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    Saturday, July 17, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Ezio's Family's variants being used as a soundtrack in every game invokes nostalgia, but at the cost of the original song's beauty.

    Assassin's Creed Ezio's Family's variants being used as a soundtrack in every game invokes nostalgia, but at the cost of the original song's beauty.

    Ezio's Family's variants being used as a soundtrack in every game invokes nostalgia, but at the cost of the original song's beauty.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 08:52 AM PDT

    Ezio's Family is the best piece of game music of all time, arguably one of the best at least. In my opinion, the way it has been used in newer games(and old alike) takes away its uniqueness and significance.

    I get that they want to pay homage, but if we dig deep, the reason many people hated Connor was that he wasn't Ezio( Connor is absolutely awesome if understood properly by the player), and some of the other protagonists. Constantly comparing a protagonist to an earlier character who you and I love is not healthy, and it is certainly aided by the countless times you hear Ezio's Family's different versions in every game. Again, Ezio is a fucking perfect character and I love him but my opinion stands.

    The Ezio Trilogy using the soundtrack is perfectly justified, but not the other games.

    Especially Odyssey. That game is fun af at times. But it has nothing to do with Assassins, so why play Ezio's Family in the pause menu? It has many original banger songs why not play that? It kinda feels like a cheap ploy by Ubi Quebec to invoke nostalgia and make the player buy the Ezio set from their store. This might feel like a stretch, but there will be people who did this.

    This is the reason why I kinda have a soft spot for AC3, Black Flag and Unity. Unity's and AC3's main theme has traces of Ezio's Family, but is quickly overshadowed by the tense Revolutionary music ( check Unity's soundtracks out as they are amazing). Black Flag has legendarily awesome soundtracks, I don't need to justify that.

    I do it enjoy at instances. For eg I replayed Rogue after a logn time and enjoyed the theme music, a variant of Ezio's Family, but it got tiring as I opened it more and more.

    AGAIN: My opinion. If you enjoy hearing its variants in the newer songs, I'm happy for you and go off. Would certainly like to hear y'all's opinion.

    submitted by /u/ChrisTravern
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    Eivor fanart by me. Based on a picture by ClaireMax

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 10:27 AM PDT

    AC Odyssey killing main story cultists before you're supposed to

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 11:15 PM PDT

    I was trying to find the pankration organizer in the valley of olympia and accidentally stumbled upon a guy standing near the road who had a health bar but no name or level. I scanned him with Ikaros and turns out he's a level 53 soldier called Kallias. After creating a save point I killed him out of curiosity as to why he had a health bar but no level or name. My suspicions were confirmed and he did turn out to be a cultist. I reloaded the save since I knew he's a main story cultist and would be important and after finding the pankration organizer in the fight cutscene he appears. So my question is what would have happened if I had continued with his death instead of reloading the save. What would happen in the cutscene? Would it have broken the game?

    submitted by /u/Sakya22
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    Stick with me on this ok? A game set in Prohibition Chicago would be a thrill ride.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 06:08 PM PDT

    Intro: Bright lights, wild parties, and gunning down gangs. This is only some of the things you would see in Prohibition America, and how the country loses itself over a law that outlawed free will of the masses, can you guess what side the Assassins are on?

    History: While there are many famous cities that had gangsters and crime lords, none were as famous as Chicago, and with Chicago comes Al Capone, Scar Face, or for his sake Snorky. With the Great War ended in europe, many young men and women comes home from working the front lines as soldiers and nurses. With many now coming home to work without jobs and not yet being payed by the government, this leads to many men joining gangs to help their families however they could, and when the law is finally put in place in 1920, gangs begin to gain ever more power, with some having their own reasons for power, others seek it for a higher purpose within a secret order.

    The Map: the map would include territories controlled by gangs, such as the Irish, Italian, and others, along with the government who follows the Bureau of Prohibition. Throughout the map you will also find hideouts, speakeasies, police stations, etc. You will also be able to get side missions from these places and can rob trucks for alcohol and bring them to the gang you work for, you will get rewards and money for this.

    The Gameplay: The gameplay would focus mainly on quiet assassinations, so little hand to hand combat, if this would to work, it would have to be a story focused game, of course there would still be a lot of combat since that is a big thing of the game, but not that much in the main story. Drum guns or tommy guns were not used that often actually, the only reason they were such a large part of the Prohibition era is because of the Valentine's day Massacre. Not saying they were not still used constantly, but they can get away with having fights with non-automatics.

    The Templars and Assassins: It is simple for the Assassins, the beleive the law is against free will and restricts the masses, but for the Templars, they would have members all over. They will have gang leaders gaining power for the order through the chaos, policemen/Prohibition agents trying to enforce power over the people of Chicago, also a powerful Templar from Europe arrives to controll it all.

    Closing: I know this is not going to happen, but I can see it all, an assassin being one with the crowd and jumping on roof tops, we haven't seen a Templar game in a long time and seeing one again would show a grand change in the games. Thank you for reading and please, comment down below on your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/Peterdent85
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    IDEA: Assassin's Creed: Sherwood

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    Is it just me that thought the setting/lore/idea of Robin Hood, the merry men and Medieval England as well as the crusades which could be used as a prologue for the game, would be very fitting for the AC lore?

    Think about it, the short prologue would explore Robin's part in the crusades, where of course we'd see some templar action, Robin could meet someone of the sorts of Azeem from the Prince of Thieves movie, who'd introduce him to the brotherhood, after that he'd return home to find it captive by a templar usurper, he'd join the brotherhood and form a HQ in the sherwood forests, where he'd train recruit assassin's aka the Merry Men, which could bring back the "companion system" from Revelations.

    Honestly, if there's anyone i can think of that would fit the Assassin's lore it would be Robin Hood and the whole lore surrounding him, the time, setting and the crusades would fit perfectly into the lore of AC, expanding it nicely, we haven't had an AC game set in the medieval yet, so it would be perfect IMO.Can't forget about the love interest (Lady Marian).

    TL:DR: AC Game where you play as Robin Hood in medieval England and the Forests of Sherwood, the Templars usurp the throne while Robin is at the crusades, he forms a local brotherhood (aka the Merry Men) with the help of an Azeem type character who he met in the crusades.

    (just noticed it's been suggested a couple of times already, but this is my take on it)

    PS: Doesn't even need to be the Robin in person, could be just an outlaw that started the legend.
    PSPS: While that setting is probably a bit too specific for a standalone game, it could easily be a DLC for Valhalla.

    submitted by /u/bradleybrookley
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    Valhalla storylines are so good & well-written. 45 hours in (Susthexe arc) and played almost every game in the series; this has to be one of the best / if not the best

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 08:23 PM PDT

    I'm very engaged in the story and invested in finishing the quests in a way that I haven't been since AC 2.

    I have been a little disappointed not getting more Assassin's real life/Templar/Isu tie-in but I can feel it coming. Also very attached to Eivor as a character …. anyone else feel this way?

    submitted by /u/abefroman969
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    Civil War Assassins Creed

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 05:45 PM PDT

    Idk if anyone's talked about it yet, but they should make an Assassins Creed set during the civil war time period or right before in America. And have an African America slave break free and join the creed, like a Django movie but Assassins Creed style. Idk just a thought tbh

    submitted by /u/King-Donny-J
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    Assassin's Creed Valhalla – Dev Blog: Missile Reversal

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 09:43 AM PDT

    AC Odyssey: How to build a good health build? Abilities & Mastery points

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 12:04 AM PDT

    Am a noob in gaming. Completed Valhalla in Easy mode. Playing Odyssey and enemies kill me so easily. Just completed Episode 1 and with the help of stories, about to reach level 70.

    I started playing video games a couple of months back but I suck big time. I love AC games but I am super bad at stealth.

    How to spend my abilities and mastery points in a way that I can be difficult to get killed. Following is what I am planning to use

    Abilities: Second Wind

    Mastery points: 12 Points on damage dealt returned to health

    Apart from these, how can I make myself good at regenerating health? Melee Resistance, Armor, Health will help?

    Last question: Is it true that, after level 70, every level needs 24M XP to reach the next level?

    submitted by /u/mrschanandlerbonggg
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    AC Odyssey Divine Intervention and Valhalla secrets

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 05:21 AM PDT

    So obviously playing through Valhalla we get a big revelation that the "Norse pantheon" was reincarnated through human generations, which leads me to the question: is the strange woman in Divine Intervention quest really Athena? If so then we have met the reincarnated ISU far before any hint of that possibility was given... what do y'all think?

    submitted by /u/UmgakWazzok
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    Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia "hit points"?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 05:57 PM PDT

    How does one get more hit points in Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia.

    submitted by /u/VacaRack
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    Assassin's Creed - Rasputin Ezio Edit

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 08:06 AM PDT

    Did screw up with Randvi? Please help. Maybe Spoiler.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 03:09 PM PDT

    So I denied her the first time cause I was like no your my brothers wife, and then Sigurd tried to go back on his word to that guy for Fulke so I got mad at him and slept with Randvi after the first chance. I broke it off with her after we killed Fulke and got Sigurd back cause I felt guilty. I know that there's like 5 decisions that decide whether you and Sigurd stay friends. So is this a +/- when it comes to the choice with Randvi in order to stay cool with Sigurd.

    submitted by /u/ProfessionalFlat9465
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    Does anyone know any First Person view mods for Black Flag?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 09:20 AM PDT

    Going to be experimenting to see if I can make captaining the ship work in VR. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/kn728570
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    Assassin's Creed 3 and Assassin's Creed Empire pre-alpha gameplay?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 11:56 AM PDT

    I recently saw a video (https://youtu.be/tnC8WU-p-fQ?t=260) showing the gameplay of Assassin's Creed Empire, but I couldn't find a full version of that gameplay.

    And I also remembered that about 2 years ago I saw the pre-alpha gameplay of Assassin's Creed 3 (there were no textures on the buildings yet and were shown the previous versions of Connor's costume), but now I could not find it either.

    Maybe someone knows where to find them? I'll be very thankful.

    UPD: found everything I was looking for. thank you all.

    submitted by /u/flum0xx
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    A comprehensive guide to Valhalla's stealth

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 04:13 AM PDT

    I have been lurking this sub for a bit and noticed a lot (I mean a lot) of people complaining about stealth being bad, or unfair or limited in the new Assassin's creed game and as someone currently in it's 156th hour of playing it (no endgame spoilers pls) most of wich played stealthy it's starting to get tiring to read the same unfounded criticisms over and over again, so I decided to refourbish a comment I made in a different post into a small (hopefully) but comprehensive guide on how to actually sneak in the game, without bellyaching about how the mechanics are broken, they are not, you just have to learn them and play by the game's rules.

    I'm gonna use a castle or keep as an exemple because of the large amount of enemies and possibilities, many smaller camps are built so you can raid them with your crew (but you can totally clear them stealthly, I've done it many times).

    First of all Valhalla's stealth is not to be played like Origins or Odyssey, the slower animations and faster enemies reactions encourage a slower and metodical playstyle, think of it as a more versatile Ezio game, you should not rush in a fortress but rather have a clear plan on how to execute every enemy on sight, start by reaching a high ground (the ultimate advantage) and scout the area so you can choose the optimal path trough to kill as many enemies as possible. Keep in mind that enemies are eagle eyed on the ground but mole blind for anything even a couple meters above their heads so you are better off staying up and circle around watch out for archers on towers tough, they should be your priority when entering an hostile area.

    While I'm not 100% sure, I think wearing the hood decreases your detection range so you should alwais wear it when sneaking, if I'm wrong wear it anyway, it looks cool.

    Archery is very important in this game, while it is possible to play a specific build, the constant flow of level ups will soon bring you to get every bonus or skill, more like Origins than Odyssey. Considering that about half of the abilities are archery based you should really consider improving and getting used to your bow, one of each if possible (altough you can totally just use one or another, some abilities and skills make even the light bow a devastating stealth weapon and I use a hunter bow some 70% of the time). Obviously raise you assassination and range damage, you won't be able to do much if every encounter turns into a brawl becsuse you missed a headshot, but this game is pretty forgiving about it. Also improve your bows as much as possible, they should be you priority as far as upgrades are concerned and don't forget about runes. Learn how to complete the assassination QTE so you don't ever fail it on mission, you can use the dummies outside the assassin bureou in Ravenstorphe for that, they also give you adrenaline for wathever reason. Incidentally, increase your adrenaline as soon as reasonably possible, the more you have, the more abilities you can use.

    This may seem obvious but HIDE THE BODIES, when an enemy finds a dead comrade he will usually call in an alert wich makes enemies more likely to spot you, it's usually enough to hide them in grass or throw them over the walls. Then again, there is the "explosive corpse" skill wich allows you to plant deadly explosives on bodies, you can use it to set up traps but it's very loud so be careful.

    The big problem a lot of people seems to have is the enemy detection, yes, the suspition bar fills up faster then in the previous games but it's really only instantanious if you are in a few meters from them, if you keep your distance (as you should) you will never have a problem, enemies take about two seconds to react as well, so it's totally feasable to rush them or shoot them and silence them if they are by themselves and you are close enough wich is really the only situation you should be in a position to get spotted at all. It's also possible to run up to an enemy (say a lone guard in a room) and quickly assassinate him by just running, crouching is not that useful if you need to cover some distance quickly.

    Another big problem many players seem to have is groups, "there are five or six enemies, how can I dispatch them without starting an alert? I wish there was an auto win button like in Unity or Brotherood, this game is bad!!!", but the game gives you plenty of tools to deal with groups: the "mark of death" abilty essentialy breaks the game allowing you to kill up to (I think) six enemies at once, "raven distraction" incapacitates and blinds any enemy to anything that happens around them, "thorn of slumber", especially the upgraded version, incapacitates enemies crowded together and "incendiary powder trap" is phenomenal on patrols, tough very loud. There is more obviously and you should think on what works best for you, and how to better cover your weaknesses but NEVER think it's impossible, the game gives you plenty of tools but it's up to you to use them wisely.

    Sometimes you will find yourself on the ground and have to sneak trough a tunnel or forced trough a grassy terrain, keep yourself low and don't get too close to enemies unless you intend to attack, they can detect you when you are close, just stay in cover and whistle to lure them if you can (it works 100% of the time, only enemies take forever in this game to investigate, you can hurry them up by whistling multiple times) watch out tough, Eivor stands up to use her bow, so she is visible, if possible use the reticle (the white dot at the centre of the screen in crouched position) to aim before you cock (lol) your arrow. Also keep in mind you can hide behind a patch of grass, not just in it, the enemy's line of sight is interrupted by the tall grass. Eivor will jump an enemy from the grass if the enemy is on a lower level than she is, make sure to be close and/or on an orizontal plane with them (this was true in any of the games, I don't know how it's a big deal now). Tunnels are more awkward, not a lot of hiding spaces but they usually have overhanging crates and both a top floor and beams you can walk around on.

    Keep an eye out for environmental hazards, exploding jars, hanging crates or even frail floors (usually under archer positions) can all be used to get the upper hand. If you can sabotage ballistas, it will make you life easier in case of an alert.

    Synin is very useful as a scout, no you can't use her to tag enemies like you can with Senu or Hikaros, but she can give you a bird's eye view of an area to find passage ways or hiding spots, you don't want to run around blind, do you? She can also tag up to three different items in the environment, I usually tag tougher enemies or useful windows, just be careful to summon her while you are hidden to avoid enemies sneaking up on you and again "raven distraction" is op, f***ing use it.

    Never underestimate skills either, some of them like "guided arrow", "explosive corpse", "stealth recon", or "arrow volley" are game changers that gives you massive boons during your stealth outings, in particular I suggest "charged shot", I have yet to find a non boss enemy that can survive one of these to the head.

    Also don't be afraid to play cut and loose sometimes, it's often faster to dispach a small group with a brutal combo than to just slowly stab everyone: five guys, stun one with Synin, shoot another with your bow air assassinate the third and chain assassinate the fourth maybe use "axe fury" to injure and stun the last remaing one, playing like a guerrilla soldier is often cooler, faster and more satisfying, you are a vikingr after all.

    Keep in mind that very often you don't have to kill everybody, unlike the previous games, when exp and loot where tied to leveling, in Valhalla you only get minor exp from killing soldiers and exp is plentiful anyway, it's often more convenient to avoid enemies if you can (again, like in the earlier games) since any enemy you engage with carries the risk of spotting you.

    There isn't much to say about social stealth, the town where you have to use it are usually built for you to run over them as well, using ropes and jumping on buildings like this is some game about assassins or creeds or something. If you have to stick to the ground move slowly and avoid patrols. There is this idea that enemies in distrust zones are relentless and will chase you forever but, dude, if you blend in with the environment they will leave you alone, every time, even if their suspition meter is almost full. Also use the drunk bozos walking around, it's not like they have better things to do. For a very cheecky cheat you can dash (read dodge) away from a suspitious enemy, for some reason they are not alarmed by the dashing animation like they are from running so you can use it to avoid detection if there is no environmental blending available.

    That's pretty much the basics, but if I may I would suggest to look up some youtube videos to get an idea of what a stealth run should look like, get a feeling for it, I suggest NoVaIce or StealthGamerBR. You should also maybe do some training runs, plant a savepoint outside of a keep or fort and start reaping, if your attempt is busted or you just don't like how it's going, reload and do it again. You can only improve.

    And more importantly try, TRY to sneak before you give up, there are so many people commenting stuff like "I tried to sneak but I couldn't make it work so I gave up, I play combat only now" wich is essentially an admition they never tried to lear the mechanics, if you want to play like a crazy berserker that's fine, I like it too, but don't go around saying that's the only viable strategy, please.

    I apolgize if I was, let's say, sassy sometimes but there really are only so many times you can hear somebody say something wrong before it gets annoying. Also sorry for any bad grammar, english is not my first lenguage and writing is hard :).

    submitted by /u/ThumbSipper
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