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    Tuesday, August 3, 2021

    Assassin's Creed I did a young Ezio Auditore fan-art.

    Assassin's Creed I did a young Ezio Auditore fan-art.

    I did a young Ezio Auditore fan-art.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 03:50 AM PDT

    Which do you prefer: RPG Assassins Creed, or the original open world style of the older games?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 03:43 PM PDT

    I'm sure this has been discussed here before, but man I fell in love with the Ezio series. In my opinion, Assassins Creed is a totally new genre of game now. Don't get me wrong, I played the hell out of Origins, but I wish they would return to the open world story driven style of the originals. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/drakethacker
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    #HoldUbiAccountable isn’t enough, we need to do more if we want real change.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 09:24 PM PDT

    TL;DR at the bottom

    We're all aware by now of what's been happening at Ubisoft. For years, possibly decades, people in positions of power have been abusing that power. This has come in many forms. I'm not here to rehash that, there are plenty of posts and articles out there if you aren't aware and want to learn more.

    This post is a call to action. A plea, from a long time fan and member of this community. I'm not a streamer or pro cosplayer, I don't run a site or make analysis videos. I'm not special. But I love this brand as much as anyone. But I cannot sit idle as Ubi continues to do what they do. But I also know I alone can't do much. I can stop myself from buying Valhalla Year 2 season pass, no matter how much I want it. I could refuse to buy Infinity, or any future AC brand media. But if millions of people are still buying them, then my actions have little to no effect.

    So this is what I'm asking of the community. In particular, those in high-profile/influential positions. The Mentors Guild, ATA, Jorraptor, the mods here, any other streamers/cosplayers/influencers.

    Boycott Ubisoft effective immediately. Stop buying their products, stop making videos on their content. Stop marketing for them, because by doing so you are funding their abusers. I realize this is a big ask, especially for those who depend on income through streaming/videos. But if we want real change to happen, the people with the largest voice need to speak up and speak clearly.

    Thank you for your time.

    TL;DR: If you're an Influencer in any sense of the word, please consider boycotting Ubi to help drive home the point that things need to change. Money is all that speaks to them, so cut that and they might change.

    submitted by /u/EmboarIsland
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    Theory: The Ancient Trilogy games are not based in their times rather recontextualised Isu events [No Spoilers]

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 11:06 PM PDT

    I believe Syndicate was the last, genuinely based on human history AC game.

    In Fate of Atlantis we were introduced to the concept that the Animus could also depict a simulated version of history that takes certain events and puts them through the lens of a relatable simulation for Kassandra to understand.

    I feel like this is what has happened for Layla to help her perceive Isu events.

    Origins is actually the Isu storyline of Adam and Eve, recontextualised by the Animus to appear in Ancient Egypt as it detected Layla's geographical coordinates and what her mind would most adapt to. Bayek is really Adam and, Aya is really Eve, the founders of the Assassin Order in Isu times.

    Assassin's Creed Odyssey the story of two close, elite Isu figures butting heads during a civil war, resembles very closely the Isu civil war and the fractured relationship of Minerva and Juno.

    Finally AC Valhalla is the story about conquering "kingdoms", or in the case of the Isu conquering humanity. Though they believed themselves to be "above" everyone, soon the cracks began to appear and their belief systems and safety, threatened as humans fought back.

    To me, these modern games are simulations the Isu use to educate humanity through modern incarnations of the Animus, rather than simply a tool to relive history.

    submitted by /u/TomTheJester
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    A painting of Eivor I did as a gift for someone

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 04:40 PM PDT

    AC Unity had the best gameplay of all AC games... when it worked.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 06:29 PM PDT

    It may have been buggy as hell, but it was just beautiful to play when it worked. How do you all feel? Imagine Unit gameplay with an AC2 story

    submitted by /u/drakethacker
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    [Potential Spoilers] Siege of Paris and Expansion 3 Leaks (Characters, Abilities, Powers)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 09:03 AM PDT

    I really miss the feeling this series used to bring

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 08:08 PM PDT

    I miss the excitement of anticipating what the next setting will be and the feeling of being so excited by this series lore.

    Not exactly sure why I don't feel the same but I think it's either that this series has been unfocused since Desmond died and an oversaturation of games that dont live up to their full potential.

    I feel like the news of infinity shows this series is not focusing on improving the franchise an instead just focusing on a way the make more money.

    At this point I'd rather just see them remake the old games from the ground up and bring them the new generation of consoles with new graphics and gameplay mechanics.

    submitted by /u/Cheap-Adhesiveness-6
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    Unity and Syndicate are two great games in this franchise

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 12:43 PM PDT

    I always see so much hate for these games but I just played through Unity for the first time last night and it was amazing. I loved just about everything about it. The setting, the story, Arno. All of it was so awesome and I loved the progression system in the game. The way you leveled, the co-op missions, etc. Those missions outside of the time period when you were playing as Arno in medieval timess or playing during WW2 seeing Arno weild a giant machine gun. Overall, it was just so awesome. I really wish they would not have abandoned this stuff because it was so awesome and I think they misunderstood why Unity failed as a game was because of a rough launch. I still see so much hate for this game but it is a genuinely great game with one of the best protagonists in the series.

    In terms of Syndicate it is very similar to that to me. I loved Syndicate a lot. I just started it last night and still playing through but I have had such a blast. The combat is fun, both Jacob and Evie are awesome and loveable, the weapons and progression feels nice. I understand the story outside the animus is pretty lame in both of these games but outside of that these two games are honestly so great.

    These games really do not deserve the hate in the franchise they get.

    submitted by /u/KingBlackthorn1
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    Do I necessarily NEED to beat Alwin in a game of “ OrLoG “ ?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 12:58 AM PDT

    This is like the last thing left and the game is boring ( unpopular ) and completely confusing I had him beat when he had 3rocks left but all of a sudden he had like reset them I've tried at least 5 times lmao I personally hope this mini dice games NEVER return in future AC games

    submitted by /u/Vegetable_Primary_27
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    song in taverns in ac rogue remastered

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 02:35 PM PDT

    I recently started playing rogue again (not from start, just finishing side activities and stuff....) and when I got to some tavern, musicians started playing and some woman was singing a song very familiar to me, I think I have heard it in another game or something like that, can you please tell me the song name and what might I remember it from? It is the same in every tavern I visited if you want to go there and see or rather hear what I mean.....

    submitted by /u/GokiPotato
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    When are the Valhalla DLCs being experienced in terms of the 'modern day' setting?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 09:50 AM PDT

    I won't get into spoilers but given what happens outside of the animus at the end of modern day Valhalla story - are our modern day protagonists aware of any important revelations that have either happened or are yet to happen in the DLC stories?

    & Does any lack of information regarding this indicate that SoP will not impact heavily on the main story of Valhalla?

    submitted by /u/SCOfaisal
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    Need the community for Trial of the Gods

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 04:40 PM PDT

    Trial of the Gods is a community challenge by Ubisoft (site or app) where the community as a whole and collectively must defeat 10,000 Gods in a 6 day period on any difficulty. The reward is the Radiance of Anubis armor set. If 1,000 of us defeated 10 gods we can complete p the challenge. Obviously the more participants the better. Pls help also thank you as well to those who.

    submitted by /u/BashfulandCHI
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    2022-2023 plans for future games?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 02:05 AM PDT

    So since AC infinity is not dropping until 2024, are we going to be getting any games for 2023 or 2024? Surely they can't go 4 years from the launch of Valhalla (2020) before giving us another game right? I know they are adding more DLC to Valhalla throughout 2021 and 2022 but what about an actual new game? We basically were getting one every 1.5 years before

    submitted by /u/Tsingh96
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    Which AC ‘gem’ do you think I’ve missed?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 06:01 PM PDT

    Long time AC fan. Got the first game on release day, thought it was pretty crap but 100% it anyway.

    Hesitantly got ACII when it released and was hooked. Completed ACII, Brotherhood and Revelations completely, found everything etc.

    Played quite a bit of ACIII but never finished it. 100% Black Flag (loved that game).

    Bought Rogue and Unity at the same time, played a little Unity, never even opened Rogue.

    Played the first couple of levels of Syndicate.

    Played quite a lot of Origins (not completed), never started Odyssey, played quite a bit of Valhalla (not completed).

    I've now decided to go all the way back and finish each in turn. Currently finishing off ACII.

    So my question is, which great games have I missed? Was my assumption of each game pretty accurate or have I missed a classic along the way?

    submitted by /u/Arge101
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    An odd similitude between Ezio (Assassin) and Shay (Templar)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 04:16 PM PDT

    Oh I'm convinced I'm not the only one who realized that similitude I'm about to bring up, but I thought I'd share with a little political notion!... I promise I won't mention any real-world politics please don't kill me.

    So... ever heard of the "horseshoe principle"? It's a concept which, obviously, uses the horseshoe as a vizualisation of the political spectrum. You know, the simplified left-right dychotomy that so many people use even tho it's way too generic to discuss any and all country politics? The idea is simple: extreme left is closer to extreme right than to its own middle-left and vice-versa for the right side. The meaning? Any form of political extremism tends to boil down to the same on the other side.

    The reason I'm bringing this up is because of Ezio's behavior during Brotherhood - I have yet to play Revelation, but I'm sure it has the same concept. The guy openly enters a Templar-controlled city, the biggest of Italy, and starts demantling their power structure. At the same time, he doesn't let pure chaos settle-in: he invests in the economy buy buying shops and banks, giving people a way to earn capital themselves, repair broken infrastructures and can eventually make all of Rome - outside of the Vatican - safe and blooming.

    Yet here's the thing: as we know through the Abstergo-Entertainment era (Liberation, Black Flag and Rogue), most Templars - or at least Otso Berg - see the Assassin philosophy since Altair as "Freedom", which that assassin hunter links to chaos. However, Ezio, instead of bringing pure chaos, set up a structure to help people grow themselves. He doesn't become a leader, but a shadow supporter. Templars are those more commonly associated with creating structures, but Ezio did it himself.

    Shay, even before defecting from the Assassins, didn't seem too keen on their view of "freedom", as it's very clear. And when he turns Templar, he gets his chance to stop them. Instead of promoting chaos as he did before, he destroyed settlements that brought danger and chaos to the citizens of New York and other areas and repaired institutions. Somehow, he behaved like Ezio from the other side of the conflict, working for the people and focusing on a version of freedom that implied a working society.

    Ever realized this or got something to add? Please do! I'm sadly not joining the Valhalla fun, being too busy with other projects and obligations, but I do love me some older titles in the franchise :)

    submitted by /u/ThelosSensei
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    Connection between AC: Brotherhood and AC: Identity

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 03:27 PM PDT

    So I'm not sure if there's a true answer to this, but are the assassins you play as in the mobile assassins creed identity game ezios recruits? Both games take place in Renaissance Italy and I'm not sure if there's an answer to this or not

    submitted by /u/xLavii
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    Political alignments with Assassins/Templars throughout history?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 02:50 PM PDT

    So I'm playing AC Rogue now (btw, very good game actually. Specially if you like AC4/FC) and it strikes me as weird that you as a templar fully support the British Empire, with conquering forts and that, while Assassins seem to work as French black ops. Was it always like this? Do these two groups have recognized allied? That's why I tried to do a series overview in this regard.

    So, in AC1 the political landscape is similar to the real thing. The Hashashinni are a independent force targeting both saracens and crusaders while the Templar Order works for the Christian forces, although the game already starts with the conspiracy that actually many templars are Saracens, with the religious aspect of the Templars being just a facade.

    In AC 2/B we find out that, while officially the Templars are over, their ideology has been rescued by certain Italian leaders, specifically, the Pazzi in Florence, the Barbarigo in Venice and the Borgia in Rome. Meanwhile, the Assassin agenda was taken by different prostitutes, thieves and specially the mercenaries in Tuscany who waged war on the Templars. The Brotherhood in Italy would later be founded by Ezio. While they did have allies (The Medici, Sforza...) they were more personal friends of Ezio.

    In Revelations we see that in the Levant neither order disappeared. The Templars became allies with the Byzantine Empire while the Assassins... this is where the timeline becomes confusing. In AC:R the Byzantines are synonymous of "templars" while the Ottomans are friendly unless attacked. And Suleiman seems to know Yusuf. Does this means that the Assassins are allies of the Ottoman Empire?

    Then we have the colonial saga and... oh boys here it becomes weird. So, the Order arrived the Americas in small cells, just like the Templars, who work with the Colonial governments. I don't know the name of all of the assassin groups, but I know there are the order of Tulum, the dudes in Haiti that helped Adewale liberating the slaves, Davenport Homestead, the master of Aveline... we also know the Assassins sided with the pirates and the Patriots whenever it was useful to their interests to thwart the Templars plans. But again, France? Shay has no remorse killing hordes of French soldiers. Aren't there templars in France?

    Speaking of France, I don't have AC:U, but played it in a friend's house time ago, and I recall Robespierre being Templar. Does this mean that the Templars caused the Revolution to make France a puppet and that Assassins sided with Napoleon to prevent this?

    I don't know almost anything regarding the last 4 games. I just know that the Order of Ancients supported a Caesar/Cleopatra alliance for obvious reasons and that Crawford Starrick used his supports to try to get the Holy Shroud, but I ignore the goals of the Cult of Cosmos regarding the Peloponnesian War.

    submitted by /u/IrshamWindborn
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    So do Stats in Valhalla matter or not?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 06:12 PM PDT

    I haven't played Valhalla, though I do plan to. The last game I played was Odyssey and Stats definitely seemed to matter in that game. I assumed the numbers would've been further fine-tuned in the newer game, but I see/read a looooooot of complaints about them.

    People say the numbers straight up don't matter. Like you get +20% Damage from an item, but you don't actually do an extra 20% Damage.

    Is that true? What's the point of Character Builds if they don't? How bad is it?

    submitted by /u/Sweet_Taurus0728
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    I wish we could customize all of our longship crew members instead of just the one jomsviking.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 06:04 PM PDT

    In Odyssey we had some degree of control over what our crew looked like (crew skins and 4 lieutenants), but in Valhalla you're stuck with what the game gives you, either in the form of the default crew or the community created jomsvikings. It would be a lot more fun if we could have a ship full of our own carefully handcrafted vikings. It might make them seem like they have a bit more character or personality. If anything, giving us more things to customize is just creating the opportunity to sell more cosmetic stuff from the helix store. I really don't understand why they would put a crew customization mechanic into the game, but then cap it at just one jomsviking. Why not let us make more?

    submitted by /u/MagicRaptor
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