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    Saturday, June 26, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Quick little montage I made covering (most) of the main AC games

    Assassin's Creed Quick little montage I made covering (most) of the main AC games

    Quick little montage I made covering (most) of the main AC games

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 08:01 PM PDT

    AC Valhalla has way too many locked objectives on the map with no way of knowing they're locked.q

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 09:07 AM PDT

    SO far I've probably wasted at least an hour of game play and maybe nearly the same amount of time online trying to figure out how to get treasure or keys or chests or whatever only to eventually learn that these are tied to specific events or quests without any way for me to know this. Is there something in the game I'm missing that explains this stuff? Because as it is my method of figuring it out usually involves me searching a location for every possible solution and when I don't find one I alt+tab out of the game, look up the location and learn it's part of some quest or something. This is getting frustrating and since I find some things like this that aren't locked but require a little more effort to figure out. Because of the locked objectives I can't figure out which are which. I'm sure I'm not the only one with this problem and I'd like to hear some thoughts on how other players are dealing with this.

    submitted by /u/PunchBeard
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    [FanArt] [Image] [OC] Eivor graphic I made recently. Wanted to share!

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 09:52 PM PDT

    We really need to be able to just raise our hoods, without changing the rest of the cloak

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 06:37 AM PDT

    I'm not saying to remove cloaks completely, I'm saying there needs to be something in between the two options we currently have.

    New option would be raise hood. This just raises the hood from your cloak and affects nothing else, no changes to movement speed, weapon visibility or detection, and the hood would stay up in combat.

    Keep the original option exactly how it is but change the name to 'use cloak'.

    This game is difficult to make feel like an Assassin game, having this small but important change would really make a difference to that feel.

    submitted by /u/ljev21
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    SPOLIERS What happened to aya and bayaks relationship?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 06:05 PM PDT


    Playing origins now and not really sure what happened to them other then she was mad about being burned by cleopathera after putting her on the throne only for her to ally with an enemy. So im just a bit confused here? I know even after their son died they were still in love.

    submitted by /u/rainbowsixsiegeboy
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    A bit of praise and critique for Valhalla's stealth and combat

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 11:27 PM PDT

    I'd like to start of by saying I'm actually a pretty big fan of the combat in Valhalla apart from a large lack of visual flair. This easily could be remedied by just adding 3-4 more animations for most types of kills (your weapon, you weapon's special kills enemy's weapon). But I don't want to harp on that in my portion of praise. I genuinely find it difficult now to go back to older games' "Hit B. Okay now hit X. And you've cleared an entire fortress." I really do appreciate the new combat system in general. They even added in the option to turn of damage tick numbers which removes the visual clutter for me personally.

    But I'd like to just give my two cents on the combat in stealth in that order:

    Although I'm sure some may enjoy it, I've never found the RPG mechanics of having an enemy do instantaneous damage to me or having a massive health bar purely due to him being a hundred levels higher than me enjoyable. People who do support this seem to have two general mindsets.

    1) This adds difficulty. a) Sort of, but not really. It's artificial. Don't get me wrong, I like my enemies that can instantly kill me if I make a mistake, but I don't appreciate when it's every single enemy in an area, removing the surprise or specialness of that particular enemy.

    2) This keeps you from venturing too far from the story. a) Does it though? I get too far from the main story, but as of 79 hours into the game now, I feel like the side content had already brought me incredibly far out of a deep and well structured story. If you're going to make it too difficult to do an area, why not just lock it behind the actual story, where you're told that area hasn't been reached out to by your scouts?

    My main issue with the combat is actually how interwoven it is with the stealth. By that I mean it kind of just overshadows it. With stealth, the AI is very often too close to each other to pull off a chain assassination, which already has incredibly clunky controls and camera locking. There are four things that I think stealth needs to be an actual option to your gameplay.

    1) Double assassinations. I can't really think of any reason to do this other than Ubi just doesn't want to. The addition would only be a benefit to players and wouldn't affect those who want to barge in and kill everyone guns blazing.

    2) Actual blending with the crowds. I might get flack for saying it but Unity did it best by keeping your actions hidden for the most part so long as you remain in a crowd. This would allow many opportunities for movement, assassination and hiding and again, I can't think of any reason to not having it in future titles.

    3) Detection. Some people are having no issues with this. Me, I've been spotted through walls, tents and trees by a guard miles away because he can see through time and space. To me, I think the problem here is that the cone of vision for AI is too big and possibly broken by certain objects.

    4) A utility belt, like the ones from Syndicat and before. I wouldn't want to be able to use it in combat, and it could be rationalized by the adrenaline bubbles that you use for special moves in ACV. The lack of one though really makes it impossible at times to remain in stealth, which puts ACV at odds when part of the marketing states that there was going to be a return to stealth.

    What do you guys think? I'm curious if anyone has any more suggestions for the new systems.

    submitted by /u/Macchiyone
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    What would happen if Arno did accept Napoleon's request for him (Arno) to join the army?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 11:31 PM PDT

    I was just thinking about this. I mean like, Arno could be a great strategist in war due to his eagle sense and what not. So, would Arno serving as Napoleon's second have been able to secure French hegemony over Europe? Just a thought. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/revolverandy1
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    Returning To Unity and The Historical nods to the French Revolution

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 04:48 AM PDT

    Noticed many people are giving Unity a replay lately, and it's easy to see why. This game was far ahead of its time in more ways than just its graphics. There's a wealth of French Revolution accurate easter eggs around every turn in the open world. I identified some, but I'm sure with more research there could be more.

    Feel free to check out some of the more subtile history I found: https://youtube.com/watch?v=94yH47J3KrU&t=6s

    submitted by /u/bagofdonutboi
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    Why did templars stop using elite warriors?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 11:46 PM PDT

    So in ac origins, we were introduced to phylakes and in ac Valhalla, we were introduced to zealots. Both are super strong elite warriors the templars used to get rid of you or do dirty work. So now I wonder why these killing machines were stopped getting used by the order after the events of Valhalla. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/fibstheboss
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    Valhalla and Odyssey - Still have annoying mechanics?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 01:29 AM PDT

    Hey All,

    Thinking of jumping back into Odyssey and maybe buying Valhalla.

    I remember I gave up on Odyssey because I got fed up with the shitty AI. In particular the civilians attacking you for no reason.

    Have there been any fixes for this? What's Valhalla like vs Odyssey?

    Appreciate any input, bit starved for RPGs at present.

    submitted by /u/lozboss
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    Finished revelations and had a quick question (spoilers)

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 08:58 AM PDT

    So I finished revelations and I'm still confused about what the keys' secrets were. Was the whole premise that Altair came up with it as a ruse so templars would just go running around and not find out he had the apple and he was somehow able to learn how to use it to see the future?

    submitted by /u/RichieShinnerJr
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    Completing AC series. Now on AC Unity. My opinion in the description.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 01:47 PM PDT

    It is by far the best game for stealth and parkour in the AC series. I couldn't figure it out in the beginning since many things are changed. For eg almost double side missions than previous games (so lot of icons on the map, yea i know we can change that), couldn't figure of fast travel as the viewpoints are very less and you have to run a lot to find viewpoints.

    I've DLC (AC Dead Kings) integrated, so i got confused in why there are two timelines in the game. Dead Kings have a dark theme. And then we can play two missions at the same time.

    Graphics are obviously great in ultra settings but game is very poorly optimized. Player gets stuck on the walls and rooftops. Also after completing missions, you have to get back from caves (in many missions) which is frustrating.

    submitted by /u/boywhospy
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    [SPOILER]The influence of the Isu

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 05:35 PM PDT

    So we know that vikings wanted to go to Valhalla by dying in battle.The game has shown us that the ''gods'' were simply Isu who i bet were deified by their former slaves and they perhaps encouraged their superstitions.So wouldn't that mean that Odin and the others basically lied to the humans telling them that basically if they kill each other they'd go to Valhalla?

    On a more hilarious note,if the Isu are responsible for all religions then i wonder how they succeed in convincing humans in Egypt to worship a sacred bull.

    submitted by /u/Cain1547
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    [SPOILER] About the story of Ac Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 03:29 AM PDT

    So, I'm not sure what it's like in this community, as I don't see many people talking about it, but I always see people saying that The Layla games are bad Story wise for the Franchise, I see people complaining about it all the time, like 'Where are the Assassin's', or 'This shouldn't be an AC Game'

    Every time I hear those I can only think that the person saying it, Didnt actually play any other AC games, Story wise, The Layla games have given us the most story development in a AC game in a long time, Like Origins literally gave us the origins of the Hidden Ones, Odyssey gave us so much On the Isu story, Like explaining the Isu were the Gods in Mythologys, And Valhalla has given us Hidden Ones development, Plenty of Isu development, like what some tried do during the Solar Flare, and Even more with the new Odins Eye, and the Gates to Musphelheim, Niflheim, and whatever the Middle Gate was.

    I just want to hear opinions on this, and see do other people think the same as me or not, anyways sorry if it was long but I'm finished now.

    Edit: It seems some people assume That I think the new games are Absolutely Flawless Works of Art, I do not, Ik there are things wrong with All the games so I'm gonna Rephrase my original Idea, I dont think The Games are Flawless, it's just they are OverHated

    submitted by /u/Matthewbacca1
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    After many years, finally gave Unity a good go and wow, I really love it

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    I bought it years ago when it first released then quickly scrapped it for some reason.

    Just bought it on the PSN sale for $8 and tried again and I absolutely love how the world feels alive, the upgrading, little side stories (wish we at least had small little stories like this in Valhalla...) and the game is still quite beautiful, also those cloth physics (chef's kiss)!

    Would love to see the next AC game keep the rpg, open world parts and smoother movement but go back to using the excellent parkour, physics and alive world of this one.

    Edit: Oh and also, no awful over inflatable weapons! Not sure why that was a necessary design choice since Origins (I guess? I really didn't notice until Valhalla, it's a bit much) but whatever. If Arno can have the weapons sit nicely and not overly inflate to children's blow up toys, why can't the others?

    submitted by /u/Werewolf_Lazerbeast
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    (Rant) My thoughts on Assassin's Creed 3

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 12:56 PM PDT

    It's a long read.

    When I played AC3 for the first time in 2012, I had almost no knowledge about American history, having only read about the American war of independence, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson etc to mug it up and pass my tests and exams. If it's not clear, I'm not an American. After playing the game, I was shocked at the way it ended and started reading about the history of America, asking my parents and relatives if what was shown in the game real etc. To be clear, I'm talking about the effects on the Native American population, the depiction of the founding fathers and not about the end of the world, Juno and stuff 😉. The game's story had a profound effect on me at the time. Despite its flaws, I consider the story as one the best in the series.

    But the game really had major flaws -

    Main Characters -

    I liked both Haytham and Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor. One of my friends, who was also playing the game at the time, loved Haytham more than Connor, even stating that Haytham feels like an ancient James Bond 😂. I went online and saw that Haytham was more popular than Connor in many forums and social media (at that time). I felt the same way as well, but as I played the homestead missions and heard the deleted speech, I grew to like Connor and consider him one of the series's and gaming's best characters. But the biggest issue is that these missions are optional. We saw Haytham take an active role in the story and display emotions and react to the world, keeping his character in mind, whereas Connor, in the main story, seems more of an angry young man but who ultimately plays a passive role and is sometimes stoic. Connor, despite being the main playable character and showcased in all promotional material and trailers, was less popular than Haytham, the hidden character, who is only playable in the opening hours. This was in complete opposite to MGS2's Solid Snake and Raiden. What an irony.

    Coming to the modern-day story, we finally play Assassin Desmond in a modern setting. The missions are short and sweet. The relationship between Desmond and William doesn't draw many parallels with Connor and Haytham. The ending where Connor sees his deserted village hits hard. I also did not like the ending where Desmond sacrifices himself.

    Gameplay -

    I liked the new gameplay improvements in open-world, parkour, and combat (I loved the combat).

    But I hated the stealth and crafting gameplay and the bugs and glitches with a passion. The game (at the time) still did not have a crouch button and no proper crouch and cover mechanics. Haytham and Connor could only hide in grass and the cover mechanic was glitched as hell.
    Far Cry 3, another Ubisoft game released at that time, had far better stealth gameplay as I could crouch manually, use the bow and arrow in stealth and combat far more effectively and craft health and weapon upgrades easily, by progressing through the story and hunting the appropriate animals. The weak stealth gameplay in AC3 was laid bare with its numerous insta-fail stalking and eavesdropping missions, which were far more rage-inducing than AC2, Brotherhood and Revelations. The game also does not encourage the players to experiment with the tools it provides. Unlocking the assassin allies and their abilities is no fun when I cannot use them in the forest, which is a main part of the open world in the game. The most fun I had was when I discovered the game mechanics which are not explicitly mentioned such as double kills, setting up trap mines to manipulate enemy AI etc. and in the cities using the same + assassin abilities to wreak havoc and have fun. None of the main missions encourages this style of gameplay from the player. The main missions in the game are almost on-rail (and as written above, the majority of the missions are insta-fail stalking and eavesdropping missions). By contrast, Dishonored 1, another game I played that year (I was a hardcore gamer back in 2012, being a teenager had its benefits), not only encouraged this style of gameplay but also showcased the effect of the player actions on the game world and NPC interactions.
    Another issue that I faced was that the challenges in many missions also did not line with the cutscenes. I remember, in one mission, Connor had to stalk and eavesdrop on a moving enemy carriage in a snowy forest. The players as Connor had the choice to parkour across the trees to keep up, at the expense of listening effectively or just jump in the haystack in the carriage and patiently listen and wait for the conversation to be over. The game gave a challenge to not jump into the haystack, to achieve full synchronisation. I took the challenge and completed the mission without jumping into the haystack. But in the cutscene that follows, Connor is shown coming out of the haystack 😂😂😂.
    The bugs, on the other hand, OMG. AC3 suffered a lot from missions not progressing, pop-ups, screen tearing and crashes. I couldn't progress in one mission, where the players are introduced to the crafting gameplay. I couldn't craft an item, my clicks wouldn't register and I couldn't exit the crafting screen and go back to the game world. Restarting the game didn't solve the issue. I had to download and import a save to progress, but the game was still buggy, screen-teared a lot, (despite fixing the Vsync) and would crash constantly. I gave up and uninstalled the game.
    Months later, I pirated the game. To my amusement, the pirated version of the game was far more stable than the legit version 😂😂😂, suffering from none of the bugs and screen-tearing issues and only crashed twice. I finished the game on the pirated version of the game.

    submitted by /u/SnooDogs3429
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    Challenges in Tyranny of King Washington

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    So I just started TOKW in AC3 Remastered, and I've come across a glitch/bug that displays the frontiersman challenges set 3 on my screen as a tracked mission, but it is listed as a citizens mission in the pause menu, but does not show up in the progress tracker. 1. Can the challenges be untracked? 2. If so, how? 3. Will said challenges being displayed get in the way of getting the trophies for getting 100% sync in each of the chapters

    submitted by /u/Suspicious-Meat6405
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    I haven't been able to crouch ever since the mastery challenges unlocked

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    As per the title, eivor refuses to go into stealth mode anymore. It's not an issue with the button itself since it accomplishes everything else but for whatever reason, stealth just isn't happening. While it hasn't affected things too much (which is kinda sad) I would like to be able to do it.

    submitted by /u/Wyvern39
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    From 'Art of Assassin's Creed: Origins' had some great visual pieces to look at. Concept art is always so cool

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 08:38 AM PDT

    Valhalla's Stupid Reindeer Antlers Solution

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:14 PM PDT

    Hi. Have you been struggling with this stupidly rare item? Have you spent way too many hours in Norway crying because you have now over 75 deer hooves hoping for those fucking antlers? (True story)

    I have the solution. Seriously. It sounds like japes but its really not. I'm making this because every goddamned article you see when you look for where to find these fuckers is "g o t o v a l k a ' s h u t" and I can tell you right now that they are liars. Thats right - liars. There aint fuck shit there. Maybe two. But the game wants like 19 or some shit.

    Go to Hamtunscire in England. Doesn't matter if you are baby levels. Just drive your happy ass down there. There is a raid location - Readingum Abbey. Ignore that and go south to the lake. In those beautiful sexy fields there are a METRIC FUCKTON of those goddamned reindeer. I ran into THREE when I got there.

    In less than 30 minutes I have all I need. I have more than I need. No teleportation. Its THAT stupid.

    Because apparently they can't balance anything in this damn game.

    Now to cry over dog fangs.

    MANY THANKS to @ Aardy1 who fuckin stumbled upon this glorious place when getting that Mystery.

    I also have no idea what to flair this so if this is the wrong flair plz dont hurt me mods. I'm a poor old woman I have NOTHING!


    submitted by /u/RosehPerson
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    Kill Torres glitch on Switch

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 11:10 PM PDT

    Hi, I just got into AC with Black Flag on Switch. Does anyone know a good solution to kill Torres? I'm in the Observatory standing right behind the dude, and he just won't die. There's like a force field around him or some thing. I think it's a glitch. YouTube says to tackle him, but I don't know what the button combo is. Darts, bullets, hidden blades, nothing works.

    submitted by /u/Wonderful-Classic591
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    AC Valhalla Theory: The Hidden Ones have No Idea Eivor has been Helping Them [Spoiler]

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 06:03 AM PDT

    I know this theory is gonna get disproven in 2 seconds because I don't remember a lot of the stuff from the main campaign of AC Valhalla, but I'm gonna post it anyway

    I'm aware that Eivor doesn't want to join the Hidden Ones and sacrifice the glory of living a life as a Viking. However, she is easily one of the organization's greatest helpers. She took down the entire English Branch of the Order of the Ancients, and she has collected multiple codex pages from abandoned assassin bureaus. For her efforts, Eivor has received... Nothing. Literally nothing. Not even a letter. Don't you think the Hidden Ones should pay some level of attention to her when she single-handedly took down 30 members of the organization's biggest rival?

    This oddity brings us to Hytham. At the end of the game, a letter can be found lying around the Hidden Ones building in your Ravensthorpe settlement. It is a letter from a Hidden One telling Hytham that he'll receive a promotion when the Hidden Ones re-congregate in a few years. What did he for? He was injured when he tried to assassinate Kjotve the Cruel early in the game, and then did essentially nothing to stop the Order of the Ancients throughout the game. Why is he getting a promotion?

    This is where I started to form a theory. Hytham has been taking all the credit for the downfall of the Order of the Ancients in England in his letters to the Hidden Ones, never mentioning that a viking named Eivor Varinsdottir has been helping him. That's why Eivor hasn't been getting any credit from the Hidden Ones.

    I know this theory has some bare-bones information, and probably a bunch of holes considering I forgot a lot from the main campaign of the game, but I just wanted to hear your opinions on this.

    submitted by /u/Paytrin
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