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    Saturday, April 3, 2021

    Assassin's Creed The subreddit needs YOUR help - submit your most helpful AC tutorials

    Assassin's Creed The subreddit needs YOUR help - submit your most helpful AC tutorials

    The subreddit needs YOUR help - submit your most helpful AC tutorials

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    We hope you enjoyed our little nostalgia trip for April Fools day. But, while we wait for the "Wrath of the Druids" DLC to be released, we decided to create a gameplay guide of sorts, which includes all kinds of tutorials that may help new or returning players to grasp some of the games' advanced mechanics as well as some useful tips and tricks (thanks u/Darkronymus for the suggestion).

    But we need your help and this is where you come in. We'd like to read your suggestions and links to helpful tutorials, be they in text or video form. Feel free to share some useful tutorials (guides, videos, forum posts) that have helped you in some way, be they for combat, stealth, parkour, exploration (things like collectibles locations for example), lore and so on. Keep in mind we're not looking for mission walkthroughs, those can be easily found through a quick Google search.

    To keep things organized when posting links, please include the game/s that are covered as well as some general info on what the video/guide is about (e.g. parkour guide for Unity, collectibles for AC II).

    We appreciate your assistance!

    The Moderation Team of r/assassinscreed

    submitted by /u/Ghost_LeaderBG
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    Valhalla | Utterly unacceptable stealth gameplay

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 04:01 PM PDT

    I probably don't need to introduce myself, but I will anyway. I'm Leo K.

    I've built my rep on teaching the mechanics of this series to newcomers, intermediate players, and even 'advanced' AC fans who love these games, through a series of video guides. I'm most well-known for my leaning and emphasis on a stealth playstyle, because it's my passion and what I've always enjoyed making work in these games the absolute most. I have always been able to deliver insightful ways to work around AC games' various stealth systems over the years so that anyone from a player who just started playing today, to someone who's been playing for years, can each enjoy these games while being as reasonably sneaky as possible.

    I haven't made a post on this so far because while I was upset and disappointed, I wanted to give this game a chance to see if perhaps some of these problems would be repaired over time. They haven't been. They haven't even been listed as known issues, not once. If anything, recent patches have exacerbated them, and made them worse.

    There is no way to soften this.

    Stealth is horrendous in this game.

    I have played stealth games for the better part of my existence, both inside and outside of the Assassin's Creed series. From Splinter Cell to Hitman to Thief to Dishonored, to indies like Mark of the Ninja, Shadow Tactics and Wildfire.

    Many of these games are hard. None of them makes stealth-play outright unfair.

    Assassin's Creed Valhalla does.

    • Detection-distances are absurd.
    • Detection-rates are completely ludicrous and non-existent; which is to say, detects are usually instant unless you're very lucky (yes, lucky, due to arcane, unreadable rulesets that seem to change on a whim)
    • Guards sight you through solid geometry.
    • They investigate to precisely where you are (say, hiding in bush) and detect you before getting in range for a safe takedown.
    • This Detection-state then propagates across insane distances nigh-instantly.
    • The height limit for how far upwards guards can see is practically uncapped.
    • Guards telepathically know you've grabbed their ally for a kill, as if they have eyes in the backs of their heads, even when you're nowhere near them.
    • All of these problems compound on each other, and it's not even everything, just the most noticeable stuff the majority of players should have recognized at least once.

    Months after release not a single high-profile AC stealth content-creator is producing all that much on this game at all. What? One video? Maybe two? Where are the stealth guides for this game? I'm not the only person who has a vested interest in playing this way, surely others would have come up with reliable methods to sneak. Unless the game was, you know, broken.

    In fact, we don't even like to think about it or discuss it among each other. It is that dreadful. When people ask us if we plan to make content on it, we just feel a sense of gloom come over us because we know how any attempt will end. Even the scattering of stealth content on the Internet is hybrid stealth which features unintended detects, with combat. Every once in a while I'll boot it up again and try playing with any degree of intention or consistency, only for it to inevitably crumble to dust through my fingers. Literally any other game in the series (yes, any other) has more reliable ways to run a stealth playstyle and more consistent verbs for the player to take advantage of to remain unseen.

    Now, here's the thing.

    Some players are really lucky. These people will comment things like "Well it works fine for me," while heaps and heaps of other players express in various comments sections and Twitter, how exhausting it is to try to play this game in a way that was advertised to be not only possible but empowering.

    Something needs to change.

    I'm not a 'voice' for anyone.

    I'm just one guy.

    I love Assassin's Creed with all my heart, always have. I've found something to enjoy about each game in the series, even the ones which disappointed me most. I want to enjoy social stealth in Valhalla. I want to enjoy traditional, line of sight stealth in Valhalla. I want to be able to discuss this game with my friends and notable community figures who love sneaking around in Assassin's Creed, in a way that makes us happy instead of tired.

    I want to love this game, so badly.

    Please continue trying your best to investigate, patch, and repair these issues, so that I can.

    ~ Leo K [Rogue]

    Additional Links:

    You Cannot Build for Stealth In Valhalla

    Trying To Sneak In Valhalla

    omg guys 700 people caring about a thing and wanting it to be better is apparently criiinge, didn't you hear?! :o :o

    submitted by /u/SparkedSynapse
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    Stitched the two Eivor wallpapers together for my dual monitor setup :)

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 05:12 AM PDT

    Added the Altair statue to my collection today! What do you guys have in your AC collection??

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 01:43 PM PDT

    AC Valhalla: Stench of Treachery was one of the best design quests in AC history.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 12:30 PM PDT

    Like this quest really made you think and you had to rely on your own intuition and problem solving skills to look for clues. Sometimes the games' systems will lead you to interesting places but for the most part you actually had to go out there and search for clues and gather evidence on your own without the game leading you. The whole thing with the yellow paint, finding the yellow paint and then moving up river looking for the yellow-painted ship, reading the inscription, and noticing that it leads directly to where you found Galin gives me a EUREKA moment that was so satisfying.

    Quite possibly one of the most well designed quests in the entirety of Assassins' Creed.

    submitted by /u/xcyper33
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    How would each of our protagonists act in Shay's place?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 03:09 PM PDT

    Theoretically if each of our protagonists were in Shay's place, having destroyed Lisbon on the orders of young Achilles and the Colonial brotherhood, how would they react?

    -Altair Ibn-La'Ahad: I don't think that Altair would leave the assassins. They are too ingrained into his DNA for him to consider becoming a leaving, with becoming a Templar out of the question. Instead I could see him trying to reform the assassins, rallying against the leadership of Achilles. How successful he'd be is debatable, possibly meaning an assassin civil war.

    -Ezio Auditore da Firenze: This is a toughie because Ezio has a lot of development over his three games, but for purposes of this exercise I'll look at Revelations Ezio and AC2 Ezio. I think that the younger Ezio would leave the assassin's in much the same manner as Shay, but I think that he'd ultimately return to the Assassins and somewhat successfully reform them. As for the older Ezio I think he'd stay with the assassins and try to reform them, although much more successfully the Altair due to him being more charismatic.

    -Connor/Ratonhnhaké:ton: As someone with a rather black and white view of things and some very strong morals, Connor would leave the Assassins but not join the Templars. In fact he'd probably become an enemy to both and try to end the war by wiping out both the Assassins and Templars. How successful he'd be is up to debate, although I think he could pull it off.

    -Haytham Kenway: I think we all know the answer.

    -Edward Kenway: This is a hard one as Edward is not an Assassin for the large amount of time we spend with him and the difference between pirate Edward and assassin Edward is night and day. I honestly have no idea how Edward would react to destroying an entire city.

    -Shay Patrick Cormac: Depends, if he makes his own luck then 10/10 Shay just stops the earthquake from every happening with his super Irish accent. After which he and L A I M bicker about it.

    -Aveline de Grandpré: Aveline is shown to have her own doubts about the creed and brotherhood which leads me to believe that she'd defect to the Templars almost immediately, although she'd have a far less dramatic than Shay had.

    -Arno Victor Dorian: Arno follows Shay so closely that it's scary. Although I think that he goes to the Templars much quicker than Shay due to his belief in peace between the two orders. Also in absence of Elsie I think he'd try and romance Haytham instead.

    -Evie Frye: She also leaves the Assassins, although it's a very stealthy exit. From there she pretty much follows Shay's path, but when she does join the Templars she's much more open to their ideals than Shay and probably debates Haytham on the finer points of Templar philosophy.

    -Jacob Frye: Jacob is pretty much a diet version of Connor in how he reacts, leaving the order in a big and bombastic way and following this he settles in New York where he sets up an new gang to fight the Assassins gang. But eventually Jacob is killed by either the Assassins or Templars for being too much of an annoyance. He just isn't stealthy enough.

    -Kassandra/Alexios: I can't say because their personality is very much dependant on the player, but I'd say they'd strike out on their own and leave the whole Assassin/Templar conflict behind.

    And that's it. I know I'm missing some important people, but I haven't played their games and can't really give a judgement, what are ya'll thoughts.

    submitted by /u/lalalegion
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    I interviewed Benedicte Ouimet, Ubisoft Montreal's music supervisor, and vocalist Sean Dagher about recording and using shanties in Black Flag and Rogue.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 07:27 AM PDT

    Loving the Ezio collection so far

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 01:44 PM PDT

    My first game was AC3 back in 2012 so sadly I kinda already know how the modern day ends but regardless I'm having a great first time with Ac2. Combat definetly takes some getting used to Imo but I've been loving it and can't wait to see how it improves, Venice is just too cool and it stands alongside some of the environments from the newer games like Origins. Excited to get further into the story and other games in the trilogy.

    submitted by /u/lonewolf2510
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    I tried to clear out an entire castle without being spotted, it didn't go well

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 09:17 AM PDT

    What’s a city in AC that you really like?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    Not necessarily your favourite city, as I feel like the answers would largely be the same, as there's definitely some standouts.

    I think mine would be Acre. It has a certain moodiness to it that captures the vibe I want perfectly. It's a city touched by war, dead litter the streets, foreign soldiers on patrol and harassing the citizens, and the architecture is just epic. Killing William of Montferrat is one of the coolest assassinations in the series imo. Leaving the bureau and seeing the huge castle towering in the distance, birds circling overhead, the hustle and bustle of the streets below, all the while the amazing moody soundtrack playing over the top of it all. Anytime I get a target in Acre it makes me feel like an assassin, and I'm always excited to go there in AC1.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Knight451
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    For how excited you were for Valhalla, how did the game meet those expectations for you? And what were the improvements that you hoped it had learnt from the previous games, and did it do that in your opinion?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 04:22 PM PDT

    I'm looking to get this game since I have nothing to do in quarantine but both videos and opinions on here for the game have been very mixed as to how much better or worse this game is than the previous ones. I saw this game was very hyped from the trailers and stuff and you must have had some expectations for it. I played both Origins and Odyssey, not all the way through but enough to get an idea of the game. I loved what I experienced in terms of story in both from the time that I played it but the time in between both games' story moments were too long imo. Both because of the stupid level cap and the solid amount of grinding you needed to do before the next mission. And also because of the map being so freaking big the travel time was insane. The auto pilot function is awesome cus it literally says what it does. But when it's actually activated it chooses to take the longest road of all time. And also the games in terms of gameplay were great to play when I wanted some cheap entertainment without actually concentrating too hard on what I wanted to do or how. But when I actually did concentrate the games were highly non-enjoyable cus imo it was too repetitive.

    Basically, Valhalla looks interesting to me because of the time period it's set in. I'm from Norway myself so the viking period is something very close to our history so I want to see how they've represented in a game like this. The time period the previous two games were set in was the number one reason I actually wanted to play to begin with but then the repetitiveness kicked in and the sometimes god awful VA kicked in and I was sucked out of all the immersion from the games.

    This became way longer than I intended it to be. But the question in title stands as such: For how excited you were for Valhalla, how did the game meet those expectations for you? And what were the improvements that you hoped it had learnt from the previous games, and did it do that in your opinion?

    submitted by /u/UmeshgaarB
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    the essexe arc is by far the worst in valhalla [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 03:03 PM PDT

    the arc feels poorly written but thats not even the half of it, the fact that the guards in colcestre attack me even when i am with their ealdorman, estrid asks to you to "spend the night" with her and kisses you mid day and leaves you to it and the attack by alfred's men on rollo's camp where they just magically appear in the middle of the camp and start shooting arrows? the whole arc feels like it was written and designed by a 5 year old.

    submitted by /u/Pineapplepizza11
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    Are there any sages in the first AC games?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 11:02 PM PDT

    I was wondering if there are any sages between ac 1 and ac 3 that I might not have noticed as it wasn't really part of the lore at the time, or at least to my knowledge.

    submitted by /u/Jickster0304
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    Edward Kenway deserves his own trilogy

    Posted: 01 Apr 2021 11:24 PM PDT

    I loved everything about his character and I feel like it has so much untapped potential. Ezio's trilogy is legendary, and for good reason. He started out as a teenager seeking vengeance for the death of his father and brothers. He then became tied to the Brotherhood and started fighting for the greater good of humanity

    Kenway was a pirate who wanted a better life and was searching for a meaning. He found that meaning with the Brotherhood and discovered a pathway for his life. I feel like if Edward deserved a sequel in which we saw him become a seasoned, respected assassin the same way Ezio did. It could've added so much depth to the story.

    submitted by /u/NawfSideNative
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    Rekindling the romance with Valhalla

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 04:23 AM PDT

    70 hours into playing Valhalla, I wasn't happy at all. I felt the combat was much better in the previous games. I didn't like how the game looked, especially when synchronising on a viewpoint. I was lacking motivation to complete the game even after putting in so much time already. So I finally decided to download Origins again because in my opinion it was loads better. I was so excited when the download finished but that excitement quickly vanished when I started playing. The combat didn't feel smooth at all. The combat and gameplay felt "glitchy" as hell. I was a little shocked but I soldiered on. The world didn't look as beautiful as I remembered. Something was wrong. I changed my graphics to Ultra High, still nothing.

    Then it hit me, all this was because I had been playing Valhalla. It was evident that Valhalla has improved on so much but I just didn't realize it. I was just focussing on finding faults in the game and ignored everything that was good with it. Don't get me wrong, there are some things seriously wrong with Valhalla, the frequent crashes, the graphic glitches and the lack of incentive to hunt down different gear sets, things which you don't expect when you've paid 100$ for a game. However, I should be fair in my assessment and appreciate the things they did get right.

    Downloading origins was a great decision as now I can actually appreciate and enjoy AC Valhalla.

    PS: I am not saying Origins is not a good game. It was a great game for its time and still is.

    submitted by /u/livLongAndRed
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    I am almost 90 hours into Valhalla and have only realised you can (kinda) use Eivor's hidden blade during combat

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 02:51 AM PDT

    As title says, there's no requirement, skill or ability needed other than having the hidden blade itself.

    Make sure your secondary hand is empty (primary/right hand can be either filled or empty with another weapon). No weapon can be equipped in the left hand at all. During combat hold the left bumper (or the alt-attack key correlated to using left hand weapon). The hidden blade will make the "shink!" sound and Eivor will stab upwards with it.

    It's pretty cool, does an ok amount of damage and takes a bit long but I wanted to share nevertheless. I was disappointed thinking it couldnt be used in combat. First game since AC Rogue to let you use hidden blades in combat. Enjoy!

    submitted by /u/pyh00ma
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    Any tips on a quick way to reach level 55 in Black Flag multiplayer?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 09:38 PM PDT

    I just completed all the main story trophies (except 100% synch because I'm waiting on the last round of the Naval Campaign) and have moved onto the multiplayer. The biggest one I fear to be a problem is going to be the level 55 requirement. Is this going to take long just replaying the same stuff over and over again? Or should I find people to help grind with me/boost me so that I can not sit through more endless hours of terrible grinding?

    I also assume the All Rounder trophy is going to be a pain. Any advice on quickly unlocking everything/using the stuff?

    submitted by /u/RyanWuzHere13
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    Assassin's creed valhalla Siege of Paris

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 09:35 PM PDT

    In Origins and Odyssey we could swap between two different weapons and bows without entering to the menu, in valhalla there's no option for that but i think it will come in Siege of Paris. Check the official DLC cover, it has Eivor holding two bearded axes and a shield in the back. I think they will give us options to swap between second weapon and a shield.

    submitted by /u/ArtosThunder
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    I’ve Recently bought Assassins creed Ezio collection, and have found a “Remastered” game I’m 100% satisfied with!

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 08:24 AM PDT

    So I recently bought the Ezio collection, and as soon as I started assassins creed 2 the graphics of the game shocked me, they were insane considering it's based on 2009 graphics hardware. Normally when game companies "remaster" games they edit some lighting, increase graphics resolution slightly, but GOD DAMN assassins creed Ezio collection has taken the cake. ~All now I thought remastered AC2 was amazing, I 100% AC2 and move on to Brotherhood and the graphics, frames per second and Graphic resolution seem 5 years apart from AC2 despite being made only a year after! Seriously have to credit Ubisoft for this and give them props they truly did Remaster the Ezio trilogy, can't wait to see how revelations looks like!

    submitted by /u/bucks800
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    AC Valhalla Ravensthorpe Explained: Is It Real?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 01:32 AM PDT

    Lazy crew doesn't use bows

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 11:37 AM PDT

    How come they dont shoot arrows when Eivor screams "ready bow", "fire!" even though in the first or second mission i once saw them draw their bows, is it a bug?

    submitted by /u/Papaiovski
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    [PS4] Doubts regarding Downloadable Content

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 03:52 PM PDT

    Hi all!

    Recently, after a while, I've acquired most of the games that I missed since Black Flag, and going currently throughout them.

    So, for a since last holidays I've been tempted to get also the games that were ported from PS3 to PS4 (from AC II to AC IV), but I'm having some doubts regarding the availability of the additional content for those games on the PS4 versions.

    So far, I know that the AC III remastered version already has all the DLCs included (and also it includes Liberation spin-off), and that Black Flag's DLC Freedom Cry is available as an standalone application, but I have no idea about the other games.

    So, anyone know knows the availability of additional content for Ezio's Collection (i.e. the DLCs from AC II, Brotherhood, Revelations) on the PS4?

    Also, I remember that on Black Flag there was a DLC/Downloadable mission based on Aveline de Grandpré, does someone know if that one is available on PS4 as well?

    Thanks in advance.

    Kind regards.

    submitted by /u/araxhiel
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    How does a person connect to an Eagle(or raven in Valhalla's case)?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    To have the 6th sense you neeed to have enough concentration of Isu DNA, that was explained throughout the games, but it was never mentioned how can one see through an animal, Pythagoras mentioned that he gave Kassandra an eagle but didn't exactly explain how?

    What's the lore between that connection, does an animal choose it's human or does it go vice-versa?

    submitted by /u/captain_skillful
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