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    Wednesday, June 23, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Working on my own Orlog set!

    Assassin's Creed Working on my own Orlog set!

    Working on my own Orlog set!

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    How Assassin's Creed creator Patrice Déselets became gaming's cool history teacher

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 06:11 AM PDT

    small detail that I have never noticed before in Assassins Creed 2

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 12:21 PM PDT

    good day, so I was just playing through Assassin creed 2 and when they hold the ceremony for Ezio and he becomes an Assassin, when they burn his ring finger he then feels pain. When we go back to Desmond we see him feeling his ()ring finger he was burned on, something I have never noticed before today, even though I have played that game 20 times.

    it can be seen at 8min and 14sec


    submitted by /u/ArabofWar
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    Assassin's Creed Origins This game is actually awesome!!!

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 04:22 PM PDT

    Recently bought AC Origins, i am a fan of franchise since beggining and i was deeply dissapointed when they switched gameplay to RPG. Just finished Unity and was impressed by parkour and setting, it was pure joy. Then decided to start Origins myself, i watched some gameplay online and i wasnt impressed at all. But when i started to play it... my god... this game is so gorgeous, RPG elements inducted in great manner, story is amazing so far, Bayek is one of best protagonist for me already... i just cought myself wonderimg around the world on a camel just enjoying the view and many side quests. Its so hard to stop playing it, so tense so enjoyable, and most important sooo fun. Deffinitely from now on ill try the game before i said it was bad haha. What do u think about Origins and have u ever had this situation to think that the game is shit but when u tried it was the opposite? Cheers!!!

    submitted by /u/LamiNeZe
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    How would you rank AC Origins, AC Odyssey, and AC Valhalla in terms of story? *Spoiler Alert

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 12:01 PM PDT

    I'm curious to see how people here would rank the three latest games in terms of story. I'm going to give my personal ranking below and explain the reasons for my rankings. A LOT OF SPOILERS WILL BE MENTIONED SO PLEASE DO NOT READ BEYOND THIS POINT IF YOU WANT TO KEEP THE STORIES A SURPRISE

    1. AC Origins (Best)AC Origins had an amazing story. The story of how the Hidden Ones came to be was perfectly told through Bayek and Aya's quest for vengeance. What AC Origins did well in terms of storytelling was having an overarching narrative that held everything together and that gave purpose to Bayek and Aya's actions. This narrative was the death of Khemu. Everything Bayek and Aya did was to avenge Khemu's death. AC Origins also managed to insert political sub-storylines into a highly personal main storyline. Cleopatra and Julius Caesar were major players in the story and they gave the narrative lots of scale and depth. In terms of execution, AC Origins did a wonderful job in telling the best story possible. It had the right mix of small-scale moments that were deeply personal and grand political moments that affected lots of people. For example, Medunamun was one of the people involved in Khemu's death but the story also showed how he was brutal towards the villagers of Siwa. AC Origins made me truly hate the Order of the Ancients because the story showed how they not only ruined Bayek and Aya's lives, but the lives of countless others as well. Every quest in the main storyline served a purpose. When I was playing the game, I always knew the reason behind the things I was doing and how it fit into the bigger picture. Everything could all be traced back to Bayek and Aya doing what they can in order to kill the people who took Khemu from them. When Khemu says "Papo, jump" at the end, I was astounded by how well this story was told. Everything came full circle in the end and AC Origins delivered a masterclass in storytelling.

    1. AC OdysseyAC Odyssey had a great story. However, the reason I rank it below Origins is due to the lack of focus at times. There were times when I lost track of the reason behind my actions. I found myself asking "Why am I doing this?" a few times. Aside from this, I didn't understand the relationship between finding Kassandra's parents and the Cult of Kosmos for a while. What the game lacked was a singular narrative that served as a driving force for Kassandra's actions. There were times when the story felt a bit disconnected. I found myself wondering whether I was doing things to find my mother or to destroy the cult. These two storylines felt separate and mutually exclusive at times. All of the storylines meshed well together, but the storylines lacked something to connect them all with one another. The main driving force of AC Origins was the death of Khemu but I couldn't identify what it was in AC Odyssey. Was Kassandra supposed to focus on the cult for the greater good or focus on finding the rest of her family? Just like AC Origins, AC Odyssey did a great job in mixing Kassandra's personal journey, Deimos and The Cult of Kosmos, and the Peloponnesian War into one giant narrative. I was engaged by the story althroughout and the different storylines were able to keep me entertained. The story had strong emotional moments such as Kassandra reuniting with her mother, Phoibe's death, and the final battle on Mount Tagyetos. There were also moments that made you consider the bigger picture such as exposing Pausanias and Kleon as members of the cult. However, the story felt like it went off-track a few times and I found myself wondering what was going on.

    1. AC Valhalla (Worst)I really disliked the story of AC Valhalla. I felt like everything was so detached and irrelevant to Eivor. When I ask myself "Why is Eivor doing this?", the only answer I can think of is she's just someone who runs errands for her clan by securing alliances. The story had some emotional arcs that kept me invested such as Sigurd's visions and his relationship with Eivor. But when the story touches onto that, the game soon forces me to run errands and secure more alliances before I can dive deeper into the part that really interests me. I was deeply interested in Sigurd's storyline and I was dying to see what would happen next after I kllled Fulke. Instead of letting me find out through storytelling, I'm forced to secure more alliances and the game only goes back to focusing on Sigurd towards the end. The only things I found interesting were Sigurd's journey and visiting Valhalla. The rest of the story felt like crossing out a to-do list. The Order of Ancients felt forced into the narrative unlike AC Origins where Bayek and Aya had personal reasons for wanting them gone. I got addicted to AC Origins and AC Odyssey because I was so eager to find out what would happen next in the story. It gave me the same feeling as watching a TV series and being excited to find out how the story would unfold. AC Valhalla did not do this for me. The only reason I got addicted to Valhalla is because I wanted to have some mindless fun by raiding monasteries and settlements all day. I didn't care for the story at all because I couldn't see how Eivor fit into anything.
    submitted by /u/joshuamarkrsantos
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    Assassin's Creed Valhalla - I prefer easier difficulties for Assassin Cinematic Purposes

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 02:59 AM PDT

    When I play the easier difficulties in Valhalla the game doesn't have the RPG massive health bars and allows the game to flow better. Where you experience the abilities and shorter bursts of attacks. I strongly prefer this. I think the problem I have with the difficulty options is that it should not exist. The game should be designed to be as cinematic as possible while as controllable as possible while as fun as possible while as "and so on". These are just true in a design. And when you handle via difficulty options you forsake the flow of the game and therefore the cinematic nature of the game. The game ought to be more challenging not because the AI have more health but because they have a wider range of actions they can do. Anyway, I strongly prefer the flow of the easier difficulties in these recent games especially Valhalla for cinematic and assassin reasons.

    [Recommend: Easy Mode]

    I recommend roaming the world on a mount in slow movement quite a bit and just looking around. On next gen the game is gorgeous. Just picking a few points on the map and then just making your way to them as you do most of the stuff you come across. Focusing on ability unlocks, armor unlocks, world events, quests and Eagle Synchronization Points.

    submitted by /u/Rejifire56
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    An idea for a game: The British Colonization of Australia

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 11:37 PM PDT

    AC Ancient Trilogy - Difficulty Breakdown for the newest games?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 02:07 PM PDT

    So the internet is wildly unhelpful in this regard for each of the three newest ACs (Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla). I have these questions for each of them:

    1. From easiest to hardest, do difficulties just make enemies spongier?

    2. Is there a difficulty or mode where you both receive and deal high damage? In other words a mode where everyone is squishy.

    3. Are there other notable changes between difficulties?

    submitted by /u/Ferronier
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    Do you dress as a Spartan or Athenian while fighting for them?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 06:13 AM PDT

    Is it more true to the situation in the game to dress as those you're fighting for, or dressing simply as a mercenary? I'm not that far into the game, I just completed the Wolf of Sparta quest line so I'm unsure as to whether you can truly side with one or the other. It's a weird question I know but I take roleplaying too seriously lmao

    submitted by /u/ezio113
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    [AC Valhalla] [Spoiler]So i got 3 things that got me curious about the ending and future of the next game.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 06:13 PM PDT

    1. Is Basim a good guy?
    2. Is the next game set in the modern Era?
    3. Do you guys think Basim will try to take over the Brotherhood?

    • 1. I know that Basim is Loki and i can kinda get that Loki really isn't evil because he just wanted revenge for his son and is now trying to reunite his family. But i get extremly untrustworthy vibes from him. It feels like he is plotting something.
    • 2. With Basim/Loki as the new protagonist it would be real nice to see the game take place in the modern Era. He said he wanted to take the fight to the Templars/Abstergo which left me thinking that with Basim/Loki the Assassins will actually try to fight Abstergo directly instead of doing their little espionage stunts and searching for ISU artifacts.

    I'm sure that Ubisoft could make a decent AC game in the Modern Era without it becoming a third
    person shooter. The games with Desmond have good modern day missions as an example.

    • 3. The fact that Basim/Loki wants to meet Miles got me thinking that he maybe wants to take controll over the brotherhood or at least wants a high position in it. Maybe use its power to find his family or even get his wife out of the staff of eden or maybe he just wants them to become stronger so they can actually fight abstergo eye to eye.

    (Sorry for the bad gramma/spelling it's 3am while i'm typing this down and english is my second language)

    submitted by /u/TheJosephSeed
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    My closing thoughts on AC1

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    So I bought AC1 on sale for about £2 and it's taken me around 2 days to beat AC1's story in a casual playthrough which I'd never done before and God this game is a really mixed bag for me.

    To get the positives out of the way, I absolutely love the story for this game despite it being the very first in the series. Altaïr's redemption arc and growing as a person and an Assassin really makes the story even better and even at the end where Malik is much more friendly to him. The modern day is also interesting despite following a pretty linear path. The confessions with the alternate view is a nice touch and I see why they were included in Syndicate. I also like the HUD and how it actually feels like a computer. Gives me a Watch Dogs vibe to it.

    However this game has aged really badly. I don't care about the graphics being shit but the gameplay fucking drags. Parkour is slow (I think slower than AC2's parkour), combat is super wack and makes this game a challenge not to mention the amount of times guards would become hostile and I'd have to deal with either a terrible parkour or combat system. And cutscenes were kinda odd. They didn't really exist aside from the modern day. You were just kinda awkwardly standing there and could turn in a 360 degrees whilst other characters had mocap animations but this is just more of a pet peeve.

    Hiding is also kinda weird. In like every other AC game, you could just run from enemies and not have to go into any hiding spots to get rid of them but in this game, you have to. I guess it makes a bit more sense like you'd have to actually hide and you wouldnt really just be able to like run away and stand in the open but it's still kinda annoying. Even climbing buildings doesn't make you safe considering your enemies can just follow you up aswell.

    Gaining intel on your assassination target was a really cool thing to add in however it does get pretty boring fast and I kinda gave up trying to get all 6 after the 5th or 6th target but guards would somehow initiate combat with me. I remember one of the times I was doing a informer one and I had assassinated all the targets but I was pushed by one of the NPCs which caused the it to fail and guards to swarm me along with the many other times I had failed the mission.

    The final boss fight was also kinda cool where you fight the past targets but it's not really that interesting of a boss fight. It's actually pretty easy once you get past the shitty combat.

    I really want to like this game because the story is the best part about this game but the gameplay really drags this game down. I really didnt know what to expect when going into this game but I can say I'm disappointed somewhat. I am glad AC2 learned from the imperfections of AC1, giving a much more refined parkour and combat system aswell as giving us actual side content that is fun instead of a tedious collectathon which I'll never be bothered to complete.

    If this game gets a remaster then I hope the gameplay gets fixed and we get some side content. If it ever gets remade or even like a soft reboot that takes place 100 years before AC1 with the Hidden Ones transitioning into the Assassins. I'd certainly love to see a return to the Holy Land in high quality, even if its another of the RPG-style games.

    To end this off on a high note, I can say that I have completed AC1 and I only have Valhalla and Odyssey left to complete before I basically complete every AC story. I'll probably be back on my Valhalla playthrough once I'm done replaying the Ezio Collection and get back to Odyssey some day.

    submitted by /u/nanchajuice
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    [Spoiler!] Just killed the keel and..

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 03:03 PM PDT

    ive done the oxenefordscire quest, and after that I killed the keel as the title says, so now I have 1/6 hints about the father and I decided to look the hint about him.. seriously ubisoft? tell me exactly how Im not supposed to see that his the king of Wessex loool this was a big spoiler, now that I know who the father is I don't have any more that mystery sensation about the order boss

    submitted by /u/iProthean
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    I feel like I never see posts about Origins

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 03:47 AM PDT

    Just as the title says. I swear I've never even seen a meme about it. The game itself isn't that old, so I'm wondering why. Without giving me any spoilers (since I got Origins for free when I bought Odyssey and I'll start it once I'm done Odyssey), what did you like or dislike about Origins? How similar is it to Odyssey, story and mechanics-wise? Is it as pretty as Odyssey?

    submitted by /u/highmaintenanceman
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    Someone should mod AC Origins' contextual NPC animations from Discovery Tour into the base game!

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 12:00 PM PDT

    In AC Origins Discovery Tour you can see all those little spots where your character can stand to initiate some sort of NPC animation. You can eat, drink, sit down, work, talk with NPCs etc. It pains me a lot that those contextual animations were never added to the base game. If there are any modders here, I think it would be awesome if someone modded those animations into the campaign and made it so Bayek is "blended in" and can't be detected by the guards when he performs those actions. Stuff like this would single-handedly make Origins 10 times more immersive as lack of any social stealth was one of the main problems with the game.

    If there are any ambitious modders on this sub, here's a tutorial by SgtJoe that shows how AC games (including Origins) can be modded.

    submitted by /u/CinematicSeries
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    Game just ends with no revenge (Spoilers)

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 07:25 PM PDT

    I can't help but feel like I wasted my time playing this lol was good story wise throughout but the ending was terrible you just lost 3 of your allies and friends to this guy and he tried to kill you multiple times and you just let him walk ? What a waste of time. (Referring to Assassins Creed Valhalla)

    submitted by /u/FOXNEXTisTRASH
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    Feasting on a Lord (AC:Syndicate) - FOR 8-STRING CLASSICA GUITAR

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    Can’t find supplies in chest

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 06:59 PM PDT

    Whenever I loot the 'little gold dots' all I get is silver. I need to find supplies to upgrade my settlement to level 6.

    I basically finish the story and all the members of the order are killed. Help! 😭

    Is this a bug? I literally search everywhere but every square box only gives me silver.

    submitted by /u/Savagehitter
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    I have finally 100% completed all 12 mainline games using only the cover gear. It was a wild ride. AMA

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 10:28 PM PDT

    Like the title said. I have spent two years (on and off) 100% completing all 12 AC games using only the gear on the cover. I just finished Valhalla. I thought an AMA would be fun

    submitted by /u/EightBiscuit01
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    does Assassins Creed odyssey have good replayability?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 02:52 AM PDT

    Im not really that much into ac games but I had a good time with Ac Odyssey, its been 5 months since i last played it but i just wanna go play it again, although I'm worried its one of those games where its not the same after the first playthrough, thanks in advance for the answers :)

    submitted by /u/Beauthenoob
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    Small brotherhood rant (No spoilers)

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 08:09 PM PDT

    So let's start with Ezio and and his less than questionable decisions: He had multiple opportunities to kill the borgias: like in the bankers assassination: Rodrigo and Cesare ARE RIGHT THERE.

    Ok and something else: the credits are UNSKIPABABLE, I am currently writing this while the credits are playing, look I know a lot of people worked on this game, but does every employee from every division of every country have to have their name in the credits? AND WHY IS IT UNSKIPABABLE?

    I still like the game tho, especially the brotherhood mechanic

    submitted by /u/sehsoegypt
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    How would you guys feel about a non-open world assassin's creed?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 03:18 AM PDT

    Drawing very heavy inspiration from the hitman games. Think the black box missions from unity and syndicate but bigger with more opportunities. You have to prepare, choose a starting location what gear you bring in etc.

    Make it feel like an actual assassin mission where have to plan and execute. The game would be centered around these missions with no open world to make them as detailed as possible.

    It seems assassin's creed nowadays is just exploring fields of a literal country with little in it and fighting fantasy bosses that have 1 million hp that you have to just mindlessly slash at.

    submitted by /u/jacksaints
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