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    Monday, February 24, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Odyssey is one of the greatest games I ever played.

    Assassin's Creed Odyssey is one of the greatest games I ever played.

    Odyssey is one of the greatest games I ever played.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:43 PM PST

    After about 400 hours, I have to say, this is some of the best money I have spent, in my long life as a gamer.

    This game was a pleasure from beginning to end. I know I was in trouble the second the first bit of music played. The music in this game is extraordinary, and I rank it up there with Jeremy Soule's Skyrim. It reminded me of Lisa Gerard (From Dead Can Dance) in particular her contributions to Gladiator.

    I find it unusual that I do not see more praise for the meticulous work that went into the music and sounds in this game. They are an extraordinary feat and in my opinion, one of its strongest points. From the Sea Shanties and the sounds of the ocean, to the new music that play on almost every new area, I was in my own personal sound heaven every time I played this game.

    I played as Kassandra, and that voice acting deserves every accolade it has gotten. I hope the voice actress gets another shot elsewhere, cause she was amazing. In the future I plan to come back as Alexios on a New Game Plus on Nightmare mode, some time down the road.

    Setting aside the terrible Animus sections of the game, the base game on its own was magnificent. The expansion, brought me to the edge of tears! I was also very pleasantly surprised to the amount of content on those DLC! I thought I was done after chapter one, and even then, I was satisfied with the content, only to find out there were two more episodes each time!

    I was impressed with Ubisoft's direction for microtransactions. I never felt forced to buy anything from their store, although, I gladly bought some gear once I reached end game.

    In any case, I wanted to express the joy this game has given me. An how it ranks as one of the greatest games I have ever played. I cannot wait to see what they will do in their next generation of Assassins Creed.

    submitted by /u/AsiaSkyly
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    An Ezio fan art I did a while back. Reverse values, to be precise. Just thought I’d share

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 09:13 PM PST

    Fanart of our gal Claudia!!

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 02:28 PM PST

    Shao Jun and Imperial China’s potential was wasted on Chronicles

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 05:16 AM PST

    Shao Jun and Imperial China could be done so much better with a mainline Assassin's Creed game with 1:1 scale, fully realised open world etc.

    submitted by /u/iamthenight22
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    What does quebec studio have against hoods?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 11:05 PM PST

    In syndicate, only way to wear hood was to crouch which was uncomfortable and even then, they weren't visible 99% of times in cutscene. I hardly remember Jacob with his hood on in cutscenes, just his top hats.

    In odyssey, You can't see hoods/helm in cutscene at all, do they hate headwears?

    submitted by /u/Baron012
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    My top 3 Assassins (based of story line ) (dont hate me)

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 08:47 PM PST


    The loves story was a great touch to Origins and I think that element made Bayek and Aya more relate-able if that makes any sense. Bayek and Aya wanted to revenge for their son and after they got it they made a decision for the greater picture. Bayek imo was a Aassasin in the truest since meaning the brotherhood had no mention of him and what he did but had Aya as Amulet. He stayed in Egypt and did what was right for his people as a "hidden one"


    Ditto the majority of the previous, Aya was perfectly written, She was a bad ass, a assassin, a mother, she was vengeful, she had a vision that exceeded the shores of Egypt. (I was actually excited when she came back in the "hidden ones" DLC) I doubt it but, I would love to see Aya and Bayek in another game.


    Rogue gets its fare share of dislikes but, as far as story line I enjoyed it. Shay questioned the brotherhood and for good reason. If anything Shay exposed how bad the Colonial brotherhood was. He brought up what happen when a Artifact of Eden was found and the earthquakes that follows where thousands of people die. Others will dismiss it as another "natural disaster" in the history books. He told Achilles and Achilles didn't even entertain his findings. Yeah AC3, black flag and rogue felt similar if not the same but its was based of the colonial assassins and the family tree that was involved so to me it makes sense

    submitted by /u/camrond_greatone
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    Can't stand the new style of AC games

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 07:24 PM PST

    I've played every AC game most of the DLC for them too, and i can say without a doubt that the new style of massive world RPG is killing the franchise. It is just not assassins creed, its a whole new game, not to mention Odyssey could be renamed and you could not tell for the life of you it was a assassins creed game. I just recently replayed syndicate the newest REAL assassins creed game and it showed me what a good AC game was. I will play the new one when it comes out but i really hope they change the style back to when it was good

    submitted by /u/anon356789
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    So I have around 200 hrs in odyssey and....

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:21 PM PST

    Like I said, I have around 200 hrs of game play in odyssey and.... I .... alright for one this game is okay ( I prefer origins because of the story ) but I'm sitting here thinking what ubisoft could have taken out and what they could have put in. So I like playing "civilization" themes games where you start with nothing and build up to a city. I'm sitting here looking at my "crew" in the "ship" menu and was thinking that it would have been cool if ubisoft had it so that Alexios or Kassandra could have occupied a island and everyone ( crew, lieutenants, world people that they come across etc.) would be invited to the island and they would create a community that has defenses, resources that they could sell and trade and Alexios or Kassandra could call up crew members and lieutenants when "the player" just wanted to switch up the look and feel of the crew of the ship. Kinda taking elements of AC 3 and the homestead, Rogue and Black Flag where you can collect the revenue from your ship. There's a lot of repetitive missions and areas of the map that is not really necessary as far as game play, I know I'm late with my opinion, its been like 10 years since the game came out.... or is that how long it feels like I've been playing Odyssey.... I've lost all sense of whats what..... I just realized I'm typing everything I'm thinking.... I hate spicy mustard.. what?... huh? lol... did I think "lol" instead of actually laughing?

    submitted by /u/camrond_greatone
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    Looking for people to play with in AC Unity

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 09:21 PM PST

    So I just re installed ac unity on my Xbox one, and just to tell you, I'm not that good, but I'm trying to grind and get money from the co op heist in the Luxembourg palace, but's it's been frustrating since I've been playing by myself, so I wanted to see if anyone was interested in joining and grinding for money. My Xbox gamer tag is Fa5e VaPouR.

    submitted by /u/MrBruhSoundEffect
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    Rogue isn't as bad as people say.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 10:18 PM PST

    Now, I'll be honest. Rogue isn't necessarily the best of the best. Though, I perosnally love it and it probably ranks 1 or 2 on my list. I mean, we play AC and only see the perspective of the Assassins, which don't get me wrong, I love. However, playing as a templar really opens your eyes to another full story, one that really remains open. And rogue did that, being able to play with figures that we've heard of or killed was honestly amazing, and deserves more credit.

    Now, the outfits were also some of the best if I'm being honest. I love the 1700s military uniforms and rogue delivered, big time. Not only that, but the Templar robes were some of the best robes I think we've seen in general. The weapon choices, were, not the greatest, though they did what they needed.

    All In all, the story flowed well, and seeing the "bad sides" pov was refreshing, and something that I hope we'll see again in the future. As, there's 2 sides to every story. And I feel that rogue was a great first step into that 2nd side.

    This is only my opinion, so if you disagree I get that 100% but I just wanted to open rogue up for discussion, maybe see what the future holds for Templar based AC games.


    submitted by /u/Enclave_Hellfirre
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    After spending a week looking at this sub

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 12:55 AM PST

    So I have been looking over this sub Reddit for the past week and all of the different discussions being made.

    It feels like this whole sub is based on ' I love odyssey, it's my favourite Vs I hate odyssey, it's the worst '.

    submitted by /u/cometbpm
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    Francisco Randez (Desmond, Altair and Ezio's face model) interview about Assassin's Creed

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 04:10 PM PST

    I think everybody knows Francisco Randez, the canadian model (who made it for famous fashion designers like Jean-Paul Gaultier) who know became a presenter, whose face was used for Desmond and Altair in AC1, and then for Ezio after.

    This interview made by a canadian website in French was realized in 2007 when the game came out. I made you a little translation :

    Francisco Randez interview for Assassin's Creed

    "We met a couple of times with Ubisoft, who contacted me through my agency, Folio. During our first meeting. we just made a photo shoot in 3D. They photographed my face from each side, above, under and they made a first modelization of my face in 3D. Then, in a second time, we made another shooting to photograph simple expressions like joy, anger and others, and then more complex expressions. " "Firstly, it was unusual, that kind of work, it was a unique experience in a lifetime and that's why I wanted to do it. I am fascinated by cinema and Assassin's Creed is made like a movie. The fact of having my face associated to the main character of a game that revolutions it genre gave me a lot of pleasure, but without any actual aftereffects. The Assassin's Creed experience allowed me to realize how Ubisoft developed a real expertise. Three hundred people worked on the game."

    Then he says that he really respect actors. His brother is an actor, and himself took acting classes, and that he had the opportunity to become an actor he would be 100% into it.

    What do you think about his interview and his role in the saga ?

    For me it's too bad he wasn't more involved in the series, because he IS the symbolic face of Assassin's Creed.

    For example, I was very disappointed at time that he didn't play Ezio in AC Lineage, especially when he appeared in only one scene. The cameo would have been more remarkable, especially when other characters were played by the same actors than in the game.

    Also it would have been a nice easter egg if his face appeared in the AC Movie when the hero sees his ancestors.

    He only appeared in the AC2 TV Ad where he has Ezio's outfits and it's pretty well done : https://youtu.be/OhK47AA7LKc

    submitted by /u/Montreuilloiss
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    AC Syndicate Gotham By Gaslight

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 02:03 PM PST

    How the hell aren't there any PC mods to turn AC Syndicate into Gotham by Gaslight? All you need is a Batman Costume and at least a mod to make it always night. AC Syndicate already has a Batman style grappling hook/zipline thing!![Gotham By Gaslight prototype game footage!](https://youtu.be/65IsSRMi4i0)

    submitted by /u/Downrightsuperb
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    My Dream, ideal installment: Assassin's Creed Independence. A summary of a game that will never be.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 04:39 PM PST

    This is a fan concept I've been dreaming up since Assassin's Creed 3, and which I've refined over the years. Now it is complete. Story, Characters, Time Periods, gameplay innovations.

    I present it for your perusal and feedback.


    Modern Day: Vivek Acharya, 24 years old. A recent graduate(degree can be anything), looking for a job. He's interviewing at the Kollam office of Abstergo India when a Isu artifact reacts strongly to him putting him in a fugue state. An Assassin spy in the office neutralizes the other Templars and absconds with the artifact and Vivek, bringing him to an Assassin safehouse where he is put in an Animus.

    1949: Dhananjay Parameshwaram Acharya. Vivek's Great-grandfather, and Assassin, who deliberately kept his son out of the order, which is why Vivek is unaware.

    323 BCE: Rudra of Kosala. A mercenary/soldier for a local lord, whose life is about to become upended real soon. A distant ancestor of Vivek's.


    Modern Day: Modern day Kollam. Maybe just a building or a small explorable area.

    Bombay, 1949-1953: Dhananjay was active here during this time period, and this is where his gameplay is set. The country is tense after the assassination of Gandhi, and tensions are really starting to flare between the local templar and assassin groups.

    Indus Valley, 323-310 BCE: This area, Chandragupta Maurya's full empire. Scaled down for gameplay of course.


    Modern Day:: Similar to Desmond in AC3. A few freerunning and platforming segments, and some light combat near the end.

    1949 Bombay: Plays like a "traditional" AC game. Closer to Unity than any others though. Stealth heavily encouraged, urban environment. Classic Eagle Sense, closer to Ezio from Revelations or Shay's and Edwards with the tagging ability. No weapons beyond hidden blades, throwing knives, a dagger, a cane, and a pistol. No choices can be made story wise, except for the optional collectibles and side content as per those games. The entire city of Bombay is available to explore, with a few brief sections in New Delhi and Pondicherry. Upgrade path is linear and equipment based.

    Mauryan Empire: This portion plays like Origins with some hints of Odyssey. Large, open map, several different weapons and playstyles, RPG style upgrade tree. Highly advanced Eagle Sense, similar to The Frye Twins, with information straight up popping up like a HUD. Can temporarily possess nearby animals or birds, but is vulnerable to attack while doing so. Quests have choices, if limited ones.



    Vivek, on awakening from his first test run in the Animus, is told of the Assassins and Templars, and as he just saw with his great grandfather's memory, he is descended from an Assassin. His great grandfather looks remarkably like him, which Vivek dismisses as a familial resemblance, but which has the Assassin's suspicious. They are tracking the second half of the Artifact taken from the Templar office: The Sudarshana Chakra. He holds the first half, which suddenly awakens a very strong Eagle Sense in him - he has this ability for the rest of the game. It also releases a burst of data which give a rough timeline of the Mauryan empire.

    On examining genetic memories from that time from Vivek's DNA, they live through a small segment of Rudra's memories where he encounters the Sudarshana Chakra. Rudra is also a doppelganger for Vivek, and the Assassins accuse Vivek of being a "Second Sage", which he claims to know nothing about. To pacify them, he agrees to continue on in the Animus to find the current location of the Chakra.

    Through exploring the memories of his great grandfather and distant ancestor, it eventually comes to light that Vivek is a "Half-sage" as coined by one of the Assassins- the Isu ancestor managed to clone his DNA, but not his consciousness, before dying, resulting in Rudra, Dhananjay, and now Vivek, along with several others. The others ultimately didnt matter since they never encountered the Chakra and awakened their latent abilities. The chakra is eventually located in an Isu vault located deep beneath the Ellora caves, placed there by Dhananjay. While heading to the cave, Vivek encounters a templar Agent called Aster, and after a race and boss fight against him, he retrieves the Chakra, and heads to meet the Assassins.

    He meets William miles and Layla Hassan, and is officially inducted into the Assassins' and given a hidden blade.

    The game ends as he studies a map projected by the full Chakra with his Eagle Sense, with the implication being that only he can see it.

    1949 BOMBAY

    Dhananjay is patrolling when he sees a local corrupt landlord abusing his Servants rather severely. He quietly assassinates him, and then heads to meet the local Assassin chapter. The uneasy truce brokered between the Assassins and the Templars was broken by Gandhi's assassination, and the Assassins are concerned as to the Templar's next move. Dhananjay is tasked with eliminating a particular British official still in the country, suspected to be a Templar officer. While he succeeds in the assassination, he encounters the chakra and is blasted by an energy wave from it, having an unknown man steal it from him, but leaving him alive.

    He returns to Bombay to find his Order in disarray- over 60% of the members have been killed, and the Templars have somehow found their hideout. In a desperate bid to stop them, he fights, and learns that the "extra" sense he always seemed to have has now been upgraded to the point he can track his enemies even behind walls, and he is now more agile and quiet than he used to be. He eliminates all the Templars, and with the remaining members of his order, starts plotting a counterattack.

    He systematically goes through the remaining Templars in Bombay, nearly eliminating them all. The leader of the very last cell rages at him as to why the Assassins broke the truce and why they couldnt be trusted, and overall deconstructing the Assassin philosophy. A confused and angry Dhananjay confronts him saying it was the TEMPLARS that broke the truce by attacking their base, which the Templar swears wasnt them. He suddenly gets killed by a blast of energy, revealed to be someone who was a twin of Dhananjay, which shocked him - as far as Dhananjay knew, he had no siblings, much less a twin.The twin, introducing himself as Praveen Purushottaman, claims that he and Dhananjay are but "instruments of a higher will! The first will to guide humans!" and that he had a mentor who said that he was the one, while Dhananjay was a failure. They fight and Praveen walks away the victor, but does not kill Dhananjay as he wants Dhananjay to "witness true glory for Hindustan".

    To Dhananjay's luck, this was witnessed by a young Templar agent from the cell who had survived the blast, who helps him recover, and proposes a temporary alliance to take down this new, third faction. Dhananjay hesistatingly accepts, and one by one they track down and start eliminating the Instruments.

    They learn that there's supposedly a source of great power in the Ellora caves and rush there. Praveen and a mysterious man calling himself "Aite" have beaten them to it, with Aite encouraging Praveen to "fully embrace his destiny." Praveen kills Aite, to Aite's shock, and is clearly fully deranged, thinking Aite's blood will somehow power the Chakra. He gleefully calls on Dhananjay to witness his apotheosis, and activates the vault. Dhananjay sneaks through a veritable army of consturcts, turrets and hallucinations and finally manages to catch Praveen off guard, assassinating him and chopping off his head to be sure. He uses his Eagle Sense to identify a control panel on the Isu structure and uses it to lock the Chakra away, reasoning that no one needs this power. He then betrays his Templar ally and kills him to have no witnesses, justifying it as being for the greater good, and he heads back to Bombay to re establish the order. On arrival, he hears from his wife that she has given birth to his son, and he vows that he wouldn't bring his family into the order or the Templar-Assassin conflict.


    Rudra of Kosala is a small-time soldier in a local lords army, called to defend a fort when an enemy lord suddenly attacks. While the inital defense seemed to succeed, the enemy lord pulled out a strange disk weapon that shot out energy bolts which seemed to vaporize his comrades. A bolt of energy hit Rudra, and he fell unconscious. He wakes up soon after, confused as to how he survived, and finds that he's become faster and stronger than he used to be (with an adrenaline-esque slow time ability). He uses this enhanced ability to take down the lord who has moved into the fort by this point, and claims the disk for himself. The disk sends waves of energy through him, knocking him out.

    He wakes up at an ashram (hermitage) owned by a man named Chanakya, who has vowed to put a young Chandragupta Maurya on the throne. He had seen Rudra's infiltration of the fort, and was impressed, believing he needed a man like Rudra. Rudra finds out that he has a second new ability - a strange vision which shows him information he normally wouldn't be able to learn, and also temporarily lets him see through the eyes of and later control animals and birds. The chakra, as he names the disk, refuses to do energy bolts for him, but proves to be an adept melee weapon in its own right due to being very durable. He accepts Chanakya's offer and sets about helping Chandragupta ascend to the throne, taking part in Chandragupta's conquests.

    He also explores a large part of what would soon be the Mauryan empire, setting the stage for Chandragupta to claim the land, and helping locals along the way.

    After Chandragupta becomes emperor, he starts hearing whispers of a secret conspiracy to control Chandragupta as a puppet. Chanakya asks him to investigate, and this leads him to discover a group called The Servants of Kalki, who believe the world is about to end and Chandragupta is a herald of this end. Rudra fights these Servants and over the course of a few years eliminates them one by one.

    Eventually, they all fall, not having made much of an impact on history.

    Chanakya eventually retires and Rudra wanders off to find his own meaning.

    He encounters a strange person wielding a magic staff (the player will know this is the misthios, but they only introduce themselves as The Watcher to Rudra) and Rudra and The Watcher fight. It is an intense battle, and Rudra barely comes out on top.

    The Watcher then tells Rudra that his life will be important far in the future, even if it doesn't seem so now, and advises him to break the chakra into two halves when the time is right, and assuring him he'll know when said time is.

    Rudra offhandedly thinks he should start a family of his own, and heads to a nearby town.


    1) The player can freely switch between any of the time periods in the game.

    2) Rudra being able to control and see through any animal or bird is an evolution of Ikaros and Senu, without a contrived explanation as to why he randomly has a pet eagle when it wasnt common for the time.

    3) This is meant to be a fusion of both periods of Assassins Creed- taking the best from both Origins/Odyssey and the Ezio/Syndicate/Unity/Black Flag era.

    4) The introduction of a new modern day protagonist was planned before Layla Hassan was introduced - I came up with Vivek while playing Rogue. Don't know how he'll fit in alongside her.

    submitted by /u/Rudrahp72
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    Brotherhood Standard or Deluxe on steam

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 11:58 PM PST

    I'm moving on to brotherhood next and I'm trying to figure out which one should I buy. Is deluxe edition worth the extra cash just for some skins and costumes?

    And does the steam version of brotherhood include the dlcs like the da Vinci etc??

    submitted by /u/adsonn
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    Origins - Without Aya, it would be amazing

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 01:03 AM PST

    I just finished the game and man, why the hell did they put Aya in at the end? Don't get me wrong, as a character she's great and her early missions were fun to switch. But fighting Septimus was an absolute chore, and the following sneak section reminds me of Ocarina of Time and sneaking through the castle- get spotted and it's all over.

    Her weapons and skills don't scale? Who's idea was that? Her missions are sometimes ships, sometimes fighting, sometimes sneaking? And there is no option to change at will, so you can't play as her when you want.

    Overall, great game but my God that endgame with her was absolute horse shit.

    submitted by /u/SillySlapz
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    How to skip cutscenes??

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 12:54 AM PST

    I am sorry if this is obvious, but it's most certainly not to me. I googled this a hundred times over and went through multiple searches on reddit.

    How do I skip cut scenes/dialogue in AC:Odyssey?? I am really tired of hearing "You want me to gut every single shark/Bandit?".

    P.S : On PS4

    P.P.S : If someone is thinking this is a really dumb post, just want to add I am 60 hours in game. Sorry.

    submitted by /u/iamabard
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    Ed Kenway!

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:16 AM PST

    Hyped for new game!

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 04:45 PM PST

    I'm so hyped for when they release info on new AC. I hope they bring the brother hood back. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/cjrust123
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    Is the Benedict Arnold DLC in Assassins Creed III remastered?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 02:11 PM PST

    I figured it would be since Liberation and The Tyranny of King Washington is in the remaster but I haven't seen Benedict Arnold DLC advertised anywhere.

    Are the Benedict Arnold missions in the remaster?

    submitted by /u/LeBron4President
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    Does legendary cultist armor scale down?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 09:11 PM PST

    If I was able to kill a high level cultist branch and get the aemor set would it scale down to my level or does it only scale up?

    submitted by /u/sluzzledudethe3
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    After 100hrs of relentless warrior attacking, I decided to reset all my points and but them into a hunting. Man, I didn’t know arrows were so fun! (Odyssey)

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 06:44 AM PST

    I didn't realise 2-3 shot blasting mercenaries could be so much fun. What's the weather like today? It's raining arrows.

    submitted by /u/Ali_6950
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    First time playing AC Origins. Any tips?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 02:43 PM PST

    Please keep it spoiler free. Than you :)

    submitted by /u/Overall_Shoulder
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