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    Wednesday, February 19, 2020

    Assassin's Creed AC Unity is Actually a Good Game

    Assassin's Creed AC Unity is Actually a Good Game

    AC Unity is Actually a Good Game

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:51 AM PST

    Just finished replaying AC Unity for the first time since it came out and it is like a different game! Most of the bugs are fixed and it runs really well. I think if the game came out in this state it would definitely be one of the best games in the franchise. The combat is challenging, fluid and fun and the setting in Revolutionary France is absolutely stunning. It's disappointing really as this game had so much potential and it was ruined by the buggy state it was launched in. Could have been so much more...

    submitted by /u/LiamOC1315
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    Combat needs to make you feel like a badass again. Human shields, rope darts, etc are all welcomed re-additions.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:58 PM PST

    If I could grab a weaker/generic enemy, and use him as a moveable human shield to block arrows and apply damage, that would be super badass.

    If I could rope dart an enemy and hang him in a tree, causing other enemies to flee in fear, that would be fucking badass. Maybe even light the tree on fire to attract enemies who are farther away and to add a stronger fear effect.

    If I could shoot an arrow at a low health enemy and pin him to a tree/wall/surface that would be just dandy. Maybe I can shoot weapons out of peoples hands and take them down non-lethally.

    AC3 and AC4 are easily the most entertaining of the bunch combat wise, simplify because they make they player feel like a badass, or legendary Assassin. We need finishers in a game like this, but also more unique effects and combinations.

    Because in my opinion, Origins and Odyseey plays and LOOKS (combat wise) like a PS3 game, and since the next game will debut on the PS5, it's time we return to gorgeous and brutal combat animations. Especially if we are playing as a VIKING ASSASSIN.

    I don't want to watch my assassin do the same fucking combo, just swinging his weapons around like a weightless pool noodle just to MAYBE trigger one of the four finishers I've spent 120 hours watching.

    submitted by /u/meme_abstinent
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    Just finished Assassin's Creed Black Flag

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 03:46 PM PST

    I really love the bittersweet ending to the game. All that's left of the great pirates of the Golden Age of Piracy are Edward and Anne and everyone else died.

    submitted by /u/izzyobro
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    Anyone feel Ubisoft should bring back the multiplayer?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:52 PM PST

    I don't know how everyone on here feels but I personally was a huge fan of the multiplayer and I feel like it was a little ahead of it's time.

    Now multiplayer has become such a huge deal, I could see Ubisoft bringing back MP as a separate game. In the crowded space that is multiplayer, AC's MP stands out as it is very unique and original. I don't doubt that since 2013 when Black Flags came out, Ubi's is able to refine and tweak the MP making it better and current.

    Likewise, if the MP came together with the SP, it would help prolong the life cycle of game and Ubi is some massive company that would have several studios working on it, so it wouldn't compromise the single-player campaign that we all know and love.

    submitted by /u/XavierSaviour
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    Why these assassin's creed are some of the best games

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:20 AM PST

    What Is your favorite game. My two favorites are Black Flag and Origins.

    Black Flag Is such an awesome and immersive game. The Caribbean setting was beautiful and It was a fresh new area that the franchise needed. The ship combat was awesome. I have memorable battles where my maxed out Jackdaw battled 3 Man O Wars and 4 Frigates and won. The game had so many awesome environments. Climbing through the jungles and seeing a waterfall was beautiful. Or being at the entrance of the jungle and not knowing what's ahead was always mysterious. The city was so full of life from beggars and workers and seeing executions brought a ton of life to the game. The ocean was so detailed and pretty. Seeing dolphins swim or avoiding the hurricanes brought so much adventure.

    The story Is amazing. It's packed with emotion and excitement and so much character development. The story was just as good as the Ezio trilogy. Edward Kenway, oh my that was something else. He was badass and had so much development. He went from being a man who just wanted money and who didn't care about others and then went to a man devoted to the assassin's and a caring friend and father. He got a happy ending with his daughter. Adewale Is probably one of the best side characters In gaming. We see so much development and his character In Freedom Cry brought emotion we've never seen from Adewale. Freedom Cry Is an awesome dlc. We got to dive Into a sad topic In history but had so much detail and emotion.

    The soundtrack for the game was awesome as well. The game does a very good job at capturing moments from certain parts of history. I love historical accuracy In the games. The golden age of piracy Isn't a big topic nowadays but I thought It was awesome.

    Origins Is another great game. The land and graphics was beautiful. Definitely some of the best graphics In gaming. It's better than Odyssey's by far. Ubisoft nailed the setting. The environments were so damn detailed with weather patterns and animal behaviors. We had different biomes from the dessert, the mountains, the swamps, the rocky coast and the nile river. The nps were so detailed with daily lives and different roles In the world. The side content was awesome and brought so much mystery. The first civilization gave me more questions than answers In both games. Gladiator fights was badass.

    The story Is so emotional and epic. Bayek was awesome with so much development. He's a badass In gaming. He had so much character. He loved children and cared for the poor and wanted to help Egypt. When Kenu died Bayek was filled with rage. He went after his sons killer and that emotion during the scenes amazed me. As the founder of the assassin's Ubisoft did an amazing job with the character. The story had so many twists. Fromm Julius Caesar being the founder of the Templar IN A WAY. The first civilization was awesome but could've been bigger. The ending was satisfying and gave me excitement and It still does.

    Lyla was a good protagonist and had so much potential. Sadly It was wasted In Odyssey. I hate Odyssey for so many reasons but I don't want to get into that right now. The dlc was awesome. Hidden Ones was just oh my god. Bayek's friendship with Gamilat was cool and when he found out the truth he was sad. The ending of the hidden ones was awesome. That's when Bayek and Aya founded the creed. The story of the Sinai was cool. It was region with change. Their way of life was vastly changing because of the Romans. Curse of the Pharaoh's was ok but not a big fan of the mythical stuff In the franchise. Ok with the Isu but the other mythical stuff I'm not a big fan of.

    Both games are amazing and are some of my favorite games.

    submitted by /u/DaneCz123
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    Completely New to AC, Want to Know the Story

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:47 PM PST

    Hi everyone! I just joined the subreddit a couple minutes ago and did some very light searching, but couldn't find what I was looking for. I'm completely new to the AC series. I've always wanted to play AC, but tbh it never really peaked my interest enough and I had other games to play. I've recently gotten into single player games for the first time in my life, picking up games like Skyrim, Kingdom come: Deliverance, Subnautica, and Witcher 3 for the first time. I heard that AC Syndicate is going to go free on EpicGames in two days. Needless to say, I'm finally going to play an AC game. However, I don't want to jump into the game without knowing the story of the last 8 games. Quite frankly I don't feel like watching 8 long videos of the past installments so I can get caught up. I'm most likely never going to play the previous games unless I REALLY enjoy Syndicate and the other games go on sale.

    So, I wanted to ask everyone here on this sub, if y'all would be kind enough to fill me in on what you think is important for a new player like me to know, and most importantly, what's the story all the way to Syndicate. So far what I've gathered from research is that people from present day are using the Animus to look back in time for some reason. There is a conflict between the creed and the templars. That's about all I know. Thank you in advance, I really appreciate any and all information! :)

    submitted by /u/CTCranky
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    (AC Revelations) - Is anything locked behind synchronization?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:49 PM PST

    I know in AC Brotherhood, in order to get all of the Christina memories, you had to get 75% total synchronization.

    Is there anything like that in Revelations? I despise the optional objectives, I think they ruin the flow of the game. So if there's nothing locked behind your sync, I'm not going to bother with them. I don't care about the achievements.

    submitted by /u/SolidStone1993
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    The Kabah Ruins (AC Black Flag), what are they doing there?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:42 PM PST

    That's essentially my question. The kabah ruins are a series of sunken temples(edit: it's actually just a single large piece of a temple((Edit2: I started wandering around more, and it looks like multiple pieces of a single temple)) in the middle of the ocean with no nearby land that they could have been built on. Why are they in the middle of the ocean? I get that Ubisoft may have wanted an undersea temple like thing, where you can explore sunken ruins, but why are they there in the first place? You shouldn't exactly design a level like that unless you give hints as to how they got there.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Lunch-Lord
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    Assassin’s Creed Revelations: Constantinople Gameplay Livestream countdown going live today at 17:50 GMT?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 04:04 PM PST

    Just noticed this in my sub feed, what's going on? Why are they hyping up Revelations all out of the sudden? Are we going back to the roots? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bV5qOSUfeXo

    submitted by /u/swagduck69
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    Assassin's Creed III Remastered on what platform?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:32 PM PST

    So, I hear that there were a lot of quality of life changes to Assassins Creed III Remastered (a lot of which I would had liked in the original), but I'm debating on which console to get it on. I've been thinking PS4, or PC.

    I heard that the Nintendo Switch edition was down graded, is this correct?

    I don't think I'll get it for XBOX ONE, due to my lack of owning one.

    My PC has an integrated Graphics Card (for context it can run Watch_Dogs, but it lags a lot on High and Ultra settings), but I heard it was the only platform where AC3 Remastered runs at 60 FPS.

    What should I get it for?

    ALSO: this is very important, the alt colors for the Assassin Robes in you can buy at the general goods stores, will they appear in the cutscenes for the remaster? The fact that this didn't happen in the original was my biggest gripe, so if someone could answer this, that would be really sweet.

    submitted by /u/chipper3458
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    Arno’s Fearless Outfit - missing hidden blade?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:35 PM PST

    I have Unity for PS4 and I like to replay missions using the Fearless Outfit, because I'm not a fan of of the way the gear system was implemented (thank you, Odyssey, for letting us choose how our gear looks). One thing I noticed is that in cutscenes such as Germain and Bellec's deaths, the hidden blade is completely invisible. I thought it was just a glitch but then I noticed it isn't there when you choose the bracer in the gear selection screen either - it's almost like the devs completely forgot to render it. Has anyone else noticed this?

    submitted by /u/Kalb157
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    Help with equipment in Unity

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:02 PM PST

    I've picked up AC Unity recently and love the experience so far, French Revolution is a brilliant setting and I feel very immersed. I'm not too far through yet but I've been having a huge issue with keeping up with ammo on things like phantom blade, poison etc. I can't get any ammo unless I buy it and its DAMN expensive it VERY rarely drops from enemys. I heard if you play coop then you can get ammo ez but I have no one to play with. Am I missing something or just dumb?

    submitted by /u/bourgeoistrash
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    How do the AC games compare to the combat and adventure of other popular third-person action-adventure and hack-n-slash franchises?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:29 PM PST

    I've become a big fan of third-person action and hack-n-slash games in the past year: Sekiro, Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, Vanquish, Ninja Gaiden, etc.

    I'm wondering if the AC games offer anything at all like these. I remember when the first one came out waaaay back in the day, but didn't bother with it. Now, over a decade later, I'm intrigued due to changing gaming interests. I have an Xbox One S, Wii, and Wii U as my gaming consoles. So—lots of options to dive in. Would the AC games give me the same kinds of thrills and excitement of combat, challenge, and adventure as the games I listed up top?

    Thank you for your time. I'm a single-player guy these days, and I don't care for achievements at all since none of my friends are on Xbox.

    submitted by /u/the_light_of_dawn
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    My intro to the AC series: Odyssey, Unity, Syndicate (+ Renaissance and Brotherhood)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:42 AM PST

    For 12 years I ignored the AC games. I rented AC1 from Blockbuster for a week in 2007 and, while intrigued by the story concept of DNA memories, found it to be slow and boring. I dismissed every game since then as "not my thing" and haven't played since. But over the years I fell in love with games like Shadow of Mordor/War and Horizon Zero Dawn, and heard on many occasions that these were AC derivatives. So last Dec I decided to go all in and picked up the Legendary collection (IV, Rogue, Unity, Syndicate, Origins, Odyssey), Ezio trilogy, and AC3 remastered for about $75. I heard there were major differences in gameplay in the series over the past 7 years and, at worst, for the price of a new game I could find at least one good game out of the bunch.

    In reading this subreddit, there is definitely a schism in defining what an AC game should be (typically drawing the line between pre and post Origins). By coming into the series with no preconceived notions I hoped to define AC for myself. My notes on my (spoiler) experiences so far are below

    AC Odyssey

    This game was the most recommended game based on my past experiences (Shadow of Mordor/War) so I decided to try it first.


    • The world is huge, with lots to do. Sometimes you want a game with this much stuff.
      • Conquering. Mercenaries. Cultists. Ships. There are so many fun gameplay elements
      • I finished the story in 40 hours and platinum'ed it in 60, then stopped (no DLC yet)
    • Graphics are beautiful
      • Seeing the sunrise/sunset while performing other tasks would sometimes freeze me just so I could savor it. This game is gorgeous.
    • Main story was impressive, most of the time
      • I chose Kassandra, and when the early twist came the Wolf was her dad I was surprised. In other games that would happen much later and the final boss would be the dad. But in this game its all over in the first 20% of the game. Then the reveal of Deimos sold the game. Some of the story dragged (Olympics, Marcus was annoying, etc) but the portions involving the Misthios and Deimos had my full attention
    • Some side stories were fascinating
      • Loved the battles with the 4 fabled monsters. Loved the Mercenary and Cultist options. Ship was fun at first but grew old
    • Skill tree was diverse
      • I choose Assassin skills mostly, didn't put anything in Hunter. I'm sure if I played again I would play a completely different role and get a different experience


    • The world is too large with too many repetitive tasks.
      • This game feels like it is trying to set itself as the "only" game I will play for the next 6 mos. At times it feels like Destiny or Diablo, where its all about the same repetitive tasks for slightly better loot, and new daily quests to help with it. Once I finished the story and platinum'ed the game I was done, even though there was much more to do. Yet doing those things would accomplish nothing and are only time wasters.
    • I hate, hate, hate the option of Time Savers. I have limited time so I, sadly, bought the permanent XP boost. The level increases felt natural after that. I would despise this game if forced to play (grind) with the normal XP rates. I'm hoping Kingdom either gets rid of this (doubtful) or at least includes the boosts in a deluxe version. But even then, yuck.
    • Most sidequests were pointless
      • After about 15 hours I started skipping all dialogue for non-story quests
    • Skills were weak for what they represented
      • I hated that as an assassin I couldn't outright kill most people in one hit. I found the Pirate set fairly early and put a lot of engravings to assassin damage. I got to the point where I could kill a lvl 85 at level 60, but it was 10 minutes of dodging while waiting for the assassin skills' cooldown, and I would still die in one hit. As a full assassin, I wanted to be rewarded for successfully sneaking up on a high level character and stabbing them in the back. The fact that standard grunts could resist this even at high levels was annoying, especially when I had the best armor set for it.
    • Current day storyline
      • Maybe 3 scenes in the current day appeared in my entire playthrough. I had no investment in this story at all and was considerably annoyed when the game swapped to Layla. I did not think the current day Kassandra appearance was earned or handled well at all ("I've been waiting for 2000 years for you, but instead of telling you anything I will just choose to die instead"). I haven't played DLC yet so maybe this will change.
    • AC terminology felt out of place
      • I didn't realize this was a con until playing earlier AC games. But I had no idea why terms like "Synchronize" were used. I mostly ignored their usage, but the game never really explains these things


    Overall I really enjoyed this game and want to play more in this style. I rarely platinum games but did so for this one. But there is a lot to avoid in this game. I wanted a good story with fun gameplay options, and only chose the tasks which supported this. By avoiding the time wasters, and, sadly, purchasing the time savers, I was able to have my desired experience for about 60 hours.

    Assassin's Creed Origins

    I started it but couldn't play more than 20 mins. This game seems like so much fun, but after 60 hours of Odyssey I need a "palette cleanser" game with different gameplay. I will come back to it in a few months for a fresh experience.

    Assassin's Creed Unity

    Many recommendation stated that this was the last "true" AC so I tried it next.


    • Loved the story/world
      • My favorite of the 3 games I've played. I love being in the French Revolution. Its such a momentous event and I felt like I played a part of it. I loved interacting with Robespierre and Napoleon, and following Louis XVI's reign knowing how it will end tragically. The various famous locales were amazing.
    • Loved the characters
      • Arno and Elise were amazing and felt real. After it was over I wanted to find out what happened next. What did Arno do until he died? Did he influence any other AC characters from other games? (I still need to play the DLC). The Templars were also fleshed out
    • Multiplayer
      • The optional 4 player levels were nice. Glad they were optional though
    • Loved the differences from Odyssey
      • The following items only stood out after playing Odyssey first:
        • Storyline was the right length, it did not overstay its welcome. It felt more intimate.
        • Map felt like the right size and was not daunting. Very rarely did my next mission occur over 500m away, and I only saw 1000+m once
        • All weapons/armor were available at the beginning of the game, but expensive. I ended up "cheating" the system by playing a 5 star multiplayer level multiple times to get lots of money then buying the best gear early in the game. It felt so good to be overpowered after the constant underpowered of Odyssey. But the game was over quicker because of it, so I understand why the designers don't want this
        • I loved assassinations, character levels be damned. I felt like an assassin.
        • Parkour. This was so fun and felt different than climbing in Odyssey
        • Present day sections actually meshed with the game. The additional timelines in 1890 and WWII were fun. And there were only a few of them so they weren't annoying. I now know why "Synchronize" is used.


    • Repetitive world. The NPCs and buildings get reused so many times, most missions I didn't really care what the building layout looked like because they were all the same
    • Elise's death was pointless. If only she waited 5 more seconds she would have lived. There had to be a better way to write a more meaningful death.
    • Too easy to game the gear. Some missions turned into a massive slaughter because I was discovered, and at no point did I worry about dying. I would kill 30 people easily.
    • Controls sucked. I got "stuck" on a 1 ft step too many times when chasing someone. Cover mechanic was horrible.
    • So many glitches. Had to restart levels multiple times due to getting stuck or freezing.
    • Music was forgettable.
    • Graphics were okay, probably good for their time. NPCs where constantly popping and glitching and breaking immersion.


    This is my favorite story of the 3 games. I connected with these characters and the world the most. I also understand what "classic" AC gameplay feels like and how it differs from Odyssey. They are different types of games and I enjoy both of them. I look forward to the next Odyssey style game (Kingdom), but am sad that there won't be any new games using this classic style. I finished the game in 25 hours (no DLC) and still wanted more.

    Assassin's Creed Syndicate

    Others said this was the last true AC and it seemed like the logical next step after Unity.


    • 2 playable characters, multiple gameplay options
      • Loved having two characters to play and follow
      • Enjoyed the gang recruiting and territory gameplay. Carriage chases were okay
    • Some characters and story was interesting, although convenient
      • Story was pretty straightforward. Introduced to the huge villain in the beginning, then you just have to beat him. Starrick's cutscenes were great and built his reputation. The famous side characters were wonderful and outshined the main two characters.
    • World was interesting
      • The map didn't seem too large, and the train travel was nice
      • Historically, it was amazing to see how much the industrial revolution changed the world in a short time. London 1850 to Paris 1800 (Unity) feel drastically different with all the industry and inventions, whereas (my guess is) Florence 1500 (Ezio) probably wouldn't feel that much different than Paris 1800 (I haven't played it though).
    • The music is fantastic. I love the focus on string instruments and flute. I only recently discovered the music was by Austin Wintory (Journey) so that makes sense. I can listen to this soundtrack any time, no need to play the game.
    • Controls are tighter. Parkour is easier, cover actually works, auto-aiming is nice. Really enjoyed the zipline


    • Skill trees are too similar
      • I loved the concept of two playable characters with different skillsets, but in the end each character has the exact same skills. After level 6, I had enough skill points that I was purchasing the same skills for both characters, and at level 10 each character has all skills. The 3 unique skills for each character were not unique enough. I would love this concept with the Odyssey skill tree to truely have 2 different characters.
    • Jacob and Evie are comparably bland
      • Jacob shows some personality, but compared to Arno and Kassandra (and HZD's Aloy) these characters are dull. Evie is a playable character and has less character building than non-playable Elise.
    • Story is too convenient.
      • Jacob and Evie really have no issues bringing down Starrick. They never lose in any meaningful way. They slowly take over the city with the Rooks and then kill him. Sure, there are some side effects, such as the bus and medicine issues. But they never really struggle outside quarreling with each other. The other games show the characters suffering great losses. But this game starts off saying Starrick is unstoppable, then makes it just a series of steps to stop him. Comparatively, Deimos felt unstoppable and often won.
      • Also, there was nothing special about the time frame. Compared to the French Revolution, London 1850 didn't have any major historical events.
    • Lack of NPC diversity
      • The same NPCs show up everywhere. It felt like Final Fight where I was constantly fighting the Andre the Giant octuplets.
    • Loading screen
      • The "running in space" loading screen grows tiresome. Would have preferred having shorter load times with just random facts


    I enjoyed this game, but mostly for the world and gameplay options. It wasn't too long, and 1850's London is fascinating. The characters were just there. I had more fun playing this game, but was more invested in Unity and Odyssey. Odyssey has even better gameplay (and story) but is bloated. A better game can be made by mixing enough elements from Odyssey without feeling bloated while retaining the classic AC feel. Had I played this first I would have enjoyed it more, but I've seen better AC games of both styles.

    Ezio Trilogy

    I just can't. I tried. I really want to play these games and experience these characters. But the games are from 2009 and the gameplay feels like it, even with a moderately shiny new coat of paint. Its hard to come at this game fresh with 10 years worth of gameplay/visual improvements found elsewhere. But I was very intrigued in this world so I bought the books Renaissance and Brotherhood to experience them in a different format.


    • Loved Ezio's story. I feel like I know everything about this character: his loves, fears, and motivations
    • The world is fascinating. I need to study this era of Italy more.
    • Books are a great way to get more Assassin's Creed without playing games full time, and to get more insight into the characters


    • Most cons come from the conversion of a game to a book
      • Gameplay element don't always translate. In games, its not uncommon to kill 5-10 guys per mission, but when repeatedly writing about this it seems excessive. Ezio is a mass murderer of faceless grunts several times over. Portions of the game return to previous locations for "busy work" which just don't work well in print. It seems like entire missions were described in one paragraph since they had no impact on the plot
      • Timing is convenient. Ezio always arrives at the next location right when something important happens or a villain is discussing their entire plan. Some antagonists constantly escape with ease (seriously, how many times did Cesare get caught and escape?!) while others just die.
      • No concept of time. This is a writing issue, but for most of Renaissance I pictured Ezio as the 17ish kid who escaped capture and trained a few years to. But in the game he ages from 16-40.


    I'm not sure what games to play next. I think I may try the DLC for the games I've already played. I worry if I try earlier games like AC3 and AC4 I will enjoy them less due to graphics and gameplay advances I am used to in the later games. Eventually I will play Origins but need some more time as I am not ready for another Odyssey-level commitment. I will likely read the books for the games I don't play.


    Played AC for the first time. Odyssey is massive and fun but feels different from Unity and Syndicate. I enjoy both style of AC games but am sad that no new "classic style" AC games will be made. Older games didn't age well but reading the book adaptations helps convey the story.

    submitted by /u/chocobomog
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    [Leo Talks] AC Symphony - Toronto [March 14]

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 11:08 AM PST

    (Odyssey) What’s the Archaeologist Challenge?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:09 PM PST

    For engravings it says what to do to upgrade to the next tier, but for some it says to unlock more ostrakas and I'm 100% sure that's not how to find out how to get to the next tier of a certain engraving because there's 80% of them done already.

    submitted by /u/Anuhea099
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    Trying to find the name of an old AC4 marketing contest online "Game"

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 04:57 PM PST

    I recently recalled a very short online Game/Contest that Ubisoft put out a little before AC4 was released- but I can't remember what they called it!

    It was pirate themed, it was on a dedicated website, you had to write some rules for your ship, recruit other community members, and the background was a giant map I believe. There were a lot of nautical trivia questions and riddles. One was "What is an unlucky sailor aboard a ship called? - A Jonah"

    I really want to look up this website on wayback or just look at some pictures and to remember more about it. Unfortunately, I can't find any record of it whatsoever. I scrolled back through 6 years of Ubisofts Yotube videos hunting for it and popped in every google search that came to mind. Nothing.

    Do any of you know what I'm talking about?

    submitted by /u/Mr_Zone
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    Books to read about each Assassin's Creed historical period?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 12:19 PM PST

    What are some good books to learn more about the historical periods that the assassin's creed games are based on?

    submitted by /u/oxzip
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    Playing AC3 remastered [Spoilers]

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 06:46 PM PST

    And the Templar bit god damn

    I know the basis of all the plots in the games and have played a decent few but never this one...

    But shit ma Haytham

    submitted by /u/Stos915
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    Looking for peeps to help me get the sacred land trophy on ps4 <3.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 04:13 PM PST

    It's gonna be the last trophy I need for the 100% in assassins creed black flag. Looking for some homies to afk in a domination game. I'll help you get the trophy if you need it also.

    submitted by /u/Thatwhiteguy1995
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    Are the Assassins generally incompetent or does their creed prevent useful, pragmatic gains?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 11:37 AM PST

    Every game has you, the super assassin of your generation, taking on a series of organized Templars one at a time. You take down the organizational branch, often consisting of hundreds of people with dozens of leaders, more or less leaving the Assassins to guide events thereafter. However, a century or two later, the Templars are once again the dominant force leaving their dismantling to a new prodigal assassin. Why? Why are the Assassins so incapable of keeping the Templars from establishing entire cities or countries worth of control? Why are most of the assassins so incompetent with only a small handful (the player characters) ever affecting real change? Does the very nature of allowing choice promote social entropy to the point that the Templars are needed? Are the Templars... the good guys?

    submitted by /u/stuff-I-thota-o-stol
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    Why doesn't the hidden blade flick out while the assassins are climbing?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:18 AM PST

    If the blade flicks out with the movement of a finger, or by pulling the wrist back, then how come it doesn't flick out while the assassins are climbing. They are still using the same muscles and hand movements. Am I missing something with how the hidden blade actually works? Or did the designers just never consider this, so it would never actually work in real life?

    submitted by /u/EpicJohnCenaFan
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