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    Monday, February 1, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Black Flag has no right to still look as good as it does today.

    Assassin's Creed Black Flag has no right to still look as good as it does today.

    Black Flag has no right to still look as good as it does today.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 04:29 AM PST

    Not only was it a cross platform game but it was at the start of the generation cycle and is almost 8 years old.

    I'm replaying it at the moment and the faces look a bit plastic by todays standards but damn do the environments, islands designs and vistas still blow me away.

    That was all, just a short appreciation post for a great game.

    submitted by /u/Miggzyy
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    After years of being burned out/disappointed by Assassin's Creed games, AC Origins has restored my love of the franchise

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 09:32 AM PST

    Like I lot of people I grew up with the Ezio Trilogy- the way we bonded with the character and his story over the course of decades was amazing. Combined with the way they blended the lore, I became a huge fan of the series and its mythology.

    I was uber-hyped for ACIII in the months leading up to its release, and when it came out, was ultimately disappointed. It felt more interested in retelling the American Revolution than giving Connor his own story, and the way they ended Desmond's arc was just horrible.

    Black Flag was an improvement, and showed a sign that the series could move forward despite past mishaps in III. Likewise with Rogue- though it was clear that it was rushed out, the series could at least retain a good level of quality.

    Then came Unity. Not only did its present day story suck, but its past story did as well with it not having focus. No matter the gameplay advances, the story was explicitly disappointing. And the grinding to get money was an atrocious design feature that I hope NEVER comes back again. Syndicate was another disappointment. While the story was an improvement, it was still very lackluster, and the rope launcher felt like a gimmick that took away from the parkour of the series. Combined with the useless collectibles and I got burned out and decided to take a few months off.

    I came back to play Origins and right from that electrifying opening scene I was hooked. I knew this was going to be different from past ACs. Bayek's emotional fury was extremely relatable, and seeing him trying to do good in a world full of corruption was genuinely interesting. Replacing collectibles with side missions was a great decision, and the soft-RPG mechanics felt natural. Egypt was gorgeous, there were a lot of diverse cities to explore, and I loved the sense of scale you got with the world.

    The story does fall apart in the second half where they were clearly pressed for time and squeezed 2 sequences worth of content into a single memory, but the ending and sheer amount of emotional moments made it an amazing experience. And even though the present-day was very lackluster, I did appreciate that it connected with other aspects of the franchise (the movie, Watch_Dogs) and brought back previous things in the franchise like the Bleeding Effect and William Miles.

    So yeah, Origins was amazing. It made me remember why I fell in love with the series in the first place- a great protagonist, good lore, and a present-day that actually means something.

    submitted by /u/RedtheGamer100
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    [Spoilers] I've made a Basim fan art!

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 05:42 AM PST

    Please bring back Dual Wield Hidden Blades as a primary weapon

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 08:34 AM PST

    I miss them so much :'(

    submitted by /u/ScungilliMan45
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    I think we deserve a spin off game appealing to the older niche.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 12:00 PM PST

    One idea would have a game that is an anthology of short stories from old and new assassins.

    We have so many unfinished stories and room for expansion. Altair in the east? A short playable section of Ezio? What happened to Connor, Shay and Arno? Edward in London and travelling the world in search of Isu Artifacts? Haytham avenging his father? Bayek founding or expanding on another tenet of the creed? What did Kassandra do for thousands of years? Play as a modern assassin?

    The stories would focus on philosophy, lore and adding additional characterisation and context.

    The game would return to an action adventure stealth game. We would see the return of parkour as a gameplay mechanic, expanding on player control. Maybe a realistic wall run and momentum influencing how far you can jump? Here, parkour would be used for puzzle sequences like in old games.

    Open combat would be hard, you would need to time parries right. Your health is low, but so is the enemies. If you are skilled enough you can make quick work of enemies. Could potentially implement a quicker version of 'for honor' combat. Difficulty in combat would also encourage the player to simply run, engaging in a chase, a hide, and a seek. Which brings me to stealth.

    Social stealth would return, but you would need to keep a low profile to remain blended. Sure, a sword would help you in a fight, but going in with just your blade would decrease detection speed and range. You would. Erratic actions would be noticed by guards. If they see you climbing when they are guarding something, they will become suspicious. Lighting would become a mechanic. We do work in the dark to serve the light after all. Grabbing enemies from stealth mode would allow you to interrogate or kidnap them. Interrogation would take longer with for instance a Templar soldier. Non lethal options would be available for dealing with "unwilling pawns of evil" like city guards who have no ties or knowledge of their overlords schemes.

    submitted by /u/jackwarr123
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    The Concept of “Drengr” in AC Valhalla

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 11:14 AM PST

    I know I'm coming at this from a historians side of things, but I'm genuinely shocked more people don't talk about how well Ubisoft understands and uses this phrase in Valhalla.

    Short Video Hstory Lesson

    submitted by /u/bagofdonutboi
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    I like ac origins except for two major thing

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 09:33 PM PST

    I like origins a lot but two thing that bugs the absolute crap out of me 1. Not that wide of a variety of executions also the hidden blade ones suck in my opinion 2. I hate how there are so many horse enemies roaming but they NEVER get off there horse for ground combat Anyone else feel the same?

    submitted by /u/AustrianBen
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    [Spoilers] Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Mysteries News and Discussion (All Sages Revealed, Noden's Arc Update, Odin Illusionary Runes)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 09:03 AM PST

    RPS - Meet the developer who designed Assassin's Creed Valhalla's fictional Isu language

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 07:52 AM PST

    combat in Valhalla feels dull ?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 07:44 PM PST

    the last three games I played was Ghost of Tsushima, Dark Souls II and III, and Idk Valhalla's combat feels a bit dull and rough compared to them...any experience? did you get used to it ?

    submitted by /u/furankulush
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    painting that doesn't make sense

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 05:50 PM PST

    painting that doesn't make sense

    i'm confused as to why the sword and the other object are upside down. the painting/curious relic is found in evinghon tower in oxenefordscire within the tower. on the right side.


    submitted by /u/AssassinWoe
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    [SPOILERS] AC’s history with facial scars would indicate this is no character design accident.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 09:56 AM PST

    What AC title would be most suitable for my kid?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 02:40 PM PST

    Hi all,

    So oddly enough I've never played an AC in my life, so maybe you can help answer these questions. My kid (11/m) is very much interested in history and action/adventure games so I'm thinking about surprising him w an AC game.

    The thing is, he's very sensitive when it comes to blood and gore, (he inherited the queasy stomach from my wife lol) and to be honest we prefer him playing games w more focus on action/adventure than straight up killing. I know the title literally has the name "assassin" in it, but I've heard some of these games having sensitive content filters, (blood, etc)? If that's true, which installments?

    Some of his favorite games are Horizon, Uncharted series, Spider-Man, and Fallen Order which all tend to have heavy action that he's okay with... are any of the AC games comparable?

    Side note: forgot to mention, he freakin hated the "zombie witch" section on Fallen Order. Not sure if any of these games lean into the supernatural, but if so a heads up would be great.


    submitted by /u/imtryingdoe
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    [Spoiler] The best foreshadowing i have seen in a game.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 09:20 AM PST

    So I just finished the game after 80 hrs and I think the ending had one of the best foreshadowed twist in a game I have seen so far.

    At the beginning of the asgard arc I suspected that there was a higher meaning as to why the God characters had the same voice characters and face models as some of the characters in the main story (havi/Odin = eivor, tyr=sigurd, loki=basim etc.)

    I had two explanations in my head: 1. They are the characters because it is eivors vision and he sees them as friends of his ergo no real meaning. 2. Just a fun quirk ubisoft integrated in the game.

    I also suspected that it could be a foreshadowing that basim betrays you later in the story but it was just an idea I had.

    I didn't play the third part of the vision story before the ending so I didn't know if it was important for the story. And I forgot about my theories for the rest of the game. Until the end when basim actually betrays you.

    Here came my realization of the perfect foreshadowing of this twist: the game in the beginning let's you think and I believe I am not the only one who suspected foreshadowing in the first asgard storyline. The game does this perfectly because it doesn't outright tell you that this is foreshadowing it is just information and you do the interpreting yourself.

    Then during the rest of the story you get doubts that it actually was foreshadowing. Because you have plenty of calm and nice conversations with basim (for example I the cent and suthexe arcs).

    This makes the twist at the end way more rewarding in my opinion. Because it was foreshadowed so you get an idea but the doubts make the twist surprising again. If there was no foreshadowing the tension and suspense would have been very short but with the foreshadowing and the doubts the suspense gets more dragged out.

    Also if there weren't doubts as i experienced them it would have been obvious and the impact of the twist would have been lost.

    In conclusion I think the twist that basim betrays you was perfectly foreshadowed which makes it more rewarding and overall better in my opinion.

    I would love to read your opinions on it.

    submitted by /u/Bluefist3004
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    Thoughts on AC2 as my starting game in the franchise

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 02:28 AM PST

    I have played Assassin's Creed for the first time this week with AC2 as my starting game. I must say it is a really really good game with an awesome story (I'm nearly halfway). I must admit, the gameplay really tested my patience in terms of the parkour 😂 Ezio unnecessarily parkours in every structure he goes to (sometimes) and it's fine. And I fell to my death A LOT.

    For a game released earlier, it is still displays awesome mechanics. Overall, great a great game so far. Looking forward to the other games of the franchise :D

    submitted by /u/ryuushinki
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    [Tip] You can easily complete raids with a much higher power level than you.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 03:20 PM PST

    I Had to reupload this because apparently when I put (Spoiler Free) in the title it tags it as a spoiler.

    So as of right now I am at Power Level 49. I was in real need of some Raw Materials, so I attempted a raid with a Level 90 recommendation. And I learned that if you rely more on your fellow raiders and focus on grabbing the resources, you can complete a raid that is much higher level than you.

    If you use a "Run in headfirst and beat the piss outta the enemy" playstyle, this isn't for you. I'm posting this because it allowed me to build up my settlement faster than if I had payed attention to the warning. But if you do take this approach, I highly reccomend that you have at least 2 Community yomvikinjr, because on average they're very high level and have better gear.

    Obviously this strategy won't work for everybody, but it's just some food for thought.

    submitted by /u/Artistic_Finish7980
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    In my opinion, the songs on your longship in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla are not well integrated at all.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 07:24 AM PST

    I've been a fan of Assassin's Creed since Black Flag. Sea Shanties were a musical highlight in that game. The songs were diegetic and well integrated, it felt like a natural extension of the world.

    While most music in Valhalla is fantastic (I'm particularly a fan of the track with the quick violins that harkens back to older entries), the tracks on the longship are a bit lacking. The songs range from instrumental to vocal with a backing track, and while perfectly good on their own, they don't really fit on the longship. Other than the fact that they get interrupted a billion times every time you pass a raid or bridge, they're not well integrated within the world.

    The charm of shanties in Black Flag was that they felt part of the world, while here they feel like a track that plays over your game. They're not diegetic at all, there's no musician on board, yet every song has full instrumental backing, sometimes even only instrumental. It's a minor thing that personally really pulls me out of the game. It makes it look like songs on the longship were an afterthought, that they quickly imported songs that play in city squares, where we do see a little band set up, playing the same songs.

    Imo, this could've been easily fixed if you'd placed a skald with a lute on board, where you then hear a more acapella version of the song, with just a lute and vocals. The full version could then play in towns, where you'd a experience a richer version of the song, as opposed to hearing the same thing a billion times over.

    Now I don't know if I'm alone in thinking this, so I'd love to hear your opinion!

    submitted by /u/R_creator
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    Are there any ways to play the classic AC Multiplayer game modes?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 11:00 PM PST

    Hey ya'll. Awhile back, some friends and I on Discord were reminiscing on the old days when we played the old Assassin's Creed Multiplayer modes. We played multiplayer from Brotherhood till 4 when Ubisoft ditched Vs style multiplayer. I'm curious to know if the servers for these games are still up and if people still play. I'm really curious to hear about what games are still active since me and my friends still really want to play haha.

    submitted by /u/thatonekairu
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    Missable cutscenes from allies' letters

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 11:08 AM PST

    Hi, I have a question, I enjoy the game a lot but I noticed that when your allies send you letters after awhile it's best that you go visit them because it rewards you with cutscenes and more lore in general, but does anyone know if you can miss these events forever ?

    submitted by /u/fearofthepack
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    questions for assassins creed valhalla and odyssey

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 08:48 PM PST

    I'm kinda confused with how Basim got the staff of eden. Was Alexios/ Kassandra used just to give the staff to Kayla just to Basim could have it? Because I feel like that's such a bullshit thing if that's true. Now I'm wondering were the trials for Atlantis pointless pretty much? Or was it Layla that's was the one that meant to "give" it to Basim. You what I mean?

    submitted by /u/Peterm_____
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    Co-op AC Game Like AC Unity

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 04:42 PM PST

    My first game in the AC franchise was Unity, I absolutely loved it and all of the Co-op properties, what are your opinions on a co-op AC game and is Ubisoft making another.

    submitted by /u/Mancitygoalie04
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    Is assassins creed unity only multiplayer during the missions or can it be open-world multiplayer?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 04:36 PM PST

    I'm planning on getting unity because its one of my top 10 ac games and was wondering if the multiplayer can be open world or if it's just during the missions

    submitted by /u/Embarrassed_Radish98
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    About the parkour in this franchise.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 01:45 PM PST

    The parkour in this franchise has gone from mindblowingly good to mindnumbingly bad. The new Parkour is so effortless and boring and for a franchise that used rely on parkour so much they have made the worst parkour system i have seen in a game.

    It used to be fast and engaging and now its just boring and slow. Assassins creed 1 through Revelations had actual good parkour and from then after it just got worse and worse.

    Many things have gone wrong in this franchise, but parkour was one of the main pillars of the franchise and now all thats left of it is just slow wall/rock climbing.

    submitted by /u/AltijdTrumbler
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