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    Friday, January 3, 2020

    Assassin's Creed The early AC games were a rare blockbuster IP with the courage to take themselves seriously

    Assassin's Creed The early AC games were a rare blockbuster IP with the courage to take themselves seriously

    The early AC games were a rare blockbuster IP with the courage to take themselves seriously

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:16 PM PST

    I'm a newer fan to the series, so this is not just nostalgia talking. When I play the games with Desmond as the modern protagonist, I'm struck most by how seriously everything is presented. Being serious takes courage because it involves being sincere and earnest, putting your art on the line to be judged. Most gaming IPs do not present themselves seriously: the NPC's break the ice during major plot points with sassy jokes, breaking the fourth wall, and other infatalizing tactics to diffuse your criticism with an atmosphere of "it's just a game."

    Seriousness in AC has less to do with plot (there are many other stories that involve avenging family members) and more to do with tone (which is how a piece of media makes the audience feel). Much of this comes from the awesome mechanics of the IP (the animus concept). The highest imperative throughout these games comes from Desmond's present day story. When Ezio's family is killed in front of him, the feeling I have is not "this is happening now and it's sad" but rather "this all happened in the past, and Desmond is witnessing the dramatic turning points in his ancestor's life so that he can accomplish his own goals in the present." This doesn't make me feel sad, it makes me think about the grand scheme of life through the ages, and the heavyness (seriousness) of Desmond's burden.

    Another aspect of seriousness is treating the audience like we are mature adults with substantial attention spans and an interest in nuanced storytelling. We all know that entertainment tends to sell out to the lowest common denominator, so to have a blockbuster IP treating its audience this seriously is extremely rare. It only happens when the passion of the artist overpowers the greed of the financier.

    Yet another meaning of seriousness is careful deliberation before action. Not only do our assassin protagonist exemplify this (at least by the time they are trained), but it also applies to the developer's attention to detail. The design choices in and attention to IP-preserving detail were clearly given an incredible amount of consideration.

    Looking back at these older games in the series, they are classics because the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Many individual parts are rough and flawed, including those related to compliments I gave above (if we go by the books then there are jarring tone transitions at some points in these games, but they still hold together because the overall serious tone comes through). The games pushed for levels of perfection and ambition that strained the technology at the time, but at least they had the courage to try.

    And since every discussion about the old games compares them to the new ones: I like Origins and Odyssey, the games that brought me to the series, in a different way. The seriousness is not present in these games (Bayek is a pretty serious guy but the open world tropes ruin the possibility of cultivating a serious tone, and Odyssey fully embraces those tropes). It's partially present in the world maps and locations, which are designed with all the seriousness and attention to detail of those early games (I'm talking about the cartography and 3D environment work, not the quest structure). And Origins/Odyssey is still on the high end of taking itself seriously compared to most of the gaming industry, it's just not as pronounced or risk-taking as it was with the earlier games. This is what we're getting for the foreseeable future and you'll just have to accept that the special brilliance of the early games is lost to that time.

    submitted by /u/iyzie
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    Is Robin Hood an assassin?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:27 AM PST

    In Robin Hood movie Robin was killing templars and stealing money from them. There is also the fact that he was wearing a hood and he also wanted to give freedom to people of Notingham. Change my mind.

    submitted by /u/8corpio
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    Ezio is truly a man of the people

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 11:52 AM PST

    Nothing hurts more than missing only one flag on Assassin's Creed 1

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:39 PM PST

    Sigh... I have a map that I used that showed me where every flag was and when I collected the flag I would mark it off. Every dot is marked off but I'm 99/100....fml

    submitted by /u/ProfessorWankStank
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    Start a new game origins & odddysey

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:23 PM PST

    Hey all,

    I was wondering what happens with my dlc and store items when I start a new game in oddysey or origins? I started a while back but whan to start over.

    submitted by /u/moepkid
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    I am really upset about AC Origins *SPOILERS*

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 02:30 PM PST

    I just got to Alexandria to meet Aya for the first time and someone spoiled that Cleopatra betrays me to Caesar. Now I already know the big twist :(

    submitted by /u/SpikeXena
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    Eagle Vision: Another way in which Odyssey breaks AC lore that I think has not been discussed, yet.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 02:06 AM PST

    First of all, I would like to clarify that I am not 100% sure that what I am about to say it true, so if someone catches a mistake, corrections are always welcome, as long as they are in good faith and civil.

    Anyway, so as far as I remember from dialog in the earlier games, the eagle vision is a remnant of the Isu's sixth sense that is possessed by people with some trace amounts of Isu DNA in them. Considering, then, that Kassandra is the character with the most Isu DNA in the entire AC lore, exept actual Isu, it is at best extremely strange that she doesn't have Eagle Vision.

    submitted by /u/TStoynov
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    What if Unity followed Élise rather than Arno?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:39 PM PST

    I finished reading the novelization of Unity yesterday (good book, definitely recommend), and the book follows Élise from her childhood to her death. It went into her introduction to the Templars, her struggles with maintaining power and her conflicting feelings towards Arno and the war between the Assassins and Templars.

    If the game was about her I think it would be much better (I love Unity as is, but I'd prefer Élise as a protagonist than Arno). It would have been much more story driven and there would be fewer assassinations, but it would be much more dramatic, especially near the end.

    What do you guys think? In terms of the game, I mean. Releasing two games in a row where the main character is a Templar would have hurt the sales.

    submitted by /u/mylegismissing
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    Going back to AC origins

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 11:04 PM PST

    When i first got it i got bored of it and odyssy had cone out like a week later and i thing greek gladiators are awesome so i ditched origins but today i just beat syndicate and im going in order and jesus i love bayek hes funny and charming and i would love a bayek sequel. If ezio gets 3 games, Arno,shay,edward,alexios and connor need at least 1 more

    submitted by /u/smeefz
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    Is Desert Oath Oliver Bowden's last AC book?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:52 PM PST

    Cause Odyssey was written by another guy.

    submitted by /u/ThatKidinAfrica
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    The makers of assassin's creed should make a game around a mandolorian.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:45 PM PST

    title says it all. It would be a sweet game series based around star wars with side quests that educate you on all of the galaxy's subcultures.

    submitted by /u/motoman809
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    What counts as 100 percent-ing an assassins creed

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:43 PM PST

    I'm currently playing Assassin's Creed Rogue and I was wondering what 100 percent-ing counts as. I completed all the crafting,harpooning for the morrigan upgrades, and some of the asbtergo challenges, and also do the outfits that you get from redeeming on Ubisoft club count towards 100 percent-ing the outfits fo Shay

    submitted by /u/derimilk
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    Order of the games?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:11 PM PST

    Hi All

    i am replaying blackflag at the moment. Thats the last assasins creed i have played. i am looking for a chronological list of the AC games. I am looking to buy the games that have been released since blackflag and catch up.

    submitted by /u/Aloha-Potato
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    Assassins Creed Unity online?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 09:01 PM PST

    Quick question regarding the Unity servers; are you still able to play co-op? I'd like to do a playthrough with my brother but don't want to waste my time downloading if this feature is no longer active. Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/words-our-hard
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    need some help with maps

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 08:49 PM PST

    So I bought the Ezio collection 3 yrs ago on ps4, and I've forgotten almost everything abt the game since picking it up again. In ac2, I don't remember the process to get maps of cities, can someone help? specifically, how do I get a map of forli

    submitted by /u/sumn1
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    the Origins version of Ezio's Family is better than every other version.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 12:00 PM PST

    In my opinion, the Origins version of Ezio's Family is a better cover than all the other versions, but the original Jesper Kyd piece is a close second. I think that the worst version is probably the Odyssey version.

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    Legendary armor scaling in Odyysey

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 08:19 PM PST

    I am confused about how the armor level scaling works. Does it scale to your current level when you obtain the last piece, or does it scale to the level of the last piece you obtain? I play on normal difficulty.

    submitted by /u/yeetosyeeyee
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    My opinion of AC Origins,after I 100% it and as a long time AC fan.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 12:22 PM PST

    Ok,so bear with me,English is my 2nd language. So here we go. The first time I played it I didn't like it ,not one bit,I finished it because it was an AC game and I wanted to see the end cause I was lowkey interested in the modern day assassins. So I rushed everything ,I went only for the main missions and after I finished I was to bumped down to finish the sidequests or the expansions. Even after I finished it I thought it sucks massive ass,i don't know why,maybe because i was not interested in Egypt as a whole(the pharaohs the Egyptian gods,the desert) . But I was looking for games to play this fall,so I started again Origins,and in the first hour I loved the game,i understood the pain bayek had when he lost his son,i did some sidequests at first and i liked them,so i thought it will be fun to do everything (the viewpoints,the sidequests,all the question mark signs) and oh boy it was a chore . Everything went smoothly ,I liked a game a lot,even when I traversed the desert,it was sublime. And then I arrived in Memphis.Fuck me ,it had a looot of sidequests and question signs. But it was fine. So let s go to the story. The main story was good,not like God of war good,but average.And the expansions ,oh boy the expansions. The hidden ones was actually really good. I liked the whole after 4 years of bayek being an absolute badass and making the brotherhood knowledgeable and with excellent assassins. But the missions where meh,kill 3 guys and then kill a big guy. And don't make me start on the curse of the Pharoahs ,it was absolute terrible,from the very start. Ok so I loved the all the ac games untill now because it had history. I felt like I was learning when I played,hell sometimes I thought that actually happend. After the stabbing of Ceaser everything felt like sci-fi. But playing this awful expansion made me really sad wasting time on it. I get it Isu artifacts blah,blah,blah. But the story made no fucking sense. And the afterlife maps really put the cherry on top, on me with more useless sidequests, more useless loot ( cause I had every upgrade maxed) and more time lost with the puzzles. All this time I thought bayek had a very bad dream,or was on shrooms ,this is the only reason I have for the afterlife,it isn't even Isu ,wtf is it then?

    Ok ,so with the question mark signs why in origins it feels like a very bad chore,and the witcher 3 it feels like an adventure ,because in the witcher when you fought a strong opponent for loot,or beat bandits it was actually a challenge ,and fun even if I played on normal,and you see they tried to make a witcher type game,but failed miserably.

    Some final notes, The cities and villages didn't feel difirent at all,it felt like a really bad copy paste. The people sometimes felt like they had no emotions or life in them.

    The gameplay was ok,I used the regular sword most of the time,but switched to the daggers with the final bosses of the curse of the Pharoahs, cause they were very hard for absolutely no reason,they were sponges,and 2 shotted you ,the most frustrating types of bosses. The naval battles were fine,they tried to replicate black flag,but you can never replicate perfection.

    And with the Isu temples I don't know what the fuck they were trying to say. When I first saw one in the AC II it fucking blew my mind out of it s head. But with origins,meh let s just speak out of our asses.

    So that s basically what I thought ,the whole experience I give it a solid 5, and the witcher got a 9,so you know where it stands.

    TLDR: After I completed everything in the game,I hated it.

    submitted by /u/Eiben226
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    How has gameplay changed, in recent AC games?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:51 PM PST

    I recently purchased a PS4 (yes, I know I'm late to that game), primarily so I can play the AC series. I loved – and 100%ed – nearly all of the games on the PS3 and I've been waiting forever to catch up.

    I'm planning to start with Unity and work my way forward, chronologically by release date (Unity, Syndicate, Origins, Odyssey). I figure that if I were to start with Odyssey, the others would feel "dated" afterwards and I'd be less likely to complete them. (Same thing happened with the original AC, which I attempted to play after the Ezio series.)

    Some of the reviews I've read seem to indicate that the games have developed more of an RPG feel in recent years. Is that accurate? What does that mean, exactly? Is combat not really a thing? Did the early PS4 games get away from RPG elements and Odyssey has brought them back? How are things structurally, relative to the Ezio series/Black Flag/Rogue?

    Just curious what I'm getting myself into (and if I'm right in my idea to pursue the games in the order of their release date). Thanks!

    submitted by /u/RakeScene
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    Who wants to coop on ac unity?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:14 PM PST

    I know im late to the unity party but is anyone interested in playing with me and others?

    P.s im playing on pc.

    submitted by /u/spluhcs
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    How long does it take to complete ac odyssey and how long does it take to complete the season pass?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 03:19 PM PST

    I'm considering to buy the season pass, after playing the game for 4 hours, I just love to play this ac. I'm currently at 6% after 4 hours, so how long will it take me to complete the story and complete every side quest? And how much time does it take to complete all dlc?

    submitted by /u/Rensie21
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    The gunners in AC Unity

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:13 AM PST

    Either I am mentally disabled or there isn't a reliable way of dealing with them. If you kill one another one sees you, if you decide to go on ground you risk getting spotted by one of them and having every enemy in the area run to you. I just can't find a way to deal with them, especially on the side mission where you have to collect parts for a guillotine. Please tell me there's a way to deal with them.

    submitted by /u/ussae
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    Getting Back Into Creed

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:28 PM PST

    Hey everyone, I want to get back into playing the Creed games and would like recommendations on what to play. Haven't played one in full since creed 3.

    submitted by /u/beachedhippo95
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    Do you keep mercenary rank perks when you rank up?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:26 PM PST

    the reduced BS costs, reduced upgrading costs etc. do you keep all the previous ones when you go up to the next rank?

    submitted by /u/spelle12
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