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    Sunday, July 18, 2021

    Assassin's Creed How many hours does it take to complete each Assassin's Creed game? (Overview)

    Assassin's Creed How many hours does it take to complete each Assassin's Creed game? (Overview)

    How many hours does it take to complete each Assassin's Creed game? (Overview)

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 03:03 PM PDT

    Is this an coincidence, I think not.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 10:42 AM PDT

    If Eivor was thor , I know its too wired but i came into my mind after watching the Asgard opening scene on youtube and i Photoshoped it.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 04:23 AM PDT

    I made more Assassin's Creed Odyssey Posters - Wrath of the Minotaur

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    Origins and Odyssey far, far greater than Valhalla

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    If Origins and Odyssey were done by their A team , Valhalla is a decidedly B team effort. It's a step back in almost every way. They should just just used the same exact template as the last two games because they were the pinnacle of a gaming experience. Valhalla, is very different - Clunky controls, bad interface for the map and compass, tracking is clunky, lack of weapons, clothing, options makes the world dull. Such a let down.

    submitted by /u/leemubai8008
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    I just finished Assassin's Creed 1 for the first time:

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 02:05 PM PDT

    Since I'm not a very active gamer, I've decided to pick up the franchise for the first time in 2021. Here are my thoughts about it: The game had a great first memory block that was very story focused and I really enjoyed that. The second block was even better and gave me an assassination for the first time. The third block was more repetitive, less creative and gave me the hardest challenge of the game (Jerusalem assassination) but I still liked it. The fourth block was so repetitive that it started to annoy me. The fifth block started getting better again, was less repititive and gave me some of the best characters in the game (Jubair and Sibrand). The sixth block was gave me a completely new feeling. So many creative things happened, going to a new area (the place where the real robert was) was a pleasant surprise. Seeing my two favorite characters ( Altaïr and Robert) fight each other was my second favorite moment of the game. Memory Block 7 was my personal favorite. The fight with Al Mualim literally put everything important about the game and combined it when I had to fight all assassination targets and Al Mualim himself. I didn't really like that Desmond ended at the same place where he started but I guess that had to be doneso you can still use the animus.

    My favorite characters were: 1. Altaïr 2. Robert 3. Sibrand 4. Garnier 5. Jubair

    My overall rating for the game: 8/10

    Now that I've finished that game, I'll buy Assassin's Creed 2 soon. From what I've heard, it could be a masterpiece. Can't wait to finally meet Ezio!

    submitted by /u/HotJuice2192
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    Kassandra fanart made by me

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 02:02 PM PDT

    Assassin's Creed Unity's Combat is Better Than You Think

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 11:04 PM PDT

    Video for Context: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qe6K2cBnrPU&ab_channel=ashcartwrong

    Disclaimer: I'm not posting this as some sort of masturbatory attempt to show how great I think I am at Unity. I'm not that good, and this is not that impressive.

    I think Unity is, in many ways, the last real Assassin's Creed experience (except for maybe Syndicate at times). I'm posting this video as an example of how I feel Assassin's Creed combat should look, as well as an expression of why I think Unity has the best combat in the series (when it works). Unity is far from a perfect game, was borderline unfinished at launch and even in it's current state, feels like it needed at least another year in development. But hey, Ubisoft's gotta please those shareholder's right?

    To me, an Assassin's Creed game should fulfil the fantasy of being an Assassin, and I don't think that should be a controversial opinion. While I have gotten plenty of enjoyment out of the new era of AC (only played Origins and Valhalla), they miss that mark entirely in a way that is almost impressive in it's inaccuracy. I don't feel like an assassin when I go up against an 8 foot behemoth, slash him eighty thousand times with my sword, watch him barely react at all to any hit, see a massive health bar deplete, only for him to just ragdoll and collapse when it is finally fully spent or maybe see a brief but cool finisher animation if everything works how it should. I feel like an assassin when I go up against a modest group of enemies and can take them all down in a realistic timeframe with good timing and gorgeous animations.

    The combat in Unity can be challenging at times. Sometimes due to frustrating bugs, or dumb AI with no spatial awareness, but other times because getting hit can be punishing, and running away from large groups is encouraged by how easily you can become overwhelmed by too many opponents. An assassin should be able to juggle a 4 v 1 fight without getting hit, as shown in the video. I managed to not spam attacks (mostly), showed patience and maintained an awareness of what the surrounding enemies were doing at all times. Granted, these were all the easiest enemy type, which is why I want to stress I'm not trying to jerk myself off here and brag that I'm some gamer god. It was not an example of how challenging the combat can be BUT it looks good, it felt intense, and when I started picking them off with gorgeous finisher animations (after every kill, not just the last of the group), I felt like an assassin.

    Flashy combat does not have to be easy and borderline brainless, i.e. Brotherhood, Revelations, 3, Black Flag and Rogue. Unity is the closest game in the series to fulfilling that Assassin fantasy that I have experienced and want to see it given more due. Interested in hearing thoughts in the comments and want to stress one last time, because I know how off-putting someone seemingly gloating about something not even that impressive can be, I'm not trying to claim I'm amazing at this game. Just that I think the combat can be amazing and when it works is the best in the series, to me. Much love.

    submitted by /u/ashcartwright96
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    Something else cool that is in every Assassin's Creed game (Big spoilers for all Assassin's Creed games and MAJOR spoilers for Valhalla)

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 06:03 PM PDT

    I while ago I made this post about the interesting fact that every game except AC1, Brotherhood, Black Flag, and Rogue, let you play as a character apart from the main protagonist: https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/nzsbx7/something_cool_that_is_in_almost_every_assassins/

    Something else that is interesting is that every game in the series (every game not just some of them this time), has a betrayal or a reveal of an ally or friend being an enemy. I am not counting the modern day so betrayals such as Lucy Stillman in Brotherhood and Melanie Lemay in Rogue do not count. Here they are:

    In Assassin's Creed, Al Mualim betrays Altair and is revealed to be the mastermind behind both the Assassins and Templars. He wields the Apple of Eden to kill Altair before he is assassinated by Altair.

    In Assassin's Creed II, Uberto Alberti betrays the Assassins and the Auditore family by pronouncing Giovanni, Federico, and Petruccio falsely guilty of treason and executing them. He is revealed to have been working with Rodrigo Borgia and the Templars. Ezio assassinates him in Florence.

    In Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, there is a Borgia spy in Monteriggioni named Paganino (the name is revealed in the AC Brotherhood novel). He is revealed to be a traitor by Ezio in Rome and is assassinated by him.

    In Assassin's Creed: Revelations, in Altair's Memory Seals, an Assassin known as Haras becomes a Templar and holds Al Mualim and other Assassins hostage in Masyaf during a Templar siege. Altair sneaks around the enemy lines and kills him.

    In Assassin's Creed III, Connor's best friend Kanen'tó:kon sides with the British and is swayed by Charles Lee. Ultimately, Connor kills him.

    In Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Edward's friend Benjamin Hornigold and his fellow pirates Josiah Burgess and John Cockram join the British Navy and become privateers. They begin hunting pirates and turn towards the Templars. Edward assassinates all three of his former comrades.

    In Assassin's Creed: Rogue, Shay is "betrayed" by all of the Assassins that he was formerly allies with. He steals the Voynich Manuscript and attempts to destroy it but is shot by Chevalier and left for dead by the Assassins. He survives, joins the Templars, and hunts down his former brothers and sisters.

    In Assassin's Creed: Unity, Master Assassin Pierre Bellec betrays the Assassins by killing the Mentor Mirabeau because he disagrees with the idea of the Assassins allying with the Templars. Arno tracks him down, duels him, and kills him.

    In Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, Jacob allies with Pearl Attaway who seeks to take down Crawford Starrick alongside him. However, when he kills the Templar Malcolm Millner, he reveals that Starrick and Pearl are cousins. Jacob listens to her conversation with Starrick which reveals her Templar allegiance and then assassinates her.

    In Assassin's Creed: Origins, Bayek travels to Sais to kill the Scarab. He goes to Letopolis and meets the steward there, Taharqa. Taharqa helps Bayek fight off some of the bandits in the desert and the two ally with one another to topple the Scarab. However, when Bayek eats some of the food that is provided to him by Taharqa, he feels drowsy and realizes that Taharqa, the Scarab, had drugged the food. Bayek awakes in the desert without his gear but with a vengeance. He retrieves his armor and weapons and assassinates Taharqa in the Temple of Horus.

    In Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, Kassandra goes to Athens to meet with Perikles. She also meets his lover, Aspasia. Aspasia gives Kassandra information about the pirate Xenia and Kassandra sails to Keos to meet her. Xenia tells Kassandra important information that helps Kassandra find her mother, Myrrine. Kassandra later returns to Athens during the plague and witnesses Phoibe's and Perikles' deaths at the hands of the Cult of Kosmos. With Sokrates' and Hippokrates' help, she smuggles Aspasia out of Athens on her ship. Aspasia then becomes a resident of Naxos for a short amount of time. After Kassandra is finished killing all of the Cultists of Kosmos, she returns to the Sanctuary of Kosmos where she finds out that Aspasia is the Ghost of Kosmos, the leader of the Cult. Kassandra is shocked at this decision but decides to let Aspasia live (or she kills her; it's a player choice).

    In Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, Sigurd returns to Fornburg from his travels with Hidden Ones Basim and Hytham. Basim and Hytham join with the rest of Raven Clan as they sail to England, and become residents of Ravensthorpe. Eventually, it is revealed that Eivor is a Sage reincarnation of the Isu Havi (Odin), Sigurd is a Sage reincarnation of the Isu Tyr, and Basim is a Sage reincarnation of the Isu Loki. In the past time period, Havi and Tyr imprisoned Loki's son Fenrir, the wolf. Basim desires revenge because of the treatment his son received. Basim is defeated by Eivor who leaves him in the Isu simulation while she and Sigurd leave. However, Basim is merely waiting as he is accidentally revived with the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus, by Layla Hassan, in 2020, when she enters the Gray to speak to The Reader, Desmond Miles. She chooses to remain with Desmond in the Gray and leaves the Staff with Basim. He meets Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane in the real world and tells them to bring the Mentor, William Miles to him, before plugging himself back into the Animus to view more of Eivor's memories.

    submitted by /u/Quizwizzash2
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    Between Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla, which one of the newer games has the most beautiful world in your opinion?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 11:56 AM PDT

    In my opinion Odyssey would be the best, followed by Valhalla.

    I might be a bit biased towards Odyssey given that I'm very interested in the time period. However the sheer size and detail of everything, nature and cities (especially them!) alike is one of the best I've seen in an open-world game. I still go back occasionally on Discovery mode just to explore ancient Greece.

    Valhalla has an equally stunning world and I have to give it credit for the game making much better use of it than Odyssey did, but it felt very repetitive - just the same fields, forests and rivers everywhere, almost copy-pasted.

    submitted by /u/kebablou
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    I hate these hairy little bastards. Anyone feel like eating some bacon?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 03:40 PM PDT

    I'm currently playing Odyssey for the first time and y'all…….I cannot put into words how much I hate these warthog, feral pig things. They have killed me or ruined a mission more times than I count by now.

    submitted by /u/Texasliberal90
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    Does anybody know who this guy is supposed to be? I know it's one of the desert hallucinations, it's the same one as the girl riding on your horse. But who is he?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 08:19 PM PDT

    [ACIII] When does the ToKW frame story take place?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 07:59 PM PDT

    I know the main premise of ToKW takes place in a hypothetical parallel timeline, as Connor's vision, but when during the main game does the actual frame story occur? It obviously occurs sometime after Connor meets Washington, and before he hunts down Charles Lee, but otherwise it's not clear. Anyone?

    submitted by /u/Danaxmachina
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    I stopped playing AC after Unity but I decided to come back and I'm having a blast

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    I started playing AC from the beginning. I played AC, ACII, Brotherhood, Revelations, ACIII, Black Flag and I stopped when Unity came out. I really hated ACIII when I played it but I played it nonetheless, Black Flag is by far my most played in the series and my favourite. But Unity is where I simply stopped playing these games. I remember just being disappointed in the game because of how much I'd spent on it.

    But, recently I decided to trade in a tonne of games and I bought Odyssey, Origins and Valhalla. I've started with Odyssey because it was the most interesting to me setting-wise. And after being extremely skeptical at first (mainly with how different it was to the original games, and I gather this has become a big debate) but it quickly won me over and I'm now completely obsessed with it, I can't put it down.

    And, because of this sub, I decided to buy and give a second chance to Unity. I've started playing it alongside Odyssey so I have something to keep it refreshing. And am massively enjoying it. It feels good to play an original-style AC game with lots of customisation and graphics which hold up.

    I intend on playing all the ones I missed and possibly buying and replaying the Ezio Collection and ACIII Remastered and wanted to ask on here - are they good? Do they hold up? I'm worried about going from the newest games in the series to the oldest will cause me to not enjoy them as much.

    Also is Rogue (Remastered) any good? That game really got swept under the rug for me but perhaps it's worth my time? I'm a PS4 player btw.

    submitted by /u/jonseventees
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    Other than “because plot/team bad guy” is there a reason the Order of Ancients didn’t just ask Bayek for help instead of kidnapping his son?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 03:04 PM PDT

    Come to think of it once it became clear that he wouldn't be helpful, why didn't they kill him? They had swords drawn and he was actively trying to kill them.

    submitted by /u/Spartanwildcats2018
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    168 Hours in Valhalla and I’m Not Proud

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 05:04 PM PDT

    I sunk 168 hours into this game. Granted there were many times that I felt truly immersed, that took turning off most of the HUD, no more numbers exploding out of people when I hit them, turning all difficulties to Master Assassin, and no more fast traveling because it was ultimately faster and less frustrating than watching YouTube videos while in a loading screen. However, many of those hours were still in loading screens or just traveling through empty landscapes that were absolutely beautiful, but at what cost? If anyone is playing the game for the first time, I highly recommend just playing the story missions. The rest is fluff, and a completionist mentality is wholly unnecessary to get the best experience and best value out of the game. That all being said, the soundtrack is phenomenal, the majority of the characters are endearing and make you feel something, if only there was more focus on those aspects of the game. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to shit on the game, and I'm absolutely going to play whatever DLC they tack on to it, but from now on I think I'll be sticking to primary objectives and leave the fluff for a day when I'm feeling nostalgic and want to obliterate whole slews of people like the Terminator

    submitted by /u/CoconutIncense
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    Two Methods to Get Front-Heavy Finishers in ACV

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 12:05 AM PDT

    This post is to write down some useful info and cite sources on how to do finishers in the game, especially the front-heavy ones.

    https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/jy86vx/valhalla_finishing_moves_and_how_to_do_them/ <-- very good read on overall finishers.

    So, the basic method to perform front-heavy finishers is to do light attacks first so that your target is left with minimal health(to be finished by one heavy attack) and maximum stun bar you could spare on them. Then, parry(causing stagger as long as the stun bar is not fully depleted) and kill them with heavy attack.

    The problem is that often these basic enemies can be stunned by one parry. Once they got stunned, they'll get up after a while and recover half of their stun bar, making them impossible to be staggered. Your light attacks also damage(albeit far less than heavy ones) their stun bar, so with this method, it's not always guaranteed to get front-heavy finishers.

    Then I hit upon this post -> https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/289109-assassins-creed-valhalla/79102325 and I learned a new method to pull front-heavy finishers.

    It's simple, Pull a stun on the enemy by parrying. Then, hit the stunned enemy with an arrow(be cautious not to kill them with arrow), that will make them stand up without any stun bar. Now make sure reduce their HP to be one-hit killed by one heavy attack. With no stun bar and minimal HP, they are ripe for stagger by one more parry. When they staggered, finish them with a heavy attack.

    I think this method is slower than the former way, but it is a guaranteed method to pull front-heavy finisher. I wrote this post to remember what I learned in the future, but I hope it helps others too.

    PS 1: The enemies wielding shields can be staggered by hitting them with heavy attacks. If you reduced their HP enough before this stagger, you will perform the front-heavy finisher with one more heavy attack at this stage. This is why we witness front-heavy finishers without using the aforementioned methods sometimes. Though it is still rare, because shield-wielding basic enemies block your light attacks while their shields will be really easily broken by your heavy attacks. If you want to pull front-heavy finishers in this way, make sure reduce shield-wielding enemies' HP by other ways(like "Brush with death" dodging and hit them from behind) before you break their shields and stagger them.

    PS 2: We all know basic stun finisher, but if you performs it(pushing RS/R3 button) from the behind of the target, your character will pull spare axes and cut the enemy's arms off. This 'back stun finisher' is one animation and it can be performed against all basic enemies.

    submitted by /u/Grayghost04
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    Tyranny of King Washington (AC3R DLC) “Escape to New York”

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 11:59 PM PDT

    One of the optional objectives for this mission is to save all crew members during 3 waves of dozens of enemy attackers.

    Is this even possible? I've killed the enemies as efficiently as humanly possible, but some guy on my crew always dies in the 2nd or 3rd wave without fail. Is there a trick to this mission that I'm just missing? I'm using the wolf pack, wolf cloak, pistols, etc. but it's not enough.

    The story for this DLC is pretty good, but man, it is by far the most frustrating experience I have ever had playing Assassin's Creed. Lots of the optional objectives just seem like middle fingers from Ubisoft.

    submitted by /u/Hack874
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    AC Syndicate on PS5 is a horrible mess!

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 03:34 AM PDT

    I got my PS5 a few weeks ago and sometimes I just wanna dive into some older games to enjoy the world and atmosphere like Syndicate. But it is horrible! Lights are flickering everywhere, it starts to begin to hurt my eyes! Will there ever be a patch? How do other AC games like Unity, Origins or the Ezio Trilogy on PS5? I hope Syndicate is the only one that performs worse on the PS5 than on the PS4

    Edit: they also somehow fucked up the colors in AC 3 Remastered?! Wtf Ubisoft?!

    submitted by /u/dochaller
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    The final word on an alternate control scheme for Valhalla?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 06:53 PM PDT

    I'm playing Odyssey right now with the alternate control scheme because that's the setup that I prefer. A search for information on Valhalla's control options only returns posts from about 8 months ago, with everybody suggesting customized layouts that are close to the alternate scheme in Odyssey, but with some minor issues like not being able to throw bodies.

    Just wondering if patches have added in an alternate control scheme (akin to the previous games) or if anyone has figured out how to get that scheme without any issues.

    submitted by /u/Bigbuta
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    Anyone ever hear the true story of the Templar battle?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 10:13 PM PDT

    Sorry maybe y'all already know this but Yea I had someone tell me that there's a theory that something similar to the whole assassins creed storyline could be real. Nobody knows for sure but there's a possibility that there's a battle between templars and others for thousands of years. (Similar to the whole Illuminati conspiracy theory)

    Anyone else hear about this? I can't find anything online about it other than assassins creed stuff

    submitted by /u/jflaster
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    Is there any way to make the assassinations without being discovered?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 09:30 PM PDT

    I just had an AC fever recently and started playing all the main games, but while i was playing i had this question In the first game none of the main kills were silent and always got caught, and now in the second game i still get discovered, so any of you had done all the kills entirely undiscovered? And if you achieved that, how you did it?

    submitted by /u/Adalbroj
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