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    Saturday, May 8, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Had to draw how I felt after having to fish so many [brown trout (small)]

    Assassin's Creed Had to draw how I felt after having to fish so many [brown trout (small)]

    Had to draw how I felt after having to fish so many [brown trout (small)]

    Posted: 07 May 2021 08:04 AM PDT

    Painted this piece before the game release. Hope you like it. :)

    Posted: 07 May 2021 10:21 AM PDT

    My thoughts on the leaving kephallonia scene

    Posted: 06 May 2021 09:23 PM PDT

    so i was thinking about the leaving kephallonia scene in odyssey. i love it. when Barnabas says about megaris "WHY risk our necks to go there?" and kassandra/alexios says "the wolf of sparta... is my father," and then the assassin's creed theme kicks in, HOLY SHIT THAT'S THE STUFF. i mean, imagine it from barnabas' perspective. he's heard the legendary story of the commander of sparta's entire army throwing his kid off of mount taygetos after they murdered an elder after a prophecy that his other kid would bring about sparta's doom. then a couple years later, he was praying to the gods for his life, and a strange misthios shows up who's skills in combat are unmatched. in barnabas' own words, who "fights like Athena and shits thunder like zeus." there's not something quite right about this misthios, he senses there's something... more. for gods sakes, an eagle flies around them and they have the broken spear of the most legendary spartan king to ever live. then, they say they need to get to the most dangerous part of the war, immediately. why the fuck would they want to do that? a contract for some general's head. who? the top general. the boss man. "who wants nikolaos of sparta dead?" he asks. "the wolf of sparta... is my father," says the strange misthios, and the stories click together in his head. this is one of the kids. they survived MOUNT TAYGETOS. WHAT THE SHIT. his eyes widen and he looks down. this will be an odyssey, he thinks.

    i don't know. maybe I'm thinking too much about it. but my god i love that scene.

    submitted by /u/spacemonkeybatt
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    Miss the Parkour puzzles from the old games atleast

    Posted: 07 May 2021 09:34 PM PDT

    While the lack of serious parkour stuff in the latest games doesn't bother me all that much, the fact that the tombs where you you find the big tablet that grant you attribute points in Origins and Odyssey weren't made into the classic parkour puzzles is disappointing, they're not even really mazes, there's very little variance off of a set path so there isn't any significant challenge to get them, the Snakes and Spike traps are nothing, there's no challenge to them whatsoever, its really weird that seemingly so little effort went into them

    submitted by /u/Wraithlord10
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    Playing Revelations for the first time, i think it’s one of the best AC games in terms of graphics

    Posted: 07 May 2021 04:49 AM PDT

    I recently bought the Ezio collection for my PS4 and Revelations graphics are astonishing compared to AC2 and ACB. I only played the intro and the first 2 missions in Masyaf and i noticed that these two ambients have a different saturation from each other, not like Brotherhood that was orange-saturated. Even the Ezio scar looks more realistic, instead of the previous games, where the scar looks like a simple texture.

    submitted by /u/symbiote182
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    [Spoiler] What happened to Havi?

    Posted: 07 May 2021 04:54 PM PDT

    Warning, the following entry will contain spoilers. If there is anyone that does not wish to know them until their game is finished, then stop reading now.

    Okay, now that is out of the way. At the end if Assassins Creed Valhalla, Havi ( a.k.a Odin ) gets into a scuffle with Eivor. Now, my question is what happened to him after that? Basim ( a.k.a Loki ) said to Alethia ( a.k.a the staff of eden ) that the Mad one ( a.k.a Odin ) is gone at the end where he is brought back to life by the staff after becoming a dangling husk, that to me looked a lot like a cheap Halloween decoration. I know, I know; a bad joke. Anyways, I think that when Odin and Eivor fought it out in the end, she actually imprisoned him in the Grey; much like how Juno was imprisoned. But, I wanna know what everyone thinks. So comment down below.

    submitted by /u/Collector_2012
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    I miss the smaller maps. Cities have the games such character

    Posted: 07 May 2021 11:28 AM PDT

    Up until Origins, the focus on the maps (maybe not BF, but the ocean is integral to a pirate story) has been open landscapes rather than cities.

    I prefer quality over quantity. There used to be landscapes that would separate the big cities, but traveling between them was relatively quick and painless.

    The cities also had a focus on being accurate to the time. Now, since the cities are so old, they can't be accurately reproduced. I miss walking through Constantinople, Florence, Paris, and Rome and seeing buildings I recognized.

    Now, they are cold and empty and maybe only have 3 or 4 recognizable landmarks.

    submitted by /u/MrSillyman99
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    UBI PLEASE! make the time to spot a bit longer

    Posted: 07 May 2021 11:09 PM PDT

    its almost impossible to be a stealthy assasin in ACV can you please improve the time to detect in your next update? even on easy difficulty its still though. the stealth fans would be thankful!

    submitted by /u/DrCannabis1992
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    Newcomer to collecting Assassin's Creed Statues/Figures

    Posted: 08 May 2021 12:18 AM PDT

    Hi everyone

    Recently I've discovered the Assassin's Creed statues/figures and I'd welcome any tips you have about collecting them. In your experience are there fakes around? How do I know if they're genuine?

    Any insights welcome

    submitted by /u/KnightOfCydonia93
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    Why is there so much argument regarding whether the stealth in valhalla is good or not?

    Posted: 07 May 2021 10:09 PM PDT

    I haven't played the game, but I'm considering buying it. I tend to play these games almost 100 percent stealthy. Origins was doable if you were careful and patient, Odyssey was a bit too easy due to the crazy abilities you unlocked. As far as Valhalla is concerned, people either say it has the best stealth since the original trilogy or that it is impossible to play stealth at all. I'm curious to know why there is such a divide.

    submitted by /u/Shirwin13
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    [Spoilers]We may or may not encounter abstergo soldiers in Valhalla's dlcs.

    Posted: 07 May 2021 04:18 AM PDT

    So a few new packs have been leaked these past few days one of them being a modern day pack. It includes an abstergo soldier armor set, an anti riot abstergo shield, a rifle and ship cosmetics like a huge gun on the front of the boat. Now going back to Odyssey ubisoft had released an abstergo armor set a month before the first chapter of the fate of Atlantis where Layla fought sigma team who wore armor almost identical to the previously mentioned armor set. So it wouldn't come as a surprise to me if ubisoft did the same thing here and just reused these assets from the pack in modern day segments. So yeah, what do you think, are we going to get some Basim action in the modern day?

    submitted by /u/esiokles
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    Will we be getting a Wrath Of The Druids trailer?

    Posted: 07 May 2021 05:32 AM PDT

    Wondering if we will get a trailer or teaser or something of the sort.

    submitted by /u/CanuckCanadian
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    Adding a puzzle to synchronization.

    Posted: 07 May 2021 07:25 PM PDT

    I think a good idea for a future Assassins Creed game is to add some sort of puzzle to synchronization. For example, if I am climbing up a tower trying to get the synchronization point there could be an obstacle that is stopping me from climbing. Like some vines or something. And then I would have to move somewhere else to continue the climb. And they would be scattered all the way up the top. They did this in Unity once. With the Notre Dame. But but they did it only once! What if it would be on all synchronization points!

    submitted by /u/MoMoTheAlligator
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    Assassin's Creed MCs, but they sound like Florida Man news articles

    Posted: 07 May 2021 10:50 AM PDT

    Hit me with your best ones y'all

    submitted by /u/Austinuncrowned
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    Do Odyssey zones change between Sparta and Athens without player intervention?

    Posted: 07 May 2021 12:18 PM PDT

    I want to conquer every zone for Athens over the course of my game. The problem I have is that I conquered the area that the Oracle of Delphi is in (the place where you unlock the Cultist targets) for Athens, but I've just finished Korinth and am now in Argolis (roughly level 28, I think, but that area I conquered before has switched to Sparta again apparently.

    Did I do something wrong, or do zones naturally swap between the 2 warring factions during normal gameplay?

    submitted by /u/realnzall
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    Can You Beat AC Odyssey Without Killing Challenge - The Spiffing Brit

    Posted: 07 May 2021 05:17 AM PDT

    Call me crazy, but I always thought Cesare Borgia had transferred his spirit/hate to the Apple.

    Posted: 07 May 2021 10:43 AM PDT

    Of course I'm talking about the Brotherhood episode. After Ezio throws Cesare over the wall, there is a very strange sequence: we can see him thinking that he can't be killed by a man. The sequence also makes for a bizarre staging of Cesare that ends on the Apple of Eden. Here it is: https://youtu.be/c74gdP6Yu5A?t=68

    The most shocking part at the end of the game is the death of Lucy where Desmond is controlled by the "Apple" to kill her. Now we know she was a templar, etc, but I thought it was a great idea that the Apple could be corrupted as much as it corrupts people. Well, they didn't explore that, and we ended up with Aita and Juno storyline (sic) instead.

    submitted by /u/CatsyGreen
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    the Sokratic method: assassins creed odyssey

    Posted: 07 May 2021 04:35 PM PDT

    Just found out if you let the psychotic extremist live after doing the Socratic method ends up with killing Thaletas, which pisses of Kya. Not got let the fucker live the next time I play through the game that's for sure.

    submitted by /u/mattmr6789
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    Key Bind recommendations for Origins

    Posted: 07 May 2021 03:36 AM PDT

    I just started Assassins Creed Origins love to game so far but I can't stand that dodge is spacebar, freerun is alt and there's no sprint button. I have played all the other Assassins Creed before Origins(Besides Chronicles) and I liked Unity, III, Black Flag, Rogue and Syndicates control the most. Do any of u guys have any key binding recommendations to better my experience? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/M0SIE_
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    I didn't know I could give legendary animal drops to the Hunter's hut so now it crashes

    Posted: 07 May 2021 06:39 AM PDT

    As the title shows, whenever I give my spoils to the man in the Hunter's hut, the game just crashes. I have killed until The Blood swine in Eurviscire.

    I guess I'm just asking whether I will miss good items or info for not being able to give any of these to him.

    Advise to what to do would be great if anyone has experienced this.

    submitted by /u/riamuchua
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    Does the stun dmg of shields determine how much stamina gets stolen on a parry?

    Posted: 07 May 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    Basically the title. I use the shield only for parrying and want to know if its worth grading it up

    submitted by /u/joshgeerks
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    Ideas to fix the transmog sistem

    Posted: 07 May 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    First One thing to fix the transmog is to remove the price tag or to make the 50 silver price for the set instead of gear.

    Gear should be chosen separattly and ONLY after satisfied with the combination, would you pay, That would allow you to preview before paying, so That you didnt sepnd silver in vain.

    Also i really want them to bring origins and odyssey items to the transmog, under the gaze of "the animus can mod old simulations data, to your current simulation" or at least some of them, like the misthyos armour, the odyssey viking outfit, Ezio outfit, the pop weapons from the dlc, and hair styles from bayek, Alexios and kassandra.

    Just copy paste That into the transmog please ubi. I am no asking for the Bull mount, just some free transmog options

    submitted by /u/_Cake_assassin_
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    I love open spaces in this RPG trilogy but...

    Posted: 07 May 2021 01:30 PM PDT

    Gosh i miss times when we were back in cities. i wish i could get game with today technology focusing in one big city, with improvment parkour from AC Unity.... I've finish second Armour Upgrade till end in Valhalla and man..that was too grindy. i wish we would go back for mor linear progress. I think i just miss good old AC where you spent 90% of your time on rooftops, and it feels right....and with adding what Devs could do with today technology....ah....i gues it is my wet dream....but i guess not only mine ;>?

    submitted by /u/Fidojunior
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    When will we get Infos regarding the DLC

    Posted: 07 May 2021 05:56 AM PDT

    We are one week out and have gotten nothing so far, it is really surprising and unusual for Ubisoft. You would think they start up the marketing machine.

    submitted by /u/Geraltpoonslayer
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