• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 18, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Magnus Bruun (voice of male Eivor) tweets that he has finished recording voice lines for 'Siege of Paris' DLC

    Assassin's Creed Magnus Bruun (voice of male Eivor) tweets that he has finished recording voice lines for 'Siege of Paris' DLC

    Magnus Bruun (voice of male Eivor) tweets that he has finished recording voice lines for 'Siege of Paris' DLC

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 03:58 PM PST

    I wrote down the songs Ezio sings when he pretends to be a minstrel in Revelations. They made me laugh so I figured I'd share

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 05:49 PM PST

    I am a feckless minstrel // I sing off key for coins // If you should spot me in the street // Please kick me in the loins

    Fair Lucrezia could not sate her appetite for lovers // But I suspect she would be fine with two or three more brothers

    While traveling through Forlí // I took her at my leisure // She said its strictly business // Such business was my pleasure

    Cesare, oh cesare // A man of great depravity // Believed himself immortal //Til he had a date with gravity

    The things I do to save the world // Surprise me time to time // Like learning how to play the lute // And making these words rhyme

    Oh the beauties of Firenze // Can melt your heart, you'll see // Beware the girls of Roma // Lest fire you wish to pee

    Vieri, oh Vieri // Yes he of Pazzi fame // Was just as mad as his old man // And ended just the same

    Venecias fair doge // A quite determined man // Was just a trifle red of face // When I upset his plan

    There once was a man named Ducchio // A rat with lecher's taste // Whenever he would show himself // My fists would find his face

    To judge a ladies character // Know well her company // If she would wish to seem a sage // Come spend the night with me

    Young Cesare, I heard them say, // Could not be killed by man // So I tossed him through the air // To see where he might land

    I sing in praise of children // I croon in praise of dames // I will chant in praise of mighty men // When I recall their names

    A minstels song I heard them say, // Brings maidens by the score // But luck deserts me, when I play // They hasten to the door

    I sing in Italiano, // You understand no word // But my Greek is non-existent // And my Turkish is absurd

    Proud Roma is our lady // A rose of tempered steel // Could raise the ardor of a corpse // And teach his stone to feel

    I can't believe I stand here // And sing, my time I waste // But you who sit and smile at me // Sincerely have no taste

    Before Rodrigo was the pope // He was a man of vices // And once he became the holy Seat // He raised his vice's prices

    submitted by /u/jackofangels
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    Goddammit the Assassins Creed soundtracks are absolutely beautiful.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 06:44 AM PST

    I've been playing these games since they came out and I've completed each one quite a few times over. I love the AC series so much, but the soundtracks are never really mentioned.

    I was listening to the Ezio trilogy on Spotify and it's just phenomenal. It never fails to impress me.

    The only game which had a weaker soundtrack was Syndicate in my opinion.

    Haven't played Valhalla yet but I'm sure it's got a great soundtrack.

    Just wanted to show some appreciation.

    submitted by /u/Bamonk
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    I was told that Jomsviking were supposed to be essential to the new event but find myself raiding solo until I need them for chests

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 05:23 PM PST

    The first time I played the event with my own rank 1 Jomsviking all but 4 of them needed reviving almost instantly after I started a raid and since then I've just ran in and either cleared the forts or camps with stealth or with a solo assault which honestly is more fun than if you raided normally, especially on drengir difficulty.

    Of course eventually you need to summon your vikingr if you actually want to open any cargo chests but I thought if I go solo I can keep my crew healthy and won't have to deal with red exclamation marks all the time, that is until one of them set fire to a house and then somehow caught fire too, instantly downing them... I was honestly amazed when I realised what happened. The Jomsviking were supposed to be a huge part of the river raids but feel almost less than useful.

    submitted by /u/Delete-Xero
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    Black Flag is the golden example of how to find balance between story and gameplay in an open-world game and game devs should learn from it.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 09:34 AM PST

    I think Black Flag is genuinely one of the best open worlds to explore - not just in AC but in general. What makes it so good is the fact everything makes sense! Both story and open-world activities compliment each other instead of competing. Other video games with open worlds often suffer due to a conflict between the story and the gameplay loop that manifest itself in 2 different ways:

    TIME - The story in open-world games tends to be very urgent. Extremely important things are happening all the time or there is some time limit that the main hero should be concerned about (end of the world, a bad guy tthat needs to be stopped, dangerous conspiracy to solve, family in danger etc.) At the same time a lot of the activities are lighthearted and seemingly unimportant tasks - minor sidequests, loot, collectibles, hunting, crafting etc. Why? Because open world just need to be filled with some content for the players. I think most games fail to combine the story with open world activities in a meaningful or coherent way. Open-world games need to include side activities but it seems like devs often don't bother to accommodate any time for those activities within the story.

    A major example of this incomapibility is Batman Arkham games. Action of Arkham City is supposed to take place during a single night. But the game itself takes like 20-25 hours to beat. So right from the start there is a time issue in the story. And if you want to do everything like Enigma's puzzles, collectibles and all the secrets it gets even more ridiculous. Doing all those sidequests doesn't even make sense in the context of the story because realistically Batman should be focused on the important and pressing issues at hand, not taking detours to pop balloons, beat up random goons or fuck around with puzzles. So when you play Arkham City you have two choices as a player. Either try to be in character and take the story seriously - this way you're going to skip most of optional content and just focus on main story like Batman would. Or you can accept the fact this is just a game where there are no stakes whatsoever and take your time to complete everything in the pace that suits you. But you can't do both at the same time!

    Black Flag finds the perfect formula for an open-world game. Generally Edward gets a lot of free time between missions and main quests are often far from each other which encourages exploration. Apart from a few moments where missions are supposed to be done in a quick sequence the game doesn't really rush you. It gives the main character and players time to explore the world without annoying us with fake urgency. You don't need to choose between story and side content like in Arkham City because the story is designed in such a way that side content is meant to be done alongside it. In Black Flag you almost never have this feeling that you're doing nonsense when realistically the character should be focused on something else. The story acknowledges the fact that it's an open-world game and gives character and players breathing room for stuff other than main missions.

    For example when one mission ends, Kidd tells you to meet him (her) on a certain island in a "few weeks time". Even considering the fact that in-game days are way shorter than real life days it's still a lot of free time that the story gives you to do what you want. So you finish activities on the current island and set out in the general direction of the next quest. But there is no rush. On your way you'll see a few ships with good loot that you want to take, a few small islands to explore, maybe a treasure map, a few enemy outposts that wait to be plundered, a hidden smuggler cave that you need to check out etc. By the time you arrive at your destination a few in-game weeks will have naturally passed and on your way to the objective you did a lot of cool pirate stuff that Edward would definitely do. And that leads me to the second main point...

    CHARACTER MOTIVATION - Open-world games often don't bother to connect the open world activities with the actual motivations of the main character. Instead they think only about the PLAYER. Devs throw in bunch of generic open-world stuff that players are used to, even if they don't really make sense for the story or for the character to do. You know what I'm talking about: meaningless sidequests, irrelevant loot, too many locations that no one would really care to explore if it weren't for question marks on the map, repetitive enemy camps/forts to clear, towers/viewpoints to climb etc.

    AC Origins is an amazing game in its own right and I think it also handles open world extremely well. However, compared to Black Flag it has some problems with character motivation. Bayek is a medjay so he's naturally inclined to help people in need. This perfectly explains why he would do all those quests for random people he meets. However, other activities like clearing enemy camps, looting ancient tombs, stealing from chests etc. don't really feel like Bayek. I am not convinced that Bayek as a character would be comfortable with murdering random soldiers he meets on his journey just to steal a sword from a chest. THE PLAYERS ARE INCLINED TO DO IT because we naturally have this instinct to clear area from all question marks and complete locations. But would Bayek do all this stuff? I don't think so.

    Black Flag nails this aspect better than most games. It is established at the very beginning that Edward is a badass adventure seeker who jumps at every opportunity to get rich. Upon meeting Walpole and learning he has some important mission he immediately chases him, kills him and then assumes his identity just to get something out of it. Edward starts as a ruthless but likeable opportunist! This means he's a perfect protagonist in a game like this because he often feels exactly the same things players feel! When you play Black Flag you don't want to just sail from mission to mission. You naturally want to explore the world and do fun stuff! So when you see a ship with valuable cargo, you want to plunder it. When you see a whale nearby, you want to hunt it. When you find an underwater smuggler cave, you want to loot it. And Edward feels the same way! Edward the character would certainly do all of those things we players do in the open world. Of course he would plunder ships, loot crates, kill soldiers, find treasures and hunt whales! He's a pirate! If he can get money out of it and it's fun, he'll do it!

    Main storyline and open-world gameplay are in harmony. Even in ways that are not obvious. For example boarding ships is a very fun activity but after a while you will stop doing it as often. Why? Because you already have a lot of materials + you plundered a lot of ships before and you're a bit bored of it. It also makes sense for Edward because during the storyline he transitions from a pirate to a more idealistic Assassin. So the character would also probably loot and pillage far less as the time goes by. Black Flag is in my opinion a golden standard of how open-world action-adventure games should be done.

    So the takeaway is this. Game developers should look at Black Flag as an example of a great open-world game and try to emulate this balance between story and gameplay. Design open world activities in a way that they make sense for the main character and contribute to the overall story. Don't just throw in random activities out of necessity or to complete some arbitraty checklist. Think about stuff that makes sense in the context of the game! Not only about stuff that players are used to. I think that open-world games would be way better if they learned this lesson from Black Flag because when side activities compliment the story and fit the motivation of the character everything seems more meaningful and more interesting. You're not just looting chests or killing people for no reason. You're playing as a character!

    submitted by /u/CinematicSeries
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    My newest Eivor acrylics painting ��

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 08:02 AM PST

    A love letter to Valhalla

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 05:59 PM PST

    I've always been a fan of assassins creed and I've always wished I could talk about it more with people who shared that passion. I come here for that hoping to talk the mythical story arcs and the real events they conceal or just the ISU in general who I'm so glad got the narrative focus of this game. Unfortunately all I really see here are people complaining about bugs in a massive beautiful game made during a global pandemic. Or about how the free update to the already 200 plus hour game isn't good enough for them. If that's how you feel I'm not posting this for you or to start an argument. If you feel differently please just make your own post. I'm putting this here cause I wanna talk about Valhalla's amazing story, well acted/engaging characters, sublime environment, other AC tie ins, crisp mechanics, activity variety and so on. Yes I know there are bugs, I know some aspects of the game are repetitive but I personally am living with no real social circle and having this game and by extension the franchise as part of my life has helped me to navigate these extremely difficult times.

    TLDR I love all AC and wanna talk to those who do to

    submitted by /u/AmbitiousRevenue7
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    Who's played all the main titles? Ranking 1-12

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 03:56 PM PST

    I know this has come up before, but I finally sat down and ranked all of the main games. It should be noted that even last place had things to love. I adore this series.

    What is your ranking?

    Here's mine:
    1) AC2
    2) Brotherhood
    3) Origins
    4) Odyssey
    5) Revelations
    6) Black Flag
    7) Syndicate
    8) Valhalla
    9) Rogue
    10) AC3
    11) Unity
    12) AC1

    submitted by /u/hearbenji
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    valhalla needs dyes and a taylor

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 08:11 AM PST

    i will rant here again on how mutch i want a dye shop or a tailor, that offers cosmetic skins for free.

    reskins like the armour of saint george should be dye options not outfits on it self.

    there should be an option to change the collor like there was in unity, that game was amazing in terms of costumization, you had tons of diferent collors, i loved climbing the streets yellow as a canary.

    the game should have just added a templar dye in this raid, and a bloody dye in the yule and have tons of dyes with patterns like ghost of tsushima, if unity a game from 5 years ago has such an amazing costumiztion why cant valhalla?

    the dyes would be the best way to unlock new varients of outfits that you can later use in the transmog.

    everyone wants a transmog, but we need more variety, odysseys transmog worked because you had tons of diferent helmets, and when the transmog was added, they added new colors for the armour pieces.

    those transmog reskins should be earned by exploring and doing quests, thats the need for a tailor, and because ubisof is trying to go the live service route the events should bring new free skins to all the nine main outfits, not one new outfit that is a reskin

    in the old games you had dident cloaks that afected you notoriety, and i see no way you could not have at least costumizable cloacks in the game

    submitted by /u/_Cake_assassin_
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    Had this little idea for a WW2 AC game

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 06:48 PM PST

    Hi so I'm thinking about working at Ubisoft one day and I got this idea for a story for a Assassin's Creed WW2 game. Perhaps you guys could give me your opinion and/or things I should add in it.

    So the story would take place in 1939 and the main character would be a ex German soldier named Elias Richter who has escaped execution, for having mercy for badly injured Allied soldiers, during a surprise attack on the military camp in which he was in. He aquires some base weapons, such as a sword, a dagger and a gun, and a officer trench coat by sneaking in the officer's tent during the attack. Unfortunately, he gets caught and has to fight to get out of the camp. After the fight, he walks down a road, hoping to find a village or even a house, but he faints. When Elias wakes up, he is on a bed, nursed by a hooded woman. When he asks where he is, she asks him to follow her. He then arrives to an altar in a room decorated with banners wearing the Assassins' logo. A hooded man then approaches him. He introduces himself as Neil Schneider and then tells Elias that they presently are in Munich and about the mission of the Assassins. The mission is to retrieve the Apple of Eden from Adolf Hitler. Since Neil feels that Elias is lost and alone, he asks Richter if he wants to join the Assassins. He accepts and then receives his hidden blades, to which the left one is attached to a leather arm brace, similar to Connor's, but the Assassin logo on the brace can turn into a phantom blade launcher.

    That's all I have for now! Feel free to give your opinion and tell me what I should add or change to make it better and more polished. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/UnitedAssociate1750
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    AC Valhalla is better than AC Odyssey

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 02:11 AM PST

    Lately most people here seem to prefer Odyssey and while I think its an enjoyable game I think Valhalla is far superior.

    Eivor felt much more like a real character than Alexios/Kassandra to me. I really liked how they cut down on some RPG elements, Valhalla feels more classic AC. The story was also much better, people complain about the alliance quests and I guess some of them could have been optional but I don't see how Odyssey's dragged out story was better at all. The Eivor/Sigurd relationship was better than anything in Odyssey. Valhalla's Modern day is much better too and actually pushes the story in an interesting direction and somehow even made Layla a solid character

    Odyssey was overall fun but felt more like a generic fantasy RPG game to me.

    submitted by /u/FanEu55
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    We should be able to customize all of our jormsvikings in Ac valhalla

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 10:05 AM PST

    Just started playing the river raids. Nice addition, like the idea of having another crew and another ship to customize, but I hope more content is added to the mode soon.

    What's really bugging me is the fact that we depend on crew created by other players, and not able to customize any of them except our liutenant. I get why Ubi did this, wanting to stimulate community interaction and what not.

    However, it is still a single player game, and I expected to have full control of how my crew looks like, and effectivelly display the armor sets and weapons I like, as well as being able to choose the "vibe" of my crew, if it makes any sense. Being dependant on random people's taste really kills the excitement for me.

    For exemple, I dont want any of the jormvikings to have hidden ones armor sets, since it does not make sense lorewise, but every single one has at least one magister item equipped. Ive been refresing the hall multiple times until I find one I like, and the character can still be edited by the creator player.

    By all means, keep the community characters appearing in the game, but have it as an option, and let me choose how MY warriors look like.

    submitted by /u/lmguerra
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    Whats the most beautiful moment in AC in your opinion?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 07:38 AM PST

    For me, its the ending of Black Flag, just seeing everyone Edward met along the way who didn't make it sitting there accompanied by Anne Bonny's(Sarah Greene) beautiful rendition of Parting Glass while Edward walks to meet his daughter who he has never met and giving her a flower and its just, ugh, so beautiful! Makes me cry every single time like it did when I was 15, (I'm 23 in March).

    Everything is perfect about it.

    submitted by /u/SexyAlexi666
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    Why is the Reward a St.George Sword?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 11:00 AM PST

    In legend, St.George is described as using a lance to slay a dragon. The St. George armor gives you a bonus after impaling an enemy. All this points to you getting a spear of St. George...but you get a 2 handed sword. This makes no sense to me.

    submitted by /u/Ralph_i
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    Did they increase the Orlog difficulty?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 06:06 PM PST

    Hey all,

    Just wondering, ACV recently got an update, and since then, the Orlog player in Ravensthorpe settlement has gotten unbelievably good.

    He just wiped me 5 games IN A ROW. Keep in mind I've already cleaned off all players in Norway and England. So this random bloke at my settlement just destroyed me, and it's hard to believe it tbh. lol

    Did the update increase the difficulty or something? He's just getting lucky every round. It's frustrating as heck as I'm trying to get the Opal challenge for the week.

    EDIT 1: 6 times.

    EDIT 2: I beat him on the 7th session.

    submitted by /u/SH3RIFFO
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    Walls and Shadows Return to Stow & Eric

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 10:04 PM PST

    Does anybody have any feedback or updates to the walls and shadows quest?? I was hoping this recent patch would have fixed the issue but to no prevail. Stow and Eric are still "vanished" and I just want to finish the game...

    submitted by /u/Zerithios
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    River Raids is the perfect opportunity to add a coop game mode

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 09:22 AM PST

    Think about it. Specific new areas dedicated to coop with multiplayer raids. Create a party in the Jormsviking building and load into the river raids map with a friend. You have both player's raiding parties and ships and each player sees the themselves as Eivor and sees the other players gear and weapons but a generic Viking face, similar to how unity worked. This time however you can have male and female player characters.

    They could even add tougher challenges such as large fortresses and boss battles that encourage coop play, or a coop menu accessed from the Seer's hut where you can go on mythical River Raids against Jotuns or other legendary creatures.

    It could be the answer to Ghost of Tsushima's Legends mode.

    submitted by /u/WolverineKuzuri93
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    Is Synin (Eviors Raven) of any use in Valhalla other than in "Finding Circled Positions" of People u have to find/meet

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 09:14 AM PST

    Like imo. Synin is super useless to me i only used her to find circular positions of other people and nothing else really.. I wish Synin had more of a role in the game.I know there is 1 ability that uses her but i used it only once cuz i didnt really need it tbh.


    submitted by /u/ToxicCourt
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    A tip for the river raids :)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 07:15 AM PST

    When you arrive at each raiding location, don't start the raid. Instead get off your boat and clear out the entire place by yourself, only starting the raid at the end to open all the chests.

    I've found it's allot more fun because it's (somewhat) challenging and doesn't increase the alert level for that area at all. So you can raid as much as you'd like!

    Hope ya have a have a great day :)

    submitted by /u/Ironmanstubbs
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    Just got into Assassin’s Creed, and I’m loving it both on Switch and PC.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 02:18 PM PST

    I bought AC Origins like 2 years ago, and I absolutely loved it. I'm 48% into the story with 30 hours, it truly is a wonderful game. I love the open world, and especially with the late ancient Egyptian era with the Romans and Ptolemies. I also have AC 2 on PC, which I started playing 2 days ago. Man, the game is showing it's age graphics wise, but the voice acting, music and story are absolutely amazing. The game is so good, it's unbelievable. I also have AC Unity, and while I like it less than the others, it still is awesome. The French setting, the stealth and the parkour are great. And perhaps I don't like it that much because of my 1hr playtime lol.

    And today I splurged: I got the AC Rebel collection for the Switch. Lemme tell you, AC Black Flag's port to the Switch is perfect. I have no issues running it at all, and the game looks amazing. I'm already in love with it. Moreover, I have truly fallen in love with the AC series. I haven't finished any of the games yet because I have quite the commitment issues with single player games (and also because of all the other games I still have to finish and play), but all these AC games are definitely my priority. And I definitely have to get all the other games when I finish these.

    PS: If you play Unity in French, the game is way more realistic. I really disliked Arno's English accent, so I tried playing it in French and it's miles better.

    submitted by /u/R1ver04
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    Somehow, Ghost of Tsushima is a better RPG than Valhalla

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 12:41 AM PST

    The new river raids are all about combat and it shows just how lacking Valhalla is in that aspect. I went back to play Odyssey and Ghost of Tsushima to compare what those games did right because I really enjoyed their combat.

    Odyssey is a good RPG because your armour stats matter a lot. Depending on your gear, you can do almost no damage or insane damage that almost breaks the game with how easy it becomes. Depending on which stats you focus on, you can make very different builds. But that's what makes it fun. You can still go back to it after the story, watch build videos on Youtube and try to put something fun together yourself. On its own, the combat and gear are almost endlessly fun to mess around with.

    Ghost of Tsushima is a good action game because of how versatile combat is. You have different stances which have different move sets and are effective against different types of enemies. You have your ghost weapons, armour sets and charms which are your mods that you slot in to give perks. No matter your gear, your sword will still kill things but all those perks add up to let you be noticeably more powerful in some aspect. You can create a ghost 'fear build' to terrify enemies more often, or a ronin 'resolve' build so you can abuse heavenly strike more often. Builds aren't as distinct as Odyssey's builds but they still exist, all while still being a fun action game.

    Valhalla tries to toe the line between the two and fails at both. The only thing that matters for gear is how much resources you've put into it. One max level piece is the same as any other. You'll have a max level armour set which only adds 1 damage when its perk is active. One max level axe is the same as another, so why have different ones at all? It fails as an RPG.

    As an action game, it's functional but not great. Kill animations break the flow and you can tank too much damage. All weapons do the same damage so spears are the best because they have the best speed and range. And compared to Tsushima, you have too few options at any moment. Hit, parry, or use a bow or ability. That's it.

    So it's not as good an action game as Tsushima. Not as good an RPG as Odyssey. And because gear doesn't matter, somehow Tsushima - which is an action game - has more build diversity than Valhalla.

    What happened here?

    submitted by /u/BEmuddle
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    Valhalla and the illusion of choice (spoilers)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 07:41 PM PST

    There's a lot of aspects I liked about Valhalla. Overall I'd say it's a massive improvement from Odyssey for me personally. But there's one thing for me that really sours the experience and it's the thing that I think needed to be a top priority for improvement from Odyssey. This would be the choice system. This game, similar to Odyssey, was marketed as your adventure, your story, and that your choices would matter. It seems like that they wanted to put their name in the hat for other great RPGs like Knights of the Old Republic or New Vegas. Only Valhalla still fails to do that and your choices mostly don't matter and the ones that do end up being immersion breaking. Here's some examples of what I mean.

    • At the end of Norway Harold basically pitches the idea of you joining him. Now to Ubisoft's credit you do get a choice in how to approach this matter. Those choices are you're going with Sigurd. All of them. But hey you got to choose how you say that you're going with Sigurd in several generic ways. That's cool right?

    • In Snottinghamchire Odin appears before you and asks why you don't just take over for yourself. Doing so actually would be in line with what passes for Eivor's character. Your choices? Choose between a guy that's wholly uninterested in leading and a man that wants to kill himself and is also uninterested in leading. But wait you do get a third choice! You can let the suicidal guy kill himself...which will take your choice away.

    • Throughout the whole story it's implied that you're going to betray Sigurd. Sigurd is a proud and quick to anger man. Sure enough, you can "betray" Sigurd by doing things such as sleeping with his wife, punching him and Basim, not giving Dag his weapon, and he'll even confront you about this several times until it finally boils over back in Norway. You hit the tipping point. The final confrontation. Sigurd, the man that was prone to fits of rage and narcissism to such a degree that it'd make Alexander the Great look humble. Decides that you're both cool but he's going to stay in Norway, likely with his dad that he just mocked an hour before. Both anticlimactic and pretty out of character by this point. If the goal was to get me to feel bad, it didn't, Sigurd was portrayed as an unstable man for most of the game.

    • Despite this being a choice making role playing game. At no point can I decide who to side with. Maybe I wanted to join the Order? Who says I'm necessarily happy with the Viking way of life and don't want to fight for the Saxons?

    • Oh no Sigurd has been captured. It's a good thing he's kind of crazy and prone to fits of rage or else I'd feel bad about having to do different areas instead of rushing to save him because I don't get a choice there either.

    • Oh hey I didn't give Ivar his Ax and lied to Ubba about it. Alright Ubba wants to kill me. But I'm me so I kicked Ubba's teeth in. Now he's my friend again. Guess there's no consequences for that early game decision after all.

    At this point I think I'm beating a dead horse. You get what I'm saying. It seems like rather than develop their character fully in the last two games, they went for the choice making system so that you can develop the character instead. Only the choice making system is also shallow and there's no consequences for your actions. No lessons learned. You can keep making these decisions and you can pivot from them in a different at any time. There's no replay value on the decisions alone and they really just take away from the development of a character.

    This isn't me saying that you shouldn't like Valhalla or not play the game. Like I said it's a decent game and improved from Odyssey in my opinion. But having these non consequential decisions that add little to the game takes away from the game. Either put the effort into developing a set character or put effort into a deep decision making system that has lasting impacts on the story from start to finish.

    TL;DR: Choices don't matter.This is getting old. Improve or scrap for set character and story.

    submitted by /u/Spartanwildcats2018
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    Can we see a return to form for the next Assassin's Creed, think more solid heafty up close realistic gameplay.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 02:42 PM PST

    I've been playing Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla and, well to be honest, I missed the more down to earth feel of the original games, so I stopped playing and purchased the Ezio collection and I still enjoy the gameplay much more. somthing to the tune of the new RE remakes that feel solid and heafty (not necessarily slow) I would love the new Assassins game to feel that way! 

    I wouldn't mind a smaller but more denser environment with a heavy atmosphere and no gear or weapon leveling system, maybe a skill tree. also be able to reach for ledges again and less hand holding on the free running. maybe finally add wall running? ;) ;)

    I think what they did for Ghost Recon Beakepoint was an amazing idea, if you want to play more realistically you can change youre gameplay mode in the settings removing gear and weapon leaving. this is great for players who want to keep the mmo feel of current AC games and those who want a more realistic approach.

    Also the return of pvp multiplayer, surly I can't be the only one that enjoyed the heck out of it? sadly it didn't come with the collection :'(

    If you agree help me reach Ubisoft's attention and if you work for Ubisoft and are reading this, please let this reach the the decision-making people I'm desperate for change :')

    submitted by /u/Bumitis
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    My thoughts on the river raids and the current direction of ubisoft put the assassins creed games since origins!

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 12:25 PM PST

    The river raids were fun but they are ultimately not replayable nor are they difficult. They dont have variety that forces you play differently, or create a different build, or grind materials out. I think that analysis of this content has to take a deeper dive into Ubisoft's model for assassins creed.

    I think that Ubisoft's business model is what actually prevents them from creating a great rpg with replayeable content. They can't give us tangible rewards like lots of weapons and armor because then that takes away from things they can put in the helix store. Those things that can maybe be put in future content updates but only come with the dlc we paid for. They wont give us substantial free content in the base game, or in a content update like this because there has a to be reason why we would want to buy the dlc, we'd hope that paid additional content would bring in features that we want that are not present in the river raids.

    Their model is addition by subtraction and it's obvious here and it was obvious in origins. In origins They had the arena but no reward for playing it. Then they come out with horde mode with no reward for playing it, only for players to find out they are unable to advance past a round because the enemies become unbeatable because of the level cap. But then the paid dlc increased your level cap which allows you to beat those enemies. The river raids were fun but ultimately disappointing with no enemy variety, difficulty, or actual rpg grind mechanics that make you want to replay them. You get to the boss at the final raid location and your jomsviking one shots him XD. Theres no mode or location that forces you to grind, because game is just torn between fans of older games that dont want to grind or fight hard enemies and people that like those things. People that just want to sneak around and kill people and not have to deal with boss fights versus the newer fans that like the new combat mechanics. They cant seem to find the balance and just need to commit to one direction or actually sit down and implement that solution creatively! they just need to implement a difficulty setting for the raids IMO.

    Idk man that's my mini rant about how Ubisoft puts restrictions on themselves that prevent them from making a good game and it's sad because the games are actually getting much better visually! But with no substance in them :(

    submitted by /u/InternationalAd3031
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