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    Wednesday, November 27, 2019

    Assassin's Creed [Day 48/72] Assassin's Creed Liberation - Sequence 01 - 'The Business of Freedom'

    Assassin's Creed [Day 48/72] Assassin's Creed Liberation - Sequence 01 - 'The Business of Freedom'

    [Day 48/72] Assassin's Creed Liberation - Sequence 01 - 'The Business of Freedom'

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:00 AM PST

    AC Marathon 2019 - Day 48

    Assassin's Creed Liberation - Sequence 01 - 'The Business of Freedom'

    Bonjour, Assassins! Today, we will be starting the adventures of Aveline de Grandpré, a French-African Assassin. Born to a wealthy French merchant and an African slave, Aveline is a strong woman, who strives to defend the freedom of the people in New Orleans and the Louisiana Bayou. The ongoing battles of the Assassins & Templars are apparent, as truths are revealed and all is not what it seems.

    Today's Targets: Tutorial Chicken, Governor d'Abbadie


    1 - Only a Nightmare
    Dream as young Aveline, wake up and meet your stepmother.
    2 - New Orleans by Night
    Master the rooftops in disguise.
    3 - A Slave in Trouble
    Infiltrate the plantation and find the missing slave.
    4 - The Safe House
    Charity begins at home.
    5 - Taking Care of Business
    A little charm goes a long way.
    6 - Father's Troubles
    Search the docks for the stolen cargo.
    7 - The Key to the Problem
    Investigate how to infiltrate the Governor's Mansion.
    8 - The Colony's Good
    Cut short Governor d'Abbadie's plans.
    9 - The Escape
    After d'Abbadie's assassination, seek safety in the bayou.


    Share your feelings about today's sequence in the comments below. What did you think? Talk about what you liked, what you disliked, and your general thoughts. Feel free to engage with others and ask questions of your own!

    Being active in discussions will make you eligible for an official Marathon giveaway. More info in the 'Giveaway' section below.


    Featured Video: Assassin's Creed Liberation - Developer Diary


    Make sure to download the official Marathon wallpapers for Assassin's Creed Liberation!

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    Here is today's Fan Art of the Day for Assassin's Creed Liberation.
    Artist: autumn-sacura


    October 10th - Assassin's Creed
    October 15th - Assassin's Creed II
    October 27th - Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
    November 5th - Assassin's Creed: Revelations
    November 13th - Assassin's Creed III November 23rd - Assassin's Creed III: Tyranny of King Washington November 26th - Assassin's Creed Liberation
    December 2nd - Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
    December 13th - Assassin's Creed IV: Freedom Cry
    December 15th - Assassin's Creed Rogue
    December 21st - Assassin's Creed Day


    This year we are giving away a set of prizes. These include a copy of the new Essential Guide, a digital copy of Assassin's Creed Odyssey Gold for the platform of your choice and an Art Commission done by NightFell.
    To be eligible for this year's giveaway, you must comment on at least 42 total threads across all games, including at least one thread from each game (DLCs don't count as a separate game, Liberation does). Replies to other comments count as well. Engaging in discussion with other users is strongly encouraged! You must confirm your participation by commenting on the final thread on Dec 21st.
    For additional details refer to the FAQ here.


    Tomorrow, on Day 49 of the Assassin's Creed Marathon, we will be meeting some interesting characters on the Bayou as part of Assassin's Creed Liberation - Sequence 02!

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    submitted by /u/ACMarathon
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    How did you feel when Black Flag was revealed to be centralized around boats?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 05:14 PM PST

    I ask because it's a hilarious situation for me. I had finally beaten AC3 and was like, "Finally. No more boats ever again. I'm free." and then they announced Black Flag and I was very [surprised_pikachu.jpg]. The naval missions were my least favorite part of AC3 and I was for sure I was gonna hate Black Flag, but lo and behold, it's now my second favorite AC game. I don't know what it did right that AC3 didn't, but I'm glad it did.

    What about you? How did you initially feel about it relative to your opinion of the naval sections of AC3 vs. how do you feel about it now?

    EDIT: I will fistfight Edward Kenway for my right to call them 'boats' vs. ships.

    submitted by /u/Saxima
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    I just wanna say that Origins' "Curse of the Pharaohs" expansion is the perfect example of DLC done right

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:02 PM PST

    going into this DLC after completing the main story and The Hidden Ones, I thought I was going to hate all the fantasy elements introduced with Curse of the Pharaohs and was mostly buying it just to squeeze some extra mileage out of Origins.

    But honestly? I don't care! This DLC is so jam packed with content that it doesn't even matter. You have a pretty lengthy main story with some great mission variety and some half decent storytelling. You have a huge world-space to explore, and multiple smaller world-spaces in the form of the afterlifes, each one with a unique appearance and atmosphere. The side quests are mostly great too, especially the afterlife ones. The unique weapons, outfits, perks, and upgrades added by the DLC are also fantastic in their own right.

    honestly I haven't seen a DLC that gives you this much bang for your buck since Red Dead Redemption's Undead Nightmare expansion almost 10 years ago.

    submitted by /u/grasscid
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    If the next game doubles down on Gods/monsters/creating a protagonist/no actual assassins, will you still purchase it?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:14 AM PST

    I've bought every game since 2007. Odyssey was easily my least favorite in the series. What was once a serious assassin game with Sci-fi elements has turned into Percy Jackson with one of the worst stories imaginable.

    Monsters and Gods shouldn't be a main part of the world, it destroys any amount of belief that you are in the era. Choosing a blank slate protagonist has ruined any semblance of story from the AC1-Unity era. I felt zero connection to any of the characters in Odyssey and felt the dialogue was 90% cringe.

    The gameplay, from parkour, to combat, to having magical powers, is just awful in my opinion. It is a complete step backward in every imaginable way. Eagle Vision is one thing, being able to teleport is just silly. The combat especially feels like mashing RB at a balloon, dealing laughably minuscule damage.

    I know this sounds like a rant, I just really miss this series.

    submitted by /u/Dave_Matthews_Jam
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    A really subtle, but powerful moment in Curse of the Pharaohs.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:50 PM PST

    Assassin's Creed Origins is definitely my favorite of the series. In terms of powerful storytelling and gameplay. My favorite aspect by far is the world however. Unlike Odyssey it feels lived in, like the cities actually are alive with cultural as conflict. The moment that exemplifies this by far for me is in the DLC Curse of the Pharaohs. It's a small moment too. I was clearing the Thebes Garrison and I had just killed the captain and the rest of the soldiers. I went to a house to get the treasure and I saw a note on the desk. It was a love letter from the captain of Yebu Fort in the Southern portion of the map. After reading it the moment hit me. I just killed someone's lover. Mindlessly. It made me contextualize a relationship between enemy captains, and I just killed by stabbing him in the back. I don't know why this small moment hit me so hard, but it made me think about the enemies in AC in an entirely different way. Although NPCs they are still humans in game. The soldiers still have mothers, wives, brothers, friends, and you can simply end that in just a mindless bottom press.

    I may be looking into this WAY TO FAR, but I think it's still a great detail in a amazing game.

    submitted by /u/-SirThief-
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    Assassin's Creed 3 Hunting Lessons Glitch!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:00 AM PST

    Can anyone help me out please? I'm replaying Sequence 4 Hunting Lessons on the remastered version. I have no snares or bait in my inventory so I can't progress the mission. I've tried buying shares and bait then returning to the memory and still nothing.

    submitted by /u/y0ung_dillinger
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    [SPOILERS] The current state of the transmedia and its place within the franchise, and why it needs to change

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 03:58 AM PST

    I originally had this as a Twitter thread here, and I still can't stop thinking about the state of the transmedia currently, and the massive, massive issues that lay with it as it is. So, let's get the ball rolling and vent frustrations to the Internet.

    A few days ago, it was announced that Ubisoft will be releasing a new audiobook, AC Gold, which follows a new MD character as well as some of the old ones. Learn more about it on the Amazon page here. On paper, great, fantastic, give it to me. But in the past this has led down an unfavourable path. I'm scared that this will happen yet again, and I have this fear because the AC transmedia is kinda in a fucked position atm. This announcement has been the straw on the camel's back with my tolerance of the transmedia handling. In order to understand why it's fucked though, we'll need to get into some franchise history. First, on transmedia in general.

    Transmedia as defined here is

    'a narrative that extends beyond multiple media forms that also plays to the strength [of] those forms; may or may not be interactive'.

    Transmedia by nature should act as supporting material for the mainline media (in the case of Assassin's Creed, the big budget games like the Ezio games and Odyssey where the main plot progression is (read: should be) happening), and successful franchises with supporting transmedia for fans who want to get deeper into the universe of the story are fantastic. See the Star Wars EU before 95% of it got chopped, the Halo transmedia, and I'm personally a fan of the Dishonored novels that expand on the events between the first and second games, as well as interesting characters like Daud who got a lot of lore in the games but little screentime.

    Let's look at Star Wars, since it's the franchise most people would be familiar with in terms of the main entries and its transmedia. The recent Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is technically transmedia to the movie franchise, even though JFO has a AAA budget and studio backing. It ticks the transmedia box beautifully because Cal's story is a side story, and he will have little to no impact on the movies. Even Ahsoka, a huge part of Clone Wars and Rebels, has always been a transmedia character.

    Assassin's Creed is the only franchise I can think of where the transmedia has had such a huge impact on the main entries we should be getting most of the information from. As a whole, Star Wars' transmedia products all connect to the movies, but the movies do not connect to the transmedia. I do not have to have watched The Clone Wars to understand the events between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. I do not need to have watched Rogue One to understand A New Hope. I do not need to have played Fallen Order so I can enjoy any of the movies. I do not need to have read the Thrawn books, I do not need to have watched Rebels or read the Marvel-published comics. Alas, with the direction AC has been going in, I do need to be caught up on everything that's being put out in order to actually follow what's happening.

    I want to make clear right off the bat that I am not in favour of chopping AC transmedia. In my ideal world I would like to see how Ubisoft handles it get a major overhaul.


    To understand why this current transmedia crisis has happened, you have to understand what's been happening in terms of the games. I'm sure a lot if not most of you here know, but a rundown is good either way for a refresh.

    The first hefty transmedia products we got for AC were the OG comics in the early 2010s. Subject 4 (The Fall and the Chain), Brahman, and the Hawk Trilogy (its MD parts are now decanonised). I've only read Subject 4 myself, and it was very good, I highly recommend if you can get your hands on it. It explains the backstory of Daniel Cross, and even when we encounter him in AC3, I didn't need to know who he was when we first encountered him in the NYC penthouse in order to understand what was going on. If you wanted to find out more about him, you could talk to Rebecca. What really sets him apart from, say, Victoria in Odyssey however is that Cross didn't make a large impact to the story as a whole. Narratively he served as a face for the threat of the Templars so Desmond and the player could latch onto it. This I think should be as far as transmedia character crossovers should go.

    Modern Day is, by what I understand, the largest driving factor for the situation right now. After Desmond's death, his arc was finished, but Ubi didn't want to end the series. The games after him have been floundering narratively. Why are we still here? What's the point of going into the Animus anymore? Juno has been set up as the ultimate villain in this story now so what's going to happen next? Hence the Phoenix Project arc is born, which I thought was cool af. Issue is, at this point the community is split on the MD. People who talk about it tend to either love it and want more, or loathe it and decry when you're booted from the Animus to go do boring stuff in a cave, or wander around offices playing Frogger instead of plundering and murdering on the high seas. The MD good-bad fight is a whole other can of worms I'm too exhausted to open at this moment, we've all had this conversation before in one way or another. I'm not discussing it here.


    The result of all this online complaining, gaming journalism articles about why the MD is the worst thing since the Skyrim port for microwaves was announced, and in-game surveys (rate this mission 1 to 5 stars) on it, the MD is cut back and cut back. Simply put, it's this limp lifeless thing that both fans of MD and those who dislike it aren't happy with. The fans aren't satisfied with this shoddy writing and paper-thin content, and those who aren't fans are still having their historical immersion broken. The design philosophy behind this seems to be that if you don't like it you can blast through in two minutes and get back to the historical sections, and if you do like it, then you can browse through emails, collect notes scattered around a cave, and find interactive points of interest.

    I feel like the only actual permanent solution to this without doing a hard reboot and putting way more budget into it so people have the chance to get invested into it, is having a checkbox option at the very beginning for wanting to have MD sections during the campaign or not. MD in the games feels like Ubi wants to let it die but won't because it's supposed to be Assassin's Creed, and as an avid MD lover who collects all the notes ASAP (which is about half an hour's worth of content all up, if that), it's fucking heartbreaking.

    The solution that has happened over the past few years is that most of the MD meat has been moved to the transmedia, and so we've landed in this weird limbo where the important MD stuff is happening not in the base game, but in books and comics, and now with Odyssey, in the DLC which I had to pay sixty Aussie dollars for. Sixty percent of the base game price for two short campaigns and major overarching plot developments is insane. And if you're following the MD story you either have the choice of paying, or watching someone else play it, or reading a summary, which is a hard position to be in because I don't want to have to pay extra for a story that should be in the base game. It's kinda just a teenie bit very important bit that should be in the base game.

    And this has created even MORE issues because when you're playing the noodle-limp MD in the games now, the characters and their conversations are all about the transmedia ninety-nine percent of the player base hasn't read. Only the hardcore fans know what's going on.

    It also feels like these MD names are being pulled at random from the wiki as well, because last I checked before Odyssey, Victoria was not even close to joining the Assassins; she had chosen to side with the Templars as of the last time we saw her, which was Last Descendants: Fate of the Gods. I mean, FFS, that's absolutely terrible in terms of care or continuity. It 100% feels like a "this person already in AC is an Animus healthcare professional, so let's just cut and paste her in. Guess she was allied with the Assassins that one time and helped them, so she's defected now, all g!" situation. This lack of care as well as this absolute leaning on the transmedia for support in the games has just become a mess. -10/10 I want a refund. Also where did her soft French accent go I want answers.

    AC Gold feels like this is going to turn into another situation where the lead character will become v important to the overall AC universe which has an impact on the games, but they exist only in transmedia. And I say this because Aliyah is the fifth MD character to get this "dragged into the war with no choice" origin story (others being Desmond, Charlotte, Callum, and Layla). Because of this recurring pattern, this very much feels like it has the potential to become a "Oh, she's now just as important as Desmond/Charlotte/Layla, who knew?!" situation and it's become very old very fast. Because when you have three of four of those introduced characters end up being super, super important to saving the world, you can't help but be sceptical this won't happen yet again.


    I don't want transmedia to go away. Despite how much things have been fucked up over the past few years, I want to learn more about this universe, goddamnit all. I mean I've said this before in private, but at this point I would honestly say I'm way more invested in the developments in the transmedia than I am in the games because that's where the plot is happening. But I don't want it to happen there, I want it in the base game. So what are some solutions to this shitfest?

    1) Ubisoft needs to stop relying on the transmedia as a narrative crutch.

    This is the most important point here. It's not working, no one is happy, and whenever a new transmedia project is announced it's now coming with this sense of dread of "How much more money and time do I need to sink into this thing so I can keep up with the story?".

    Assassins, Templars, Uprising, the movie, Heresy, Last Descendants, Locus, Origins comic, Rebellion, Conspiracies, Fate of Atlantis (and the game's novelisation if you want the canon version of events), Bloodstone, Brotherhood of Venice, and now Gold. It can get very, very expensive, and I'm luckily in a position where I can afford to spend the money instead of pirating these things or reading up on summaries, or, and my heart's out to these people, those who find out about Juno's death in Uprising in fucking Reddit comments. Jesus Christ.

    2) Establish trust amongst the community that said transmedia, especially for MD, won't become necessary to know in order to follow the games.

    Last Descendants did this well with the kids and Griffin. They were given clear-cut and concise arcs and closure which gives me every confidence we won't be seeing them again, and that reassurance is one of the reasons I had a blast with LD, because it was self-contained and I could just take it for a side-expansion of the universe. This is what I want my AC transmedia experiences to be.

    3) Move away from telling a new original 'origin' story every time.

    I know we tend to get origin stories for MD characters because of the potential for non-AC fans to pick transmedia up, but I doubt that's a bulk of the sales. Nah fam, we already know this let's dive into the story of someone who's been with the Brotherhood for five, ten, fifteen years now instead of learning the premise of the Assassin-Templar War and how the Animus works for the sixteenth time. It would also make me feel more comfortable about following these characters because maybe they won't be forced into taking the reins for the games. Speaking of experienced Assassin characters …

    4) Think about using the transmedia sometimes to wrap up old, dropped plot points introduced in the games.

    It would make Ubi a ton of money and it will re-establish some trust and goodwill. There's been absolutely blip zip NOTHING about Arno, the Fryes, and Bayek since their respective games finished. Maybe I just want to see an old-as-balls Shay yelling at his grandson to bend his knees when he lands from a high jump, dammit you young whippersnapper. We haven't even gotten death dates for any of the Assassins since Edward in 2012 (excluding Kas for undesired reasons). I am not arguing that these characters didn't have closure, as they each had completed arcs in their games, nor am I saying we need to see every character from cradle to grave like we did Ezio.

    However, each of their games did have a lot of narrative threads I feel we'll never see again, and there's historical period potential left with them. Lots of 'side-stories', if you will, still left in these characters. Arno for example was friends with Napoleon! Hardly a historical small-fry! We know in the lore that Napoleon did eventually get his hands on an Apple, so why not have a novel or something which follows Napoleon's campaign in Egypt and then his rise to power through Arno's eyes? Why not have the story of Edward's pilgrimage to Alamut and his discovery of the First Civ site beneath? Why not have the often fan-requested Connor and Arno vs Shay story? The story of how Amunet built the Roman Brotherhood? What about Darius/Artabanus' plot to kill Xerxes in long form? Exploring more Sanctuary characters like Iltani or Leonius? Where did Callum go? Just anything that Kassandra was doing for 2,500 years? I mean fuck, if Ubi really wanted they could write a fleshed-out Ezio adventure that takes place between the long stretches of nothing years in AC2 to test the waters. I remember when Reflections was announced people were batshit excited about returning to old characters. So much money to be made, so much frustration averted.

    5) This is more-so based on my own tastes, but I would love to get some more talented creators onto the transmedia products, much how like DC and Star Wars hire bestselling authors to write some of their stories.

    Oliver Bowden, Christie Golden, Anthony Del Col, Anna Toole, Guillaume Dorison, their AC writing ranges from fine to questionable, but I would be over the moon to get a high quality product which is tightly plotted, well written, and has firm ties to the AC universe. imo, none of these writers have scored a three out of three with their works. Lots of two of threes, but not a three of three since Last Descendants imo.

    EDIT: 6) There is currently no official release of the Initiates and Project Legacy transmedia pieces, and since there are so many in-game references to these things that have been pulled straight from the wiki, I suggest an official release of this material.

    This would make sure everything much more clear and concise. When for example at the beginning of Syndicate, we are treated to a wall of British Assassin and Templar names, we don't know who half of these people are because they've been pulled from the British Assassin and Templar pages from the wiki, and as of now, the wiki is the only source for the existence of these people.

    Okay so this has turned out stupid long, so uhhh, thanks for reading if you made it down the bottom.

    TL;DR: transmedia is in need of a major overhaul that doesn't place the emphasis of the games' MD in particular into non-main game formats, and I would rather the transmedia shift to exploring interesting places, people, and events in the AC universe which don't tie into the upcoming games' overarching plots.

    submitted by /u/englishbutter
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    Who was your favorite AC villain and why?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:41 PM PST

    So i'm not gonna lie to you guys I don't remember most of the AC villains post AC3 (I feel like they weren't really that memorable to me) but I wanted to ask who your favorite AC villains were throughout the whole franchise and what was it about that them that you loved?

    If I had to pick I would go with Cesare Borgia from Brotherhood. Killing him was so satisfying for me because i'm still salty about him blowing up the Auditore Villa after I spent all of AC2 upgrading it to 100%. Also I loved his final confrontation with Ezio where he proclaims to Ezio that He can not kill him, No man can murder him and Ezio responds by saying that he will leave him to the hands of fate and proceeds to drop him from a tower. That moment still sticks with me till this day.

    Anyways who are you favorite AC villains? I would love to hear them.

    submitted by /u/ryushin6
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    I forgot how fun AC1 is

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:07 PM PST

    The tutorial is incredibly slow but once you get into the assassinations, it's so much fun. You feel like an actual assassin during the investigations, gathering information and coming up with strategies. Combat is great and the actual assassination missions are totally open-ended, which is one of the things I loved about Unity.

    Awesome story so far too. I've just killed Garnier de Naplouse, about to go after Talal, and Altair is already questioning whether his targets actually deserve to die.

    (I know it's the first game in the series but it's been 3-4 years since I played so it feels newer.)

    My only issues are more like nitpicks. There's way too many flags and Templars. First time I played I went for 100% and at the end I was missing a Templar, and I was not about to scour the map for one last guy. Also the climbing is slow, but that's just a nitpick, it doesn't take away from the quality of the game.

    submitted by /u/mylegismissing
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    What was the most satisfying ending in any AC game you have played?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 03:46 PM PST

    Mine was probably AC II, (Surprise).

    submitted by /u/niko1611
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    Does Edward get too little love?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:30 AM PST

    Next to the likes of Connor and Altair (to a lesser degree than Connor) Edward stands next to Ezio and Bayek in personality and personal journey but for me doesn't get enough recognition and love. For what was essentially one of the best games as well. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Witcher797
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    Can you do someone's mission after they join your crew in AC Odyssey?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:23 PM PST

    I did the second quest with Odessa and after I got her to join my crew as a lieutenant but I just found out that there is another quest you can do with her and I was just wondering if I can do that quest even though she's part of my crew? I removed her from my four lieutenant spots but I don't know if that will still let me do the quest

    submitted by /u/Tomahawkk2468
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    Odyssey - Gold or Ultimate?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:08 PM PST

    Gold and Ultimate are both 75% off ($25/$30).

    Gold has the DLC but no goodies. Ultimate is DLC and goodies.

    Are the goodies, well, good? Or do they become useless PDQ?

    submitted by /u/The_Trekspert
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    If the last Rumor is true, London will have a mayor importance in the game

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:24 PM PST

    Why tho? If the game is really set in the year 800 it would make more sense to make York the biggest and most important city, not London, Lundewick or something like that was what London was called in that era and it wasn't that big of a deal of a city, and of course we have seen London before (wich is interesting that I don't see anyone complaining because of that but they do complain about a game in Ancient Rome)

    Edit: that's why I think this last leak is BS, or at least I hope it is, I do hope we get to see northern Europe tho. Way more interesting that scandinavia.

    submitted by /u/andazo122
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    A few confusing questions I have about AC Odyssey (all about gameplay)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:02 PM PST

    So I have a few questions that confuse me about AC odyssey

    1. What do the percentages mean ( 15% of assassin)
    2. Why have more then two weapon slots? One for bow, one for melee, why wouldn't you use the best melee you have and use that one forever?
    3. How to you even obtain gear and weapons?
    4. Does every possible attack require adrenaline to use, even a simple assassination from behind?
    5. How do you level up, get ability points
    6. What is the best type of weapon for an assassin in combat and in stealth mode( daggers, sword, etc.)

    I haven't played odyssey yet, but I was so confused by these aspects of the game that I'm contemplating even getting it.

    submitted by /u/skeever89
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    [POSSIBLE SPOILERS] Help me understand something about AC Rogue and Black Flag

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:23 AM PST

    I know I maybe asking too many qeustions at this point but I'm really curious about this universe. I just finished Rogue and I have two questions that just came to my mind.

    !. We know that Desmond's remains are known as Sample 17 and they are using his genetics to view memories of his precursors. So from this can we say that the memories that Abstergo employee is viewing isn't his or Abstergo's in general? If not, and if Desmond didn't die, would he be the one to view those memories?

    1. Are Black Flag employee and Rogue employee the same person? The reason why I'm even asking this is because in the modern day beggining of Rogue we clearly don't have the security level passes that John Standish gave us in Black Flag, also, all the sticky notes and other data explored in Black Flag are also missing, so in taht aspect we have to start all over again.
    submitted by /u/NikaRuso
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    What should be the number of ac Odyssey

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:20 PM PST

    Ac17? What do u guys think

    submitted by /u/Laffayette_Euology
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    Odyssey doesn't deserve the hate

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:09 AM PST

    I've noticed that people tend to make "Odyssey bad 2 good" posts everyday and get bombarded with upvotes, awards and "Well said brother"s but I honestly don't think that it deserves the hate and I think that lots of the complaints are extremely exaggerated.

    The game isn't realistic. It's a psy fi game, it never was realistic

    You can't be an assassin. The assassin builds literally make you do what you would've done in pre origins games most of the time so that's not even valid.. They went thru a lot of improvements compared to Origin's assassin builds.

    It's too repetitive. Again, literally every ac game gets repetitive at some point.

    You can be an asshole one day and a saint the other and there are no consequences. Yes but you can also not be that. It's literally up to you so if it bothers you, well, don't do it

    It's not an assassin's creed game. Every AC game is different so there's no definition of an assassin's creed game other than "A game titled assassin's creed and produced by ubisoft" so by definition it is an assassin's creed game

    The only complaints I can understand are the ones talking about the weak story. But that's not reason enough to treat a game like dogshit.

    Now my favourite AC games are the pre Origins ones but still,every ac game is fine

    Anyhow, this is probably gonna get severely downvoted so it won't appear anywhere. To the 5 people that are reading this, please be respectful this is not meant to bash on anything

    submitted by /u/KatyaIsMyBestFriend
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    Can’t change settings on Unity

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:20 PM PST

    Don't know if anyone on here knows anything about this, but I'm trying to get the game to run smoothly on my pc by editing the ini and xml file. For some reason, nothing I do to the files seems to change the game, even though I have read-only turned on, so it can't change the setting back. The idea came from some videos and it worked for them, but it won't don't do it on mine, any ideas?

    submitted by /u/lt_Matthew
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    Going into 3 after Odyssey

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:13 PM PST

    So I'm nearing the end of my Odyssey playthrough and I'm wondering if 3 is a good second game in the series since it comes with the dlc. I know there are many games between these two so would i be lost in the transition between the two games?

    submitted by /u/Monic_maker
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    AC - Tomb Raider Crossover Idea

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 02:34 PM PST

    New to the forum here so forgive me if this has already been beatn to death. I had in idea for an AC/Tomb Raider crossover that I'd like to hear your opinions on. This is just a bare-bones concept here guys, I am very intersted in yoour feedback and whether there are any previous threads that address it. Try this... It's present day and Lara Croft has (spoiler alert) pretty much destroyed Trinity, or so she thinks. In researing legends about the assassins and some mysterious artifacts she becomes aware that Trinity was only a branch of a much larger organization and it has been watching her for some time. She strives to learn more and determine whether there is a renewed threat to her while at the same time pursuing the truth about these mysterious assassin artifacts. It doesn't take long for her to learn that the assassins are definitely not thing of the past and may in fact be her best hope for survival. In the course of the game she is contacted by them and asked to join their cause. (leave her response blank for now.) At anyrate she forms a temporry lliance with them to both protect herself from the Templars who are now acively hunting her, and also to learn more about these Isu. Like I said, this is just an idea and needs to be fleshed out. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/crwchf16
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    How did Starrick die if he was wearing the shroud?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:06 PM PST

    Recommendations on Youtubers that focus on AC?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 05:27 AM PST

    For example, I watch Final Fantasy Peasant on YouTube and he has videos with updates, theories, rumors, etc. for all Final Fantasy content.

    Is there someone that does this as well but with Assassins Creed?


    submitted by /u/joolay217
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    How would you feel about a assassins creed online sorta similar to gta 5 online and rdr2 online but as assassins creed obviously?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 02:41 PM PST

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