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    Sunday, April 12, 2020

    Assassin's Creed I drew one of my favourite Assassins. Hope you're at peace in the field of reeds, Bayek!

    Assassin's Creed I drew one of my favourite Assassins. Hope you're at peace in the field of reeds, Bayek!

    I drew one of my favourite Assassins. Hope you're at peace in the field of reeds, Bayek!

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    A drawing of Kassandra I did :)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    I replayed the Desmond saga and in those 5 games I counted more than 3 hours of modern day and about 1h20 in AC3 only. Quality Modern Day. What happened to AC?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 05:30 PM PDT

    And now people can't even tolerate the idea of 20 mins per game. Like, I totally understand if those 20 mins are boring, but just the idea of modern day being present annoys some people. You guys literally have more historical content than ever, with Odyssey taking about 50h to complete. Now, I get people not liking the current modern day storyline, I find them boring too but the concept... What's wrong with having 2h of Modern stuff in each game if done right? This is Assassins Creed. Modern Day is part of its focus and, like I proved, it was a huge part of the franchise

    All this changed because people criticized so much the Desmond saga back then even tho it showed masterfully the evolution of a young snobbish man to someone ready to sacrifice himself for mankind.

    submitted by /u/GreenArrow194
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    So I just replayed AC. Holy fuck I forgot how cool Altair was!

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    So while it may have been a bit clunky, I really enjoyed replaying AC. But moreover, I forgot how cool Altair was. To see him face all these questions from Templar's, and to have his master betray him, but to see him follow the creed yet still is amazing. And I just loved his character journey in general.

    Couple this with his character in revelations and it becomes even fucking better. FUCK! I forget how cool he is.

    Just want to make not of that, what about you guys?

    submitted by /u/EMB1981
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    AC Unity has huge potential to be a really great game if they gave it another year or two on development

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    I just think AC Unity could have been the best Assassin's Creed game. The perfect combination of stealth and combat. It could also bring back underground tombs/catacombs to discover like in AC 2. The brotherhood system could have been added and refined even more given how the setting is fitting for it. The combat I guess it's alright especially the "finishers", surprisingly there are lots of variety, like Arno would jump from a wall to deliver the killing blow. The parkour system was also great it really shows how an assassin should move agile and nimble but could use a little more "polish" especially in colliding to some buildings.

    I'm sure there are many more aspects of the game that could have been refined. Don't get me wrong I love the game I just thought it could have been the "perfect game" the franchise was aiming for. The trailer was awesome though.

    submitted by /u/Kenway21
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    Interesting Historical Landmarks To Visit In Assassin's Creed: Odyssey

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 04:50 AM PDT

    Interesting Historical Landmarks To Visit In Assassin's Creed: Odyssey

    Whatever your stance on Odyssey is, all of us can collectively agree - Odyssey is absolutely gorgeous and has some amazing locations that you can visit and experience. The reason why I'll be listing these is because I couldn't find a definite list of locations for all these beautiful landmarks and if you wanted to visit them, you'd have to go down so many rabbit holes. So here is your definite I'll list some of them and where you can find them, to make your life just that bit easier and experience one of the greatest strenghts of the game - the small nooks in the (unnecessarily huge) world that make it special.

    (Disclaimer: All of the photos are not taken by me, credits go to the people that actually took these! First 7 are by Aoi over on Steam; all others are from various sources.)


    Lightning Zeus - Kephallonia, (Central) Mount Ainos

    • The Lightning Zeus - this one is pretty hard to miss, as it is in the middle of the island that >!you start the game on with your preferred sibling!<. It also has a viewpoint so yeah, this one is obvious.


    Grave Of Sisyphos - Korinthia, (North-Eastern) Isthmus Of Poseidon

    • The Grave Of Sisyphos - this one, is right near a cave (with the same name - Grave of Sisyphos) in which you have to kill some >!Followers Of Ares!< and loot a treasure. An absolutely mythology-inspired statue of Sisyphos who was punished because he tricked death 3 (or so) times and has to push a boulder up a mountain endlessly, as every time he reaches the top the boulder slides down and he has to start over endlessly, which he is said to do to this day. (Side Note: At first I thought this was Atlas, not gonna lie.)


    Statue Of Kronos - Elis, (North-Eastern) Valley Of Olympia

    • The Statue Of Kronos - this one is a bit gruesome, but it is faithful to the mythology. (In short: after Kronos dethroned his father - Ouranos, the same was prophesied to happen to him. To prevent it he forced his wife - Rheia to let him devour every single child they had. Rheia hid one from him, though, and after it grew enough, it slew it's father and became King of The Gods - that child being Zeus, of course. Zeus also freed his brothers and sisters from Kronos' stomach and led them as his Olympians.) This one particularly easy to find as the story leads you to the nearby town of Elis for>! the Olympic games, which you have to win because you inadvertently killed the previous champion!<. There is also a side-quest nearby called Kallipateira, in which (at the end) you visit this location anyways.


    Tomb Of Tityos - Phokis, (Eastern) Valley Of The Snake

    • The Tomb Of Tityos - this one is also pretty accurate to mythology, as Tityos (more commonly known as Prometheus) gave humans fire so they can progress, which angered Zeus who tied him to a rock and had vultures eat out his regrowing liver (remember he is immortal and heals quickly) every noon,until he was freed by Herakles at some point. Anyways, keep in mind that there are a couple of >!Cult Guards!< around so watch out for them. (Also no there is no tomb around, like with Sisyphos, just the places are titled "The Tomb Of .....")


    Statue Of Poseidon - Unnamed Island, (North of) Samos & (South of) Chios

    • The Statue Of Poseidon - even though, this island has no name I can assure you that if you are going for a 100% completion you will visit at least a couple of times. There is a side-quest by >!Phidias!<, named >!"The Message, The Stick & The Artist"!< that you pick up in Elis where you have to >!visit a couple of statues around Greece (including this one).!< >!Xenia!< also makes you check here for one of the items in the hunt for her >!Legendary Artifacts!<, guarded by >!Cult Guards!<. Other than that after receiving the >!Staff Of Hermes Trismegistus!<, >!Aletheia!< will be near the statue with the sample quest >!"Heir Of Memories" (in which you just visit a couple of tombs both with Layla and your misthios)!< which is a taste of what's to come in the >!Atlantis!< DLC. To top it all of here you find Poseidon's Trident - a Legendary spear which lets you breathe underwater. It is found in a chest in the location known as "Temple Of Poseidon", after killing some lions that are guarding it.


    Statue Of Artemis Agrotera - Mykonos, (South-Western) Artemis Hills

    • The Statue Of Artemis Agrotera - same with The Lightning Zeus statue, this one is pretty hard to miss. On the tip of her arrow there is a viewpoint as well, as you'll be spending a few hours on both of the Silver Islands due to a questline for the >!rebels over there!<, starting with >!"Trouble In Paradise"!< (which you pick up on the >!Adrestia!<, after >!Barnabas!< prompts you to check out the Mercenary Board.)*


    Cyclopean Head Of Medusa - Korinthia, (Eastern) Valley Of Judgement

    • The Cyclopean Head Of Medusa - contrary to logical sense for this head to be on the >!Petrified Islands!<, specifically on >!Lesbos!< where you fight >!Medusa herself!<, it's in the southern part of Korinthia. It's right next to Kephisos's Sanctuary Ruins, which is once again guarded by >!Cult Guards!<. It's by a giant withering tree and if you head directly south from the Temple Of Aphrodite (the one with the viewpoint) that's in the southern Akrokorinth area, you'll pull up right next to the head of the snake-haired beast.


    Altar Of Prometheus - Attika, (Western) Sieged Plains

    • The Altar Of Prometheus - near the Altar Of Love (which is also an intriguing area, just slighty south-east of this statue; the Altar of Love tells of the fight between 2 love gods - Eros & Anteros). At this location you solve the "Elbow Greece" Anigmata (which is on Salamis, in a quarry on the northern part of the island) and also here you finish >!"Happily Ever After?"!<, which is the final quest in >!Alkibiades'!< questline.


    Site Of Iphigenia's Sacrifice - Beotia, (Northern) Cursed Lands Of Oedipus

    • The Site Of Iphigenia's Sacrifice - this location is very significant in Homer's Iliad, as it is the place where Agamemnon sacrfices one of his daughters due to calm & still winds, that don't let the ships sail. In realistic media - Iphigenia dies, but in mythology Artemis takes pity on the young girl and in the last second switches her out for a deer. The young girl then goes on to become a priestess. In a nearby underwater location you also get items that help you in the questline for >!Eppi!<. (PS. Sorry for the picture can't find a bigger/better one.)


    Forest Of Pholos - Elis, (Northern) Plains Of Flax

    • The Forest Of Pholos - some stone statues of centaurs in various poses are scattered through this particular forest. Around here you'll be helping a hunter find his daughter in the the quest >!"The Wild Hunt!<" which is one of the questlines of the Lost Tales Of Greece.


    Odysseus' Palace - Kephallonia, (South-Eastern) Ithaka

    • Odysseus' Palace - now overrun with bandits, other than having to grab >!Penelope's Shroud!< you also have to save >!Odessa!< (who is supposedly one of his descendants) and if you go west from the castle you will also find Odysseus' goatfarm (and solve the "Fatal Attraction" Ostraka). (PS. Again I apologise for the picture, this one was the best I could find.)


    Mycenae - Argolis, (Central) Palace Of Agamemnon

    • Mycenae - again, as things go, bandits have infiltrated the palace walls and even taken hostages. Said to once have been ruled by king Agamemnon & queen Clytemnestra, key figures in the Trojan War and the Iliad. Fittingly, nearby you can also check out Agamemnon's Tomb (which you have to visit in >!"The Heir Of Memories"!< quest and find the>! symbol inside the tomb!<). You also visit this place in one of the quests of >!"A Brother's Seduction"!< - yet another Lost Tale Of Greece.


    Snake Temple - Phokis, (Eastern) Valley Of The Snake

    • The Snake Temple - aka the Snake Ruins, this is the place where Apollo fought and killed the fabled Python - who was guarding the very first Oracle. In honor of it, the Oracles have been dubbed "Pythia". The ruins are once again protected by the >!Cult Of Kosmos!< and their >!Cult Guard!<. In one of the early game quests - >!"Snake In The Grass"!< (which's name is literal and figurative), you must go here to take care of >!Elpenor!<.


    Sanctuary Of Delphi - Phokis, (South-Western) Great Mount Parnassos

    • The Sanctuary Of Delphi - aka the Temple Of Apollo in Delphi, probably the most influential building in Ancient Greece. This is the place where you also recruit >!Herodotos!< and learn that the Pythia is a >!puppet of the Cult!<. Also you get a viewpoint on top of the temple and this sweet Charioteer statue (western side of the Temple itself).


    Statue Of Athena - Attika, (Central) Greater Athens

    • The Statue Of Athena - aka Athena Promachos, is the only viewpoint in Athens. You can't miss it. At the base of the statue, an Athenian general by the name of >!Demosthenes!< will task you with getting >!5 sets of 3 Spartan Polemarch seals (which you get by killing Polemarchs in regions owned by Sparta)!<. Also keep in mind that when>! Kleon!< is in control of Athens, the whole area around the statue will be a restriced area. Later on you look for clues against >!Kleon!< in a quest for >!Sokrates!<.


    Aphrodite's Beauty - Kythera Island, (Eastern) Pilgrim Hill

    • Aphrodite's Beauty - again if you're going for 100% you will definitely visit this statue. This statue, other then an absolute marvel is a viewpoint and part of >!Phidias'!< quest. Other than that on this island you'll be hunting the one-of-a-kind >!Krokottas Hyena!< and running after >!Diona!<'s schemes.


    Parthenon - Attika, (Central) Greater Athens

    • The Parthenon - probably one of the most spectacular buildings in the Ancient World, that is still standing to this day. Ths one again is incredibly easy to find, as it is just slighty west of the giant Athena Statue. As things go, this place is dedicated to Athena, even having a smaller verison of the same giant Athena inside. The most important story-beat that happens here is the assassination of >!Perikles!< during the >!plague!<. Also keep in mind that this place will become a restricted area during the rule of >!Kleon!<.


    Altaz Of Zeus - Elis, (Eastern) Valley Of Olympia

    • The Altar Of Zeus - aka the Great Altar is the place where 100 bulls are slaughtered in honor of Zeus, as the Olympic Games end on the third day. Other than >!Barnabas!< excitedly showing you the great sigths around Elis, you also help >!Alkibiades!< around here as he was poisoned by a >!cultist!<. (Couldn't find a picture without a minor spoiler, sorry guys)


    Statue Of Zeus - Elis, (Eastern) Valley Of Olympia

    • The Statue Of Zeus - inside the Temple Of Zeus, in the Sanctuary Of Olympia this statue stands tall in all it's glory. >!Barnabas!< will again ramble on about Zeus' might and you will have to find a message (on the statue itself) to help >!Phidias!< during his quest. (Also yes, that is Nike - the goddess of victory resting on his palm, how fitting for the games themselves.)


    Olympic Tree - Elis, (Eastern) Valley Of Olympia

    • The Olympic Tree - aka Kallistefanos Elea (beautiful crown) & the Olive Tree Of Zeus. Other then a monument of the Olympic Games participants and their deeds, this tree is also the source for the wreaths given to the winner. You visit this place with >!Barnabas!<, as he tells you of it's significance. (Apologies again for the size, no better one.)


    Unfortunately a post can't contain more than 20 images, so I'll just be describing the rest, which are very much still worth visiting:

    • The Statue Of Herakles - Elis, (Southern) Forgotten Swamps; a monument to the son of Zeus, fabled to be the one who established the Olympic Games in honor of his father after he completed his Twelve Labours. I had a slighty hard time finding it, but it's by the road for the Sanctuary Of Olympia.
    • The Olive Tree Of Herakles - Argolis, (Northern) Valley Of Dreams; a pretty hard to miss tree, right by the Sanctuary Of Asklepios which you investigate at one point in the story. It is theorised to be the tree from which Herakles' club is made of. You also visit the tree during the side-quest >!"Written In Stone"!< where depending on your choices, a different outcome will end the quest. (You can actually play with "Herakles' Mace" - a legendary Heavy Blunt, which you can find in the Temple Of Demeter And Kore, which is in Arkadia, (Central) Pan's Cradle. It is in the southern part of the city of Tegea).
    • The Club Of Herakles - Argolis, (Eastern) Valley Of Dreams; the gigantic club of the hero, was said to be hidden by a pair of mischevious twins. It grew roots though, and now is a monument of Herakles - which doesn't stop it from being overrun with>!Cult Guards!<though.
    • The Temple Of Hera - Elis, (Eastern) Valley Of Olympia; said to watch over the Heraia events - which are basically Olympic Games for women. Not as impressive as the temple of her husband, but still worth a look.
    • The Sanctuary Of The Muses - Beotia, (Southern) Reborn Hills; said to be the Nine Wives of Apollo, with each ruling a different aspect of the arts & sciences. This sanctuary is just a small waterfall with a beautiful view, but watch out for >!Daughters Of Artemis!< as they are around. (If you become their >!leader!< in the end of the >!"Daughters Of Artemis"!< questline though, they will be friendly and all the areas where the >!huntresses!< preside will not be restriced to you. Side Note - why doesn't Ubisoft remove the need to kill the >!Lead Huntress!< if you become their >!leader!<? Doesn't make sense to be slaughtering >!your tribe!<, but ok?)
    • Stymphalos Armored Bird - Arkadia, (Northern) Golden Fields; other than a viewpoint, this area of the Golden Fields serves as a reminder for Herakles' sixth task - to slay the Stymphalian Birds. Just some gigantic pieces of armor remain, next to the quaint town by the same name of Stymphalos. You visit this place in the Ubisoft Club mission - >!"The Blind King"!< where you have to >!describe multiple beautiful places to a blind man!<, who turns out to be >!the brother of the current king of Persia.!<
    • The Temple Of Aphrodite - Korinthia, (Southern) Akrokorinth; an absolutely gorgeous temple to commemorate the protector of the city of Korinth - Aphrodite, who is also said to be the reason for the many heterae and brothels around the city. Other than having a viewpoint, you will definitely visit this city during the main story - specifically to kill a >!Cultist!< by the moniker of >!"The Monger"!<. The temple is also commonly sited by the community to be the best viewpoint in the game, due to the spectacular view.
    • The Knossos Palace - Messara, (North-Eastern) Minos's Legacy; an amazing dive into mythology is tied to this location. Said to be one of the greatest kings of Greece - Minos and his wife Pasiphaë ruled Crete inbetween these walls. Pasiphaë is actually the more interesting one of the two - other than being a mother of both Ariadne and the Minotaur (don't even ask how that happened), she is also a daughter of Helios & Perse (a simple nymph), sister of king Aeëtes (father of the witch Medea, with him being a powerful wiccan himself), Perses (the sorcerer king of Colchis) and Circe - yes that Circe, the Witch of Aiaia. Oh and Pasiphaë is a witch too, not even remotely as powerful as her siblings but still. Sorry for the tangent, just know that there is a viewpoint here and of course - The >!Minotaur!< fight, after completing the questline of >!"Myths And Minotaurs"!<.
    • Lalaia - Phokis, (Eastern) Valley Of The Nymph; nothing really interesting here - but it definitely is a small quaint village that is popping off with charm and beauty. It is a truly magical place, said to be watched over by a nymph of the same name, who lives in the springs next to the village that you will want to visit for sure. As things go you obviously have a viewpoint nearby. This place is also home to my absolute favourite Lost Tale Of Greece - >!"The Daughters Of Lalaia" !<in which you >!train the women of the village to fend off for themselves while the men are at war, the outcome again depening on your choices throughout the quest!<.
    • The Sacred Statue Of Hera - Samos, (Eastern) Persian Bay; a place you will visit while doing >!Herodotos'!< questline. It has a viewpoint and of course, island-wise... this place is gorgeous.
    • The Statue Of Theagenes Of Thasos - Thasos, (Western) City Of The Champion; aka >!"The Thasian Statue"!< as it is referred to by >!Phidias!< in his quest. It is found in Thasos City, which is full of side-quests.
    • The Lion Of Leonidas - Malis, (Western) Hot Gates Of Thermopylai; a beautiful monument to Leonidas' 300 and their valiant battle against the Persians. It is tied to the main quest >!"Memories Awoken"!< which recounts the>! ending of the battle!<.
    • The Red Lake - Lokris, (Southern) Red Lake Bay; the answer to the question about the lake's tint is either because of rust on a bull statue, that is the answer to an Anigmata, or because of a bacteria that reacts with the salt and the intensity to make it look red. Nothing much to it just a cool-looking red lake.
    • The Tomb Of Leonidas - Lakonia, (Southern) Sparta; aka The Statue Of Leonidas, is again a monument to the brave battle of Thermopylai. The remains that could be recovered were brought back to Sparta, and tombstones were inscribed with the names of the dead. Here you take up a series of quests for >!Lysander!<, the same way that you did for >!Demosthenes!<.>!Five sets of 3 Athenian Polemarch seals, which after done will trigger a battle. The reward you get is Athena's Spear!<. You also meet >!king Pausanias - one of the 2 Spartan Kings and the one that is a cultist. He gives you a side-mission to help your odds in the eyes of the Kings as you want to return ownership over the house you grew up in.!<
    • The Bull Of Oreos - Euboea, (North-Western) Artemision Point; one of the many bull statues scattered around Greece along with others such as the Korkyraean Bull in Phokis. Just a little cool monument, just west of the only viewpoint in Artemision Point.
    • The Palace Of Hippomedon - Argolis, (Eastern) Wetlands Of The Hydra; the palace of the famed Hippomedon, one of the champions of the Seven Against Thebes - a famous conflict the gates of Thebes. The champions are imortalised in Delphi as well. Just beware of the bandits that lurk around the palace.
    • The Palace Of Aphareus - Messenia, (South-Eastern) Exile Hills; the palace of Aphareus - one of the greatest kings of Messenia. Watch out for the >!Cult Guards!< though as they have taken over yet another historical site. The palace is close to a viewpoint as well, so it is very convinient.
    • Prytaneion - Elis, (Eastern) Valley Of Olympia; The ever-burning fire of the Olympian Games is said to be looked over by Hestia. Just a cool little spot in Elis, just north of the viewpoint in the city.
    • The Battle Of The Giants And Gods- Arkadia, (North-Eastern) Forest Of Soron; an irresistible location, with a war of fire and a bunch or ruins. To find it go towards where the Sparta/Athens battle would take place. Telling of the story of the Giants avenging the long-fallen Titans in a battle of wit and power. At the end, the Gods fill their enemies with lightning and arrows and triumphantly leave the battlefield as a reminder of their victory.
    • The Menelaion- Lakonia, (North-Western) Helot Hills; a sanctuary built to honour king Menelaus & his runaway-bride, the gorgeous Helen who ran away with the Trojan prince, which enabled the 10-year-long Trojan War.

    This was it, if you have more ideas of cool places to add to this pretty extensive list leave them below. Please don't let this flop :(, I have worked on this for like 2 days now. Thanks for checking my post out anyways!

    submitted by /u/julesisacoward
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    The Japanese brotherhood wore masks

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 04:28 PM PDT


    Random post, but I was going through the wiki and stumbled upon the Assassin Yamauchi Taka and the first thing I noticed was that he wore a mask. Idk about anyone else but it's always bothered me as to why the Assassins don't wear any. There've been many Assassins in the past who were quite well known people and it'd be in there best interests to hide their identity. Ezio's father was a well known noble in Italy but when he went on missions his whole face was exposed with only a hood to barely cover it, which brings the question to why they didn't go after him sooner.

    And we know the Assassins want to avoid as much collateral damage as possible. In the past the Templars have put entire villages to the sword just to for one Assassin or to purposely attract attention. Wearing masks would make it harder for the Templars to track them down, also it fits into the whole "remain unknown in the shadows" rule they follow.

    I think that's reason enough for a feudal Japan game.

    submitted by /u/Powerblue102
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    Can someone help me finding this trailer?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Some years ago I remember watching an ac black flag trailer with a sinking ship where you see all those things under water. It looked really cinematic and great, I wanted to re-watch it but I can't find it anywhere. Maybe someone knows what trailer I mean and can send me a link?

    submitted by /u/Kvssrdr
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    I'd forgotten how bad Unity is.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    I'm doing a playthrough of all Assassin's Creed games including doing all side quests and getting all collectables.

    Just finished Rogue so have moved on to Unity. I know that Unity has a checkered and faceless past but, now most of the major problems have been ironed out, I personally don't hold that against Unity as a game (I hold it against Ubisoft still) I've got into the game done the first couple of sequences and got some gear. I've decided I'm not doing any co-op missions as part of my playthrough as the co-op is never something I ever enjoyed or wanted and the missions are all designed to be played with multiple people so they would just annoy me to do on my own.

    I remember Unity quite highly. I remember it being beautiful and the story and characters while having its weak parts being generally pretty damn good. Now I've started it while it definitely is beautiful. Playing it is awful, it's still buggy with guards who can see through walls and it's changed everything that worked fine in the previous games and done it worse like the free aim etc...

    I hate to say it but it feels like a pay to win game like in order to enjoy the game I have to spend money to get the best gear so guards won't hear me walk even though I'm in stealth mode. I'm being punished for being at the beginning of the game. It also is pushing the co-op sh*t so much like I get it you've got co-op I'm still not gonna play it so can you stop popping up in my face every 5 minutes.

    Sorry to rant but I feel betrayed. I've argued for this game saying it's great but I've played like 5 hours of it and honestly I'm hating it. It's just so f*cking frustrating. I'm still gonna play it and who knows in a few days I might change my tune and realised oh it's just those missions that are crap but at the moment I'm not having fun. It might be because coming from Rogue which missions are so well designed and presented and going from Unity's missions which honestly look like they've been mapped out by a toddler is just quite jarring.

    submitted by /u/Wastemaster24
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    Michael Antonakos and Paul Amos have proposed an online Assassin's Creed Convention with VO actors and potentially with developers from the series. Who would need to be involved to entice you to pay to "go"?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    How come the Spear of Leonidas breaks so easily?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    Is it literally only the spear head that is a PoE maybe?

    submitted by /u/CantinaMan
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    Dream setting you wish was explored for each generation of AC?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    I know that "where would you like AC to go next" is a pretty common trope, but I wanted to spice it up a little bit by asking which generation would have been ideal for each setting. By that I mean that the mechanics of AC2/Origins wouldn't have felt appropriate for 1860s London, as an example. Basically, for AC1-Revelations, 3-Rogue, Unity/Syndicate, and Origins/Odyssey style gameplay, which setting do you wish could (or could have been) explored?

    Bonus points for picking a setting we haven't already heard a million times like WWII Paris or the US civil war. Let's take some places that are rich with interesting settings that people may be less familiar with and learn some history while we're at it.

    Top of mind for me would be the Mexican war for Independence with Unity/Syndicate style mechanics. The war was an interesting 3 way fight between the Spanish, conservatives and liberals with lots of flavorful characters, and a return to the multicity approach across Guanajuato, Morelia (then Valladolid), [Mexico City!(https://c8.alamy.com/comp/D004XM/long-avenue-calle-moneda-in-centro-historico-in-mexico-city-df-D004XM.jpg) and plenty of other potential cities. Architecturally, we would get to see a mix of Mexican baroque, Spanish colonial, Aztec/Teotihuacani/Mayan ruins, and more. The setting and timing means that guns would be relevant without dominating the gameplay, like was always the fear in AC games.

    With the newer mechanics, and the focus on RPG elements and mythological elements, I think the main areas we could see would be classical Rome (my pick would be during the Year of the 4 Emperors with a dual setting in Rome and Judea, where we see the Judean revolt, Vaspasian and Titus sacking Jerusalem, the great fire of Rome and death of Nero and two imperial pretenders). Otherwise we could see ancient Persia, but I'm quite honestly not familiar enough with Iranian history to say when would be most engaging.

    submitted by /u/Desseabar
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    Does anyone know if AC Liberation that’s given for free with the season pass for AC Odyssey on PS4 or PSVita

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    Pretty much the title, sorry if this isn't the place to ask this

    submitted by /u/onIychristian
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    Were there ever some Athena pack items or Spartan renegade items at Oikos store ?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    I would like to own those, but spending money is something I would like to skip...

    submitted by /u/tasic89
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    Bayek, Aya, Flavius, and the Apple: who used what?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    In Origins, Flavius is able to use the staff and apple. I know this was weakly eplained in a book that somehow Bayek touching it deactivated the apple, allowing anyone to use it. Does this deactivation occur anywhere else in AC lore?

    Is Bayek part Isu? If so, why was that never explained? If he was, the first time they give him the apple in Siwa, it should turn on. Also, shouldn't the power of the apple been enough to save Khemu? He also was part Isu.

    Also, when Bayek hands the apple Aya, why doesn't it activate? She is a descendant of the Eagle Bearer, and it should have lit up.

    A lot of this makes no sense. Can anyone clear it up?

    submitted by /u/Dalecrabtree
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    [AC:U] Collectable legendary weapons of armour pieces?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    Hi all, I am playing through Unity for the first time and I am loving it so far. I was just wondering what the best way to get money for legendary outfit parts and weapons is? I found a really good sword by collecting all of the artifacts in Dead Kings, so I was wondering if there are any other things like this? Like a legendary gun or pieces of outfits that I can find anywhere?

    submitted by /u/elvenking4
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    Archeologist Trophy for AC: Origins did not unlock for me

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 09:31 PM PDT

    I've completed the 20 Daily Life Tours but somehow the trophy did not unlock for me. Anyone knows about this bug/glitch?

    submitted by /u/amanfikry
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    Funny when hood is on, I want to take it off - when it's off (like in Syndicate) - I want to put it on.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    Anyone else had similar problem. I mean it's not a problem, but it's funny. I loved glith in AC Revelations where you could take off Ezio's hood and play like that. I wish it could be done in every AC game. On the other side, in Syndicate I hate Jacobs hat and I want to have hood on like in stealth mode.

    submitted by /u/oaleebih
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    Which assassin had the best hidden blade in terms of functionality and looks?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 04:25 AM PDT

    Personally I'd say Connor's because of its swivel mechanism which allows for flawless and brutal combat.

    submitted by /u/KobeDogg
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    Is the Assassin's Creed movie canon?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    I dont think it is but a lot of things overlap and google doesnt help for some reason

    submitted by /u/LePeen
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    Best controller layout for AC2 on PC? The default layout with an Xbox controller is very weird.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    The last time I played the game was on Xbox 360 and don't remember the controls being weird at all. Now if you press the thumb stick in, it pauses the game. It feels weird. Any suggestions would be helpful!

    submitted by /u/MonoRedIsForBabies
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