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    Tuesday, December 8, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Why the hell can’t you look at cosmetics before you buy them in Valhalla?

    Assassin's Creed Why the hell can’t you look at cosmetics before you buy them in Valhalla?

    Why the hell can’t you look at cosmetics before you buy them in Valhalla?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 04:42 PM PST

    There have been multiple times where i want to pimp out my boat or change my tattoos yet I can't look at the product before purchasing. I'm not one for complaining but this seems like it could have been easily avoided

    submitted by /u/bruhborger1
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    I hate when your crew stops singing when you pass by a raidable area. (Valhalla)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 05:25 PM PST

    Whenever I want to get from A to B in my longship, I like to listen to my crew sing and share stories. Pretty normal stuff, right? Anyways, all of the rivers have at least one raidable area on their shores. Whenever you want to raid, you simply point your crew to the shore and click raid. But even after you've raided a place, you still get the option to raid again if you pass by. I hate the fact that my crew just stops singing every single time I pass by. I wish they'd only stop if you click the raid button or if you are in combat. It'd be nice to be able to listen to a whole story or song in one go rather than stopping every 2 minutes and starting over.

    submitted by /u/Onyx7149
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    Assassin's Creed Valhalla; Poor historical research compared to Origins / Odyssey

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 01:01 PM PST

    Edit: The game is enjoyable regardless. But before people say "It's just a game, just shut up and smile" Ubisoft should know there are people out there who know. Who will call them out on historical quality standards.

    The price is still $60. Same as Origins and Odyssey.

    The quality of the geographical historical research done in AC: Valhalla surprised me. As compared to Origins and Odyssey it is less.

    I can't review all of England and Norway, but I can review London (Lūndonjon / Lūndyn / Lunden).

    Much of what would have stood there in 873 AD is missing. It looks like the Ubisoft historian may have used this map from Wikipedia as a reference:


    But that map contains a small amount of the buildings in London at that time. At this level of historical research a general knowledge site like Wikipedia is insufficient.

    If other historians want to chime in with details feel free.


    -The game seems to ignore the Saxon social division of the city by the Walbrook, Britons were known to have lived to the east (Cornhill), while the Saxons toward Ludgate Hill to the West (Lundenwic).

    -The bustling heart of the city was Lundenwic itself (as it still is today! ; Piccadilly Circus, Covent Garden, Strand), as the roman ruins of the East were largely uninhabited save for Bretons who lived on the outskirts. I feel like they got this kind of right in the game, but not clearly enough. 1 generic abbey in Lundenwic?

    -The colossal aqueducts are a complete fantasy. Lunden never had elevated aqueducts. Let alone skyscraper high ones. It is right on a river so there is no need.

    -London Bridge Fortifications are a fantasy. In all likelihood, the first wooden bridge across the Thames was built in 994 AD. The first stone bridge with fortifications was built in 1209 AD. The fortification (Great Stone Gate) was only on the Southwark side. The gate is 336 years too new and it's also missing the dozens of heads of traitors on pikes displayed on top.

    -Why are there so many Persian rugs in every house in every village across Saxon England?

    -The Sulis Minerva temple is in Bath, not Lunden.

    -The Basiclia and Forum in Lunden was three stories high, but partly destroyed in 4th century. It looks pristine in the game but is too small.

    East of the Forum:

    -London wall misses the entire Eastern side (Aldgate, etc).

    -All Hallows-by-the-Tower church in East London built 675 AD is missing.

    -Billingsgate Roman House and Baths in East London built 180 AD is missing.

    -Barking Abbey in East London built 650 AD is missing.

    -Roman temple in Greenwich Park South East london, built 200 AD is missing.

    -Mithraeum is in the wrong place. It was West of the Basilica. The museum is also only underground today, not then.

    West of the Forum:

    -St Alban's church, 300 yrds North East of St. Pauls, below the north wall. Built 770 AD, is missing.

    -St Andrew-by-the-Wardrobe between St. Paul's and the Thames. Pre 10th century AD, is missing.

    -St. Martin's Le Grand, second largest church in Lunden. 200 yrds North of St. Pauls, below the wall, 700 AD is missing.

    -St. Pancras Old Church, North of Cripplegate, built no later than 625 AD, possibly as early as 314 AD, is missing.


    -Cripplegate Fort Eastern and Southern walls should be square, 200m each side.

    -AD 680 onwards confirm that there was a 'King's Hall Palace' although its precise location has never been discovered. Aldermanbury (a.k.a. Ealdorman burgh a.k.a. Palace of the Ealdorman) is theorised to have been this palace,... was by the Eastern Cripplegate wall. Modern name of Aldermanbury is still used there.


    There is one generic "Lundenwic Abbey" in game. In the 9th century there would have been 5 or possibly 7 abbeys in Lundenwic.

    -St Martin-in-the-Fields, South Lundenwic. Built 7th century AD

    -St. Bride's church, Lundenwic. 200 yards West of St. Pauls. Built 650 AD.

    -St Clement Danes, in Lundenwic. Built 850 AD.

    -St Mary Le Strand, in Lundenwic. Unknown date of construction but traces of Saxon remains are found below the foundations of the church.

    -St Andrew Holborn, (first wooden version) 200 yrds North West of Newgate. Unknown date of construction but traces of Roman remains are found below the foundations of the church.

    Modern Westminster (South of Lundonwic)

    -Thorney Island (Trinovantum) / Westminster abbey, a few hundred yards south of Lundenwic doesn't feature the ruins of the Temple of Apollo or nascent Peter's monestary that would have stood there in the late 9th century AD.

    **Further reading:**If you are interested in this time period of England, you can read further here:

    https://www.romanobritain.org/7-maps/map_roman_london.php https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Map_Londinium_400_AD-en.svg




















    www.johnchaple.co.uk › templesWeb resultsPre-Roman London's Temples - Britain's Hidden History

    www.thenationalcv.org.uk › rulersbcThe National CV of Britain - Rulers BC


    submitted by /u/Gold333
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    I’d rather have no finishers for the animals instead of the poorly made ones that we have

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 03:51 AM PST

    They're some of the laziest finishers in the entire game and it blows my mind that someone made these and was proud of themselves. If it was going to be that bad they should've just not added them. The only decent looking one is the bear finisher. The rest of them are horrible. For the wolf finisher almost every time it plays it bugs and it looks like eivor is hitting thin air instead of the wolf. And even when it does hit the wolf it has zero effect on the wolfs body. No cut no blood just nothing. It looks horrible. And for the boar finisher I can't remember a single time I was convinced that eivor cut its neck because it always looks buggy. They need to remove these finishers because most of them take too long anyways or they need to make them better.

    submitted by /u/MySticxg
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    Black Flag and it’s abysmal amount of tailing missions

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 06:38 PM PST

    I'm playing through Black Flag and never noticed how many damn tailing missions there are in this game. It feels like whenever you're not doing a ship mission, you're having to follow someone or eavesdrop. These have always plagued this series but I don't think it's ever been as bad as it is in this game.

    submitted by /u/terrap3x
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    The most Comprehensive Guide on Valhalla Fireflies

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 05:00 PM PST

    First, I'll immediately link an album where I posted 14 locations I've found fireflies.


    Now, here's my discoveries about fireflies:

    1. They do not respawn. Some articles I read mentioned the possibility of them respawning After two weekly resets, I'm confident in saying that isn't the case.

    2. What this means is that there is a set number of these collectibles. This could imply a grand unlock of sorts, but right now, this is all I can say.

    3. Finding them is easier among ruins and/or near woods. It can be modern (for that time) or the Roman Ruins. Both seem to attract them.

    4. Each spawn location spawns between 1-4. Best I can tell, the max will always spawn, but if you only gather two at a spot offering 4 before the others disappear, you CAN come back later to retrieve the two you missed.

    5. Don't bother with the horse when chasing fireflies. The fireflies are fast, but a lot of times, they tend to stop at the end of a path, like the tattoo designs. The animations of getting off the horse just take too long to be beneficial.

    6. It's hard to tell when it's nighttime, as the lighting isn't entirely realistic. I generally would look east and if the sky was looking kinda blue, I'd wait in place and meditate.

    7. Finally, always travel at night and constantly pulse Odin Sight.

    Those 14 locations are the best I could do on my own. I didn't see any in Norway, and haven't checked Vinland.

    submitted by /u/MartyVendetta27
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    Were the Order menu shadows a good choice?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 10:54 AM PST

    In Odyssey, when you selected a member of the Cult you hadn't discovered yet, the stand in NPC was a person in a mask and dark robes, completely concealing their identity. This way you had to rely on hunting clues to find them.

    In Valhalla, when you select someone you haven't discovered on the order menu, it's the actual NPC with just some dark shadows on them. But the shading isn't enough and you can plainly tell who it is if you've already met them but not uncovered them as an order member yet.

    Honestly, it feels like a lazy choice and has ruined a few order quests for me. When I'm supposed to be relying on evidence gathering, I found myself skipping through dialogue and cutscenes because I already knew who the order member was based on their actual face being in the menu.

    I really hope they patch this.

    submitted by /u/bucketbiz9429
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    Has anyone listened to the Saxon guards converse?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 07:59 AM PST

    Stumbling upon two guards earlier I observed as they spoke for nearly 15 minutes about their posting at the monastery, their thoughts on the monks there and the Vikings. Was really interesting and really adds to the immersion of this fantastic game.

    submitted by /u/JarlFurlong89
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    So I just fought a Drengr..

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 03:19 PM PST

    And he had 2 dane axes equipped, 2 shields equipped, a hammer and a dagger equipped and he could seamlessly equip any combination of them on the fly and I gotta ask.

    Where is that ability for Eivor?

    I feel bad because I have an entire armory of weapons just gathering dust because the weapon menu is unnecessarily cluttered, it's a pain to find certain weapons but if I had the ability to equip the amount of weapons that dude could and switch between them as fluidly has he could? That'd be freaking amazing and lead to a hell of a lot more experimentation in weapon combos.

    submitted by /u/AmLikelyDrunk
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    [Spoiler] (Valhalla Ending Spoiler) I want to discuss about this certain character.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 05:32 PM PST

    Basim, is he villain?

    From Eivor's point of view, he was obviously a villain, crazy bastard who tried to kill him for no reason but we know Basim wanted to kill Eivor because he wanted to avenge his son, against Odin.

    Odin was asshole and I honestly pity Loki for what Odin did to him and his children, so despite his revenge being pointless due to Odin failing to take over Eivor's body, I understand Basim's motive was personal.

    Aletheia manipulated and lied to Kassandra for over 2,000 years so she can hand out staff to Layla, who unwillingly passes out the staff again to Basim himself.

    Pythagoras, Kassandra, Layla, they were all played and used by Basim and Aletheia.

    It really makes me think they are selfish assholes who only cares about themselves.

    But on the other hand, it's curious to see Basim chose to live a life as hidden one.

    Was Basim always Loki? Or did he realize he was Loki after becoming hidden one?

    Does Basim support ideals of assassins? Honestly if he becomes ally, then he would make one hell of reliable ally since being Loki's incarnation with power of staff of eden would be pretty damn powerful.

    But then again, we know his ultimate goal is to be reunited with his whole family again, I am not sure if he actually wants to deal with templars or not.

    He also didn't do much about order of ancients in england, it was all Eivor.

    Sidenote : it was pretty funny to see him complaining about having to use inferior technology like laptop, but then he lived in far worst time period before.

    submitted by /u/Baron012
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    Not caring about full armor sets

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 06:43 PM PST

    Anyone else not caring about using complete sets of armor? Im a fan of making Eivor look like a convincing Viking. Hiding the cloak helps

    What is everyone using if so?

    I feel like gameplay wise once you get a few decent skills and upgrade your gear, you are pretty unstoppable

    submitted by /u/Grim_Sleeper__
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    Valhalla really needs a walk button on console.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 08:48 AM PST

    Loving the game despite some issues, but I really think if the added a walk button, or either a control system like the old AC games it would greatly improve the gameplay. Its far too quick, I cant enjoy the detail they put into the world with Evior constantly running. The walk control on the analogue sticks is extremely annoying. Please ubi if any of you see this add a walk button

    submitted by /u/Snakesbane
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    Why do those ungrateful f**kers attack me?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 12:30 PM PST

    I'm playing origins and sometimes I help prisoners by opening their cages. When I do that and free them...some of those prisoners ( I JUST SAVED YOU THANK YOU VERY MUCH) start attacking me? Why are they so ungrateful? It hurts my feelings :(

    submitted by /u/vinylbird
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    People who weren't huge fans on Origins and Odyssey, would you recommend Valhalla?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 10:05 PM PST

    I wasn't a huge fan of the RPG turn of the games and the pretty harsh level lock on the past two games, such as doing a quest that was three levels higher than me being absurdly difficult. Ive been told that Valhalla changes this abit and they've gone back to some of the original assassins creed roots. Is this true? I'm very tempted to buy the game.

    submitted by /u/Dustyytc
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    Thoughts on Eivor’s relationship with the Assassins? [Spoilers up to the end!]

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 04:03 PM PST

    It has been touched upon here and there but I haven't seen a proper discussion dedicated specifically to the question of Eivor not joining the Assassins at the end of the story. What are your thoughts on that?

    My take is this: while I would have loved to have joined the Assassins, it wouldn't have been right for Eivor at that particular time for several reasons.

    During the entire story he's (I've played as male Eivor) been working tirelessly to build up their settlement, formed relationships with the settlers both old and new, forging alliances and pacifying the surrounding regions. I think it would go against his character to abandon all that when he is formally handed the responsibility with the title of jarl at last. Also on a side note as this is a choice and therefore doesn't apply to everyone's playthrough, for some players they are just entering a relationship with Randvi.

    Eivor's world view has basically been shattered, quite suddenly too. His belief in an afterlife gone (which I find particularly interesting, seeing how integral it is not just to his own culture but everyone surrounding him, be it Dane or Saxon). He finally seems to accept his father's decision made at the beginning of the game by making a similar one, by refusing to fight Odin and putting down his axe – an act he considered to be cowardly before. He comes to the realisation that for him all that matters is to spend this life among his friends and family. Just after losing several of said closest friends.

    While he agrees with the goal of getting rid of the Order, he isn't well-versed in the Assassins' ideology or philosophy (he himself says that he doesn't understand the language the Magas codex is written in). And one of the only two Assassins he knows – whom he learns to trust and even call brother – betrayed both him and Sigurd, was the reason for the rift between them and was the catalyst for the events that caused what Eivor considers to be his betrayal of Sigurd. And all that for no comprehensible reason, from Eivor's POW he was simply mad.

    The only thing that bothers me about this is the reason Eivor gives: that he wants his achievements and deeds to be known. On one hand, fair enough, he is still a Vikingr but on the other I feel like at that particular point in his life, after his experience in "Valhalla" and his losses, his focus would shift to Ravensthorpe and the people around him. In my interpretation throughout the story he somewhat sheds this idea of chasing glory – first to regain his lost pride then for the sake of proving himself – and while he doesn't reject it completely of course (it is part of their lifestyle after all), he learns some humility (see his interactions with Guthrum) and matures to become a responsible leader.

    I loved the game and Eivor's journey but this one line in his conversation with Hytham still annoys me a little bit. :D

    Would love to hear your takes on it.

    submitted by /u/achimas
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    I miss the city-centric scope of the older games

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 08:53 PM PST

    While the last 3 ACs had somewhat large cities, they were never the focal point of the story or gameplay.

    While the departure to more "Witcher-like" open-world RPG was a refreshing change, its overstayed its welcome with Valhalla. Many of the open areas are just blank spaces... There's no flavor or anything memorable to the regions...

    When I think of Witcher 3, I can vividly remember the swamp area with the 3 witches, or the capital city on the cliffs in Skellige.

    However, after playing dozens of hours in Valhalla, there's hardly any memorable locations because the story arc forces you to different regions with a few quests sprinkled throughout the large land mass. The game world is too big & spread out for its own good... everything feels copy and pasted. Raiding monasteries was cool for the first few times, but quickly dissolves into a samey, uninspired chore. Same goes for the underground areas where you quickly learn the pattern of unlocking closed doors.

    I hope that future ACs would focus on city building and denser areas to help make them more memorable.

    submitted by /u/NitasBear
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    What are your thoughts on the idea of an AC series dashboard on next gen, and it's feasibility?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 08:35 PM PST

    A while back I bought the AC: Legendary collection, and all the games came separate, and I also bought the Ezio Collection. The Ezio collection puts all the games into one disc and there's a pretty smooth menu that lets you enter into either game.

    The legendary collection just bundled them and I Downloaded each game separately. Now that there is a Next Gen, I feel like it would be beneficial for Ubisoft to have an AC Animus edition. Essentially it would function like the Ezio Collection. The menu to the Animus would let you dive into any game you want (so long as you own it). If you digitally download them (like I did with Legendary Collection), you'll be able to boot up the game from there.

    I feel like this could work in Ubisoft's favor because then they could show you the games that you're missing in the series and direct you to the Microsoft/Sony store to buy it. I don't own the new Xbox or PlayStation but I feel like at this point in time something like that should be possible and it will give them free promotion for all the other AC games.

    Is this something you guys would like to see? Is this something that seems possible? Is there a major downside (aside from cost of developers) with this concept?

    submitted by /u/vociferousguy
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    What level is best to do the Bjorn the Berserker quest?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 01:02 PM PST

    I got the Berserker quest but when I checked where it was I'm massively underpowered as it was in the 100s while I'm currently power 25. Should I put this quest on the back burner until I'm properly leveled or can I do it now?

    submitted by /u/BizzyB52
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    (Spoiler) I just can't stop listening to "Leaving Valhalla" in the AC Valhalla soundtrack. What are your thoughts on it?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 11:00 PM PST

    I love that song and I love that scene. The high contrast between Odin's desperation as the darkness closes around him vs the glimpses of Eivor's family and friends reaching out to him from the well lit doorway, and that touching moment between Eivor and his parents. Not to mention the fact that none of it was real, and Eivor knew that, but he wished to go with them anyway. And the music really sold that scene. It's a shame how short the song is. But then again, some of my favourite AC songs have been frustratingly short: Caterina would be one of them

    submitted by /u/Esgalduin72
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    Anyone can help me with AC:Brotherhood multiplayer trophies?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 10:54 PM PST

    I know this is going to be difficult but I need to try. Are there any players out there that still play or have AC:Brotherhood and can help me getting the multiplayer trophies? I'm talking PS3. It's been few years now since I've started regularly looking for the match. Help please.

    submitted by /u/swicaa
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    The idea of an AC game set in Spain

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 03:24 AM PST

    As a Spanish Assassin's Creed fan, I would love to play a game which is set in my country. I think there is a game available on smartphones, but it of course doesn't have the same meaning. The thing is, there are so many interesting parts in our history which could be the perfect set for a game. For example, the whole Reconquest process of the country with the war of Christians vs Muslims, or the Spanish Succession war, where not only Spain, but a huge part of the European continent took part. I think it could be interesting, and personally, it would be so exciting to make other people know more about the country's history. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/jesuuus_cs
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    Spoilers for the main game but something I really wanted to get off my chest.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 02:39 AM PST

    When are we actually gonna be a member of the Brotherhood again? Don't get me wrong I'm enjoying Valhalla but I just miss actually being a member of the Assassin's Brotherhood/ Hidden Ones. I really hope in the next game you're actually an Assassin hunting Templars again.

    submitted by /u/saggynaggy123
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    RPG gave the series new life. Now its time to go back.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 07:06 AM PST

    Let me start by saying I have no hate towards the new games. I have played Origins and Odyssey, and I found them good and I really liked certain aspects. I have seen enough Valhalla videos to realize that it appeals to some and doesn't appeal to some.

    The RPG style has been good. But instead of being more like a Witcher wannabe, I think the series should take inspiration from what Unity started; a city(or maybe two or three like in AC2 and Black Flag with avenues for open world exploration) where stealth and parkour are the main standpoints. I'm not saying there isn't stealth in the newer games, it just feels fake when compared to the older games' beautiful stealth opportunities. I don't need to remind anyone that parkour is literally absent in the new games.

    So yes, the RPG style has been fun, but maybe switch gears and go back? Bring back dual kills. Combat should be an option, stealth should be the main weapon of an Assassin. I'm not saying combat is bad, just don't go on a murder spree in the streets when you accidentally stepped on a cat. Bring back parkour. Bring back good, but not over the top kill animations. Bring back that attention to detail. Of course, keep on improving the things that are awesome about this series: Environment, music and ambience.

    Thanks for reading. Cheers!

    EDIT: I will play every game they release in the series anyway, I'm a hardcore AC fan. :)

    submitted by /u/ChrisTravern
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