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    Saturday, July 10, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Assassins creed brotherhood is dope as hell

    Assassin's Creed Assassins creed brotherhood is dope as hell

    Assassins creed brotherhood is dope as hell

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 07:51 PM PDT

    Man what can i say about this game its been such a treat to play through.I mean the story has been great so far besides an unfortunate death but besises that its been fun seeing the progression of ezio what amazing main character i cant wait to play through revelation to see the finale

    submitted by /u/Friendly-Campaign227
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    Just some simple math to show why microtransactions are the devil

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 04:22 AM PDT

    Just a little info on how much money you can spend on a game if you buy every microtransaction in the Helix store.

    I decided for AC Odyssey altough I'm sure I havn't added every single item that came later into the game. And yes I am aware you can get them via the oikos store but this is about how much money you can give into Ubisofts hands if you don't bother or aren't aware. Since one of the companies favorite thing is to use ingame currency to make it less obvious how much real money you can spend.

    20 x gameplay enhancing items (gear and weapons) a total of 8350 Helix

    14 x cosmetics a total of 3750 Helix

    14 x time savers (material, drachmae, XP boost, maps) a total of 12000 Helix

    This makes 24100 Helix credits in total.

    The biggest set of Helix you can buy is 7400 for 49,99 US Dollars.

    You have to buy it 3 times and 1 time the 2400 Helix set for 19,99 US Dollar.

    This makes a total of 169,99 US Dollar.

    Without the game. If you want to buy the game including the DLC's you had to pay 99,99 US Dollars for the Gold Edition when the game was released.

    This makes a total of 269,95 US Dollar.

    Ubis thanks you for buying their products. :D

    submitted by /u/fishbone_76
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    Harpooning in AC Black Flag is awesome, and I hated myself for enjoying it.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    I've only played the AC trilogy so Black Flag seems like a new game to me. I've tried almost everything in this game and curious what's harpooning going to be like. It's definitely fun, the way you shoot a harpoon with a rope and try to weaken it with harpoons and when it dives down to try to attack your cute boat is good. But I hate having fun killing them and Ill probably not going to do it again.

    submitted by /u/Outside_Dependent984
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    assassins creed 3 has the most flashy,brutal combat of all the ac's

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 10:39 PM PDT

    Connor feels like an absolute badass when you play as him and although alot of people dont like him,i personally think he is not only the most unique,but the most relatable personality(socially awkward outcast trying to fit in with a heart of gold) wise of all the assassins.He is like if you mixed batman as a assassin with charles from rd2,and when it comes to brute force he is probably the best,which is why he is my favorite assassin.

    submitted by /u/SubjectFix9023
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    Assuming the doom and gloom about Assassin's Creed's Future as a single-player franchise is true, does Valhalla act as a good ending to the 12 game series?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 08:24 PM PDT

    For the record, I do think people are jumping to too many conclusions from what was effectively a very vague "reveal". GAAS is a very broad umbrella term for a multitude of options/models from developers.

    But let's assume that it will be the worst- an MTX infested MMORPG that has a mediocre to bad story. Here's my question: as someone who has been a fan of the franchise since the original games, does Valhalla act as a good finale to that era of Assassin's Creed? Will I be satisifed after completing it that I was proud to have been an Assassin's Creed fan from the start? Or is it a case of missed potential?

    submitted by /u/RedtheGamer100
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    I think Assassin's Creed III deserves more recognition and praise.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 10:22 AM PDT

    ACIII is usually considered one of the worst of the series, but I think it's one of the best. It has some of the best replay value of all the games imo, and I think it has the best single game storyline of them all. Connor wasn't as charming as Ezio, but I found him a compelling character. Plus the whole relationship between Connor and Haytham, the setting of the American Revolution, and some really cool modern day missions make it a very strong game. It felt like when the story had the most purpose to me, and ever since Desmond died at the end the overarching story of Assassin's Creed has been a mess.

    submitted by /u/AstronautVisual
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    Am I really playing a remaster of AC3, cause so far it looks ass.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 11:50 PM PDT

    Bought AC 3 remastered on pc today. I've been playing it for an hour I think and it looks ass. I turned up the graphics and surprise, surprise: still looks bad. I know Ubisoft doesn't have a great remaster rep. but come on. Is there a button I'm supposed to push or something? Is it one of those things like in the Halo anniversary remaster where you can turn on/off the old graphics?

    submitted by /u/BlackpaintSundae
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    Do you think AC Infinity will have a hub world like with Animus Machines?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 04:14 PM PDT

    We don't know much but I keep picturing it as a hub world like destiny with animus machines everywhere that you go sync in with. Then a map pops up with different places and time periods and you pick one. Is that what most people are thinking it will be?

    submitted by /u/LastKing318
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    Dead Messengers in Assassin’s Creed Syndicate

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 07:49 PM PDT

    I've been playing Assassin's Creed Syndicate and I've noticed something odd. I found a dead messenger in two of the boroughs; Whitechapel and The Thames. When I go up to the body there's no carry option available. If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/InspectorJavert620
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    Anglo Saxon sets (in Valhalla)

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 03:52 PM PDT

    I'm super interested in both the Anglo Saxons and the Vikings and I was wondering what sets in this game are based on Anglo Saxon armour or similar to it? I'm aware of the Hearthweru set but besides the helmet (very similar to the Sutton Hoo helmet irl) the rest of the outfit looks based on fantasy. Thanks so much!

    submitted by /u/Elijah1986
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    Can Valhalla be played strictly doing story?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 06:51 PM PDT

    Really wouldn't mind playing Valhalla again since I enjoyed the story ( not so much the huge world lol) but the only thing holding me back is all the side mission stuff. So I was just wondering if it would be possible to play just the story without doing anything else side missions wise

    submitted by /u/Delttaz
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    What do y’all want to see for future settings in the Assassin’s Creed world?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 10:19 PM PDT

    The options are endless. I myself have seen many great suggestions, so I decided to throw a few out myself.

    First, I am all for a Feudal Japan. It would awesome and change things up with an Asia culture. Now, I know Ghost of Tsushima came out and it's amazing, but Ubisoft could make their own. Imagine a Ninja kind of stealth build, a Samurai warrior build or a Kyudoka archer. They fit perfect into the archetypes we've had. Armor would be awesome and the world too.

    Second, would have to be China with all their dynasties and maybe even some triads. They could go crazy with it.

    Third, go a little more modern and have it take place with a Civil War theme. Robert E Lee in the real world was a Freemason if I'm not mistaken and I bet it's not to hard to connect him to the Templar with that. Assassins in the Union would be dope. Guns aren't that advanced and I think it would awesome to see. Kind of a continuation of the AC3. Imagine the main character being an escaped slave finding his calling in the Creed? Awesome I know.

    Finally, this was is a reach, but I'd love to see some Assassins in the old west. They'd look dope. Personally, I could picture a distant relative or even child of the Frye twins out here gunslinging it up. Maybe they wanted to bring the Creed out here to help civilize the area. A lot of you might hate that idea, it's just I always pictured Jacob Frye himself being a bomb gunslinger in the west. He's got that aura.

    Please throw your suggestions out because I love seeing other people's ideas. Tweak my own ideas if you got better ideas if you want.

    submitted by /u/GavBraMun
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    [AC: Syndicate] No PC achievements on Uplay?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 09:49 PM PDT

    Checked the overlay and there doesn't seem to be any. Have they been removed?

    submitted by /u/druyd
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    Future expansions for Valhalla thoughts

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 05:27 AM PDT

    Anyone here had a hard time finishing the Wrath of the Druids DLC? Not because of the difficulty of course but with how repetitive it was? It felt like when I was about to finish the main story of the actual game. It was a struggle, with how the same formula is being used over and over again.

    I played Origins and skipped over Odyssey, I'm not sure with Odyssey but Origins, I never felt burnt out or lost interest while doing the main story and even side quest.

    Are you excited with the coming DLC if the set up or formula would still be the same to Wrath of the Druids?

    Edit1: thanks for the insights and thoughts on the discussion everyone! Overall I love Valhalla still even though its repetitive af. Anyways just hope the DLCs coming are game changer (copium). Looking forward to that Infinity thing that is coming <3

    submitted by /u/Tyrfying
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    Ac 3 remaster really missed the chance to make the farm customizable

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 10:40 AM PDT

    I ended up with a shitton of money and have nothing to spend. Really wished that I could costumize my farm or my house a little more

    submitted by /u/Brmonke
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    I made a short stealth reaper while playing the Wrath of the Druids DLC. Hope you enjoy!

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 04:46 PM PDT

    Valhalla is so far better than Odyssey

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 08:42 AM PDT

    I just finished Odyssey. I 100% the game, all quests, locations, peoples, etc. done. D. O. N. E. I have to say I didn't like the game that much. It was way too bloated, felt kinda forced at times, and just didn't feel like an Assassins Creed at all. I did play the DLCs too, but those I didn't even like much. I spent a total of 124ish hours of main game and DLC. However, I just installed Valhalla finally. I have been playing it for about an hour or two. I can say it looks great (on series x at least), feels pretty good, and sounds good too. Doesn't feel bloated... yet? I can say though, I hate the choice of gender in the game for the sole reason that if I play male or female Eivor, I'm not playing canonically. Just give me the damn original character. Jeez... but yea that's all.

    submitted by /u/BruhMasterHunter
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    Origins - Is there a way to view historical context outside of Discovery Tour?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 01:27 PM PDT

    Playing origins for the first time. After playing Odyssey I realized my favourite thing to do was explore the map and come across various locations and read the small info dump when you hover over it on the map, especially since I love ancient Greece. Does this exist in Origins?

    I'm speaking about outside of the discovery tour, of course, I know I can go there for the full story but I loved picking up snippets of history while playing

    submitted by /u/TheMolestedPenguin
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