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    Assassin's Creed Level Scaling is coming to Assassin’s Creed Valhalla on Tuesday, July 27

    Assassin's Creed Level Scaling is coming to Assassin’s Creed Valhalla on Tuesday, July 27

    Level Scaling is coming to Assassin’s Creed Valhalla on Tuesday, July 27

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 09:15 AM PDT

    I will never understand the AC3 character hate

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 09:07 AM PDT

    I'm a pretty big AC fan. I think it's a fantastic game series, and while it has it's bad eggs(talking to you Chronicles), I think it's a pretty solid game franchise. However, AC3 often gets a lot of hate for characters and I'd like to point out why I think they are easily one of the most criminally underrated AC characters to date

    Haytham: The characters in this game are often hated on for having zero emotion, especially Haytham and Connor. To start off, I think Haytham is probably the best antagonists in the AC franchise(besides Al Mualim). In the previous games, you often thought of the Templars as the bad guys. In AC3(and even rouge), you play as a Templar, and if you read the book about Haytham, you get such deep development from him as a character. While I do agree that the beginning playing as him is drawn out, it adds depth through out the entire game.

    Haytham is probably the most interesting and compelling antagonist I've seen. He offers well reasoned arguments and rationale. So much so, that you actually find yourself agreeing with him.

    Connor: Man, Connor get's so much hate and I don't get it. Well, I do get it, I just think it's underserved. When AC3 came out, the big change from Ezio to Connor was huge, and I get that. The comparison from Ezio to Connor was an easy one to make, especially if you played the last 3 games Ezio was in. However, I think the change was a good thing. Altair and Ezio were relatively similar(personality wise) and while the change was huge, it was good.

    A lot of people give him shit for not being as charming as the previous characters, however, he's watching his people be systematically murdered and displaced. I think his character, while relatively "emotionless" makes sense, and adds to his journey as an assassin.

    I am not too proud as to say AC3 is perfect. It isn't. Some story points are a bit odd(Although it's still pretty good), the gameplay was glitchy as hell on release, and the bugs were endless.

    I just think those 2 get too much underserved hate.

    submitted by /u/WalrusHasHops
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    Why are people so harsh on Assassin's Creed Odyssey?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 05:39 PM PDT

    AC Odyssey is probably the best game i've ever played. Not because the mechanics were the best or the main story, but because i'm really into Greek Mythology, Decision Making Games and RPGs. I just love the ambience of the game and the region where everything happens, I feel quite happy when i'm playing the game or doing a Socrates mission with the cheerful kind of music and the more simple character development quests, because feels like you actually interact and get to like or dislike the characters, at least to me. Being the 1st AC game i've played and then later on buying all of the other main story games and playing them currently(Assassin's Creed 1 atm, finished Black Flag, Unity, Syndicate and Origins) i feel like a lot of people really don't like Odyssey. I'm fine with that, everyone's got their opinion, but at least to me it feels really odd to watch YT videos or something and every time Odyssey is menchioned it's about: the lack of Templars and Assassins, Bad story, Boring combat, No stealth, too much RPG. While I don't disagree with these comments, why all the harsh comments about a different approach to the game? I feel like this is harmful to the AC community, because there are soo many games and everyone thinks differently, but at the same time... they simply can't appreciate a game like Odyssey. I really like that the story is far from the older games and, instead decide to focus on an own story and in the DLCs you have some nice information about the 1st Civilization. I don't get mad or anything, but i feel that maybe with a little more thought, some players might aprecciate a bit more Odyssey, or at least not hate it. Thoughts? No offence to the ones that don't like Odyssey, just wanted to share my opinion.

    submitted by /u/HelicopterPale2514
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    Finally finished all Mastery Challenges with gold medals… it was an awful experience

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:36 PM PDT

    As an avid AC player since I first played AC1 on Xbox 360 as a kid, I have loved the series. Even the blemishes that Odyssey and Valhalla had, I still found reasons to enjoy them.

    These challenges however, were the most tedious and bugged section of any AC game I have played, and I even played Unity on release. Honestly, I do not know how this made it through quality control.

    Whether it was important aspects of the mission activating or blowing up as soon as it starts, enemies spotting you through walls, or the plethora of other issues I encountered, it genuinely felt like a demo of the worst parts of this game.

    I had to vent my frustration because as a trophy hunter, 99% of the time I enjoy it. I even enjoyed getting the platinum for this game, but these were just ridiculous.

    For those that want evidence of me suffering through these, here you go

    submitted by /u/Atroxo
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    Vent about how many slam dunks Ubisoft could make but doesn’t (spoilers for AC 3, 4, and Rogue)

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 03:00 AM PDT

    So I just finished playing Rogue (one of my favorites, it's really underrated but that's a different vent) and when they end it with Shay telling the assassin "maybe we'll start a revolution of our own" I really feel like it sets up a Connor vs. Shay game where you can play as both characters, kinda like Halo 5 but you know, good. It would be so cool to see and there's a lot of historical stuff they could go through along the way.

    In addition to this, seeing Haythem Kenway again reminded me how amazing he is, and gave me an idea. What if we had a Black Flag sequel with Edward starting up his own brotherhood in England (which could tie into Syndicate), then about half way through we switch to Haythem's perspective as a young man, mirroring the switch in POV we get in AC3. In this we see him growing up as an assassin, his rocky relationship with Edward, him becoming a Templar, and finally Edward's death, which would be heartbreaking. Personally I think this would be an incredible story and would get AC back to the theme of sequels.

    Speaking of sequels, Bayek needs one. Hands down, no contest, he's one of the best protagonists in the series and we need to see more of him. I don't have many ideas for this like I do for the other pitches, but I still feel like Origins is good enough that it warrants a sequel, or maybe even a trilogy.

    Anyways, thanks for listening to me rant. Let me know if I missed anything! I'd love to hear your guys' ideas for sequels/new games.

    submitted by /u/Whiplash111
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    Assassin’s Creed Hall of Valor will launch level synchronization on July 27

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 10:37 PM PDT

    Over 125 potential settings that could be utilized by AC Infinity

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    Below are over 125 settings discussed over (about) 60 posts and 108,000 words. Settings are listed in roughly chronological order of the real-world timeline. Every link will take you to one of the 60 posts to start to explore the infinite possibilities of Assassin's Creed's future.

    submitted by /u/nstav13
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    AC 3/ Rogue spoiler- Assassin witch-hunts [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 09:53 PM PDT

    Are the assassin witch-hunt ( as stated by Shawn in the ac3 in the database) due to which the Achilles homestead is destroyed and there are no more assassins is the result of Shay hunting down and destroying all assassin camps and killing major assassins.And the reason why the homestead is destroyed in ac3 is due to the French guy (idk his name) firing mortars at us in Rogue. It is just a theory for now. What do y'all think?

    submitted by /u/AlpHaviPeR126
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    Are there ancient mechanism/tombs in Valhalla?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 10:47 AM PDT

    Something I really loved about origins was exploring the world, finding ancient tombs and ancient mechanisms. They dialed it back for odyssey, but were still sort of there. I was wondering if the ancient tombs/machines are in Valhalla, because I love ancient exploration types games like uncharted and tomb raider.

    submitted by /u/Karemasu
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    Comparing The Database to an Old History Textbook

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    Historian and history teacher here. It's interesting to me how many students I have often bring up information from the of the many in game glossaries. I decided to give it some thorough analysis, and I found a lot of similarities to a dated textbook along the way:


    submitted by /u/bagofdonutboi
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    DLC on AC origins are they important?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 03:33 PM PDT

    Hi Im mostly new to the AC games, I mean I play AC2, Brotherhood, revelarions and the half of Unity but I never play the DLC'S so my question Is in AC Origins aré they realy important to the story? In the present of the game? Pd. Sorry for my bad english

    submitted by /u/aleriv1998
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    Simple question - where in Norway is Valhalla set?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    Title. What's the actual location? Or is it fictional?

    submitted by /u/Dustum_Khan
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    Just finished ac odyssey story

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 04:31 AM PDT

    So I just finished the main story and I'm very pleased. At first I actually hated the game because I started playing it the moment I finished origins and the amount of changes threw me off, but as I continued to play I grew to love the changes. The things I love most about the game were the gameplay, soundtrack, diologue choices and evironment. I especially love the fact that I can answer and speak however I want and it will effect my relationships with different characters. The story was was decent. I played as Kassandra and her story/character didn't grip me the way Bayek did. Some things I didn't like were Alexios/deimos voice acting and character development. It's just not very good. You only really feel for him quite literally at the very end when he breaks down and has a very abrupt change of heart. Also my ending was just super happy go lucky family back together type deal and the outcome just didn't really seem realistic or genuine. I would have also liked to have seen more of layla. She's our modern day protag and I saw her only a few times in the main story. Her character isn't fleshed out at all and she keeps feeling like she was just thrown in to justify a modern day plot. Other than that my overall experience was fun and entertaining and I may get the Atlantis dlc.

    submitted by /u/Karemasu
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    How is the stealth in AC Rogue?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 10:45 AM PDT

    As a long-time fan that has played the majority of these games, I've been thinking about playing AC Rogue, but I'm on the fence. I'm hoping someone can answer a few questions I have, so I can be confident in my purchase.

    1. It seems the game functions very similarly to black flag, are there any major differences in the stealth mechanics between the two games?
    2. How are the memories designed? Do they take the more linear/setpiece design of AC3? Or the more open-ended mission design of black flag?
    3. Are there assassination contracts/forts or something of the like? These missions have always provided countless opportunities for interesting expression of gameplay. An omission of these missions would be a deal-breaker for me (AC Rev has so much wasted potential).
    submitted by /u/Trevolon
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    AC : Odyssey DLC | Which ones your favorite, and why?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 02:57 PM PDT

    I saw some people on here saying great things about Odyssey's DLC. I was able to snag it for a good deal and I'm excited to hop back in and do them! Which one is your guys favorite and why?

    submitted by /u/Beersbuttsbalisbongs
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    I made a brutal kills super cut of ac I’m really proud of it I would love to hear ur thoughts on this

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:32 PM PDT

    After a few demands, here are the Black and White versions I made of the AC signs mashup! Hope you guys enjoy them

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 02:59 AM PDT

    Fate of Atlantis - Can't Trigger Ep2 (spoilers)

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 02:52 PM PDT

    Title. I get to the end of Ep1 where Kassandra gets tossed into the Underworld. I get pulled out for some ridiculous scene where three Abstergo goons get #wrecked by Layla while shes holding what is essentially a glorified stick at this point. There's some absurd tecnobabble I couldnt quite follow after which Layla gets all huffy (because of the tecnobabble or because Bishop stopped her from gasp killing one of the Abstergo goons, I'm not sure), and goes back to Greece.

    Well, I'm here. I'm there. I return to the Atlantis entrance. I warp out and warp back in. I just cannot get the trigger to work for Ep2. Yes, it says that Ep2 is downloaded and installed. It just doesn't do anything. Is this a bug or a feature?

    submitted by /u/WingedBeing
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    Origins: clear out enemy bases

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 02:42 AM PDT

    So I just started with Origins. My first AC game. Still getting the hang of the combat but enjoying it so far.

    However I wonder, when I clear out an enemy base (temple of Amun in this case) does it ever tell you when you're done? Like there is a red bar in the top of my screen and I figured it will turn green when I killed them all or give me a heads up like temple complete idk. Or does it not work like that and it stays red? I just want to get this finished and am wondering if I'm wasting time looking for more enemies when there arent any. Would be appreciated if you could help me out :)

    submitted by /u/julianavaldes
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    Concept poster for an AC game set in Rome as the Republic transforms into the Empire, with Amunet/Aya as the lead and featuring cameos of Kassandra.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 03:54 PM PDT

    Assassin's creed black flag hours reset.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 02:12 AM PDT

    Was playing assassins creed black flag. Finished the story in 17hours then I decided to replay a mission. After replaying the misson my crafting upgrades reset and my total hours were at 40mins. I closed the game and went back in. My total hours were at 10 but I had still lost 7hours of work. Why is this?

    submitted by /u/Chief_keenan
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