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    Thursday, July 15, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Probbaly my favorite piece of dialogue from AC1, maybe in the entire series

    Assassin's Creed Probbaly my favorite piece of dialogue from AC1, maybe in the entire series

    Probbaly my favorite piece of dialogue from AC1, maybe in the entire series

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 08:04 AM PDT

    So this is between Altair and Malik, the one who lost his arm and his brother when Altair tried to attack Robert de Sable in that tomb with the Ark of the Covenant. This piece of dialogue is before Malik gives you permission to go after Robert in Jerusalem.

    Altair: Malik, before I go, there's something I must say.

    Malik: Be out with it.

    Altair: I've been a fool.

    Malik: Normally I'd make no argument but, what is this? What are you talking about?

    Altair: All this time, I never told you I was sorry. Too damn proud. You lost your arm because of me. Lost Kadar. You had every right to be angry.

    Malik: I do not accept your apology.

    Altair: I understand.

    Malik: No, you don't. I do not accept your apology because you are not the same man who went with me into Solomon's Temple. And so you have nothing to apologize for.

    Altair: Malik...

    Malik: Perhaps if I had not been so envious of you, I would not have been so careless myself. I'm just as much to blame.

    Altair: Don't say such things.

    Malik: We are one. As we share the glory of our victories, so too should we share the pain of our defeat. In this way, we grow closer. We grow stronger.

    Altair: Thank you, brother.

    submitted by /u/realhacker6993
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    Been playing ac unity a lot and honestly it's one of my fav games ever!! So here's an artwork i made. Enjoy!

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 11:06 PM PDT

    Playing AC Origins For the first time.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 10:55 AM PDT

    I just started playing AC Origins for the first time. I am a long time AC fan though still I didn't knew my h about the game except it was in Egypt and that there were Pyramids. I wanted to know as little about the game as I could before playing it n I managed to and now playing it is just such a great feeling. THE GAME IS SOO GOOOD. Travelling in the desert, Pyramids the tombs everything is just soo cool. The world building and the environment is such cool as well. I mean walking through Egypt it's just. Always wanted to see the Egyptian culture how it would've been when it was alive and now I could n I just can't explain how happy I am. One of the Best AC imo. :D

    submitted by /u/NutMag2469
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    Ubisoft should either improve their writing or improve the choice system. (spoilers)

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 10:08 PM PDT

    Honestly the choice system feels so bad in Valhalla and the writing is just okay. Sometimes very good. Sometimes bad. Mostly just okay. Nothing I'd resink 80 hours of my life into ever again. Hell I actually forgot to save and lost my progress in the end game, I can't even devote the 2 hours it'll take to get that back and move onto Druids. Bear in mind I've played Origins, AC2, Rogue, and Black Flag multiple times, so I have no problem investing time into a game if the game has good enough writing. Valhalla doesn't really produce set storylines that are compelling enough to invest into again.

    The choice system somehow doesn't make up for the writing. Instead they present a set of mostly obvious decisions set up as moral choices. Most of these have little to no impact on the main story. The one that does? The Sigurd decisions. For those that don't know, you will want to kill Sigurd more than the Ancients for most of this game. The only redeeming factor about Sigurd is that he's MIA most the time. So it's not really a difficult choice to want to screw him over...which means it's not really a good system even in its incredibly narrow implementation. Which brings me to my next point...

    For a game that markets itself on your choices mattering, I have no choice in what matters. Gonna drop another spoiler here, the Assassins that you work with are pretty god awful, one intentionally so. Eivor genuinely comes out of this experience with more reasons to side with the Ancients/Templars than the Assassins. Hytham's expectations are that Eivor will crush the Ancients. He doesn't even bother to build the Assasisns while Eivor does that Herculean task. Basim is quite literally out to get Eivor. From Eivor's perspective the Assassins have made him do their dirty work, done nothing, turned his brother into some egomaniacal weirdo that's crippled and absent from leadership, and tried to kill him. I actually thought that this game was going to go in the same direction as Rogue considering that I'm not even sure Shay was getting screwed this hard by the Assassins. But that would require taking a creative risk. Still at no point in the story where your choices supposedly matter do you even get an option to join the Templars. Or even the option to cripple both factions if you decide that you like neither.

    The same thing goes for the Odin plotline. Even if you agree with Odin, you have to fight him. This can be said for most of the regions, in a choice making game, regardless of your feelings, you're on a set path. This is further hurt by Ubisoft actively sabotaging team good guy more or less. If there was ever a game where playing on team bad guy or being independent of both should be an option, it should be Valhalla.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that this weird limbo between set writing and low effort RPG choice system isn't working. What made Origins a great breath of fresh air was that I could level up in an RPG fashion but I was still, at the core, an Assassin. The entire game felt like Assassin's Creed, and it's largely because Ubisoft invested in their writing and made Bayek and Aya set characters. As a result, Origins is the last game that usually gets pointed to as being a real Assassins Creed game. Personally, I think that Ubisoft should get back to that kind of storytelling and abandon the choice system.

    submitted by /u/Spartanwildcats2018
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    What fort does this resemble in Origins?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 03:53 AM PDT

    Hear me Out: Assassins Creed BRAZIL

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    There was so many revolutions in Brazil and they fit perfectly the Assassins theme, from demanding independence from Portugal during the 1700s to wanting a republic in the 1800s. The Farroupilha Revolution, the Sabinada, and a lot of others. Please Ubisoft

    submitted by /u/O_Gaucho
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    [SPOILER] Lack of commitment in romance

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    Spoilers are just a mention of certain systems in Valhalla and Odyssey.

    What is it with the lack of commitment with the in game romances in Odyssey and Valhalla? It makes the whole thing seem shallow and pointless. If youre going to make it a feature at least make it more than a 1 and done where its obvious not even the characters involved are satisfied with the outcome.

    Im not even asking for reoccurring characters, cutscenes ect. Just maybe add an option to tell the character you romanced you were serious and have it end there. Like "i was serious lets be a couple. ok cool we're a couple now ive got work to do ill see you later or something", but obviously with a bit more tact.

    The lack of commitment made the whole system feel more like prostitution in GTA than an actual rpg romance system like it was advertised as. Its advertised as a mass effect style romance and turns out more like saints row 5. Its unsatisfying at best, and at worst it seems like a "oh well since we have gay options and the protagonist clearly has kids eventually we cant make the gay options long term bc gays cant have kids" at worst.

    submitted by /u/lolthefuckisthat
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    Can someone briefly fill the gaps for a player who stopped after Black Flag till now?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 11:41 PM PDT

    Modern story I mean? It's been a while and despite hearing good things about Origins and Odyssey I opted out from feeling burned out from the series. Has the modern storyline between the Templars and the Assassins evolved?

    submitted by /u/CrowHardly
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    Beaten my second AC game, Rogue, last night.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 03:00 PM PDT

    Finally finished playing the main story of AC Rogue last night. It's the second Assassin's Creed game that I've finished after joining the fandom last year after Black Flag. Thought the game was okay. I definitely thought Rogue's story was rushed. Shay's character development wasn't that interesting because of that as well.

    To be honest, I think Rogue should've been about Haytham. He was one of the best things about ACIII and we've never seen his story prior to that game in action. Compared to him, Shay was a bland substitute. The only things I liked about Rogue was using the grenade launcher, the naval combat, and shanties. Not sure if I would replay this game in the future.

    submitted by /u/OliviaElevenDunham
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    My first Unity stealth reaper :) many more to come

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 07:33 AM PDT

    Is Space Travel Ever Bought Up with the Isu Civilization?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 07:02 PM PDT

    I find it hard to believe that a society that was able to create a sentient, free-thinking (without a piece of eden) workforce in humans was unable to build a rocket and fly to the moon. I'd figure that at the height of their evolution, the Isu would probably be able to build a dyson sphere around the sun, or a generation ship to a faraway galaxy, but apparently not. Maybe if they figured out space travel and tried to immigrate to a different planet, the humans and them may not have almost gone extinct during the first Great Catastrophe.

    submitted by /u/Paytrin
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    Assassin's Creed Valhalla Kickstarter Brings Orlog Dice Game To Life

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 11:09 PM PDT

    I just killed a fucking zealot while being only power level 51 in the hardest difficulty and no food rations. Here’s how I did it

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 01:23 PM PDT

    To start off, I had full raven clan armor and the chest plate upgraded, a two-handed axe, two bars of adrenaline, and the first bow you get upgraded twice. Keep in mind that he could easily kill me two hits only.

    My main strategy was using the ability where you throw the wolf at your enemy, stomp him, and then do a full round of light attacks and sometimes finish with a strong one. When he throws the stunning smoke, I ran away and shot him with the bow. If I didn't have enough adrenaline, I would perfect dodge his next attack and attack him back. I rarely parried as it was too risky and didn't do much most of the time. Definitely one of the hardest things I've done until now, but it was doable.

    submitted by /u/oofygoofy_11
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    [BLACK FLAG] I read you could interact with civilians while hiding like in the gameplay demo. Is it true? If so, how?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 03:21 PM PDT

    I've started Black Flag, one of the AC games that I never got to experience, I saw the gameplay demo and in the comments there was one that stated how they wished the interactions were kept, one commenter replied that they exist but you need to buy them. I'm confused and would like an explanation if it's true or not.

    submitted by /u/xXTASERFACEXx
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    Valhalla, a small review by me :-)

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 11:12 AM PDT

    Been reading through all the hate posts on here (my god some of you have real issues!!) so thought I would add my views, such as they are.

    Bought the game and day one hated it, because it wasn't AC.

    Then I realized that it wasn't meant to be AC, Ubi had tried to do something a bit different and had just stuck that tag on so it would sell, and it did!!

    So, I treated it as a standalone title and if you do that it works very well.

    It is not a perfect game and I am not going to pretend it is, and if you can put aside the idea that you are going to stealth around for hours instead of charging in with a flail, tearing heads off and killing enemies with their own weapons then you will be rewarded.

    There are plenty of options for stealth, when you go on a raid you don't have to go in gung ho, you can release command of the boat, go stealth kill the enemies and use the horn to call your crew after.

    People saying they are getting rinsed or can't kill high level opponents, you have not played enough and are just jumping on the hate wagon to justify your gaming inadequacy.

    I found the skill tree is key, you need to go doing side quests for the skill points and I think many missed this fact, thinking they could go into any area of the map swinging axes and get out alive. No!!

    This is a built in progression that works very well (unless you want to be a god and everything one hit kill, but there is an option for that for the less able players).

    There are three different skill trees, all of which augment the playstyle you choose. Basically you are:

    Bear - this is about running in guns blazing.

    Raven - All about stealth

    Wolf - All about agility

    Get all three and you are unstoppable! But.....you have to work on it!!

    The trees also add abilities to assassinate high level AI but it seems like most players preferred to cry virtual tears on here than reach that point.

    The abilities you can add to your bow and melee weapon seemed well balanced and overall I enjoyed the game very much (old-school AC player) as long as I remembered it is NOT AC.

    So, good points IMO:

    Vikings, fuck yeah!

    Scenery, very nice

    Fighting, OK but getting the skill to throw peoples arrows/spears back at them VERY satisfying.

    Story, not particularly engaging but enough to keep the flow going.

    Orlog, an absolutely immense game and would love to see it added as multiplayer.

    Barred doors, too many of them but some had me scratching my head as to how to open them. I liked that as I don't want everything handed to me on a plate.

    Bad points:

    Eivor getting referred to as she when I am playing the male character.

    Repetitive fights (but I guess there are only so many ways to fight with axe and shield)

    Sigurd being pretty much pointless.

    AI waving their hands around with no connection to what they were saying.

    Drinking games, what a sack of shit they are.

    Anomalies, no spoiler but they just sucked the atmosphere out of the game worse than a fart in a lift.

    So, to sum up, 5+ and 6-, but does this mean that the game is no good?

    Hell no! I am now 170 hours in (including season pass) and while I am starting to flag picking up those last mysteries and artifacts I have to say I have had a bloody good time with this game (remember it's not AC!!)

    Please comment below and don't be unnecessarily mean to me or others if you don't have to, this is just my opinion.

    Love, Light and Peace

    submitted by /u/SnooPoems2914
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    [SPOILER] My Favourite AC Games and Your ones

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 04:26 PM PDT

    So I got this idea when playing and I just thought of my favourite AC games and I Wanna know other peoples, I myself an stuck between 3 Games AC Origins, AC2, and AC Rogue I'm gonna give my reasons but you dont need to read them if you dont wanna. There might be spoilers for Valhalla and other ac games in the comments and stuff for Rogue in my reasons.

    AC Origins: So the change from one hit counter kill to Action RPG wasnt amazing to me at first but it grew on me over time, Bayek was an amazing character and arguably the best Assassin Character since Ezio, Origins has an Amazing Supporting cast and I loved the emotions you can feel while playing, it has a nice map with very good DLCs, it is Nowhere near as drawn out story wise as the next 2 games, and its map isnt too big while exploring.

    AC2: Reason Number 1, Ezio, simply just Ezio and his character, in case you couldnt tell I love him so much, he has so much emotions, A lot of Tragedy like Bayek and too has an amazing supporting cast, you might tell I love the tragic Hero characters, but AC2 also has a good map and is a very good sequel for a game like AC1 as it just improves on everything from the last One.

    AC Rogue: This might be a wierd one for some people, But I truly liked Rogue, Shay was a very good character, And for once we got a proper look at the Templars Point of View and what the Assassins Obsession was like with the Isu stuff, Shays slow transition from Assassin to Questioning to Straight up Assassin Hunter was very good, I loved the mix up of Templar tools and Assassin tools, and i liked that they kept a decent bit of ship combat, a downside for me personally was the modern day as I actually like the modern day with Desmond and Layla, but I cant like the 1st person floating Tablet.

    I will mention AC1 and AC Black Flag as my runner ups but wont give reasons as I'm Lazy.

    Anyways I would love to here other peoples Favourite AC games and opinions on my list.

    submitted by /u/Matthewbacca1
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    I just can't bring myself to do Unity's story again.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 12:24 PM PDT

    Its just depressing, there's no moment of "yay" in the entire game, nothing about the time period is fun either, the world, characters and everything is depressing.

    Knowing how Arno's story begins to how it ends, it really just is the one AC game that I don't feel like I want to play again because there's no success or triumph in the entire game, there's no feeling of hope or happiness, it just leaves you empty.

    No mother, dead father, dead stepfather, dead girlfriend, ousted out of the creed (although he ends up becoming a master assassin, I am just limiting myself to the game) I felt like the ending of Unity was okay and that things were going to get better for Arno.

    Boy was I wrong, start playing Dead Kings and he's a depressing alcoholic.

    They really should have continued Arno's story, instead of leaving it there. The story really feels rushed and it just seems like they killed off Elise for the sake of killing off Elise.

    Every AC game is depressing at a point, but they also show a part where the protagonist feels content or something to live for.

    Altair struggled through centuries, lost everything again and again and finally became a revered leader and a holder of knowledge, seems content with the life he's lived.

    Ezio watched half his family die, his uncle die because of his shortsightedness, his girlfriend, Yusuf and so on, but he ends up living the fullest life of all the Assassins we focus on.

    Connor lost his mother, his village, his mentor and all the effort he had done was in vain and betrayal, but still had a hope for the Assassins and eventually starting his family.

    Edward is another that needed a sequel, but he had Jennifer to live for, and eventually Haytham, sad how they just killed him off in some comic or some AC product.

    Shay feels okay about himself, knowing that his work has been undone by Connor, but showing there's still hope for the Templars and that he will continue his struggle.

    The Evie Twins both have their own okay-happy endings, Jacob was always cheery and eventually becomes a respected leader of the Rooks and by extension, to London. Evie is happy off with Henry and content with herself, making a name for herself more than his father would have been.

    Bayek, lost Khemu, his wife, Hepzefa, some of his friends, but he has the creed to live for, the people of Siwa still love him.

    Kassandra, idk, the choice system kinda makes it either real sad or real happy, but as far as my choices went, she had Deimos, Myrrine, Stentor, Nikaloas, Barnabas and a lot of people, there's a village dedicated to her. She's probably the second most happiest protagonist.

    But not Arno, Arno is just depressing and really not much to live for, like absolutely nothing. I really wish Ubisoft just dropped the hopping from one Historical setting to another, and actually form a coherent story that ends properly like it did for Altair and Ezio.

    submitted by /u/Roman64s
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    New game +, ac Valhalla where is it already

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 01:38 PM PDT

    Ngl I'm kinda pissed at the fact they haven't done this yet , I last played 4 months ago and thought by now a new game plus system would be in place. Literally just been waiting for it yet no,instead they add a pisspoor dlc and more Animus store stuff. Ac Valhalla is one of my most liked ac games but I'm annoyed af I can't even get a new game plus at this point when the game has been out for so long. They've put fucking awesome weapons like gungir and mjolnir at end game but that's it. We have no opportunity to sue it before then which is just a pain. The new store items which will vasicohave to be paid for and dlc, also the half arsed festivals aren't enough. Ubisoft could at least attempt to make a decent future plan for an otherwise great ac game

    submitted by /u/XPRODIGY_VIBEZX
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    What does Kari’s house even do?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    It says she builds defences but I ain't seen em

    submitted by /u/Megachamps
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    Can’t get the new altair outfit

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    Any body else having the same issue on ubisoft connect? Please fix this ubisoft! Thanks.

    submitted by /u/blazerain98
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    I need help with The doctor thing in ac 2

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    I just started ac 2 again and I'm at the mission where I need to get 200 florins but I looted all the bodies and I don't have enough what do I do

    submitted by /u/TengaiSan
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