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    Sunday, February 9, 2020

    Assassin's Creed I hope assassins creed 2020 will be narrative driven game

    Assassin's Creed I hope assassins creed 2020 will be narrative driven game

    I hope assassins creed 2020 will be narrative driven game

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 02:15 PM PST

    I hope assassins creed 2020 will be narrative driven game great story like the ezio trilogy and black flag great characters like ezio bayek and Edward kenway no choices and no choose your gender just a single character

    submitted by /u/cporter1996
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    Best Assassin creed Game Graphics

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 06:26 AM PST

    Which game has best graphics according to you ..??

    I will say it is Assassin creed Unity .. that game graphics was way ahead of the time when it launched .. still in present time it's great one of the best graphics in games !!

    submitted by /u/arrowflash4u
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    Starting The ezio Collection

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 12:32 PM PST

    I am starting the ezio collection. Does anyone have some tips?

    submitted by /u/GRcristos
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    I took a few of your ideas from yesterday's thread and turned them into logos.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:53 AM PST

    AC Rogue Storm Fortress Nonsense

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:23 AM PST

    What the fuck is this shit? I've tried this mission 24 times. I do not understand how this is physically or mechanically possible. I have the Morrigan fully upgraded, 100% complete. But this boss has-

    Unlimited and unceasing heavy shot that literally never stops.

    The physically impossible ability to move at about 120 miles per hour despite being the size of an office building.

    Mortars that it can also fire without limit or stopping at all, which will basically sink you in a few hits.

    My problem is there appears to be one spot you can be for more than three seconds without sinking: the rear. And RIGHT up on it, or the mortars will fuck you up. The problem is it's impossible to stay in that spot because this ship never got the memo on physics and can move ten times faster than me. What is going on? And before anyone gives me the "I guess just get better" stuff, I have the platinum in every AC game leading up to Rogue so far, I know what I'm doing. This mission just breaks all established game mechanics.

    Who knows the secret to downing this shit that I clearly do not?

    Edit: After a mental breakdown and intestinal distress, I finally beat it. Thanks guys 😰

    submitted by /u/SydeSplitter
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    What is the point of the beggars and the people that push you in assassins creed 1?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:20 PM PST

    Playing through the series again and halfway through the first one. And i don't understand the point of the beggars asking for money and the the people that push you, i was just wondering if if there is a reason for them or are they there to just be annoying?

    submitted by /u/Dr_Freeze121
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    Please have more varied music in open world AC games

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 12:24 PM PST

    When a game is 10-20 hours you don't need to have as much music variety, but when a game takes 100-200 hours and much of the player's time is spent doing the same activities, mainly combat and stealth, you eventually get very very tired of hearing the same tunes again and again.

    The music in AC Odyssey is rather repetitive. There are good songs in there - love the shanties - but some tracks are used WAAAAAAY too often, and even many of the better ones wear thin through overuse.

    If I have to hear the Cult of Kosmos woh-woooh-woh-woooh one more time it will be too soon...

    Same with the combat and stealth tracks and the ultra-repetitive menu/inventory music that just won't shut up (which has honestly kinda ruined the main AC theme for me). Menu/inventory/etc should either have no music at all, extremely understated music that doesn't noticeably repeat, OR just continue whatever music or sound is playing in the game instead of interrupting. The player uses the inventory map etc *a lot* in this game and it breaks the flow of audio every time...

    Please make future AC games more varied musically.

    There are a few solutions to this. You could do like CD Projekt with The Witcher 3 and just have MANY more variations of combat music and such so you don't get tired of any individual track even in an extended playthrough.

    ... OR you could try dynamic music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4ileEPzfpA&list=PLNpTJ4IJdJqfio1aAwphtAIczWYs59op3), layering in different elements depending on context. Each enemy type or situation could have its own instruments or themes that seamlessly mesh together when combined, creating a dynamic soundtrack. As long as there are enough different elements this keeps the music from going stale for a lot longer than single static tracks... plus - bonus - it makes the music follow the action better, interactively, which gives it more impact! :D

    (see also: LucasArts iMuse from back in the day, if you want to get old school: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMUSE)

    submitted by /u/ninjadodo
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    I wish AC3 had throwing knives

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 04:45 PM PST

    I absolutely love AC3. It was the very first AC game I ever played, and I still love it to this day. But one thing I wish I could have used was throwing knives. I know I have a bow, but that is still very loud, and it gets me caught me caught instantly if try to be stealthy. Throwing knives are light, versatile, and make zero noise. A missed opportunity by Ubisoft there.

    submitted by /u/oogaboogaNXS
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    How accurate are the British and Spanish soldiers in Black Flag?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 05:58 AM PST

    I recently got into black flag, and as much as I love it I'm genuinely curious if these 2 factions are accurate. Was yellow really the main color for the Spanish in the early 1700s? Are those trench coats that the regular soldiers wear real? I haven't found any pictures that come close to how they're dressed in game. Also, do Spanish captains really look like the in game captains?

    Edit: One last thing, is Portugal portrayed correctly? Because in game they're literally pallet swaps of the Spanish faction.

    submitted by /u/Badman423
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    Does Odyssey have poison?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 04:48 PM PST

    I loved poisoning enemies in Origins and infecting a whole camp that way. Why was it taken away?

    submitted by /u/ilikevideogamesokay
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    Does anyone have an ENB preset/settings they wouldn't mind sharing for Brotherhood?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 12:19 AM PST

    Hey, I'm replaying Brotherhood for the first time in many years and I wondered if any of you might still have ENB presets/settings you used and wouldn't mind sharing, please?

    I'm using the Dark Rise ENB currently but it has an effect I don't like, the sunlight is too overpowering and pinky-orange looking, it makes light-coloured things glow almost white when in direct sunlight and everything else is too pinky-orange (Screenshot) I've been tweaking the ENB settings for a few hours now but I can't figure out what setting it is, so if someone knows which ENB setting causes this please let me know so I can tweak it?


    submitted by /u/TheEuphoria
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    Is Black Flag replayable after completing it?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 06:47 AM PST

    After I finish the game, where is it there to do? Aside from upgrading everything, do you still encounter enemies?

    What about forts? If you conquer every last one of them, then there's no more forts?

    submitted by /u/Ziklepmna
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    AC 2 remastered PS4 possible problem

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 08:59 PM PST

    I got the codex with the pistol, gave it to Leonardo, and now I'm supposed to test it out...only it doesn't register that I've hit the target. I can hit it with all six bullets and it just reloads. I haven't found an answer for what to do by googling. Only found one post and the responders thought they were talking about a different mission. Anyone got any ideas? I tried quitting and restarting the mission and reloading the whole game already.

    submitted by /u/rtetreaux
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    How do I unlock Rhodes?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 12:15 PM PST

    Playing Revelations on the Ezio Collection, the random Templar City in Mediterranean Defense is bugging me, is there any way to unlock it?

    submitted by /u/ArtlasCoolGuy
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    Haytham Kenway is the Rorschach of AC

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 08:49 PM PST

    I don't understand why he is considered cool. He is a cookie cutter villain and it seems like Ubisoft was making fun of what people wanted as a protagonist. He's just not a good dude and I don't understand why people wanted him as the main character. I didn't like the prologue, I think people are missing the point of the character

    submitted by /u/Ratonhnhaketon_K_
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    AC odyssey VS AC origins?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 03:39 AM PST

    Would love to see people's opinions and which one tops which!

    submitted by /u/alex-duviau
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    AC Rogue Naval Convoys?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 07:36 PM PST

    So I'm trying to get the trophy for looting 20 of these things but they aren't spawning. Anyone know some way to trigger it or anything? I can't find them anywhere in the North Atlantic.


    submitted by /u/SydeSplitter
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    How do I unlock master Assassin for syndicate

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 09:46 AM PST

    I need to unlock it for kenway outfit for Jacob but I don't know how to get it

    submitted by /u/Whyusertakenlied
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    Repairing Jackdaw is the only option always, Black Flag

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 01:04 PM PST

    I've read on the internet that you could actually build a fleet or use the captured ships to lower your "wanted level". However when I board a ship successfully the only option always is to repair Jackdaw. What's up with that?

    submitted by /u/ScothMcBeast
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    I haven't played an Assassin's Creed in a long time, and my friend is playing Assassin's Creed 3 for the first time. She just recently got to a part in the game where you can check out the underground areas of Boston, how are supposed to navigate them?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 02:43 PM PST

    How are the maps in the tunnels supposed to work? My friends and I are checking out the game and got the point where we're exploring parts of Boston. We stumbled on the underground tunnels and went from one entrance to another as shown here: https://youtu.be/yggOud4Q8rM But then when we went back into the tunnels at a later point, we weren't able to use the map to navigate our way back to our original entrance. I assumed we could just follow our route back the way we came, but it seems like it doesn't work that way?

    submitted by /u/cehteshami
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    What’s the best time to find AC3 multiplayer matches in PC?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 02:41 PM PST

    [title]. Yeah, I know that exists one discord server for multiplayer.

    I just want to know which is the best time and day to find some players in AC3 multiplayer.

    Thanks for all responses!

    submitted by /u/insanity_sea
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    Do the modern day Templars have the same fight abilities as the Assassins? And Vice Versa?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 06:24 PM PST

    So during the years of war between the Assassins and Templars, I'm curious if their fight skills and abilities are on par at this point.

    Haytham Kenway has the same abilities as an Assassin, even has wrist blades despite being the Templar Grand Master in the colonies. I know this is because he was trained by his father Edward Kenway from a young age until he was killed and then Haytham was taken and trained by the Templars.

    And I know that Shay in AC Rogue is a former Assassin turned Templar. So I'm sure that Assassin knowledge and training has been passed between both factions over the years. And as evidenced by AC Brotherhood, the Templars were using Assassin DNA to train their Templars with legendary Assassin abilities. And this was evidenced by Daniel Cross being a star Assassin in the modern day, but he was actually trained by the animus from old skool assassins, and turned out to be a Templar.

    So are the Templars and Assassins pretty much on par in the modern day? Or are there still differences in skills between them?

    submitted by /u/KvotheG
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    How many have quit or just gave up on Assassins Creed Odyssey?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:51 PM PST

    Really wanted to complete the game but I just gave up before I even started. Was level 12 and I realized I was having to do the same thing in every new region. And I had only done like 2 main quests.

    This game is beautiful but so much could just have been skipped all together. And I only fear for any future Assassins Creed games especially with next generation consoles. Not sure how on earth they manage to release these games so fast but Ubisoft are recalling hurting their franchises. People are going to get burnt out on these games.

    submitted by /u/NordWitcher
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