• Breaking News

    Tuesday, January 19, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Lip sync is completely busted. Half the time, character's mouths stay closed during dialogue, and it's ruining cutscenes.

    Assassin's Creed Lip sync is completely busted. Half the time, character's mouths stay closed during dialogue, and it's ruining cutscenes.

    Lip sync is completely busted. Half the time, character's mouths stay closed during dialogue, and it's ruining cutscenes.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 04:44 PM PST

    I don't know if anyone at Ubisoft is browsing this subreddit, but this is extremely agitating. I think the most recent patch completely broke lip sync and turned everyone into a ventriloquist.

    submitted by /u/Deroni76
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    My new fan art of Eivor with her hair loose and playing some Orlog

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 06:33 AM PST

    Assassin's Creed Syndicate is criminally underated imo.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:05 AM PST

    I know a lot of people didn't like this game as much as the others but, I don't know why, it's a blast, the story is good, but the interaction between Evie and Jacob. If you haven't played it because of negative reviews. It is currently 15$ for the season pass included with the game, and you can make up your mind.

    submitted by /u/quinnconartist
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    [no spoilers] Valhalla has stopped me playing games on the lowest difficulty!!!

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:43 PM PST

    This was absolutely unprecedented. I have always played non-sports and non-strategy games on the lowest difficulty. I simply believed struggle wasn't a good way to relax. I started off on easy in Valhalla until the combat quickly became unenjoyably easy, I raised it to the second hardest setting and would have raised it further if bosses didn't kill with just three hits. Today, I just completed 'Star Wars: Fallen Order' on normal - and I didn't even lower the difficulty for boss fights despite dying several times in each boss fight!!! Mass effect remastered comes out soon, thanks to Valhalla I'll get to experience my favourite franchise in a completely new way!!!

    I know Valhalla being too easy is a major criticism for some people, but for me it has opened up a new way of gaming! Still have absolutely zero inclination to try 'Dark Souls'' though!

    submitted by /u/Square_Patient_3777
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    Assassin's Creed should value stealth as much as the Hitman franchise.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:04 AM PST

    Seriously, Hitman puts Assassin's Creed's social stealth to shame. The blending, disguise, AI awareness, assassination opportunities... It feels more like what I want from AC than AC itself.

    I love historic weapons and combat as much as the next enthusiast but stealth should be the games primary focus followed by parkour and then combat as a last resort. Go back 13 years and look at the marketing and demos for the original game. How it was pitched and talked about.

    I very distinctly remember one of the lead devs, Jade Reymond, talking about how Altair could be killed in one strike to the head if you made a mistake. Taking on multiple guards was suicide and the primary goal was to get close, assassinate and escape, only fighting if absolutely necessary.

    Imagine that? Imagine the sense of excitement in stalking your target, observing how they go about their routine and when the best time to strike is. When are they least protected? Could you pass off as a guard? Could you poison their meal? Are they planning a public speach? Do you have an escape route? If it fails are you skilled enough to fight X amount of guards?

    I don't think things like researching targets should have been abandoned from the original game, it should have been improved and expanded upon.

    Anyway, that's just my 2 cents.

    submitted by /u/WolverineKuzuri93
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    Valhalla feels underwhelming to me. Does any one feel the same? Am I missing something?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 09:45 PM PST

    I've put in a good amount of hours into Valhalla but I haven't completed it yet. The reason why is I just find it underwhelming compared to the other new RPG and old style AC games. I've been playing since AC1 and AC2 is my all time favorite. Origins was a breathe of fresh air and much needed change to the series. Odyssey in my opinion has been the best overall of the three and the most engaging. Valhalla just hasn't grabbed me like other AC games. The combat doesn't feel as fun as it did in Origins and Odyssey. I do like how it's more gruesome but it just doesn't make up for how the combat just doesn't feel right. Visually it's beautiful and Norway is gorgeous. England is meh to me but it has its moments. I really do love the Norse mythology aspect of the game. The constant same puzzles have gotten really boring really fast. So has chasing for tattoos, they are my kryptonite. I feel like quests are too chopped up and all over the place. The main story just doesn't feel linear. Overall, it's a good game but it just feels underwhelming.

    What are y'all's thoughts?

    submitted by /u/discountjohnmulaney
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    Why does Ubisoft reduce functionality in games?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:12 PM PST

    I've played through the whole series over the last few months. Why the fuck do they ping pong around with features so much? Like in AC2, you can grab people. Headbutt, Knee, Punch or throw em. Cool.

    in AC3? Nope. Can't grab people.

    Don't even get me started on parkour! What the fuck has been wrong with parkour in the newer games like Valhalla? Playing through Ezio's trilogy was amazing, but also enraging, cos it's an eleven year old game with BETTER FUCKING PARKOUR then a game released like 4 months ago. What gives?

    submitted by /u/GunnzzNRoses
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    Why do we keep letting ubisoft get away with locking the best items in game behind pay walls?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 04:40 AM PST

    I think this is beyond a joke that a single player experience locks the best gear behind pay walls... This is not acceptable! you lock away parts of the game to people who have payed full price, this just makes me worried about their future games and with the news that they will be creating a star wars game really worries me that they will diminish that experience too.

    submitted by /u/12yrsnfat
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    (check the link) Next AC could be setup in India

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:04 PM PST


    While it would be amazing to see an AC game setup in the Indian Subcontinent, I still feel don't like them doing a story on the colonial era. Ancient India settings can be really awesome and lot of opportunities are there. Probably around 300BC when Alexander the Great came to India.

    submitted by /u/d1712v
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    The cities are so boring in Valhalla.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 12:20 PM PST

    The cities in the other games were so beautiful, diverse, and full of life. Even the shanty towns of black flag were interesting compared to the cities in Valhalla. I don't think I've been so disappointed in the map in a game. Tons of fields and it is beautifully done but the cities are beyond disappointing. Just my small rant.

    submitted by /u/Still_counts_as_one
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    I remet seeing this as a kid and it Still hits different ��

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 09:32 AM PST

    How can Assassin’s Creed revisit Egypt?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 08:00 AM PST

    For years people asked for ancient Egypt as a setting for Assassin's Creed, finally receiving the long-awaited title in 2017 with Origins, showing the well known Ptolemaic Egypt and struggles of Cleopatra, Ptolemy, Caesar, and cutting Arsinoe. While Origins remains a beloved game in the series, in no small part due to the fantastic VA work from Abubakar Salim, many fans were disappointed in the founding of the creed so recently in history, lore issues it presents, and not seeing the height of the Egyptian Dynasties. With other games revisiting similar locales such as New York and London, I want to discuss 3 possible settings should AC revisit Egypt.

    The Campaigns of Ozymandias

    The first setting is the reign of Ramses II, king of kings who led the greatest expansions of the Egyptian Empire. At this time in the lore, the Order of Ancients had already been around for about 100 years, having been founded to help keep the Isu sites hidden. A game in this era would be perfect for either a game focused on the OotA and how they transformed from desiring to protect the Isu sites to use them for manipulation; or could be used to show that brotherhoods already existed in ancient times and had nearly wiped out a previous version of the OotA, and now work against them who control Ramses and they use his campaigns to seek new sites. This type of mild retcon would allow Ubi to maintain the Adam and Eve storyline that the Order and Brotherhood have always been fighting this war of ideologies falling and rising throughout history. It would also transform Aya and Bayek from founders of the brotherhood to founders of the creed, showing that a new brotherhood's rise was inevitable.

    Ramses being allied with the OotA is a given at this time, though his reign lasted 66 years, and was jam-packed full of military campaigns. He transformed Thebes into a city of 100 gates, adorned it in gold, and made it a thriving metropolis rather than the ruins we see in Origins. I'd imagine the majority of the game map would be focused on the east bank, red sea, and up through Canaan, the antithesis of Origins map. See, this is where Ramses had most of his battles. He first secured the coasts of the Mediterranean by leading a war against Pirates, then using his success to move up into Canaan (modern Syria), leading 2 successive campaigns. The 5th year of his reign brought the famous battle of Kadesh (in the Hittite Empire but near the border of Canaan) around 1274bce with both sides bringing 50,000 men or so to the battle. Ramses won the battle, but the Hittites barricaded themselves inside the city, and Ramses was unable to besiege the city at that point due to heavy casualties, and as such, he returned to Egypt

    Ramses focused on campaigns into Canaan for nearly 2 decades, conquering Jericho, Jerusalem, reaching up to Aleppo, and taking large swaths of the desert. In 1258bce Mursilli III of the Hittites fled to Egypt having attempted to depose his cousin who took the throne. The Hittites subsequently entered Egypt attempting to find him, only to be hidden by Ramses, bringing the empires close to war. This was resolved within the year, with the writing of the first Peace Treaty, the Treaty of Kadesh also known as the Egyptian-Hittite Treaty. The Hittites then helped secure the border of Canaan and stopped Assyria and Babylon from moving on Egyptian Lands, allowing Ramses to look south.

    From there, Ramses founded a new capital in the delta known as Pi Ramses before moving to invasions into Nubia. By 1255bce he had the fortress of Buhen captured and began the construction of Abu Simbel. His campaigns into Kush, Nubia, and Libya continued for years to come, with some remaining inscriptions showing him going into battle alone and riding chariots with his sons. Around this time is when many biblical scholars believe Moses led the exodus from Egypt. Moses is believed to have held a staff in AC lore, and showing this old bible tale may be an interesting way to weave reality, AC, and religion. In reality, both Egypt and Israel have not found any archeological evidence that there was a mass exodus or that Jews were mass enslaved in Egypt. However, campaigns into Canaan could allow for Moses to appear as a character, who then gains the staff and uses it to free some of his people from the OotA, or something along those lines. Perhaps the main character could aid Moses in the return to Jerusalem where they uncover a vault that would become the future site of the Temple on the Mount. Ramses died in 1213bce at the age of 91, so it's unlikely he'd follow Moses or the main character into the sea, though perhaps another version could play out. Maybe one of his sons? Regardless, his reign is iconic, and a perfect time for AC.

    Domination by the Achaemenid Empire

    The end of the New Kingdom and its Intermediary period came with the conquest of Egypt by the Persian Achaemenid Empire founded by Cyrus the Great. In 525bce, his successor, Cambyses II conquered Egypt after the Battle of Pelusium, famously (though likely incorrectly) stated to have been won by Persians strapping cats to their shields, hoping Egyptians wouldn't hurt the cats. This began the Satrapy of Egypt, though it did not last for long.

    Following the death of Xerxes by Darius, the Delian league headed by Athens launched multiple wars against Persia. In 460bce, a young man named Inaros II began building a network and pushing out the Persian tax Collectors while gaining mercenary Allies beginning a full-scale revolt. The Athenians quickly allied with Inaros, causing the Battle of Papremis, forcing the Satrap Achaemenes (brother of Xerxes) to withdraw to Memphis which began being besieged in 459bce, lasting 4 years. That year, Achaemenes was assassinated during the siege.

    This prompted Artaxerxes to send Megabyzus and Artabazus to help stop the rebellion. The war continued for years as Inaros and the Athenians unraveled the satrapy, only for Megabyzus to lift the siege of Memphis in 455bce. With that, the majority of the rebellion fell back to Prospotis, where most of the Athenian Navy was. Much of the navy retreated to Athens and Cyprus, before sending 50 more ships back to Egypt to help lift the siege of Prospotis. The siege there lasted 18 months, and when the Athenian reinforcements arrived, they were attacked at Mendesium, destroying most, and forcing the last few ships to retreat to Athens, though Artabazus was killed around this time. Inaros and his few remaining men fled into the swamps where they led small-scale guerilla warfare for a year before they were captured by Megabyzus who took them to Susa, the capital of the empire. There, Inaros was executed in 454bce, ending his rebellion, but having done more damage to the Persian Empire than any previous man. It's unknown when Megabyzus died, but I'd love to see the final mission be a set-piece trying to save Inaros in Susa, failing, and then killing Megabyzus.

    This setting would also be great for a game where you play as Darius. We don't know much of what happened between 465bce and 430bce, and this game sits right in the middle. Maybe while fleeing Persia he and his family wound up in Egypt, only to learn one of the other brotherhoods was fighting for the people, and knowing these wars started in part due to his assassination of Xerxes, joins Inaros. In the end, the sieges kill most of his family except Natakas and the remnants of the brotherhood in Egypt collapse. Or maybe the Order and Persians already crushed the Egyptian brotherhood, and instead, he became allies with the Medjays due to similar philosophies, which is why he brought Elpedios to Egypt. A great DLC could even be his journey to Greece. After the death of Inaros, he and Natakas could plan to go to Athens but get caught up in the Athenian battles in Cyprus in 451bce. The Athenians originally besieged forces in Kition, but during the battles, their leader Cimon was killed. They attempted to retreat to Salamis-on-Cyprus but were blocked by naval and land battles. Maybe Darius helps with a few assassinations, bada-boom, the land battle won, and reinforcements from Egypt help clear the way for a naval extraction back to Athens where Darius hides out from the order with Natakas. Egypt, meanwhile, stayed possessed by a weakened Persian Empire, which eventually lost Egypt in 405bce. Later Persian rulers and dynasties would reconquer Egypt for a time, though it only lasted 20 years before the former empire was conquered by Alexander.

    The Fatimid Conquest of Egypt

    Moving from the west was a new and powerful Caliphate, known as the Fatimids, claiming their rights as descendants of Muhammad's daughter Fatimah, a court largely controlled by Ismaili, an offshoot of Shiites. The name Ismaili may sound familiar due to the Nizari Ismaili being the largest sect and are the original "hashashins" as founded in part by Hassan-i Sabbah in the late 11th century. The foundations of the Nizari actually come from Hassan's backing of Nazar during a succession crisis of the Fatimids in the late 11th century, which would certainly make a wonderful AC game, showing how the Hidden One transformed into the Assassins. My other suggestion for the Fatimids, however, would be their conquest of Egypt. It sorta makes sense that the origins of the Hidden Ones came from Egypt, and the origins of their reformation also came from Egypt. I want to see the earliest part of the Hidden Ones integration with Isma'ilism in Egypt as the courts first conquered the lands.

    It started in 969ce, with General Al-Qaid Jawhar ibn Abdallah occupying Alexandria without resistance. From there he marched through Egypt, pacifying as he went. He reached the capital, Fustat, within a few days and then created a new capital, Cairo, which was built up very quickly over the next few years. I'd really love to see Cairo in-game, as it grew over Fustat. Jawhar then became viceroy of Egypt until 972, leading the siege of Giza, and securing Egypt's borders with Nubia and Palestine. In 973 Cairo became the capital of the Caliphate, though functioned mainly as a royal enclosure and housing for the military, as Fustat remained the economic powerhouse.
    I could see the game playing a bit like a cross between Brotherhood and Valhalla, working with Jawhar to eliminate supporters of the Abbasid Caliphate and pacify Egypt via small-scale assassinations. It'd be great to see Cairo grow with every region completed and pacified, working as a form of growth and progress for the player too. I know that this isn't ancient Egypt, but Islamic Egypt and Cairo has amazing potential, especially with architecture, that it needs to be brought up for a potential second Egypt game. Even if the heightmap from Origins was reused, this game would feel radically different due to the new architecture.

    submitted by /u/nstav13
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    [SPOILERS] The main thing i would like in the next Assassins Creed game

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 04:33 PM PST

    I've played all the assassins creed games however due to me liking other games to im not one of those who deeply reads up on all the lore of the game however I have a rough understanding of what the story is,

    when I played the older games before origins and the RPG style of games I noticed that the games felt more believable and that these things that happen in history could have happened in real life apart from things like the apple and prices of Eden and stuff but the Assassins against Templars thing felt believable and it still does however I think that the games have become a bit more mythical origins didn't bother me too much but oddesy did I saw gameplay before buying and wasn't a fan of how it looked swords with fire and mythical characters like minotaurs made the game feel silly to me

    Assassins Creed Valhalla stripped this back to become a bit more believable in my opinion by making things like mythical parts of the games into eviors dreams after he drinks the drink (I know that although he's dreaming everything he is seeing in asgard is true as it is what Odin experienced and there's some kind of reincarnation going on) but there was still things like fire swords and these abilities that are just not verry believable to me however it was better than oddesy

    the next Assassins Creed game I don't care what setting I just care that things are more realistic like the older games, it just ruins my emersion for me like these soldiers can come up to me and start hitting me with swords that somehow have fire on them,

    also I want stealth back, I recently played Assassins Creed 2 and I feel like the newer games aren't designed around stealth compared to the older games

    submitted by /u/CalebDenniss
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    Assassin Creed Origins side quests characters

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 08:40 PM PST

    So I've played Origins since launch but this is my first time playing since after I finished Curse of the Pharaoh's when it came out back in March 2018. In my first playthrough I never did much of the sidequests. In this new playthrough I've been doing a ton. The characters are super interesting and enjoyable. Can I encounter these characters at other locations and have more dialogue?

    submitted by /u/DaneCz123
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    I know this has been done to death, but where would you like a future AC game to be set?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 09:43 PM PST

    Personally, I would LOVE a game set in the Marinid Dynasty in Morocco in the 12-1400s. There would be a lot of interesting architecture to climb and it would be a really unique environment. I also imagine you could have a really unique and cool looking character, with different head dresses and cool opportunities for social stealth.

    submitted by /u/candy_paint_minivan
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    Critique - executions with your own weapon are too rare.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:30 PM PST

    Hello, I really enjoy this game. I've played some of the older ones but being a huge Witcher and dark souls nerd I throughly love the new style of game play the new trilogy has.

    One thing I've noticed though is there are a ton of execution animations in the game and there's a unique set that require very specific conditions to perform. I'm talking about executions with your own weapon. For example, it's quite easy to land them from behind, it you parry an enemy and hit his back with a heavy attack (that kills him) you'll get the unique execution animation with whatever weapon you're using.

    From the front, however, it us much more difficult to land. You need to stagger an enemy (NOT knocking him down/ depleting his posture to open for a critical attack) just a stagger where he kind looses balance, if you hit with a killing heavy attack you will land the unique execution with whatever weapon you're using. Problem is, if you parry too much you'll either deplete his posture bar or worse yet, simply kill an enemy because you do damage with parries. I've never seen the dagger executions because it's impossible to get an enemy to that low of health to where you can land the killing blow with the right conditions.

    My point is that the animators probably worked their asses off to make these incredible animations and chances are a ton of people will never even see them because of how difficult they are to land. My solution would be to have them randomly land on any killing heavy attack similar to the previous two games. Not too rare, but also not too common to where you'll get tired of them.

    Ohh, and flails don't even have their own execution animations, I've checked. Someone please prove me wrong. And add one handed swords!

    TLDR: executions with your own weapon are way too rare/ difficult to land and the animators worked too hard on them for players to barely ever see.

    submitted by /u/ArnoCatalan
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    The new games lack of stealth is disturbing

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 12:05 PM PST

    So I'm replaying ac syndicate and I can tell the new games have been spoiling me, because I've been getting detected way more than in my original play through.

    Back in the day I could do an entire run of any ac games without being detected once. Syndicate in my opinion is the hardest in terms of stealth, you do have more UI to help you with it but the the enemies AI is more punishing than in any other ac game, in my opinion.

    I think the fact of how stealth focused syndicate was to other ac games and its lack of sales made the shift into the new gameplay model.

    But man I miss when you played an ac game and the hidden blade was a 1 hit kill no matter what, that actually made stealth a better option than going in swords drawn and guns blazing. And if you got detected you had two choices fight the guy quickly before any other enemy notices or run because if you messed it up you would spend the next 10 minutes hitting counter over and over until you either killed them all or desynced.

    I think the fact the hidden blade isn't as op as it used to be and that you can tear through enemies now made stealth part of the game kinda pointless.

    Edit: I gave a friend this example the other day. In ac 3 you could walk into any fort tomahawk in hand and take it. It would take you 20 minutes of fighting and running away over and over but you could take it by force, or you could take it in 10 minutes by sneaking around

    submitted by /u/notnotavirginnot
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    What I would like to see from Valhalla's DLCs [Spoilers for the game's ending]

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:46 PM PST

    After finishing the main story, the epilogue, and getting rid of all the Order of Ancients members, I kind of want to see the Hidden Ones vs the Order plot expand in the DLCs

    First of all, I think Hytham could make use of some development. For the entire game he stays in Ravensthorpe and asks Eivor for favors - as much as I like his character, this seems a little bit like a wasted potential. After Basim's betrayal we can see a letter to from Mentor Rayhan in the bureau, that teases Hytham could become a Master himself, which means he could probably start searching for students to officially start a new branch of the Hidden Ones in Great Britain. Perhaps maybe they could ally with the branch in Francia, if such exists?

    On the other hand, while we know that Order has been officially disbanded by Aelfred, we can also learn from one document in Wincestre that the Order has its branches in Ireland and Francia (which could possibly tease their involvement in the DLC even more)

    I think it would be pretty cool to see the English Hidden Ones expand, and possibly ally with other branches, to fight the remnants of the Order of Ancients, with Eivor helping them again. Maybe she could even change her mind and join Hidden Ones in the end? There seems to be some evidence pointing to those things happening. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/qJxxxBp
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    Mild spoilers. Question about my settlement and editing tattoos

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 08:55 PM PST

    So my original guy died (can't remember his name) and his daughter is just sitting at his desk. When does the quest for her to take over trigger? I'm 50 hours in and nothing. Also, is there another city with a tattoo shop? They don't show up on my map. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/craigory26
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    I finally finished AC Valhalla today as a completionist and here's my thoughts

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 09:17 AM PST

    177 hours and 38 minutes in-game later, I completed AC Valhalla and got the completionist trophy on PSN. Not sure why, but I wanted to share my thoughts on the game: (only mild spoilers)

    • As a completionist, I couldn't actually get the game to 100% because of a couple of bugs. Annoying.
    • The free running/parkour in this game is terrible, chasing down tattoo papers felt like a chore.
    • Something else I also hated was the map - why is it so bland? The land is grey instead of green & the smaller place names are so difficult to read.
    • On the other hand, Eivor is one of my favourite characters in the whole series.
    • I'm so glad we got some feel of the older games with the hidden blade and the lore.
    • Speaking of the hidden blade, I never got tired of the "thud" the game makes when you assassinate someone.
    • As expected, the game is beautiful. Maybe some of the Midlands in England is similar but still beautiful.
    • I actually liked the fact there were no levels for weapons/armour.
    • Raids are the best.
    • The music is great - why is the game silent 90% of the time?
    • I loved upgrading the settlement and the feasts. Stop removing this, Ubisoft!
    • The skills and abilities are also very good. Some are pretty crap and useless but can't be too pedantic.
    • Back to some negatives - while the different stories for different regions were good and a change, it meant many characters you met were forgettable. Towards end game I'd be like, "who's that again?"
    • The higher ranking members of the order were way too easy to assassinate. No protection, no fighting back... they weren't even alerted when you got into their vision.
    • While helpful, the ability to climb almost anything and lack of fall damage isn't great.
    • I wish we could have spent more time on water but I recognise that's difficult because well... England.

    There's probably more but can't remember them off the top of my head and this post would end up being too long.

    I've played every game since AC1 and I ranked Valhalla 5th out of the 12 main titles so far.

    Feel free to agree/disagree/completely hate on my thoughts!

    submitted by /u/Marxley
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    [SPOILERS] Assassin's Creed Valhalla Story and Ending Analysis Part 4

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 09:06 AM PST

    (Odyssey Spoilers) What is the most realistic ending in AC Odyssey in your opinion?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 04:25 PM PST

    I finished Odyssey recently, and although initially I had hoped for the best ending when I finished, I messed up a few dialogue scenes at certain parts of the game so Deimos killed Myrinne and Kassandra killed Deimos at the end. After playing through the story though, part of me doesn't hate this ending, I've always liked a realistic story that isn't a happy ending where every one of the main characters survives the entire story, especially one like this. Also it doesn't make sense to me if we are being realistic why Deimos would change his mind at the end, no matter how many times Kassandra tells him the Cult are using him. He was brainwashed since a kid and had a really fucked up childhood being raised by Chrysis, being told that Myrrine allowed him to be thrown off the cliff and that Kassandra pushed him off on purpose. It even says on the cultist page "the humanity in Deimos had died long ago." his mind is clearly not in the state to become a happy family member with those that he/she has despised their entire life. I agree that only having Nikolaos and Stentor (if you kept them alive) is one of the most boring and underwhelming epilogue scenes ever but you still have Barnabas, Herodotos etc. and the way it ended just felt more realistic than the typical "best ending" that I have watched on YouTube. It was the ending that made the most sense despite the sadness of it.

    submitted by /u/CrashBanDaCat
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    Very Sadistic Black Flag gameplay

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 05:52 PM PST

    I love going to rich districts in Kingston and Havana and robbing people. I steal from the rich, and if they push me, I pull out my gun and force them to bow. I then rob them. If it's too hard (sometimes robbing them when they are cowering is tricky), I just shoot them. If they run away, screaming for the guards, or one of them yells at me, I shoot them. If you wait 1 minute between every two kills, you can kill a bunch of innocents.

    I also love throwing money into a crowd then robbing them. Additionally, I discovered that you can push some people into a bay and then they might drown. I accidently killed someone's girlfriend when I found this out.

    A pirate's life for me.

    submitted by /u/MarduStorm231
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