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    Friday, January 10, 2020

    Assassin's Creed AC game set in the old west, with cowboys

    Assassin's Creed AC game set in the old west, with cowboys

    AC game set in the old west, with cowboys

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 10:39 PM PST

    I'd love to see a future AC title set in the old west, with the protagonist being a Cowboy assassin. It can be set in California in 1821 during the Mexican war for Independence. The Mentor at the time can be a Native American chief who learned the ways of the creed from Connor and then headed west to train new assassins. The Protagonist can be someone who trained with this set of assassins, and the Templars can be Spaniards trying to maintain control in the region.

    I hope Ubisoft is reading this and can help make this happen!

    submitted by /u/KvotheG
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    The constant references to Altaïr make me want a re-release/make of Assassins Creed [1] so badly

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 03:47 AM PST

    I picked up the Ezio collection in a sale and am reliving 2009+. I've really missed this simplistic, yet aggressive character in a world that, in a squint, still holds up quite well.

    Then I got to Sequence 6 on AC2. At the end of this sequence, Desmond faints and dreams of Altaïr in Acre, a location (iirc) that was in AC[1].

    And Jesus Christ I got a kick in the face of 2007 nostalgia. The original game blew my fucking mind when it came out.

    The free climbing, parkour, air assassinations — all standard now were completely ridiculous (in a great way) back then. And I remember the devs talking about how each NPC face is different.

    Repetitive as it was, this game is constantly referenced throughout the re-releases of 2/B/R/3, and it's so disappointing that it hasn't even been re-released — let alone remade.

    I beg you Ubi.

    Edit: spalling

    submitted by /u/0111011101100001
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    Don't Give us option to select the protoganist gender in next AC games.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 10:24 PM PST

    It's doesn't brings strong character build in games like Odyssey. I don't know why they added gender selection and it doesn't make much sense. I want only one single protoganist (any gender) with strong background and story. There's still a rumor that next AC game will give us option to select male and female character named Jora, but I don't want that to happen.

    submitted by /u/adibr2020
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    Why does Assassin's Creed 3 seem so unpopular?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 10:06 PM PST

    I may be biased, because it was my first AC game, but its probably my favorite out of all of them and one of my favorite games ever. Yet, whenever I see it online, people always say its on the bad side of Assassin's Creed games. My question is why?

    All the combat feels really smooth and is pretty fun to go full notorious and just fight enemy after enemy. I thought the story was pretty good too, with Connor trying to right all wrongs just to see his actions made more wrongs, it creates a good story and good character showing that not everything ends happily ever after. I couldn't really care for the modern day sections though, Desmond should have gotten his own game set entirely in the present imo, but what can you do?

    I mean sure it has a bit of bugs, but it wouldnt be a ubisoft game if it was bug free, right? I don't really have much other problems with it besides that some of the optional objectives can be a pain.

    It might just be that the American Revolution interests me more than italians and the french, in the end. I mean I only got Syndicate because it was set during the Industrial revolution. But still, I would like to know why this game gets a lot of hate?

    submitted by /u/TheHarryman01
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    The Circlejerk is getting old and annoying

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 12:02 AM PST

    New Games bad, old games good.

    We get it, you want the karma. You have to make that post saying how much you preferred the Old Games to get it.

    It needs to stop, even worse is that I have seen people who prefer the newer games getting downvoted just for voicing their opinions(granted some people have been dicks while doing it and deserved the downvotes).

    It just needs to stop. It is the same old thing, I think I come across one of those posts two or three times a week.

    Just stop.

    submitted by /u/BeMyT_Rex
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    I did not like Odyssey.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 03:41 PM PST

    It didn't feel like an Assassin's Creed game. And this is why.

    In almost every other game in the franchise, there is a benefit to playing stealthily. In Odyssey, there is less benefit to being stealthy, and so most missions end up becoming charging in on a horse and stabbing people.

    I also didn't like how heavily it relied on the looting aspect. I'd be fighting an enemy of equal level and get annihilated because my gear is too low a level, and all the gear that's actually good is really expensive to level up, and it is really hard to get enough drachmae to do that. Even though Origins had some looting aspect to it, it wasn't as grossly important as in Odyssey.

    I also didn't like the removal of the gear upgrade system. I liked that in Origins, you could kill a few gazelle, a few crocodiles, and find some iron to upgrade almost whenever you want. Meanwhile in Odyssey, I would need to spend hours and hours finding enemy soldiers, killing enemy soldiers, dying, killing more enemies, dying more, only to level up a few times in the process and be unable to pay the raised drachmae cost.

    Also, I don't like how Alexios/Kassandra has all these magic powers. Even with a precursor artifact, slowing time, being able to jump off of mount Olympus all the way down to sea level without taking fall damage. It feels gimmicky and lazy.

    Why can't I hide in piles of hay, too? That was one of the most important aspects of the game, being able to kill a guy from a hay pile and drag him in. Going back to my first point, it's harder to be stealthy and there is less reward for being so.

    And this was what annoyed me most. No. Frickin. Hidden blade. That's what made the franchise famous. A concept so simple yet so subtly elegant that the devs could have a new idea for the hidden blade in each game. Starting with AC2, the hidden blades could be used in open combat, and they could be firearms too. In Revelations, they became a tool to supplement the freerunning mechanic, and a method to make landing strikes in combat easier. In AC3, they could be used even more effectively in open combat due to the feature of them converting into knives. Unity made the hidden blade crossbow. Syndicate saw it become a grappling gun. Origins delved into why the hidden blade was so vital to the Assassins. In the out-of-animus parts of the game, one of the modern Assassins has a taser hidden blade. That's awesome. But Odyssey has no hidden blade.

    submitted by /u/Gunnery_SgtHartman
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    I probably should have asked here first but...

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 01:48 AM PST

    I just bought ACIII remastered for the nintendo switch. Was that a good idea? For reference the first AC game i played was origins, where i played bayyek as a brawler who sometimes assassinates people.

    submitted by /u/lnmgl
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    The one simple thing almost each game is missing...

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 01:02 PM PST

    I really hope the game adds an outfit that actually blends in with civilian population. Kinda hard to roleplay a social stealth assassin when your the only person in 17th century wearing a hoodie. It made sense during the crusades as you blended with the monks but completely out of place anywhere else. Oddysey and origins almost fixed this by adding the custom gear but the inability to un equip certain equipment makes you stick out like a sore thumb.

    TL:DR let me actually look like the population I'm blending In with pls

    submitted by /u/LordHamSammich
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    Assassin idea:Zorro? How is Zorro not in an AC game?!

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 09:22 PM PST

    He literally fights for the freedom of the people. His kit would be fun, he's got a cool sword, a whip to climb and a horse that comes when he whistles! and last but certainly not least, a cape!

    submitted by /u/CouchHawaiian
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    Is there a possibility of an AC inspired in the prehispanic era?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 01:40 AM PST

    First, my main language it's spanish,so, I'm sorry if this post it's way bad explained.

    If Ubisoft it's exploring new eras (such as Greek and Egyptian), I think there's a huge opportunity to explore prehispanic history, probably they can create a game inspired in the conquest of Mexico by Spain, while they can try to explain with other character another history in somewhere else of Latin America.

    I want to see your opinions!

    submitted by /u/HiramPrah
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    Why were the assassins in the frontier such extremists in Rogue

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 07:39 PM PST

    Perspective wise they kind of behaved like Templars

    submitted by /u/Mctravie
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    Does Base "Crit Hit Damage" Stack with "Crit Hit Damage while Full Health?"

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 11:55 PM PST

    My current Crit Hit Damage: 155% / Crit Hit Damage while Full Health: 165%

    So, if I attack an enemy while at full health and Crit procs, will the Crit damage only be at 165%, or will it stack with 155%? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/alatarielv
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    How does combat work in Rogue?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 05:29 PM PST

    So, I was playing rogue and I did something and I stabbed a basic soldier and ended shooting someone all in the same animation. Not one and then the other just one animation. I want to know if this is something I can do on command or random chance?

    submitted by /u/Yourdaddy42069
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    Assassin creed odyssey on ps4 Armor staying same level

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 07:34 PM PST

    Anyone having issues with getting all the legendary pieces for a set and they stay at low level? I have the snake set and they are still all lvl 17 etc except the last one I got. They are not in my boat.

    submitted by /u/davechemical
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    Older assassins creed titles on mac os? (I'm not dreaming right)

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 06:33 PM PST

    I'm sure a few years ago you could play the first couple, looking on steam and online its not listed for support anymore.

    submitted by /u/DatedRhyme713
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    I am playing AC Odyssey and the Polemarchs I've been attacking haven't had a seal and i dont understand why!

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 05:47 PM PST

    Ive attacked like 10 different forts with polemarchs and still only have one seal. I loot all the bodies right after i defeat them but all but one has been seal less. Does anyone have a suggestion for me? Or has anyone else had this issue?

    submitted by /u/Tmach6992
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    [Fate of Atlantis DLC SPOILERS] A possible explanation for one of the most prominent myths in many religions?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 03:48 AM PST

    Is it possible the fate of Atlantis is the cause of all the Great Flood myths in many religions?

    In reality we know it's possible the Great Flood myths probably came from a time when a river over flooded, but in the Assassin's Creed universe some 70,000 years ago in the Isu city of Atlantis where humans lived under Isu rule, the city was destroyed by Poseidon via flooding, thus the destruction of the mythical city of Atlantis and it's resting place under the ocean. When this happened, Poseidon allowed all the human citizens to escape via boats, if my memory serves me right. According to the Bible Noah along with 7 other humans and a load of animals survived the Great Flood on the Ark. After he rebuilt humanity. The Fate of Atlantis DLC takes place before (or at the beginning?) of the Isu-Human War and just before the Toba Catastrophe where most of humanity and nearly all of the Isu were wiped out. Only very few humans survived, a few thousand, but eventually humanity rose again in greater numbers.

    Could the destruction of Atlantis not only explain Atlantis' fate and sunken location, but also the Great Flood myths within the Assassin's Creed universe? Has this been confirmed anywhere or just some weird ass theory I just came up with...?

    Edit: and has anyone else had this same thought? I can't be the only one who sees the connection...

    submitted by /u/FightOrFightMode
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    There were TWO Assassin's Creed card games released for iOS that most people probably don't even know of.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 10:27 AM PST

    If you've ever wanted to see an AC card game, Ubisoft released two of them named Memories and Recollection, both of which failed pretty hardly with Memories being shut down less than a year after release.

    submitted by /u/HatlessDog
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    The social stealth Assassin's creed is dead and Odyssey was the final nail in the coffin.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 09:59 PM PST

    As with many others on this sub I have been a fan of this franchise for a very long time. I played all the the main entries, played some of the side content(like project legacy and other mobile/portable games), read two of the novels and, much to my regret, watched the film at the cinema. This doesn't make me a specialist nor do I have any authority to speak on this matter but from my perspective this franchise is doomed to burn and crash. Assassin's creed games have now become unrecognisable and the steps the developers have taken in the name of innovation have changed this world into something it isn't.

    Initially Assassin's Creed was an extremely formulaic game, with very limited mechanics and very repetitive gameplay. What drew most people in were the mysteries laid out by secrets of ancient civilisations and artifacts coupled with cryptic messages of doomsday. The last hour of Assassin's Creed was enough to turn many gamers into lifelong fans. We also enjoyed being a hooded figure in the crowd, a blade in the shadows stalking prey and using stolen information for a clean assassination but the mystery was what built one of the most dedicated fan bases I have witnessed. A fan base that was so dedicated they created one of the most comprehensive wikis, which Ubisoft used to check canonicity of their own franchise. Following entries for this franchise would only build upon what was already there and even people who did not consider themselves fans of the franchise would come to enjoy the more refined gameplay of AC2 or Brotherhood.

    But ever since the focus has shifted. We don't get a codex or puzzles. We don't get to build relationships with historical characters.

    I decided to post because I've seen quite a few posts recently discussing hopes for future games and to be honest I don't actually have any hopes. I don't want to have another mind blown moment, meeting PYTHAGORAS in the underground entrance to Atlantis only to see that develop into absolutely nothing. I realise that perhaps what resonates with me might not be the same as what resonates with you but I just feel strung along. Heartbroken with my limp dick in my hands. I really want to like the next game. I want another chance to hunt templars and build the order up once again but I cannot see it happening. This almost feels like a break up letter and perhaps it is. I just do not have the time anymore to get invested in a franchise and spend my time theorising and piecing the lore together only for it to be as unsatisfying as it currently is.

    Don't get me wrong I really liked Odyssey. I thought the action was really intense, some of the characters actually had an amount of the development that made me care about them. But the soul of the game is still missing. Now we have massive maps, long drawn out fights with mercenaries, loot(I fucking hate loot). It is not about how good or bad Odyssey was that is the main issue. The main issue is how unlike Assassin's creed it is. Where are the ambiguous motives for our villains? Where are the big character moments? Kassandra that has been travelling the world for millennia, dies unceremoniously.

    The worst thing is it sold. It got good reviews. People who aren't long time fans praised it as the best in a long time. So why would I have any hope?

    submitted by /u/hiennaz
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    Does anyone want to play assassin's creed 3 multiplayer?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 03:19 PM PST

    The servers are practically dead on xbox and I want to play the multiplayer real bad

    submitted by /u/TheHarryman01
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    Do the MD Assassins/Templars know about Ezio's final day? (Embers/Revelations book)

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 10:41 AM PST

    I'm listening to the novelization a Assassin's Creed: Revelations (nearing the end of it). I am now wondering, do the modern-day Assassins/Templars know about Ezio's final years?

    The Animus memories from Ezio in Desmond end when Flavia was conceived. I suppose that they could extract some information from Flavia via Desmond/Elijah or Shao Jun via Lin (the captive of Chinese ancestry in the movie).

    submitted by /u/leftisthominid
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    No Quests from Xenia

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 11:31 AM PST

    Playing Odyssey, when I had to rescue Xenia's brother from Lestris, my goddamn lion killed him. I never returned to the Pirate Islands, and there are no exclamation points for another mission there.

    So, it seems I have the maps for Pan's flute, but I never had the quest. If I go find the flute without a quest and return it to Xenia, will that restart the quests? Or if I don't save her brother, am I just out of luck?

    I have done a ton of stuff since then, so going back to a save point before that would make me lost about 50% of my progress.

    Did this happen to anyone else? What advice do you all have?

    submitted by /u/Dalecrabtree
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