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    Sunday, December 27, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Orlog kinda slaps if I'm being honest

    Assassin's Creed Orlog kinda slaps if I'm being honest

    Orlog kinda slaps if I'm being honest

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 05:18 PM PST

    Is it just me or is Orlog one of the best side activities in AC Valhalla. Definitely planning on buying the physical game when Ubi releases it next year. Gonna be a pain to convince friends/family to play with me and that it'll be fun but it'll be a good time once the convincing is over. Honestly, the code is already written, if Ubi releases a spin off Orlog video game for like 20 bucks, I'd get it.

    submitted by /u/anony122333
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    How to use the hidden blade in combat

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 01:52 AM PST

    I am currently 102 hours in this game and I just discovered this. If you only equip one single handed weapon in the right hand, when you hold L1 you stab the enemy with the hidden blade. Automatically throwing them on the ground, to follow up with a stomp.

    Absolutely love this, I now want to try a ton of new combinations of weapons. I love seeing the hidden blade get its own place in combat again.

    Edit// I'm talking about Valhalla

    submitted by /u/zuchqueeler
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    The real Assassin symbol isn’t the hood, it’s the red waist band they all use.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 06:29 PM PST

    You know all of them have a red waist band and all of the time they look awesome. Also Arno's bandana (not sure what's the name of the thing he wraps around his neck) is one of the coolest accesories ever.

    submitted by /u/Throghovich
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    [SPOILERS] I just found something about the ending of Assassin's Creed Valhalla,while playing Origins.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 07:08 AM PST

    So I was playing "The Hyena" main quest in Origins,and I was investigating the room where Khaliset was doing the mysterious ritual.When I interacted with the ISU tablet in the room it showed a dialogue with an ISU.After some time,he spoke of "The Reader"(wich is presented to us in AC Valhalla) and another character "The Author".As we know,Desmond is most likely "The Reader", wich could mean that Layla could be "The Author".Moreover,the ISU man says that "The Author" is more powerful than "The Reader",as he sais that "The Author invents the future.The Author owns the future" and ,as we know from Valhalla,Layla gives "The Reader" more possible futures to go trough.This is just a theory about what role could Layla and Desmond have in the next game.

    submitted by /u/Vorgle0310
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    What location do you want to see in the next AC game?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 03:25 PM PST

    For me, it's probably between Feudal Japan, Ancient Rome, and Ancient Persia/ India. It would be cool to see a Ghosts of Tsushima type game in the AC universe. Also, there hasn't been an AC game set in the Middle East since Revelations.

    submitted by /u/BlackDragon875
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    My friends, I being glad tidings for those who wish to hear more frequent music.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 11:18 AM PST

    Greetings, Fellow Assassins. Just got the game, but I've seen on here since it released that there is some type of bug related to music frequency, with many suffering with little to no ambient score. At first, I thought the music was playing at a fairly decent regularity (and perhaps the bug had missed me), then I remembered the frequency setting in the menu. I set it to high and, after a while, I realized that there was no ambient music playing anymore. Puzzled, I turned it back to normal frequency. Almost immediately, ambient music began playing as I crested a hill. Hopefully, this work-around will aid others who enjoy this beautiful score and wish for more. Go in peace, Hidden Ones.

    submitted by /u/ittetsu1988
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    Fishing Improvements Needed in Valhalla

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 12:45 PM PST

    Ubisoft has got to implement some sort of change in the fishing mechanic for AC: Valhalla. I just spent 30 minutes trying to catch one fish. They could add a baiting system, similar to RDR2, that would allow you to at the very least influence what fish you'll catch in an area where there can be 3 or more varieties. It would even be neat to have a fishing net that could catch up to 10 fish at a time, perhaps with a timed cooldown.


    Forlorned Fisherman

    submitted by /u/tayloriustheglorious
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    [SPOILERS] About The Tattoo/Barbershop In Ravensthorpe

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 07:42 PM PST

    So my settlement is level four and I'm on the Oxenefordshire Arc in the story and I just recently got around to building the Tattoo/Barbershop. I'm not sure how many characters I have to type for spoilers to not be visible without interacting with this post so I'll still try to keep it kind of vague. Anyways, around this point in the game the guy who was originally the tattoo/barber vendor is unavailable and I've completed the quest where I have to talk to Tove (I think that's her name? I can't remember most character names too well). Do I have to either progress in the story or level up my settlement again to be able to have access to the tattoo and barbershop inventory? I haven't been able to change my hairstyle or tattoos since before leaving Norway at the start of the game and I'm starting to get sick of the new tattoos and hairstyles filling my inventory. Apologies if anything about the formatting of this post is weird or incorrect, I've hardly posted on Reddit before and this is my first time posting to this sub, thanks for any info on the subject.

    submitted by /u/clodwitz
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    [SPOILERS] possible story progression bug in AC Valhalla

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 11:30 PM PST

    completed the ledecestershire and grantesbridgescire arcs in the story and im currently at power 53, am i not progressing enough? playing in hard and honestly not having any trouble at all beating the bosses.

    the only missions i have is kill all order members, level up ravensbridge and take 10 contracts but thats it. Went to randvi and nothing happens/no prompts at all

    submitted by /u/singu_fnstr8
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    Impression on Valhalla: We’re the bad guys

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 06:52 PM PST

    Just started playing Valhalla, I'm around 10 hours in now. There are missions in this game that require us to burn and loot the homes of villagers because they simply "aided the enemy". Sure we're not killing the innocent villagers, but burning their homes and stealing their stuff is pretty evil. Of course we're playing Vikings, so what did I expect?

    In a way, I already dislike the character (and the people around him/her) because of it. I guess we're playing the bad guys. Maybe it's intentional. Maybe it's an unpopular opinion. I don't know.

    Only 10 hours in, please no spoilers fam.

    submitted by /u/danishruyu1
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    I am looking for some information on the Anubis armour sets in Origins

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 04:50 PM PST

    I'm assuming this has been asked already so I apologise in advance but does anyone know if the Anubis sets are still available to get in Origins? I know the final fantasy was limited (IIRC) but I was curious about the Anubis ones because I've started playing again

    submitted by /u/Redras7677
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    Why do people think Valhalla stealth is bad?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:07 AM PST

    Pick up some stealth nodes, and wear light armour, sneaking around is fairly easy. If you sprint around with the heaviest bear set, you chose to sacrifice stealth, and should be "punished" by making stealth harder - since you got way better stats for direct combat and such.

    submitted by /u/Thorgilias
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    Desperately need help with fabrics!

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:35 PM PST

    So it says that fabrics are extremly rare and so is tungsten. But ive only found one fabric though out a good 40 hours of play and have completed 6 areas and still nothing. Am i missing something?

    submitted by /u/TMDR
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    I upgraded my settlement to level 6. How do I find the new hairstyles?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 01:07 PM PST

    I've searched in my shop and shops in other towns but I don't see any more hairstyles. I have read that upgrading to level 6 will allow you to access more cosmetic options. Is there something else I must do? I've completed all of the alliances and I'm working on Wincestre and hamtubscire next.

    submitted by /u/IAmNoDoctor
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    How to level up properly?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 07:31 PM PST

    The first time you drink the potion it says suggested level 90 which I was no where near, now the second potion it says suggested level 120 and I am only power level 80... I have been doing all the side quest/activities I can and main missions, but for some reason I am under leveled.. anybody else have this problem? Love everything else about this game but being under leveled is very frustrating and its not like I've been rushing the main story or anything im taking my time trying to level and am still way under leveled.

    submitted by /u/AlexW301
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    Can You Skip Story Arcs in Valhalla? NO SPOILERS

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:23 PM PST

    Without any spoilers, can you skip any of the story arcs? Some of them just feel irrelevant to the "main story" so to speak. I have about 60 hours or so of gameplay and I just made it to the Suthsex arc.

    submitted by /u/nickdrink20
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    About the Dynamic Lighting/Times Of Day.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 06:41 PM PST

    Going back to unity on the SX without a patch to see that beautiful frame finally capped at 60 I noticed something. It's definitely the best AC graphically and light wise. The interiors never disappoint or bug out. Fair enough, it's not dynamic, but this leaves room to give much better scenes in contrast to Odissey and Valhalla. I'm not sure about Origins, it's been a while. I'm not expecting the same graphics on next releases, never did since I knew the game was ahead of it's time considering it was running at barely 25 when it came out. But to think I'd actually say I prefer they'd go back to not having dynamic lighting is something else. Mind you, I love Valhalla, from top to bottom. Few nickpicks here and there but nothing much, although at times... dynamic fails massively, especially in interiors.

    submitted by /u/KARKID23D
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    Is there a way to hide arm guards but keep hidden blade?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 11:53 PM PST

    Basically what the title asks. I find it sort of odd that you can hide your hood but it reappears when you use it, and that you can hide the arm gaurds but Eivor still uses the blade even though it's invisible haha

    submitted by /u/GothamCityDemon
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    I’m struggling to get in to Assassins Creed Valhalla. Any suggestions what to do first for it to be more immersive? [Spoiler]

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 11:47 PM PST

    So my dad bless his heart wanted to get me a game this year for Christmas but doesn't know anything about games or xboxes or tbh anything to do with gaming. We went to a game shop and saw Valhalla and I'd heard it was a great game so we went for that over Cyberpunk which I've of course heard a lot of bad things about.

    [Slight Spoiler Ahead] Anyway, I've played Valhalla up to the point of meeting the woman in the hut on the mountain so not very far in but I'm genuinely struggling to feel that in to the game yet. I get a bit bored of the lengthly scenes and omg standing in the village for 2 mins made me go mad with the amount of NPCs shouting at me to come over to them.

    Is there anything anyone suggests doing first that'll help me get into this more? Like some fun combat or something because at the moment I'm struggling and really want to get into it because it's such a beautiful game and obvs has more to it than what I've seen so fresh into the game.


    submitted by /u/alexlaingart
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    Yule festival won't start / load for me

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 11:32 AM PST

    I go east of Ravensthorpe where the quest is supposed to start and I see a bunch of barrels and junk on the ground. I background noise starts to sound like a festival. However, nothing ever happens, I can't find the NPC that starts the quest. No cut scene ever loads.

    I have version 2.0.0 of the game, and I've completed the Grandbridgeshire, Ledecestershire, and Lundon story arcs. I've closed the game and relaunched it multiple times. Nothing seems to work.

    How the hell do I get the Yule festival to start?

    submitted by /u/amievenreal_whoknows
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    How would you guys feel about a trilogy evolving around more modernization day events?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:36 PM PST

    • Russian Revolution

    • Wild West ( San Francisco )

    • WW2

    When it comes to " guns " think about Unity and Syndicate where the character was actually able to dodge bullets lmao, the wild west ( San Francisco ) was a bustling city and would offer lots of parkour and the return of rope launcher and ik Red Dead but rockstar doesn't own a time period in human history that would be insane, WW2 would offer alot stealth missions in Germany and Paris occupied by Nazis and we already saw glimpses of Russian in 2D chronicles. Please don't attack me lol

    submitted by /u/ACFalconJets007
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    [SPOILERS] I think I missed a key part of the story? And how to best complete the game

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:07 PM PST

    So I've gone to Asgard twice and thought I completed all the quests there, since I didn't see new ones pop up, but apparently somehow I didn't get to where everyone drank together before Ragnarok? How do I get to this part of the story? I didn't religiously do all the side things like gathering Ymir's tearstones and other wealths but only followed main quests.

    I'm now at the part where Basim has come to modern day, and as Basim I hooked him up back to the animus. I have Hamtunshire yet to complete, then I plan to complete the order of the ancients. I believe this then unlocks Vinland for me and I'll complete that as well. Is there more I should do? I enjoy the mysteries and might go and complete all of them as well. I also don't think I've found all the anomalies, though I hate doing these as I don't enjoy the parkour and puzzle aspects, is there a need for me to go back and complete them?

    submitted by /u/immalilpig
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    Lets be honest here about how these evolved

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 09:27 PM PST

    Lets be honest here. Assassins Creed evolved into an RPG. But if you like the series lets have a discussion. I personally prefered Odysseys amount of different weapons and armor and dont like how they drastically cut it down in Valhalla. I also liked the quest system and leveling system better in Odyssey also. Seems like they cut a lot back. Best thing they did was bring the hidden blade. I see Valhalla as a step back. I am enjoying it though.

    submitted by /u/Fairbrother69
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    Why Valhalla would and will be my second favorite

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 06:34 AM PST

    The combat, the weapons, the story, and all above; I find it as a big improvement to the series. No, I didn't beat it so don't spoil it. However the Ezio collection would always be my favorite. Another reason why I like Valhalla is the humor, surprisingly Ivvar made me laugh. Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/Frostykinggg2
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