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    Saturday, November 2, 2019

    Assassin's Creed [Day 23/72] Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - Sequence 06 - 'The Baron De Valois'

    Assassin's Creed [Day 23/72] Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - Sequence 06 - 'The Baron De Valois'

    [Day 23/72] Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - Sequence 06 - 'The Baron De Valois'

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 07:00 AM PDT

    AC Marathon 2019 - Day 23

    Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - Sequence 06 - 'The Baron De Valois'

    Hello again, Assassins! Today, we continue to weaken the Borgias' power in Roma, this time going after Octavian de Valois and the French army. With Bartolomeo and his mercenaries, and our assassin recruits at our side, we break into their village and put an end to their presence in Roma.

    Today's Target: Octavian de Valois


    1 - Gatekeeper
    Help Bartolomeo defend his fortress.
    2 - French Kiss
    Collect 20 french armor suits.
    3 - Trojan Horse
    Escort Bartolomeo into the village as a prisoner and prepare to surprise The Baron.
    4 - Au Revoir
    Take part in the battle of the village and save Pantasilea.


    Share your feelings about today's sequence in the comments below. What did you think? Talk about what you liked, what you disliked, and your general thoughts. Feel free to engage with others and ask questions of your own!

    Being active in discussions will make you eligible for an official Marathon giveaway. More info in the 'Giveaway' section below.


    Featured Video: Stealth Reaper - VR Assassinations


    Here are the playthroughs that Marathon streamers have pre-recorded and uploaded:

    No HUD Playthrough by /u/MegaBoschi - 3:18:06


    Make sure to download the official Marathon wallpapers for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood!

    Desktop 1920x1080 || Desktop 1920x1200 || Mobile


    Here is today's Fan Art of the Day for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
    Artist: doubleleaf


    October 10th - Assassin's Creed
    October 15th - Assassin's Creed II
    October 27th - Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
    November 5th - Assassin's Creed: Revelations
    November 13th - Assassin's Creed III
    November 23rd - Assassin's Creed III: The Tyranny of King Washington
    November 26th - Assassin's Creed III: Liberation
    December 2nd - Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
    December 13th - Assassin's Creed IV: Freedom Cry
    December 15th - Assassin's Creed Rogue
    December 21st - Assassin's Creed Day Creed Day*


    This year we are giving away a set of prizes. These include a copy of the new Essential Guide, a digital copy of Assassin's Creed Odyssey Gold for the platform of your choice and an Art Commission done by NightFell.
    To be eligible for this year's giveaway, you must comment on at least 42 total threads across all games, including at least one thread from each game (DLCs don't count as a separate game, Liberation does). Replies to other comments count as well. Engaging in discussion with other users is strongly encouraged! You must confirm your participation by commenting on the final thread on Dec 21st.
    For additional details refer to the FAQ here.


    Tomorrow, on Day 24 of the Assassin's Creed Marathon, we will be playing an important role in theater, as part of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - Sequence 07!

    Follow us on Twitter || Follow us on Instagram || Marathon Megathread & FAQ

    submitted by /u/ACMarathon
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    Thought I share my Kassandra Cosplay here :)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 03:05 PM PDT

    Who's your favorite assassin and why?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:00 AM PDT

    I believe the Ezio trilogy to be the best but to be honest my favorite characters are Connor and Edward. So much potential there, really wish they would have done another game with these characters.

    submitted by /u/lengelmp
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    Confused about something from the final mission in AC II [Spoiler-heavy discussion for AC II]

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:03 PM PDT

    Why doesn't Rodrigo Borgia just kill Ezio once he has both the Apple and the Staff of Eden? He easily could've since Ezio was completely powerless to him without the Apple. Rodrigo had him suspended in the air completely helpless but neglects to actually kill this dangerous assassin who's after him. Even if that blow he does give Ezio was meant to kill him, you'd think he'd try a little harder than a stab to the gut, and it's weird that right after this cutscene, Ezio just gets up and has the exact same amount of health he did at the end of the previous fight.

    I just replayed the game for the first time since like 2010 love the game still and obviously am happy that Ezio didn't die, but I really think they could've used some better writing here, like at least have Ezio struggle to get up afterwards and be near-death with no health squares left. Is there actually a good reason for the way it played out like this that I'm missing?

    Edit: Oops, I forgot to ask, but how did Ezio learn to use the Apple to do a shadow clone jutsu?? I never saw anything in the game that indicated he learned anything about how to actually use the Apple, so it felt like it came out of nowhere when he did this. I'm ignorant and have only played all the console games, so please enlighten me if I'm missing something from one of the other AC materials (or missed a detail about it from the game itself). Thanks!

    submitted by /u/oliviabergs
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    Mercenaries on Odyssey are ridiculous

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 02:59 PM PDT

    I'm fighting the Monger in the Sacred Cave in Korinth. As I'm subduing the Monger with the little health I have, a Mercenary "somehow" wanders into the cave and kills me.

    It's super frustrating that they show up during boss fights like that when you're already on low health and trying to confirm the kill.

    submitted by /u/forsheeee
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    Assassin's Creed II: The Real History of Florence | Ubisoft [NA]

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 03:00 PM PDT

    Did the French Assassins support the "Ancien Régime" as well as the Empire? If so why?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 12:09 PM PDT

    It's something that I have doubts about regarding AC Unity. We know that Arno and the assassins oppose Germain's radical and violent ideology but I don't remember being told in great detail what Arno and the French assassins wanted or even if they thought a more peaceful revolution was necessary.

    Due to the game's lack of nuance and willingness to seemingly make the King and the Nobility complete victims I would assume that the Assassins support the Ancien Régime (the system in place before the revolution) as well as the absolute monarchy.

    Since the game seems to ignore and or fail to emphasize very important aspects of the revolution that would justify the anger of the revolutionaries besides just framing the King like for example, 1) the flawed voting system of the estates general, 2) The general issues of the Ancien Régime 3) the King trying to escape in 1791 to possibly initiate a counter revolution which could be counted as treason. All we're left with is "All of it was Germain's fault and the Nobles and the King were victims". The game makes it look like the entire (or like 99%) of the revolutionnary anger was manufactured by Germain and i think it really hurts the story

    I feel like there should have been more discussion between Arno and the assassins regarding the future of the country and what they think is the best option for France (besides it not being controlled by Germain) because they barely talk about it.

    The other thing is that they also seem to be supporters of the Imperial System of Napoleon as we see Arno with him in 1808 when the Empire was well established which confuses me as I'm not sure why they would allow that.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/TheCanadianBat_
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    [CO-OP] Assassin's Creed Unity Co-Op Partner(s)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:29 AM PDT


    Looking for someone to join me in a 2 Co-op Missions for game completion, on PC


    submitted by /u/kornest
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    Why don’t the Assassins expose the Templars?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 12:33 PM PDT

    The Templars operate in the shadows, so why don't the Assassins shine a light on them? Leak documents, surveillance footage, unedited Animus footage, etc. Tell the world about the Isu and the artifacts the Templars are after.

    The Assassin's do illegal stuff too, but the Templars are far worse and it wouldn't take much to prove it. Reveal the identities of Sigma Team and the people behind Abstergo. Plus, the Assassins might be able to get more support in their war.

    In my head, I keep comparing it to Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Hydra's goals were basically the same as the Templars and they were defeated because they were exposed. There were holdouts here and there, but Hydra was broken. Why wouldn't that also work with the Templars?

    submitted by /u/mylegismissing
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    Out of all my photo mode screenshots, which one gets the most likes?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 10:47 AM PDT

    Started playing Origins for the first time about a week ago. Had been holding off as I really thought I wouldn't like the new style of gameplay, and wanted to play through all the previous titles first, but now I'm obsessed. I never even heard that the game had a photo mode and I absolutely love it. Especially the fact that you can see other people's on the map. Such a cool idea. I'm about 50% complete with the game and here's all of my screenshots in the order I've been taking them. I can't wait to play through Odyssey now once I finish Origins. None of the photos contain spoilery stuff BTW in case you've yet to play it.

    Out of all my screenshots, which one do you think has the most likes?: https://imgur.com/a/SLlq96B

    It'd be cool if you try to guess first but if you want to know what one it is: It's the last one. The one non-serious photo I take of course. AC community 10/10.

    submitted by /u/thesetback
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    How to recruit hippocrates?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:08 AM PDT

    ive done all steps the guides on internet said that i need to do to recruit hippocrates but it wont work. i get the option to ask if he wants to be on my ship but when i ask he just decline and after when i talked to him he just sais "sorry, i have still lots of people that needs my help" i really want him on my ship! please help me!!

    submitted by /u/neoisak
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    Is the Assassin's Creed Covers Collection still available ?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 05:34 AM PDT

    Hello everyone !

    This is my first post on this sub. I'm a huge AC fan, of course of the games, but also and mostly of everything going on with the lore. I have a quite big AC books collection with all the novels, artbooks, etc...

    Anyways, my point is : i founded a while ago on Amazon a book called "Assassin's Creed Covers Collection" and was planning on adding it to my collection. Or it's now saying it's unavailable and without any news of resupply. I searched around and couldn't find anything about it.

    Does anyone has any information ?

    submitted by /u/AgatheLyrique
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    Looking for photo-mode screenshots of this spot in Origins (spoilers)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 10:28 AM PDT

    That hidden ISU temple thing in the desert that otherwise has no content in it.

    Good quality screenshots and photos, please. Need it as inspiration/reference for some fanart I'm working on.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/masterful-argument
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    [SPOILERS] AC Liberation wasn't worth playing

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 05:54 AM PDT

    I completed AC 3 and I thought I'd play Liberation because I thought it was cannon just like the previous games since Connor appears there. After a couple of hours of playing not only did I think that the game was boring and full of bugs but I started suspecting that storywise the game isn't connected with the previous games. So I stopped the playing and looked up the story and watched the ending (since the ending is really the only thing connecting Liberation with previous games). Not only am I disappointed in the game graphics wise, since it's been remastered twice and bugs still haven't been smoothed out, but the story was really dull and left on the cliffhanger (think about it, what did Aveline do with the prophecy disk after the end of the game and what was the purpose of it?). I understand that it may be refreshing for some people but I feel like I wasted time (even thought I didn't even finish it) and recommend everyone to skip it and play Black Flag right after AC 3.

    submitted by /u/NikaRuso
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    Officially breaking down and buying the permanent XP boost.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:06 PM PDT

    I have always been against these micro transactions but after 125 hours of Odyssey im just not having as much fun as i should be. It always feels luke im underleveled and im so freaking tired of having to shoot a guy 6 times in the head with the best hunter class in the game. If the game didnt have so much potential i wouldnt do it. But im just hoping i can reach the level cap and have the engravings i need to play the game as it should be played.

    submitted by /u/adVANCE03
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    Any tips on how to make a stealth assassination and bow/arrow one hit kill build in Odyssey?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:28 AM PDT

    Hi. I just started the game, playing at normal and I recall reading at launch that the damage scaling in this is not similar to Origin's and that bow/arrow kills aren't one hit kills anymore, any way around this? Should I lower difficulty to normal or are there ways to increase assassination kills and arrow damage enough to one hit kill?

    submitted by /u/Marvellaneous
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