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    Assassin's Creed [Access The Animus] Assassin's Creed Gold - Review and Analysis

    Assassin's Creed [Access The Animus] Assassin's Creed Gold - Review and Analysis

    [Access The Animus] Assassin's Creed Gold - Review and Analysis

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:18 AM PST

    Opinion: the series should return to Unity style stealth, parkour and combat

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:52 AM PST

    I think the most controversial aspect of this will be the combat, so I'll address that first.

    Unity has tons of weapons just like Odyssey and Origins, and the basic mechanics for Souls-like combat.

    Tools should be integrated into combat through a combo system rather than being a single hotkey, to inspire less monotonous looking fighting where the player just spams one power or move.

    On top of that, Spider-Man/Dishonored style environment and enemy manipulation would be really neat. Not magic or high-tech stuff, just like rope darting a bookcase onto someone, or rope darting a rafter and swing-kicking a dude.

    Parkour combat. Enough said, I think. Just kidding, nah but seriously imagine a wall run into a kick. Or an Uncharted style jump punch.

    Anyway, the parkour in Unity is so weighty and actually requires a bit of forethought as to what your route will be, whereas in the last two games everything is essentially automatic.

    As for stealth, I mean more of the social aspect. Blending into crowds and all that stuff.

    submitted by /u/k0mbine
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    Ezio’s Family is overused

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:01 AM PST

    It's a nice piece and one of my favourites in the entire franchise, but I feel like Ezio's Family should be Ezio's theme. After Unity, they always seem to add a remix of Ezio's Family in the OST.

    submitted by /u/K3ZH39
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    Brotherhood is what I wanted from classic AC

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:51 AM PST

    So, as l continue my trek across the AC universe (played Odyssey, origins, 2, syndicate, black flag in that order) i was hesitant to pick up brotherhood.

    To put it simply, i did not like AC2 because, as someone playing the game for the first time in 2020, the controls did not age well and i was fighting against ezio more than with him. His climbing was slow, he would fall if anyone even got near him while running, and the disconnected locations made them feel more like levels instead of living environments like in future titles.There are more problems with the game, but that's not my focus here.

    As I went into brotherhood, my expectations were low, expecting everything to be the same from the prior game, but boy was i surprised. Brotherhood fixes almost every problem i had with 2 and more. The controls? Tight and responsive. Ezio's speed? Still on the slower side, but much better than before. The world? One big hub that you feel connected to as you grow and develop it as it's full of activities for you to do. The side quests here were much more enjoyable to complete as well. The growth of the brotherhood reminds me of syndicate as i felt the benefits of having a bigger team and it felt more organic than black flags' kenway fleet though similar in concept.

    I was able to perform acrobatic acts with such more ease in this game compared to 2 (and black flag for that matter) and it really showed me how fun this could be. Plus, the modern day keeps this idea of focusing on acrobatics and flows incredibly well to the past, a rarity in this series. Man, I love this game.

    The one problem i have with this game however is it's weak story, but that is counteracted by the amazing villain. Seeing how Cesare Borgia breaks down over the course of the game was fantastic. The final confrontation with him is my favorite in the series bar none. One thing i feared about past ac bosses was that it would be a one hit kill like in BF, but they proved me wrong which i am happy to take.

    If i had to rank the games so far, i would say brotherhood is my third favorite game in the series behind Odyssey and origins and before Syndicate black flag and 2.

    I was going to play rogue next, but I'm going straight to Revelations.

    submitted by /u/Monic_maker
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    Unity is as good as y'all say

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:01 AM PST

    I missed the Ezio days (even Altair). I loved the big cities of those games, especially compared to Odyssey (I really liked Odyssey, but I wouldn't call it an AC game) I also enjoyed the feel of actually being an assassin which Odyssey only gave on light mode.

    From the story with the French Revolution and some actual history, beautiful Paris and strategizing your plan of attack, Unity really is everything many of you said, and may now be my favorite AC game. I haven't beaten it yet, but about halfway, and am just loving it.

    Glad y'all convinced me to play it! If anyone is looking for an updated AC game (relative to AC2) with solid gameplay, this is the one.

    Edit: I'll also say the movement system looks way better in Unity, but I wish it had the precise controls of Odyssey.

    Edit 2: I just solo'd a 4/5 star 4 player coop mission, and that made me feel like I was doing a legit assassin mission. Had to stake out the guards or you will be overwhelmed, precise kills, moving at the right time. If you want a ninja type challenge that makes you use everything, you have to try that.

    submitted by /u/wedges675
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    [Spoiler] The coolest little real-world tidbit from AC Gold

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:53 PM PST

    There's a point where Aliyah, Michelle, and Gavin are wracking their brains to find another Animus to use in the reachable UK, and Gavin mentions that the Notre Dame Cathedral Fire of 2019 was a Templar ruse to destroy an Assassin Animus lab!!!

    Tell me your favorite new trivia/lore you picked up on in Assassin's Creed Gold?

    submitted by /u/IMHOZen1
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    What is your favourite outfit in origins?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:49 PM PST

    My favourite outfit currently is the persian leader outfit. It is the closest I can get to the altair outfit and it feels more like the classic ac outfits to me with the white and red colours.

    submitted by /u/frost-zen
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    AC Rant: Origins is fantastic

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:38 PM PST

    Just a quick rant .

    Played countless hours on every AC game all the way up to Unity & Rogue . Love them all!

    Played Syndicate and honestly absolutely hated it (haven't finished it to this day.) Always thought AC was done for after that and never bought the new ones.

    Yesterday I finally decided to pick up Origins and man was I missing out! I seriously can't put the game down ! Loving it and only hope Odyssey is just as fun !

    submitted by /u/MonotoneTanner
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    Next ac game to buy

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:24 PM PST

    So i got ac syndicate for free on epic games and i want to buy another ac game Im thinking unity or black flag

    submitted by /u/DimusMaximus
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    A question for modern day fans: assuming the writing, characters and mission quality of MD content was great, how much % of an AC game should it take?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:14 AM PST

    When modern day is boring with boring characters i can understand wanting very little of it.

    But assuming it was fantastic and provided great paralells with historical stuff, how much of the game should it be?

    I know people that dislike MD as a concept would say 0% so my question is towards those that like the concept and those that are willing to like it if done right.

    submitted by /u/bwolfd
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    Assassins creed black flag

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:59 PM PST

    Am I the only person that thinks acbf's story is a bit lacklustre compared to ACII? Edward doesn't seem to evolve much throughout the story. Whereas, Ezio is a completely different person at the end of ACII. Edward is a good character, however his story never really grabbed me like ezios or bayeks did.

    submitted by /u/A-Fan-Of-Many-ThingS
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    AC3 Tyranny of King Washington DLC

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:29 PM PST

    Hey everyone, just wondering if others have had problems with progress glitching in these dlc episodes. My main story progress gets saved but today all my side missions and collectibles got reset for episode 2. With episode 1, I only lost side missions no collectibles. Haven't attempted episode 3 yet to see if glitches too

    submitted by /u/DL0TD21
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    Biggest differences between Odyssey and Origins?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:39 PM PST

    Im about to finish oddysey and i like it, so what are the biggest differences between origins and odyssey (gameplay or other)? when i saw origins gameplay trailer it looked like it was the same as odddysey. no story spoiler for either game please.


    submitted by /u/nibbablacc
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    What Assassin's Creed game has the best setting in your opinion?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:23 AM PST

    I think Origins clicks for me in every way. the atmosphere,music and world building is really fucking good.

    submitted by /u/Venomm1988
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    What’s your favorite Assassins Creed Game and Why?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:42 AM PST

    What's your favorite Assassins Creed game and why?

    Mine is Probably Odyssey because it has some of the best gameplay I've ever experienced and also the huge amount of side quests you can do apart from the main story. What's your guys favorites?

    submitted by /u/Alkosimus
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    Odyssey for 15€ or ACIII Remastered for 10€?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:41 PM PST

    I can only purchase one, so I thought I'd ask for advice. Played black flag, origins, syndicate and unity. I liked a lot the first three, and kinda disliked unity (potentially a great game, but it needed more polishing in my opinion). After reading some posts here Odyssey really intrigues me (mainly because I liked origins and syndicate, so I don't mind at all the rpg aspects), but I am also very thrilled to play a classic AC, and the reworked graphics and gameplay mechanics (don't know what it means though, I'll Watch some videos on YouTube) have their appeal. What's your advice?

    submitted by /u/SirBlankk
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    An idea for a change in the levelling/RPG system for AC

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:21 AM PST

    I was playing Odyssey the other day and in the periods where I was mindlessly toiling away at a generic enemy's healthbar, I started thinking about how much fun I could be having if it didn't take me a full minute to kill basic enemies, but then I got sad because Ubisoft is way too in love with 'RPG elements' and loot grind to change it. But I think I, or rather Monolith productions, have a solution that could satisfy both parties. The next AC game should copy the levelling and enemy design from shadow of War.

    For those of you who haven't played shadow of War, its enemies are split into 2 categories, regular enemies and captains. This way when you're in most fights, standard enemies go down relatively quickly when they get stabbed through the chest, whereas captains have much more health and take a while to kill, kind of like the enemies is Odyssey. This could system find a really good balance in AC, where the combat against standard enemies is still fast and realistic enough that it feels fun and not grindy and boring; but when fighting captains, the gear stats still matter, the long fights feel much more special and dangerous, and Ubisoft can continue to sell gear packs and xp boosts.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/timomcdono
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    Anything that has the same quality of story and gameplay as black flag?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:20 PM PST

    Title explains it, but for context, I'm new to the series and just finished black flag. I had a wonderful and truly amazing time with it, easily taking 50 hours to complete the story and do a chunk of the side activities, but I want to know, is there a game that's on par or better than black flag in terms of story and characters in this series?

    submitted by /u/Bokenza
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    AC Black Flag CHEATS MODE

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:55 PM PST

    Was anyone going to tell me about this wonderful gem? I haven't tried it out yet but I just found it and was blown away. Like what???? A hardcore mode?

    submitted by /u/Ukucrazy
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    Do you prefer to completely ghost when possible, knocking out, or killing enemies? (In any AC game, I suppose, no specific title)

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:44 PM PST

    Just wondering how you folks prefer to handle enemies. I understand main/big enemies have to be assassinated however. Do you prefer to try to not be detected, avoiding any combat? Non-lethally knocking out enemies? Or killing any enemy you see?

    Personally, I try to only kill targets/main enemies that require to be killed. Most of the enemies are just regular guards, should they really all have to die?

    I'm interested in seeing what you folks think. To some it's just a game, and I completely understand that as well. Others like me, I like to fully immersive myself in the game as much as I can.

    submitted by /u/sienna4mandrill
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    Why is Syndicate hated

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:09 PM PST

    From my playthrough so far i am close to the end of the game in sequence 7ish. I think the characters are fine and I prefer evie over jacob she just seems to have more of a character than jacob who just wants to rough house and shit. I think the mechanics are fun and the world is a joy to explore and interact with. I had heard people generally dont like this game but I feel it is a good game.

    submitted by /u/TheEnderTrain
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    [Spoiler] Just started reading the comics, what links do The Fall, The Chain and Brahman have to the Chronicle games?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:37 PM PST

    Adding spoiler tag just to be safe.

    As the title says I just started reading the comics, just got through The Fall and The Chain, and while they do seem to focus more on Cross and the MD how much do the Chronicle games cover the same story?

    I got the Chronicle games a while back and haven't gotten around to playing them and noticed that Russia and India's characters are the same as from the comics and I know that China covers Shao Jun after Embers. So do the games cover the same past story and just fill in gaps or do they tell their own stories that enhance or otherwise connect to the comics?

    submitted by /u/TheBratPrince1760
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    Why is Revelations considered the worst Ezio game?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:27 AM PST

    Personally, it was my favorite. Constantinople, for one, was a beautiful setting. Ezio's final story was enjoyable, with likable characters such as Sofia and Yusuf. I loved the mentor missions, with Ezio actually training apprentices. New additions like the hookblade and bombs were nice additions. Altair's missions were always fun, finally giving closure to the OG assassin. The only major flaw I can think of is that the modern story went nowhere, but at least the Desmond sequences let you learn more about him. I'm sure not everyone regards Revelations below Brotherhood and 2, but for those that do, I'm curious why.

    submitted by /u/LevitarDoom
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    Ideas for new game topics maybe?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:35 AM PST

    Hey, I'm new.

    I've always had these ideas for different mythologies to be explored, feel free to add or discuss new ones:

    Vikings (probaly the next one) Hindi The Chinese empire Medieval era (between AC1 and AC2) Aztecas Mayans Amazonian forest

    Please correct me if there's something wrong. I think all of these would be very interesting for the franchise, especially the Chinese and the Hindi ones

    submitted by /u/hannahmsparda67
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    Opinion: There needs to be a game about Thomas De Carneillon

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:44 PM PST

    Every now and then I go back and watch the prologue to Unity where we get to briefly play as Thomas during his tenure as a Master Assassin... I'm sorry but am I the only one that felt like that medieval setting was literally the coolest environment to play in? It gave me AC1 vibes. I'd LOVE to play a full game based on Thomas' story from beginning to when he became Master Assassin.. thoughts?

    Video for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt0d_03E5ic&ab_channel=Jantjeeh

    submitted by /u/sc9tty
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