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    Saturday, January 2, 2021

    Assassin's Creed The next ASSASSINS CREED GAMES 'need' to have you playing as an Assassins, which also gives access to more fun mechanics like recruiting and sending your Assassins on missions like in Brotherhood and Revelations.

    Assassin's Creed The next ASSASSINS CREED GAMES 'need' to have you playing as an Assassins, which also gives access to more fun mechanics like recruiting and sending your Assassins on missions like in Brotherhood and Revelations.

    The next ASSASSINS CREED GAMES 'need' to have you playing as an Assassins, which also gives access to more fun mechanics like recruiting and sending your Assassins on missions like in Brotherhood and Revelations.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:05 AM PST

    Example from Revelations : After getting rid of each Templar Den, you will be able to recruit two more Assassins to your cause. Recruits can either be generic characters who will always be found surrounded by Templars, just like they were in Assassins Creed Brotherhood, or they could be one of the six unique recuits that have short missions for you to complete before they join your cause.

    submitted by /u/Dragmassanthem
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    As a woman, being able to choose to play a strong woman is so inspiring

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 11:38 AM PST

    I've never really played a video game before were I was playing a realistic strong woman.

    Normally female characters in games I've played are comically hot, make sex noises when they're hurt, and/or dressed so impracticly sexy. I feel like I've never taken these characters as seriously, purely because of how they were designed.

    I really appreciate how the past two games released have included the option to play as either a woman or a man. I feel I can now actually relate to the character I am playing.

    It's honestly to satisfying and liberating to be playing a female character with matched strength and intimidation to the male protagonists.

    Plus, misogyny is non existent (in the story at least - not exactly historically accurate lol) - as the male/female character stories and NPC responses are the same. Which is a nice distraction from reality.

    submitted by /u/bitchmane
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    Assassins Creed Origins is so good

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 01:50 PM PST

    I just had to make a post about this. I've played most AnvilNext games, and lord is Origins just the best by miles. I tried liking AC oddyssey but I just hate so much in that game. The running animation, NPC animations feel watered down and less convincing somehow, how the world feels so much less alive. I dare even say the graphics look better in Origins, but that might just be because ancient Egypt just looks better artistically. The ONLY thing I prefer from oddyssey is that you can customize gear load out.

    But damn Origins is just so good. It's just so beautiful and convincing. I remember fighting wolves in oddyssey and was like "well this is boring" whereas I had so much fun taking down a pack of crocodiles in the nile river to upgrade my gear. Then when I went to loot some bandits out in the desert I saw another pair of bandits riding their camels far in the distance on top of these dunes (who then spotted me and attacked me) - the world just felt so alive.

    Oddyssey just doesn't convince me. It feels like all you do is take down forts over loaded with NPCs in a less convincing world (even though from a historical aspect I absolutely adore ancient Greece). And there's not satisfaction in doing so.

    I dont know I guess I just made this post to show my absolute love for Origins. It's such a beautiful and awesome game. For you guys who've played Valhalla, please tell me it's more like Origins and less like Oddyssey?

    submitted by /u/martiiiiin
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    Valhalla was amazing, just finished with 100+ hours.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:22 PM PST

    I just finished Valhalla and....wow! I loved this game and the story. I did run into a lot of different bugs and I got upset at times because of them but in all the story and ending made it worth it. I got super distracted by the mysteries and wealth so my play time wound up being so long and the main story quests were super easy because my skill level was so high.

    submitted by /u/tcorp35
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    What do you guys think about pedestrian reactions to the player?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 03:24 PM PST

    Is it just me, or do I miss the times when if you start parkouring in front of pedestrians, they would react with shock. It's a small detail, but it made me feel like a badass and the people are impressed by my awesome moves. While I love the newer AC games, the pedestrians react as if it's perfectly normal to see a person just scale up a massive wall in 2 seconds flat with the speed of a demigod lol

    submitted by /u/talivus
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    Possible not yet discovered secret in Valhalla

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:43 PM PST

    So, in the cartographer's hut in your settlement, there are a couple of journals that talk about Olsen following a ram in a cave and finding something shiny.

    The only directions are that it is a cave in the 'northern range about halfway up a granite cliff face'. He explains in one of the journals that he marked the cave on a map. There happens to be a map on a table left of the second journal with a raven statue seemingly pointing to something. But I haven't found anything yet.

    Anyone knows if this is a thing?

    submitted by /u/RedBarkedTree
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    Pleasantly surprised by Liberation, especially the Persona mechanic.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 07:39 PM PST

    I picked up AC3 remastered recently, and felt a bit indifferent towards Liberation but decided to give it a shot nevertheless. The story isn't all there, with the beginning feeling very rushed, but it gets into the flow after a while, and all the characters are interesting enough. Where it really shines however is through the Persona mechanic. The fact is gives you different abilities for different situations makes you think about how you approach a mission. And huge props to Aveline's voice actress, who changes up her performance in slight but noticeable ways between each persona. I'd love to see something like this return in future installments, as I think it could really add some variety to the "traditional" AC formula.

    submitted by /u/Uncle_Sock
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    Hi hello I’m so sick of having to switch bow types mid combat.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:01 PM PST

    I sound so much time fumbling with different bows when I deplete an arrow type. The coolest thing is when you go into your inventory to arm a new bow when you were unknowingly animation locked and you have to leave inventory and go back to the game finish animation then back into the inventory to arm a bow. I'd do weird shit for a hot swap button. It's a constant nuisance

    submitted by /u/MobsDeep
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    This may be a dumb thing to say but walking in Valhalla makes the world feel so much bigger.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 01:16 PM PST

    The old assassins creed games gave a great sense of scale because your characters default speed was walking. However in the new games running has been the default speed. I've never really noticed how much this takes away from the immersion factor until I started walking down the steps of a tower or traveling on horseback on road at walking speed. I've felt the world feels way more realistic lively this way.

    It may not be ideal for someone who's trying to finish a game in a meaningful amount of time but I can honestly say that since I've done this. My appreciation for the scale and beauty of the game has increased ten fold and feels more rewarding than climbing a viewpoint.

    submitted by /u/SnokeRenVader
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    Assassin's Creed Valhalla needs the Odyssey Bounty Hunter System

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 05:36 PM PST

    I've just finished AC Valhalla and I loved it, my favourite is still AC Odyssey but Valhalla is up there. One thing I do think should be added is the bounty hunter aspect that Odyssey had, it added a little more to the experience having to fight these strong random enemies that would come out of nowhere. For me I love the combat in Valhalla but I didn't think there was enough of it and when you reach a high level then all the enemies become really easy to beat and you only face a challenge if they are in large group. They could just introduce the system as an expansion on the Order Zealots, sort of a revenge act from the order who want you gone so they send random Zealots to kill you. Plus when you finish the main game there's still something to do.

    submitted by /u/M0dini
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    Viking having a wee off the battlements

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 03:08 PM PST

    Just when I thought this game had little new to offer...

    I was climbing up a hill in order to scale some battlements at Tamworth (just underneath the flying paper) and I saw this long straight translucent line which hit the floor and made some sort of cloud. I went to it, thinking it was a loot opportunity. Couldn't interact so I shrugged and continued to climb. Got to the top and found a big hairy Viking having a pee off the battlements

    I flipping love this game!!!!

    submitted by /u/Square_Patient_3777
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    Alright guys i gotta say this: That cloak... that big ass ugly carpet.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:55 PM PST

    Really,Ubisoft never thought about the possibility of removing it without remove the hoodue too? Like in Origins we could put the hoodie and the beard. Jeez I really hate that carpet.

    submitted by /u/Red4297
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    [Spoiler's] AC Valhalla Legendary weapon quest easy underlevel completion

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 05:10 PM PST

    So Im not sure if this has already been brought up as I just got the game for Christmas and I'm sure others have being plowing huge hours into this already so apologies if it's already been pointed out

    But I'm the type of person that prefers getting the best weapons before endgame so they don't seem wasted so I set off to get Excalibur as early as I could and completed the quest at level 140

    The main hurdle to completing this at low level is Killing the three zealots Hrothgar, Heike and Woden however I noticed in their routes they come right through many raidable towns.

    So all you have to do is set up a raid on their route, clear out the town but leave the gold loot barrels so the raid is ongoing and then lure in the target when they get near and leave your Viking raiders to kill them for you.

    You obviously need to help, hitting weak spots , reviving your boys and doing damage where you can and obviously it could take someone some time but it can be done

    submitted by /u/samacora
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    Assassins creed is great(may contain minor spoilers till unity)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:14 AM PST

    So I played till syndicate now and here's what I thought about each game so far.

    Ac 1: Really liked it. The character of altair was amazing. The setting was nice. A very nice game of its time. The ending was amazing though.

    Ac2: introduction of Ezio auditore with the awesome story and Leonardo's inventions made this game one of the best. The introduction of side missions made the game more enjoyable. I also liked the fact that Ezio sounded more Italiano unlike in ac1 where everyone had American accents. Present day got more meaning. The transformation of Ezio after the "incident" was amazing too. Ambience was top notch.

    Ac bh: Again one of the best ac game with a nice setting, roma. Cesare Borgia was a nice villain. The side missions were nice along with the introduction of renovations. The side missions of Leonardo were awesome too. Wonderful game and the present day was amazing too. The best side mission of this game was the brotherhood creation where we get people to join the brotherhood. Ambience was again amazing.

    Ac revelations: a bit gloomier than ac 2 and bh but was necessary for the mood of the game. One of the best story in an assassins creed game. A perfect ending to the Ezio trilogy. Present day was mind blowing with Ezio talking to Desmond. Altairs change from ac1 was also incredible. The ambience have a konstantineyye feel.

    Ac3: American revolution was a nice setting. The first part of the game was awesome when we played as haytham. Then we became Connor and game got even more interesting. I feel like haytham needed a separate game. I really loved the part where haytham mentions about Edward in the theatre. I didn't like the death of Desmond. Good sound tracks in the game.

    Ac4: Ah where to begin. One of the best ac games. A small switch up from "assassin" but worth it. They correctly portrayed a pirate in his adventures and had a roughly good story. Could have reduced the tailing missions though. The setting was amazing with the seas and the naval battles were one of the best. Present day was a bit different but it was okay. The character development was nice. Best sound tracks in a game. The naval battle sound track was one of the best.

    Ac rogue: a bit colder version of black flag with a lot of unnecessary collectibles. But I should congratulate ubisoft Sofia for pulling it off. The naval battles were not there as much as black flag but it had an awesome story. Gave us a side of the Templars too. Present day was alright. The character development was nice too. Not that much ambience though.

    Ac unity: could have been the best game in the franchise but had a bit bad story. The ending was the only thing I liked in this with the change in Arno's character. There was a little to no present day in this. The setting was awesome actually mind blowing with paris and the notredame. The crowd density was amazing too. The side missions along with the crowd events made this game very enjoyable. Very good sound tracks. Really captured the setting of Paris.

    I am currently playing syndicate and I like it so far. I apologise if I missed anything from the games I mentioned.

    submitted by /u/Ni_Co_Caine
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    Ubisoft, give yourselves a pat on the back. A very short (spoiler free) review.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 04:30 PM PST

    I know there will be a lot of posts like this, but I've been avoiding watching or reading any reviews to draw my own unbiased opinion. Again, this is my opinion.

    (I am a massive fan of the "older" games. Origins was a step up, Odyssey a step down, so I wasn't expecting too much. Especially no modern day story to speak of.)


    What a great "modern day" storyline. The completed "Anomalies" video - so much to unpack! I can't wait for more. Just please, please don't build this all up and do nothing with it again. I'm now going to spend the rest of the night reading all of your theories...

    submitted by /u/PhoenixNFL
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    Loading in with drunk state is the stupidest feature they could add in Valhalla

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:24 PM PST

    Getting sick of loading in with a drunk state on my character, its especially annoying when it happens every freakin time you load in, you want to have some dumb season event in the game? fine, keep the damn thing separate from the main game or at least allow us to toggle off this stupid drunk state because of the festival, its not neat, its not clever, its one of many headaches that you force feed the players because you seem to think you know what everyone wants.

    submitted by /u/Knight_Exx
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    I feel like I'm progressing at a snails pace

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:18 AM PST

    I'm enjoying the game, I always love the series but I feel like I'm moving at a snails pace. I haven't found much new gear and I'm 30 hours in and still only 64 for my level, I just feel like I'm running in mud and I need some tips

    submitted by /u/Kingtutty28
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    Origins - upgrading weapons at blacksmith

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:47 PM PST

    Just starting up origins, little overwhelmed.

    When you go to the blacksmith and have the options to upgrade your bows and swords, what am I to understand?

    When I first tried it it seems like upgrading is something that should be done every 5 or so player levels to get the most out of the upgrade because the cost didn't change when I went up one level for a minor upgrade? Maybe I'm talking non-sense but anyone with some info to bring clarity on this subject for me would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/roastbeef678
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    [spoiler] The Isu NEED to stay a mystery

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:59 PM PST

    Although I'm happy they are becoming more integral to the series because they have always been the most interesting part to me, but what makes them interesting is the mystery and we've gotten to the point where we are playing as them and we're going into their world and it's becoming less and less interesting. I would rather have us find this stuff out via clues like "the truth" in AC2 and interpreting messages from Minerva and Juno, flat out showing us this stuff is taking away what made them interesting.

    submitted by /u/floppygoos
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    Can we all agree that the merc system is the most annoying shit.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 04:53 PM PST

    Mercenary, Zealots whatever you call them are just plain annoying while I enjoy the combat it's a fucking pain in the ass when I'm trying to do a mission. in Odyssey they actively seeked you out which was worst but in this one they patrol everywhere it's a slight but poor improvement and it's the most annoying garbage when a level 250 Zealot is attacking you in level 130 area on the middle of a mission! Edit: punctuation

    submitted by /u/AcadianNich
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    I’ve been playing AC Valhalla and it’s been one of my favorites since Unity. I’ve played all of them with varying degrees of interest. I love the Ezio Trilogy, AC3, Black Flag and Unity.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 11:44 AM PST

    I've played Syndicate (barely), completed Origins, and Odyssey was a mixed bag. But this years assassins creed has been so much fun. Here are my personal reasons why.

    Combat is so much fun. I didn't like Odyssey's combat because for me it didn't feel good to play. Valhallas' combat feels better to play for me. I love going berserker, like For Honor, and the brutality is great. It's not perfect, it's too animation based and I would like more visually different combos, but I like it more than Odyessey.

    I love the setting. I've seen comparisons to Witcher 3, and I liked Witcher 3. So it's it works for me. I love the tone and theme of the setting and it's probably why I like this game more than Odyssey.(btw if you like Odyssey, that's great keep liking it 👌). I feel like a Viking in the dark ages of England when playing and it is right up my alley.

    The way that they have reintroduced the assassins into the story is a step in the right direction and I hope it gets evolved into playing as an assassin agaiin. The return of the hidden blade was something I looked forward to and liked how Eivor used it, as it would be the way a Viking would use the hidden blade. On a side note, the Advanced assassination skill is a genius way to take out stronger and higher level enemies.

    My major complaint with the game is that parkour in this game is boring and uninteresting. Part of why I loved Unity was the parkour system. It was stylish, functional, and (most importantly in an AC game) fun to use. This game and Odyssey have the problem where I feel more like Spider-Man climbing up a wall, than an ancient parkour and rock climbing specialist. This needs to be fixed in future games, in my opinion.

    With all this being said, it saddens me to see that some people are saying the game is not very good. It's their opinion and I respect that but I feel there was an effort to make something great and I can see that.

    I love this game and looking forward to the Wrath of the Druids DLC. I am of Irish descent and am excited to explore Ubisoft's creation of Ireland. I would love to see your opinions and discussions in the comments.

    submitted by /u/fro-bro56
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    So.....is the afterlife now a thing in these games? (Slight spoilers)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 11:49 PM PST

    In Odyssey going to places like Hades realm and seeing dead greek heroes was justified as being a simulation.

    I haven't finished valhalla yet, but I did finish the first part of asgard's storyline(haven't done jotunheim) and....people that died in Norse times somehow end up there (based on that one warrior you randomly find).

    And then certain order of the ancient members and other characters experience some sort of afterlife while they're talking with you after being assasinated.

    I haven't finished the game yet but, does this eventually get explained?

    Before it was just science fiction based (reincarnation through cloning, sages, descendants with isu blood)

    But now I'm getting thrown off with Valhalla lol

    Even Atlantis felt like It was part of earth, but now apparently (I'm guessing) the norse gods were isu and some how the nine realms and frost giants exist?

    submitted by /u/ivan3295
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    Tips for Silver Farming? (Valhalla)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:57 PM PST

    First let me start off by saying I absolutely fucking adore this game. I've easily sunk in 50 hours for the week I've had it and I only just got to East Anglia today.

    Now this hasnt been a problem for me until now but I seem to be running VERY low on silver. Partly my fault for buying all the decorations and equipment from the shops due to me wanting to collect everything...

    From what I can tell the latest patch pretty much fucked all of the ways people usually get silver; Pole fishing, betting on the drinking mini game, and maybe more?

    I tried to pole fish because I knew beforehand it was a good farming tactic but when I tried in the shallow water the fish just swam away once I got close and I barely caught any at all.

    Tried regular fishing and that seems fair enough, still slower than what I'd like but better than nothing.

    Anyone have any tips for this? I'd seriously appreciate it. This is my first AC since Black Flag and I honestly love the hell out of it

    submitted by /u/White_Rabbit800080
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    I could've sworn that i've heard Santiana in Ac4 before

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:47 PM PST

    I don't see it on the shanty list but I feel like i've heard it somewhere in the game. Does anyone know of a shanty that sound very similar to Santiana?

    For those who don't know what song i'm talking about-https://youtu.be/nD4gLEBGSkE

    submitted by /u/Sexyshark15
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