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    Assassin's Creed My 100% hand crafted Eivor cosplay

    Assassin's Creed My 100% hand crafted Eivor cosplay

    My 100% hand crafted Eivor cosplay

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:10 PM PST

    Hot take, the moment parkour stopped being important was the moment bigger maps stopped being a good thing.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:35 AM PST

    I don't know if this is a shared opinion, but I see everyone complain about the sheer and utter bloat the newer games deal with, and I completely agree, Odyssey's random quest every six inches was exhausting, and I feel like Valhalla has taken a step in the right direction, but the sheer size of the maps is just to much to enjoy anymore, and every game is touting "The biggest map yet!" as a sales point even though we're all getting worn down by the size.

    I feel like if you look at the map sizes bigger maps were fun when it was just a contained city that you could actually have fun running on the rooftops and searching for collectibles as you could ideally move from one side of the map to another in a decent amount of time. But now with the country sized climb everything maps it's just hold forward for this amount of time to find the next collectible.

    I feel like the next ac game needs to be smaller, keep whatever combat systems or abilities you want but to really breath some life into the series just make a good movement system and give us a well built tightly packed city to play in

    submitted by /u/cj9806
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    Let us speed up assassination animation

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 06:10 PM PST

    I dunno but it feels not satisfying being so over the top. I loved the quick walk by assassinations of previous games and thier much shorter animations that didn't grow tiering. Now with this slow mo it break the rhythm of the game makes me not want to assassinate instead of being a treat for the mind.

    How you feel?

    submitted by /u/Fehendil
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    All Nordic Sages seemingly confirmed by Darby McDevitt [Spoiler]

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 06:47 AM PST

    So it seems like Darby confirmed all the Aesir and Vanir Isu that reincarnated, here is his reply alongside the whole thread

    For people who don't have Twitter or can't use it:

    Odin - Eivor

    Tyr - Sigurd

    Freya - Svala

    Thor - Halfdan

    Loki - Basim

    Heimdall - Rig

    Idun - Gull

    Sif - Faravid

    Freyr - Harald

    submitted by /u/qJxxxBp
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    Does anyone know what enemies count as elites?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 10:52 PM PST

    The reason for asking is I'm trying to figure out if the elite damage rune is worth it or even if there's a way to tell how an enemy is an elite to be able to use it.

    submitted by /u/FullMetal316
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    I miss double assassinations, but I understand why they are gone.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:35 PM PST

    After finally 100% AC oddesey I was looking back on all of my time playing AC games and missing when I was able to double assassinate. I thought of many times during the campaign where it would have been so helpful to have, so many enemies lined them selves in just the right way. So I decided to pull out assassins creed 2 for a trip to memory lane, and soon realized that double assassinations were much stronger than I remember as a child. Being able to walk up to a group of four guards and almost instantly dispose of them felt wonderful! But after a while the novelty wore out and the truth that it made the game far too easy became real. Double assassinations are one of my favorite skills in all of the AC universe but adding more enemies to combat its power would have been a bad choice, i just wish there would habe been a way as the games grew to be able to hold on tho this very unique and cool element of the game.

    submitted by /u/SwazyMoto
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    A future Assassins Creed game should NOT be developed by Rockstar Games

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:23 PM PST

    I have seen a lot of comments on YouTube that Rockstar should make an Assassin's Creed game, I disagree. While Red Dead Redemption 2 is my favorite game of all time, Rockstar is committed and has been committed to realism for awhile now. That's a good thing for their games but Assassins Creed has sci fi elements, a modern day, and characters that can climb everything.The point is Assassins Creed is what is because of Ubisoft. We can agree and disagree on the best ac games but those elements are what makes them special in my opinion.

    submitted by /u/ElectronicAddress424
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    Unity, in it's mechanics and artstyle is the best in the series IMO.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:57 AM PST

    The motion capture looks amazing and the voice acting is on point! The parkour looks and feels amazing and is incredibly smooth for the most part. The settings, people and gear look real and not slightly cartoonish as I think it slightly does in the more recent games. The stealth is also really fun and not too difficult. I personally can't see why Ubisoft switched from this system and style to the new one. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/isbit78
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    I hate the camera angle in Valhalla

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 10:39 PM PST

    Just recently finished Odyssey for the first time and trying to settle into Valhalla, but the over the shoulder angle for the camera is throwing me so far off. Does anyone else feel this way?

    submitted by /u/fatfox24601
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    [Spoilers] Was Jörmungandr Reincarnated? Here's The Evidence

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 02:38 PM PST

    The conclusion from this post is that Faravid is Sif reincarnated. However, I think there is quite a bit of evidence that hints towards Faravid being Jörmungandr. This is a reformatting of the reply I made in that thread, hoping for this to foster a discussion of its own. Let me be clear, I don't care whether this theory is right or wrong, but I would like for us to get a clearer grasp on who Faravid is as a community because I'm not yet convinced Jörmungandr doesn't play a part here.

    Here's the evidence:

    (Strong Evidence)

    • Faravid is poisoning Halfdan like Jörmungandr poisons Thor. The two are fated to kill each other at Ragnarok. Faravid dies to Halfdan in one of the endings and for all we know will end up dying to him in the other later in the Ireland DLC (a DLC Halfdan will most likely play a part in, and perhaps where Faravid was exiled). And we know Halfdan will almost certainly die to Faravid's poisoning.
    • At the end of the arc, if you side with Halfdan, he bashes Faravid's head like Thor does to Jörmungandr on his boat trip with Hymir.

    • If you side with Faravid, before he leaves in the cutscene there is a close-up shot of him and you can see what look to be two fangs.

    • The arc is about Betrayal. Treachery. A two-faced friend. Someone you'd call a 'snake'. Who is that snake (metaphorically)? Faravid.

    (Moderate Evidence)

    • Halfdan says the line "After all these years, he dares to bite my hand."

    • Odin appears in the middle of the arc and metaphorically refers to Faravid as a snake.

    (Weak Evidence)

    • This one is a bit of a stretch but Faravid says to Ricsige he can "smell the bile on his breath." Snakes have a very good sense of smell through their tongue, and breath is related to the tongue, so it could be a poetic line. Again, this is pretty weak.

    • Another weak reason but a line that could be a poetic hint from the writer: at the end of the arc Halfdan says "No more pulling strings. This throne and its burdens are mine." Jörmungandr is referred to as a "string" in the Old Norse literature and Thor, of course, pulls this string out of the water when he goes fishing.

    • Faravid refers to Eivor as an "old friend" as he does with Thor, though he only met Eivor recently at Jorvik. Obviously, they're both Isu, but Jörmungandr has a connection to Odin because Odin threw him in the great ocean that circles Midgard. Though, I wouldn't exactly call this friendship. However, I wouldn't call Jörmungandr's relationship with Thor friendship either. Point is, they both have a relation to each other in the mythos.

    If Faravid really isn't Jörmungandr, then these are all just some very strange coincidences, I guess?

    submitted by /u/sharingmyxp
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    Idea for an AC setting: China during the Opium Wars or Boxer Rebellion

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 11:25 AM PST

    The period in Chinese history from 1839 up to 1900 (or even a little after) seem like they would offer a lot of scope for an AC game: intrigue, action, opportunities for the use of a stealth mechanic, a wide range of clashing factions, plus a weapons technology that would run the gamut from swords and spears up to gatling guns and steam ships. I think the biggest difficulty for the game being made would be sensitivities over cultural depictions and the themes (imperialism, etc) especially Chinese sensitivities to a depiction of their "Century of Humiliation" especially given real-world contemporary international tensions. Any thoughts on if this feasible or could be made to work?

    submitted by /u/LesterGreenisGod
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    Valhalla gear and weapon builds

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 02:57 PM PST

    Is there any non helix builds you guys recommend and if so wich are they. I played most of the game with just armor that looked cool and same goes for weapons but before the new update i really want to dive deeper into the combat system.

    submitted by /u/ririFN
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    Ezio's brother was actually an Assassin.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:59 AM PST

    Maybe everyone knows this already, but I just found out and I think it's cool. I've always thought "wow, it's convenient that Ezio and his brother's hobby happened to be parkour". Turns out, Ezio's brother was actually already an Assassin and he was secretly training Ezio.

    submitted by /u/iitc25
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    How do the levels work in ACS?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:16 PM PST

    I've been playing since AC1 came out but as soon as it moved to xbox one I stopped playing, but I just got back in with the Hassan trilogy. I'm thinking about back and playing Unity and Syndicate but I've heard that they have a level system so how does that work?

    submitted by /u/So-Beit-union
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    Fear mechanics in future AC games

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 10:12 AM PST

    In a few of the AC games, Namely the Ezio trilogy and Syndicate, you could grab a guard and shove them off the ledge. It had me thinking, as a fear tactic it would probably work as a way to clear out some restricted areas, scare the weak enemies off, and all that jazz, a creative way to eliminate a few annoyances on the road. This would probably be terrible for the whole hiding in plain sight thing, and Creed values as a whole, being that this mechanic actively notifies the surrounding enemies of your presence.


    submitted by /u/2004-Philipchen
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    Holy crap. I think Shay is a sage! (Valhalla and Rogue spoilers)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 11:08 AM PST

    In Valhalla we learn the Celtic ISU culture had dominion over both Britain and Ireland. The vault beneath Stonehenge was one of their military barracks. What their relationship was to the Mediterranean and Nordic ISU is unknown. But I don't think it was amicable.

    Anyway the Celtic ISU we known of are the Lugh, Morrigan, Nodens, and Danu. The relevant one here is the Morrigan the Irish goddess of war. Likely the Celtic Isu's military leader and who I believe Shay is a male reincarnation/sage of. Shay's ship as we know is called the Morrigan. But that's obviously not enough to insinuate a connection. I'm getting the hunch based on relevant quotes from the Morrigan and Shay.


    Her personal quote is '' "Fate is what the weak name their cowardice. The strong craft their own future."

    Now let's look at Shay's famous quotes. ''I make my own Luck.''

    Liam - ''That was lucky.''

    Shay - ''How many times do i have to tell you, Liam? I make my own luck.''


    submitted by /u/nonoman12
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    Experimenting with the In-Game Soundtrack

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:13 PM PST

    Hello! New Redditor here!

    I'm working on an assignment in which I discuss the importance of music in video games, and am in need of outside perspectives on the topic. If any of you have the time, I'd be super grateful if you could:

    - Replay Sequence 9 of Assassin's Creed Revelations, once with the music on and once without.

    - Take note of any significant emotional responses. Try to pay close attention to the difference in emotion when the music is off compared to when it's on.

    Be assured I will not be using any personal information such as real names or locations in the assignment.

    Thanks in advance if you're able to do this, it will really help me out!

    submitted by /u/ReeceNotRyhs
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    assassin's odyssey can not use warrior weapons in messenia region

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 07:08 PM PST

    Hi, I am a newbie to this game. And in my first visit to this region, I am not able to use any warrior weapons (spear, swords etc). I can only punch people, all weapons are visible in inventory and even when I equip different weapons I still cannot use them.

    Any idea why this happened and what I need to do to avail my warrior weapons? Thanks a lot.

    submitted by /u/MessiSahib
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    What is your favorite AC game?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 07:12 AM PST

    I know this must have been asked here a LOT, but I'm just now playing through the AC games in order after having only played a bit of AC4 and Valhalla.

    I'm absolutely loving AC:Brotherhood, and I hope it only gets better from here!

    What are your favorite games in the series?

    submitted by /u/Bullorus
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    Will Wrath of the Druids and The Siege of Paris be episodic or not?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 05:47 PM PST

    Much as the question says really, will they be released episodically like Odyssey's Legend of the First Blade and Fate of Atlantis, or will they be single content drops like Origins' The Hidden Ones and The Curse of the Pharaohs?

    Looking back and rewatching all three games' post launch content trailers, Valhalla's mentions nothing about "WotD" and "TSoP" being episodic leading me to believe they'll release it like Origins, however Odyssey's trailer make it sound like episodic post launch content was the way forward.

    Does anyone have any information as to what's happening? Many thanks.

    submitted by /u/WilliamMedhurst
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    which area is your Favoutite in England?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:34 AM PST

    I loved Cent very much but i thought the Story section was kinda...meh

    submitted by /u/DrCannabis1992
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    Looking to purchasing valhalla, I have a few questions

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:09 PM PST

    1. Will my progress on PS4 carry over to PS5 if I buy a physical copy of the game? (or digitally for that matter)
    2. I'd like to purchase the least expensive version of the game that'll have access to any future story DLC. Which one is it?
    3. I've read somwhere there was an "event" around chrismas, if I get the game now will I have access to that? were there any missions?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/pwomboli
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    Flying Machine 2.0 in Brotherhood

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:35 AM PST

    Hey everyone,

    So recently I was playing Brotherhood and tried to do one of the Leonardo missions. I got to the point where I climb up the tower and take the Bomber. And then it all goes down hill. I might not be understanding something when I start flying I can move to vertical directions only for a couple of seconds, then I can't control it fully... I just don't know how to do in 100% synch cause the controls seem not to work.

    submitted by /u/DrArctic
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