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    Tuesday, April 21, 2020

    Assassin's Creed I work in advertising and this was my christmas present after helping out with the AC: Odyssey launch in Australia [Xpost]

    Assassin's Creed I work in advertising and this was my christmas present after helping out with the AC: Odyssey launch in Australia [Xpost]

    I work in advertising and this was my christmas present after helping out with the AC: Odyssey launch in Australia [Xpost]

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    To the engineer who programed the street performers in AC2

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    You're an exceptionally talented individual, but I hate your guts.

    submitted by /u/terminadoru
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    A better way to progress the Modern Day Storyline past Desmond...

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 10:37 PM PDT

    I feel like I'm not alone in my opinion that the modern day storyline has progressively gotten worse since the end of Assassin's Creed III. Not that I was particularly attached to the character of Desmond, but the modern day stuff was nice because we got 4-5 games of the same characters with consistent personalities and story arcs not only to do with plot, but with their relationships to each other.

    It grounded the whole concept, and I think the parts in later installments that were affected by these characters were only better for it. Shaun's and Rebecca's cameos in Black Flag welcomed if small, and I teared up a little bit (on the inside) when Shaun said that Desmond made him want to be a better Assassin in Syndicate(?).

    My question is this: What if, at the end of ACIII, Desmond activates the Isu machine to save the world, dies, then we see a loading screen, then BAM - a new character we haven't seen before is greeted by the faces of Shaun, Rebecca, and William, ten years older.

    Stepping out of the Animus 4.0 as the new main character of the series, the child of Desmond Miles. Fathered during his time in New York and never revealed to Desmond (essentially Elijah Miles), through this character we would learn that the past five games have actually been Elijah reliving his father's memories as he relived Altaïr's, Ezio's, and Connor's memories.

    I'm sure I'm not the first person to consider this, and it may have been floated at Ubisoft, but it just feels like a much more organic way to continue the modern day storyline if they were hellbent on keeping it.

    TL;DR To progress the modern day storyline more organically, a reveal that the first five AC games have actually been "Animus within an Animus" adventures would have been better plot development than what we got.

    submitted by /u/bean_phlores
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    The only reason we could choose our gender in Odyssey is because Ubisoft is too afraid to just have a female protagonist.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    It seems like the only logical conclusion to me, why would they make this change now and not earlier? Along with that we haven't had a game where you entirely play a female character (Except liberation, but it's DLC so it doesn't count). I think they saw backlash from games like Battlefield 5 and didn't want their fan base thinking they were just trying to fit a political agenda. But decided they should still keep a female option who women can relate to more. I think they should just do it. Don't make a huge deal out of it like BF5 did, just have a female character and that's that. The only reason this affected BF5 in a big way was because they wanted everyone to know how "woke" they were and ended up pissing of the fanbase. As long as they don't do that, then they'll be fine.

    Is this common knowledge? Now I'm worried.

    submitted by /u/BLT-BOB
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    For me, AC: Origins feels like what AC should've become directly after Ezio's trilogy...

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 10:30 PM PDT

    I know, a lot of people don't care for Origins and Odyssey, and it seems like more like Origins over Odyssey. I went back and started Origins again and for me, it feels like this was how it should've gone directly after Ezio's trilogy.

    Now hear me out, without the other games, Origins wouldn't be what it is. And I absolutely love the game. I think that shift was made with Unity, which I know a lot of people also didn't like (but I think it was a lot of fun, when it worked like it was supposed to. Me personally, I never got the bugs everyone complained about and I played on day 1...? which was weird, but I enjoyed seeing how other people made jokes of the game when it broke, the memes were pretty funny) That's beside the point.

    I feel like ever since Unity, there've been people who shit on the newest game, "ItS nOt Ac EnOuGh OmG" and they complain and complain, but the thing is, we can't stay in 2007. Think about that, the first game came out 13 years ago! If the game stayed exactly the same with different paint, then the same people would still complain... It's a never winning cycle. My point of view is, I'll play each new game with an open mind, because I know it's going to be different in some way. While these people seem to hate on it just for the hell of it, there are some points to be made. The hidden blade BELONGS in the game. Sneaking, assassinating in the shadows... that's something else that belongs in the games. They should've never been scaled down or reduced. The way it was done in Origins felt natural, at least. But I don't want to get a quarter into the game without it and then it shows up again.

    What's weird for me is, I hated Black Flag, which seems to be the complete opposite opinion from most fans (cue the downvotes.) I hated the boat gameplay, it was my least favorite part of the game. Playing it recently on N Switch, I've began to really like the game. I've played it a good amount now that I can enjoy it for what it is. It's... weirdly satisfying, as much as I disliked it before. It's almost a shock how different the game feels now, almost 7 years later.

    The world, the gameplay, and Bayek's character just feels like such a perfect next chapter for AC. I feel more connected to him than any of the main characters from AC3 to Syndicate, like I did when I played through Ezio's trilogy, understanding what he went through to make him an assassin. Even Aya, she was an incredible character, with motive that made sense! She should've had a game of her own, honestly. I would've loved to have had a sequel playing as Aya, where Bayek shows up every so often. A sequel for Bayek would've been fine also, I would've loved that, and I hope in the future someday, we can return to Bayek and see another story for him. I know his story wrapped up in Origins, but I just... wanted more. Not in a "You left things open ended, there should've been more!" type of way, but more in a "Woah, this was fucking epic, I *need* more of this game" type of way.

    I guess all I'm trying to say is -- for some of us who started playing this series when the first game came out on PS3, some of us enjoy the new games too. Odyssey isn't my favorite, but I liked it and put a lot of time into it. Origins was just... in my opinion, a goddamn fantastic game and I'm hoping the next game repeats what Origins did, meaning it gives us a character with a meaningful story, motive as to why they're an assassin or why they're doing what they're doing, and good character development. Here's to hoping!

    submitted by /u/Carcass1
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    The guards in AC1 are terrifying and makes me try to avoid open combat as much as I can.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    Compared to the following games the guards in AC1 are utterly terrifying, it's hard to explain but I've always felt this way.

    Before I explain I think what really drives my anxiety about stealth in AC1 is the detetion meter. The way the beeping gets faster as you get closer to detection kind of throws me off a bit as I frantically try to think of a way to change my route before detection, otherwise this would happen...

    I feel like what makes the guards terrifying, that is missing in later games, is not only how aggressive they are, but how they are an analog of the player. Unlike in later games up until about Syndicate where guards kind of flinch when you hit them until you do a combo to finish them off, the guards in AC1 block and parry if you try to swing wildly at them and they can also counter your hits which gives them time to truly fuck you up, just like you as Altaïr would do to them.

    They're also more likely to dogpile you and attack and the same time which is nearly impossible to counter against seeing as there's no AC3 like system where you could double kill.

    It's realistic and makes fighting more than 3 guards at a time extremely difficult compared to the Ezio games which had a fantasy element to the combat system where he had no problem taking on multiple guards and completely thrown out the window by Connor who was destroying British soldiers at 13, it makes Altaïr feel like he has human limitations.

    I think later games should use an updated version of AC1's combat system, I like the realism of it and can provide a difficult combat system besides the one man army of the games that come after it and the hack and slash demigod of Odyssey.

    submitted by /u/bully1115
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    Replaying AC Games - On Rogue - Whats your favorites?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 06:41 PM PDT

    So as the title says, I'm replaying (or playing the first time) the AC series. I had beat 1 & 2, but stopped at 3. I bought 4, Unity, Syndicate but never actually finished them. Now I'm changing that, starting with Rogue, because I skipped it entirely (I also need to finish Ezio trilogy).

    What are your top favorites? For me, 1 & 2 are still the best, hands down. 1 was so new, and different, we didn't really have a game like it at the time IMO.

    submitted by /u/brokentechnologyx
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    Do you really want to max all abilities/mastery levels? So here are some crazy numbers for you.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    First of all, the abilities and mastery levels:

    33 abilities in a total of 112 AP 82 mastery levels x 20 levels in each, totalling 1640 AP. So, a grand sum of 1752 AP in order to max everything!!!

    Let's assume you do a perfect first playthrough with all platinum, all DLC's, all sets, all ainigmatas, all you can remember and more. This should net you:

    99 AP from leveling up 22 AP from Ancient Stele's (main game) 18 AP from Maiden Marbles (Fate of Atlantis DLC - Episode 1) 18 AP from Tartaros Rifts (Fate of Atlantis DLC - Episode 2) 18 AP from Isu Data Caches (Fate of Atlantis DLC - Episode 3)

    A total of 175 AP in a single first run of the game, which leaves you with 1577 AP to farm on future NG+.

    Now in this second playthrough if you farm all the Stele's and the easy to grab AP from the DLC, you get 76 points (22+18+18+18). Also, you will need to complete the main story all over again in order to unlock the NG+ feature and by doing this, assuming you stick to the main story (both main game and DLC), let's say you level up 50 times, which means 50 more AP.

    So second playthough and above, an average of 126 new AP. Meaning you will need to play the game about 13 times in order to farm the remaining 1577 AP (1577/126≈13 rounded up).

    And how long will this take? Taken from How Long to Beat website and just sticking to the main story, 40h main game and 12h the Atlantis DLC. To this you should add an extra 5h needed to farm the Stele's, the Maiden Marbles, the Rifts and the Caches, meaning a total of 57h on a NG+. Since you will need to repeat the game 13 times and each with around 57h, this means you will spend 741 hours (around 31 days) farming AP.

    TLDR: 1752 AP needed; After first playthrough you should be left with 1577 AP to farm; An average of 126 AP per NG+ at a run of 57 hours; 13 NG+ needed, costing you 741 hours/31days of your Covid-19 quarantine lockdown.

    TLDR of the above TLDR: it takes too much damm time!

    Notes: the leveling up on NG+ and time needed that were stated above, are based in worst case scenarios, so you can get more AP per run or take less to complete or both, which can help speeding up the farming.

    submitted by /u/shikaka87
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    If Black Flag was RPG-ish like Origins/Odyssey, It would be amazing.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    I loved Black Flag's setting. i loved Origins/Odyssey's gameplay.

    Combine those two together and I think we'd have the PERFECT open world pirate RPG game of all time.

    Please Ubisoft, Black Flag 2 please.

    submitted by /u/racecarcarrace
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    I keep getting killed when fighting groups of janissaries in ac revelations

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    Plz help, how do I kill them ? They all dodge my attacks and kicks, there's no way to kill them and especially large groups of them

    submitted by /u/Stephan-Wolfgang
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    How to get brotherhood to 75%

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    I have got 60.89% I heard you need 75% to get the last Christina mission

    I done all main story and war machine missions but not all are 100%

    I have done 4 of the Copernicus missions

    I have bought and rebuilt everything

    How do I get the 15% I need

    submitted by /u/matts142
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    Idea - Expanding on Isu hybrid ability

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    So you know how we can basicslly fly around as eagle in origins/odyssey, right? I think it would be cool if we go even furthur with that mechanic.

    What if they let us become other animals? I don't mean transforming to animal, but like controlling eagle, we can control various animals like rat, wolf, bear while our character sit still in grass. Seeing how Connor's daughter Io:nhiòte just controlled random eagle, I don't think this requires to build certain bond with animal either.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Baron012
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    I Cross-Stiched a Pixel-art Assassin today =)

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:27 AM PDT

    (Odyssey) What side quest do i have to complete in order to unlock the quest "a life's worth"?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    I've been stuck trying to figure out who the 3rd cult member of the eyes of cosmos is. And the internet said to complete all 6 side quests after the plague event. But i don't know what those side quests are.

    submitted by /u/Bladeboy69420
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    Where did Clay learn the truth?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    I'm replaying all of the games, and I can't find anything online about it: how did subject 16 learn about the truth? How did he create the video you unlock in ac 2? Where do the symbols come from? We know the meaning but I've not found anything about the origins of all of that. If anyone has any information or theory I would love to read it.

    submitted by /u/StereotypicalItalian
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    Does anyone play AC unity still??

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    Since been in lockdown I've been playing old games to get 100%

    And need to do some co-op missions.

    I was thinking of buying £1 game pass so I could do that but not sure if anyone plays this one anymore?? (Hopefully some do)

    Stay safe guys! UwU

    submitted by /u/amsmolbean
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    [spoilers][origins] a question about a certain mechanic

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 04:03 PM PDT

    Ok, so I did all 12 of the bayeks promise quest. Went to the great Sphinx, now I need 50 Scila. Do I need to do the 5 or 6 other tombs that have mechanics in them for the end of this or do I just need the 50 Scila, should I do the other tombs if I don't need to.

    submitted by /u/hammerblaze
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    Attention all misthios, what is your favorite Kassandra/Alexios quote?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    I think my personal favorite has to be "FUCK YOUR WAR!" I play as Alexios and I find his delivery of lines hilarious even though it's probably not intended to be humorous sometimes. Actual humorous quote that I like is probably "Korinthia, city of prostitutes, and... not much else." If I remember that line correctly.

    submitted by /u/garrett6001
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    //DISCUSSION// An honest opinion about AC Unity

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 05:52 AM PDT

    It took me 5 years to say this but f it im saying itthis game is one of the best games in the franchise . it was buggy all right but looking at it from another prespective for ubisoft to be able to fit all of those NPCs in one scene and manage to make the game work on even dual core CPUs like the G3250 is a great achievemnt but thats another topic for another daybefore ac unity the closest thing we got on assassins cults was ac 1 where there was an actual organisation all the games after that were rebuilding the creed from aches ( colonial assassins mostly ...) but with ac unity we have a council we have ranks we have order ..we have a great story we had an alliance between the assassins and templars to save france in the early gameAC unity story was great so were the mechanics in the game : the fluidity in the parkour and the diversity of the animations and the efficiency of how you climb up and down are the best in any assassins creed no other game has this amount of freedom yes you can go anywhere in any game but ac unity had its own way you go from a rooftop to the next and the game adapts to you movements creating a very unique motionthe combat was difficult (not your dark souls difficult but you get me ) in previous games mainly 3 and black flag you can chain kill countless enemies where in ac unity you need to ave a strategy and in most cases an escape rout plannedtalking about strategies the way you can achieve 1 objective are countless and realistic i you re tailing someone and you lose them you can go to the last known location and look for them instead of reloading from last checkpointlastly the visuals in this game are amazing that they need an entire post to talk about

    I truly think that if they released rogue in 2014 and tried to fix some of the bugs an optimising it then releasing it later in 2015 wouldve made more sense especially in the flow of the story yet we can all agree that if ac unity was released lets say this year taking advantage of modern hardware everyone wouldve called it te best ac game out there.

    Im really curious to hear everuone opinion about this

    submitted by /u/nstealthy
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    What has been your biggest OOF moment in the series?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:15 PM PDT

    Where you put a lot of effort into one task and you realize, it was stupid.

    Mine was getting all the Borgia flags in Brotherhood around 70% sync before finishing the game. Until I realize I could've bought a map just before I was missing the Lairs' flag.

    It really upset me.

    submitted by /u/Venezuelan_phag
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    I made an Assassins Creed Music Video!

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    I hope y'all like it I worked hard on it but beware, there are some spoilers for Assassins Creed Unity in the video.


    submitted by /u/SilverShadow651
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    Combat difficulty of Odyssey vs Origins

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    So I decided to play Odyssey before Origins bc reasons. However, now that my Odyssey nears its end, I'm looking toward Egypt.

    In my research on how the games compare, I noticed that there aren't really any damage dealing abilities in Origins like there are in Odyssey.

    So I was wondering, does the lack of huge damage dealing abilities (Hero's Strike, Devastating Shot, Ghost Arrows, etc.) make combat in Origins significantly harder? Fights longer?

    I love ancient Egypt shit so I wanna love it, but I wonder if I've been too spoiled by Odyssey. Chaire!

    submitted by /u/bigpapijugg
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    What's the 3D model of the octopus in AC:2 ?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 09:42 PM PDT

    I love to find assets and to no clip in video games.

    But so far I didn't find any videos of anyone showing the 3D model of the squid we never completely see in AC:2.

    Is there a way to move the camera underwater ?

    submitted by /u/rmXyEEbpuManEa87
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