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    Saturday, June 5, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Tried to make something combining all the major AC titles.

    Assassin's Creed Tried to make something combining all the major AC titles.

    Tried to make something combining all the major AC titles.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 04:37 AM PDT

    if Ubisoft stop trying to copy the Witcher formula, then they could truly make an incredible ac rpg

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 12:59 PM PDT

    no seriously, the assassin creed could be an incredible RPG if Ubisoft creates their own formula instead of copying, and pasting the witcher formula. imagine an ac game where you have the option of joining the assassins or templars, and over the course of the game as you aligned yourself with one side, you build your character around how that side would function, so for example if you wanted to play as a member of the brotherhood, you would invest, and train in parkour or stealth, and vice versa.

    copying the witcher formula was a bad idea because the witcher formula was made for the witcher, not assassin creed. not saying you can't take ideas from it, obviously, you can, but Ubisoft going forward should reinvent the ac formula to better fit the series core identity.

    submitted by /u/chadlake
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    What if AC games had like weapon customization like rdr2?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 06:09 PM PDT

    I loved the gun customization in Red Dead, it added so much depth to the game and was cosmetically pleasing, through the numerous combinations of the different metals. wood, engravings, leather, and carvings. I think AC games could benefit from customization like this. Make upgrades and armor cosmetics a separate thing and it'd be a golden system. And the best part is, you wouldn't need to change the look of the gear if you want to update it (like in Valhalla). I also think it would work for any style/genre the game would try to go for, as long as gear is involved. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Runch72
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    I want Ezio’s Revelations armor in Valhalla

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 10:21 AM PDT

    It would fit the game way more than the Brotherhood armor we have in the game currently it actually wouldn't look out of place in Valhalla like the Brotherhood set.

    It's seriously my favorite armor from the series I remember I borrowed Revelations from my cousin and saw how dope he looked

    submitted by /u/TheyCallMeAkata
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    Are the Assassins and Templar still fighting in the modern day?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 08:03 PM PDT

    Also, if the conflict is still going on, what's the point of the simulations?

    I've been playing Odyssey for over 2 months now, but recently got Syndicate, so this Assassin/Templar stuff is pretty new to me.

    submitted by /u/Mycheeksarecool
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    Questions about base Valhalla from a potential buyer.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 02:14 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, base Valhalla is on a great sale but i have some questions about the game. Last AC i played was Black Flag(10/10).

    1. Bug situation; i hope there is no quest breaking bugs or constant graphic/combat glitches?
    2. RPG elements; biggest reason to buy this game for me really. Is is satisfying in a sense (small) base building, character relationships, different (combat) builds etc.
    3. Side Quests; did you find it satisfying? If we say Witcher 3 side quests are 8/10, what would you rate Valhalla side quests?


    submitted by /u/Sergeantson
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    How tf do you cut down the flag in the slave ships in AC Freedom Cry?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 11:12 PM PDT

    I spent like 10 mins around the ship to look for a way to cut down the flag. I didn't even know which one of the 3 flags to cut down, really. Finally, I just gave up and committed suicide by fall.

    submitted by /u/TheChosenOne_101
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    Assassin's Creed Syndicate fanart

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 04:30 AM PDT

    The stone cairns in Valhalla are awful

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 03:45 AM PDT

    My question is why? Why create these? Nobody enjoys them. The psychopath over at Ubisoft that created them needs his head checked because I refuse to believe anyone enjoys doing stone cairns.

    submitted by /u/Between3N20Karakters
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    They CAN do the ezio trilogy again, they just don't want too. [spoiler for ezio trilogy]

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 11:40 PM PDT

    Ezio imo was the best and most interesting assassin we ever got to play. You can tell me Edward was the more interesting character or even bayek, but not the most interesting assassin

    Imo this was because he had a complete story arc like an actual movie. He had his struggle in the first game, avenging his father and eventually joining the order he was in. In the second game we see him climb to the top and become grandmaster and then we see his legacy while he still lives in the third, how he is reveared by Yusuf and the other assassins in Constantinople and how he gives his all for the assassins one last time even at an old age.

    Many people have said that we can't really do an ezio trilogy anymore because of ubisoft not wanting to do multi game characters, in order to attract new players.... But is that really needed? Like how long did you guys spend on ac 2? I'm playing vallhala and at 30 hours I don't even feel like I'm halfway.

    There is more then enough time to make a game (with big time skips) where half of the game is ac 2, someone getting into the order and slowly rising to be a prominent member. Starting out for personal goals, but eventually getting into the creed. Have the other half be spent as a sort of acb. Put a huge time skip in and have the grandmaster die or something and you take over, at your prime now and you have to take down a foe you thought to have died in arc 1 but has returned (just a random idea on how to make this work cohesivly, you can do whatever though). And then use 2 dlcs. One as kind of a mix of acb en acr, where you are a revered grand Master with a great legacy, but still among friends or something. Then have the second be a mix between acr and embers, where you give one last shot for the order in a land strange to you. Maybe to help an established branch, maybe to create a new branch of assassins to spread around the world.

    They even kind of did this with bayek and the hidden one dlc.

    Game play aspects returning could work, but since your situation differs throughout the game you'd have to tweak a bit. If you want the assassins mini game like acb, you'd have to start with controlling a gang of thieves or knights or whatever, because otherwise this would be a random mini game revealed in the middle of the game when you become grandmaster. Instead just replace the thieves with assassins after timeskip.

    Sorry for this long winded post, just thought about the fact that multi game protagonists aren't really as needed as before now that the games (if you include dlc) have at least tripled in length.

    submitted by /u/je-rex-8
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    I drew an assassin as an oc inspired from Shay Cormac XD and made a video out of it with some music

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 04:51 AM PDT

    The overall story of the series is a mess

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 02:33 AM PDT

    AC have one of the most promising connection to all its titles with the present day story. Every Title contributes a piece that bring the story forward.

    But since ACIII the story sadly leads to nowhere. I am also still shocked that the end one of the most important storylines since Brotherhood in a comic wich nobody read.

    The killed Juno off in a comic

    The Ancient Trilogy tried something new, but even that new start has brought us to nothing. Even Valhallas ending wich wasn't bad felt more like a damage limitation and fan service.

    I am so disappointed from Ubisoft that they don't care about the overall story of its biggest franchise. For me it was always a big reward when I end a AC Game and saw what the actions of the protagonist in the past contributed to the big story that connect every game. But sadly that is gone.

    And it doesnt look like that it will get better in future because Ubisoft write their story in favor for newcomers.

    submitted by /u/JKAC2013
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    Assassin's Creed Odyssey is actually a great stealth game if you give it a chance. I honestly don't get why it gets so much hate in terms of stealth mechanics. Thoughts?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 06:13 AM PDT

    First of all, I'm totally new to the Assassin's Creed franchise. I started playing a month ago and AC Origins was the first game in the franchise that I ever played. I finished playing Origins last week and I immediately went straight to playing Odyssey after that. Before I started playing AC, I mainly played Hitman. I've spent years playing the Hitman World of Assassination Trilogy (Hitman, Hitman 2, Hitman III) and I learned to play as stealthily as possible. After I learned as much stealth as I could from Hitman, I wanted to test myself in Assassin's Creed.

    I'm currently level 22 with a Hunter-Assassin build. I play mostly on Hard difficulty with light level scaling. Based on my experience so far, AC Odyssey can be an excellent stealth game if you give it a chance. Here are a few reasons why.

    First of all, you can set the difficulty to Hard and make level scaling light if you want to play stealthily. Doing this basically turns AC Odyssey into Hitman. It encourages stealth, evasion, and the occasional retreat while discouraging head-on melee combat. With these settings, melee combat becomes a consequence of breaking stealth. Just like in Hitman, you're almost certain to die if you decide to get into a firefight. Playing on hard mode with light level scaling is my main difficulty setting. I use this difficulty for free roam, most quests, and clearing out forts.

    Secondly, you can change the difficulty and scaling for situations where the game forces you to get into a direct firefight. I usually turn down the difficulty to easy for naval encounters, conquest battles, hunting legendary animals, and quests where I know that I'll be forced into a melee fight. As a Hitman player, I enjoy a slow, grinding, and methodical game that forces you to strategize. Games with a heavy emphasis on fast-paced combat such as Spider-Man, Dark Souls, The Witcher 3, and God of War just aren't my type. I really appreciate that AC Odyssey lets me change the difficulty freely. It becomes easy enough to the point that you don't need any skill to get past these forced melee encounters. Once I'm done, I just go back to playing on Hard difficulty with light level scaling.

    Last but not the least, Predator Shot, Devastating Shot, and the second level of Archery Master are all the tools you need to play stealthily. With these 3 abilities, you can basically become a stealth god by Level 15. Not to mention the fact that you'll have a lot of extra ability points to put in the Assassin Skill tree which will make you even more OP. The second level of Archery Master allows you to regenerate adrenaline passively as long as you're not in combat. It also gives you a bonus where using Hunter abilities doesn't deplete your ammo. That being said, you don't need to worry about ammo because you'll NEVER run out of adrenaline as long as you play stealthily. You can use Predator Shot and Devastating Shot ALL DAY since you'll always have at least 1 segment of adrenaline. Once you run out of adrenaline, just stay hidden, wait for like 30 secs, and the segment will refill itself. Predator Shot and Devastating Shot are usually a 1 hit kill for everyone except captains and polemarchs. It doesn't even matter that you can't kill those guys in 1 shot. You can just relocate and wait for the adrenaline bar to fill up again so you can kill them with the second shot. At this point, AC Odyssey basically becomes Sniper Elite where you can clear out an entire fort just by shooting people from the walls and towers.

    I love AC Odyssey and I'm glad that the game perfectly accommodates my style of play. Despite being an RPG, I'm glad that I can play this game as if it was Hitman. I think that the hate AC Odyssey gets for discouraging stealth is totally uncalled for. It's a great stealth game if you give it a chance.

    submitted by /u/joshuamarkrsantos
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    [Spoilers] Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Wrath of the Druids - Main Ending Analysis

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 08:05 AM PDT

    AC unity fall of robespierre lockpick essential?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    I'm struggling with this one. Most how to videos have you lock pick a door to get to Robespierre. The door is level 3 and I haven't upgraded this skill much at all. Is there a way to get to him without having to lockpick?(I'm not concerned about getting the 100pct). Thank you

    submitted by /u/Elhanruto
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    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 04:50 AM PDT

    AC needs to stop being made by ubisoft

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 09:36 PM PDT

    They care more about money. They're EAs darkside apprentice. We dont even have proper ASSASSIN'S creed anymore. Unity is where the series shouldve gone. That was the right direction. The level design, focus on the assassin setting and formula of the first game, the world design of the second, and all the action/quest stuff we enjoy today.

    Instead we have grindfest RPG lites that usually have little to do with the series' namesake. And you know they force the grinding so they can slog down the game and have you buy their "timesavers". And it sucks because the AC team makes great looking, great running games. Their optimisation especially is genius.

    Hate me all you want, but you know we could've had much better games if the series stopped being chained and milked. Ubi$oft is horrible. Valhalla is barely assassins creed.

    submitted by /u/Four-Eyed-Mercenary
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    AC: Valhalla / Wrath of the Druids - extended skill trees - how to unlock?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 04:19 AM PDT

    Hi Team.

    So I'm a couple of hours into Wrath of the Druids - and I note there appears to be extended skill tree branches in each of the three disciplines. I can unlock three skills in each, however there are other skills that aren't able to be selected / have points added to them.

    What gives? Am I missing something? I've got 18 points sitting there unable to be used…

    Edit: Solved - you have to zoom right in before the interim nodes expose themselves and points can be allocated.

    The auto-allocate option does not work, which I assume is a bug?

    submitted by /u/Wet_Jimmy
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    Assassin's creed •|• game music video

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:21 AM PDT

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