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    Assassin's Creed Is the movie worth a watch?

    Assassin's Creed Is the movie worth a watch?

    Is the movie worth a watch?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    Valhalla has really gotten me back into the franchise and I've been thinking about watching the movie with my wife, who does enjoy watching me play.

    It seems to have pretty bad reviews but maybe you have to be a fan of the games to fully appreciate it?

    Those of you who have seen it, what do you think? How faithful is it to the games?

    submitted by /u/wardyh92
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    Has there ever been a scene/time in an AC game that made you cry?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 08:42 AM PDT

    For me, it was when Anne Bonny sung "The Parting Glass" at the end of AC4. Still thinking about it makes me tear up.

    submitted by /u/Throwaway-077013
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    I’ve been watching a show called Ray Donovan recently and saw Assassin’s Creed Unity in an episode and wanted to share with everyone.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 10:55 AM PDT

    Do Not Sleep on Assassin's Creed 1

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 02:52 PM PDT

    A lot of you folks on the subreddit rn might not have played AC1. Or maybe you played it a long long time ago and now it lingers in your memory as a game that was okay and kind of repetitive. AC2 is what really made AC special.

    Well about 2 months ago when I started replaying AC1 to put out some gameplay videos, I was exactly in that position. And boy was I shocked. On Surface this game may appear simple, but it is anything but that.

    You might love it, You might hate it or you may have never played it, But you might want to pick up and play it again. Because it is worth it.

    Here are my thoughts on it:



    submitted by /u/Wulfrixmw
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    I generally enjoyed Valhalla, but regret buying the Gold edition. The DLC expansions have been more of the same bloat, and I had hoped they were going to shake up the formula a bit.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 10:24 PM PDT

    I had a pretty good time during Valhalla. However, after 80+ hours to complete the story (with much of England still unexplored), I feel this game should have been about 40 hours shorter.

    I've only played about 5 hours of Wrath of the Druids, but it seems to just be more of the same.

    I wish I had just bought the standard edition and waited for reviews of the DLC. I'm just burned out of the main game, and can't see myself adding another 15 hours of the same old gameplay.

    I miss the charm that Odyssey had, and how mysterious Origins was.

    I hope that the next main line installment of AC switches things up a bit.

    submitted by /u/WetShowerSocks
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    Surprise character in Ireland. Minor spoilers

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 02:56 PM PDT

    If you go to Rathdown trade post in Ireland (north of Dublin) you can find Ivaldi the Dwarf from the Asgard storyline standing near the workers cottage.

    Is this Ubi being lazy and reusing character models… I mean probably, still kinda cool though

    Edit: he moves about the trade post.

    submitted by /u/R_hexagon
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    My thoughts on AC Black Flag and why I wish we got an Edward Trilogy

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 04:31 PM PDT

    Bit of a long winded one here...

    Recently I've decided to replay all the AC games from the top down (I say "replay", although the only games I had played previously were Brotherhood, Black Flag and Origins), and am just finishing up Black Flag. Now, my only real memory of this game was the empty, aching feeling in my gut during Bonny's final song, and the game really stuck with me for that reason. Suffice to say, I had high expectations going back into it.

    But then I found myself feeling a little underwhelmed... I felt some plot points were contrived, rushed, and not quite as impactful as I'd remembered (Thatch's rise and defeat felt way quicker than I'd remembered, as well as Edward being saved immediately after being stranded and murdering Vane, Kidd's arrest and death, etc). I was a little disappointed, thinking that I wouldn't get the same emotional payoff as the first time round, and yet...

    I still did.

    Despite Blackbeard's rushed death, I still wanted to pillage every British ship I saw afterwards. Despite being instantly saved after killing Vane, I suddenly didn't want to hear the cheerful shanties and only played the melancholic ones. And after Mary's death, I didn't pirate at all, because I felt the urgency of the main missions. And when Bonny asked Edward if he feels "all empty inside like", I answered: "I do. Devil curse me, I do."

    Which led me to wonder what it would have been like to have more time with Edward - maybe not a full trilogy, but at least a sequel. Ezio benefitted hugely from us playing through his entire life, from youth to wisened Master to retiree, and I can only imagine what it would have been like to not only flesh out the plot of Black Flag, but continue Edward's tale until he rejoined his mates in Davy Jones' locker.

    submitted by /u/Tdan15
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    How did Shay Patrick Cormac die?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 12:53 PM PDT

    So, even after all of these years, there's not a single clue how he died? Ubisoft could've at least put anything really, wherever a piece of paper or anything, because we're kinda like, nothing…

    submitted by /u/lupenguin
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    My thoughts on Assassins Creed Rogue

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 08:47 AM PDT

    I know this is waaay out of time, but I need to get some 2nd opinions on Rogue, it's story specifically. Does anyone else feel like Ubisoft just swapped the roles of Templar and Assassin? I understood the reasoning behind Shay leaving the Assassins but what I don't understand is how the templars are so moral? I guess? Like the first Templar you meet completely goes against how the Templar's rule over people in a sort of dictatorship kind of way, and then the Assassins are depicted to be a kind of mafia with their use of hiring criminals and doing immoral shit. I always thought it was really badass how the templars were these totalitarian Illuminati type of dudes and how the assassins were like hidden guerrilla fighters in a David and Goliath kind of way and they just kind of destroyed that in Rogue.

    submitted by /u/abdhgdo285
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    We know that it'll never happen. But I'd really enjoy a game where each level is a different AC game with Kassandra helping out the protagonist from behind the scenes.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 09:17 PM PDT

    One can dream, right?

    submitted by /u/davediggity
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    I just finished watching ac lineage and it really made me hopeful for the Netflix series.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 04:55 PM PDT

    It was a really good prequel to ac2.. It made me realize Giovanni's significance to Ezio's story in the trilogy. The action wasn't that bad. Seeing the assassin-Templar conflict pre Ezio is also neat . I just hope the Netflix series is just as brilliant, if not better than the lineage episodes.

    submitted by /u/Excellent-Access-228
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    My thoughts on Assassin's Creed (2007)

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 08:17 PM PDT

    Meant to post this as soon as I beat the game, but forgot and have now just finished 2. Oops.

    I love this game. It was the first Assassin's Creed game I played, although I completed 2 before technically completing this one. Anyway, I know it may be repetitive in its structure but even still I find gathering the information on your targets to have a very unique satisfaction to them.

    In terms of the game's combat, I think it's very well do and has a real nice flow to it once you master it. In fact, I think it's actually better than 2's.

    Altair. Man, what to say? He starts off as the most arrogant jerk but over the course of the game really grows up and matures, and his eventual reconciliation with Malik always tugs my heartstrings. The close brotherhood these Assassin's share isn't quite the same as the games that follow. Altair may not be my favorite Assassin, but I will always stand by saying that he is the BEST Assassin in history. Everything he learned, everything he did for the Order, writing the Codex, wisdom gained from the Apple. He is the greatest Assassin, period.

    One of my favorite things about this game is the writing. It is still some of the best the series has seen. I also love how Altair will have a conversation with each target after the assassination. Here we get to hear their perspectives and motives/convictions, and some are rather unexpected. A few almost seem they intend good behind their actions, and I rather enjoy that. Things aren't black and white here. Even Altair himself begins to have doubts and questions. But everything comes together after slaying Robert, his chilling final words dealing a heavy truth about Altair's master, Al Mualim...

    Thus leads to my absolute favorite moment of the entire Assassin's Creed franchise: Memory Block 7. Altair confronts his master, and reveals the truth: that he intends to use the Templar treasure, the Apple of Eden, to enslave the minds of all men to usher "peace." This game's final boss is also still one of my favorites, from any game I've played, not just from this series. It's challenging and the stakes are high, but what really sells it for is, again, the writing. My God, this is where it is at its best. Altair and Al Mualim discussing to nature of man and religion, what's best for them, the truth of the power of the Apple. But most of all, those words as Altair approaches the Apple: Al Mualim: "I applied my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly. I perceive that this also was a chasing at the wind. For in much wisdom is much grief. And he that increaseth knowledge, increaseth sorrow." He then challenges Altair: "Destroy it! Destroy it as you said you would!" Altair: "I... I can't..." Al Mualim: "Yes, you can, Altair. But you won't." Just...ugh, it's SO GOOD. Sorry for nerding out here, but I am very passionate about this franchise, and this is my favorite moment as I said. Even Altair is a victim to the Apple's temptation. The difference? He use it for good. But giving truth to his master's cryptic words, all the wisdom Altair gains brings much sorrow along with it.

    In conclusion, this game is amazing, even if some of its mechanics are repetitive and dated. But the writing and story are superb, and I think this game deserves to be remade from the ground up. It started this franchise and should be given the respect it deserves. For any that read this long post about a nerd who may like this series more than he should, you have my thanks. Safety and peace be upon you.

    submitted by /u/Sharpteeth_32
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    What's your opinion on Valhalla?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 01:21 PM PDT

    Simple, i just want to know what you all think about assassin's creed Valhalla 😁 Also if you are planning on giving spoilers ( not a bad thing) please remember to warn that there will be spoilers in Your answer since i didnt play the game.

    Now at your keyboards gamers !

    submitted by /u/East_Protection_4012
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    I really wish Ubisoft would make a main series entry set in China in which you play as Shao Jun

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 06:25 AM PDT

    I just replayed AC chronicles China and realized, how much potential lies in a ming dynasty setting. Apart from the diversity of terrain the game could also feature different climate zones. And with Shao Jun as the protagonist, who's just awesome and badass as a character (e.g. shoe blade, first living female Assassin in the canon) would also come the amazing oppurtunity to bring back Ezio in the form of flash back sections in which one might even be able to explore a small part of renaissance Italy once more (probably like the WW1 section of Syndicate).

    What do you guys think? :)

    submitted by /u/RettAdler
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    Is there any to play assassin's creed project legacy today if so how

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 06:52 PM PDT

    It looks like a very interesting game and i really would like to expand my knowledge on assassin's creed brotherhood continuity

    submitted by /u/SyntheticSym
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    Platinumed AC2 and now off to finish Brotherhood. Happened upon this gem. Anyone knows what it means :) ?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 12:00 PM PDT

    I think I found a bug (Valhalla)

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 12:30 PM PDT

    So I had Bjorn the raider in my crew for a long while and then he just left, he's not in the barracks and I cant re-add him. Note, I have completed the quest for him I was just curios if he disappeared permanently for anyone else

    submitted by /u/Rango-Bango
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    Assassin's Creed III has the best soundtrack of the entire series

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 10:13 AM PDT

    Been mulling over which of the series' soundtracks is my favorite and III has to take the cake. I think Lorne Balfe perfectly fused that "antique" feeling that one gets with the colonial era with the futuristic feeling that came with the Isu discoveries. It's just so good.

    Standout tracks:

    • Main Title

    • An Uncertain Present

    • Connor's Life

    • Fight Club

    • Desmond's Destiny

    • What Came Before (Personal Favorite)

    submitted by /u/WoeToThoseAtEase
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    Where can i get a Desmond miles hoodie

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    So hello... uh

    I am and have been a longtime fan of assassin's creed games in general. And before the new schoolyear starts i want to get myself some nice clothes and i tought the hoodie desmond wore would be really cool to have.

    Sadly i can't find the hoodie anywhere(i have searched for brotherhood and ac III) and i was thinking that here i could find some people who know an answer. So if anyone knows where i could get my hands on one of those hoodies (preferably real, from ubi) please dm me or leave a comment on this thread.

    submitted by /u/Administrative-Set51
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    Is there an FOV slider for combat on consoles? AC Valhalla

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 09:05 PM PDT

    I really want Valhalla and it's now 40% off in the PS Store so I want to know lf there's an FOV slider for combat.

    Combat looks amazing but seems kinda off since the camera is too far from Eivor and It's really gonna bother me.

    submitted by /u/MartinGV2007
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    Ubisoft needs to remaster AC1 for PS5

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 02:04 AM PDT

    Almost all AC main titles are available to be played on the PS5. The Ezio Trilogy, game number 2, 3 and 4 in the series, has a remaster. AC3, which is a heavily divisive game in the community, has a remaster. Every game from Black Flag was native to the PS4, and therefore playable on the PS5.

    With this in mind, it makes no sense that there is no way to play the original game that started this «cult» on the PS5. It's not even possible to play it on the PS4, only the PS3, and those consoles are long gone from my home.

    I need an AC remaster. Not a remake, because looking at the direction Ubisoft has taken with the last three games, there is not a shadow of doubt in my mind that they would screw up the experience by remaking it. I simply want a visual remaster that runs as 60 fps on my PS5. Considering how much they've earned on the last three games, this is something they should do for the original fans, and for new fans to see where it all started.

    submitted by /u/xTrollhunter
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    Valhalla armour question?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 01:18 PM PDT

    Does anyone know what the best armour in game is at the moment? I want to get the best overall kit so I can transmog it to the basim robes as they seem to be very poor even when fully upgraded.

    submitted by /u/JamUK1496
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