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    Assassin's Creed Pic of Altair i made a while back

    Assassin's Creed Pic of Altair i made a while back

    Pic of Altair i made a while back

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 08:08 PM PST

    AC:Brotherhood, feels like coming home.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 03:54 AM PST

    Right now I am in online school, and I had a couple of hours off in the middle of the day. I woke up just wanting to play Assassin's creed. Originally I was planning to do Relevations, but couldn't find it(believe my brother borrowed it) so AC: Brotherhood it was. Was all good. I sat down on my xbox one, and the installation was shorter than a youtube video - at first I was doubting if I'd have time to play at all. But before I knew it, I was in.

    Holding the controller, for those who play consol will know what I mean - holding in the trigger and pressing A at the same time to run and run up walls. My hand just fell right into it, and it felt, so good! Seeing Ezio I couldn't help but let out a cheer. The music just calmed my heart instantly, and although this is probably my third time playing, it just felt right. Ezio does still move a bit like a wet cloth on the floor, so you make some misses. I had some giggles over some glitches like a guard launching up into the sky after killing him. But there I was. In Rome. That first where you climb to the church tower in Rome, I knew all my landmarks. I almost pointed and went: There is pantheon, there is colosseum, castello de angelo, Forum! I know this city by heart. Every landmark, every location. Rome is even more special for me, for I've traveled there irl, and so know the city well. But here I am, in a location I love, with a character I love. These 3 hours vanished like seconds. I can't wait to keep playing. Right now I am waiting for classes to start up again. I am more exicted to play Brotherhood again, than I probably ever was with Valhalla or Odyssey. The Ezio trilogy is special. I did AC:II about half a year ago. And I will get Relevation back so when I am done with Brotherhood I can continue.

    Do you get this exicted when you replay the games? Does it calm you as well being back in the games? How many times have you replayed the games? Which one is your favorite?

    Edit: Wow thank you all the rewards!

    submitted by /u/Toxilyn
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    Can I get my fast walk back?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 03:40 PM PST

    Can I get an Amen?

    Thinking back to ACII-III, when you were in low profile, you could hold down X or A to stay in low profile, but move faster to keep up with your target and/or get to your objective faster. Playing Valhalla, having my cloak on. You've got 2 options. Slug it/crawl or run and get caught by a guard 1/4 of a mile away.

    Can I please have my fast walk back?

    submitted by /u/ThePitifulScion
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    Why did they think adding assassin damage was a smart idea in these games?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 06:53 AM PST

    The best part of these games was always that if you found a way to get behind someone, you had won. I absolutely hate the new games because they feel like shit when you make it bast all the enemies to a cultist or something and then oh no, you can't kill them and now have to fight someone who is a massive damage sponge. Like you're an assassin. You can't even assassinate. Honestly I think this is the worst idea they have ever had.

    submitted by /u/Nickel829
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    I learned how to play Ezio's Family on guitar (audio. Sorry for background noise)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 03:44 PM PST

    First Experiences Of Assassin's Creed 2

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 01:07 PM PST

    Wow. What can I say? I bought assassin's creed 2 the other day and started a play through. This was my first "proper" assassin's creed game. I had only played Odyssey and Origins before and really liked both of them. But wow. Assassin's Creed 2 blew both of them out the water. Why did I not buy this sooner? Honestly, I dont really know why I'm even posting this, but I just felt like sharing my great experiences with others around. If you havent played AC2, please do. It's an unforgettable experience. Did any of you ever feel like this when playing a specific game for the first time? If so please share it with me as I'm looking for more games to play as well as the rest of the Ezio Collection. Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Typhoeus7
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    I would love to see a assassins creed game follow the legend of Robin Hood

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 07:28 PM PST

    It would be perfect as an assassins creed game, think about it..steal from the rich(templers) give to the poor

    Plus Robin Hood was said to be a amazing archer so I would love to see what Ubisoft could do special with archery

    There's also the most likely possibly of the game taking place in a single large city again

    submitted by /u/FuriosOctavian
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    A little history behind Assassins' Creed 1 for you if you love the series as much as I do.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 12:54 PM PST

    Being a history lover and gamer as I am, I created a video about the history behind one of my favorite games, Assassins' Creed 1. I know it is old school but you have to give it credit for being the first off an awesome series. Please watch and give me any feed back be it positive or negative. It all helps me. I am working on new videos for the rest of the series. I hope you the best and may all of your dreams come true... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wm4wSzgjYwk&t

    submitted by /u/TimTalksHistory
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    Actual missions in modern day that unlock rewards that are useful in the animus.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 01:17 PM PST

    Ubisoft has struggled to create an unified experience that detract from the other. One of the common criticisms has always been that people don't enjoy it when they are forced to get out of the animus. The problem isn't the modern day itself. It's boring as there is nothing to do except reading emails. It's not people's fault they dislike modern day, why shouldn't they? There is no incentive or good player reward for doing so. It's ubisoft's fault for never going all in. When you are changing the gameplay segment from past to modern, there must be something equally exciting and challenging when you are out of animus. As it is it feels disjointed as what you do out animus is nothing like what you play AC for. Modern day and past should be one game to play.

    I know this is easier said then done as they'll need equal amount of care and asset to craft the modern day.

    Ubisoft wants to have their own cake and eat it too. That won't work, they'll have to make their mind. They point at the fans' dislike of modern day is why it's so minimal but if they had the balls to do something substantial instead of cowering and tacking on as consolation. Ubisoft needs to understand people don't hate modern day, they hate the fact it's pointless subpar attempt and not meaty. That's ubisoft's fault not fans.

    There are ways around making modern day with a lot of content but the thing is they never attempted before so they have no idea. They don't have to design new assets they can set the present segments on the same location as the past. They need to create new core gameplay loop that has modern day there. It's usually like

    past - past - modern cutscene - past - past - past - past - past - past - read emails/ brief sequence - past - past - past - ending in present/modern.

    The problem is there is no modern day gameplay. If there were certain skills or things in the animus that you need to explore in the present to then unlock in the animus then it'd be like this

    past - past - present - past - past - present - past - past - present etc.

    Instead of throwing random animus skills have something like in dying light night mode. In dying light 2 at night it's double the xp and double the danger. So you pick skills from animus and practice outside of animus so you don't get sick like clay. In present day it's more dangerous but your time here is more rewarding when you eventually go back to the animus. With your sanity in check you perform better in animus.

    Modern day can only just be 20% and still be packed with content. Have 10 or even less, quantity(nobody is asking for 100+ quests like in the past) doesn't matter as long as they are well designed and they allow all the gameplay opportunities of the animus in the present segments. Small freeroam area that's all.

    All of this can be done by one team. These games have multiple ubisoft studios working in each of them. They can just have say Ubisoft Sofia lead and do the full modern day segments like Ubisoft Shanghai did the underground tomb platform missions. The point is one team leads the whole developments of modern sections which will be the 25% of the whole game. They can even share assets from watchdogs in modern day for budget. Anyways there many ways to make this happen. it's all lip service when ubisoft says modern day is an important part but if they cared they'd not neglect like this.

    Personality for me modern day is the most intriguing aspect of the lore, even moreso than isu. It's very fascinating to this day both of the groups are still fighting secretly. So many exciting things they can do in the modern with all the political discord in the current times, put assassin's and templars behind the current political climate to craft AC's fictionalized story. The original creators understood this, they knew AC was a sandbox, which they took history as a background and put their fictional groups behind them in an interesting way. Even though newer games try it but the charm and the passion isn't there, it feels like a product. Even if it saddens me If they can't bring something worthwhile and meaningful to the modern day they should just cut it all together, don't play with a corpse that has no soul. I've never seen such a crucial aspect of a series mistreated to this extent in other games or series.

    submitted by /u/Abraham_Issus
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    Why do alot of players say Ac: Unity is "under appreciated" and a "hidden gem" among the Assassin's Creed games, even though it is considered a great game by casual players and by the majority of the Ac community ?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 06:04 PM PST

    I know it made sense then, alot of players disliked Unity when it first released, and the game generally got a bad reception overall. Sometime after the release of Ac: Syndicate, players went back to Unity and the game got alot of newfound attention and love from the fanbase. It is considered a great game and a fan favorite by many members of the Ac community, but I still see alot of people calling it "underrated" and a "hidden gem", even though it is widly popular, I don't understand why.

    submitted by /u/Infamous_Ad_5214
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    what would you guys think of an AC game set in China?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 10:39 PM PST

    I'm thinking about it and having an AC game in a big Chinese city would be fun. or any asian country for that matter. If you guys think this would be fun what time period do you think would be good? if you have an idea for some other asian country lmk in the replies. Might also be fun to have an AC game that takes place in the future as the ending of the series. sort of the buildup of all those shitty office levels from past games lol

    submitted by /u/11646Moe
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    Starting assassins creed. Where should I start?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 12:37 AM PST

    I want to start playing assassins creed I play on PS4. So I want to ask what games are playable for PS4 and want I should start with.

    I have a friend that told me that the best game is from assassins creed 2 but told me if I want a newer installment I should try assassins creed Origin.

    Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/boodiboodi
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    Why can i only find like 5 armors in the odyssey helix shop?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 09:51 PM PST

    I was planning on buying the oracle set but it isnt in the shop, and im wondering why. Is there a rotation? Or are they just gone? I could only find like 5 armors.

    submitted by /u/Vanish3d
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    [Spoilers] The Seven Methods of Salvation

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 07:24 AM PST

    Since the release of Valhalla I have seen a few posts enquiring about the seventh method of salvation and why it was never mentioned in AC3 - responses to these queries are often made in good faith, but factually incorrect at times. As such, I thought I'd make a post explaining the various methods the Capitoline Triad came up with, why they were discarded, and what ones ultimately worked.

    The First Solution - Global Aurora Borealis device

    The First Solution, and ultimately the one that did work and save humanity during the Second Catastrophe (2012), was to shield the earth by using a series of Towers to collect the energy of the impending solar flare and dispel it.

    The Capitoline Triad–Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva–knew that, in theory, this plan would work but they lacked the time and resources to to get it functioning before the solar flare struck. As such, they moved on to alternative ideas. Despite moving on, however, Juno later posited (correctly) that some members of the First Civilisation, namely Minerva, revisited the First Solution knowing that it could protect the earth from an inevitable second occurrence of the solar flare.

    This renewed plan made use of a number of Towers, such as the Grand Temple in New York state and Valhalla's Yggdrasil tower in Norway, to generate the shield (possibly in combination with certain ideas from the Second Solution mentioned below).

    The Second Solution - A global shield inspired by the Rings of Eden

    The Second Solution sought to use the same basic principles of the Rings of Eden (which generated magnetic fields that protected the wearer) on a global scale. The magnetic fields would work, in theory, but like with the First Solution, the Isu lack the necessary power to make this solution feasible even at the smallest scale.

    It appears that at least parts of the Second Solution, alongside the First Solution, was incorporated into the method Minerva ultimately developed to protect the earth, since in 2012 the Earth was shielded against the solar flare, rather than absorbing and dispelling the energy into space. It was this shield that continued to strengthen over the following eight years until Layla Hassan was forced to sacrifice herself in 2020 to restore it to its proper strength.

    The Third Solution - Thought made real

    The Third Solution was thought up as a result of a discovery made about the Apples of Eden. The Isu realised that if the Apples compelled enough humans to believe in a single idea, that idea could manifest in reality. So, they launched a number of Apples into space, turned them towards the Earth, and commanded the entire human race to think one thought, "make us safe."

    Unfortunately, the Isu lacked the means to effectively harness this power and so the plan was discarded.

    The Fourth Solution - Calculations and time travel

    Another solution that ultimately failed, but inspired success in other areas; Minerva's discovery of the Calculations led many Isu to believe that they could manipulate time itself, essentially allowing them to reverse time such that they would give themselves the necessary time to protect the Earth. To this end, the Yggdrasil tower/supercomputer, itself later incorporated into Minerva's ultimately successful First Solution, was built to make these Calculations.

    The Isu soon discovered that they could not actually reverse time, or even influence the past and affect their present, but they did realise that the Calculations could be used to predict possible futures. As such, they looked to the future for answers – how would a future Catastrophe be protected against? In almost all possible futures they looked at, the result remained the same, but Minerva was inspired.

    She laid the groundwork for humanity to protect itself; leaving messages to humanity in the form of holograms and starting the automated construction of the Towers that would help generate the shield to protect the Earth.

    Following Juno's imprisonment, Minerva learned through the Calculations of Juno's sabotage and so recorded a final message (heard by Desmond in AC3) imploring him not to make use of her ultimate solution.

    The Fifth Solution – Augmentation

    The Fifth Solution was less about protecting the Earth itself, rather than ensuring the Isu could survive in a post-Catastrophe world. It would see the Isu genetically augment themselves to withstand the planet's harsh environment.

    Juno's husband, Aita, volunteered to be the first test subject for this Fifth Solution, but his mind began to rapidly deteriorate such that he was ultimately euthanised and the plan discarded.

    The Sixth Solution - RoboIsu

    The Sixth (and seemingly final) Solution was to transfer Isu consciousness into an entirely new vessel temporarily, so that they could survive in a post-Catastrophe world. Inspired by Consus, who transferred his own consciousness into a Shroud of Eden, this plan held promise, as it was relatively easy for the Isu to transfer their consciousness into a foreign object, but the difficulty came in reversing the process as it required another being's sacrifice to be successful.

    Like the other Solutions, this plan was ultimately discarded but proved to have lasting repercussions for the Isu and humanity – Loki and Aletheia used this method to transfer the latter's consciousness into the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus.

    The Seventh Solution – Sages

    Unlike the first six solutions, which were apparently public knowledge, the fabled Seventh Solution was spearheaded by Juno behind closed doors. This solution was heavily inspired by the Sixth Solution but did away with the pesky question of requiring the consent of the individual whose sacrifice would be required. The details of the Seventh Solution can get a little complicated, so bear with me.

    Even during her lifetime, rumours about Juno's secret Seventh Solution abound (enough, at least, for Loki and Aletheia to learn about it and plan to make use of it themselves). As we see in Valhalla, Odin and Juno worked together to retrieve "the mead," a catalytic agent necessary to successfully replicate and store the Isu consciousness in a foreign body, and that would allow said conciousness to resurface and a predetermined future date.

    Whilst the Aesir, Odin's followers, had the means to properly implement the Seventh Solution, Juno, whose main objective was to restore her late husband, Aita, to life, did not. Instead, Juno used the Seventh Solution to create the Sages, random recurrences of Aita that would pop up in human generations across the globe.


    There's more to be said about these various solutions and how the influenced Isu and human history post-Catastrophe, but these additional points do not fall within the scope of this article. Suffice to say, it was a combination of several ideas from multiple solutions that ultimately protected the Earth, though it was principally the First Solution that worked.

    submitted by /u/JascaDucato
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    Find new cosmetics in Valhalla

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 09:16 PM PST

    How do I find the new cosmetics I buy with opals? I go to the Decorative elements and they are not there. I did check to see if I bought them and I did.

    submitted by /u/Ioane907
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    How good is valhalla compared to origins?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 09:16 PM PST

    Origins is my favorite assassins creed because of the amount of detail in the world, exploring the map, bayek, and just the feel of the game. I didn't like the combat at first but I have fun with it now.

    I didn't really like odyssey as much because of how copy/paste a lot of the game felt.

    I'm a big fan of viking themes so valhalla is really appealing to me. I've been reading a lot of hate for the game so i'm wondering what you guys think of it.

    How good would you say it is compared to origins? Does it have a lot to explore and a detailed map like origins thats not copy/paste? Is it fun?

    submitted by /u/frostmas
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    Which Assasins creed showed us all of the era's we were going to play in ?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 08:00 AM PST

    Which Assasins creed showed us all of the era's we were going to play in ? I remember very vividly, some sort of table or hologram that showed a eagle, viking helmet, pyramid and a cherry blossom tree, or something along those lines.

    So I knew we'd get Egypt and Vikings eventually and now I'm waiting for Feudal Japan.

    Thing is, I can't find it anymore. Not sure if it was a secret or something, but I do remember a lot of other folks seeing it as well.

    submitted by /u/LastLetter444
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    Does dilaogue chanage the story or outcomes?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 07:33 PM PST

    For example I just started the essexe mission. I chose were is he now have to go find him. If i said ill talk to you would story change would I be talking to his wife nowm Alsonthird option are you a saxon what happens if I chose that. Does the dilaogue cjnagebthe game or na.

    submitted by /u/jsingh21
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    AC Valhalla: The Creed and Vikings

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 12:45 PM PST

    I am think of getting Valhalla, but I want to see how much of the creed actually influences the story. I really enjoyed Black Flag's approach where there were pirate-republic missions like with Blackbeard and the takeover of Nassau, but there were also missions and story that focused on the Creed and its influence. The same with origins too; there was plenty of creed-oriented story line, but also the fall of Egypt story line; it felt well balanced between the creed and other events. Is Valhalla on similar lines, or is the creed just an afterthought? No spoilers please!

    submitted by /u/Mysterious_BLT
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    We need more customization in Valhalla

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 05:12 AM PST

    More hairstyles, beards, and instead of reusing armors maybe we could get dyes for armors instead in the stores

    The lack of armor sets in this game compared to Odyssey is ridiculous literally you could just use the Raven clan set the whole game and not really miss out

    submitted by /u/Damn-Shawty-
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    Reckon we'll ever get to see Eivor's love interest/lineage?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 01:50 PM PST

    I actually liked how the original ac games shown how characters' relationships progressed (e.g. Altair & Maria, Ezio & Sofia) and how their lineage develops etc. When you become attached to these characters you love to see them have a kind of happy ending.

    But after the meltdown over Kassandra/Alexios' heir last year and the game's developers under fire, I'm doubting we'll ever really get to see how Eivor's story pans out. Sad because i'd actually love for her to retire with a s/o too. :(

    submitted by /u/Astronomer-Honest
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    AC Valhalla - Fishing tips

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 08:08 AM PST

    AC Valhalla - Fishing Tips

    This is partly in response to this post complaining about the offerings requiring fish, but I guess this is a good way to help out anyone who wants to do the fishing trophy/complete the challenges. I can't say I disagree with the tedious nature of fishing in the game, I'm just simply offering my experiences to give others a helping hand.

    First: Buy the three fishing books from the Ravensthorpe store, they will tell you the locations of where each species can be caught. Or, simply look it up online if you don't have the silver.

    Second: When looking for a specific size of fish, pay attention to the number of fish in the "pod." Small fish spawn in groups of 4-5, regular in 2, and large by themselves.

    Third: Use the camera mode to cheat and see which type of fish you are looking at. Just go under the water and zoom in. You'll pretty quickly learn what each species looks like and that will help speed up your search.

    Fourth: At least in my experience, fishing from a paddle boat (not Eivor's longship) helps a lot, as you can move up and down the water much quicker than on the shores. If you do this though, be sure to only fish from the very ends of the boat, not the middle. Sometimes the fish can get stuck there when trying to reel them in and you won't able to catch them, even if they are right below you.

    Fifth: Do your fishing mostly near fast travel points. When you've exhausted the fish in that area, fast travel to another dock, fish there for a bit, then fast travel back to where you were. It will respawn the pods and usually a good variety will be there to catch. This helps especially when going after the coastal fish as they won't spawn in stormy waters; docks are usually calm.

    Sixth: Don't use a bow and arrow. It can bug out and not let you collect the fish, plus it scares all the others away when you jump in the water.

    Extra: If you can't seem to find small eel for the fishing challenges, go to Wesberie village in Sciropscire. Its the same place you catch some eel with Ceolbert in that territory's arc. Only eel spawn there.

    Thats it, hope it helps!

    P.S. The large flatfish and large mackerel spawns are still not spawning, as far as I'm aware. So those cannot be completed yet, unfortunately. The Trophy can still be done by catching those fish, just not in the large variety.

    submitted by /u/Airforce987
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    Is there much difference between the Xbox 360 edition and Xbox One compatibility edition of Assassin’s Creed 1?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 01:19 PM PST

    I've been looking into the Xbox One compatibility of Assassin's Creed 1 to see if it's worth getting and I am unable to find much difference with the original Assassin's Creed 1, apart from slightly improved picture quality which is only noticeable when zoomed in.

    Have I missed anything?

    submitted by /u/Laurence-Ellis
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