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    Saturday, November 21, 2020

    Assassin's Creed What if we could send our Vikings out to passively raid for silver and materials like you could send ships out in Black Flag?

    Assassin's Creed What if we could send our Vikings out to passively raid for silver and materials like you could send ships out in Black Flag?

    What if we could send our Vikings out to passively raid for silver and materials like you could send ships out in Black Flag?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 03:51 PM PST

    What do you guys think of that idea? I think it would be wonderful to help supplement upgrade materials and money. Also would be a reason to hire more Jomsvikings. Maybe could use the boathouse to purchase extra longboats. So much potential!

    submitted by /u/rabidpiano86
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    My biggest griped with Valhalla is trying to find an entrance to a yellow objective thinking there's some kind of puzzle, only to find out that it's locked behind a quest.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 05:20 AM PST

    Like these dots shouldn't even show up on the map if they're locked behind a quest. I like exploring and figuring out things on my own but this happens so often that I turn to google first before even trying because who knows if it's locked behind a quest or not.

    This is just bad design and I hope they learn from it for the next game. Otherwhise I'm really enjoying Valhalla!

    submitted by /u/-Razzak
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    If I got a nickel for every min I spent looking for explosives oil jars the game would have paid itself off already.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 10:38 AM PST

    Look, I get it. The idea was to make chest collection interesting. 90% of the time I really do love the puzzles and what not. However, I want to punch the developer that decided that they shouldn't add Odin Vision makers for explosive oil jars in the mouth. When I have to pain stakingly comb over every inch of an area looking for something, thats not fun, thats frustrating.

    submitted by /u/OrickJagstone
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    Digital download sales for Valhalla are more than 200% higher than Odyssey's in the UK

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 05:01 AM PST

    A Fantastic Tip That Has Helped Me With The Flying Paper Challenges. (Valhalla)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 02:31 PM PST

    Hello everyone!
    I hope you and those your hold dear are keeping well in these unpredictable times.

    I am about 60 Hours into Valhalla and I am enjoying it! Crashes aside. I have mentioned this in some threads before but this strategy has helped me greatly for the flying paper artifact challenges. They are so much easier!

    I mostly use Eivor's bird to "track" the flying paper tattoo stuff in the artifacts section. Once you let the paper go on it's path you can have the raven follow it to see where it leads and mark the location. By the time the paper spawns again, you know where to go with no surprises and find shortcuts.

    I hope this will be of use to some of you. Be well and wishing you all good health. Skål !

    submitted by /u/DovahkiinFusRoDah
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    Anyone notice the bells in the game (like churches) ring at each hour matching RL time?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 08:03 AM PST

    I thought this was a really nice touch.

    submitted by /u/sarvothtalem
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    They Should Let Us Switch Bows More Easily

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 02:32 PM PST

    They could just let us select one of each bow in the menu then when you pull down left trigger and press the right thumbstick it swaps through them like with the dual swap.

    submitted by /u/ColdCruise
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    Valhalla is missing basic features that were in Origins and Odyssey

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 06:10 AM PST

    I'm really dissapointed that Valhalla is missing certain basic features (mostly quality of life things) which were in the older games. I don't understand the reasoning behind this, except that they simply didn't finish the game. To be clear; this is not me ranting about the game, I love it, but these are things that I personally really miss in Valhalla and I hope they implement it soon. It simply doesn't make sense to not have it. Btw I'm comparing this only to Origins and Oddyssey for obvious reasons.

    To name a few things off the top of my head I'd love to see fixed in the game:

    • Enemy level scaling (this is horrible, if you do side content, you are severely overlevelled the entire game)

    -Mounted combat (both origins and oddyssey had this)

    -Sorting/cycling gear in the inventory menu (why in Odin's name is this not included? This is an absolute must when it comes to quality of life improvements, also the previous games had this)

    -A bird with a purpose (speaks for itself I guess, the raven has little to no purpose in comparison with Sennu and Ikaros)

    • Preview gear / cosmetics in shops (it makes absolutely no sense that this is not in the game for a lot of stuff you can buy, I mean.. It's there for horses and ship cosmetics, but not for haircuts and tattoos? Come on Ubisoft..)

    • Indication that certain loot is locked behind quest / story progression (not sure this was implemented in Origins or Oddyssey, but it was never an issue there honestly)

    • Transmogging (let players look the way they want without sacrificing stats, it was in Oddyssey for sure)

    That's just off the top of my head.. Feel free to share your opinions on this and add to the list if anything comes to mind.


    A little clarification on the bird, because I see a lot of people commenting on this. By saying a bird with a purpose, I did not necessarily mean that it needs to be able to tag enemies. Other purposes would be nice; like being able to see fish for example. Also; someone pointed out to me yesterday that I should try playing without the compass. I've been doing that and I'm really loving it. The bird has a purpose now for sure.

    submitted by /u/Drejnik
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    AC:V. Ubisoft, Please give us the option to toggle cloaks/capes off and on while keeping the hood

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 01:27 PM PST

    Ubi should add in the option to toggle the cloak/cape off. Let us keep the hood and fur on the shoulder, but be able to remove the cloak. Sigurd has a hood without a cloak and it looks much better than having a cloak in my opinion.

    submitted by /u/tacassassin87
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    I thought I might try to explain why did these thing happen in the story in Valhalla. Everyone is pissed about these points in story right now.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 05:51 PM PST

    So about Dag hating Eivor: So Dag wanted to be led by Sigurd and wanted to be Sigurd's second man but instead Sigurd left the settlement to do his work and chose Eivor as the second man. This made Dag furiously jealous towards Eivor. He didn't get the position he wanted due to Eivor.

    Did you notice how in the beginning also in Norway when we first met Dag, Dag already was jealous towards Eivor calling Eivor "Glory Hound" when Eivor said he will go to rescue the crew. The jealousy intensified when Sigurd chose Eivor as the second man.

    About Ivarr stabbing Ceolbert: It's not much explanation he wanted a glorious ending to his saga and found Eivor to be fit for putting an end to his saga. Eivor wouldn't fight Ivarr for no reason so he killed Ceolbert who was like a son to Eivor.

    submitted by /u/Ritesh_Mishra
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    I absolutely despise the throwing arc of oil pots

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 08:04 PM PST

    Alright, small rant, but damn, who created the throwing arc of those pots?

    I swear, half the time there is a clear and open space in front of you where you'd be more than able to throw the pot properly through the air, but Eivor decides to just smash it right in front of you, even if you were aiming way higher. It's driving me nuts. At this point, I suppose I will just pick them up and walk all the way over to gently place it down, because Eivor clearly doesn't know how throwing pots works. The same Eivor is more than able to grab any weapon off the ground to lunge it at someone with pinpoint precision twenty meters away though, that's not a problem at all.

    I'm enjoying the game in any case. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/TheLastJudicator
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    Just started Unity for the first time and it’s great

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 10:59 PM PST

    This feels like a classic AC game but with some absolutely gorgeous visuals and smoother gameplay. The parkour is straight up mind blowing in this game. It's more detailed than any other AC I've played. I never picked up this game because of the bad press it got at launch but I feel like I've missed out now. The cities beautiful and the story is classic AC. Also Arno seems like a very solid protagonist. Kinda reminds me of Ezio. I've kinda gotten burned out of the RPG heavy games recently as I just clocked in my 81st hour on Odyssey and my 21st on Valhalla. I forget how much more focused older AC games used to feel. It's like a different franchise.

    submitted by /u/terrap3x
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    Can't decide between male or female Eivor! (but I'm considering that a good thing!)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 05:48 PM PST

    So I've put about 40 hours into the game, with half of those hours dedicated to female Eivor, and the other half, to male Eivor, and for the life of me, I can NOT decide which one I like better. Now, I don't want to sound like I'm complaining about it, because I'm not; Bruun and Stenspil both are absolutely magnificent in their own rights. The latter's comes across as a more gruff, rough-and-tumble sounding, always-down-for-a-casual-raid-with-the-fellas-and-ladies warrior, but secretly just wants to chill and catch some cool vibes and make some beautiful poetry with some equally cool and beautiful drengir while the former giving off an almost dangerous calm, one that seems to mask a raging storm below.

    With Odyssey, Kassandra was clearly the better choice(no hate to Alexios), and Evie is still prolly my second favorite assassin behind Edward. But both Eivors are fantastic this time!

    Which do you prefer? Instead of telling me why, though, make a case for the opposite character >;-D

    submitted by /u/subordinator
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    Why can't we have just the mantle and hood like the jorvikings in AC Valhalla?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 12:14 PM PST

    Seriously, I love the way the Jorvikings look without having the cape attached. The mantle and hood looks WAY better with the armor than the full cloak, plus literally everything clips through the cloaks. Your hatchet, the harpoon, your armor, the pouch on Thor's set. I wish we could have just the mantle and hood, it looks way better than having the cape IMO and shows off the back of the armor which honestly looks really nice. I know you can hide the cloaks, but most of the armors look ridiculous with the cloak hidden

    submitted by /u/xyzjamiezyx
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    What's up with the logic about all those barred doors?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 07:39 PM PST

    Every camp or fort has at least one building/room with a chest and only one door entrance which happens to be barred from the inside.

    So you're telling me they locked their own valuables in a place where none of them could even reach it?

    submitted by /u/Robalu3
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    Disappointed by the Cursed Areas

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 03:26 PM PST

    Don't get me wrong, I love the game, but I find the cursed locations boring af. When I got to the first one, I searched for 15 minutes in the area because I thought I had to figure something out the break the curse - to do some specific tasks, find the reason of the curse, learn some of it's backstory and then lift it. But no. The only thing you have to do is shoot some cursed item and that's it.

    I love the feeling of the cursed locations, I love the music, but we get almost no backstory, no clues in the world about strange things happening there and I must say I'm disappointed. I think those curses would be far more enjoyable if there was a riddle or something like that, something you have to think about and not just: "This is a cursed place, maybe there's some poison gas, watch out for that, other than that just shoot that red glowing thingy and everything will be back to normal."

    submitted by /u/baemchen
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    The Prodigy Easter Egg found

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 05:39 AM PST

    In Essexe near the sync point east of Sancta Maria's Abbey, there is a random event involving a bag pipe player called Keith and a Bishop.

    The Bishop does not like the bagpipes, Eivor intervenes and you fight the priest, scaring him away.

    Keith then says he'll write a song about it and immediately starts singing 'Smack my Bishop, Smack my Bishop'

    An Easter egg to The Prodigy's late but great Keith Flint and the song 'smack my bitch up'.

    It made me chuckle anyway!

    submitted by /u/ace0fskulls
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    (AC:V) [Spoiler] One new addition to the game that I feel is a welcome change from AC:O

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:33 AM PST

    Spoilers ahead, so read at your own risk!

    In Assassin's Creed Odyssey, you could get new crew mates that would be on your ship, and that was nice, but the thing is, I always felt that it was effectively only a cosmetic option, that they didn't provide any real tangible benefit to you. Now yes, I know that people will jump in and say they had certain stat boosts for your ship, and yeah, that was nice, but having your mom, or you dad, or a lover, or anyone really didn't really effect anything beyond those stat boosts.

    One thing I have discovered that I absolutely love, is that now, in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, when you recruit someone new to your clan/crew, they have a tangible benefit. What do I mean by that? Take Birna for example, I just recruited her and now, when I select stories, she contributes by telling stories that are entirely unique to her, so adding her to my crew has not only the cosmetic benefit of bringing her with me, but also the tangible benefit that she can now help enrichen my adventures through her tales.

    I can not say enough how big of a fan I am of this change, it's a small detail, but it makes things so much better in my opinion, I hope that they carry this forward into future games 😀

    submitted by /u/Crimson_Loki
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    Obscured order members are still clearly visible.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 10:06 AM PST

    You can clearly see what the person looks like, and when you recognise that same character in a mission, it kinda spoils the inevitable plot twist.

    My advice is to not go poking around in the order tab if you don't have to.

    Thanks to this, i'm sure many of us know who the big baddie is (although it was pretty obvious). But still, i was invested in the story and it felt kinda dumb to just see who it was, when you weren't supposed to

    submitted by /u/Untlero
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    Jomsvikings are kinda boring right now

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 03:19 AM PST

    No offence to anyone but has anyone else noticed that every single jomsviking looks the same? Every single one I've seen has either been raven clan or beserker. Found a draugur by incredible chance. Just a bit boring as I want new crew mates that don't all look the same

    submitted by /u/Tear-Disastrous
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    Loving Valhalla More Than I Thought I Would.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 06:32 PM PST

    Honestly I was 'meh' on Origins. I completed it but wasn't thrilled. And I love Ancient Egypt, but I wasn't thrilled with the game; it just felt too repetitive when it came to side stuff. Odyssey took that and made it 1000x worse IMO. It got to the point that completing the game felt like a chore (because I can't just ignore loot chests; It drives me nuts to not collect everything, if it's on the map it must be completed); I never completed Odyssey.

    I love that Valhalla made it a little puzzle for practically every chest. It doesn't feel repetitive because it always has me thinking instead of mindlessly charging into what feels like the 500th nearly identical camp/fort.

    I enjoy the side quests, they vary so much that you never know what you're going to get when you arrive. Will it be one of those mad seers (AC's version of God of War revenants I think, in terms of lore; corrupted users of Seidr magics)? Will it be one of those standing stone perspective puzzles? A legendary animal? One of those stones where you make an offering? A cairn? Or just a person in need of help? It never feels repetitive!

    I mean it still doesn't really feel like an AC game, but I made it feel a bit more so by putting combat and stealth on the max difficulty settings and turning on "assassinations always kill" (don't remember the setting name). It's a really good game though and I'm having a great time playing it.

    When I played Odyssey I wished it was shorter with less stuff to do. Now I play Valhalla, have just gotten East Anglia completed, and I wish the game would be as long as Odyssey with the quality that it has. I understand it's not really possible, if you want the game to stretch on like that there is probably going to be a lot of boring filler that reduces quality. I think Witcher 3 is the only exception to that rule I've played.

    submitted by /u/Atiggerx33
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    AC: Valhalla - So is there anything better than double spears?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 11:17 PM PST

    I've tried most dual wield combos and I find double spears the most effective - not only do they have huge range, but also the attack speed is super fast, almost feels like dual daggers. It pretty much 'stunlocks' any enemy except the most agile, and even those are kept at bay, unable to come close.

    What are your best combos?

    submitted by /u/SioVern
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    Some NPC's refer to me as 'she' even though I play as the Male Eivor

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 06:14 AM PST

    Considering the context and the story, the times I'm referred to as 'she' is mostly a mistake on the developers' part I think.

    submitted by /u/Metoaga
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