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    Tuesday, April 20, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Did a fan art of my favourite ac Character of all time. Edward Kenway 🙌🖤.

    Assassin's Creed Did a fan art of my favourite ac Character of all time. Edward Kenway ����.

    Did a fan art of my favourite ac Character of all time. Edward Kenway ����.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 07:04 AM PDT

    Ubisoft details Assassin's Creed animated Black Flag sequel, Shao Jun books, Netflix projects [Eurogamer]

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 09:51 AM PDT

    unused head model for revelations cause mr randez wanted more money #releasetherandezpatch

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 05:06 AM PDT

    What about a game in ancient judea

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 12:22 AM PDT

    So i am jewish assassins creed player and I recently thought about a game in ancient judea like 5 years before the destruction of the temple and then theres a dlc of the destruction of the temple where you assassin a ton of important roman generals So opinions?

    submitted by /u/underworldotaku
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    Assassin's Creed Unity. Thoughts after playing it 3 years years later

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 03:45 PM PDT

    It's been about 3 years since I've last played Unity. Been playing it this past weekend. Gameplay is how I wish it had been at launch. I feel that games graphics and game play seems to be a peak for the AC trilogy. As stealth is optional, in a majority of its main story, it's game mechanic is my favorite. I even found myself restarting main missions from the start if I found myself detected by the enemy. I feel the rest of the AC games after Unity (not Rogue) to be a slight let down in or downgrade in gameplay and graphics. Not that I hate the games that came out after Unity. My only hope is to one day play the Ezio trilogy with the same game mechanics as Unity. Tho I know the odds of that happening are slim, it would be amazing.

    What are your thoughts of Unity?

    submitted by /u/Aden-Banto
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    "Ubisoft Is Expanding The Assassin's Creed Universe, Exclusive First Look At AC Valhalla: Blood Brothers"

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 05:02 PM PDT

    Why I loved the franchise

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    Remember those memes that AC2 taught us more than the average History lessons in school? I miss that. I'm 110 hours into Valhalla and learned nothing of the era or place.

    Valhalla went a bit too fantasy to my liking. I wouldn't be surprised if there won't be a discovery tour for this one.

    I loved that I can read up on all things present in the game, events , architecture etc.

    I took a break from Valhalla because it's too long and bloated and started Shadow of the Tomb Raider and found that it's very assassin's creedy and I can actually learn some stuff about maya culture. It scratches the AC itch that the newer AC titles don't anymore.

    submitted by /u/Silly_Hungarian
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    [Possible Spoiler] Quick question: they keep mentioning this character— who is he, did i miss something?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 09:15 PM PDT

    i came back to ac valhalla mid game after a few months away, and I'm right around the east anglia missions with Oswald trying to get the brothers to like him so he can get along with his marriage to Vardis (?), but they keep mentioning "Halfdan." As in, "Halfdan ordered this be done" or "Halfdan would have done it differently..." things along those lines.

    And for the life of me, I can't remember who Halfdan is supposed to be in context and I don't want to google him lest I see spoilers.

    So please someone help! thank you!!

    submitted by /u/squidthong
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    Playing Valhalla feels like playing a viking game with an AC easter egg/crossover event in it

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    Do you feel the same?

    All the things that used to make the series great feels like an aftertought, like gimmicks added with no care just to make older fans happy. I cannot help but feeling that I'm playing a generic western rpg with a viking theme and a bunch of Assassin's Creed easter eggs in it:

    • the movement system is slower and clunkier than it used to be
    • social stealth is a joke, a mere gimmick compared to what it used to be
    • stealth is broken and not functional, more like an "pretend to be an assassin killing one guy before getting spotted from miles away and entering open conflict" kind of thing
    • you cannot even keep your hood on while fighting, It gets down every time you get spoted (which happens always)
    • the parkour is clunky, slow, unreliable and over simplified, it had no purpose anymore except of justifying the Assassin's Creed name in the title of the game
    • the world and the cities are built with no care towards parkour at all, just try to get from one side of a city to the other without touching the ground and you will see how bad it is
    • the hidden blade is slow and unreliable, no double assassination, the assassination animation is too long and often the assassination command don't work as intended
    • all the previous are about the gameplay, lets don't even begin talking about the story and the microtransactions

    Maybe is it finally time to make a reality check, no matter how big of a fan of the series you are and accept that this, gameplaywise especially, is not an AC game anymore? I really want to enfasize that this comes from me as a long time fan of the series, and the purpose of this critique is not hating but love, I love this series and I really want it to do well and get better, I really want it to reach its full potential and find its way again, I really want it to repair its flaws and became a better franchise.

    Edit: I'm talking especially about the gameplay, about how the game plays and feels.

    Storywise I'm feeling like I'm playing a viking AC spinoff with some AC lore in it.

    The only part of the game that trully felt like I was playing an AC game, strangelly enough, was the modern day part of the game.

    submitted by /u/MTXmustDie
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    ACU has the dumbest story and the greatest gameplay

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 10:27 AM PDT

    Wow. I never felt so torn between being blown away and being enraged by a game.

    I finally played AC Unity and my god is the story bad! What started off with a witty and charming main character turned into the most generic „hunt bad guy" story ever.

    But when you actually play the game and ignore the story, (re)play the assassination contracts and everything starts to flow...holy hell, do I feel like the most stylish badass ever. Flipping down a tower into a double air assassination, shooting off the sniper who is just about to alarm everybody and then gracefully flip your way out of the whole mess...this is some serious Batman-shit.

    I hate to love this game and vice versa. This may be the first game that I'm glad to be done with the main missions. Because now I can just focus on the phenomenal gameplay and not force myself through that shit show of a story.

    Only sad thing: I can't use Arnos default look without compromising myself. Oh well

    submitted by /u/takeonethough
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    [SPOILERS] Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Meteor DLC and 2022 game - 4chan Leak

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 05:10 PM PDT

    New 4chan leak, so take it with a grain of salt, but it may offer a hint at what's to come for Assassin's Creed Valhalla!

    > Name is being finalized, last I heard will be named "Ragnarok"
    > Meteors play an important role in both Eivor's and Odin's story, and in gameplay.
    > Will feature Iceland and the other Norse realms of Vanaheim, Alfheim, Svartfalheim, Nidavelir, Niflheim, and Helheim
    > Focused on Odin's journeys across the 9 realms after the death of Baldr
    > In development by a team at Sofia and a few other support studios
    > Will be the biggest DLC for AC yet, and is not standalone, but will not be part of a season pass. Currently looking to cost $40.
    > Will be announced at Ubisoft Forward on June 12th
    > Was initially going to launch this winter but is likely being pushed back to early 2022 due to delays internally on Wrath of the Druids and Siege of Paris. Final release date will be solidified by May 10th, and is based on potential changes in release dates for other titles.
    > Muspelheim artwork is from pre-release when several other realms were cut, and are being brought back for the DLC.
    > Sofia is also still leading a much bigger project for a cross-gen release in late 2022, backed up by Montpellier and Annecy among other support studios. It was originally pitched as a unique King Richard game but was morphed into a Knight-based game during the 100 years war.

    submitted by /u/assassafan2020
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    Theory: Could all the recent and previous leaks just be novels and books? Expanding the AC Universe?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 12:08 AM PDT


    All the upcoming novels have the same locations as all the leaks very recently

    Assassin Creed: Fragments

    17th Century France

    19th Century Japan

    13th Century Scotland

    Assassin Creed: The Jade Seal Collection

    Zhou - Ming Dynasty

    Ten new novels

    Assassin Creed: The Ming Storm

    16th Century China | Shao Jun.

    Assassin Creed: Dynasty

    Tang Dynasty | Li E

    Assassin Creed: Valhalla Blood Brothers

    Additional novel to Valhalla

    submitted by /u/HellionCosmos
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    Assassin's Robes and Character Design

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 03:31 AM PDT

    In Assassin's Creed we have seen a lot of different robes and character designs for the main characters over the years. So Anywhere from concept art to final product, what are some of your favorite assassin robe designs, and what aspect specifically do you like about said outfit.

    Thanks, Cant wait to see your replies!

    submitted by /u/K1NGSCAR
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    Which Assassin's Creed games hold the most replay value?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 05:35 AM PDT

    Personally I think the new games hold well in this aspect , because of the open world and rpg elements. Also among the old games Ac Brotherhood , Black Flag and Unity hold well in the aspect as you're introduced to the gameplay elements very soon and the gameplay is very good to be replayed.

    The games which absolutely sucks in the terms of replayiblity are Ac3 because you have to wait for 5 sequences before Connor gets his robes and the actual story begins and Ac1 because of the repetative nature .

    submitted by /u/Psychological-Bill76
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    What if unity and rogue were done vice versa.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 03:10 PM PDT

    What would you say if ubisoft made rogue the next gen Assassin's creed game? Imagine rogue being built around unity's gameplay structure but it would keep the setting,story and length,now imagine a last gen unity with the same story,length and setting but it would be with black flags gameplay structure,what do you think of this? Would you prefer this over what happened or not?

    Let me know what you think.

    submitted by /u/hardcorejenkins
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    I just did the "Stoneman" Mystery in Valhalla and I am not okay :'(

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 02:44 PM PDT

    I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't done this Mystery in Snotinghamscire yet, but I was NOT ready for how sad it was going to be. It's only a short Mystery but it's by far one of the most heartbreaking moments I've had in the game so far.

    submitted by /u/MrEvil37
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    [SPOILERS] The Georgian Golden Age's Potential as a Setting

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    The country of Georgia is situated in the Caucasus Mountains on the Black Sea with Azerbaijan separating it from the Caspian Sea and has always held significant ties to Greece and Turkey, being controlled by Persia for a sizeable part of its history. During the crusades, its golden age began with Demetrius I and George III, alleged descendants of King David from the bible. In 1177, during the reign of George III, his nephew Demna claimed the throne and began an uprising as a pretender. George quickly subdued the rebellion, and attempting to stop another, he made his daughter, Tamar, co-ruler in 1178. Upon her father's death, her aunt pushed for her to become the first sole Queen of Georgia in 1184.

    Under influence from her Aunt, Rusudan, Tamar elevated Michael IV to the archbishop, though a year later would fail to remove him from office using a church-led synod. Around the same time, she was married to Yury Bogolyubsky, a prince from Novgorod. Soon after his marriage to her, he began to cheat on and beat his wife, but within a few years, Michael IV died (perhaps an assassination or failed protection). See, by around this time, Tamar's influence had begun to grow, and she came into her own as a leader. It was also in the late 1180s that she met David Soslan. With Michael's death around 1187-1188, she replaced him with a loyal archbishop, Anton Gnolistavisdze. That year, she divorced Yury, exiling him, and married David.

    In 1191 Azerbaijan, a functional client state of Georgia, a civil war broke out, leading David to lead a decisive campaign throughout Azerbaijan at Barda, Erzurum, Geghark'unik', Beylaqan and Ganja. While David was at war, Yury came back to Georgia to declare a rebellion in 1191, and many of the nobles disgraced by Tamar and her father joined him. One of the few who stayed with Tamar was Gamrekeli Toreli who led forces against Yury at Tmogvi and Erusheti. During the latter battle, Gamrekeli captured Yury, who was pardoned by Tamar only to immediately rebel again in 1193 and be captured at Kambechani, where he was imprisoned and then was likely killed.

    By 1195, the Dynastic War in Azerbaijan had been won by Abu Bakr and had his elder brother Quntluq Inandj assassinated. His younger brother, Amir, fled to his rival's Akhsitan's court, where the two made their way to Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia to appeal to Tamar. She agreed and sent David with them to the capitals of Shrivan and Baku (they were then moving the capital to Baku due to an earthquake in 1191). David would lead them in the battle against Abu Bakr at Shamkur and would force Abu Bakr and Shamkur to swear fealty. Abu Bakr did resume his reign of part of Azerbaijan a year later but never was able to actually resist them. Most notably about this is that Baku actually holds an important temple, likely containing a PoE like an apple. In Valhalla, this was even called out as a temple. Some references made it sound like it could be under the current Fire Temple, which was only built in the 17th century, though an older temple likely existed where it is now, due to references to a Temple of Fire existing back to the 10th century.

    Following this success, David and Tamar turned their focus on Armenia and Trebizond, bringing them into conflict with the Seljuks and Ayyubid Dynasty. Following the battle at Basian in 1204, Trebizond became a firm ally of Georgia, leading them into Armenia where the capture of Kars and Araxes gave them most of Armenia by 1205. David died soon after in 1207, leading a Muslim army summoned by the Ayyubids to attack Georgia. In 1209, Ardabil was razed, and in retaliation, Tamar sent forces into Persia, where following several successful battles, they agreed to a 30 years of peace with Georgia, with Georgia granting the Lake of Van to the Ayyubids. With this, Georgia reached its zenith, controlling the northern Caucasus to lake Van, and the kingdom of Pontus/ Trebizond on the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea.

    I think a fairly compelling story could be Assassins fighting Templars in this time and unraveling a plot that David has been manipulating the court and Tamar for years as the Templar Grand Master, but by his assassination, Tamar was too far gone and had to be assassinated in 1213. Alternatively, maybe they were Assassin Allies or completely neutral to the assassins. Assassins were definitely active in Georgia at the time, both historically and in Lore. This setting, besides being hinted at in Valhalla, could also be a great way to examine the changes of the brotherhood during Altair's lifetime with story moments coming such as Altair succeeding Al Mualim. We could even see him visit Georgia in the late 1190s or early 1200s. Maybe the DLC could take us back to Masyaf after 1213. Perhaps, even, we could see the DLC or the main game as a background for the character Swami who killed Sef and framed Malik. There's a ton that can be done with the setting of Medieval Georgia in terms of story, matched with a fantastic landscape and architecture.

    submitted by /u/nstav13
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    Valhalla Madness of the Stones Mystery

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 09:20 PM PDT

    I just completed this mystery, and the whole time it seemed to be a reference to Steven King's short story "N." I don't see anything specific about the quest aside from how to complete it, anyone have any thoughts about this connection?

    submitted by /u/seeweedie
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    Strange way to max out your Recruits in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Xbox 360)

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    I'm not sure if this has already been discovered, but I encountered a method that makes all of Ezio's recruits reach the highest rank of Assassin in Brotherhood for the 360. It seems the only prerequisite is that you need to achieve 100% synchronization in Sequence 5 in order to get the cheat that makes your Assassins reach max level during replays.

    It went like this: I replayed the Sequence 3 mission "Between a Rock and a Hard Place". After killing the Borgia Captain, I went into the Options menu to activate the cheat. After killing the Borgia Captain again for safe measure, I exited the memory, and when I went to Ezio's hideout, all his recruits had been permanently raised to the rank of Assassin.

    One advantage of the method is that fights and contracts become easier thanks to the recruits. It also gives you bragging rights. On the other hand, one disadvantage is that because this doesn't count towards the Assassin Guild challenges, unless 5 of them somehow die and you recruit 5 new Assassins, you'll never complete the Guild challenge and specifically you'll forfeit the chance to receive the Sword of Altaïr. Personally, I don't really mind this, just because Ezio's so OP in Brotherhood and Revelations that sword stats are kind of redundant.

    submitted by /u/Mateo_Reyes
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    Hunting the members of the order

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 07:44 PM PDT

    It may be just me but I wish that hunting and killing member of the order was more of a spectacle and more so the main story of AC Valhalla. The last time I I had a blast and felt challenged to find ways to hunt down order members was in AC syndicate. Now hunting members of the order just feel like going through a to do list, only to be able to assassinate the order member in one shot and they aren't even surrounded by guards or anything.it's not even that fun hunting them anymore, at least personally.

    submitted by /u/smeefz
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    Assassin's Creed locations as tourist destinations (survey)

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 06:56 AM PDT

    Hello! I am a student of bachelor's degree in Tourism and I'm doing a research for my thesis about the influence video games have on tourism (focused on Assassin's Creed).

    If you have played or watched any of the main games of the series I would be very thankful if you could take a quick survey about your experience! (2-5 min.) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfcMTSpopoe4hHSx_1G0H_7O9-9WoYmuafQ1qu5IAHIFKfdtg/viewform

    Thank you in advance and have a great day!

    submitted by /u/FrozenGrizzley
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    Which runes/stats should I be using to stop stumbling around so much when I'm hit? (Valhalla)

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 04:40 PM PDT

    I prefer purely melee style fighting. Currently level 343 or about there. Most of the Bear and Raven skill trees are filled up.

    I was doing well in the fully upgraded Carolingian set, but I had enough Helix credits to get the Gothic set, so I did. However, I must not be understanding the correct runes/stats to use. In the Gothic set, even fully upgraded and runed out the same as the Carolingian set, I am frequently getting hit and staggering backwards, unable to hit back for a few seconds. In the Carolingian set this hardly ever happened. The stats on the Gothic set are slightly better, so I can't figure out what the difference is.

    What am I missing? Which armor rune stats do I need to be using to prevent this? I used mainly armor, health, h-res, l-res and melee res runes. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/LadyRapunzel
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