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    Thursday, January 2, 2020

    Assassin's Creed I didn't want to continue playing Revelations after watching the ending

    Assassin's Creed I didn't want to continue playing Revelations after watching the ending

    I didn't want to continue playing Revelations after watching the ending

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:31 PM PST

    Maybe I'm just too sentimental, but it would have felt wrong for me to keep killing after watching Ezio take off his gear for the last time in the library and leaving to be with Sofia. Also, him leaving the second apple of eden and saying he had seen enough for one life signified that his journey as an assassin was over. Of course we see him fight again in Embers, but that was out of self defense.

    Did anyone else feel this way?

    submitted by /u/anotherjokemurrAy
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    Re-playing Origins made me realise just how much lost potential there was with Bayek.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 02:16 AM PST

    Hell, the whole of the game was sort of a lost opportunity. They set up possible routes for sequels towards the end, only for those plot points' finales to be crammed into the last hour and a half.

    But Bayek had a lot of potential. Sure, I don't think his character was awfully fleshed out in Origins, but that's why I was excited for any potential sequels; he actually felt different from the Ezio archetype the franchise had been stuck with for years. Abubakar Salim, who played Bayek, put in a really good performance, if not let down by the writing and camera work in, say, the side quests. But at the point we're at now, it feels like everything established in Origins was wasted - and it'll probably feel that way until the next game set after the date of that game. If they had nailed his motivations, I would've loved to have seen Bayek, or maybe even Aya, move around the ancient world. You could get to see Roman Greece, or travel to Rome itself and see it in it's then old age. It would also allow new opportunities to explore Bayek's character beyond the glimpses of greatness we got in Origins.

    Odyssey, whilst still decent in my opinion, squandered a lot of what Origins did. The team put a lot of work into establishing a reason for both the Templar's and Assassins' existence, no matter how contrived I thought the later's was. But in Odyssey, the story Origins was trying to tell is sidelined by essentially saying, "No, that wasn't the origin, THIS was!" I did quite like some of the changes made in Odyssey, despite them making the game the furthest away from Assassin's Creed the franchise has ever been. I would've loved to see Bayek make the use of dialogue choices as well as a Witcher-3 camera system for conversations.

    submitted by /u/FusionPanda
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    Assassin's Gauntlets (AC Odyssey)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:43 PM PST

    So the Assassin's Gauntlets description is AC Odyssey is 'There seems to have been some extra room made in these gauntlets to fit something else.' This is clearly a reference to the Hidden Blade, right? I've looked it up and nobody's really said anything about it, so I was just asking to see if I'm completely wrong.

    submitted by /u/Sionnach-dubh
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    [Odyssey] Leader not spawning in Heraklea Bandit Camp in Malis/Bay of Xerxes area

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:04 PM PST

    Trying to complete my last point of interest in the area and the Bandit Leader won't spawn (pretty sure I killed him on the first time there but it was never checked off); I've spent a while in areas across the map and waited several days to respawn the camp multiple times, but the leader is never there. Is it quest related or a bug? (already done the quest The Best Defense and focused on scouts instead of caches, not sure if that makes it impossible? Any help is greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/looking4blueprints
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    Is there an “encyclopedia” in assassins creed origins? Similar to Assassins Creed III?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 06:15 PM PST

    Noob question about Origins

    Hey so I recently bought Origins and I'm liking it so far I'm only on the first mission but I'm in love with the setting and historical period. My only gripe so far is it's a little demanding in my poor pc haha.

    This is my first AC since 3 and one of my favorite things about that is it had like an in game encyclopedia where you could read about people places and historical buildings. Is there anything like that in Origins?

    Also how do I walk on PC? I hate constantly running.


    submitted by /u/ronin_d
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    Playing Odyssey, first assassins creed game I've played in years.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:44 AM PST

    I've kind of died on assassins creed after playing the ezio collection, III, and barely black flag. I haven't touched any of the games til this morning, assassins creed odyssey, and I'm not going to lie, its a pretty fun experience. I'm really enjoying this game! Is there any tips i should be aware of?

    submitted by /u/Khaza_
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    Has Ubisoft ever mentioned anything about Babylon?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 06:29 PM PST

    I think it would be the best setting for AC, Simply due to the fact that they invented the word and job "Assassin" . Babylon was the most beautiful and MOST Historical ancient civilization, far greater than the Roman's and the Greeks. They actually Learned from the Babylonians and the Sumerians. The closest we saw was the Persians in Odyssey so far, but Persians are very different to the Babylonians even though they share land. Origins vibe gave me an amazing glimpse of how great an ancient Mesopotamian AC would and should be

    submitted by /u/Magiiick
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    TIL: You Can Complete "Kenway's Fleet" Missions Instantly By Adjusting The Nintendo Switch Game Clock

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:15 PM PST

    So I've been playing Pokemon Sword/Shield since its release and there is currently a "feature"(bug) where you can adjust the Nintendo Switch system clock and advance time in order to reset daily events.

    I also recently bought Assasing's Creed the Rebel Edition and was particularly interested in the "Kenway's Fleet" minigame in Black Flag. However, I'm a naturally impatient person and didn't want to wait out the timers for a Kenway's Fleet mission to complete.

    This made me think about the Pokemon Sword/Shield glitch and I have found that adjusting the Nintendo Switch system clock, will also advance the time elapsed for "Kenyway's Fleet" missions.

    Practically this means that you can send all of your boats out on a mission, exit out of the game, advance the system clock a day, and then go back in and all the missions will be completed.

    Figured, I would post this here and share my findings since a rudimentary google search never provided me with this fact.

    submitted by /u/WardenUnleashed
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    Would it be better if they made an Assassins Creed TV Show/Movie without the animus involved?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:16 AM PST

    I know the animus is one of the core things about Assassins creed, but would they really miss out if they didn't involve it and it was just focused on the Assassins Brotherhood itself or would it need to be involved for it to work?

    submitted by /u/ilikebatman69
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    What I want for AC 2020.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 03:19 AM PST

    So we all know Ubisoft is probably going to use the RPG elements and the same engine from odyssey and origins, I don't really mind the origins system but I despise the odyssey meat-sponge enemies that take forever to die and lack of shields. If it's set in a Norse setting, we need shields back as that's a primary element in combat back then, and I'd prefer they use origins less meaty combat system and obviously work more on it to make it feel as smooth as God of war etc. Stealth should be upper, first remove the rpg power takedowns, add a cover button, improve enemy ai, make more enemies types that are killable in specific ways, ability to turn of torches/source of light in a room/night to reduce visibility, poison darts shouldn't be able to affect all guards, bring back solid smoke bombs, better enemy placement ( I find the placement to be too easy) and more ideas but here are some initial thoughts. Now that Ubisoft has developed the main engine for the games, I think they have more times to smooth out gameplay, animations and obviously a longer (non-filler) story like origins and less like odyssey. Your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/taim_d
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    Replaying Black Flag illustrates how much voice acting/dialogue has regressed in Origins/Odyssey

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:07 AM PST

    I enjoy Origins and Odyssey, despite some reservations based on their identity as an AC game. However, something I feel like has clearly declined in the series is the voice acting and dialogue and nothing illustrated it more than when I started Black Flag (Rebel Collection). Black Flag came out over 5 years ago and the dialogue is much more fluid and believable than Odyssey. Both Origins and Odyssey have extremely choppy dialogue that nearly ruins the immersion. If this is the price to pay for an illusion of choice in your dialogue then I don't think it is worth it.

    submitted by /u/Ritter97
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    [HELP] Does anybody know who this guy is?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 06:51 PM PST

    [Spoiler] Assassin's Creed: Uprising should be TV Show/ Otso Berg Spin-off

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:52 AM PST

    I know that Assassin's Creed: Assassins and Assassin's Creed: Uprising comics has been around for some time, but I got it just now for Christmas and after reading them a few things come on my mind so here they are two of them:

    I avoided these comics because I simply thought they are some unimportant spin-offs created just for milking the franchise, the more I was surprised that actually whole story around Juno, which was building through about 5 or 6 games, is finished in the side merchandise as is this. If i didn't get these comics i wouldn't even know about it. How something so crucial for the lore can be delivered like this…

    Anyway when I was reading these comics I couldn't help myself and imagining it as a TV Show. There is so many characters which deserves much more space/depth their motives, emotions, development, which are absent even at the main character. Her first kill, her relationship with other assassins, lost of friend, transformation from average bank worker to skilled assassin it all has so much important psychological and emotional development which i would love to see. I know that you can't have all of this in comics and that's why I think it's not a good choice to portray this story. A TV show makes all of this possible and is much more accessible for the audience, which when the story contains so important events for the whole series is much more appropriate I would say.

    I've somewhere read that some AC show is in development but i don't know if it wasn't cancelled(?). Do you think it's possible that this show is/was about this story? Would you be interested or do you think the comics are enough?

    1. My probably the most favorite character from modern day AC (games) is Juhani Otso Berg (maybe because he is the only one worth mentioning…). In Uprising (or Templars) we learned that he is the Black Cross – Secret Templar inquisitor which investigate corrupted members of the Order. Now I know this is totally just a wish but i think it would be really cool to have spinoff game where you play Otso Berg travelling whole world finding and fighting assassin cells, investigating traitors and agents from assassins/instruments and in between secretly investigating some internal faction struggles. Great chance to find out more about modern time Templars and actually everything related to modern day since this side of story is not the main focus of the games …Of course gameplay probably couldn't be like other AC games but i can easily imagine it like a Splinter Cell or Ghost Recon style game with individual missions instead of memories. So more modern AC lore and Splinter Cell like game … Two birds with one stone … What do you think about it ?

    I don't know if it's clear what i am trying to say I had some weird urge to voice this out so here it is

    submitted by /u/Scalpro
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    Do I need to buy all of the DLC for origins to get all of the steam achievements?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:44 PM PST

    Like the title says, I'm trying to 100% origins, just wondering if I'll have to buy all the DLC to get the achievements or not, some of the achievements have "the hidden ones" written next to them.

    submitted by /u/GuardiaNIsBae
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    Is Kenway’s Fleet still a thing?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 01:16 PM PST

    I just got AC Black Flag for Switch, and have two questions. Is Kenway's Fleet on Switch, and if not, is Kenway's Fleet still a thing at all? Thanks

    submitted by /u/Yobob93
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    What is your favorite story arc in the Assassin's Creed series?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 03:00 PM PST

    I've been thinking about this recently, I've always been a very big fan of Ezio's story in Assassin's Creed 2, Brotherhood, and Revelations (even how it tied back to Altair). Desmond's storyline was always a week part of the franchise to me, and I didn't pay all to much about it. I'm experiencing AC 3 for the first time while a friend plays it as her first Assassin's Creed game, and I'm intrigued by the Kenway's saga. I don't know if I appreciate the execution compared to the first four games though. I wanted to see what other's felt about the different smaller sagas inside the larger franchise? What's your favorite, and why?

    submitted by /u/cehteshami
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    New to AC franchise -- a few questions

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:20 AM PST

    Basically, I spent all of my adult life playing WoW or Civ, and that is all I had time to play. I ended up trying ACO in August, and it became my go-to game.

    1. I have read that AC:O is different from previous AC games. What are the major differences?
    2. When I was gifted AC:O, it included AC3 Remastered. I am a huge colonial period history nerd. What should I expect before I start it?
    3. Is the next AC game expected to be more similar to AC:O or to the previous AC games?
    submitted by /u/MoreIronyLessWrinkly
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    Currently playing odyssey and I’m not enjoying it, should I continue with it

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:27 PM PST

    This game so far has been a buggy mess for me (playing on PS4) with enemies spawning out of nowhere, framrate drops and crashes.

    I really hate the fact that you can't fully assassinate captains, for example I was hiding in a bush right behind the captain and a sneak assassination would only take a quarter of his health bar off (in the old games that would be an instant kill), so I had to heavy attack him into a corner and watch his health bar slowly be depleted, the other guards were attacking the prisoners I had freed.

    The combat is alright but with multiple enemies and the shitty camera it can get annoying, I really dislike the RPG style leveling system (black flag had the best armour upgrade system in my opinion)

    The story so far is kinda interesting and I like the setting (still don't know how it relates to assassins creed yet) but some of the protagonists voice acting is some of the worst voice acting I've heard in a long time

    Should I keep playing or abandon ship.

    submitted by /u/DiglettGod
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    Modern day finale [SPOILER]

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:42 PM PST

    So it's rumoured that the next game will conclude the modern day story . I hope they mean the entire saga and not just Layla's trilogy . I want to see Desmond teaching Layla inside the Grey and Juno return as the main antagonist , check out my post "Could she be alive ?" to learn more about the possibility of her having survived after the events of Uprising . What do you expect from the modern day of the next game ? Will they actually put some effort to it this time ?

    submitted by /u/esiokles
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    Do Cultist Guards [Scions] and Persian Immortals ever spawn as Legendary Lieutenants?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 03:16 PM PST

    The highest I've even seen Cult Guards are Epic. Do they ever spawn as legendary?

    submitted by /u/Qoheles
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    How would you rank the stories in Assassin's Creed games?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:48 AM PST

    I have only played Black Flag and Origins so I am curious to see your thoughts

    submitted by /u/SpikeXena
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    Armor apperance changing when i load game

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 02:39 PM PST

    Everytime i load up odyssey on pc my armor appearance reverts to its defaults,is there a fix for this?

    submitted by /u/eradar
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    the 6 legendary defenders

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 02:32 PM PST

    In A.C. 2 there are the statues of the 6 heroes that guard Altairs armor. Very little is said of them. So, you have the potential for 6 games.

    Qulan Gal seems to be Mongolian

    Darius seems Greek

    Wei Yu seems Chinese

    Amunet is Egyptian

    I have no idea where Iltani would be from

    And Leonius seems Roman

    So there are 6 different games, from different periods, where these great heroes became legends for defending the order. That should give Ubi something to work with; I'd love to see what these stories are.

    submitted by /u/dpgillam1
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    Bring more ac to switch please

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:00 AM PST

    Who wants AC syndicate or AC origins ported to the switch? If the Witcher 3 can be ported surely any currently gen AC title can. Would be happy for the lower graphics compromise to play anywhere. Think when a title was released over NES, SNES or Gameboy. Everybody enjoyed playing on their system of choice regardless of graphics quality.

    submitted by /u/murrythedemonicskull
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