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    Saturday, January 9, 2021

    Assassin's Creed IRL Eivor kicking you into oblivion (kind of).gif

    Assassin's Creed IRL Eivor kicking you into oblivion (kind of).gif

    IRL Eivor kicking you into oblivion (kind of).gif

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 06:57 AM PST

    [Spoiler] Valhalla's final confrontation was so impactful because of what happens to the concept of glory...

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 07:50 AM PST

    Eivor realizing the entirety of Norse culture was a lie was so impactful and touching to me, especially as she has to specifically lay down her axe in that final battle and that emotional performance from Odin.

    When that scene was finished, I felt incredibly sad and I just couldn't understand why...Odin was a manipulator and a piece of shit (as per the Asgard storyline) and Eivor was able to escape the lie that was Valhalla.

    The reason this felt so depressing for me and for Eivor too, is because Eivor has been completely indoctrinated in her life about the glory of being a warrior and the ultimate reward of Valhalla. The interesting part of this, is that in the game's runtime, even the player is slowly indoctrinated about Norse culture and comes to know how important this all is to Eivor and the Norse people around her -we see Sigurd and Eivor leave Norway in search of glory in England only to find a complicated tangle of kingdoms which goes awry with Sigurds capture.

    Finally, Eivor comes to learn that Valhalla, eternal glory, the idea of a warriors life all of that is bullshit, nothing but a lie and accepts that ones reputation in life is what matters and the real people and friends they care for.

    What drives this home is one of Odin's last insults to Eivor: "Coward of cowards".

    Imagine a god, the Allfather you have looked up to and worshipped for all your life calls you a coward of cowards -especially in a religion where living and dying like a warrior is above all else.

    It could only be painful.

    submitted by /u/SwagMasterMo
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    Finding treasure/wealth in Valhalla is intensely frustrating

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 02:22 PM PST

    Is it just me? It's so annoying how a lot of the wealth is behind a barred door or somewhere underground with no obvious means of getting to it, and after 20 mins or so of wandering around looking for a way to access it, I just give up and have to google it, only to find out that I was missing something extremely simple, or it was something so vague that I would have never considered it.

    Half of my time spent playing has just been alt tabbing and watching someone on youtube find the wealth for me. I get that the game is trying to provide a challenge and not hand hold me but its breaking the golden rule of puzzles/challenges in videogames: its just not fun.

    Eivor could just mutter to himself a clue to finding the wealth to help the player out, similar to what Lara croft does in the newer games, or just some tooltip in the game menu even if they really don't want to just have a breadcrumb trail to follow.

    submitted by /u/Waaarrrggghhh
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    [Life Pro Tip] "green,poisonous gas" that you encounter throughout the game can be lighted up by throwing e.g. a torch in it.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 05:40 PM PST

    The gas will light up, burn brightly for a moment and disappear for around 10? seconds. This is very helpful in certain situations.

    You can light up a torch at any time in the menu where you can start raids, call your horse etc.

    Bonus: A torch can be used for nearly everything you normally would need to use an arrow for. Destroying a wooden window? Throw a torch. A well is blocked? Throw a torch. and so on.

    A bit off-topic, I just finished the "madness of the stones" mystery where you meet the mad man and count stones for him and every time you see more and more stones. If you stay there for a bit after the quest, you can see coming up that gas from a few rifts in the ground. So, no magic etc. just some gas :)

    submitted by /u/King_Tamino
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    Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Known Issues [Updated Jan 8]

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 11:47 AM PST

    Has Anyone Found Themselves Never Using Their Longship in "AC: Valhalla"?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 03:01 AM PST

    The abundance of fast travel points just makes it feel pointless, from an efficiency standpoint. This is especially clear when you're over 50 hours in and have completed the majority of the arcs that zip you around the map. The return to your ship is a welcome break though, getting to hear the Norse songs and poems, but it just feels like a slog in comparison.

    submitted by /u/BigShimz
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    AC Valhalla made me realise that I am stupid.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 03:47 PM PST

    I have spent 50 hours in Valhalla and I never spent point to gain the ability to use 2 heavy weapons because in the explanatory video you can see Eivor using two great axe. In my entire walkthrough I always wondered: why can't I use a spear in the right hand and a shield in the left hand. I'm stupid

    submitted by /u/Francescopl
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    Been loving AC:V so far and was inspired to carve a print of Synin!

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 01:40 PM PST

    Assassins Creed video game idea set in 19th century New Zealand

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 11:13 PM PST

    AC: Taniwha. You play as a Maori warrior during the New Zealand wars, attacking the British as you defend your homeland while also fending off other warring tribes. The maori have a very interesting culture from their gods to their traditions, a game that portrays this I think would be really great.

    submitted by /u/PynLastLong
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    An assassin's creed game based sometime in india?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 10:43 PM PST

    I'd like to see a game based when the East India Company is coming around to conquering india or the indian revolt (tho that might too late in history to make an AC game). cos other than the chronicles we havent had any triple a games in asia. china/middle east could also be really cool.

    submitted by /u/realtangerine5
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    My only complaint about Valhalla: the map

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 03:34 PM PST

    1. Small dark text on top of dark trees makes it almost impossible to read. This is inexcusable!

    2. Why doesn't the settlement have its own map? Spent a long time early on just figuring out where everything was (let alone what order I should build or why). Settlement in general needs a bit more explanation.

    3. Unrelated, but the Ubi devs really need to play Shadow or Mordor because a nemesis system would be killer in this game.

    submitted by /u/917redditor
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    Photo mode portal removed for AC Origins and AC Odyssey?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 03:42 PM PST


    i was browsing my AC VALHALLA photographs on the AC website and I noticed I no longer can go to ORIGINS and ODYSSEY photo mode hotsites.

    i've tried google, i've tried editing the URL and replacing the name of the game, nothing works.

    can anyone confirme it's gone? if it's not, can anyone link the hotsite for photomode?

    thank you all in advance.

    submitted by /u/sellera
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    Monteriggioni's sky becomes clearer and clearer as the story progresses?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 01:09 AM PST

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed it, and probably it has been already posted here, BUT when I realized it (or was it just my impression?) I found it curious. I'm obviously talking about Assassin's Creed 2.

    I noticed that the sky in Monteriggioni becomes clearer and clearer as the story progresses and Ezio restores the city. The first time Ezio enters the city, it's all cloudy and you can even hear thunders in the distance, like a storm is coming. Then, as Ezio restores all the shops, buildings etc. the sky becomes gradually cleared and finally it becomes blue as it should be and the sun shines. If it's the case, needless to say it's a metaphore, a nice touch and detail.

    Am I making it up completely or is it true?

    submitted by /u/Lars_Amandi
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    [Spoiler] Assassins creed odyssey to Valhalla

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 09:34 PM PST

    So I just finished Ac odyssey and apparently made the worst choices ever cause my mother and brother are both dead and I killed Aspasia. I haven't played the dlc yet, but I know there are multiple endings. I was wondering what ending in the main story of odyssey is being used for Valhalla? Is it using a specific ending from the main story, or is it vague on what happens? A part of me doesn't like the whole multiple endings thing in assassins creed but I heard valhalla has multiple endings to so I would at least like to know where it sits.

    submitted by /u/RowdeyAssassin22
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    [Life Pro Tip] Your enemies are not immune to gravity. Not even (mini) bosses. Use it to your advantage

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 01:29 PM PST

    So, I'm around level 160 right now and I'm clearing up a bit in the starting area and somehow stumbled into one of those mini-bosses, those Drengr of Rangar.

    Obviously that guy with 2 shields was a bit too strong and after I failed twice (close though) I thought it might be a good idea to use the "run extremly fast and pull your enemy with you and push them into things" ability to escape.

    Well. I grabbed the Drengr and threw him down the cliffs. Instant death for him.

    That was .. odd


    Photo proof: https://i.imgur.com/df9lbcj.png

    submitted by /u/King_Tamino
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    AC Origins...I liked the change but was worried it greatly limited freerunning, until I reached Memphis.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 07:35 AM PST

    Free running was a feature I loved in the original linear style. It was at its peak in the Ezio series in my opinion. But as the worlds got bigger and the towns and cities became perceptively smaller, the free running areas have consequently also become smaller. When I reached Memphis however, this town felt more reminiscent of the Ezio series, in that I felt like I could more easily freerun from one side quest to another without having to run, ride or sail between.

    Id like to hear you guys' opinions?

    submitted by /u/BrasilianInglish
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    AC Odyssey upgrading Leonidas spear and the Cultists

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 02:20 PM PST

    So this is my first run through and I just killed the Chimera. It was the first one I killed after getting the quest to kill them. I see from reading online it might be better to wait to kill them till after the story line is done, but I also know you get the third mele wheel after you have upgraded the spear again, and I REALLY need that as I kind of suck at fighting and can really use the extra options. If I wanted to do that, is there any best order to kill them so I can upgrade the spear? Do you have to kill all of a certain type before you can upgrade the spear?

    submitted by /u/Alpha_Male48
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    A Brief-ish History of Assassin's Creed - The Multiplayer Episode

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 12:48 PM PST

    Need some help in deciding a "Senior Quote"

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 11:18 PM PST

    My school just asked my grade to pick or come up with a senior quote. So I thought it would be awesome if I did an AC quote. I have some ideas here below but I'm also open to other ones too. What do u guys think the best AC quote should be for my senior quote?

    Beware the easy path. Knowledge grows only through challenge." -William Miles

    "I make my own luck." - Shay

    "In your haste to save the world, boy, take care you don't destroy it." - Achilles

    "There is no book or teacher to give you the answers, to show you the path. Choose your own way! Do not follow me, or anyone else." - Ezio

    submitted by /u/Dan1206
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    AC Valhalla: cause enemies to attack each other?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 11:06 PM PST

    I haven't played Valhalla yet, but I know Ubisoft removed both the feature where berserk darts causes enemies to fight and kill each other, and also the ability to poison dead bodies to infect others in AC Odyssey. Do either of these features show up in Valhalla? They were so much fun!

    I'll note tonight a mercenary started fighting another enemy and I watched him kill the enemy, but I didn't instigate the fight, so it occurred to me that enemies will fight each other, but I don't know how to purposefully cause this to occur.

    submitted by /u/aaandhereweare
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    Tattoos aren't working for me

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 10:42 PM PST

    I've bought a far amount of tattoos from the merchant hoping to deck out my character; however, I reach Tove and she only has the default ones (along with a few I for got from flying papers) and apparently there's some way to give her the designs. I feel stupid, but am I doing something wrong?

    submitted by /u/xxStarkiller66
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