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    Assassin's Creed [SPOILERS] How to make Assassin’s Creed Deeper, not Wider

    Assassin's Creed [SPOILERS] How to make Assassin’s Creed Deeper, not Wider

    [SPOILERS] How to make Assassin’s Creed Deeper, not Wider

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 08:00 AM PST

    In order for Assassin's Creed to improve, it needs to become deeper, not wider. When I say that, I know most of you probably read this to mean it needs mechanical depth, which while true is not all. It's also about core systems and ways the player can interact with the world. The first way is improvements to AI which can be a post unto itself, and I ranted a bit about here. This means NPCs should react to the player breaking laws, running on rooftops, climbing up buildings, etc. Guards need to have time to investigate before attacking and have the ability to investigate after losing sight of you. If we want to get more advanced, maybe guards can run from battle then, different NPCs will have different personalities, so some might join to help, some might join against you, most would run away, maybe one would stay and watch, or some would run to get more guards. If it wasn't for Warner Bros' patent, I'd suggest a play on the nemesis system that maybe guards or citizens who lived may come back later with a specific set of fears, weaknesses, and advantages. Maybe a guard you kill has a son, so now the son joins the Templars and makes a certain area harder to infiltrate until you kill him because he's studied your tactics.

    Now, this is starting to move into game mechanics and the core gameplay loop. The Core Loop is what you directly experience when playing the game. So in AC1 you're tasked with killing 9 targets so you go to a city > Investigate > speak to the Rafiq > Assassinate > escape > Speak to Al Mualim > repeat. This happens 9 times, and AC1 wears that on its sleeve, making it feel repetitive. Brotherhood by contrast is a little more opaque. Your task is to bring down Borgia Influence which is ultimately completed by doing the main story, but all the side missions back this up as well. So You can do the main story, which unlocks side content like recruiting assassins and burning towers, which unlocks more side content like rebuilding Rome, which can unlock more side content like assassination contracts and Romulus lairs which help make the player stronger or rewards with money, which can be used to upgrade gear or renovate Rome to rid it of Borgia influence. In this, rather than working as a line of loops like AC1, it almost feels like a circle of gears rotating each other for the common goal of the narrative. Syndicate attempted to recreate this but didn't have the same strong narrative goal that continued the loop of district liberation. The main goal was to kill Starrick and disrupt his organization which the main story did while the core loop centered around disrupting his gang, which was only one part of his organization; thus weakening the game. Finally, I'll referenced Odyssey, where the main story centered around finding your family, but the core loop didn't even touch on the narrative. It existed to level up to get gear to do new PoI which levels you up. The entirety of the core loop is disconnected, focusing only on the leveling system that uses player psychology to be addicting.

    With these examples in mind, despite the relative success of odyssey, it would be likely better received as a whole by combining its addictive systems and loops with a narrative element that's ingrained like Brotherhood did. Valhalla attempted to do this, but the over-reliance on arcs and lack of meaningful side content created a bloated game with a repetitive nature like Ac1 because the core loop is so apparent and not hidden within the various systems and core gameplay like Brotherhood.

    To achieve this, we need strong mechanical and systemic depth, but at the same time keep complexity to a minimum. This is difficult to design around, but the original AC games did this fairly well for parkour. Any player can pick up a controller and start moving and climbing fairly easily because Original AC parkour was not overly complex to use, but it had depth, meaning masters had more tools such as ledge grab, back ejects, side ejects, and button combinations to do special animations that otherwise wouldn't be seen. This idea should be applied to all three core pillars (stealth, combat, and parkour) so that any player can pick it up but masters can use it better. For stealth, most players use crowds as basically a form of a bush, being physical stealth rather than social stealth. This should be perfectly viable, though crowds should also be able to be used in new ways to help get closer to a target, eavesdrop, pickpocket, and appear as a normal part of society (going back to advanced AI interactions that detect based on illegal or irregular activity rather than just line of sight. Perhaps with combat, button mashing can work, but having a mastery of parrying, dodging, and swinging can allow for fancy combos that could be a cross between AC1 combos and Brotherhood streaks. Secondary mechanics should all seek to improve two or all three of these core pillars. Think about the ship from Ac4. This offered new ways to engage in combat and movement but could be improved with a possible ship disguise system that could maybe allow the player to sneak into restricted water areas or past blockades. With the core mechanics strengthened, we'd want systems built around them that can use them.

    This means we have dense cities that have posts and rooftops allowing for vertical and horizontal travel across the city. We have dense crowds that can be blended with and AI that react appropriately. Borgia Towers or similar ideas should test 2 or all 3 core gameplay pillars, and many times do. Allowing the captain to be assassinated stealthily which then sends the player into combat, before having to parkour up a tower. Gameplay objectives and elements in the world should constantly seek to test the player's skill in multiple areas, not just one. With this in mind, part of building depth is making sure the player is tested in new and challenging ways. So rather than 600 PoI and 100 generic bandit camps, we could just have 10 amazing crusader castles that can be approached by using parkour, stealth, or combat, or any combination of the three. Each of these 10 castles should provide unique challenges and puzzles created by using mechanical depth. Think like AC2 tombs, how some required being able to side and back eject properly. Tying this type of gameplay or systems back to the narrative and as part of the core loop, is also imperative. Rather than being a series of rings in a row or a messy pile of spaghetti, the game's systems need to be an intricate powerhouse of gears turning in unison for the same goal.

    None of this is easier to actually design by any means, nor is it cheap. A major drawback is that it would almost necessitate a smaller game, but judging by overall fan reaction to bloat in Odyssey and Valhalla, I think that's okay. I understand that many players love the quantity over quality approach, but quality and tight design needs to be emphasized to help grow the series out from under itself and stop being the gaming equivalent of fast food. Especially since these games are no longer cheap or fast.

    submitted by /u/nstav13
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    Valhalla has too many fake choices

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 11:51 AM PST

    I'm really getting tired of it. Three times now I've chosen to spare someone, waited for Eivor to finish his poetry exercise, and they get brutally murdered by a random side character for no reason. I just picked the king's brother in War Weary and he immediately got offed in the next cutscene. What's the point in letting me choose if I'm going to get railroaded into one ending regardless?

    submitted by /u/chockster99
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    Valhalla: I think Basim may have been the main character [Spoilers]

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 01:42 PM PST

    Throughout the game we play as Eivor. We watch them grow up and interact to build up their settlement and from first glance it can seem like they're the main character.

    Looking at the other evidence however, presents Basim/Loki as the TRUE main character. Listening to anomalies, ALL of them were about Loki and his connection to his family/son. The entire anomaly arc is solely devoted to him.

    The Asgard Arc is actually more about Loki than Odin. Odin may have done a lot to try to prevent Ragnarok but his imprisonment of Fenrir indirectly caused it by the response Loki had to it. In fact, if you listen, Loki KILLED Baldur in retaliation due to Odin beating and imprisoning his son.

    In the sagas, the death of Baldur started the Ragnarok cycle so this event is VITAL. Throughout the Asgard Arc, Loki is THE main recurring character. Nearly every big event is caused by him in one way or another in response to Odin's treatment of his family and at the end, his son is what causes the end of the world.

    In Eivors day, we learn through Basim & Eivors fireside chat that Basim/Loki misses his son terribly. He considered his son to be his entire world and eventually we learn that the only reason he's here in the first place with Eivor and Sigurd, is to get REVENGE on "Odin" for what he did to his son.

    Not only that, Basim ends up being the ONLY one to survive into the modern day. Loki/Basim's love for his son took him from ISU/Asgard era, past Eivor and every other Assassin's death, all the way to the modern day to search for his son and find a way to restore Aletheia.

    Basim is the ONLY character who existed in every time period and he is also given the most characterization of anyone in the game.

    Loki/Basim caused almost every event in the series to occur indirectly, which is why I consider him to be the main character. Without him, no Ragnarok, no Layla getting the staff, nothing. Without Loki/Basim, the entire story would never have happened.

    submitted by /u/TheQuatum
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    My own experience with ACV putting hive mind mentality aside

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 05:43 AM PST

    So after beating the game (no spoilers) 160hrs I have to say I know this game gets a lot of hate some deserved, and everyone wishes they would do this or that. I have to say I truly do love this game even if it's without DLC yet I definitely think I got my money's worth and for me it was one of the best games I have played in a long time.. especially after playing Cyber Punk, watchdogs and other recently released games, mainly I think this game is a victim of hive mentality people see a You Tuber they enjoy talk about hating the game and BEFORE EVEN TRYING IT they hate it too I think this is a real problem with gaming right now. Even me at first playing it after watching all those people that didn't like it,l I really sat back thought about it and what were my thoughts and what were someone elses did I realize how much I trult love this game. You still see it online people shitting on the game then you ask them and they haven't even played it lol almost never do you see one good thing posted about it always negative, if this was disguised with a different name and publisher this game would be adored, so with your OWN thoughts what is your real experience with this? (Again this is even before the multiple DLC')

    submitted by /u/shikingsley
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    I couldn't sleep, so I drew Edward Kenway

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 03:29 PM PST

    If Assassins Creed returned to traditional AC gameplay, which features from the new trilogy would you want to keep?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 10:16 PM PST

    Imagine Ubisoft decides to return to the city hopping, social stealth focused gameplay. Which features from Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla would you want the series to retain?

    For me, its the much overdue difficulty options. I would love a game like AC2 but with a nightmare mode in which a bullet or sword hit depletes like half your health, and every upgrade feels necessary.

    submitted by /u/kale-oil
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    [Spoilers] AC Valhalla - Possible next great villain of the second DLC (and his Piece of Eden)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 01:09 PM PST

    Guys, doing a quick historical research about the second DLC of the game involving the famous Second Siege of Paris (885 AD), we come to the already confirmed character "Charles the Fat", name quoted by Ubisoft in the Valhalla's post launch trailer, and the most intriguing thing is that, besides being a Emperor Carolingius, he was also the great-grandson of Charlemagne, king of the Franks cited by Alfred of Wessex at the end of the base game (letters in his secret study room in Winchester). And what makes all this interesting is that in these letters, Alfred makes it clear that in 804 AD, Charlemagne was warned by the Alcuin of York about a secret and heretical Order acting in the shadows of the Frankish Empire (that also worshiped relics and distorted Christianity). In that same year, Alcuin was found dead, revealing that Charlemagne was already fully aware of the Order of the Ancients, and even working with them... What almost nobody remembers is that it was not the first time that Charlemagne was mentioned in the lore of AC, since he was referenced by Clay in the puzzles of Subject 16 in AC2 (Instruments of power). At that time, he emerged as one of the historical figures who already carried a Sword of Eden in the universe of the saga, together with the already known Arthur Pendragon and Jeanne d'Arc. So, in other words, with Charles (the Fat) being great-grandson of Charlemagne, there is a good chance that this Sword was passed on as an inheritance. I mean... why not? In fact, what would prevent this from being the same Sword of Eden carried by Arno Dorian and Jeanne? (whoever has read the book AC Heresy knows that both are the same weapon). After all, this expansion will put us in Paris... Eivor could easily have taken this Sword from the Emperor and hidden it somewhere in the medieval city, until it was found centuries later by the Templars and Jacques de Molay.

    PS: if Excalibur wasn't SO different from Arno's weapon, we could even say that it is the same artifact.

    Charlemagne (742-814), painting by Durer.

    Charles the Fat (839-888), painting by Louis-Félix Amiel.

    submitted by /u/gui_heinen
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    Question/Discussion about Endgame content for AC Valhalla, only read if you’ve collected all animus fragments and completed the main stories - SPOILER WARNING

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 08:31 PM PST

    In case you haven't collected all the animus fragments and completed the story, don't read on: spoilers ahead, last chance. Doing my best to protect from eager eyes

    At the end of the Asgard and Jotunheim storyline, Havi learns that he will succeed in making 8 people immortal through the life tree. In the vision, I was careful to watch if Loki was able to put himself in the tree and it looks like he didn't, because at the end of Havi's vision they all seem to walk into the fires of Ragnarok together. I would assume that they accounted for each other since the vision didn't show any sabotage.

    If you've finished collecting the animus fragments, and you watched the video, you learned that Loki sabotaged someone's entry into the life tree which explains why Basim attacks Eivor and Sigurd at the end: he's Loki's reincarnation.

    So which scene is real? Is Havi's vision just incomplete? Also, why is the tree (and other technology) we find in the modern world more advanced-looking than Havi's vision?

    submitted by /u/wizrdmusic
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    Why do people like the movie

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 03:43 PM PST

    Personally, I didn't enjoy it. It was fine but it had a lot of issues (character development, pacing, etc). I have read a lot of posts/comments talking about why the movie is total garbage, but I haven't seen a lot that talks about why people enjoyed the movie or what they enjoyed about it (then again I'm new to reddit).

    Just curious, for people who enjoyed the movie (even little bits and pieces of it), what did you like about it?

    submitted by /u/GlitteringJaguar4213
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    [Contains Spoilers] Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Wrath of the Druids DLC Theories ("Irish Isu", Potential Artifacts, Modern Day Continuation)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 09:06 AM PST

    Update: I have completed Assassins Creed Revelations and watched Ac Embers here are my thoughts.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 10:46 PM PST

    This is a follow up post from my last post being this one https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/lgnhb1/i_bought_the_ezio_collection_3_weeks_ago_and_now/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

    Now that that has been said where do I begin.

    1. The story. Let's start with the story this narrative has really tied together all of Ezio's story from all of the lessons he has learned, to learning even more about the first civilization, to saving Desmond, and finally ending Ezio's and by extension Altair's story. Now I never had the opportunity to play Ac1 so I watched all the cutscenes on YouTube and had friends explain the story of Ac1 to me. Revelations has made me love Altair as a character. with each key to maysaf I saw more of Altair after Ac1 story and what he had to go through from losing his wife and a son to him and his oldest child leaving there home only for him to return decades later to finally fix things. I loved marching back up to claim the home of the assassins from Abbas and killing him with a hidden gun. Seeing him do everything in his power to help the assassins even in his dying days was incredible to see and don't get me started on seeing him put the apple of eden away and sitting down in his chair to rest some really great stuff. Now my boy Ezio this felt like a story of a man trying to finally be done with the assassin life. He has done so much for the creed he never had his own life to live. Seeing him finally start to love again because of Sofia was truly a amazing thing to witness.
      The final mission with Ezio was marvelous. What would we find in the vault? A way to end the Templar war?? More pieces of eden??? What we found was "No books..... No wisdom just you,fratello mio (my brother)" it hit me like a truck seeing Altair's skeleton sitting in that chair for who knows how long with the final key. The final memory of his was bittersweet he embraces his son for the final time before telling him to go on and be with his family. Then the slow walk down into the library before you rest. The transitions where top tier here. Note: when Altair hugs his son if you look down at the puddle on the floor you can see Altair hugging Al Mualim. Seeing ezio finally say he is done with all of it and choosing to pass on what he knows to Desmond fills me with such happiness. He did what he could now our Italian stallion needs a break. Also the Desmond memories where phenomenal. It was amazing to learn about Desmonds early life. I could talk much longer about the story but I want to speak about some other things this post is already to long haha.

      1. Embers. What a way to end it all. It was surreal seeing old Ezio. I was really happy to see he settled with Sofia and had a kid my guy was living the quiet life he wanted. Seeing a assassin from Japan as far as I am aware was awesome Shao Jun is cool as hell I loved all of the fight choreography with her and ezio both. I knew his death was coming but damn it did not soften the blow. To see a character from his first breaths to his last is a weird thing but a beautiful one. I have some theory as to how he died but again I will put those out there on a later date.
      2. The hookblade. The greatest god damn thing since fire and Ezio. I don't know whose idea it was to give you a incredible tool but they need a raise. It makes traversal even more fluid, fun and awesome the fact you can ride on zip-lines,flip people over and assassinate with it is incredible.

    In conclusion this has to be my favorite game of the ezio series. It tied up so many chapters to a amazing story. On a more personal note these games have helped through a hard time in my life. These games make me want to be a better person. They make me want to cherish my family and friends even more. They make me realize that we all have time and that we should enjoy it. We have love that we should feel. We have liberty that we should see.

    I was very upset when I had first played ac3 when they killed Desmond and started to hate the series. Playing these games again has made me realize how much I still enjoy them. If they can tell compelling storylines like this I am all for it. I am going to give the newer ac games a chance starting with odyssey. Anyway take care fellow assassins.

    submitted by /u/BigDaddyShisui
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    Honestly this article is hilarious because I don't know how y'all beat this damn game months ago. I've had it since launch, played it on and off since then, approaching 70 hours and still haven't even explored Norway or the north or beat the story.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 04:52 AM PST

    [Spoilers] so about the king killer quest

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 10:53 PM PST

    I'm having trouble deciding If I should allow or deny Ivarr valhalla, He was a good viking and I respect him as a ragnarson, and Uncle Mario told ezio to respect his enemies and the way he killed ceolbert was vile, and he risked many missions with his slefish desires and he was a mad dog. I just need help.

    submitted by /u/wirlydirly89
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    [spoilers]Question about the ‘eve’ desmond is supposed to find

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 01:26 PM PST

    Question about the 'Eve' Desmond is supposed to find

    Ok, so I have just played brotherhood and Juno tells Desmond that he needs to find a woman to guide him or something and to find his Eve, using the sixth sense. Now I'm pretty sure this is Layla right? Or was it revealed earlier or something. I am very confused

    submitted by /u/Big_Sleeps
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    What its better in Assassins creed Valhalla: spear with or without shield?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 01:14 PM PST

    I just like to play with Spears, do shields have that much benefit?

    submitted by /u/G4_br
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    One of the letters to Eivor? [SPOILER]

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 10:59 AM PST

    After the Lincolnshire story arc is completed you get a letter in the post box from Acha, unfortunately there's no way to go back and read it but it mentions something (spoiler!!) about her feeling too guilty about her actions and how she therefore wanted to ascend to the heavens or something along those lines.. does this mean what I think it means?? I can't find her in the town to confirm my suspicions!!

    submitted by /u/MysteriousCompany487
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    Why is the Valhalla soundtrack release so fragmented?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 01:07 PM PST

    It really feels like Ubisoft has extended their love of micro-transactions to how they've parsed out the Valhalla soundtrack.

    Before the game launched, they released two very partial soundtracks (Out of the North and Raven's Saga). Then when the game launched, the released the incomplete "Assassin's Creed Valhalla (Original Game Soundtrack)".

    Then over December and January, the released piecemeal The Wave of Giants, Sons of the Great North, and Twilight of the Gods, which completed the tracks from the game; however, these three all greatly overlap with the original soundtrack that came out with launch, instead of just having cheaper albums with just the additional tracks...

    I really wish that they either had an additive approach where The Wave of Giants, Sons of the Great North, and Twilight of the Gods just contained the additional tracks or they released a single package that had all the songs in it...

    I had to rebuy most of the original soundtrack album when I got Sons of the Great North and Twilight of the Gods (after buying the original soundtrack close to launch).

    To be clear, I love the soundtrack. It is one of the best AC soundtracks in a while. I just don't like how it has been released.

    submitted by /u/leftisthominid
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    Love story in assassin and going back to old times ?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 04:42 PM PST

    Hi guys I just wanted to ask you would you like to see something similar to the relationship in unity or u think its dump. Personally I really enjoyed ac unity and the plot was decent but mainly I think that adding protagonists like aya (ac origins) elise etc. Makes main characters better . And second question do you want to make ac back to real assassins?

    submitted by /u/duo_spierdolenia
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    Need help with River Raids!

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 08:27 PM PST

    I am relatively new to the game and I am running into an issue during River Raids. There is one building on both Eastern Fortification and Western Fortification that is barred on BOTH sides. There is no way to shoot them out from an opening and I can't get in through the top of the house. I'm probably just being a noob but any help would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/BSMIT5
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    Does Valhalla get worse as it goes?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 08:24 PM PST

    I've played about 20 hours and so far I'm really loving it. I have had very little bugs and I think everything else is pretty good like the story and gameplay. I'm just a little worried because I've heard that the game is 80 hours. So I'm worried it could get repetitive. I just wanted to know peoples opinions on if the game stayed fun all the way through or did it drag?

    submitted by /u/Kade_V
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    AC Bloodlines is best game with Altaïr

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 01:44 AM PST

    The story in this game is not repetitive as in AC 1 and I think that lot of new player dont even know that this game exist. I found that this game have its own magic despite the PSP format. You will know Altaïr much better than from AC 1.The fact that he will developted his relationship with Maria is awesome and make this game special for me eventho this was my first playthrough happend in 2021. The side mission and collectibles are easy to do and you will reach 100% synchronization after 5+- hours. Unfortunately, the was only realsed on PSP and you must download Emutor and game from internet on mobile.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/ResponsibleAd3518
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    How does Unity’s Disguise work in canon?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 07:26 PM PST

    Arno can disguise himself as Women, Workers and more. How does it work in canon?

    submitted by /u/Aureus07
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