the first time...

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    Holy shit. I just beat my first game in the AC series, Assassin's Creed: Origins. Fuck. Where do I begin to say how this game affected me. This game... changed me. And that's... kind of awesome. I am talking about a deeply profound change, not just of my gaming experience... but of just about how I think about life in general and just my own capacity for change. Holy shit. I am still in awe, not only of this fucking gorgeous game... but of my own capacity to appreciate it on this level. I will never look the same way again on gaming... or my life for this matter. Ubisoft Montreal.... Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Does any body here have a similar experience that they can remember? Origins is more than a game. It's more than just an experience.Origins is change of my soul. I can not fucking remember a time when I game left me in literal tears on multiple occasions, but this game pulled it off.

    I. Am. Changed.

    Holy shit.

    submitted by /u/MeSmeshFruit
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    Should Odyssey have been a spin off?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    I think they could have done more with the game if it was a spin off or a new IP. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/ballbagg1001
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    Unpopular(ish) opinion... Assassin's Creed 3/Connor is Underrated

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    Personally, AC3 is my favorite Game in the Series (Story-Wise) And Connor is my Favorite Protagonist in the series.
    Here's why I think the Game is Underrated.

    Protagonists/Personality Traits

    I feel like the Protagonists in AC3 fit the game well. Sometimes, during the game, Connor doesn't show much personality, however, in the beginning of the game (Sequences 4-5), Connor was still coping with the destruction of his village and his Mother's death.
    Connor is new to the world outside of his Village and doesn't trust many people due to what happened in his village when he was young. Throughout the game, (especially in the Homestead Missions) Connor's personality develops, After finding out Washington ordered an attack upon his Village, Connor distrusted him and his father Haytham. Sometime later, Connor finds out that his best friend and the rest of the Village had sided with Charles Lee. Due to these series of events, Connor becomes more untrustworthy of people.
    The Haytham Kenway sequences was a great opening to the Game, although I do feel like his sequences are dragged out and hold down the story. I like how he and Connor (Team up) during the last few sequences of the game. During these parts of the game, Connor and Haytham have arguably the best conversation in the whole series.


    Every game in the series has great Music, but AC3 took it to a whole nother level. It fits well with the American Revolution and the setting of the game. It's even better when the music kicks in during a cutscene.


    Connor develops as the Story goes along in the game, acquiring new tools to aid him in the battle to stop Charles Lee and bring peace to the 13 Colonies.
    The story starts great with Haytham, however, his parts are dragged out over 3 sequences when it could've been easily ended in 1-2.
    The dialogue between characters and in cutscenes is meaningful (for the most part) and elaborate on what is currently happening in the Main Story.

    Side Missions are short and as things develop in the Homestead more of them become available.

    Modern Day Segments

    AC3 had arguably the best Modern Day segments in the series with ACB closely behind. I like the fact that Desmond has to go to Brazil, NYC, and Italy to gather Pieces to power the Animus. The settings in the Modern-day are great and the only thing I didn't like is the little hunts you had to go on following Juno to place the pieces in the right spots.


    This is where I feel the game lacked the most. I didn't like the open setting of the wilderness/Forest area, it was too open and didn't have enough engaging activities to make me want to explore more. Syndicate did a better job with the Setting by having Busy London streets and enough Activities to keep me exploring around the different areas.


    The only negative thing I can say about the Gameplay/Controls is, sometimes Connor ends up climbing something I wanted him to run around.

    I kinda wished Ubisoft would've revamped the Control system and made it more like Unity/Syndicate.

    To sum it up, AC3 is a fun game. Yes, it has some bad aspects to it but that's with every game. Honestly, AC3 feels more grounded than Origins and Odyssey (Mostly Odyssey) and I would like Assassin's Creed to go back to its roots like AC2, AC3, Black Flag, and Syndicate.

    Thank You for your time...

    submitted by /u/ZeenozPlays01
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    The mystery of Altairs Knife Belt and it always being different

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    So in Everygame we See Altair he has 4 knives on bis right side in a row. But in all Promotional material statues and some game covers he has 2 knives on each side, heck even In this sub Background he has the 2 knives on each side. When hes older in revaltions he still has the traditional 4. So what is canon?

    submitted by /u/clownin6969
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    Some things from the earlier games that should come back

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    I think that many of us agree that AC Odyssey didn't "feel" like an AC game, and I think adding back a few features would help fix this. Firstly, hidden blade assassinations should always be 1 hit kill, the current implementation of needing to upgrade a blade to have it kill someone feels forced. In the earlier games, Ezio was able to grab and throw guards. This should come back, as it really made combat more fun. Another thing that is a smaller detail, but should be added back, is when guards run away. This simple yet immersive and fun feature hasn't been around for a while now.

    Oh also

    -Social Stealth

    If anyone has anything else to add please feel free to add onto this, I'm just playing ACII right now and being reminded of how unique and fun these games were, along with what made them special.

    submitted by /u/aircraftgalaxy
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    My Thoughts on Assassin's Creed Odyssey. *Long Read*

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 08:41 PM PDT

    So, I just recently finished the game last week a while ago and wanted to share my thoughts. I'll be dividing this into separate sections because It makes it easier to read and easier for me to write. I had fun with the game and while I don't necessarily feel like I wasted my money, I think this game is severely flawed in several ways. That said, if you consider this your favorite AC game, I can understand because the game does have some amazing things about it and I have no intention in trying to prove you wrong. And this isn't a hate rant on Odyssey just because it's the latest game or anything. I just want to share my opinion both so I can help others make a more informed purchase if they still haven't play AC:OD yet and hopefully someone at Ubisoft sees this and it helps improve the franchise in some way. I played as Alexios but I'll be referring to the Player Character as EB or Eagle Bearer and the sibling as Deimos. I'm not going to summarize the whole story, just the moments that stuck out the most to me. and I'm not going to cover the expansions as I haven't finished them, but I might give my thoughts on them at a later date. Also, I will try not to compare to previous games in the series, Origins especially since they share the same gameplay style because I only started playing Origins a while after I started working on this.

    Story: there are 3 main arcs to the story: Family, The Cult of Kosmos and Atlantis. The Family arc is the main one and takes up the bulk of the game and the only one where the ending you get is based off your decisions.

    The opening felt cliché for a game set in ancient Greece, but I didn't mind since EB is actually related to Leonidas. but I think it's funny that you can't use shields in this game. It's like Leonidas' shield just disappears when the game starts.

    Noob Island is a pretty good starting area with decent amount of areas to discover. Our introduction to EB as a character is great. Just humming to themselves thinking of a better life. Few words are spoken but so much is said. I like that there's a beached spartan soldier not too far from EB's house. It's a nice warning that there's a war going on out there. I also like Phoboe's character. Games often don't do a good job of making child characters without them coming off as needy or annoying but Phoboe feels like a little sister who looks up to you and wants to be like you. After you leave Noob Island to find your stepfather, you go to Athens and that leads to sort of a mini arc in which you look for 3 people with information on your mother. The 3 informants section felt like it was a bit fillerish but it made sense that no one person alone knew where she went, so you had to piece the full story together. And some of my favorite moments in the game like meeting Hippokrates and the team up with Brasidas were part of this section so I'm not really complaining about this part either.

    However, I was very annoyed that after the hours long info gathering section and Athens plague section, the heartfelt reunion with your mother is cut short by a combat section where invaders from a neighboring island attack the island your mother governs. It was like Ubisoft thought I couldn't go 2 minutes without killing someone. And after it's over, EB and Mom go right back to their previous discussion like nothing happened. Seriously, that combat section was so pointless and I hated it even though it was pretty short. I also thought it was a bit stupid that she doesn't tell you your father's name until right the war between the islands is over. I didn't feel like she was intentionally avoiding saying his name so much as the dialogue is just awkwardly written for her not to say it and EB never has an option to just ask for his name. Also, it often feels like characters don't mention things that they should a lot of the time.

    After that nothing really annoyed me until the Olympics section where Testicles dies. His death is played for comedy, but I don't really get why. He doesn't really insult you or anything. Then you have to take his place in the boxing competition. This section only makes sense if you played as Alexios like I did because I highly doubt Ancient Greeks would let a woman openly compete in the Olympics at all. So, I assume that section is different as Kassandra.

    I didn't have all the evidence for the whole cultist king thing but I'm disappointed it basically boiled down to me getting kicked out of Sparta, stealth attacking him, killing him then proving my innocence all in about 5 minutes. It felt like a missed opportunity for an entirely different story path here.

    I got the ending where all your family lives which was nice but in the end all I got for my hard work was a short dinner scene which was very lackluster. Everyone should have been celebrating or something at the very least. And then, I was informed that I had completed the game even thought I still hadn't finished the Cult or Atlantis storylines. So, the game didn't actually feel like it was over at all.

    Cult of Kosmos Story: Honestly, I wasn't really shocked at the reveal that the leader of the cult was Aspasia. Like the first two notes I got on the leader were something like "the Leader is a woman." and "The leader controls Athenian politics." Which made it way too obvious. I don't really get the ending; she says some stuff about order and chaos and knows you'll destroy the pyramid. (why you do this I don't remember.) then she leaves. You can also kiss her and why you would want to, I have no idea considering your life went to hell because of her and it took EB 20 years to fix it. (and if your one of the people who got the ending where most or all of your family ended up dead, she's responsible for ruining your efforts.) she says she lost control of the cult but a note you get on her says she's a liar so I don't believe her. (later edit: I rewatched this ending on Youtube and according to some comments, the real Aspasia actually lived long past the game. And even if you kill her, you don't confirm the kill so she might still be alive. IMO that makes killing her that much more pointless.)

    All in all, hunting the Cult down was fun I enjoyed the way some targets were part of the story and how many cultists carry notes that help you find other cultists. I like the way you just have this huge list of targets that you can pursue at any time (if you're the right level.) At the very least, having a huge list of targets to pursue at your own pace is a great idea for an AC game. I think they should keep this feature for the next few games. Even if many of them have no bearing on the plot I really got the impression early on that the Cult truly did control Greece and was extremely powerful just because there were so many people who were in the cult. The ending is terrible and unsatisfying for all the work though.

    Atlantis Story: this is the one that really connects the past and present. But for the most part it's some side quests that build up to boss fights against mythological monsters. I liked that I beat the Sphinx by solving her riddles instead of a fight. However, I don't think they should give you the ability to unlock the Minotaur fight until your the right level because I unlocked that fight only to be informed that it was 8 levels above me. Apparently, the Cyclops fight can't be unlocked until you're a certain level so why they let you unlock the Minotaur fight early IDK. And then once you get all the orbs and seal Atlantis, Pythagoras dies because this is an Assassin's Creed game and a father is never safe in this universe.

    …. The Ending itself had a lot of missed opportunities. Layla and EB should have had a much longer conversation, it was way too short and it almost felt like Layla was just hallucinating the entire thing. For example, Layla could have explained that she lived through EB's life because of the Animus or EB could talk about what they had done in the thousands of years since they were given the staff. Personally, I thought it would have been a cool idea if EB revealed they joined the Assassins in at some point in the last 2400 years and they had been operating under different names throughout the eras. Really, anything to expand that conversation would have been good. Like I said, it was a missed opportunity.

    Story Conclusion, I found the story to have some entertaining moments but was overall pretty lackluster… especially the endings. Which were either confusing or needed to be expanded greatly. I really think they needed to be longer. Seriously, I can sit through a 10 minute ending for an 80-100 hour game. To put it another way, most of the Odyssey, especially the endings; doesn't really live up to the phenomenal opening where EB sits alone on the roof of their home, humming to themselves as they hold their Grandfather's spear dreaming of a better life. IDK maybe I got burned out by the end but the story didn't feel as epic as it should have, to me a lot of the time it felt like a checklist of chores to do as I toured Greece.

    (later edit: After writing this part I've since completed the "Legacy of the First Blade. The ending to that DLC really made it seem like EB was going to fight the Order for as long as it took. And as we see in Origins, the Order were the precursors to the Templars. That means it makes even more sense for EB to join the Assassins later. But as far as I can tell, that doesn't happen which makes that missed opportunity even worse since they have actual justification for wanting to stop the templars, since the were once the Order that hunted them for their bloodline, tried to kill or brainwash their son when they were old enough and killed the person they loved. Darius was Badass though. I hope we get an AC game in Persia where we play as him. In Episode 2, How did the Cult and Order team up though? By that point I had killed every single member of the cult, what power could they even have left? And then they don't even show up after that one quest WTH?)

    Now with my thoughts on the story over, on to Gameplay: I focused on stealth and assassinations and a few warrior skills for my build. For most of the game, I also had 2 separate armor sets for stealth and assassin damage and one for combat and warrior damage. because of this, I also didn't use Bows much because they seem to be governed purely by hunter damage and they didn't do very much damage so I ended up having to sneak up right behind everyone that I wanted to kill. Compared to other AC games, I feel like there's a reduced focus on stealth gameplay and a stronger emphasis on combat. Such as the ability to pick a side and fight on battlefields and how poison is now a damage type rather than a tool. (in fact, there aren't really any tools at all. Though smoke bombs at least are a skill now.) I'm not a fan of this change myself. Far too often did I sneak up on someone and stealth kill them, only for them to shrug off being stabbed in the groin or ass and alert the whole base. This happened pretty often during my playthrough even after I had a full set of assassin damage increasing armor, the critical assassinate ability and several other skills that increase assassin damage. For most of the game, I felt I had an inefficient build even though from what I can tell, I had as good of a stealth build as I could at any particular level. I noticed this only really happened with important NPC like a cult leader, military generals or mercenaries. But I feel like they just gave those NPCs ridiculous amounts of health so they can survive stealth kills because they intentionally want you to fight them and not just stealth kill them. (which is weird because you'd typically want to assassinate the most important people, so the game does itself a disservice.)

    That's another thing, in combat I feel like far too many enemies are damage sponges. it can be ridiculous at times and feels very unrealistic, It can often take 7-10 hits for a regular enemy to go down without using special abilities. I guess it's to encourage you to use those special abilities, but I'd prefer a system where you don't have to use them on low threat enemies and save the special abilities for tougher enemies like most RPGs. Limit breaks in Final Fantasy games would lose their charm and hype factor and quickly become tedious if you had to use them for every single enemy, know what I mean? I got sick of Hero Strike of using Hero Strike, let me tell you. I almost cheered at the times when the alternate animation played where it's just a single swipe.

    While I'm not a huge fan of naval combat, all I'll say is that it's fun. And IMO the ships to ship combat feels a lot more balanced compared to person to person combat. The upgrades for the ship have a noticeable effect immediately and there's large amount of customization options for your ship and crew.

    (not sure if I should have put this in story or gameplay but I'm just putting it here.) it's disappointing how lackluster the romances are. I wouldn't even really call any of them romances. None of them go anywhere. Seriously, the Roxana romance was the closest the game had to a truly great love story and I was hoping I wouldn't have to kill her in the tournament. But after that quest, she just joins the crew and there aren't any scenes with her or anything. She just stands on the deck not saying a word. And that's even if you use her as lieutenant in the first place. If not, she might as well disappear from the game altogether.

    On the flip side, male "romance" options seem sparser and most of the males aren't attractive IMHO and the only recurring one, male or female (to my knowledge) is Akibaides, the creepy goat fucker. I think it seems a bit offensive to have the most openly bisexual character in the game be a sexual deviant who fucks goats (and probably just about anything else.) and seems to do nothing but talk about sex and hits on you even if you turn him down multiple times.

    I really think no romances would have been better than romances that literally no nowhere.

    Gameplay Conclusion: Coming from someone who primary plays RPGs, I think the game is a poor RPG overall and the level scaling for the most part, makes it so your never really feel like your increasing in power. There are some exceptions though. I did for example, think the skill that increases the effectiveness of your armor was very useful and had a very noticeable difference. And the ability that lets you negate all fall damage is good to the point of being OP. (although I think this is because Greece is extremely mountainous, and I guess Ubisoft thought it could get tedious having to slowly climb down everything?) Though, I'm not a fan of the supernatural abilities in AC. I think the Spear is used to justify too many powers. With the number of different things, it can do, they could have made it a wizard staff and nothing would change. Though, I at least don't mind it's use in place of a hidden blade. It's a long time before Aya and Bayek and Darius still uses the first one.

    Setting and graphics: The game is phenomenal in this department. The graphics are great, and I think they paid extra attention to the water and lighting. It really helps bring the game to life. Really, I can't praise the game in this department enough. The cities all have their individual touches that make them feel distinct, I like how Athens doesn't have as much decorations on the streets making feel much more metropolitan as if the citizens don't have time for decor while Korinthia has hanging flowers and pink tapestries everywhere.

    I don't know much about ancient Greece, besides what I've learned in one of my college history courses and it feels consistent with what I've learned. The statues and columns are painted and not just plain marble for instance. And I don't know how historically accurate it is, but I noticed that the higher-ranking soldiers wear bigger helmets and more armor while the lowly grunts just get a helmet. Which at least feels realistic to me. Really, I can't praise Ubisoft too much since I don't know enough about the setting to say just how accurate AC:O is but it at least "feels" like they got it right.

    Final Conclusion: I think Odyssey is a good game. A well-crafted, severely flawed one, however. I think the story had some great moments and characters but on the whole, was rather lackluster and the endings to each arc were not very satisfactory and doesn't have enough scenes for a story driven RPG. The RPG aspects don't work very well compared to Origins or other RPGs and it often feels like a game that isn't a good Assassin's Creed game and a weak RPG. However, the setting is very well crafted and seems very well researched. I just wish as they put as much work into the gameplay and story as they did the setting. I hope the next game in the series improves on the areas where Odyssey failed.

    submitted by /u/IJohnWickonracists
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    The ending of Assassin's Creed Unity, what happened?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    Please can anyone let me know what I am missing/don't fully understand with Unity?

    The overarching story of AC Unity from the perspective of the modern day is.. "use Arno's memories to find the Sage that he encountered so that his body can be recovered".

    But at the end after seeing where Germain is located they end up saying there is no point getting his body due to the location and condition it will be in.

    I end up feeling like the whole game ends exactly where it starts and very little progress is made in the perspective of the modern day. This is a shame because the location and gameplay are so nice compared to the previous games but I guess that is because this is the first AC game from this gen and all games before that were from last Gen.

    For reference I am going though all game in order and getting 100% completion/trophies. This is my first time playing unity and I have not played any of the follow up games in the series.

    submitted by /u/IAmNotXJ9
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    [Spoiler] Assassin's Creed India, I have question about it.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    No idea why my post is keep getting removed.

    So for the Not Your Usual Assassin trophy, it says complete the game without killing anyone, do I have to literally do that 10 sequences straight

    Or for example, if I completed all sequence without killing anyone except seqeunce 4, then I go replay sequence 4 without killing anyone, will that still grant me trophy?

    I am currently at sequence 4, I completed it without killing anyone but because of that, it took me 9 minutes and 1 seconds. So I replayed through the mission as fast as I could for faster than light trophy and while doing that I killed some enemies with falling rocks, then continued to sequence 5.

    Am I screwed?

    submitted by /u/Baron012
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    The ending of AC IV Blag Flag has to be my most favourite [Spoilers]

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    I'm currently writing this as I've just finished the game for a second time a few years since I last played it. The credits are currently scrolling through. I just love how this final sequence of events takes place starting at Kenway's compound as he leaves it to the Assassins as a new base. I got chills down my body as soon as Anne Bonny started singing "The Parting Glass". I love how the camera pans round from Anne and you everyone sitting around a table reminding you of everything that you've just been through in the game. As the song continues seeing Kenway go down to the dock and pick a fresh flower to meet his daughter Jenny for the first time. At the end of the song as you get back on the Jackdaw and have the first conversation between Kenway and Jenny is what does it for me. It fills out the story about Caroline and what happened with her while just sailing in this really peaceful and calming moment after all the craziness just makes it really special.

    That then leads into being in the theatre when Haytham Kenway gets introduced as a young boy. It just filled me with excitement knowing Haytham's story in the future. And getting me ready to have him as a character again when I play Rogue next.

    submitted by /u/O_B_R_I
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    An Assassin's Creed Black Flag deserves a remaster soon.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    While the game hasn't aged horribly, it hasn't aged... well. A remaster would be quick and fairly easy. It could fix a lot of the bugs, and I'm certain it'd bring a lot of money, as that game is beloved and amazing. They remasted Rogue after like... 2 years, but Black Flag hasn't gotten the treatment. Just... If it happens, I hope they don't give the faces the AC3 remaster treatment.

    Edit: People seem to be missing two key things I mentioned. I said soon, not in the next 3 months. And I also might be coming across as thinking the game looks bad, which it doesn't. But with no new game gor the franchise slated for release for when the new consoles come out, a remaster of this masterpiece would make sense. Iron out the bugs, bump up the textures and NPC count, and bring it to the next console generation.

    submitted by /u/IzzytheMelody
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    Syndicate is better than Unity

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 06:04 PM PDT

    Free running traversal is fast and responsive unlike Unity

    Combat is better for the type of game it is and is much more responsive.

    You can dodge bullets!

    The Weapon and Outfit unlocks are better as you don't have to grind ridiculous amounts of money to purchase one piece of clothing like in Unity.

    The assassination missions are designed better, making them more enjoyable than Unity.

    The controls aren't unresponsive and sluggish like Unity.

    The story sucks just like Unity, but the main characters Jacob and Evie are at least way more interesting than the bland Arno.

    I'm not saying Syndicate is the best game in the series or even a particularly good game, but I don't understand why it seems to get trashed constantly while Unity, a worse game in almost every way, is now being held up and praised like it's one of the best games in the series. There's a reason why it was not well received by fans and critics alike on launch, so why the sudden change of heart?

    submitted by /u/ballbagg1001
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    Assassin's Creed during the American Conquista would be perfect, here's why.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 11:26 PM PDT

    First of all, Ezio could have a cameo, Its Canon that Ezio send an assassin to the newly discovered lands to to check what the Spanish were doing, so the beginning of this game could be your character talking to Ezio about your trip to the new continent, already in America you can find an Aztec lady, or even more cool you are a European woman and found an Aztec man, and fall in love (so you could play as a man and as a woman and have two stories that if they made sense, not like AC Odyssey) that as they have already said many times, the choice of sex is here to stay, but why choose if you can have both at the same time.

    Being a new person bringing new things you would make your own Assassin brotherhood, enlisting, both locals and spanish people to join the order, the parkour should be more fluid, so you can go through the forests and jungles, and yes, you could play as an actual assassin, fighting against actual Templars, something that I really miss.

    Apart from that, we know that Ubi is in love with mythology lately, and as it is well known, the Aztecs and Mayans had very complex and interesting religions which would be incredible to introduce to the Lore of Assassins Creed.

    There has never been an open world game dealing with the Aztecs and mayans, it would be something completely unique that has never been seen, which would make it much more interesting.

    The map would be quite diverse, I consider that the map should be central and southern Mexico with North and west Guatemala, thanks to this we could have beautiful coasts, deserts, dense jungles, rain forests, volcanic areas, and even snowy mountains.

    Tenochtitlan would be the most important city on the map, this city was incredible, it was in the middle of a lake and there were many artificial islands where they lived and had crops, the city was huge and very densely abitated, the map could have the ruins of the ancient Mayan cities like Chichen Itza, Tikal, Quirigua, Tulum. And also have the Mayan "señoríos" that were present in Guatemala during the conquest, like the Kiches, Kaqchikeles and Tzutujiles.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/andazo122
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    Homestead Missions not appearing in Assassin's Creed 3 remastered.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 11:21 PM PDT

    I recently finished the game and I want to craft some items, but I need the blacksmith to craft it. I cannot get the blacksmith without doing the white trophy mission. I looked this up and it said there was a glitch where you have to complete homestead Missions in the sequence they are in. Has this been patched, or do I have to replay the game?

    submitted by /u/HawkwolfActual
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    Add flips and tricks to parkour.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 10:30 PM PDT

    In the movies, in the comics, the cinematic trailers, sometimes even in the fucking demos we see our protagonists doing sweet flips and spins and swings, yet nearly none of the games features any of these animations. Odyssey kinda had something, that I used all the time, because it made me happy and feel cool.

    But why is that the only example in a franchise about agile assassins to feature a fucking flip? Just add them. You don't need to make it a button, or skill, or add any depth to it to really justify its existence. It's just badass and we want it. I know you do. Although depth is welcome in any mechanic, it's really not necessary here. Flips are just cool.

    Just add them. Add tricks. Add it when you jump off something sometimes. Shoot the E3 demo for Unity had Arno doing some kinda leap-swing-flip-twist that they then removed from the game. Why??

    I can double tap X when jumping and boom he does a random trick. Imagine doing a front flip into a double assassination. Take my god damn money. Or a backflip off a roof to pull out your bow and shoot an arrow into a dudes face.

    Do it. Add swinging tricks like that Unity demo. Fucking swinging through the Viking trees like Viking Tarzan are you kidding me? I would personally go door to door selling this game for you Ubisoft.


    submitted by /u/meme_abstinent
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    this is just some sort of small theory i've come up with while playing ac 2:

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    i think all the protagonists (yes, including Desmond, but no other modern day character) in the AC franchise are reincarnations of either Adam or/and Eve. Basically, i think Minerva captured one of them, performed the same thing Juno did to create the sage on Adam/Eve to make sure they'll reincarnate throughout history so that there is someone to oppose the sage, and protect the human race when the sage appears. I guess it's kinda like a war within a war when the sage and, what ever you wanna call the Adam/Eve reincarnation, appear.

    submitted by /u/corvenal
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    Is hepzefas sword the best in Origins

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    Is hepzefas sword or sword of th duat the best in the game? Ik Hepzefas sword sets enemies on fire, but sword of the dust has the highest rating and dps if I'm remembering correctly.

    submitted by /u/Wingwangmotherfucker
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    Seriously, what happened with the Desmond story?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    I'm replaying the Assassin's Creed franchise during this lockdown and as I type this just finished AC Revelations. I've played all the games before so I know after ACIII the Desmond story just straight up dies (pun intended).

    Was there ever any reporting or leaks as to what happened? Its legitimately like they straight up forgot to write it for Black Flag and then decided they just wouldn't ever touch it again, but then they walked that back with William's reappearance in Origins.

    I honestly enjoyed the modern day storylines when it revolved around Desmond. I put up with the stuff in Black Flag and Unity because I thought maybe they were building towards something, but now it just seems they forgot about it. There's that one hidden sequence in a game (don't remember which one) with the Templar Order recovering his body but then that goes nowhere too.

    Just frustrating. Like surely they had a plan? But I guess not. Sigh...

    submitted by /u/IsnerPR
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    I feel that Black flag is Overhyped

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    I am playing through the story for black flag on PS4 for the FIRST TIME EVER . I never played it for some reason on Xbox so decided to give it a go. And so far in terms of story it has been . Dead ☠️.

    Repetitive tail missions and barely any motivation other than Edward wants to be rich. It's really not an assassin's creed game and I am soo conflicted with the game because the world is amazing to explore and the naval combat is incredible but it all feels like a compromise for a bad story.

    I am on sequence 7 at present and I will finish it and I know it will probably pick up but so far it's not as great as everyone has said.

    submitted by /u/HeavyDroofin
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    Need help getting vlad tepes sword

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    I've completed Assassins Creed Revelations and tries to get Vlad tepes sword in Sofias shop but the tomb icon isnt showing up and there isnt a glowing book, what has happened.

    submitted by /u/LegitFacts_
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    I haven't played Odyssey yet. But there are complaints about it not feeling like assassin creed. But Isn't it set in a time before the creed even existed?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 04:38 AM PDT

    Aren't the mechanics and gameplay more true to the time it's set in rather than throwing in hidden blades and other developed creed skills (which were taught and passed down) for the sake of it?

    I guess the argument would be, why call it assassin's creed then? Thats fair, they probably could've passed it as something else. But I don't know the story or the ending, so I dunno how it links to the overarching meta story. But if that links in well then I don't see the issue?

    submitted by /u/Ryoma123
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    So is ____dead? Possible spoilers

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    So is william miles dead? I remember him showing up in origins and convincing layla to join the assasins but its been a while so does anything else happen with him in it furthermore do they mention him in odyssey?

    submitted by /u/donk2005
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    Why was Arno Simply Given Café Théâtre?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    So, I'm replaying Unity because I actually like aspects of it, but one thing I never thought was explained well was why they just gave Arno Café Théâtre. He just walked in and they're like, "here take a free business franchise!" So, my question is, did I miss something? Or maybe it's just explained better in the books? I've heard that there are aspects of some of the games that will make zero sense out of the context of the book. (Also, I'm sorry if this has been asked before, I looked it up and couldn't find a clear answer.)

    (Also, the original was auto-deleted because my title was too short, so I hope this is better, I'm new here :p)

    submitted by /u/Zelloch
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