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    Monday, June 21, 2021

    Assassin's Creed I Made the Eagle Bearer as a Mosaic

    Assassin's Creed I Made the Eagle Bearer as a Mosaic

    I Made the Eagle Bearer as a Mosaic

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    With black box assassinations being added back with the next DLC I think Ubisoft is testing the waters for the next assassins creed game.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 02:55 AM PDT

    It wouldn't be the first time Ubi used a DLC to test features for their next game, such as the RC car in Watch_Dogs bad blood being basically a prototype for WD2's Jumper and Quadcopter.

    submitted by /u/Jaymoney72004
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    The Top 10 Worst Bodies of Water in Assassin's Creed

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    -A sequel to Why I Hate the Water in Valhalla

    by Dr. Do Mk. 2

    Let's just get right into this, much like the Assassins are far too eager to get in a stream of literal human sewage. I mean, there are tough people who are forced to tread in this sort of stuff due to the severity of their situation, as shown in Tomb Raider or Resident Evil, and then there are the Assassins.

    FUN FACT: Did you know that more than 82% of human feces is alive? It's true!

    10. Boston Harbor (III)

    Our boy Connor Kenway, or Ratonhnhaké:ton, will be kicking off this list; not because his body of water is overly disgusting, but because of his insane troll logic in approaching a problem that needs to be solved.

    During the Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775, Connor takes it upon himself to go out into Boston Harbor to disable two British ships that are firing on Patriot positions on Breed's Hill. On the way there, he passes through the town of Charlestown, which is literally being pulverized by volleys of grapeshot as he goes to the waterfront. You'd think that because of this, he'd understand the need for urgency, right?

    WRONG! Instead of attempting to hijack a rowboat, he dives straight into Boston Harbor and paddles out to the ships, a journey that can take more than a full minute and a half. A minute and a half of weakly flailing through the water, followed by another minute to reach the second ship. In Boston, Massachusetts. In early-to-mid June.

    That water would be freezing, and after more than two minutes in it, Connor would be absolutely drenched. That's not enough, though - according to the lore behind optional objectives before Ubisoft did away with them because they were too hard, Connor stayed stealthy on both ships, even killing a Highlander with "keen senses," at least according to Arbaaz Mir, while he was at it. Really, this is a complement of Connor's stealth skills, if not his swimming capabilities. Like I said on the last agendapost, you try sneaking around when you just got out of a nice, cold bath wearing a leather duster and your winter jacket.

    AC III Remastered is pretty good, at least in my opinion. You get all the DLCs, all the beautiful scenery of Revolution-era New England (although I think they could have done away with all that annoying fog that's most obvious in Boston Winter when you're on a viewpoint.) Would it really have killed Ubi to put a boat at Charlestown Port, though?

    9. Red Lake, Lokris, Greece (Odyssey)

    "*Ah, Lokris. Land of salt, and more salt." -*Kassandra the Eagle Bearer of Sparta, c. 485 BC

    Kass is right here, Lokris's entire economy is based around the harvest of salt. Good for them, but that leads to its own complications, especially in that beautiful crimson reservoir that dominates the barren white landscape framed by the gorgeous mountains of Makedonia. There's a reason that lake's so brightly colored, and it sure as Hades ain't the blood of your enemies.

    That lake's red because it's not water, at least not in the traditional sense. It's a potent cocktail of bacteria and Dunaliella algae, feeding off of the salt in a lake so toxic and caustic with natron that it's unsafe to swim in. These lakes exist in the real world (of course,) and they can LITERALLY BURN YOU if you soak in it too long from the salinity alone. And then the algae and bacteria enters your tortured flesh to give you any number of terrible diseases. That's not even taking the terrain into consideration.

    You know how when you spill salt on your IKEA tabletop, done with a buttery-smooth acacia wood finish, and you can barely eat off of it anymore because the salt digs into your flesh like Anakin Skywalker's worst memories of sand on Tattooine? Yeah. Well, imagine that, but on your tender little footsies, and actual spikes and crystals of salt instead of nice, rounded, finely-ground flakes.

    Salt is sharp. It can lacerate peoples' feet, cut them to ribbons if they're not careful about even walking on the shore of a salt lake, much less wading into the "waters" of one. And on top of that on top of that, it's likely that Kassandra enters the Red Lake wearing a full suit of Greek misthios's armor. Do you know what exposure to any kind of salt, water, or salty water does to metal?! Two words: Extreme. Oxidization. Sounds like something Dr. Doofenschmirtz's machines would to to peoples' bodies if he was competent and not constantly foiled by a poisonous marsupial duck-dog wearing a fedora.

    8. The Boknafjorden and related waters, Rygjafylke, Norway (Valhalla)

    This one is for much of the same reasons as Boston Harbor, except on a bigger scale and further North. I love Norway, but even I wouldn't be interested in a brisk 150-some mile swim through the Boknafjorden, in a Norwegian winter, wearing several layers of winter gear adorned with rich fur and tanned leathers like our friend Havi/Eivor seems intent on doing. Not to mention, when you get out of the water, Havi/Eivor shivers profusely, literally freezing to death, pats their clothes dry for a hot second, and is completely fine soon after.

    7. Port and Canals of Naples (Brotherhood)

    This only shows up in a mission for Leonardo da Vinci in his War Machines series, but it sure does leave an impact. Nothing really drives in the point that you're leaving everyone's favorite Assassin, Ezio Auditore, with lasting mental scars so deep they write themselves into his DNA like slowly paddling around in the clammy, mold-covered underground Napolese sewer/canal system, trying to tail a fella in a gondola filled with - you guessed it - feces, which the gondola pilot very audibly complains about in both English and Italian the whole time. He also remarks on the smell of the water that you force Ezio to swim through, you monster.

    Now, to my understanding, there is a way you can proceed through the canals without submerging Ezio's rich robes and snappy half-cape in filthy water, but the vast majority of players just swim through the entire thing. Please, let me know if I'm wrong, but for the time being, I'm nauseated. Speaking of nauseated . . .

    6. Paris Sewers/Catacombs of Saint-Denis (Unity)

    Really, any sewer is terrible in Assassin's Creed - no, check that, any sewer is terrible everywhere. But in Saint-Denis and its more famous sister city, the hordes and hordes of hundreds of massive black rats that flee from Arno as he gets his custom-baby-seal-leather-clad toes wet for one reason or another (Vagrant King, anyone?) make the French sewers/catacombs even worse. Not to mention the bat guano, the ancient human body runoff, and the fresh and pungent human waste that makes up the majority of the fluid. I mean, forget the water - just the fumes from the guano and black mold must be toxic in there. Hope Arno knows a really, really good dry cleaner. Failing that, just burn his clothes every time he exits a catacomb.

    And that's leaving out La Biévre, which has an entire Database entry describing just how foul and chock-full of crap it was, with no other mention of anything else relating to it except that it's got tannery runoff floating in the mulch too. An "honorable 42 cubic meters per second?" Now that's economic importance. And then they name the stream of evil poison after the Latin word meaning "to drink."

    5. The River Seine (Unity)

    The Thames may be slightly worse due to the massive quantities of industrial waste being dumped into it in 1880s London, but one word comes to my mind when I think back on the Seine in Unity: Milky. For some reason, the waters of Paris's largest (but not necessarily dirtiest) river look like some cursed dairy product wending its way through the City of Lights. Water shouldn't look like that.

    Also, where do you think that cannibal on the North shore of Le Louvre gets rid of all of the parts he doesn't want to eat? Yep. Right into the milky waters of the Seine, where people both drink from and gardez their l'eaux when the time - and sewage smell - is ripe.

    4. Middletun Fens, Grantebridgescire (Valhalla)

    In the very first minutes of the Great Summer Army's arc in what is now modern-day Cambridge, Havi/Eivor is sent to the Middletun Fens to rescue clan jarlskona Soma and her lieutenants from the forces of Palatinus Wigmund. The Fens are situated on the banks of one of Valhalla's relatively clean English rivers, but you wouldn't know that from this particular location. The water that runs through the Fens is so chock-full of green algae, it's literally glowing neon yellow even through the fog. It's an atrocious place, with the nearby graveyard of Viking ships doing very little to improve its aesthetic beauty. Imagine the smell of the stagnant waters! The chilly, moist atmosphere that gives way to the dense, cloying fog! The mosquitoes that see the algae waters as a gorgeous Caribbean island, perfect for mating and feasting on the blood of bound and gagged Viking warriors! Urgh . . . just thinking about those chartreuse waters sloshing about when Havi/Eivor rolls through them, wearing a full fur cloak and layers of leather armor, makes me sick.

    3. The Thames (Syndicate)

    "In the 19th century the quality of water in Thames deteriorated further. The discharge of raw sewage into the Thames was formerly only common in the City of London, making its tideway a harbour for many harmful bacteria. Gasworks were built alongside the river, and their by-products leaked into the water, including spent lime, ammonia, cyanide, and carbolic acid. The river had an unnaturally warm temperature caused by chemical reactions in the water, which also removed the water's oxygen."

    I don't usually use Wikipedia as a source - it's more a primer course on information you want to know than anything else - but I think this particular passage speaks for itself. Literally worse than the Seine.

    2. Banks of the Nile River (Origins)

    The Nile is gorgeous in Origins, and the environment that accompanies it even more so, but it's still a major river in ancient times, with many of the problems that come along with it. Perhaps the Nile is even worse than the Seine or Valhalla's Thames (Syndicate's Thames is in a whole other weight class), due to the violent wildlife that hunts, kills, and defecates in the waters. Crocodiles, hippopotami, and all sorts of big cats, oh my!

    The banks of the Nile are home to dangerous animals of all descriptions, as I'm sure you yourself have experienced as Bayek travels across Egypt. But in certain locations, river detrius builds up into deposits of . . . brown, toxic crud is really the only way I can describe it. These chunks of cursed material float on the Nile, bobbing merrily up and down even as Bayek splashes around near them, and I can only imagine . . . what kinds of bacterial pathogens are those things made out of?

    I mean, Bayek was probably already afflicted by something terrible from the moment his blood came into contact with Eudoros the Hippo's in Alexandria, but what intestinal issues did he give himself by absorbing that river grease through his skin?

    1. The Caribbean Sea (Black Flag)

    This is my final pick, the worst one in my opinion, and a rather controversial choice. Suffice it to say, it's not the picturesque lagoons and quaint beaches that bother me about Captain Edward Kenway's home surf, it's the conditions that come along with them. That, and I just personally dislike the exposure that the real-life Caribbean gets. There are so many other places to go in the world, and the one locale everyone seems to want to go to is the part of the world where every beach is pristine white, all the water is bathtub temperature, and life moves at a slow, heavily commoditized pace for people who aren't interested in the culture of a region as long as it's comfortable and pretty enough for them.

    But enough about that. On to my criticism of the in-game Caribbean:

    In Black Flag, Edward is a pirate captain operating in the Caribbean, which is a place known for its sun, its sea, and its salt. And its storms. He gets drenched by a hurricane every other mission, or has to slog through shoulder-deep bogs on some deserted island . . . and then the sun comes out. The Caribbean sun. I've experienced that sun before wearing only a pair of swim trunks, and when you're out of the water and the sun starts beating down on you, it bakes your clothes and your skin to a salty, uncomfortable crust that chafes like a pair of jeans made out of microplane cheese graters.

    Edward's covered head-to-toe in clothing, and I can only imagine how gross his Assassin outfit must feel (especially when he takes it off of Duncan Walpole, who he killed when they were both damp from the first shipwreck, and immediately dressed himself in a dead man's clothes) and how manky it must smell.

    Wet leathers, stale body odor, sweat stains, other people's blood and various bodily fluids, probably some rancid rum spills, coarse white sand filling every crevice, and seawater dried to a coating of gritty salt and traces of fish crap, that's all been baking in the Caribbean sun for hours on end. Absolutely repulsive.

    I'm done, I can't do this anymore. Please, let me know if I missed anything, and as long as we're on the subject, what famous historical waters would you like to see recreated in future games?

    Thank you for reading. Hope it wasn't too long!

    submitted by /u/Dr-Do_Mk2
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    Assassin's Creed Unity Arno...

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 06:38 AM PDT

    Assassin's Creed Facial animation flat and lacking emotion

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 03:06 PM PDT

    I feel the last 2 ac games (Maybe even more) have had awful facial animations that look flat and boring. I also feel that im listening to audio which doesn't at time feel like its coming from the character who is talking. It just feels so jarring. I just feel for a company like ubisoft there animations should be so much better

    submitted by /u/Unknown505_
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    AC Valhalla weapon hit ranges feel off

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 05:47 PM PDT

    Does no one else feel like the hit ranges of certain weapons is terrible? I like the look of the sickles and the animations are cool, but against certain enemies they just don't seem to hit them at all, im hacking and slashing away and not getting a single hit. And the Daggers are even worse, you just stand still when you're swinging so you have to actually move right in front of them mid fight whilst they're moving, in older games attacking would automatically move you. Why did they choose to do this? It feels awful

    submitted by /u/DeathBat92
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    Mastery Challenges are Downright Broken

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 07:34 AM PDT

    I understand people like the challenging content, because yeah these are surely difficult. But getting spotted through walls, a guy you need to headshot falls off a cliff by himself, and the design of these levels make this some of the most frustrated I've been playing an AC game.

    There's hard, and then there's annoying. This is annoying.

    submitted by /u/bagofdonutboi
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    Question about a certain character in Valhalla [Major Spoilers]

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 08:37 PM PDT

    I think my interpretation of what Basim's character is may be wrong. I'm fairly positive that Basim "existed" in the game (as opposed to it just being Loki the entire time) and genuinely cared about Sigurd. In the Cent arc, he seems legitimately surprised about Sigurd's arm being chopped off and after that he's colder towards Eivor as opposed to when he was kind to them throughout the cent arc. He claims in Rygjafylke that he was blinded to the truth, which is Eivor being Odin.

    But…this doesn't make sense to me. Why wouldn't Loki be already aware of that?
    I assumed he and Basim were similar to Odin and Eivor in that Odin was whispering in her ear the entire time, trying to get her to do things that he would do (or trying to get them more alienated from their brother, so that they'd be more vulnerable to him and he could take over), or was it just Loki fucking with Basim in order to get him trapped in the Yggdrasil machine?

    Loki (while attacking Eivor) seems shocked though, and even points out how the wolf bite hid their mark. I don't see a reason in him keeping up the act while he's fighting Eivor.

    submitted by /u/331438342121482
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    Is anyone else's favorite part of an Assassin's Creed game filling up your gallery/collectibles room?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 03:52 PM PDT

    I'm replaying all of the earlier Assassin's Creed games—currently on 2, the Ezio Collection—and the part I'm enjoying the most so far is restoring the Auditore villa in Monteriggioni. I know it's a small and insignificant part of the game itself, with only the Codex pages and Assassin Seals being plot relevant, but the art history major in me feels most accomplished seeing the gallery filled with every painting and the armory with every weapon and armor.

    To me, it's as fulfilling as filling every wing of the museum in Animal Crossing, even if the effort isn't as time-consuming. I can spend time just viewing the artwork and enjoy the setting of it all, seeing how far I've come in the game in just a small space and get away from all the killing and conspiracy and saving the world for a little while.

    And honestly, this is one of the things I hate that they took away from the newer RPG-style games of the series (though I've yet to start Valhalla). Because in Brotherhood you get another gallery, Revelations has books (not as fulfilling, but still, I'm a completionist), 3 you get Benjamin Franklin's inventions, plus some banners for killing legendary animals, and Black Flag—my favorite for the theme of this post—a cabinet of curiosities, with artifacts and artwork from not just the Caribbean setting, but from places around the world as well. And then in Unity and Syndicate you get physical "trophies" in the cafe and train respectively, which shows you get something to show for your efforts for going the extra mile. But then Origins and Odyssey gives you no such place; Origins and Odyssey can give you some nice-looking weapons and armor and mounts, but no place to show anything off (and I don't really count the Adrestia here).

    Just a thought I wanted to share with and hear from the fandom, because even though Assassin's Creed has you spend a majority of your time out there killing Templars and learning to time your sword strikes, this is the part of the experience which I'm looking forward to most in my second playthrough of one of my most favorite of favorite series.

    submitted by /u/HansMLither
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    What Assassin's Creed game has the most "Assassin" gameplay

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 11:07 AM PDT

    it sounds stupid, i know, but i have no clue which assassin's creed to play,
    i'm looking for a game that has you playing as a proper assassin going after targets with story on the side, kinda like the Hitman games.
    i've played assassin's creed III remastered a bit and a very tiny, tiny bit of black flag.

    submitted by /u/navyrun12
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    Does the game get more immersive after the alliance arcs?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 07:20 PM PDT

    I bought the game with high hopes due to the viking setting and due to all the mythology in the previous game, Odyssey.

    I think I'm still quite early in the game, but I'm going from one area of England to another forming alliances. It feels really repetitive and boring and a little bit pointless. I've travelled the map to see what I can expect and it looks pretty dull compared to Odyssey's map with old shrines and relics.

    However, I have heard that the mythological side of the game is really good. Haven't seen much of it so far. Wondering whether after the alliance arc the game picks up a bit and becomes more immersive and interesting to explore. Or whether I may as well give up on it now.

    submitted by /u/JohnTheDood
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    Something I’ve always wondered about a certain arc and character [Major Spoiler]

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 09:12 PM PDT

    So, Havi is obviously Odin, and Eivor is reincarnation of Odin. The Asgard/Jotunheim arc is obviously a dream of sorts but supposed to represent the Isu. Right all that makes sense. Odin is Isu.

    Okay, but what I don't get, and it might just be probably the most unimportant thing, is Havi's appearance. I get that Ubisoft didn't want to spoil anything too early (even though it is kinda obvious early game if you choose to play as Eivor).

    Havi basically looks like what Eivor looks like if she were male, which is understandable. But is this what Havi ACTUALLY looked like? And if so, in The Truth video, why was Havi/Odin old looking, when the rest such as Loki, looked as young as they did within the arc?

    Also within the Asgard arc he is also referred to as "gray beard" by Thor, implying that he would look, or be, old at the time of the arc.

    Also, he has the wolf mark.

    So my question is: is that what Havi looked like, and somehow he aged but the others didn't, or is that just some sort of interpretation by Eivor.

    submitted by /u/Elitrical
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    The setting of Wrath of the Druids with regard to Valhalla's timeline. [Minor Historical Spoilers]

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    Just thought this was interesting to those of you who want to play "historical" runs of the game. Sometimes this isn't intuitive like with Legacy of the First Blade which takes place in the middle of Odyssey's plot (and is pretty hard to puzzle out timeline wise unless you have a Persian King List at hand).

    Valhalla plays it a little looser with the timeline (partially because documentary sources are unreliable) but there's still both a historical consensus to when events take place and an in game timeline that roughly follows difficulty level.

    Wrath of the Druids takes place at the start of the reign of Flann Sinna in Nov-Dec 879, roughly 2 years after the final victory of the Great Heathen Army at Chippenham in Jan 878 (and 7 years after Eivor comes to England). So players should play this after the main game. So far so good.

    What is interesting is that it takes place well after the massive defeat of the Danes at Edington in May 878. Eivor doesn't really seem to mention this (though the seer fortells it before the final battle), so it'll be interesting to see if they're ever going to include it in the game, especially since the Siege of Paris is in 885-6 and by this time Alfred is sailing on London at the head of the English Navy, about to declare himself the first King of England.

    submitted by /u/Mardoniush
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    Need help in mediterranian defense ac revelations

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 05:34 PM PDT

    I'm replaying ac revelations, I'm at sequence 3 memory 9, there's this assassin called Leon Palealogo and I sended him in a mission called "the little prince" in Bursa (don't know the city name in english) and is marked as "this assassin is completing the contract 'the little prince' and will be unvailable for an undeterminated period" and is been this way for literally hours anyone knows how to solve this bug? (sorry for bad english)

    submitted by /u/EnzoRaffa16
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    (AC Odyssey) I don’t know where to go next

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 11:00 AM PDT

    I know this is a bit of an older game and you probably won't remember this stage of the game but in the hopes someone else is later on in the game as me right now I was wondering what the move is after completing "written in stone" I'm completely lost as I did not get a quest to complete after that and now my only odyssey quests are the ones where you need to wipe out the cultists. I was wondering if I need to grind through that to open up the next stage of the game or my story has been bugged since after meeting the old preist at the tree and getting attacked I fled the battle because my quest was completed. Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Exciting_Judge_1855
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    Do people actually like the armour effects in AC Valhalla?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    Does anyone actually like the smoke effect on the huldufolk set?

    Since the update before last removed/glitched the smoke I've seen lots of people praise ubi for finally listening to us and making it a viable set for use without being distracting.

    Now the latest patch has returned the smoke and honestly I'm so bummed out. It was lots of fun using an armour that looked badass and kinda lore friendly-ish (not accurate to history but wasn't on fire or a modern thing).

    I just wish Ubisoft cared enough to listen to people and just add in a damned toggle for armour effects...

    Sorry for the rant. I'm just peeved that they broke something for the better and patched it to people's dismay.

    submitted by /u/TheShadowNetwork
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    How to fix some issues with the Ezio trilogy on PC

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 03:33 AM PDT

    I recently played through Assassin's Creed 2, Brotherhood and Revelations and I thought I'd share some of the fixes I had to do to get these games running properly.

    For context I'm using a GTX 1080ti, and have a ryzen 7 2700x.

    Assassin's Creed 2 - Controller Fix 1. I used the links from this video to fix the controller issues. https://youtu.be/7k9CHG9DZMs

    Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - Stuttering Fix 1. I don't remember where I saw this fix but it worked for me. While you have the game open alt-tab and open task manager. Then in task manager go to the details tab. Then right click on brotherhood and click on set affinity. Then uncheck everything except for CPU 0. Then click save. Then click set affinity again and then recheck all of them and save. (You have to do this every time you open the game). - don't know why exactly this works but it worked for me and made the game run flawlessly.

    Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - Can't fight boss in sequence 9 fix 2. For this I literally just had to turn vsync back on for this mission to work. I ended up going back towards the siege tower and jumping off to die and restart at a checkpoint.

    Assassin's Creed Revelations - Stuttering/Frame Rate Fix 1. Head to the games directory and delete the systemdetection.dll file. 2. (Same solution as Brotherhood) While game is open alt-tab out. Open task manager and go to details tab. Right click on revelations and click set affinity. Uncheck every option except CPU 0 and save. Then right click on revelations again and hit set affinity again. Recheck all the options and save.

    These are the fixes that worked for me and let me finish the games. Hopefully this helps some people out so you can experience or re-experience one of the best gaming trilogies with little to no issue.

    submitted by /u/brendan685
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    How do I get the trials of the gods quest

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 04:22 PM PDT

    How do I start the trials of the gods in ac origins because it isn't showing up what do I do?

    submitted by /u/Subject_Starwars137
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    Assassin’s Creed Trailer Mashup

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 05:35 AM PDT

    How does Rogue Remastered look on PS5?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 01:02 PM PDT

    Title. I played 3 Remastered and Rogue Remastered on PS4 and they looked fine but are they even better on PS5 or will they be the exact same?

    Also any chance Ubi ever decides to do us all a solid and remaster 4? I could hardly play that on PS4 is looked so poor and I imagine it's the same or worse on PS5.

    submitted by /u/E2A6S
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