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    Monday, April 19, 2021

    Assassin's Creed How many of you guys would like the option to keep your hood on until you manually take it down?

    Assassin's Creed How many of you guys would like the option to keep your hood on until you manually take it down?

    How many of you guys would like the option to keep your hood on until you manually take it down?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 11:59 AM PDT

    You could keep your hood on during combat or swim or detected and whatever. There could even be an option to do partial stealth where just your hood is on but the rest of the cloak is as normal, or cloak over shoulders and just the hood is not covered. I'd personally like the option, but does anyone else want to see these options?

    submitted by /u/hunterbarbosa17
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    Taking a break from Valhalla.

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 05:57 AM PDT

    I feel like I will take a break from this game(for the second time). It's just too long. I am currently at over 90 hours and I still have 5-6 regions to complete. I love long games but this game just doesn't justify the lenght in my opinion. I can't. I want to take a break and start some other games, but I'm affraid I'll forget about events in Valhalla until I return to it. Should I take a break? Anybody else in a similar situation?

    submitted by /u/lilboywiththebeat
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    After Recent AC Games, I’m Really Appreciating How Black Flag at a Fundamental Level Has the Perfect AC Story

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 10:33 PM PDT

    A peek in time at the endless war between Assassins and Templars, a relic of the ones who came before, and a protagonist who changes their ways to fit around the ASSASINS CREED.

    It's beautiful.

    Replaying BF and was just overwhelmed by this appreciation.

    I have no clue what people mean when they say "good game, not good AC game" in regards to BF.

    submitted by /u/112DB
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    AC3 running animations were the best and most realistic looking in the series.

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 08:39 PM PDT

    Ubisoft had really hit the nail on the head with AC3' s running animation, the running and walking looked so natural in Ac3 though the parkour left a lot to be desired and the time window for wall ejects was reduced it was still the best looking parkour until Unity came out.

    Imo they could have just made a few tweaks like making the climbing more like Ac1-R and we would have the perfect system on our hands.

    submitted by /u/Psychological-Bill76
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    The tone of an assassins creed game.

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    I was watching a video on the first assassins creed and he mentioned how the first game had a specific tone that was gritty and really showed the depravity of the crusades, and it felt like you were in a war torn country especially in acre. It made me think about how a lot of the new games really sell the beauty of the world, but I would love for the vibe of an assassins creed game to emulate something like acre from one. Do you think it would be possible and what time period could this work in?

    submitted by /u/B1GP0KY24753
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    AC Online and Custom Characters?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 01:17 PM PDT

    I want to make an assassin that has custom face and body. I know that this would be an online version. Would you want to see an online version of AC where you could make your own character? Because I feel like that would be a fun concept.

    submitted by /u/Rhia1
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    Who's that in one of the assassin tombs, ac 2 (spoilers)

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    So, in ac2 you can go to amunrts tomb to collect her seal for the armour of Altair but how is Aya's tomb in Italy if we find her tomb and mummy in Egypt with Bayek's in origins. Also I thought maybe it was just a memorial tomb, like not with her actual body but when you open the tomb/grave thing you can see there is a mummy in there. We know this must be a different mummy since layla uses the Egypt mummy to get ayas dna to relive her memories. I know this is probably just an oversight by ubisoft and doesn't have any deeper meaning but can you think of any person this could be that would fit the Canon and retroactively make it fit?

    submitted by /u/djmck86
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    Something that I really miss about the Assassin's Creed series is this eerie feel that I felt it was more present in previous versions of the series. The games felt more than just games - they felt more like puzzles and lessons.

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 03:36 AM PDT

    You may call me a classicist if you wish. I do not really mind because I do think that I might have some nostalgia towards the older games. And by no means, I am not saying that the older games were better later versions of the series.

    I noticed that most AC games have improved in terms of gameplay, graphics, atmosphere and so on and it is clear why Ubisoft really went forward with the RPG approach. I honestly do not mind with the RPG elements of recent games because they geniunely give the games more depth because in truth, the older AC games were not fun or compelling from a gameplay perspective because they were either too basic or they did not fit well on making them compelling or even fitting with the theme of the series like AC 2 has a lot of button mashing when you are supposed to be an assassin.

    But there is one thing in particular that I really liked more in previous games that I think is mostly absent. I cannot really put it in simple terms but I think the closest word that I can think of is "atmosphere" and I will explain why.

    I felt that earlier games, especially the very first game, focused more on the historical side while adding some science fiction elements; while I feel that later releases are more fantastical and more related to sci-fi with some historical elements added.

    For example, fall damage is barely present anymore or that you can parkour on pretty much anything or even with as much ease that it feels unnatural, or that the character can do a lot of fantastic moves that does not feel human or natural.

    Like this makes sense sometimes in terms of lore because some characters are related to the Isu or can use Isu artefacts and I understand that this is used because of the recent RPG transition.

    Forever, from my point of view anyway, this is different to what the series originally meant or aimed to be.

    In many cases, the series showed an amalgamation of different themes that gave off a very particular awesome and ominous atmosphere.

    The idea that throughout history and time, there have been groups that have been secretly pulling the strings in every single event of history. Or better yet, some events did not occur as we are taught and were possibly influenced by secret powerful Isu artefacts.

    The whole theme of conspiracy, secrecy, puzzles and darkness and ghosts gave off a strange feel that is almost eerie-like.

    It felt like a weird paradox that you go back through time and you somehow see something that is more potent or significant than modern day.

    It is like that since it is something that has happened in the past, you have this natural impression that you are safe because what happened then, happened then and it is in the past and cannot happen again. But you experience these experiences yourself like you lived there, and for some reason, they have a ghastly impact on the present too which feels strange when you look at the past, you think of a time that is less advanced than now but the series showed that this is not always the case.

    And more than that, there is a strange meta to the series too.

    There are themes of sociology, mythology, psychology, philosophy and so on.

    I mean, the whole freedom vs order thing has been debated countless times in the series but we are sometimes shown different versions of the same plot that there is no clear winner here.

    And behind the whole idea of conspiracy and secrecy and symbols (not to mention that the series really likes adding puzzling elements with symbols), there is a whole meta-like feel that mimics how cultures are formed in the real world.

    For example, some Isu characters have names that are the names of certain gods in some pantheons, or certain names of some items or key figures were actually characters that lived during the Isu era like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and the Apple.

    So imagine a what-if scenario that for some reason, these names persisted and were down through time but eventually lost their original meanings and took up new forms which created whole new mythologies and civilisations.

    Not to mention that plenty of symbols, myths and cultures and civilisations have evolved through time which also give you a certain eerie feel when you think about what civilisations have developed and evolved in our world.

    It is almost like a religious or a spiritual experience of some sort when you reach this level of depth, mystery and lore but at the same time, it is also a bit scary too because of the whole idea of conspiracy and secrecy and the mythology and the symbology of it all.

    Now in recent releases, we sometimes see this kind of portrayal and atmosphere. Sometimes we find treasures of old worlds, or we see how mysteries of the Isu that we never knew about or exploration of different themes that have multiple arguments like the latest game of Valhalla explores the theme of fate which is fitting with the era and the story of Ragnarok.

    But I personally feel that there is not that much effort as in previous games to input this kind of atmosphere in AC games. I feel that they focus more on the fantastical like adding creatures from actual myths as they happen to be creatures or creations of the Isu, or showing more of the same story about stopping the bad guys from attaining power while being able to kill multiple people at once when the same title is literally "Assassin's Creed" so there is not much room to play like the ghost that the series claims to be about.

    I am fine with some of the elements that they inputted lately and I am fine continuing with the franchise with other eras and mysteries and so on. But my gut tells me that this strange feel that I felt in previous games that allured me and sometimes even kept me awake is not really there and I geniunely miss this

    submitted by /u/sammyjamez
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    Have they fixed Valhalla’s stealth ?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 10:25 AM PDT

    I stopped playing AC Valhalla shortly after the lunch but recently I decided to get back to it, so I installed it again and first thing I notice was that...

    Stealth feels Much Better

    I mean guards don't detect me so easily, they don't see me through walls, they react to may action, they actively searching for me if they lose track of me, but most importantly

    social stealth makes me invisible

    no matter how close the guard is, no matter how high his detection is, as long as I'm in social stealth, I'm invisible. This makes a massive difference, suddenly those useless earlier features are now a life saver, suddenly I'm playing assassin's creed again.

    I had so much fun with this stealth System since I installed the game but I now that a lot of people complain how random this system is, for some people it works and for others don't so maybe I just got lucky. if that's the case, its real shame, because when it works, it is really fun.

    submitted by /u/ThatAstraVerde
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    Movement and parkour leaves something to be desired.

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 02:49 PM PDT

    Anybody else feel like valhalla has the worst traversal in the series? I really love the setting and combat even but god that parkour Is absolute shit imo.

    submitted by /u/ShalepenopoopeR
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    Help regarding the Split Roast trophy?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 06:09 PM PDT

    Whenever I go to assassinate a pair of guards with the musket, it just hidden blade assassinates them. I have the musket equipped, but it doesn't matter. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/Firebrand-PX22
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    Curious to know a historian’s take on the seasonal updates?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    Blind playthrough of Assassins Creed 3

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 02:54 PM PDT

    Hayy Everyone,

    I'm attempting to play through all of the Assassin's Creed games and have gotten to AC3.. now the others were pretty dated but none the less still enjoyable.

    Before I delve into the game, I always like to ask the community if there maybe any helpful advice on this particular game as well as tips or glitches I should know of.

    The story line so far has been ok, but like I said before a little dated.

    The Ezio storyline was pretty decent but a bit too long winded after all I just played three games all centered around Ezio. I completed brotherhood but became tired quickly and didn't really grind the collectibles as I should have but I'm hoping Assassin's Creed 3 is a different game altogether.

    I do want to find out what happens to Desmond and the team and also finding out the game is centered around the Nephelem is really quite awesome.

    Anyway, if anyone has anything to mention, I'm definitely all ears.

    Wish me luck.


    submitted by /u/MDK_DWR_85
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    Gennadios the Phylakitai How do you do this quest?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 03:37 PM PDT

    After over 20 hours trying to beat this one quest, using all the online guides I am getting frustrated. Why design it to be impossible? Seriously desynch after one hit every bloomin attempt. Stealth is useless. The guides are clearly written by people who have never players the game in their lifetime.

    submitted by /u/Acceptable-Radish280
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    Ubisoft should implement the Animus in our games that share the ACUniverse [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 03:30 PM PDT

    Warning: this discussion has spoilers contained. If you haven't played the whole franchise yet (Assassin's Creed and WatchDogs), please do so first or keep reading at your own risk.

    Ok, so we know how the Animus works right? Strap a person in the machine, the machine reads their DNA and the person can experience their ancestors' lives. That's pretty cool and revolutionary technology.

    So why not use them for more modern applications?

    We already saw Abstergo use them to make video games and whatnot in AC Black Flag and AC Unity. So why don't they let law enforcement use this machine so that they can see what a criminal has done 24 hours ago or whenever a crime was committed? If we can see a person's history from centuries ago, we should be able to see what they did a week ago.

    The reason I'm bringing this up is because they could use this technology for Watch Dogs. Watch Dogs is pretty much a part in the AC Universe and vice versa (Blume and Abstergo working together, Aiden killing Olivier, etc) so we could have WatchDogs characters maybe hack the Animus and use it or see it as another piece of tech Blume is trying to use to control the world and destroy it. Maybe WatchDogs can tie into modern day Assassins Creed lore. Just an idea of what could be an amazing opportunity.

    submitted by /u/Into_The_Storm
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    AC Black Flag animus database

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 11:30 AM PDT

    My database is at 97%, I know i'm missing an artefact from kenway's fleet but I noticed I am missing the ramparts in Nassau. How do I get them in the database?

    submitted by /u/Kouroukakiki
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    What happened to my 2nd Hidden Blade (AC Brotherhood)

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 01:34 AM PDT

    After several failed attempts to do double assassinations I've noticed that I only have one hidden blade. I'm not sure when and where I 'lost' it but I'd assume around or after I completed one of the Romulus lairs.

    I got the 2nd hidden blade very early in the game, Leonardo's first appearance early. I'm not sure if there's some sort of feature that makes you lose it again after buying but if so, How can I get it back?

    submitted by /u/MorriganNA81
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    AC Rogue. One Little Victory is quitting the memory possible?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    This mission recommends ship upgrades before attempting it. I have upgraded a bit but want to give it a go. If I start the mission and find it too hard will I be able to quit the memory and try it again another time?

    submitted by /u/Tomcanning747
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    How do I know if I have the next gen version of Valhalla?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 09:09 AM PDT

    Just got a Series X and I transferred my digital copy of Valhalla from my external HD over to the SSD of the new console. Haven't played it yet.

    That's not gonna give me the next gen version is it? I'll have to redownload from the store? Just checking. Im sure I'll figure it out once I see it still has HUGE load times

    submitted by /u/blackbears24
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    Trying to find the name of a track in Black Flag

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    There's this track in Black Flag that I'm trying to find the name of. The best way I can describe it is it's basically like the first half of the main theme of the game, only much slower.

    Sorry guys, I wish I could give more information, but that's the most I can remember about it. It might've played during emotional moments in the title or just as background music.

    submitted by /u/RedtheGamer100
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